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Register : 01-09-2020 — Putus : 15-12-2020 — Upload : 08-07-2021
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 58 P/HUM/2020
Tanggal 15 Desember 2020 — PT. KRAKATAU POSCO vs PRESIDEN RI;
386258 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ;Dalam hal terjadi praktik dumping, Article VI GATT 1994memperkenankan pengenaan bea masuk anti dumping, sebagaiberikut:"In order to offset or prevent dumping, a contracting party may levyon any dumped product an antidumping duty not greater in amountthan the margin of dumping in respect of such product.
    In order to offset or prevent dumping, a contracting party may levyon any dumped product an antidumping duty not greater in amountthan the margin of dumping in respect of such product. For thepurposes of this Article, the margin of dumping is the pricedifference determined in accordance with the provisions ofparagraph 1.";Terjemahannya:"1.
    In order to offset or prevent dumping, a contracting party may levyon any dumped product an antidumping duty not greater inamount than the margin of dumping in respect of such product.For the purposes of this Article, the margin of dumping is the pricedifference determined in accordance with the provisions ofparagraph 1;Terjemahan:1.
Register : 17-12-2007 — Putus : 25-03-2009 — Upload : 21-05-2014
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 408 / Pdt.G / 2007/ PN.Jkt.Pst.
Tanggal 25 Maret 2009 — RICHARD BRUCE NESS
  • The infants death came after yearsof complaints by local fishermen about waste dumped in the oceanPutusan No.408/Pdt.G/2007/PN .Jkt.Pst. 10by the owner of nearby gold mine, the Newmont MiningCorporation, the worlds biggest gold producer, based in Denver.It also kicked up a political brawl pitting Indonesias feistyenvironmental groups against American mining giant, which hasbeen trailed by allegations of pollution on four continents.