Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 198/Pid/2018/PT.DKI |
Nomor | 198/Pid/2018/PT.DKI |
Tingkat Proses | Banding |
Klasifikasi |
Pidana Umum Pembunuhan |
Kata Kunci | |
Tahun | 2018 |
Tanggal Register | 9 Juli 2018 |
Lembaga Peradilan | PT JAKARTA |
Jenis Lembaga Peradilan | PT |
Hakim Ketua | Imam Sungudi |
Hakim Anggota | Hj Elnawisah Sri Andini |
Amar | Lain-lain |
Amar Lainnya | MENGUBAH |
Catatan Amar | M E N G A D I L II. Menerima permintaan banding dari Penasihat Hukum Terdakwa dan Jaksa Penuntut Umum tersebut ;II. Merubah Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat, Nomor 1477/Pid.Sus/2017/PN.Jkt.Pst., tanggal 3 MEI 2017, yang dimintakan banding tersebut, mengenai lamanya hukuman penjara yang dijatuhkan, sehingga amar lengkapnya sebagai berikut:1. Menyatakan Terdakwa KHASANAH alias ANA binti ABDUL MUIS tersebut di atas, terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan bersalah melakukan tindak pidana ?Pembunuhan Berencana dan Pencurian? ;2. Membebaskan Terdakwa dari Dakwaan Kedua Primer tersebut ;3. Menjatuhkan pidana kepada Terdakwa oleh karena itu dengan pidana penjara selama 20 (dua puluh) tahun ;4. Menetapkan masa penangkapan dan penahanan yang telah dijalani Terdakwa dikurangkan seluruhnya dari pidana yang dijatuhkan;5. Menetapkan Terdakwa tetap ditahan ;6. Menetapkan barang bukti berupa:- 1 (satu) buah KTP asli an. KHASANA ; Dikembalikan Kepada Terdakwa ;- 1 (satu) buah Pasport asli an. KHASANA ;Ditarik untuk dikembalikan kepada yang berwenang dalam hal ini Imigrasi untuk dimusnahkan;- 5 (lima) buah jam tangan Merk Ellese warna hitam, A&Q warna hitam, Monaco Heureur, DBM Clubbing dan Adidas warna silver.- 1 (satu) unit Hp merk Iphone 5 warna hitam beserta sim card Nomor 621003634224628104.- 1 (satu) unit Iphone 3G S warna hitam beserta sim card nomor M1- 051503008138 - 1 (satu) unit Hp Nokia warna hitam dengan nomor Imei 354853082769153 beserta sim card 4G LTE nomor 621002675207595503- 1 (satu) unit Laptop merk Hp warna merah tanpa baterai dengan charger- Keyboard merk LOGITEC warna hitam- Uang sebesar Rp.908.000 pecahan 100 ribuan 7 lembar, 50 ribuan 1 lembar, 20 ribu 3 lembar, 5 ribu 1 lembar dan 2 ribu 1 lembar;- 1 (satu) buah buku catatan /notes MERK SHT warna hijau- 1 (satu) buah gilang giok - 3 (tiga) buah kaca mata merk Brio Ribendan tanpa merk warna hitam- 1 (satu) buah ATM BRI no. Kartu 5221843041066239- 1 (satu) tas selempang warna hitam merk FUCT- 1 (satu) buah Tas jingjing warna hitam merk Hard Roch Hotel Bali- Mata uang asing dengan rincian :- 1 (satu) Dollar Singapura 5 lembar, 5 Dollar 2 lembar, 10 Dollar 2 (dua) lembar dan 25 Dollar 3lembar;- Ringgit Brunei (10 ringgit 1 lembar, 25 Ringgit 2 lembar);- Cyats Myanmar (pecahan 50 Kyats 1 lembar);- Dollar Canada (pecahan 5 Dollar 1 lembar);- Dollar America (pecahan 5 Dollar 1 lembar);- Yuan China (pecahan 5 Yuan 2 lembar, 10 Yuan 1 Lembar).Dikembalikan kepada saksi JONATAN- 1 (satu) bundle Laporan Otopsi Asli dari Health Sciences Authority a.n. CHIA NGIM FONG dengan no Seri AZ1751-03470 dan CHIN SEK FAH dengan nomor Ref AZ1751-03471. - 1 (satu) bundle Laporan Toxicology asli a.n. CHIA NGIM FONG dengan nomor Seri TX-1731-03867 dan a.n. CHIN SEK FAH dengan nomor seri TX-1731-03868;- 2 (dua) bundle laporan pemeriksaan sidik jari asli dengan nomor file SC/025/017; - 1 (satu) buah DVD yang berisi rekaman CCTV (Polcam) bersama dengan laporan TCFB nomor: TCFB/0228/2017;- 1 (satu) buah DVD yang berisi rekaman CCTV dari Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal dan Harbourfont Cruisse Centre berserta laporan TCFB nomor TCFB/0229/2017;- 3 (tiga) lembar daftar penumpang di Sindo Ferry dengan keberangkatan tanggal 21 Juni 2017 pukul 1.20 siang waktu Singapura;- 1 (satu) bundle Laporan Otopsi Asli dari Health Sciences Authority a.n. CHIA NGIM FONG dengan no Seri AZ1751-03470 dan CHIN SEK FAH dengan nomor Ref AZ1751-03471. - 1 (satu) bundle Laporan Toxicology asli a.n. CHIA NGIM FONG dengan nomor Seri TX-1731-03867 dan a.n. CHIN SEK FAH dengan nomor seri TX-1731-03868; - 2 (dua) bundle laporan pemeriksaan sidik jari asli dengan nomor file SC/025/017; - 1 (satu) buah DVD yang berisi rekaman CCTV (Polcam) bersama dengan laporan TCFB nomor: TCFB/0228/2017; - 1 (satu) buah DVD yang berisi rekaman CCTV dari Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal dan Harbourfont Cruisse Centre berserta laporan TCFB nomor TCFB/0229/2017;- 3 (tiga) lembar daftar penumpang di Sindo Ferry dengan keberangkatan tanggal 21 Juni 2017 pukul 1.20 siang waktu Singapura;- 1 (satu) bundle Sket Tempat Kejadian Perkara (rumah) di Bedok 717 Reservoir Road #02-4538;- 1 (satu) bundle foto yang diambil berhubungan dengan kasus pembunuhan yang dilaporkan di Blok 717 Reservoir Road #02-4538;- 1 (satu) lembar laporan informasi pertama dari Singapore Police Force Ref: G/20170621/0162, tanggal 21 Juni 2017 pukul 15:42:47.- Original Fingerprint Examination Reports bearing reference number CID/SC/025/2017 with original NP 221, NP 224, left and right footprint and 7 original fingerprint charting- Four (4) Original DNA Database Laboratory bearing reference number Lab No; DB-2017-10517 (barcode; 1751-03470), DB-2017-10518(barcode; 1751-03471), DB-2017-14210 (barcode; S148994) and Lab No:DB-2017-11107(barcode;A089161)- Three (3) Original DNA reports bearing reference number DN-1743-01243, DN-1743-01460 and DN-1743-01525- Six (6) Original Forensics Chemistry and Physics Laboratory reports bearing reference number FC-1741-00101-A, FC-1741-00101-B, FC-1741-00101-C, FC-1741-00101-D, FC-1741-00101-E, FC-1741-00101-F with * two microscopic slide holders (special care instructions with HSA seal)- * One piece of grey duct tape marked ?1? with HSA seal- *One pink cloth with red stain marked ?2? with HSA seal- *One blue and white cloth with red stain marked ?3? with HSA seal- *One pillow with red stains marked ?4? with HSA seal- *One black board marked ?5? with HSA seal- *One piece of broken black board marked ?6? with HSA seal- *One wooden rod marked ?7? with HSA seal- *One black board on the bed marked ?8? with HSA seal- *Two pieces of wood with red stain marked ?9? with HSA seal- *One remote controller marked ?10? with HSA seal- *One striped brown cloth marked ?11? with HSA seal- *One black and white cushion marked ?12? with HSA seal- *One blanket with flower prints marked ?13? with HSA seal- *One piece of long black board marked ?14? with HSA seal- *One piece of grey duct tape on bolster marked ?15? with HSA seal- *One bunch of keys marked ?16A? with HSA seal- *One piece of grey duct tape marked ?16B? with HSA seal- *One blue purse marked ?16C? with HSA seal- *One bunch of keys marked ?16D? with HSA seal- *One bunch of keys marked ?17? with HSA seal- *One piece of grey duct tape marked ?18? with HSA seal- *One piece of raffia strings marked ?19A? with HSA seal- *One piece of raffia strings marked ?19B? with HSA seal- *One blue cloth marked ?20? with HSA seal- *One roll of grey duct tape marked ?21A? with HSA seal- *One wet cardboard marked ?21B? with HSA seal- *One rope marked ?21C? with HSA seal- *One knife marked ?21D? with HSA seal- *One wooden board marked ?22? with HSA seal- *One set of dentures marked ?23? with HSA seal- *One striped pillow marked ?24? with HSA seal- *One wooden board marked ?25? with HSA seal- *One white towel with red stains marked ?26? with HSA seal- *One blue water bottle without cap marked ?27? with HSA seal- *One black handbag marked ?28? with HSA seal- *One green pouch from black handbag marked ?28A? with HSA seal- *One brown polkadots pouch from black handbag marked ?28B? with HSA seal- *One yellow pouch from black handbag marked ?28C? with HSA seal- *One vertical strip pouch from black handbag marked ?28D? with HSA seal- *One pouch with polygon design from black handbag marked ?28E? with HSA seal- *One black pouch from black handbag marked ?28F? with HSA seal- *Miscellaneous contents from black handbag marked ?28? with Government of the Republic of Singapore seal- *One white mug marked ?29? with HSA seal- *One white water bottle cover marked ?30? with HSA seal- *One metal spoon marked ?31? with HSA seal- *One toothbrush marked ?32A? with HSA seal- *One toothbrush marked ?32B? with HSA seal- *One toothbrush marked ?32C? with HSA seal- *One tongue cleaner marked ?32D? with HSA seal- *One comb marked ?32E? with HSA seal- *One toiletry bag marked ?33? with Government of the Republic of Singapore seal- *One comb from toiletry bag marked ?33A? with HSA seal- *One toothbrush from toiletry bag marked ?33B? with HSA seal- *One ligature from wrist of male deceased marked ?34? with HSA seal- *One ligature from wrist of female deceased marked ?35? with HSA seal- *One ligature from ankle of female deceased marked ?36? with HSA seal- *One shirt from male deceased marked ?37? with HSA seal- *One grey pants from male deceased marked ?38? with HSA seal- *One pair of black socks from male deceased marked ?39? with HSA seal- *One green shirt from female deceased marked ?40? with HSA seal- *One black shorts with polka dots from female deceased marked ?41? with HSA seal- *One bra from female deceased marked ?42? with HSA seal- *One white panty from female deceased marked ?43? with HSA seal- *One piece of grey duct tape from female deceased marked ?44? with HSA seal- *One hair from exhibit ?44? with HSA seal- *One bloodstained handkerchief from female deceased marked ?45? with HSA seal- *One yellow pendant from female deceased marked ?46? with HSA seal- *One shirt with red stain from room toilet marked ?47? with HSA seal- *One checkered shirt with red stain from room toilet marked ?48? with HSA seal- *One pink bra from room toilet marked ?49? with HSA seal- *One underwear from room toilet marked ?50? with HSA seal- *One handkerchief from room toilet marked ?51? with HSA seal- *One knife found at the central rubbish chute of Blk717, Bedok Reservoir Road marked ?TMP/RK1? with HSA seal- *One knife found at the central rubbish chute of Blk717, Bedok Reservoir Road marked ?TMP/RK2? with HSA seal- *One knife found at the central rubbish chute of Blk717, Bedok Reservoir Road marked ?TMP/RK3? with HSA seal- *One knot near toilet door marked ?TMP/TK? with HSA seal- *One knot near toilet shower area marked ?TMP/UK? with HSA seal- *One bloodied plaster marked ?TMP/PLASTER? with HSA seal- *One black bermudas marked ?TMP/BER? with HSA seal- *One sarong marked ?TMP/SARONG? with HSA seal- *One bolster marked ?TMP/BOLSTER1? with HSA seal- *One bolster marked ?TMP/BOLSTER2? with HSA seal- *4 Control Knots marked C1, C2, C3 and C4 with HSA seal- *Three scissors from kitchen drawer with HSA seal- *Two scissors from kitchen drying rack with HSA seal- *One scissors from room toilet with HSA seal- *Two residue from safe marked as M1 and M2 with HSA seal- *Two cast of safe number combination knob marked as CASTS (2) with HSA seal- One AIKO Safe knob with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/A? (comprising one swab and one *control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/B? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/C? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/D? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/E? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/F? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/G? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/H? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/J? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/K? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/L? (comprising some sand and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/M? (comprising some sand and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/N? (comprising one leaf and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/O? (comprising some sand and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/P? (comprising some sand and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/Q? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/R? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/S? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/T? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/U? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/V? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/W? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/X? (comprising one swab and one *control sample with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/Y? (comprising one swab and one *control sample with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/Z? (comprising one leaf and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AA? (comprising some sand and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AB? (comprising some sand and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AC? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AD? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AE? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AF? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AG? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AH? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AJ? (comprising one leaf and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AK? (comprising some sand and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AL? (comprising some sand and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AM? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AN? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AP? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AQ? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/AR? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/PG? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/PH? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/CNFFA? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/CNFRH? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/CNFLH? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/CNFFS? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/CSFFC(comprising of fingernail clippings) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/R2? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/SAFE? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/S5? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/S14? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/S21D? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/S28? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/S28A? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/S28C? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *Exhibit formerly marked ?TMP/S29? (comprising one swab and one control sample) with HSA seal- *One FTA Card marked as 1751-03470 with HSA seal- *One FTA Card marked as 1751-03471 with HSA seal- *One Lenovo Mobile Phone on shelf beside dining table with Government of the Republic of Singapore seal- *One Evercross mobile phone from Room with Government of the Republic of Singapore seal- *One exhibit with marking 34-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 35-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 36-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 35-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 35-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 36-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 35-S4 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 36-S4 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 36-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 36-S6 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 36-S5 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 19A-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking UK-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking UK-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 19B-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 19B-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking TK-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking TK-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking UK-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking TK-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 19A- S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 19A-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 1-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 1-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 1-S4 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 18-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 1-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 18-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 21A-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 44-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 44-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 44-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 37-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 16B-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 16B-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 15-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 15-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 15-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 38-C3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 38-C2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 38-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 39-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 11-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 11-C2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 41-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 13-C2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 13-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 3-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 2-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 42-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 45-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 4-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 40-C4 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 40-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 40-C3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 11-C3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 40-C2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking RK3-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking RK2-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking RK2-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking RK1-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking RK1-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking RK3-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 40-C5 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 40-C6 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 7-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 8-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 5-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 9-E1-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 6-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 9-E1-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 8-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 21B-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 8-S8 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 8-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 8-S4 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 9-E1-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 25-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 9-E2-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 25-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 9-E2-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 21B-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 8-S5 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 22-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 14-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 22-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 8-S7 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 6-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 8-S6 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 5-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 7-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 12-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 12-C2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 5-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 10-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 10-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 48-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 48-C2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 48-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 47-C2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 47-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 51-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 49-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 50-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 47-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 1-S5 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 1-P1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 49-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 1-S6 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 18-S4 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 44-S5 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 18-P1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 21A-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 18-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 44-P1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 44-S4 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 21C-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 20-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 49-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 20-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 21D-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 20-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 21D-S3 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking PLASTER-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking PLASTER-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 50-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 50-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 24-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 26-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 24-C2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 51-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 26-S2 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 24-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 26-S1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 24-C1 with HSA seal- *One exhibit with marking 21D-S1 with HSA seal- Surat pernyataan atau penjelasan dari Pihak otoritas Kepolisian Negara Singapura yang menerangkan bahwa perbuatan yang dilakukan tersangka KHASANAH alias ANA adalah perbuatan yang diancam pidana menurut perundang-undangan Negara Singapura sebagaimana ditentukan pasal 5 ayat (1) ke-2 KUHP.Terlampir dalam berkas perkara.III. Membebankan kepada Terdakwa untuk membayar biaya perkara dalam dua tingkat pengadilan, yang dalam tingkat banding sebesar Rp.2.000,00 (dua ribu rupiah) ; |
Tanggal Musyawarah | — |
Tanggal Dibacakan | 15 Agustus 2018 |
Kaidah | — |
Abstrak |
Data Identitas Tidak Ditemukan
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Putusan Terkait
Putusan Terkait
Banding : 198/Pid/2018/PT.DKI
Kasasi : 1071 K/Pid/2018
Lainnya : 1477/Pid.B/2017/PN Jkt Pst