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Wasco Engineering International Limited
PT KPM Oil & Gas
340 — 241
Adapun kondisi prasyarat perdamaian yangmenjadi kewajiban Tergugat ini dituangkan dalam Pasal 3 huruf (c) butir(i) Perjanjian Perdamaian yang kami kutip sebagai berikut:(c) KPMOG shall pay WASCO USD 1,000,000 (United StatesDollars One Million) to the Bank account designated byWASCO within five (5) business days after Indonesian Policeissued Termination Letter of the Police Reports (SP3).
(i) After WASCO has received the said USD 1,000,000 fromKPMOG, WASCOs authorized officer will sign the 4 GasCompressors Sale and Purchase Agreement withKPMOG in Indonesia.
Adapun kondisiprasyarat perdamaian yang menjadi kewajiban Penggugat inidituangkan dalam Pasal 3 huruf (c) butir (iv) Perjanjian Perdamaianyang kami kutip sebagai berikut:(iv) After 4 Gas Compressor Sale and Purchase Agreement issigned by both Parties, WASCO will give KPMOG theManufacturing Data Record and Inform SlAC/arbitrator toterminate the arbitral proceedings in Singapore No. 258 of2016.
Untuk menghindari keraguraguan, kami kutip bagianyang relevan dari Pasal 3 huruf (c) Perjanjian Perdamaian sebagai berikut:(c) KPMOG shall pay WASCO USD 1,000,000 (United States DollarsOne Million) to the Bank account designated by WASCO within five (5)business days after Indonesian Police issued Termination Letter of thePolice Reports (SP3).Terjemahan resmi dan tersumpah sebagai berikut:(Cc) KPMOG akan membayar kepada WASCO sejumlah USD1.000.000 (satu juta Dolar Amerika Serikat) ke rekening bank
Terbanding/Tergugat : Perseroan Terbatas MULTIINTEGRA
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Bukti P8 Foto copy Supporting letter after transas is acquired, telahdisesuaikan dengan aslinya;Bukti P9 Foto copy Letter of appointment Wartsila, telah disesuaikandengan aslinya.Bukti P10 Foto copy Surat Wartsila, telah disesuaikan dengan aslinya.Bukti P11 Foto copy Certification confirming incorporation of companyACRA, telah disesuaikan dengan aslinya.Bukti P12 Foto copy Photo pertemuan Utomo dan Rosa, telah disesuaiandengan photo hasil print out.BuktiP13 Foto copy photo Wahyudi Manager sales Simulator
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Putusan Nomor 1993/B/PK/Pjk/2019company which is a resident of one of the two States has a permanentestablishment in the other State, the profits of the permanentestablishment may be subjected to an additional tax in that other State inaccordance with its law, but the additional tax so charged shall notexceed 10 per cent of the amount of such profits after deductingtherefrom income tax and other taxes on income imposed thereon in thatother State;Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia;(Terlepas dari ketentuanketentuan
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bahwa di dalam persidangan tanggal 11 Februari 2014, Terbanding menyerahkankepada Majelis Lembar Penelitian dan Penetapan Tarif (LPPT), Form E, SuratKonfirmasi dan Jawaban Konfirmasi;berdasarkan penelitian Majelis terhadap Pernyataan dari Shandong EntryExitInspection and Quarantine Bureau of The Peoples Republic of China yang beralamatdi 2, Zhongshan Road, Qingdao, China, nomor 37000013156 tanggal 08 Juni 2013diketahui mengenai keaslian Form E Nomor E133709017760017 tanggal 23 Februari2013, yaitu After
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However for most peoplewho work with or raise cattle, this term is not used in the same reference aspreviously noted.Bull: a mature, intact (testicles present and not removed) male bovine used forbreeding purposes.Steer: a male bovine (or bull) that has been castrated before reaching sexualmaturity and is primarily used for beef.Stag: a male bovine (or bull) that has been castrated after or upon reaching sexualmaturity and is primarily used for beef, but can and is also often used as a "gomer bull
This is a term that primarily refers to a male bovine that has beencastrated after maturity. However, an ox can also be female bovine (cow or heifer) oreven a bull that has been trained for the same purpose.
A calf is known as suchfrom birth to around 10 months of age.Bull calf: an immature intact male bovine (since all males are born with testes) thatis reliant on milk from his dam or a bottle for growth and survival.Steer calf: an immature male bovine that has been castrated a few days to a couplemonths after birth, and is reliant on milk from his dam or a bottle for growth andsurvival.Heifer calf: an immature female bovine that is reliant on milk from her dam or abottle for growth and survival.Freemartin
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Putusan Nomor 889/B/PK/Pjk/2019profits of the permanent establishment after payment of the income taxon those profits;Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia:(Terlepas dari ketentuanketentuan lainnya dalam Persetujuan ini,apabila suatu) perusahaan yang merupakan penduduk NegaraPenandatanganan Persetujuan memiliki bentuk usaha tetap di Negaralain Penandatanganan Persetujuan ini, memperoleh keuntungan bentukusaha tetap, keuntungan tersebut dapat dikenakan pajak (selain pajakyang dikenakan terhadap keuntungan
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which is a resident of a Contracting State, having a permanentestablishment in that Contracting State, derives profits through of thepermanent establishment, such profits may be taxed (in an addition to betax which would be chargeable on those profits if they were the profits ofa company which was a resident of that other Contracting State) inaccordance with the laws of the Contracting State, but the rate of tax soimposed shall not exceed 10 per cent of the profits of the permanentestablishment after
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Putusan Nomor 1992/B/PK/Pjk/2019company which is a resident of one of the two States has a permanentestablishment in the other State, the profits of the permanentestablishment may be subjected to an additional tax in that other Statein accordance with its law, but the additional tax so charged shall notexceed 10 per cent of the amount of such profits after deductingtherefrom income tax and other taxes on income imposed thereon in thatother State,Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia:(Terlepas dari ketentuanketentuan
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Any suchdispute that cannot be resolved between 30(thkty) days after the matter indispute has been brought by one Partyto the attention of the otherPartyshould, at the election of either Party, be resolved by arbitration inthe English language under BANI (Indonesian Arbitration Body) Rules.Both Partiesare entitled to make written submissions to the Arbitrator soappointed.....1414appointed upon the subject matter of the dispute.
Any such dispute that can notbe resolved within 30 (thirty) days after the matter in dispute has beenbrought by one party to the attention of the other party should, at theelection of either party be resolved by Arbitration in the english languageunder BANI (Indonesia Arbitratiton Body) Rules. Both parties are entitledto....1717to make written submissions to the arbotrator so appointed upon thesubject matter of dispute.
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After checking against our files, we confirmthat the certificate was issued by us. It is authentic and true. The officialsigning this certificate is Cheng Haihong, whose signature has been providedto your country.The company SHENZHEN GRAND IMPORT AND EXPORT CO. LTDindicated in Box 1 of the certificate is the authorized representative of theactual exporter LINYI BOHAO INTERNETIONAL TRADING LIMITEDCOMPANY.The invoice No.
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., menerbitkan Sales Contract Nomor:D11TC0523 tanggal 5 Maret 2011 kepada Pemohon Banding, dan menyetujui pesananbarang impor dengan jumlah, harga satuan dan harga total sebagaimana tercantum dalamPurchase Order Nomor: POBCOO111 tanggal 2 Maret 2011, payment: USD40,000.00payment by T/T 2 weeks after Sales Contract date, the final payment by T/T 90 days afterthe first shipment B/L date, shipment: partial shipment allowed; bahwa terhadap pesanan barang impor Pemohon banding tersebut, suplier Tianjin
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ProductionSharing Contract) dengan P3B Indonesia Belanda sebagaimana yangdimuat dalam Article 10.8 yang menyatakan bahwa:Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, where acompany which is a resident of one of the two States has apermanent establishment in the other State, the profits of thepermanent establishment may be subjected to an additional tax inthat other State in accordance with its law, but the additional tax socharged shall not exceed 10 per cent of the amount of suchprofits after
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., menyebut uraian barang : Water TapWater Tap Shower, Water Tap Basin, Water Tap Sink and Flexible Tube ;bahwa di dalam persidangan, Terbanding menyerahkan kepada Majelis Lembar Peneliti:Penetapan Tarif (LPPT), Confirmation on Certificate of Origin, Form E dan Jawaban Konfirmabahwa di dalam surat jawaban Ningbo EntryExit Inspection and Quarantine nomor 3800(tanggal 15 Maret 2013 perihal Verification of Certificate of Origin E133800066330008, menyebahwa after checking against our files, we confirm
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Buku Besar Pemohon Banding bulan Januari 2013;SANA BANbahwa hasil pemeriksaan atas dokumen impor dan buktibukti yang diserahkan Pemohon Banding dalampersidangan adalah sebagai berikut :bahwa Pemohon Banding melakukan pemesanan kepada supplier Tian Woo Trading Co dengan PurchaseOrder Nomor: 012/POSDI/X/12 tanggal 22 Oktober 2012 dengan jenis barang Toys;Term of Payment : T/T After ShipmentTerm of Delivery : End of December 2012Insurance : To be effected by the buyerbahwa supplier Tian Woo Trading
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mengembalikan modal berikut bunga yang totalnya berjumlahRp650.000.000,00 (enam ratus lima puluh juta rupiah), namun TergugatKonvensi belum bersedia memenuhinya disebabkan tuntutan dimaksudadalah masih menggantung (aanhanging) disebabkan modal hanya bisaditarik apabila telah selesai dilakukan suatu evaluasi sebagaimanaditentukan pada Pasal 4 butir 4 Cooperation Agreement tanggal 13 Februari2009 yang berbunyi "The capital already paid can he drawn at any time, withthe exception of such drawing to he made after
prematur yang patut untuk diterima, sehinggademi hukum gugatan Penggugat sepatutnya dinyatakan tidakdapat diterima (niet ontvankelijke verklaard);Bahwa kekhilafan Hakim atau kekeliruan yang nyata quod nondisebabkan putusan Judex Facti tidak mempertimbangkanKetentuan Pasal 4 butir 4 Cooperation Agreement tanggal 13Februari 2009 juncto Pasal 1338 KUHPerdata, dimanaketentuan hukum tersebut telah menyatakan The capitalalready paid can be drawn at any time, with the exception ofsuch drawing to be made after
2009 juncto Pasal 1338KUHPerdata, disebabkan Penggugat Konvensi tidak mampumenghadirkan adanya suatu alat bukti yang menunjukkan adanyahasil evaluasi yang disyaratkan/ditentukan harus dilakukan terlebihdahulu sebelum dilakukan suatu tindakan penarikan modal darisalah satu pihak sebagaimana diatur dalam Ketentuan Pasal 4 butir4 juncto Pasal 6 Cooperation Agreement tanggal 13 Februari 2009yang berbunyi The capital already paid can be drawn at any time,with the exception of such drawing to be made after
sama dengan bukti surat P.1a yang dengan jelas dannyatanyata diketahui bahwa pihak yang membuat ~ danmenandatangani Cooperation Agreement tanggal 13 Februari 2009adalah hanya antara Agus Hermawan (Penggugat Konvensi) danBrian Lee Skinner (Tergugat Konvensi)... vide Halaman 1 Bukti T.I &TT.II1 P.1a yang berbunyi dan tindakan Tergugat Konvensi adalahsebagai individual atau pribadi sebagaimana diketahui dalam kalimatBrian Lee Skinner........ , In this case acting in his capacity asindividual, here after
44 — 3
PutNo. 0494/rdt.G/z016/rA.NgwSebagai wali nasab Unlum;*) as nasab/jirige guardian,') dengan mas kawin berupa / With the dowry in term O:1 W3> Dyftunai /*nhjiKT) / cash/ndMXedf): dengan perjanjian nikah :yad tidak*)by wedding engagement yes / no)Sesudah akad nikah suami mengucapkan / membaca danmenandatangani taklik talak : ya /Jd*kt) / After the marriage ceremonywas done the husband uttered/read and signed the taklik tatak 'yes/no)tVGfrw, &A//,lsi sesuai dengan akta nikahContents are pursuans to
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jawaban konfirmasi dari Zhejiang EntryExit Inspectionand Quarantine Bureau of The Peoples Republic of China tanpa nomor dantanggal yang merupakan jawaban atas surat konfirmasi Terbanding nomorS1001/KPU.01/2013 tanggal 21 Maret 2013 kepada Majelis.bahwa berdasarkan pemeriksaan Majelis atas surat Zhejiang EntryExitInspection and Quarantine Bureau of The Peoples Republic of China tanpanomor dan tanggal yang merupakan balasan atas surat Terbanding nomorS1001/KPU.01/2013 tanggal 21 Maret 2013, menyatakan: After
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dijatuhkan tanpa hadirnya tergugat dapat dikabulkan sepanjangberdasarkan hukum dan beralasan, oleh karena itu Majelis membebankanpenggugat untuk membuktikan dalildalil gugatannya; Menimbang, bahwa setelah Majelis Hakim menelaah secara seksamamateri gugatan penggugat tersebut ternyata tuntutan pokok penggugat adalahpenggugat ingin bercerai dengan tergugat; Menimbang, bahwa sebelum memeriksa tuntutan pokok penggugatterlebih dahulu harus dibuktikan mengenai hubungan hukum penggugat denganTOI QUIQ After
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5288.4019 Pizza in b/c 2880 3.67 10569.6020 Police set in b/c 1440 5.97 8596.8021 Villa ini w/b 100 68.30 6830.0022 Villa ini w/b 250 41.20 10300.0023 Doctor set ini w/b 270 15.36 4147.2024 b/o train in w/b 90 36.09 3248.1025 Trans hero in w/b 480 16.14 7747.2026 Weapon in b/c 600 5.91 3546.0027 b/o train in w/b 240 23.26 5582.4028 b/o train in w/b 240 25.67 6160.8029 Water gun in opp/b 2400 1.60 3840.0030 Black car in pvc/c 4800 9.98 33504.00Total (CIF HK Dollar) 201333.30 dengan payment term: By T/T after
Terbanding/Tergugat I : CV. Bangun Rezky Mandiri
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Drs. Muhammad Irwan
Terbanding/Tergugat III : H. Suriani
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,per Faktur (Invoice) adalah 90 (Sembilan puluh) hari, atau dikenakan bungasebesar 1,8% (satu. koma delapan persen) untuk tiaptiap bulanberjalan;Pasal 3 poin d Perjanjian Distributor (kutipan):(d) Payment: The Distributor shall pay for (d) Pembayaran: Distributorthe Varieties within 90 days after invoice. membayar Varietas dalam jangkawaktu 90 hari setelah tagihan.Pasal 3 poin e Perjanjian Distributor (kutipan):(e) Delayed Payment: In the event the (e) Keterlambatan Pembayaran:Distributor fails to