Ditemukan 59 data
133 — 43
any activity, contract, grant or other implementing agreementfinanced by USAID under the SOAG; (2) any transaction or supplies, equipment,materials, property or other goods (hereinafter collectively "goods") financed byUSAID under the SOAG; (3) any contractor, grantee, or other organization carryingout activities financed by USAID under the SOAG; (4) an employee of suchorganizations; and (5) any individual contractor or grantee carrying out activitiesfinanced by USAID under the SOAG.The exemption applies
The Agreement and the assistance thereunder are freefrom any taxes imposed under laws in effect in the territory of the Grantee;(c) Except as provided otherwise in this provision, the General Exemption insubsection (a) applies to, but is not limited to, the following taxes;(3) Exemption 3.
91 — 31
Perjanjian Supplement :Article 6 of the Settlement Agreement applies to this Agreement as if set forth inthis Agreement, mutatis mutandis.Terjemahan Pasal 14.1. Perjanjian Supplement Dari Penerjemah Tersumpah :Pasal 6 dari Perjanjian Penyelesaian berlaku terhadap Perjanjian ini seolah secaramutatis mutandis diatur dalam Perjanjian ini."Hal 11 dari 27 hal.
Perjanjian Supplement :Article 6 of the Settlement Agreement applies to this Agreement as if set forth inthis Agreement, mutatis mutandis.Terjemahan Pasal 14.1. Perjanjian Supplement Dari Penerjemah Tersumpah :Pasal 6 dari Perjanjian Penyelesaian berlaku terhadap Perjanjian ini seolah secaramutatis mutandis diatur dalam Perjanjian ini."
berlakunya perubahan ini, maka seluruh syaratsyarat danketentuanketentuan yang berlaku dalam perjanjian penyelesaian DUGtetap berlaku dan dapat dilaksanakan, kecuali dengan cara lain di ubahdalam pembahasan ini, begitu juga dari bukti T3 adanya terjemahannyabukti T2b yaitu Supplement Agreement (supplemental to DUG SettlementAgreement) tertanggal 22 Desember 2004 didalam Pasal 14 tentangDispute Resolution / penyelesaian sengketa di tentukan di dalam Pasal 14.1Article 6 of the Settlement Agreemen applies
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Surat Nomor: 0303.03/1279 tanggal 28 Juni 2013tentang Verification on The Validity of ATIGAForm D Issued in Thailand yang pada pokoknya menyatakanbahwa Form D tersebut adalah valid diterbitkan oleh dan benar Department of Foreign Trade (..... we shouldlike to inform you that the aforesaid ATIGAForm D is valid and was truly issued by DFT),bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3, Part 1, Nomor 1 (c) disebutkan * The requirement of a change in tariffclassification and specific manufacturing or processing operation applies
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The importer of the intermediate Party and the Exporter who applies for the MC in theintermediate party are the same;ii. A valid original Certificate of Origin (Form E) issued by the First exporting Party is presented;iii. Information on the MC includes the names of the issuing authorities of the party which issued theoriginal certificate of origin (form E), date os issuance and reference number. The FOB value shallbe the FOB value of the products exported from the intermediate party; andiv.
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ascertaihowmucthecompanyorcompanieswouldhavebeenabletoborrowfromanindependentlender(thearmlengthamount),andtocomparethiswiththeamountsactuallyborrowefromgroucompaniesorwiththebackinggroucompanies.ACcomparison can then be made between the interest payable on the actual debt and that whichwould be payable on the amount which could and would have been borrowed at armslength.Deductions for corporation tax purposes can be limited to those on the latter amount.bahwa HMRC dalam Statement of Practice04/07Juga menyatakan bahwa6.The basic transfer pricing rule applies
55 — 22 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Properti utamanya adalah ketahanannyaterhadap api dan asam);The heading applies to crude asbestos in rock form, to raw, beatenor washed fibres, whether graded to length or not, to asbestos inflakes or powder and also to asbestos waste.
37 — 16 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
ThisExemption applies to, but is not limited to (1) any activity, contract, grant orother implementing agreement financed by USAID under the SOAG; (2) anyHalaman 5 dari 29 halaman Putusan Nomor 392/B/PK/PJK/2017transaction or supplies, equipment, materials, property or other goods(hereinafter collectively "goods') financed by USAID under the SOAG; (3)any contractor, grantee, or other organization carrying out activities financedby USAID under the SOAG; (4) an employee of such organizations; and (
5)any individual contractor or grantee carrying out activities financed byUSAID under the SOAG;The exemption applies to, but is not limited to the following taxes: (1)Customs duties, tariffs, import taxes, or other levies on the importation, useand reexportation of goods or the personal belongings and effects(including personally owned automobiles) for the personal use of nonnational individuals or their family members; (2) Taxes on the income, profitsor property of all (i) nonnational organizations
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derivedin respect of an employment exercise aboard a ship or aircraft operated ininternational traffic by an enteRprise of a Contracting State shall be taxableonly in that State;Article 15 (Director's Fees);(1) Director's fees and similar payments derived by a resident of a ContractingState in his capacity as a member of the board of directors of a company whichis a resident of the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.(2) The remuneration which a person to whom paragraph 71 applies
directorsof a company which is a resident of the other Contracting State may betaxed in that other State; Terjemahan: Biaya direksi dan pembayaranpembayaran serupayang diperoleh penduduk salah satu Negara pihak pada Persetujuandalam kapasitasnya sebagai anggota dewan direksi atau organserupa lainnya dari suatu perusahaan yang merupakan pendudukNegara pihak lainnya pada Persetujuan, dapat dikenakan pajak diNegara lain tersebut.Pasal 15 ayat (2):The remuneration which a person to whom paragraph 1 applies
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ThisExemption applies to, but is not limited to (1) any activity, contract, grant orother implementing agreement financed by USAID under the SOAG; (2) anytransaction or supplies, equipment, materials, property or other goods(hereinafter collectively goods') financed by USAID under the SOAG; (3) anycontractor, grantee, or other organization carrying out activities financed byUSAID under the SOAG; (4) an employee of such organizations; and (5) anyindividual contractor or grantee carrying out activities
financed by USAIDunder the SOAG;The exemption applies to, but is not limited to the following taxes: (1)Customs duties, tariffs, import taxes, or other levies on the importation, useand reexportation of goods or the personal belongings and effects (includingpersonally owned automobiles) for the personal use of nonnationalindividuals or their family members; (2) Taxes on the income, profits orproperty of all (i) nonnational organizations of any type, (ii) nonnationalemployees of national and nonnational
178 — 69 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
ThisExemption applies to, but is not limited to (1) any activity, contract, grant orother implementing agreement financed by USAID under the SOAG; (2) anytransaction or supplies, equipment, materials, property or other goods(hereinafter collectively "goods') financed by USAID under the SOAG; (3)any contractor, grantee, or other organization carrying out activities financedby USAID under the SOAG; (4) an employee of such organizations; and (5)any individual contractor or grantee carrying out activities
financed byUSAID under the SOAG;The exemption applies to, but is not limited to the following taxes: (1)Customs duties, tariffs, import taxes, or other levies on the importation, useand reexportation of goods or the personal belongings and effects(including personally owned automobiles) for the personal use of nonnational individuals or their family members; (2) Taxes on the income, profitsor property of all (i) nonnational organizations of any type, (ii) nonnationalemployees of national and nonnational
- Beberapa segi lembaga hukum cessie perlu mendapat perhatian, yaitu1. pengertian tentang cessie perlu diseragamkan agar dalam pelaksanaannya bisa menghasilkan keputusan yang baik;2. bahwa penyerahan benda-benda tak bertubuh yang bukan berupa ... [Selengkapnya]
This is an application of the requirement ofindividualisation, which applies to proprietary mutations (for example, the owner ofa large oil tank can sell two litres of oil out of that tank, without separating them fromthe other oil inside that tank, but he cannot deliverthose two litres without separatingthem from the other oil).
For the interpretation of the instrument of assignment the socalledHaveltex criterion applies nowadays:?
to determine the contents of an assignment,the text of the instrument is not the only relevant component, but it comes down tothe meaning that the parties could mutually, in the given circumstances, reasonablyattach to each others statements and conduct, and to what they could in that respectreasonably expect from each other.For the undisclosed assignment an extra requirement applies, stating thatthis applies only to debts which already exist at the time of the delivery or whichare acquired directly
Pursuant to art. 3:94 par. 2 BW,B can nonetheless invoke a legally valid assignment: the notification is retroactiveto the day of the instrument of assignment, which had been prepared before thebankruptcy.The provision of art. 3:94 par. 2 BW applies only to debts already existing at thetime of the instrument. Anyone who wishes to rely on this provision will be wise,even more so than otherwise, to have the assignment recorded in an authentic orregistered private instrument of assignment.
Thecriterion then is whether it was (also) intended to actually make rights pass into B'spatrimony.What has just been said about the assignment for collection also applies tofactoring, notably to the extent that it is framed as an assignment for collection.As has just been indicated, fidusia is not a valid title anymore for assignment(art.3:84 para. 3 BW).
178 — 78 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
ThisExemption applies to, but is not limited to (1) any activity, contract, grant orother implementing agreement financed by USAID under the SOAG; (2) anytransaction or supplies, equipment, materials, property or other goods(hereinafter collectively "goods) financed by USAID under the SOAG; (3)any contractor, grantee, or other organization carrying out activities financedby USAID under the SOAG; (4) an employee of such organizations; and (5)any individual contractor or grantee carrying out activities
financed byUSAID under the SOAG;The exemption applies to, but is not limited to the following taxes: (1)Customs duties, tariffs, import taxes, or other levies on the importation, useand reexportation of goods or the personal belongings and effects(including personally owned automobiles) for the personal use of nonnational individuals or their family members; (2) Taxes on the income, profitsor property of all (i) nonnational organizations of any type, (Ii) nonnationalemployees of national and nonnational
Graeme Robert Smith
Nyoman Piluani
64 — 37
The Indonesian applies intheevent of a discrepancy between English andIndonesian text. PASAL 13ARTICLE 13 Perjanjian ini dibuat berdasarkan hukumyang berlaku di Negara Republik Indonesiadan segala akibat yang timbul darinya, ParaPihak memilih domisili yang sah dan tidakdapat diubah pada Kepaniteraan PengadilanNegeri Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.
32 — 23 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Putusan Nomor 46/B/PK/PJK/2017menciptakan sistem perpajakan yang sederhana dengan tanpamengabaikan pengawasan dan pengamanan penerimaan negaraagar pembangunan nasional dapat dilaksanakan secara mandiri;Bahwa dalam teori hukum khususnya terkait dengan pembuatanperaturan perundangundangan dikenal metode Law andEconomis/Economis Analysis of LaW'Bahwa Law and Economis/Economis Analysis of Law adalah Inbrief, this method applies the tool of economic analysis to law with afocus on the fee markets aim of
30 — 28 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
butir Menimbang a quo secara tegas mengisyaratkan bahwaUndangUndang Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dibuat dalam rangkamenciptakan sistem perpajakan yang sederhana dengan tanpamengabaikan pengawasan dan pengamanan penerimaan negaraagar pembangunan nasional dapat dilaksanakan secara mandiri;Bahwa dalam teori hukum khususnya terkait dengan pembuatanperaturan perundang undangan dikenal metode Law andEconomis/Economis Analysis of LaW'Bahwa Law and Economis/Economis Analysis of Law adalah Inbrief, this method applies
97 — 63 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Bahwa sebagai bahan pertimbangan, Paragraph 11 Commentary Article 5United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed andDeveloping Countries juga menyatakan :"The six month test applies to each individual site or project. In determininghow long the site or project has existed, no account should be taken of thetime previously spent by the contractor concerned on other sites or projectswhich are totally unconnected with it.
33 — 16 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
butir Menimbang a quo secara tegas mengisyaratkan bahwaUndangUndang Pajak Pertambahan WNilai dibuat dalam rangkamenciptakan sistem perpajakan yang sederhana dengan tanpamengabaikan pengawasan dan pengamanan penerimaan negara agarpembangunan nasional dapat dilaksanakan secara mandir;bahwa dalam teori hukum khususnya terkait dengan pembuatanperaturan perundangundangan dikenal metode Law andEconomis/Economis Analysis of LaWbahwa Law and Economis/Economis Analysis of Law adalah In brief,this method applies
71 — 68
PI/QL/417/WD/07 (bukti T2 ) ;Nn nn WwWInvoice tanggal 27 Nopember 2007 ( bukti T3 ) ;Term & Conditions Applies tanggal 27 Nopember 2007 ( bukti T4 ) ;Purchase Order dari PT Petrus Indonesia tertanggal 29 Nopember 2007 ( bukti T5 ) ;Email dari Deasi tanggal 28 Januari 2008 tentang Mengingatkan Deadline SuratPersetujuan ( bukti T6 ) ;~Email dari IKS Staff tanggal 29 Januari 2008 ( bukti T7 ) ;8 Surat untuk PT.
132 — 34
In the UKand Australia the term applies to offroad construction plant only, and the road vehicle isknown as a tipper, tipper lorry (U19 or tip truck (AU) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(http://en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Dump truck);Nounl.dump truck truck whose contents can be emptied without handling; the front end ofthe platform can be pneumatically raised so that the load is discharged by gravity dumper,tip truck, tipper lorry, tipper truck, tipper motortruck, truck an automotive vehicle suitablefor
33 — 21 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
butir Menimbang a quo secara tegas mengisyaratkan bahwaUndangUndang Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dibuat dalam rangkamenciptakan sistem perpajakan yang sederhana dengan tanpamengabaikan pengawasan dan pengamanan penerimaan negara agarpembangunan nasional dapat dilaksanakan secara mandir;bahwa dalam teori hukum khususnya terkait dengan pembuatanperaturan perundangundangan dikenal metode Law andEconomis/Economis Analysis of Law;bahwa Law and Economis/Economis Analysis of Law adalah In brief,this method applies