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Register : 12-09-2017 — Putus : 28-09-2017 — Upload : 05-10-2017
Putusan PN CIANJUR Nomor 118/Pdt.P/2017/PN Cjr
Tanggal 28 September 2017 — Diyat Hidayat
  • FotokopiKutipanAktaKelahiranNomor 86526/IST/2011 tanggal 30Desember 2011, atasnama DIYAT HIDAYAT yangditerbitkanolenDinasKependudukandanCatatanSipilKabupatenCianjur telah disesuaikan dengan aslinya dandiberi materai secukupnya diberi tandabukti P2;. Fotokopi, Surat Keterangan Beda Data Nomor 470/050/IX/2017tanggal 8 September 2017, telah disesuaikan dengan aslinya dandiberi materai secukupnya diberi tandabukti P3;.
    tentang Perubahanatas Undangundang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentangHalaman 5 dari 10 halaman Penetapan Nomor 118/Pdt.P/2017/PN CjrAdministrasi Kependudukan bahwa Pengadilan Negeri Cianjur berwenanguntuk mengadili Permohonan yang diajukan oleh Pemohon;Menimbang, bahwa berdasarkan bukti surat P1 yaituFotokopiKartuTandaPenduduk KabupatenCianjurNomor 3203070101550045tertanggal 26 Mei 2015 atasnama DIYAT HIDAYAT,yang bersesuaian denganbukti surat P2 yaitu FotokopiKutipanAktaKelahiranNomor 86526
Register : 27-06-2019 — Putus : 14-11-2019 — Upload : 14-11-2019
Putusan PN PALEMBANG Nomor 1038/Pid.B/2019/PN Plg
Tanggal 14 Nopember 2019 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Miniatur Mobil#13521 1:18 The A-Team (1983-87 TV Series)- 1983 GMC Vandura merek Green Light;
  • 6 karton @8 box @6 pcs = total 288 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#97050-D The Hobby Series 5- 1974 Jeep CJ-5 Copper Metallic with Vintage Gas Pump Solid Pack merek Green Light;
  • 2 karton @4 box @12 pcs = total 96 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil1:64 GL Muscle Shop Tools Stabil & Heet (Hobby Exclusive) merek Green Light;
  • 4 karton @2 box @12pcs = total 96 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#86526
    merek Green Light;2 karton @6 box @I pcs: total 12 pcs ToysAMiniatur Mobil#13521 1:18The ATeam (198387 TV Series) 1983 GMC Vandura merek GreenLight;6 karton @8 box @6 pcs: total 288 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#97050DThe Hobby Series 5 1974 Jeep CJ5 Copper Metallic with VintageGas Purnp Solid Pack merek Green Light;2 karton @4 box @12 pcs: total 96 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobill:64 GLMuscle Shop Tools Stabil & Heet (Hobby Exclusive) merek GreenLight;4 karton @2box @I2pcs: total 96 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#86526
    Light;35)2 karton @6 box @1 pcs = total 12 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#13521 118The ATeam (198387 TV Series) 1983 GMC Vandura merek GreenLight;36)6 karton @8 box @6 pcs = total 288 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#97050DThe Hobby Series 5 1974 Jeep CJ5 Copper Metallic with Vintage GasPump Solid Pack merek Green Light;37)2 karton @4 box @12 pcs = total 96 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil164 GLMuscle Shop Tools Stabil & Heet (Hobby Exclusive) merek Green Light;38)4 karton @2 box @12pcs = total 96 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#86526
    Miniatur Mobil#13521 1:18The ATeam (198387 TV Series) 1983 GMC Vandura merek GreenLight;Halaman 81 dari 123 Putusan Nomor 1038/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Plq6 karton @8 box @6 pcs = total 288 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#97050DThe Hobby Series 5 1974 Jeep CJ5 Copper Metallic with Vintage GasPump Solid Pack merek Green Light;2 karton @4 box @12 pcs = total 96 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil1:64 GLMuscle Shop Tools Stabil & Heet (Hobby Exclusive) merek Green Light;4 karton @2 box @12pcs = total 96 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#86526
    Pid.Sus/2019/PN Plq2 karton @6 box @1 pcs = total 12 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#13521 1:18The ATeam (198387 TV Series) 1983 GMC Vandura merek GreenLight;6 karton @8 box @6 pcs = total 288 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#97050DThe Hobby Series 5 1974 Jeep CJ5 Copper Metallic with Vintage GasPump Solid Pack merek Green Light;2 karton @4 box @12 pcs = total 96 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil1:64 GLMuscle Shop Tools Stabil & Heet (Hobby Exclusive) merek Green Light;4 karton @2 box @12pcs = total 96 pcs Toys/Miniatur Mobil#86526