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Urut Berdasarkan
Putus : 27-12-2012 — Upload : 21-10-2013
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1344 K/Pdt/2012
Tanggal 27 Desember 2012 — PT. AMBARA PRANATA vs CHRISTINA M. WEBSTER
3119 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • J.A.K.MON Jeck Akai Mono Rean Neutrik 2pcs Rp 20.000,00O REAN9. S/D baru. Stik Drum baru lpces Rp 10.000,00 Total Rp14.371.000,00 Hal. 5 dari 19 hal. Put.
    MONO REAN Jeck Akai Mono Rean Neutrik;9.
    MONO REAN Jeck Akai mono Rean neutrik;9. S/D baru Stik Drum baru;II.
    MONO REAN Jeck Akai mono Rean neutrik;9.
    MONO REAN Jeck Akai Mono Rean Neutrik;S/D baru Stik Drum baru;Hal. 11 dari 19 hal. Put.
Register : 02-09-2015 — Putus : 20-10-2015 — Upload : 21-10-2015
Putusan PT MEDAN Nomor 18/PID.SUS.TPK/2015/PT-MDN
Tanggal 20 Oktober 2015 — ELLISNAWATI SIAGIAN
  • Edirol tine OPROQHRC sebanyak 30 PcKeyboard Stand Dua Susun merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1 PcKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1 unitPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    Marawis merk local tipe Custom sebanyak 2setWorkstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak 1pcRealtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tine PR50sebanyak 1pcVideo Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tine PR50sebanyak 1pcMonitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7O0W BIAMPsebanyak 20prHeadphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20unitHeadphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4 CHSASAMPsebanyak 5pcKabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, Steker Arde merkCanare Neutrik
    tine OPROQHRC sebanyak 30 PcKeyboard Stand Dua Susun merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1 PcKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1 unit 106 Peredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    Marawis merk local tipe Custom sebanyak 2setWorkstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak 1pcRealtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tine PR50sebanyak 1pcVideo Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tine PR50sebanyak 1pcMonitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7OW BIAMPsebanyak 20prHeadphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20unitHeadphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4 CHSASAMPsebanyak 5pcKabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, Steker Arde merkCanare Neutrik
Putus : 02-03-2016 — Upload : 28-12-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 27 K/PID.SUS/2016
Tanggal 2 Maret 2016 — ELLISNAWATY SIAGIAN
143429 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • OPROQHRC sebanyak 30pc ;Keyboard Stand Dua Susun merk Hercules tipe RS4108sebanyak 1 pc ;Keyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 pc ;Rack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 unit ;Peredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 lot ;VMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1unit ;Digital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unit ;Mixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 pc ;Analog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    Custom sebanyak 2 set ;Workstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak1 pe ;Realtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50 sebanyak 1pc ;Video Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tine PR50 sebanyak 1 pc ;Monitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 70W BIAMP sebanyak 20 pr ;Headphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20unit ;Headphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5 pc ;Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, StekerArde merk Canare Neutrik
    OPROQHRC sebanyak 30 pc ;Keyboard Stand Dua Susun merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak1 pc ;Keyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 pc ;Rack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak1 unit ;Peredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 lot ;VMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unit ;Digital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unit ;Mixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 pc ;Analog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    sebanyak 2 set ; Workstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak 1pe ; Realtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50 sebanyak 1 pc ; Video Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tipe PR50 sebanyak 1 pc ; Monitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 70W BIAMP sebanyak 20 pr ; Headphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20 unit ; Headphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5 pc ; Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, StekerArde merk Canare Neutrik
    2016126. Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak1 pe ;Realtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50 sebanyak 1pc ;Video Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tine PR50 sebanyak 1 pc ;Monitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 70W BIAMP sebanyak 20 pr ;Headphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20unit ;Headphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5 pc ;Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, StekerArde merk Canare Neutrik
Register : 17-06-2015 — Putus : 02-07-2015 — Upload : 07-07-2015
Putusan PT MEDAN Nomor 12/PID.SUS.TPK/2015/PT-MDN
Tanggal 2 Juli 2015 — ABDUL HADI, SE, M.Si alias ABDUL HADI LUBIS, SE, M.Si
  • Video Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pc95.Monitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7OWBIAMPsebanyak 20pr96.Headphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak20unit97.Headphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5pc98.Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak,Steker Arde merk Canare Neutrik tipe Custom sebanyak 1lotALAT MUSIK TRADISIONAL DAN PERALATAN PENDUKUNGKESENIAN TRADISIONAL1.
    Aanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik tipe Customsebanyak 1 Unit.5. Loudspeaker Fultrange 15 2 way merk Martin Audio tipe F 15 sebanyak 4Pc.6. Subwofer 2 x 18 merk Martin Audio tipe S218 sebanyak 2 Pc.7. Active Speaker merk FBT tipe HimaX60a sebanyak 6 Pc.8. Power Amplifer merk Powersoft tine PowersoftLD2004 sebanyak 1 Pc.9. Power Amplifer merk Powersoft tipe Powersoft K3 sebanyak 1Pc.10.
    Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, Steker Arde merkCanare Neutrik tipe Custom sebanyak 1 lotB ALAT MUSIK TRADISIONAL DAN PERALATAN PENDUKUNGKESENIAN TRADISIONAL1. Alat Musik Karo merk Lokal tipeCustom sebanyak 2 set.2. Alat Musik Simalungun (G 7 danG2)Gondrang Sipitu. pitu,Gondrang Sidua dua merk Lokaltipe Custom sebanyak 2 set.3. Alat Musik Mandailing merk Lokaltipe Custom sebanyak 1 set.4. Alat Musik Batak Toba merk Lokaltipe Custom sebanyak 2 set.5.
    Aanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik tipe Custom sebanyak 1 Unit.5. Loudspeaker Fultrange 15 2 way merk Martin Audiotipe F 15 sebanyak 4 Pc.6. Subwofer 2 x 18 merk Martin Audio tipe S218sebanyak 2 Pc.7. Active Speaker merk FBT tipe HimaX60a sebanyak 6Pc.8. Power Amplifer merk Powersoft tipe PowersoftLD2004sebanyak 1 Pc.9.
    sebanyak 2set.92.Workstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8sebanyak 1 pc.93.Realtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipePR50sebanyak 1 pc.94.Video Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tipePR50sebanyak 1 pc.95.Monitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a,70W BIAMP sebanyak 20 pr.96.Headphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40sebanyak 20 unit.97.Headphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S +AMP 4 CHSASAMP sebanyak 5 pc.98.Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, StopKontak, Steker Arde merk Canare Neutrik
Putus : 27-01-2014 — Upload : 26-09-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2148 K/Pid.Sus/ 2013
Tanggal 27 Januari 2014 — ALFIAN, S.Sos
9671 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • PC server 4 unitMerk/Type : Costum363 A/V mixer 1 unit Merk/Type : Panasonic/AG MX70364 Video patch 3 unit' Merk/Type : Canaree/24 Video Patch365 Video Audio Distribution Amplifier 8 unit' Merk/Type : Kramer/VM10ARII366 Audio mixer 1 unit* Merk/Type : Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik NYPSSPPL Audio367.
    PC server 3 unitMerk/Type : Costum363 A/V mixer 1 unit' Merk/Type : Panasonic/AG MX70364 Video patch 4 unit' Merk/Type : Canaree/24 Video Patch365 Video Audio Distribution Amplifier 8 unit Merk/Type : Kramer/VM10ARII366 Audio mixer 1 unit Merk/Type : Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik NYPSSPPL Audio367. Patching2 unitSpesifikasi :368.
    Studio TVPC serverMerk/Type : CostumA/V mixerMerk/Type : Panasonic/AG MX70Video patchMerk/Type : Canaree/24 Video PatchVideo Audio Distribution AmplifierMerk/Type : Kramer/VM10ARIIAudio mixerMerk/Type : Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik NYPSSPPL AudioPatchingSpesifikasi :Vastly Superior XDR2 Mic Preamps Three Kinds ofChannel Strips Two Unique Equalization formatsProfesional Features Built Tough Superior Sound QualityAudio monitorMerk/Type : Tapco S5 and Headphone Stanton Pro800Video TVMerk/Type : Sony/wega
Register : 13-04-2015 — Putus : 29-07-2015 — Upload : 28-11-2016
Putusan PN MEDAN Nomor 32/Pid.Sus.K/2015/PN Mdn
Tanggal 29 Juli 2015 — - ELLISNAWATY SIAGIAN
  • merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1PcKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1unitPage 14Putusan Pengadilan TIPIKORNo.32/Pid.Sus.K/2015/PN.MdnPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    local tipe Custom sebanyak 2sete Workstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak 1pce Realtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pce Video Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pce Monitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7OW BIAMPsebanyak 20pre Headphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20unite Headphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5pce Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, Steker Ardemerk Canare Neutrik
    merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1PcKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1unitPage 196Putusan Pengadilan TIPIKORNo.32/Pid.Sus.K/2015/PN.MdnPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    Edirol tipe OPROQHRC sebanyak 30 PcKeyboard Stand Dua Susun merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1PcKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1unitPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
Register : 13-04-2015 — Putus : 29-07-2015 — Upload : 30-11-2016
Putusan PN MEDAN Nomor 31/Pid.Sus.K/2015/PN Mdn
Tanggal 29 Juli 2015 — - SITI OMBUN PURBA
  • Susun merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1PKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1unitPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitPage 14Putusan Pengadilan TIPIKORNo.31/Pid.Sus.K/2015/PN.MdnDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    Marawis merk local tipe Custom sebanyak 2setWorkstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak 1pcRealtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pcVideo Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tine PR50sebanyak 1pcMonitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7OW BIAMPsebanyak 20prHeadphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20unitHeadphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5pcKabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, Steker Ardemerk Canare Neutrik
    Edirol tipe OPROQHRC sebanyak 30 PcKeyboard Stand Dua Susun merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1PcKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1unitPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1PeKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcPage 285Putusan Pengadilan TIPIKORNo.31/Pid.Sus.K/2015/PN.MdnRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1unitPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
Putus : 13-10-2015 — Upload : 13-02-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 47 PK/PID.SUS/2015
Tanggal 13 Oktober 2015 — ALFIAN, S.Sos
8836 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu PolitikStudio RadioMixer audioMerk/Type : XENIX/1204FXMicrophone dynamicMerk/Type : ULTRAVOICE/XM8500HeadphoneMerk/Type : HEADPHONES/HPS5000Komputer multimediaMerk/Type : CostumAlat pendukung pemasanganMerk/Type : CostumInstalasi studio RadioMerk/Type : CostumStudio TVPC serverMerk/Type : CostumA/V mixerMerk/Type : Panasonic/AG MX70Video patchMerk/Type : Canaree/24 Video PatchVideo Audio Distribution AmplifierMerk/Type : Kramer/VM10ARIIAudio mixerMerk/Type : Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik
    Audio mixer 1 unitMerk/Type : Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik NYPSSPPL Audio PatchingSpesifikasi :Vastly Superior XDR2 Mic Preamps ThreeKinds of Channel Strips Two UniqueEqualization formats Profesional FeaturesBuilt Tough Superior Sound Quality383. Audio monitor 1 unitMerk/Type : Tapco S5 and HeadphoneStanton Pro800384. Video TV 2 unit Hal. 128 dari 21 hal. Put. Nomor 47 PK/PID.SUS/2015 Merk/Type : Sony/wega 14385.
    Ilmu Sosial dan IImu PolitikStudio RadioMixer audioMerk/Type : XENIX/1204FXMicrophone dynamicMerk/Type : ULTRAVOICE/XM8500HeadphoneMerk/Type : HEADPHONES/HPS5000Komputer multimediaMerk/Type : CostumAlat pendukung pemasanganMerk/Type : CostumInstalasi studio RadioMerk/Type : CostumStudio TVPC serverMerk/Type : CostumA/V mixerMerk/Type : Panasonic/AG MX70Video patchMerk/Type : Canaree/24 Video PatchVideo Audio Distribution AmplifierMerk/Type : Kramer/VM10ARIIAudio mixerMerk/Type : Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik
Putus : 27-01-2014 — Upload : 10-03-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2146 K/Pid.Sus/2013
Tanggal 27 Januari 2014 — DUSEP SUHENDAR, SP
9042 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • No. 2146 K/Pid.Sus/2013 379.A/V mixerMerk/Type: Panasonic/AG MX70Unit 380.Video PatchMerk/Type: Canaree/24 Video PatchUnit 381.Video Audio Distribution AmplifierMerk/Type: Kramer/VM10ARIIUnit 382.Audio MixerMerk/Type: Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik NYPSSPPL Audio PatchingSpesifikasi:VASTLY SUPERIOR XDR2 MIC PREAMPSTHREE KINDS OF CHANNEL STRIPSTWO UNIQUE EQUALIZATION FORMATSPROFESSIONAL FEATURESBUILT TOUGHSUPERIOR SOUND QUALITYUnit 383.Audio MonitorMerk/Type: Tapco S5 and HeadphoneUnit 384.Video TVMerk/Type
    Audio Mixer 1 UnitMerk/Type: Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik NYPSSPPL Audio PatchingSpesifikasi:VASTLY SUPERIOR XDR2 MIC PREAMPSTHREE KINDS OF CHANNEL STRIPSTWO UNIQUE EQUALIZATION FORMATSPROFESSIONAL FEATURESBUILT TOUGHSUPERIOR SOUND QUALITY 383. Audio Monitor 1 UnitMerk/Type: Tapco S5 and Headphone 384. Video TV 2 Unit Hal. 112 dari 184 hal. Put. No. 2146 K/Pid.Sus/2013 Merk/Type: Sony/wega 14" 385.
    Studio TV 378.PC ServerMerk/Type: CostumUnit 379.A/V mixerMerk/Type: Panasonic/AG MX70Unit 380.Video PatchMerk/Type: Canaree/24 Video PatchUnit 381.Video Audio Distribution AmplifierMerk/Type: Kramer/VM10ARIIUnit 382.Audio MixerMerk/Type: Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik NYPSSPPL Audio PatchingSpesifikasi:VASTLY SUPERIOR XDR2 MIC PREAMPSTHREE KINDS OF CHANNEL STRIPSTWO UNIQUE EQUALIZATION FORMATSPROFESSIONAL FEATURESBUILT TOUGHSUPERIOR SOUND QUALITYUnit 383.Audio MonitorMerk/Type: Tapco S5 and HeadphoneUnit
Putus : 29-07-2015 — Upload : 18-12-2015
Putusan PN MEDAN Nomor 32/Pid.Sus-TPK/2015/PN.Mdn
Tanggal 29 Juli 2015 —
  • Keyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 Pc Rack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1 unit Peredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1 lot V-Mixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M-400 sebanyak 1 unit Digital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unit Mixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 Pc Aanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    sebanyak 1pc Realtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR-50sebanyak 1pc Video Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pc Monitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 70W BI-AMPsebanyak 20pr Headphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q-40 sebanyak 20unit Headphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4 CHSASAMP sebanyak 5pc Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, Steker Arde merk Canare Neutrik
    Edirol tine OPROQHRC sebanyak 30 PcKeyboard Stand Dua Susun merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1 PcKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1 unitPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    Marawis merk local tipe Custom sebanyak 2setWorkstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak 1pcRealtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tine PR50sebanyak 1pcVideo Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tine PR50sebanyak 1pcMonitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7OW BIAMPsebanyak 20prHeadphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20unitHeadphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4 CHSASAMPsebanyak 5pcKabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, Steker Arde merkCanare Neutrik
    Marawis merk local tipe Custom sebanyak 2setWorkstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak 1pcRealtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pcVideo Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tine PR50sebanyak 1pcMonitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7OW BIAMPsebanyak 20prHeadphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20unitHeadphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4 CHSASAMPsebanyak 5pcKabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, Steker Arde merkCanare Neutrik
    Edirol tipe OPROQHRC sebanyak 30 PcKeyboard Stand Dua Susun merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1 PcKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipbe Custom sebanyak 1 unitPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
Register : 12-12-2014 — Putus : 29-04-2015 — Upload : 05-04-2017
Putusan PN MEDAN Nomor 114/Pid.Sus-TPK/2014/PN Mdn
Tanggal 29 April 2015 — - ABDUL HADI, SE, MSi alias ABDUL HADI LUBIS, SE, MSi
  • NP10. Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 unitPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik tipeCustom sebanyak 1 UnitLoudspeaker Fultrange 15 2 way merk Martin Audio tipe F 15sebanyak
    Marawis merk local tipe Custom sebanyak 2setWorkstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak1pcRealtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pcVideo Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pcMonitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 70W BIAMPsebanyak 20prHeadphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20unitHeadphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5pcKabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, StekerArde merk Canare Neutrik
    Edirol tine OPROQHRC sebanyak 30 PcKeyboard Stand Dua Susun merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1 PcKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1unitPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    Marawis merk local tipe Custom sebanyak 2setWorkstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak 1pcRealtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pcVideo Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pcMonitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7OW BIAMPsebanyak 20prHeadphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20unitHeadphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5pcKabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, Steker Ardemerk Canare Neutrik
    PN10. Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 Pc.Rack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 unit.Peredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Customsebanyak 1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unit.Digital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unit.Mixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 Pc.Aanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik tipeCustom sebanyak 1 Unit.Loudspeaker
Register : 13-04-2015 — Putus : 29-07-2015 — Upload : 28-11-2016
Putusan PN MEDAN Nomor 29/Pid.Sus.K/2015/PN Mdn
Tanggal 29 Juli 2015 — - Drs. NASRUL, M.Si
  • Musik Marawis merk local tipe Custom sebanyak 2setWorkstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8sebanyak 1pcRealtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak1pcVideo Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak1pcMonitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7OWBIAMPsebanyak 20prHeadphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak20unitHeadphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5pcKabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak,Steker Arde merk Canare Neutrik
    Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak,Steker Arde merk Canare Neutrik tipe Custom sebanyak1lotE. ALAT MUSIK TRADISIONAL DAN PERALATAN PENDUKUNGKESENIAN TRADISIONAL1.eZ.Alat Musik Karo merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 2setAlat Musik Simalungun (G 7 dan G2)Gondrang Sipitupitu,Gondrang Siduadua merk Lokal tine Custom sebanyak 2set3. Alat Msuik Mandailing merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1set4. Alat Musik Batak Toba merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 2set5.
    Edirol tine OPROQHRC sebanyak 30 PcKeyboard Stand Dua Susun merk Hercules tipe RS4108 sebanyak 1PcKeyboard Amplifier merk Roland tipe KC350 sebanyak 1 PcRack Peralatan Studio Recoring merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1unitPeredam Suara Ruangan Recording merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak1 lotVMixing Consul merk RSS V tipe Mixer M400 sebanyak 1 unitDigital Snake Cable merk RSS S tipe 1608 sebanyak 2 unitMixer FOH merk FBT jenis Formula 328 sebanyak 1 PcAanalog Snake 30 m Cable 40 Chanel merk Canare/Neutrik
    Marawis merk local tipe Custom sebanyak 2setWorkstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8 sebanyak 1pcRealtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pcVideo Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pcMonitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7OW BIAMPsebanyak 20prHeadphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak 20unitHeadphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5pcKabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak, Steker Ardemerk Canare Neutrik
Register : 13-04-2015 — Putus : 29-07-2015 — Upload : 29-11-2016
Putusan PN MEDAN Nomor 28/Pid.Sus.K/2015/PN Mdn
Tanggal 29 Juli 2015 — - SURANTO, ST., MT
  • Custom sebanyak 2set126.Workstation Keyboard merk Roland tipe Fantom G8sebanyak 1pc127.Realtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak1pc128.Video Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tine PR50sebanyak 1pc129.Monitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7OWBlLAMPsebanyak 20pr130.Headphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak20unit131.Headphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5pc132.Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak,Steker Arde merk Canare Neutrik
    Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak,Steker Arde merk Canare Neutrik tipe Custom sebanyakTlotb. ALAT MUSIK TRADISIONAL DAN PERALATAN PENDUKUNGKESENIAN TRADISIONAL1. Alat Musik Karo merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 2set2. Alat Musik Simalungun (G 7 dan G2)Gondrang Sipitupitu,Gondrang Siduadua merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 2set3. Alat Msuik Mandailing merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 1set4. Alat Musik Batak Toba merk Lokal tipe Custom sebanyak 2set5.
    Fantom G8sebanyak 1pc127.Realtime Video Presenter merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak1pc128.Video Mixer Multiformat merk Edirol tipe PR50sebanyak 1pcPage 369Putusan Pengadilan TIPIKORNo.28/Pid.Sus.K/2015/PN.Mdn129.Monitor Speaker Studiophile merk M Audio tipe 8X5a, 7OWBlLAMPsebanyak 20pr130.Headphone merk M Audio tipe Studiophile Q40 sebanyak20unit131.Headphone Ampli merk Samson tipe SAMSON S + AMP 4CHSASAMP sebanyak 5pc132.Kabel Listrik, Kabel Audio, Konektor, Jack, Stop Kontak,Steker Arde merk Canare Neutrik
Putus : 25-04-2013 — Upload : 24-09-2013
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 6/PID.SUS/2013/PT.BTN
Tanggal 25 April 2013 — EDWIN PERDANA ADIWIJAYA, SE., MM
  • Studio TV 378 PC Server 1 Unit Merk/Type : Costum 379 A/V mixer 1 Unit Merk/Type : Panasonic/AG MX70 380 Video Patch 1 Unit Merk/Type : Canaree/24 Video Patch 381 Video Audio Distribution Amplifier 1 Unit Merk/Type : Kramer/VM-10ARII 382 Audio Mixer 1 Unit Merk/Type : Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik NYPS-SPPL Audio Patching Spesifikasi : VASTLY SUPERIOR XDR2 MIC PREAMPS THREE KINDS OF
Putus : 25-04-2013 — Upload : 15-07-2013
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 5/PID.SUS/2013/PT.BTN
Tanggal 25 April 2013 — H. SUDENDI, SE., MM .
  • Studio TV 378 PC Server 1 Unit Merk/Type : Costum 379 A/V mixer 1 Unit Merk/Type : Panasonic/AG MX70 380 Video Patch 1 Unit Merk/Type : Canaree/24 Video Patch 381 Video Audio Distribution Amplifier 1 Unit Merk/Type : Kramer/VM-10ARII 382 Audio Mixer 1 Unit Merk/Type : Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik NYPS-SPPL Audio Patching Spesifikasi : VASTLY SUPERIOR XDR2 MIC PREAMPS THREE KINDS OF
Putus : 25-04-2013 — Upload : 15-07-2013
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 7/PID.SUS/2013/PT.BTN
Tanggal 25 April 2013 — REINHARD NAINGGOLAN.
  • Studio TV 378 PC Server 1 Unit Merk/Type : Costum 379 A/V mixer 1 Unit Merk/Type : Panasonic/AG MX70 380 Video Patch 1 Unit Merk/Type : Canaree/24 Video Patch 381 Video Audio Distribution Amplifier 1 Unit Merk/Type : Kramer/VM-10ARII 382 Audio Mixer 1 Unit Merk/Type : Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik NYPS-SPPL Audio Patching Spesifikasi : VASTLY SUPERIOR XDR2 MIC PREAMPS THREE KINDS OF CHANNEL STRIPS TWO UNIQUE
Putus : 12-09-2013 — Upload : 20-12-2013
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 13/PID.SUS/2013/PT.BTN
Tanggal 12 September 2013 — DUSEP SUHENDAR, SP .
  • Studio TV 378 PC Server 1 Unit Merk/Type : Costum 379 A/V mixer 1 Unit Merk/Type : Panasonic/AG MX70 380 Video Patch 1 Unit Merk/Type : Canaree/24 Video Patch 381 Video Audio Distribution Amplifier 1 Unit Merk/Type : Kramer/VM-10ARII 382 Audio Mixer 1 Unit Merk/Type : Mackie/VLZ1642 Neutrik NYPS-SPPL Audio Patching Spesifikasi : VASTLY SUPERIOR XDR2 MIC PREAMPS THREE KINDS OF CHANNEL