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Register : 14-08-2023 — Putus : 21-11-2023 — Upload : 22-11-2023
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 235/Pdt.Sus-PHI/2023/PN Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 21 Nopember 2023 — Penggugat:
Muhamad Ari Amsorry
PT. Dwiharta Logistindo
  • Penggugat:
    Muhamad Ari Amsorry
    PT. Dwiharta Logistindo
Register : 08-06-2023 — Putus : 21-06-2023 — Upload : 21-06-2023
Putusan PA KRAKSAAN Nomor 588/Pdt.P/2023/PA.Krs
Tanggal 21 Juni 2023 — Pemohon melawan Termohon
    1. Mengabulkan permohonan para Pemohon ;
    2. Memberi dispensasi kepada anak para Pemohon yang bernama (REFALDO KRISNA WARDANA bin AMSORRY PUTRA) untuk menikah dengan calon istrinya bernama (DWI ANGGRAINI binti MARMO) ;
    3. Membebankan biaya perkara kepada para Pemohon sejumlah Rp135.000,00 (seratus tiga puluh lima ribu rupiah);
Register : 10-11-2014 — Putus : 11-12-2014 — Upload : 02-12-2020
Putusan PT SEMARANG Nomor 296/PID/2014/PT SMG
Tanggal 11 Desember 2014 — Pembanding/Terdakwa : KARMINAH Als. MIMIN Binti SUTOPO
Pembanding/Jaksa Penuntut : META PERMATASARI, SH
Terbanding/Pembanding/Jaksa Penuntut : META PERMATASARI, SH
  • Gery, amsorry to disturb you. But, want to ask your help. My mother crieseveryday. Because, my father promised to give half of his share forme and my brother, but he didnt do it until now. He also promise togive the profit every year but until 5 years he dont do it. My motherwants to publish in the newspaper about it, but it will give bad imageof company, which is your company too. hope you can help us.