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Register : 05-04-2013 — Putus : 16-10-2014 — Upload : 13-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-56193/PP/M.IXB/19/2014
Tanggal 16 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • to identify which is the cow and which is the ox.http://ruralheritage.com/oxpaddock/oxwhatis.htmAn ox, to early American farmers who used the beast, was a mature castrated malebelonging to the domestic cattle family, or genus Bos, most likely trained (like drafthorses, some never got trained) to work, and at the end of its life inevitably used formeat.A steer, by contrast, is also a castrated male of the genus Bos, but is a youngeranimal that may not be trained, or may not be strong and mature enough
    In the United States a steer is not considered an ox until it is four years old,by which time it is considered large enough and mature enough for any work requiredof it.In Australia and elsewhere, an ox is a called a "bullock." Same beast, but a differentculture.
Register : 18-12-2012 — Putus : 05-06-2014 — Upload : 29-06-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-52967/PP/M.IXB/19/2014
Tanggal 5 Juni 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • to identify which is the cow and which is the ox.http://ruralheritage.com/oxpaddock/oxwhatis.htmAn ox, to early American farmers who used the beast, was a mature castrated malebelonging to the domestic cattle family, or genus Bos, most likely trained (like drafthorses, some never got trained) to work, and at the end of its life inevitably used formeat.A steer, by contrast, is also a castrated male of the genus Bos, but is a youngeranimal that may not be trained, or may not be strong and mature enough
    In the United States a steer is not considered an ox until it is four years old,by which time it is considered large enough and mature enough for any work requiredof it.In Australia and elsewhere, an ox is a called a "bullock." Same beast, but a differentculture.
Register : 13-09-2013 — Putus : 19-11-2014 — Upload : 27-04-2016
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-57557/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 19 Nopember 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • to identify which is the cow and which is the ox.http://ruralheritage.com/ox paddock/oxwhatis.htmAn ox, to early American farmers who used the beast, was a mature castrated malebelonging to the domestic cattle family, or genus Bos, most likely trained (like draft horses,some never got trained) to work, and at the end of its life inevitably used for meat.A steer, by contrast, is also a castrated male of the genus Bos, but is a younger animal thatmay not be trained, or may not be strong and mature enough
    In the UnitedStates a steer is not considered an ox until it is four years old, by which time it is consideredlarge enough and mature enough for any work required of it.In Australia and elsewhere, an ox is a called a "bullock."
Register : 05-04-2013 — Putus : 16-10-2014 — Upload : 13-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-56194/PP/M.IXB/19/2014
Tanggal 16 Oktober 2014 —
  • to identify which is the cow and which is the ox.http//rura lherita ge.com/oxpaddock/oxwhatis. htmAn ox, to early American farmers who used the beast, was a mature castrated malebelonging to the domestic cattle family, or genus Bos, most likely trained (like drafthorses, some never got trained) to work, and at the end of its life inevitably used formeat.A steer, by contrast, is also a castrated male of the genus Bos, but is a youngeranimal that may not be trained, or may not be strong and mature enough
    In the United States a steer is not considered an ox until it is four years old,by which time it is considered large enough and mature enough for any work requiredof it.In Australia and elsewhere, an ox is a called a "bullock." Same beast, but a differentculture.
Register : 08-11-2012 — Putus : 20-12-2013 — Upload : 14-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-49759/PP/M.XVII/19/2013
Tanggal 20 Desember 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Berikut kutipannya:Feeder cattleFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaFeeder cattle are steers (castrated males) or heifers (females) mature enough to be placedin a feedlot where they will be fattened prior to slaughter Feeder calves are less than yearold; feeder yearlings are between 1 and 2 years old.
    identify which is the cow and which is the ox.g) http://ruralheritage.com/oxpaddock/ox whatis.htmAn ox, to early American farmers who used the beast, was a mature castrated malebelonging to the domestic cattle family, or genus Bos, most likely trained (like drafthorses, some never got trained) to work, and at the end of its life inevitably used formeat.A steer, by contrast, is also a castrated male of the genus Bos, but is a youngeranimal that may not be trained, or may not be strong and mature enough
    In the United States a steer is not considered an ox until it is four years old, bywhich time it is considered large enough and mature enough for any work requiredof it.In Australia and elsewhere, an ox is a called a "bullock." Same beast, but a differentculture.
Register : 21-04-2021 — Putus : 14-06-2021 — Upload : 12-08-2021
Putusan PN PUWAKARTA Nomor 58/Pid.B/2021/PN Pwk
Tanggal 14 Juni 2021 — Penuntut Umum:
  • 3 (tiga) pcs kaos tangan pendek yang terdiri kaos warna biru merk Authentic bertuliskan Exman.Co , kaos warna abu-abu, merk Barxeel dan kaos warna putih, merk Bomb Boogie bertuliskan Bomb Boogie The Premium ways of Denim ;

    1 (satu) kaos oblong (tanpa lengan), warna hijau, merk Black Negro bertuliskan Cant Get Enough

    tactical Panjang, warna hitam merk Black Hawk;2 (dua) kKemeja tangan pendek yang terdiri dari : kKemeja warna abuabu,motif titiktitik hitam merk Quick Silver dan kemeja warna abuabu merkThe Executive;3 (tiga) pcs kaos tangan pendek yang terdiri kaos warna biru merkAuthentic bertuliskan Exman.Co , kaos warna abuabu, merk Barxeeldan kaos warna putih, merk Bomb Boogie bertuliskan Bomb BoogieThe Premium ways of Denim ;1 (satu) kaos oblong (tanpa lengan), warna hijau, merk Black Negrobertuliskan Cant Get Enough
    Panjang, warna hitam merk Black Hawk;e 2 (dua) kemeja tangan pendek yang terdiri dari : kKemeja warna abuabu,motif titiktitik hitam merk Quick Silver dan kemeja warna abuabu merkThe Executive;e 3 (tiga) pcs kaos tangan pendek yang terdiri kaos warna biru merkAuthentic bertuliskan Exman.Co , kaos warna abuabu, merk Barxeeldan kaos warna putih, merk Bomb Boogie bertuliskan Bomb BoogieThe Premium ways of Denim ;e 1 (satu) kaos oblong (tanpa lengan), warna hijau, merk Black Negrobertuliskan Cant Get Enough
Register : 19-09-2018 — Putus : 31-10-2018 — Upload : 14-12-2018
Putusan PN BATULICIN Nomor 257/Pid.B/2018/PN Bln
Tanggal 31 Oktober 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • tangan merk Alexander Christie warna silver;
  • 1 (satu) lembar baju switer lengan Panjang warna hitam merk Man Zone;
  • 1 (satu) buah jam tangan merk Alexander Christie warna gold;
  • 1 (satu) lembar baju kemeja lengan panjang warna hitam;
  • 1 (satu) lembar baju kemeja lengan pendek warna putih;
  • 1 (satu) buah cincin warna ungu;
  • 1 (satu) lembar jaket warna hitam lengan panjang pada bagian belakang terdapat tulisan Insightday Of The Strange Saince New, Enough
    tunai sejumlah Rp.5.950.000,;13.1 (Satu) jam tangan merk Alexander Christie warna silver;14.1 (satu) lembar baju switer lengan panjang warna hitam merk Man Zone;15.1 (Satu) buah jam tangan merk Alexander Christie warna Gold;16.1 (satu) lembar baju kemeja lengan panjang warna hitam;17.1 (satu) lembar baju kemeja lengan pendek warna putih;18.1 (Satu) buah cincin warna ungu;19.1 (satu) lembar jaket warna hitam lengan panjang pada bagian belakangterdapat tulisan INSIGHTDAY OF THE STRANGE, SAINCE NEW,ENOUGH
    Alexander Christie warna Gold;1 (satu) lembar kartu Atm Bank BCA dengan nomor = kartu5379412000378694;1 (satu) lembar kartu Atm Bank Mandiri dengan nomor kartu4097663120213899;1 (Satu) lembar baju kemeja lengan panjang warna hitam;1 (Satu) lembar baju kemeja lengan pendek warna putih;1 (Satu) buah cincin warna ungu;Halaman 12 dari 22 Putusan Nomor 257/Pid.B/2018/PN Bin.20. 1 (Satu) lembar jaket warna hitam lengan panjang pada bagian belakangterdapat tulisan INSIGHTDAY OF THE STRANGE, SAINCE NEW,ENOUGH
    jam tangan merk Alexander Christie warna silver; 1 (Satu) lembar baju switer lengan Panjang warna hitam merk ManZone; 1 (Satu) buah jam tangan merk Alexander Christie warna gold; 1 (satu) lembar baju kemeja lengan panjang warna hitam; 1(satu) lembar baju kemeja lengan pendek warna putih;Halaman 21 dari 22 Putusan Nomor 257/Pid.B/2018/PN Bin. 1 (Satu) buah cincin warna ungu; 1 (satu) lembar jaket warna hitam lengan panjang pada bagianbelakang terdapat tulisan Insightday Of The Strange Saince New,Enough
Register : 21-11-2012 — Putus : 20-12-2013 — Upload : 14-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-49761/PP/M.XVII/19/2013
Tanggal 20 Desember 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • identify which is the cow and which is the ox.g) http://ruralheritage.com/oxpaddock/oxwhatis.htmAn ox, to early American farmers who used the beast, was a mature castrated male belongingto the domestic cattle family, or genus Bos, most likely trained (like draft horses, some nevergot trained) to work, and at the end of its life inevitably used for meat.A steer, by contrast, is also a castrated male of the genus Bos, but is a younger animal thatmay not be trained, or may not be strong and mature enough
    In the UnitedStates a steer is not considered an ox until it is four years old, by which time it is consideredlarge enough and mature enough for any work required of it.In Australia and elsewhere, an ox is a called a "bullock."
Putus : 11-05-2016 — Upload : 08-08-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 29 PK/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2016
730554 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • MobilmobilBMW juga telah digunakan dalam banyak filmfilm blockbuster Hollywoodseperti filmfilm James Bond (Golden Eye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World isNot Enough) dan Bourne Supremacy;Produksi kendaraan milik Penggugat dapat ditelusuri ke masa yang lalu yaitusejak tahun 1917 atas produksi sepeda motor dan setelahnya pada tahun 1928memproduksi mobil;Pendaftaran pertama merek kata BMW terdaftar di Jerman pada tahun 1929(dan/atau jauh sebelum Tergugat mengajukan permohonan pendaftaranmereknya) dan
    Mobilmobil BMW juga telah digunakan dalam banyak filmfilmblockbuster Hollywood seperti filmfilm James Bond (Golden Eye,Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is Not Enough) dan BourneSupremacy;10.Bahwa Penggugat telah menjadi sponsor utama dari banyak acaratingkat tinggi di Indonesia, diantaranya Bimmerfest, BMW Students BrandTalk, BMW Golf Cup International;Halaman 9 dari 56 hal. Put. Nomor 29 PK/Padt.SusHKI/201611. dari itu.
Putus : 15-03-2016 — Upload : 08-08-2016
Putusan PN BEKASI Nomor 31/Pid.B/2016/PN.Bks
  • Tissue yang terdapat bercak darah. 1 baju span warna biru yang bertuliskan because enough is never quiteoenough. 1celana pendek motif harimau. 1celana dalam warna biru. 1 celana dalam warna pink.
    ANDI ;Menimbang, bahwa di persidangan Penuntut Umum telah pula mengajukanbarang bukti berupa :Sepasang sandal merk adcentre glass warna cream.Sepasang sandal jepit warna hitam corak biru orange yang bertuliskanconverse.Tissue yang terdapat bercak darah.1 baju span warna biru yang bertuliskan because enough is never quiteoenough.1 celana pendek motif harimau.1 celana dalam warna biru.1 celana dalam warna pink.Rambut palsu.1 unit HP Samsung Galaxy Core GT18262 warna putih.1 unit sepeda motor Honda
    Tissue yang terdapat bercak darah. 1 baju span warna biru yang bertuliskan because enough is never quiteoenough.Halaman 28 dari 31 halaman Nomor : 31/Pid.B/2016/PN Bks 1celana pendek motif harimau. 1 celana dalam warna biru. 1 celana dalam warna pink. Rambut palsu. 1unit HP Samsung Galaxy Core GT18262 warna putih. 1 unit sepeda motor Honda beat warna hitam merah B3375FKF. 1 unit HP Merk SPC warna putih. 1 HP Nokia 1200 warna orange hitam.
    Sepasang sandal jepit warna hitam corek biru orange yang bertuliskanconverse; Tissu yang terdapat bercak darah; 1 (satu) baju span warna biru yang bertuliskan because enough is neverquite oenough; 1 (satu) celana pendek motif harimau; 1 (satu) celana dalam warna biru; 1 (satu) celana dalam warna pink; Rambut palsu;1 (satu) unit HP Samsung Galaxy Core GT18262 warna putih;Dikembalikan kepada (Alm) AYA Alias UJANG Alias SELFI Alias AJENGmelalui SANUSI SARDAWI Bin SARDAWI:; 1 (satu) unit sepeda motor
Register : 20-03-2013 — Putus : 11-02-2014 — Upload : 28-08-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT.50394/PP/M.VIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 11 Februari 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • to identify which is the cow and which is the ox.http//rura lherita ge.com/oxpaddock/oxwhatis. htmAn ox, to early American farmers who used the beast, was a mature castrated malebelonging to the domestic cattle family, or genus Bos, most likely trained (like drafthorses, some never got trained) to work, and at the end of its life inevitably used formeat.A steer, by contrast, is also a castrated male of the genus Bos, but is a youngeranimal that may not be trained, or may not be strong and mature enough
    In the United States a steer is not considered an ox until it is four years old,by which time it is considered large enough and mature enough for any work requiredof it.In Australia and elsewhere, an ox is a called a "bullock." Same beast, but a differentculture.
Register : 05-04-2013 — Putus : 19-11-2014 — Upload : 04-04-2016
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-57567/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 19 Nopember 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • identify which is the cow and which is the ox.h) http://ruralheritage.com/oxpaddock/oxwhatis.htmAn ox, to early American farmers who used the beast, was a mature castrated male belonging to thedomestic cattle family, or genus Bos, most likely trained (like draft horses, some never got trained)to work, and at the end of its life inevitably used for meat.A steer, by contrast, is also a castrated male of the genus Bos, but is a younger animal that may notbe trained, or may not be strong and mature enough
    In the United States a steer isnot considered an ox until it is four years old, by which time it is considered large enough andmature enough for any work required of it.In Australia and elsewhere, an ox is a called a "bullock." Same beast, but a different culture.
Register : 12-11-2012 — Putus : 20-12-2013 — Upload : 14-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-49760/PP/M.XVII/19/2013
Tanggal 20 Desember 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • In the United States a steer is not considered an oxuntil it is four years old, by which time it is considered large enough andmature enough for any work required of it.In Australia and elsewhere, an ox is a called a "bullock." Same beast, buta different culture.
Register : 07-10-2019 — Putus : 04-12-2019 — Upload : 04-12-2019
Putusan PT MEDAN Nomor 460/Pdt/2019/PT MDN
Tanggal 4 Desember 2019 — Pembanding/Tergugat I : Siti Rahmah Siregar Diwakili Oleh : SYAM HASRI, SH,,Dkk
Pembanding/Tergugat II : Husni Thamrin Nasution Diwakili Oleh : SYAM HASRI, SH,,Dkk
Terbanding/Penggugat : Heddy Sihombing
  • Enough ! Cukup sudah kelalimankekuasaan itu.
    Enough !Cukup sudah kelaliman kekuasaan itu. Here am, kata Marthin Luther .
Register : 18-01-2013 — Putus : 14-03-2013 — Upload : 23-04-2018
Putusan PN Labuan Bajo Nomor 1/PID.B/2013/PN.LBJ
Tanggal 14 Maret 2013 — Jaksa Penuntut:
Hendra Purwanto Arifin, SH.
  • barang bukti berupa: ---------------------------------------------------------------

    • 1 (satu) Handphone merka NEXIAN berwarna hitam,beserta batrei hp merk NEXIAN tipe NX-6923,beserta 1 ( satu ) buah Sim Card Simpati bernomor 081246707709 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • 1 ( satu ) lembar celana panjang kain berwarna hitam bermerk EXCLUSIVE ;--
    • 1 ( satu ) lembar baju kaos leher bundar, lengan pendek berwarna merah ARE YOU ENOUGH
Register : 23-04-2012 — Putus : 11-03-2013 — Upload : 14-07-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT.43867/PP/M.VII/19/2013
Tanggal 11 Maret 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • It scale of production is large enough to support significantinternational trade in it. PFAD has very similar composition to Palm Acid Oil(PAO), but it generally has higher FFA (over 70%), the balance being neutraloil and up to 1% moisture and impurities. Good quality material has goodsmell and light colour. Its main uses are in animal feeds, including somespeciality products, in soap making and in the production of distilled fattyacids.
Register : 23-12-2010 — Putus : 24-04-2013 — Upload : 12-12-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.44735/PP/M.XV/16/2013
Tanggal 24 April 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • A buyer can qualifyfor this discount if he has purchased enough over a stated time period in small individualpurchases.bahwa berdasarkan perjanjian antara Pemohon Banding dan Pembeli serta penjelasanTerbanding maupun Pemohon Banding dalam persidangan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa diskonyang diberikan oleh Pemohon Banding adalah Cumulative Quantity Discount;bahwa dalam praktek, untuk bisa mengetahui apakah Pembeli berhak menerima diskon ataudiskon tambahan adalah dengan menghitung berapa kwantitas yang
Register : 01-10-2012 — Putus : 15-04-2013 — Upload : 24-09-2013
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 590 B/PK/PJK/2012
4024 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Also calledball park estimate, (2) Budget estimate: approximation based on well defined (butpreliminary) cost data and established ground rules. (3) Firm estimate: based on costdata sound enough for entering into a binding contract. (4) Not to exceed / not less than estimate: maximumor minimum amount required to accomplish a given task, based on firm cost estimate:Bahwa biaya Estimasi (Business Dictionary.com) adalah perkiraan dari total biaya yangdimungkinkan dapat terjadi dari suatu produk, program
Register : 23-04-2012 — Putus : 11-03-2013 — Upload : 14-07-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT.43868/PP/M.VII/19/2013
Tanggal 11 Maret 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • It scaleof production is large enough to support significant international trade in it. PFAD hasvery similar composition to Palm Acid Oil (PAO), but it generally has higher FFA(over 70%), the balance being neutral oil and up to 1% moisture and impurities. Goodquality material has good smell and light colour. Its main uses are in animal feeds,including some speciality products, in soap making and in the production of distilledfatty acids.
Putus : 21-07-2010 — Upload : 19-05-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 401 K/Pdt.Sus/2010
17088 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Desain Industri melalui penjualan, walaupunhanya satu contoh atau walaupun jika pengiriman Desain Industriadalah setelah tanggal penerimaan akan dianggap sebagaipublikasi sebelumnya dan membatalkan pendaftaran DesainIndustri tersebut dengan alasan bahwa Desain Industri tidak barupada saat pengajuan permohonan;Bahwa dalam buku berjudul Russel Clarke on Industrial Design"oleh Martin Howe, Sixth Edition Sweet & Maxwell, terdapatkutipan yang relevan sebagai berikut :Disclosure to a single person is enough