Ditemukan 6 data

Urut Berdasarkan
Putus : 26-11-2015 — Upload : 24-02-2016
Putusan PN TANJUNG Nomor 193/Pid.Sus/2015/PN.Tjg
Tanggal 26 Nopember 2015 — RUSMIN NOOR YADIN Bin ABDUL SANI
  • 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 507.00 877.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(5146) 25244) 2oe) 12) 5023) 244) 21L254 22522) TdETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 177.00 847.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(5444) 24517) 145302) 3375046) 245302) 3372017) 120223046) 2a eS RS,BE TB En Fy Ry, Fn(2) 337(7) 1(46) 2(12521055) 1(17) 1(S5246) 2(2) 337(27) 1(44) 2(4517) 1(23) 2(2) 337(23) 2(46) 2(S4222) 337(55) 1(44) 2(1247) 1(44) 2(55) 1(46) 2(S22) 337(2017) 1(46) 2(55) 1(46) 2(23) 2(2) 337(1246) 2(S22) 337(4) 1(103) 1(2) =337(2017) 1(122211
    33(2) TdETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 216.00 666.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(4) 1(44) 2(122046) 2(S257) 1(46) 2(2Z) 33(2046) 2(45) TJETQqBT0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 285.00 666.00 Im/F8 1 Tf(2) TJETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 288.00 666.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(4046) 2(S611) 1(46) 2(55) 1(2247) 1(47) 1(46) 2(56) TJETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 350.00 666.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(2) TJETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 353.00 666.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(5244) 2(122211
    TJETQqBr0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 511.00 938.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(76) 2(17) 1(55) 1(46) 2(742046) 2(55) 1(46) 2(4530) TdETQqBT0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 569.00 938.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(2) TJETQqBT0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 159.00 907.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(42) 1(2247) 117) 1((46) 2(452) 17(75) 2(46) 2(27) 1(46) 2(12) TadETQqBT0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 220.00 907.00 Im/F8 1 Tf(2) TuETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 223.00 907.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(5244) 2(122211
    (222017) 1(46) 2(452) 308(23) 2(46) 2(5223) 2(17) 1(2) 308( =(((((17) 15646) 255) TdQqBT0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 338.00 491.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(2) TJETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 345.00 491.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(42) 12247) 117) 146) 2452) 308Ee Ba en FR(75) 2(46) 2(27) 1(46) 2(I22) 308(S444) 2(125146) 2(11) 1QL =(S5) L(46) 2(452) 308(2046) 2(452) 308(11) 1(44) 2(4517) 1(45303046) 2(47) 1(S246) 2(452) TdETQqBT0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 177.00 460.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(122211
Register : 25-09-2018 — Putus : 29-11-2018 — Upload : 13-11-2020
Putusan PN SANGGAU Nomor 289/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Sag
Tanggal 29 Nopember 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Selangor Dand Ehsan Malaysia 9557892 103773 203214-13 1OS YEUK 122211 R" Ordering Line 1 800 88 302 Product Indo 1 800 88 367.
    - 1 (satu) Kotak Obat Merk VOKER Film Coated Tablet 20mg Histamine H2-receptor antagonist Each tablet contains: Famotidine 20mg Store at temperature below 30 C. Protect from light and moisture. Keep medicine out of reach of children. Jauhkan daripada kanak-kanak. Manufacturer and Product Registration Holder Y.S.P. INDUSTRIES (M) SDN.
    Selangor Dand EhsanMalaysia 9557892 103773 20321413 10S YEUK 122211 R" OrderingLine 1 800 88 302 Product Indo 1 800 88 3679;1 (Satu) Kotak Obat Merk VOKER Film Coated Tablet 20mg HistamineH2receptor antagonist Each tablet contains: Famotidine 20mg Store attemperature below 30C. Protect from light and moisture. Keep medicineout of reach of children. Jauhkan daripada kanakkanak. Manufacturerand Product Registration Holder Y.S.P. INDUSTRIES (M) SDN.
    Selangor Dand EhsanMalaysia 9557892 103773 20321413 10S YEUK 122211 R" OrderingLine 1 800 88 302 Product Indo 1 800 88 3679;1 (Satu) Kotak Obat Merk VOKER Film Coated Tablet 20mg HistamineH2receptor antagonist Each tablet contains: Famotidine 20mg Store attemperature below 30C. Protect from light and moisture. Keepmedicine out of reach of children. Jauhkan daripada kanakkanak.Manufacturer and Product Registration Holder Y.S.P. INDUSTRIES (M)SDN.
Register : 25-09-2018 — Putus : 29-11-2018 — Upload : 13-11-2020
Putusan PN SANGGAU Nomor 288/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Sag
Tanggal 29 Nopember 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Selangor Dand Ehsan Malaysia 9557892 103773 203214-13 1OS YEUK 122211 R" Ordering Line 1 800 88 302 Product Indo 1 800 88 367.
    - 1 (satu) Kotak Obat Merk VOKER Film Coated Tablet 20mg Histamine H2-receptor antagonist Each tablet contains: Famotidine 20mg Store at temperature below 30 C. Protect from light and moisture. Keep medicine out of reach of children. Jauhkan daripada kanak-kanak. Manufacturer and Product Registration Holder Y.S.P. INDUSTRIES (M) SDN.
    Selangor Dand EhsanMalaysia 9557892 103773 20321413 10S YEUK 122211 R" OrderingLine 1 800 88 302 Product Indo 1 800 88 3679;1 (Satu) Kotak Obat Merk VOKER Film Coated Tablet 20mg HistamineH2receptor antagonist Each tablet contains: Famotidine 20mg Store attemperature below 30C. Protect from light and moisture. Keep medicineout of reach of children. Jauhkan daripada kanakkanak. Manufacturerand Product Registration Holder Y.S.P. INDUSTRIES (M) SDN.
    Selangor Dand EhsanMalaysia 9557892 103773 20321413 10S YEUK 122211 R" OrderingLine 1 800 88 302 Product Indo 1 800 88 3679;1 (Satu) Kotak Obat Merk VOKER Film Coated Tablet 20mg HistamineH2receptor antagonist Each tablet contains: Famotidine 20mg Store attemperature below 30C. Protect from light and moisture. Keepmedicine out of reach of children. Jauhkan daripada kanakkanak.Manufacturer and Product Registration Holder Y.S.P. INDUSTRIES (M)SDN.
    Selangor Dand EhsanMalaysia 9557892 103773 20321413 10S YEUK 122211 R" OrderingLine 1 800 88 302 Product Indo 1 800 88 3679;1 (Satu) Kotak Obat Merk VOKER Film Coated Tablet 20mg HistamineH2receptor antagonist Each tablet contains: Famotidine 20mg Store attemperature below 30C. Protect from light and moisture. Keepmedicine out of reach of children. Jauhkan daripada kanakkanak.Manufacturer and Product Registration Holder Y.S.P.
Register : 19-05-2017 — Putus : 19-05-2017 — Upload : 10-07-2017
Tanggal 19 Mei 2017 — Drs. A.KOHAR AYUB, MM
  • ET 122211 Tanggal 09 Desember 2010.e. Fotocopy CEK Nomor SRD 320332 Tanggal 03 Januari 2011. 87 Asli 1 (satu) Bundel nama Nasabah SURYA DINATA, SE. Dengan Nomorrekening dengan lampiran :a. Fotocopy Tanda penyetoran dari Bank Lampung oleh SURYA DINATA.SE. Dengan Nomor Rekening kepada Hi. HUSRIAMINUDDIN di Bank BCA cabang Teluk Betung Tanggal 13 Desember2010 sejumlah Rp. 560.888.000,b.
    ET 122211 Tanggal 09Desember 2010.Fotocopy CEK Nomor SRD 320332 Tanggal 03 Januari 2011.aOo.2 87 Asli 1 (satu) Bundel nama Nasabah SURYA DINATA, SE. DenganNomor rekening dengan lampiran :a. Fotocopy Tanda penyetoran dari Bank Lampung oleh SURYADINATA. SE. Dengan Nomor Rekening kepadaHi. HUSRI AMINUDDIN di Bank BCA cabang Teluk BetungTanggal 13 Desember 2010 sejumlah Rp. 560.888.000,b.
    ET 122211 Tanggal 09Desember 2010;e. Fotocopy CEK Nomor SRD 320332 Tanggal 03 Januari 2011;87) Asli 1 (satu) Bundel nama Nasabah SURYA DINATA, SE. DenganNomor rekening dengan lampiran :a. Fotocopy Tanda penyetoran dari Bank Lampung oleh SURYADINATA. SE. Dengan Nomor Rekening kepadaHi. HUSRI AMINUDDIN di Bank BCA cabang Teluk BetungTanggal 13 Desember 2010 sejumlah Rp. 560.888.000,;b.
Register : 19-11-2015 — Putus : 25-01-2016 — Upload : 05-03-2016
Putusan PN RANTAU PRAPAT Nomor 902/PID.SUS/2015/PN RAP
  • TuETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 177.00 250.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(56) 1(17) 1(532) 104(23) 2(27) 2(5123) 2(17) 1(2) 104(2643) 2(44102) 104(7) 1(27) 2(17) 1(4445 451046) 1(27) 2(442) 104(27) 2(46) 1(23) 2(2) 104(2643) 2(44102) 104(2027) 2(442) 104(23) 2(27) 2(5123) 2(17) 1(2) 104(32) 1(S1102) 104(S 2(27) 2(47) 1(1217) 1(27) 2(2) 104(27) 2(46) 1(23) 2(2) 104(32) 1(S1102) 104(5143) 2(11) 1(S327) 2(46) 1(17) 1(2) 104(S143) 2(2) TdETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 177.00 228.00 Tm/F8 1 Tf(122211
Register : 01-04-2015 — Putus : 07-05-2015 — Upload : 03-06-2015
Putusan PA KLATEN Nomor 0572/Pdt.G/2015/PA.Klt
Tanggal 7 Mei 2015 — PENGGUGAT - TERGUGAT
  • ) 12) 2RTQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg13.00 0.00 0.00 13.00 281.00 764.00 Tm/F16 1 TE(5) TuETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg13.00 0.00 0.00 13.00 285.00 764.00 Tm/F16 1 TE(6) 27) #22BT0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 241.00 729.00 Tm/F16 1 TE(2425) 1(262725) 1(30) 2(30) 2(2131) 1(25) 1(32) 1(5) 1(32) 1(2131) 127211) 125) 132) 15) 132) 12131) 125) 127) TdETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 149.00 707.00 Tm/F16 1 TF(33) 1342725) 15) 122342133) 125) 130) 2211) 15) 1243432) 133) 121262132) 122211