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Putus : 23-03-2011 — Upload : 18-11-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2656 K/Pid.Sus/2010
Tanggal 23 Maret 2011 — ARWIN, S.E., Ak. bin MAPPIASSE;
8754 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Irrigating/aspirasi cannula PcsOriginal model~ Pembanding Preeisdmed/Germany 2.225.000,00 Pembanding II Berger Surgical/ Germany Pembanding Ill f. 00675 Tray P1/pstTray 10 mst Pcs Pembanding Preeisdmed/Germany 1.100.000,00 Pembanding Il Berger Surgical/ 1.750.925,00Germany Pembanding Ill = =g. 254900 Remky Superior Rectur PesForceps Pembanding Precisdmed/Germany 1.250.000,00 Pembanding II Berger Surgical/Germany Pembanding Ill h. 226595 Backhaus TowelClamp Pcs Pembanding Precisdmed/Germany 10.400.000,00Berger
    Instrument Operasi Mata: 1 (satu) buah 153015 Barraquer Eye Specula; 1 (satu) buah 177820 Sinskey Hook Angled; 1 (satu) buah 226595 Bachaus Towel Clamp; 1(satu) buah 254900 REMKY Superior rectus Forceps; 1 (satu) buah 350406 Castroviejo Razor blade Holder; 1 (satu) buah 366223 Simcoe V/A Double Barrelled Cannula;1 (satu) buah 441543 Castroviejo Corneal Scissors, Slightlysatu) buah 227210 Hartman Mosquito clamp 10 cm straight;(satu)(satu)(satu)(satu)(satu) buah 260020 Desmarres Chalazion Forceps;(
    Instrument Operasi Mata: Barraquer Eye Specula 1 Pcs; Castrovajo Razor Blade Holder 1 Pcs; Corneal Scissors 1 Pcs; Irrigating/Aspirasi Cannula 1 Pcs; Original Model 1 Pcs; Tray PIlVPst Tray 10 MST 1 Pcs; Remky Superior Rectur Forceps 1 Pcs; Bachaus Towel Clamp 4 Pcs; Sinskey Hook Angled 1 Pcs; Hartman Mosquito Extra Delicate 1 Pcs; Desmarres Chalazion Forceps 1 Pcs;12. Basic Instrument for Plate & Screw 1 Set;13. Instrument Orthopedi Surgery Set 1 Set;14. Electro Cauter 1 Set;15.
    Instrument Operasi Mata: Barraquer Eye Specula 1 Pcs; Castrovajo Razor Blade Holder 1 Pcs; Corneal Scissors 1 Pcs; Irrigating/Aspirasi Cannula 1 Pcs;Hal. 50 dari 57 hal. Put. No. 2656 K/Pid.Sus/2010 Original Model 1 Pcs; Tray PIWVPst Tray 10 MST 1 Pcs; Remky Superior Rectur Forceps 1 Pcs; Bachaus Towel Clamp 4 Pcs; Sinskey Hook Angled 1 Pcs; Hartman Mosquito Extra Delicate 1 Pcs; Desmarres Chalazion Forceps 1 Pcs;12. Basic Instrument for Plate & Screw 1 Set;13.
    No. 2656 K/Pid.Sus/2010 Irrigating/Aspirasi Cannula 1 Pcs; Original Model 1 Pcs; Tray PIlVPst Tray 10 MST 1 Pcs; Remky Superior Rectur Forceps 1 Pcs; Bachaus Towel Clamp 4 Pcs; Sinskey Hook Angled 1 Pcs; Hartman Mosquito Extra Delicate 1 Pcs; Desmarres Chalazion Forceps 1 Pcs;12. Basic Instrument for Plate & Screw 1 Set;13. Instrument Orthopedi Surgery Set 1 Set;14. Electro Cauter 1 Set;15. Ventilator 1 Unit;16.Amputation Set 1 Set;17.Laryngoscope 1 Unit;18.
Register : 04-11-2021 — Putus : 08-04-2022 — Upload : 08-04-2022
Putusan PN JAKARTA BARAT Nomor 912/Pid.Sus/2021/PN Jkt.Brt
Tanggal 8 April 2022 — Penuntut Umum:
  • dengan ketentuan apabila denda tersebut tidak dibayar diganti dengan pidana kurungan selama 1 (satu) bulan;
  • Menetapkan masa penangkapan dan penahanan yang telah dijalani Terdakwa dikurangkan seluruhnya dari pidana yang dijatuhkan;
  • Menetapkan Terdakwa tetap ditahan;
  • Menetapkan barang bukti berupa:
    • 11 (sebelas) buah regulator jenis argon merek Daesung;
    • 20 (dua puluh) buah selang nasal oxigen cannula
Register : 28-10-2019 — Putus : 01-07-2020 — Upload : 24-08-2020
Putusan PN MAKASSAR Nomor 1441/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Mks
Tanggal 1 Juli 2020 — Penuntut Umum:
  • kecil warna putih untuk washlap sebnayak 1 (satu) buah;

    26) Kain penutup kepala warna hijau kotak sebanyak 1 (satu) buah;

    27) Baju dokter untuk memeriksa warna putih pasien sebanyak 1 (satu) buah

    28) Pensil alis pasien warna cokelat sebanyak 1 (satu) buah;

    29) Fusipar cream/fusidic acid 2% sebanyak 1 (satu) buah;

    30) Alat Kesehatan (alkes) dan obat :

    31) Needle 23 G sebanyak 1 (satu) buah Merek Terumo Needel;

    32) Canula 25 G Merek ES Cannula

Putus : 21-03-2014 — Upload : 08-05-2014
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 11/PID/TPK/2014/PT.DKI.
Tanggal 21 Maret 2014 — SYAMSUL BAHRI, SKM, M.Kes
  • Putusan Nomor :11/Pid/TPK/2014/PT.DKI. set 3 Uroflowmetri 4 418.000.0004 USG 3D Color Doppler for Urology + 5.350.400.000Trus Biopsy SetVI KOLEGIUM ONKOLOGI RADIASI1 Radiotheraphy Phantom 1 700.000.0002 Single Energy Linear Accelerator 1 KOLEGIUM BEDAH JANTUNG1 Heart lung Machine 2 Monitor invasif 3 pressure 3 1.142.655.0003 Monitor transport 2 pressure 3 900.000.0004 Head light dengan light source 3 243,000.0005 Hand held cardioplegic cannula (2 Set) 2.000.0006 Coronary
    5.610.044.0002 Bipolar Resectoscope + Electrocautery 4 3.689.532.000set3 Uroflowmetri 4 418.000.0004 USG 3D Color Doppler for Urology + 4 5.350.400.000Trus Biopsy Set VI KOLEGIUM ONKOLOGI RADIASI 1 Radiotheraphy Phantom 1 700.000.000 2 Single Energy Linear Accelerator 1 VIL KOLEGIUM BEDAH JANTUNG 1 Heart lung Machine 2 Monitor invasif 3 pressure 5 1.142.655.0003 Monitor transport 2 pressure 5 900.000.0004 Head light dengan light source 3 243,000.0005 Hand held cardioplegic cannula
Register : 10-06-2013 — Putus : 30-10-2013 — Upload : 15-08-2016
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 37/PID.SUS/TPK/2013/PN.Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 30 Oktober 2013 — Pidana Korupsi - SYAMSUL BAHRI, SKM., M.Kes
  • Endocamera4 5.610.044.000set2 Bipolar Resectoscope + 4 3.689.532.000Electrocautery set3 Uroflowmetri 418.000.0004 USG 3D Color Doppler for Urology 4 5.350.400.000+ Trus Biopsy SetVI KOLEGIUM ONKOLOGI RADIASI1 Radiotheraphy Phantom 700.000.0002 Single Energy Linear Accelerator KOLEGIUM BEDAH JANTUNG1 Heart lung Machine Monitor invasif 3 pressure 1.142.655.0003 Monitor transport 2 pressure 900.000.000 4 Head light dengan light source 3 243,000.0005 Hand held cardioplegic cannula
    5.610.044.000set2 Bipolar Resectoscope + 4 3.689.532.000Electrocautery set 3 JUroflowmetri 4 418.000.000 4 USG 3D Color Doppler for Urology 4 5.350.400.000+ Trus Biopsy Set VI KOLEGIUM ONKOLOGI RADIASI 1 Radiotheraphy Phantom 1 700.000.000 2 Single Energy Linear Accelerator 1 VII KOLEGIUM BEDAH JANTUNG 1 Heart lung Machine 2 Monitor invasif 3 pressure 3 1.142.655.0003 Monitor transport 2 pressure 3 900.000.0004 Head light dengan light source 3 243,000.0005 Hand held cardioplegic cannula
Register : 18-12-2014 — Putus : 11-05-2015 — Upload : 16-06-2015
Putusan PN MANADO Nomor 54/Pid.Sus-TPK/2014/PN.Mnd
Tanggal 11 Mei 2015 — - Terdakwa DADANG SUPRIYATNA
  • EMERGENCY SOFT CASE Silicone Resuscitator for Adult withSafety Valve Silicone Resuscitator for Child with Safety Valve Silicone Harness, Adult Silicone Harness, Child High Concentration Oxygen Mask with tubing forAdult High Concentration Oxygen Mask with tubing forChild Rapport Stetoscope with Clock Anaeroid sphygmomanometer Tounge Spatel Neurological hammer Tourniquet Mouth gag Aluminium oxygen cylinder 0,2 M3 Oxygen Regulator Flow Rate 0 8Ipm Pin Index Oxygen Mask with tubing for adult Nasal Oxygen Cannula
Register : 25-11-2013 — Putus : 17-04-2014 — Upload : 25-11-2016
Putusan PN MEDAN Nomor 110/Pid.Sus.K/2013/PN Mdn
Tanggal 17 April 2014 — - JOHAN TANCHO
  • Peralatan Anastesi : Nasal Oxygen Cannula. Bahwa jika tidak memiliki addendum izin, maka tidak dapat menyalurkan alatkesehatan atas surat penunjukkan. Bahwa berdasarkan data yang ada pada Dinas Kesehatan PropinsiSumatera Utara, terdakwa selaku Direktur PT. General Medical Suplier tidakHultman 158 dari 258Putusan Pengudilan TipikorNomor : 110/PidSus.IC/2013/PN.Mdn.ada mengajukan permohonan addendum Izin Sub PAK atas penunjukkandari PT. Graha Health Care Indonesia dan PT. Sunrise Intermedica Ind?.