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Urut Berdasarkan
Putus : 28-04-2016 — Upload : 06-09-2016
Putusan PN SERANG Nomor 56/Pid.Sus-TPK/2015/PN.Srg
Tanggal 28 April 2016 — Drs. DIDING ISKANDAR
  • Astanita Sukses Apindo sebesar Rp. 11.800.000.000,00 ;Bahwa benar Saksi Ricos juga melampirkan data salah satu diantaranyadata mobil tangga Volkan 44 Meter Turntable, sebagai berikut :Technical Specification for 44 Meters Aerial Turntable Ladder with LiftSystemChassis DataHalaman 170 dari 267 Putusan Nomor: 56/Pid.SusTPK/2015/PN.Srg.Wheelbase; Not More than 4600 mmCabin Single Cabin, 1+1 seatingEngine Diesel, Min. 6 CylinderEngine Power Not less than 310 HPEngine Torque Not less than 900 NmTransmission
    ManualGVW Not More than 26000 KgElectrical System 24 Volts alternator and starter motorBrakes Air Braking SystemDrive Line 6x4Steering Right Hand DriveFuel System Not less than 210 LitersDimensions LxWXH : max. 10,5 x 2,5 x3,70Aerial Operating Characteristic 1.
Putus : 21-09-2015 — Upload : 20-04-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1889 K/PID.SUS/2015
Tanggal 21 September 2015 — Pemohon Kasasi II/Terdakwa : TUKIYO, S.Pd. bin WARIJAN ; Pemohon Kasasi I : JAKSA/PENUNTUT UMUM PADA KEJAKSAAN NEGERI PENAJAM
9743 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • 300Ma at 5V) le Minimal Size 160,5cm x 127,2 cmx 12,8 cmle Active screen 156,5cm x 117,3cm(195,6cm) diagonalle Floor stand le Min weight 23,2 kgleSofeware interactive productdrivers and interactivewhiteboard collaborativelearning software installationCDs are includedle Included a pen try penle Touch resolution is approximately32767x32767le Digitizing technology DViT (DigitalVersion Touch) Technology12Mbps/USB connection (ful speedUSB 1,1 or USB 2,0)le Power consumptionle Computer connectionis less than
    Nomor 1889 K/PID.SUS/2015 approximately 4000x4000 e Touch resolution is approximatelye Digitizing technology resitive 32767x32767le Computer connection 5m usb 2,0 Digitizing technology DViT (Digitalcable Version Touch) TechnologylePower consumption is less than jeComputer connection 121,5w (800Ma at 5V) Mbps/USB connection (ful speedUSB 1,1 or USB 2,0)Power consumption is less than0,5w (100mA at 5V) Bahwa usulan pelelangan Proyek Pengadaan Interactive White Board forEducation SD/SMP/SMA/SMK Tahun
Register : 20-01-2021 — Putus : 17-02-2021 — Upload : 20-04-2021
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 11/PDT/2021/PT BTN
Tanggal 17 Februari 2021 — Pembanding/Penggugat : PT. Abadi Adimulia Diwakili Oleh : Andreas Eka Putra
Terbanding/Tergugat I : PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk Diwakili Oleh : Dr. LUHUT M. P. PANGARIBUAN, SH., LL.M.
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Unilever Asia Private Limited Diwakili Oleh : Dr. LUHUT M. P. PANGARIBUAN, SH., LL.M.
  • MPA selengkapnya menyatakan sebagai berikut.This MPA, each Term Sheet, Special Terms, if any and eachUPC represents the whole and only agreement between theparties in relation to the subject matter of this MPA andSupersedes any previous agreement between the parties.Neither party shall have any liability or remedy in tort inrespect of any representation, warranty or otherstatement (other than as set out in this MPA and savewhere expressed or implied on relation to the Materials)being false, inaccurate
    Each party acknowledgesthat in entering into this MPA it places no reliance on anyrepresentation, warranty or other statement relating to thesubject matter of this MPA other than as set out in thisMPA or express or implied in relation to the Materials.Terjemahan oleh penerjemah tersumpah:MPA ini, masingmasing Lembar Ketentuan, KetentuanKhusus, apabila ada dan setiap UPC menyatakan satusatunya peyanjian yang utuh antara Para Pihak sehubungandengan pokok bahasan dari MPA ini dan menggantikanperjanjian
Putus : 20-11-2017 — Upload : 12-03-2018
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2102 B/PK/PJK/2017
4124 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • It istherefore important that at each stage, the supplier be entitled toa full right to deduction of input tax, so that the tax burdeneventually rests on the final consumer rather than on theintermediaries in the supply chain;(...Di dalam perdagangan domestik, kenetralan pajak dapatdicapal pada prinsipnya melalui sistem pembayaran multistage:setiap perusahaan membayar PPN kepada suppliernya untukseluruh inputnya dan menerima PPN dari pelanggannya untukpenjualannya.
Putus : 26-03-2013 — Upload : 06-09-2013
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 877 K/Pdt.Sus/2012
13751121 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Having regard to the fact that the Claimants have wholly or largely succeeded ateach stage of the reference, the Tribunal conclude that the Respondents should paythe whole of the costs of the arbitration.Legal costs17.Rule 31.1 provides that the tribunal shall have the authority to order in its awardthat all or part of the legal or other costs of a party (apart form the costs of thearbitration) be paid by the other party As before the Tribunal considers that itshould assess those costs now than refer
Register : 21-05-2019 — Putus : 16-10-2019 — Upload : 22-11-2019
Putusan PN KUALA KAPUAS Nomor 7/Pdt.G/2019/PN Klk
Tanggal 16 Oktober 2019 — Perdata - M. Atailah sebagai Penggugat - Ida Sarminati, Dkk sebagai Para Tergugat
  • William Than Sigai, S.H., 3. Ismail, S.H., dan 4. Sukarlan FachrieDoemas, S.H., Para Advokat yang berkantor pada LembagaBantuan Hukum Koalisi Masyarakat Madani (LBH Sikatni),beralamat di Jalan Jenderal A.Yani No.97 Rt007 KualaKapuas.Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Berdasarkan Surat KuasaKhusus tanggal 9 Mei 2019, yang telah didaftarkan di KepaniteraanPengadilan Negeri Kuala Kapuas nomor 22/2019/SK/PN KIk tanggal21 Mei 2019, selanjutnya disebut sebagai PENGGUGAT;LawanPT.
Register : 04-10-2021 — Putus : 10-12-2021 — Upload : 14-12-2021
Putusan PN BAJAWA Nomor 64/Pid.B/2021/PN Bjw
Tanggal 10 Desember 2021 — Penuntut Umum:
Rachmad Wirawan,S.H
  • Ilharuslah dinyatakan tidak terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan melakukantindak pidana sebagaimana didakwakan dalam dakwaan alternatif kesatuPenuntut Umum sehingga Terdakwa II haruslah dibebaskan dari dakwaantersebut, dengan pandangan yang arif dan bijaksana Majelis Hakim sependapatdengan adagium klasik seorang juri di Inggris, yaitu Blackstone (17531765),yang mengatakan, maintains that the law holds that it is better that ten guiltyHalaman 43 dari 50 Putusan Nomor 64/Pid.B/2021/PN Bjwperson escape than
Putus : 27-06-2016 — Upload : 22-12-2016
Putusan PN PONTIANAK Nomor 12/Pid.sus-PRK/2016/PN Ptk
Tanggal 27 Juni 2016 — LAM HOANG PHUC
  • BV 97679 TSoleh Kapal Patroli Indonesia di Perairan Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif Indonesia(ZEEI) Laut Cina Selatan.Bahwa terdakwa tidak perlu didampingi oleh Penasehat Hukum didalampemeriksaan ini.Bahwa terdakwa lahir pada tahun 1982, usia ia 34 tahun, ia anak ke 3 (tiga) dari 6(enam) bersaudara, ia belum berkeluarganama bapak Lam Van Than, nama IbuTran Thi Suang, Ia bekerja di kapal perikanan KM.
Putus : 28-04-2016 — Upload : 06-09-2016
Putusan PN SERANG Nomor 57/Pid.Sus-TPK/2015/PN.Srg
Tanggal 28 April 2016 — ADRIAN ROESLY, SE
  • Astanita Sukses Apindo sebesar Rp. 11.800.000.000,00 ;Bahwa benar Saksi Ricos juga melampirkan data salah satu diantaranyadata mobil tangga Volkan 44 Meter Turntable, sebagai berikut :Technical Specification for 44 Meters Aerial Turntable Ladder with LiftSystemChassis DataHalaman 170 dari 267 Putusan Nomor: 56/Pid.SusTPK/2015/PN.Srg.Wheelbase; Not More than 4600 mmCabin Single Cabin, 1+1 seatingEngine Diesel, Min. 6 CylinderEngine Power Not less than 310 HPEngine Torque Not less than 900 NmTransmission
    ManualGVW Not More than 26000 KgElectrical System 24 Volts alternator and starter motorBrakes Air Braking SystemDrive Line 6x4Steering Right Hand DriveFuel System Not less than 210 LitersDimensions LxWXH : max. 10,5 x 2,5 x3,70Aerial Operating Characteristic 1.
Register : 17-12-2014 — Putus : 11-03-2015 — Upload : 09-04-2015
Putusan PN ROKAN HILIR Nomor 674/Pid.Sus/2014/PN RHL
  • It is more important than competence or vision.... It can never bedelimited, dated, or ourworn, and it should pervade the heart, the halls of justice, and thechambers of the mind. (Keteguhan hati (keberanian) adalah atribut yang teramat sangatpenting bagi seorang hakim/hakim agung. Keteguhan hati (keberanian) lebih pentingketimbang kecakapan atau visi....
Register : 09-09-2016 — Putus : 27-12-2016 — Upload : 15-03-2017
Putusan PN SEMARANG Nomor 02_Pdt_Sus_HKI_2016_PN Niaga Smg
Tanggal 27 Desember 2016 — DART INDUSTRIES, INC MARIANA DKK
  • Members may, butshall not obliged to, implement in their law more extensive protection than Isrequired by this Agreement, provided that such protection does notcontravene the provisions of this Agreement.
Register : 03-08-2016 — Putus : 15-12-2016 — Upload : 13-04-2017
Putusan PN TANJUNG PINANG Nomor 15/Pid.Sus-TPK/2016/PN Tpg
Tanggal 15 Desember 2016 — RENDRA, SS Bin H.Ir. ASEP SUPRIHAT alm ( Terdakwa)
  • detectorSignal to Noise : 8000:1Pumping system : 255 I/sec turbomolecular pumpGas ChromatographyCarrier Gas Supply : HeliumRetentiontime repeatability : 20umto 25mmAmoplitude/ rpm : digitalAdjustment range : 0.23mmSieve acceleration > 1.015.1gTime display : digitalAdjustment range > 199 minVibration height/ rpm : controlledMotion of productto be sievedComplete w ith bottompan, cover and standMercury AnalizerSpesifikasi :System Detection : Cold Vapour TechnicSample matrix : LiquidDetection limit : less than
    system 255 I/sec turbomolecularpumpGas ChromatographyCarrier Gas Supply HeliumRetention time repeatability < 0.0008 minSplit Ratio min 7500 : 1setpoint of pressure 0,001 psiarea for repeatability 0.23mmSieve acceleration : 1.015.1gTime display : digitalAdjustment range > 199 minVibration height/ rpm : controlledMotion of product to be sievedComplete with bottompan, cover and standMercury Analizer 1 PaketSpesifikasi :System Detection : Cold Vapour TechnicSample matrix : LiquidDetection limit : less than
    For Time and speedDry grinding, w et grinding, and cryo airdingNo tool requied to open, to take off pestle and to take off mortarMeasuring range > 20umto 25mmAmoplitude/ rom : digitalAdjustment range : 0.23mmSieve acceleration : 1.015.1gTime display : digitalAdjustment range : 199 minVibration height/ rpm : controlledMotion of productto be sievedComplete w ith bottompan, cover and standMercury AnalizerSpesifikasi :System Detection : Cold Vapour TechnicSample matrix : LiquidDetection limit : less than
Putus : 09-03-2012 — Upload : 26-03-2013
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2654 K/PDT/2011
437405 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • (e) ... that, in relation to each Advance to which a Drawdown Notice relates, the Lenderhas received certified copies of the relevant Warehouse Receipts and Promissory Noteson or prior to the Drawdown Date of such Advance, the originals of which WarehouseReceipts and Promissory Notes the Borrower shall provide to the Lender no later than 2Business Days after the relevant Drawdown Date;"Terjemahan resminya:"Kewayjiban bank untuk mencairkan pinjaman berdasarkan perjanjian ini tunduk padakondisi prasyarat
Register : 04-08-2023 — Putus : 19-09-2023 — Upload : 21-09-2023
Putusan PN MATARAM Nomor 488/Pid.B/2023/PN Mtr
Tanggal 19 September 2023 — Penuntut Umum:
  • - 1 (satu) Lembar Baju Kaos Warna Hitam Bertuliskan Than KS.

    - 1 (satu) Lembar Baju Kaos Warna Hitam Merk Biggfood.

    - 1 (satu) Lembar Baju Kaos Warna Hitam Bertuliskan Sublime.

    - 1 (satu) Buah Tas Warna Hitam Merk SunBack.

    - 3 (tiga) Unit Carger Hp Merk MI.

    - 5 (lima) Unit Carger HP Merk Samsung.

    - 2 (dua) Unit Carger HP Merk Oppo.

Putus : 06-07-2017 — Upload : 12-07-2017
Putusan PT DENPASAR Nomor 76 /PDT/2017/PT DPS
Tanggal 6 Juli 2017 — GARY WAYNE LA BAR; RENEHAN MICHAEL JOHN sekarang Para Pembanding M e l a w a n IDA AYU PUTU EKA KARTIKA sekarang Terbanding
  • It has no connotation,however, other than that of acting for another, in representation of another,or as the grantee of another. Terjemahannya, seseorang ditunjukbertindak atas pihak lain sebagai perwakilan dalam pengertian terbatas. Inidigunakan sewaktuwaktu untuk ditandatangani oleh agen atau orangkepercayaan. Tidak ada pengertian lain daripada hanya bertindak sebagaiperwakilan pihak lain atau sebagai penjamin pihak lain.
Putus : 17-09-2012 — Upload : 03-01-2013
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 704 K/Pdt/2012.
Tanggal 17 September 2012 — SURIJANTI WIJAYA, dkk vs. Drs. ANTHON OBEY
4727 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Yao Sioe Kiem alias Jauw Kusuniawati39Jayalestari almarhumah dan Than Oei Hendrie Wijaya aliasOei Ang Eng (Oei Kiem Eng) almarhum, serta Alex JustinusKuswijaya alias Boen How almarhum berdasarkan SuratPenetapan Ahli Waris Pengadilan Negeri Ujung PandangNomor : 301/Pen.Pdt.P/1995/ PN. Uj. Pdg, tanggal 18 Juli1995 Jo.
Putus : 07-03-2011 — Upload : 12-12-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2681 K/Pdt/2010
Tanggal 7 Maret 2011 —
556501 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • If at any time an Eventof Default with respect to a party (the "Defaulting Party") has occurredand is then continuing, the other party (the "Nondefaulting Party")may, by not more than 20 days notice to the Defaulting Partyspecifying the relevant Event of Default, designate a day not earlierthan the day such notice is effective as an Early Termination Date inrespect of all outstanding Transactions" (section 6(a)).Terjemahan: "Hak Untuk Mengakhiri Perjanjian Setelah TerjadinyaWanprestasi.
Putus : 27-01-2014 — Upload : 10-03-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2146 K/Pid.Sus/2013
Tanggal 27 Januari 2014 — DUSEP SUHENDAR, SP
9244 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • No. 2146 K/Pid.Sus/2013 and process the measuring data with an IBMcompatible PC.Software to be used with computers with Windows95/98/NT/ME/2000 and XP.Option for Datahog, for power supply of sensors that need morepower than acceptable for the standard channels (max. 5mA/channel, max. 15 mA/ logger).Basic Setup of measuring station with Datahog 2 datalogger withmeteo mast: logger configuration, functional and life test,composition of logbook.
    Option for Datahog, for power supply of sensors that needmore power than acceptable for the standard channels (max.5 mA/channel, max. 15 mA/ logger). Basic Setup of measuring station with Datahog 2 dataloggerwith meteo mast: logger configuration, functional and life test,composition of logbook. Excl. connection of sensors. Connection of various types of sensors to the Datahogdatalogger. Include testing and coding Per type of sensor.
    To configure the datalogger and to read outand process the measuring data with an IBMcompatible PC.Software to be used with computers with Windows95/98/NT/ME/2000 and XP.Option for Datahog, for power supply of sensors that need morepower than acceptable for the standard channels (max. 5mA/channel, max. 15 mA/ logger).Basic Setup of measuring station with Datahog 2 dataloggerwith meteo mast: logger configuration, functional and life test,composition of logbook.
Register : 02-04-2018 — Putus : 13-06-2019 — Upload : 27-06-2019
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 269/Pdt.G/2018/PN Tng
Tanggal 13 Juni 2019 — Penggugat:
PT. Abadi Adimulia
1.PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk
2.Unilever Asia Private Limited
  • MPA selengkapnya menyatakan sebagai berikut.This MPA, each Term Sheet, Special Terms, if any and eachUPC represents the whole and only agreement between theparties in relation to the subject matter of this MPA andSupersedes any previous agreement between the parties.Neither party shall have any liability or remedy in tort inrespect of any representation, warranty or other statement(other than as set out in this MPA and save where expressedor implied on relation to the Materials) being false,inaccurate
    Each party acknowledges that in enteringinto this MPA it places no reliance on any representation,warranty or other statement relating to the subject matter ofthis MPA other than as set out in this MPA or express orimplied in relation to the Materials.Terjemahan oleh penerjemah tersumpah:MPA ini, masingmasing Lembar Ketentuan, Ketentuan Khusus,apabila ada dan setiap UPC menyatakan satusatunya penyanjianyang utuh antara Para Pihak sehubungan dengan pokokbahasan dari MPA ini dan menggantikan peranjian
Register : 28-05-2021 — Putus : 26-07-2021 — Upload : 02-11-2021
Putusan PT PALEMBANG Nomor 5/PID.TPK/2021/PT PLG
Tanggal 26 Juli 2021 — Pembanding/Terdakwa : Drs. JOHAN ANUAR, SH.,MH Bin H. NANG AGUS Diwakili Oleh : ANDRE YUNIALDI, SH
Terbanding/Penuntut Umum I : Muh Asri Irwan
Terbanding/Penuntut Umum II : ALI FIKRI, S.H.,M.Kn.,
  • Photo copy Prioritas dan Plapon Anggaran Sementara AnggaranPendapatan dan Belanja daerah Than Anggaran 2013 Rancangan;227. Photo copy Prioritas dan Plapon Anggaran Sementara AnggaranHalaman 49 dari 133 Hal.Putusan Nomor 5/PID.SUSTPK/2021/PT PLGDisclaimerKepaniteraan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia berusaha untuk selalu mencantumkan informasi paling kini dan akurat sebagai bentuk komitmen Mahkamah Agung untuk pelayanan publik, transparansi dan akuntabilitepelaksanaan fungsi peradilan.
    Photo copy Prioritas dan Plapon Anggaran Sementara AnggaranPendapatan dan Belanja daerah Than Anggaran 2013 Rancangan;227.
    Photo copy Prioritas dan Plapon Anggaran Sementara AnggaranPendapatan dan Belanja daerah Than Anggaran 2013 Rancangan;227. Photo copy Prioritas dan Plapon Anggaran Sementara AnggaranPendapatan dan Belanja Daerah ( PPAS APBD) Tahun Anggaran2013;228. Photo copy Prioritas dan Plapon Anggaran Sementara (PPAS)Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Tahun Anggaran 2012;229.