Ditemukan 598 data
48 — 29 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek toprotectindividuals especially against the exercise of public power.Taxation, on the other hand, is arguably the most visible, persistent andHalaman 120 dari 124 halaman. Putusan Nomor 642/B/PK/PJK/2016almost universal interference with ownership.
63 — 124 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek to protectindividualsespecially against the exercise of public power. Taxation, on the otherhand, is arguably the most visible, persistent and almost universalinterference with ownership. The right to protection, or peaceful enjoyment,of ones possessions is wellknown human right.
108 — 66
292 — 463 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek toprotectindividuals especially against the exercise of public power.Taxation, on the other hand, is arguably the most visible, persistent andalmost universal interference with ownership.
39 — 20 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek to protectindividualsespecially against the exercise of public power. Taxation, on the otherhand, is arguably the most visible, persistent and almost universalinterference with ownership. The right to protection, or peacefulenjoyment, of ones possessions is wellknown human right.
61 — 49 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Putusan Nomor 1236/B/PK/PJK/2015yang berlaku dewasa ini di berbagai negara di antaranya (OECDCommittee of Fiscal Affairs Forum on Tax Administration);The concept of protection of taxpayers' rights is a function of the broadernotion of human rights Human rights seek to protectindtvicualsespecially against the exercise of public power. Taxation, on the otherhand, is arguably the most visible, persistent and almost universalinterference with ownership.
49 — 33 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek to protectindividuals especially against the exercise of public power. Taxation,on the other hand, is arguably the most visible, persistent and almostuniversal interference with ownership. The right to protection, or peacefulHalaman 123 dari 127 halaman Putusan Nomor 1883/B/PK/PJK/2017enjoyment, of ones possessions is wellknown human right.
74 — 105 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek to protect individualsespecially against the exercise of public power. Taxation, on the otherhand, is arguably the most visible, persistent and almost universalinterference with ownership. The right to protection, or peaceful enjoyment,of one's possessions is wellknown human right.
50 — 24 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Halini juga didasari pada suatu pandangan hukum di bidang perpajakanyang berlaku dewasa ini di berbagai negara di antaranya (OECDCommittee of Fiscal Affairs Forum on Tax Administration) Theconcept of protection of taxpayers rights is a function of the broadernotion of human rights Human rights seek to protect individualsespecially against the exercise of public power. Taxation, on theother hand, is arguably the most visible, persistent and almost universalinterference with ownership.
62 — 34 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Hal ini juga didasari pada suatu pandanganhukum di bidang perpajakan yang berlaku dewasa ini di berbagainegara di antaranya (OECD Committee of Fiscal Affairs Forum onTax Administration);The concept of protection of taxpayers rights is a function of the broadernotion of human rights Human Rights seek to protectindividualsespeciatiy against the exercise of public power. Taxation, on the otherhand, is arguably the most visible, persistent and almost universalinterference with ownership.
40 — 19 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek toprotectindividuals especially against the exercise of public power.Taxation, on the other hand, is arguably the most visible, persistentHalaman 119 dari 123 halaman. Putusan Nomor 370/B/PK/PJK/2016and almost universal interference with ownership. The right toprotection, or peaceful enjoyment, of one's possessions is wellknownhuman right.
53 — 31 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Hal ini juga didasari pada suatu pandanganhukum di bidang perpajakan yang berlaku dewasa ini di berbagainegara di antaranya (OECD Committee of Fiscal Affairs Forum onTax Administration);The concept of protection of taxpayers rights is a function of thebroader notion of human rights Human Rights seek toprotectindividuals especiatiy against the exercise of public power.Taxation, on the other hand, is arguably the most visible, persistentand almost universal interference with ownership.
222 — 58 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek to protectindividualsespecially against the exercise of public power. Taxation, on the otherhand, is arguably the most visible, persistent and almost universalinterference with ownership.
225 — 78 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Hal ini juga didasari pada suatu pandanganhukum di bidang perpajakan yang berlaku dewasa ini di berbagai negara diantaranya (OECD Committee of Fiscal Affairs Forum on Tax Administration).The concept of protection of taxpayers rights is a function of the broader notionof human rights Human rights seek to protectindividuals especially againstthe exercise of public power. Taxation, on the other hand, is arguably the mostvisible, persistent and almost universal interference with ownership.
40 — 23 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek toprotectindividuals especially against the exercise of public power.Taxation, on the other hand, is arguably the most visible, persistent andalmost universal interference with ownership.
47 — 32 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek toprotectindividuals especially against the exercise of public power.Taxation, on the other hand, is arguably the most visible, persistent andalmost universal interference with ownership. The right to protection, orpeaceful enjoyment, of ones possessions is wellknown human right.Furthermore, taxation generally and tax administration in particular, providefertile ground for conflict between the exercise of public power, on the oneHalaman 139 dari 143 halaman.
102 — 42 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek toprotectindividuals especially against the exercise of public power.Taxation, on the other hand, is arguably the most visible, persistent andalmost universal interference with ownership.
66 — 65 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Halini juga didasari pada suatu pandangan hukum di bidang perpajakanyang berlaku dewasa ini di berbagai negara di antaranya (OECDCommittee of Fiscal Affairs Forum on Tax Administration).The concept of protection of taxpayers rights is a function of the broadernotion of human rights Human rights seek to protectindividualsespecially against the exercise of public power. Taxation, on the otherhand, is arguably the most visible, persistent and almost universalinterference with ownership.
53 — 33 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Human rights seek to protect individualsespecially against the exercise of public power. Taxation, on the otherhand, is arguably the most visible, persistent and almost universalinterference with ownership.
83 — 42 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Hal ini juga didasari pada suatu pandanganhukum dibidang perpajakan yang berlaku dewasa ini diberbagai negaradiantaranya (OECD Committee of Fiscal Affairs Forum on TaxAdministration);The concept of protection of taxpayers rights is a function of the broadernotion of human rights Human rights seek to protectindividualsespecially against the exercise of public power. Taxation, on the otherhand, is arguably the most visible, persistent and almost universalinterference with ownership.