Ditemukan 9775 data
14 — 2
Krsalin dan menjadikan pertinbangan sendiri atas pendapat ahli Hukum Islamyang tercantum dalam Kitab Madaa Hurriyatuz Zawaini fith Thalaaq Juz halaman 83;Led adh ter als Coes Hl Shall plat Cue SUbl) ali iy! Li!
62 — 25
Apabila salah satu syarat tidak terpenuhi,maka gugurlah hak hadanahnya itu;Menimbang, bahwa terhadap anak Penggugat dan Tergugat yangbernama Anak ke Il, perempuan, lahir tanggal 13 Februari 2010, dikaitkandengan bukti P.2 dan kesaksian kedua orang Saksi yang diajukan olehPenggugat di persidangan, sebagaimana tersebut dalam bagian tentang dudukperkara, maka hanya semata demi kemaslahatan serta untuk mengedepankanprinsip kepentingan terbaik bagi anak (the best interests of the child shall be aprimary
tuanya;Menimbang, bahwa oleh karena Penggugat telah ditetapbkan sebagaipemegang hak hadanah (pemeliharaan) terhadap anak Penggugat danTergugat yang bernama Anak ke II, perempuan, lahir tanggal 13 Februari 2010,sementara dengan perceraian ini antara Penggugat dan Tergugat tidakmungkin lagi akan hidup bersama dalam satu atap sebagai suami istri untukmengasuh anakanak a quo, maka demi kemaslahatan anakanak dan untukmengedepankan prinsip kepentingan terbaik bagi anak (the best interests of thechild shall
14 — 1
.,, halaman 15 dari19Wal Qanun halaman 100 yangdiambil alin sebagai pendapat Majelis Hakimsebagai berikut:Cpa lie Cus Eladal 8 SY 9 EI GUAM ae aeidy daa g jl Shall GU...Cee gl ete Cty Asa g iN AB Shall gt Gh uN Cpe GLE Ug Sg) pala G15 Ne ila) GS Lagag..,Sesungguhnya kehidupan suami istn tidak akan tegak denganadanya perpecahan dan pertentangan dan tidak ada kebaikannyamengumpulkan dua orang yang saling membenci.
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merupakanperbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudah tidak salingmencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan saling membencisebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut, makaperceraian dibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantum dalamKitab Figih Sunnah Juz II halaman 248 :Mee E95) Slyadal cae al) all all Gye Gul Gy) Ag Gl Qi dle BLY) Gadosty Ugaldal oi igaes gl Ugg : he jLagitie) Gas 5 dill alga dae EUbiun Y yl walSAS 13 ell gi Soll Cpa Shall
57 — 31 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
perjanjian/kontrak jasa pengeboran dengan Total dimanaTermohon Peninjauan Kembali semula Pemohon Banding memberikanjasa pengeboran kepada Total ; Bahwa Termohon Peninjauan Kembali semula Pemohon Banding jugamengadakan perjanjian/kontrak (Bareboat Charter Agreement) denganGSFIS untuk menyewa peralatan berupa rig yang dimiliki GSFIS yaituRig Parameswara dan Rig 136 serta peralatan lain yang terkait denganoperasional rig tersebut ; Bahwa Bareboat Charter Agreement menyebutkan :Angka 6"The Charteter shall
This shall include, butshall not be limited to proper manning, maintenance, insurance,victualling, fuel, supplies, port charges, canal dues and pilotages" ;e Bahwa Termohon Peninjauan Kembali semula Pemohon Banding dan GSFISselain mengikat kontrak Bareboat Charter juga mengikat kontrak TechnicalService & Operation Agreement ;10.
perjanjian/kontrak jasa pengeboran dengan Total dimanaTermohon Peninjauan Kembali semula Pemohon Banding memberikan jasapengeboran kepada Total ;e Bahwa Termohon Peninjauan Kembali semula Pemohon Banding jugamengadakan perjanjian/kontrak (Bareboat Charter Agreement) denganGSFIS untuk menyewa peralatan berupa rig yang dimiliki GSFIS yaitu RigParameswara dan Rig 136 serta peralatan lain yang terkait denganoperasional rig tersebut ;e Bahwa Bareboat Charter Agreement menyebutkan :Angka 6"The Charteter shall
This shall include, butshall not be limited to proper manning, maintenance, insurance,victualling, fuel, supplies, port charges, canal dues and pilotages" ; Bahwa Termohon Peninjauan Kembali semula Pemohon Banding danGSFIS selain mengikat kontrak Bareboat Charter juga mengikat kontrakTechnical Service & Operation Agreement ;10.
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Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience andreligion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religionor belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in communitywith others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief inworship, observance, practice and teaching.2. No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom tohave or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.3.
The steps to be taken by a State Party to the present Covenant toachieve the full realization of this right shall include technical andvocational guidance and training programmes, policies andtechniques to achieve steady economic, social and culturaldevelopment and full and productive employment under conditionssafeguarding fundamental political and economic freedoms to theindividual.6.
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lebih ringan sebagaimana terdapat dalam kitab a/Asybah wa anNazhairyang selanjutnya diambil alih sebagai pendapat Majelis Hakim dalam memutusperkara ini sebagai berikut:Lag) GIS LI ada Legals) (6.9) Glituds Qa jbo 141Artinya: Apabila terjadi dua mudharat harus diambil mudharat yang lebihringan.Menimbang, bahwa Majelis Hakim perlu mengambil alin pendapat Dr.Musthafa As Sibai dalam Kitab Al Marah bainal Figh wal Qanun halaman 100sebagai berikut :Anh Gl we Ge alld Lae EI Gilly Glas ae aia Asa 5 5il shall
oliEl all Nae Gilul GSs Lege y Qyatablile Gu Elotal Cd AY s agS sly YMCal Cans leds Gn Aang 5 AE Shall ce Go) gk ye Ald Lgl gl GIS plaJ) SY!
39 — 22 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
disetorkan telahdiakui oleh Bank dan Surat Setoran Pajak juga merupakan Faktur PajakStandar, maka seharusnya Surat Setoran Pajak tersebut adalah sah danvalid untuk bisa dikreditkan sebagai Pajak Masukan di dalam SPT MasaPajak Pertambahan Nilai Pemohon Banding;bahwa perlu Pemohon Banding jelaskan bahwa berdasarkan Section 2dari "Offshore Operation and Technical Assistance Agreement" antaraPemohon Banding dengan Mitsubishi Materials Corporation ("MMC")tertanggal 11 Desember 1996 disebutkan bahwa:eee MMC shall
MMC's services shall beperformed in Japan or elsewhere outside of the Republic Indonesia;bahwa berdasarkan Section 4 dari Agreement tersebut dinyatakanbahwa:.MMC shall send to PT Smelting an invoice for any of the followingincurred in the prior month.. a) the support fee, b) expenses that arereimbursable by PT Smelting to MMC pursuant to this agreement,Halaman 5 dari 23 halaman.
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Noone shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No oneshall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and inaccordance with such procedure as are established by law.2. Anyone who is arrested shall be informed, at the time of arrest,of the reasons for his arrest and shall be promptly informed ofany charges against him.3.
Anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall bebrought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized bylaw to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trialwithin a reasonable time or to release. It shall not be thegeneral rule that persons awaiting trial shall be detained incustody, but release may be subject to guarantees to appearfor trial, at any other stage of the judicial proceedings, and,should occasion arise, for execution of the judgement.4.
Anyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest ordetention shall be entitled to take proceedings before a court,in order that that court may decide without delay on thelawulness of his detention and order his release if thedetention is not lawul.5.
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disetorkan telah diakuioleh Bank dan Surat Setoran Pajak juga merupakan Faktur Pajak Standar, makaseharusnya Surat Setoran Pajak tersebut adalah sah dan valid untuk bisadikreditkan sebagai Pajak Masukan di dalam SPT Masa Pajak PertambahanNilai Pemohon Banding;Bahwa perlu Pemohon Banding jelaskan bahwa berdasarkan Section 2 dari"Offshore Operation and Technical Assistance Agreement" antara PemohonBanding dengan Mitsubishi Materials Corporation ("MMC") tertanggal 11Desember 1996 disebutkan bahwa:ve MMC shall
MMC's services shall beperformed in Japan or elsewhere outside of the Republic Indonesia;Bahwa berdasarkan Section 4 dari Agreement tersebut dinyatakan bahwa:MMC shall send to PT Smelting an invoice for any of the following incurredin the prior month.. a) the support fee, b) expenses that are reimbursable by PTSmelting to MMC pursuant to this agreement ;Bahwa dalam rangka pemberian jasa di bidang hukum sebagaimana disebutkandi dalam section 2 tersebut di atas, MMC menggunakan jasa dari konsultanhukum
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Didalam dokumen tersebut, target knock out event dikatakanmempunyai pengertian sebagai berikut:"Target Knock out event: Target Knockout Event shall occur ifthe Calculation Agent determines that the Accumulated IntrinsicValue is greater than or equal to the Target Value" yangterjemahan bebasnya adalah :"Kejadian tercapainya sasaran knock out': Kejadiantercapainya sasaran knock out akan terjadi apabila CalculationAgent menentukan bahwa Nilai Intrinsik Akumulatif adalah samaatau lebih dari nilai sasaran
If such rate isunavailable on the Reuters Screen ABSIRFIX01 Page, theCalculation Agent shall determine the Expiry Reference Rate ingood faith and in a commercially reasonable manner", yangteriemahan bebasnya adalah : Nilai Forward adalah "9.500(disebutkan sebagai jumlah dalam Rupiah untuk satu DolarAmerika Serikat", sedangkan "nilai referensi tanggal jatuhtempo" didefinisikan sebagai "sehubungan dengan suatuTransaksi Valuta Asing, Nilai Spot USD/IDR pada jam 11 pagiwaktu Singapura (yang ditampilkan
supplement form a part of, and be subject to,an agreement in such form of the 2002 ISDA Master Agreementas if Party A and Party B execute an agreement in such form (butwthout any Schedule except for the followng elections : (a)English Law shall be the governing law, (b) United States Dolarsshall be the Termination Currency, and (c) the Cross Defaultprovisions of Section 5 (a) shall apply to both parties and theThreshold Amount with respect to each party shall be threepercent (3%) of such party's
If suchrate is unavailable on the Reuters Screen ABSIRFIX01 Page, thecalculation agent shall determine the expiry reference rate in goodfaith and ina commercially reasonable manner,Yang terjemahan bebasnya adalah:Nilai Forward adalah "9.500 (disebutkan sebagai jumlah dalamRupiah untuk satu) Dolar Amerika Serikat", sedangkan "Nilaireferensi tanggal jatuh tempo" didefinisikan sebagai "Sehubungandengan suatu transaksi valuta asing, nilai soot USD/IDR pada jam 11pagi waktu Singapura (yang ditampilkan
any schedule except for thefollowng elections : (a) English Law shall be the governing law, (b)United States Dolars shall be the Termination currency, and (c) thecross default provisions of section 5 (a) shall apply o both parties andthe threshold amount wth respect to each party shall be threepercent (3%) of such party's networth (as disclosed in the mostrecent audited financial statements of such party) or it's equivalent inany currency) on the trade date of the first such transaction betweenParty
31 — 18
halaman 115 yang diambil alih sebagai pendapat sendiri olehMajelis hakim manyatakan:ct Ys aeSsley oY SY) Aut all joe Ge lla (8 bolas EN jally GLEAN ae ALY dans 5M shall gliAse 5M AS Mall eit Gh esl Gye alld Ledlig) GIS Lubes G1 all hs Gilasl OS Legey Gaels Gus g Leta!
154 — 44
Berdasarkan ATTACHMENT A: OPERATIONAL CERTIFICATIONPROCEDURES FOR THE RULES OF ORIGIN OF THE ASEANCHINA FREETRADE AREA pada Rule 6 butir (a) dinyatakan "The Government authoritiesdesignated to issue the Certificate of Origin shall, to the best of their competenceand ability, carry out proper examination upon each application for the Certificateof Origin to ensure that:a. The application and the Certificate of Origin are duly completed and signedby the authorised signatory;b.
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PSC antara laindinyatakan:"The cost accruing therefrom shall be included in operating costsrecoverable as provided in section VI.
General and administrative costs, other than direct charges, allocable tothis operation should be determined by a detailed study, and the methoddetermined by such study shall be applied each year consistently.
Themethod selected must be approved by PERTAMINA, and suchapproval can be reviewed peridacly by PERTAMINA and CNW'";"The Last sentence of Article 3.3 of Exibit D the PSC is amended to be:"The Direct and indirect costs incurred by PHE OGAN KOMERING asOperator and TALISMAN in so providing assistance to Operator shall becharged to the Joint Account and sahall be Included in operating costs";Surat Direktur Utama Pertamina Nomor 947/C.0000/81 tanggal 5 JuniTahun 1981, antara lain dinyatakan:"berdasarkan
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ARTHAGRAHA GENERAL INSURANCE, as representative of thecoinsurance shall attend to all matters connected with this coinsuranceincluding processing of claims and premium collection but claimspayment is handled by each coinsurer independently;c. Any agreement of decision which may be made between the assured andPT. ARTHAGRAHA GENERAL INSURANCE in connection with this coinsurance shall be final and binding upon all other coinsurers;d. Any notice which may be given by the assured to PT.
ARTHAGRAHAGENERAL INSURANCE in writing or otherwise shall be deemed as givento all other coinsurers as well ;Hal. 13 dari 20 hal. Put.
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merupakan Faktur PajakStandar, maka seharusnya Surat Setoran Pajak tersebut adalah sah danvalid untuk bisa dikreditkan sebagai Pajak Masukan di dalam SPT MasaPajak Pertambahan Nilai Pemohon Banding;Bahwa perlu Pemohon Banding jelaskan bahwa berdasarkan Section 2dari "Offshore Operation and Technical Assistance Agreement" antaraPemohon Banding dengan Mitsubishi Materials Corporation ("MMC")tertanggal 11 Desember 1996 disebutkan bahwa:Halaman 5 dari 23 Halaman Putusan Nomor 612 /B/PK/PJK/2014veveee MMC shall
MMC's services shall beperformed in Japan or elsewhere outside of the Republic Indonesia,Bahwa berdasarkan Section 4 dari Agreement tersebut dinyatakanbahwa:.MMC shall send to PT Smelting an invoice for any of the followingincurred in the prior month.. a) the support fee, b) expenses that arereimbursable by PT Smelting to MMC pursuant to this agreement,Bahwa dalam rangka pemberian jasa di bidang hukum sebagaimanadisebutkan didalam section 2 tersebut di atas, MMC menggunakan jasadari konsultan hukum
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HikmahantoJuwana, SH, LL.M, Ph.D sebagai berikut:1) Bahwa di dalam huruf a article 92 Konvensi Chicago1944, disebutkan this convention shall be open foradherence by members of the united nations and stateswith then, and states which remained neutral during thepresent world conflict kemudian di huruf b disebutkanadherence shall be effected by a notification addressedto the government of the United States of America andshall take effect as from the thirtieth day from the receiptof the notification
by the government of the United Statesof America, which shall notify all the contracting states.Negara Republik Indonesia melalui Kedutaan RepublikIndonesia Serikat untuk Amerika Serikat telahmengirimkan notifikasi tanggal 26 April 1950 dan telahditerima pemerintah Amerika Serikat tanggal 27 April1950, sehingga sesuai ketentuan article 92 maka NegaraRepublik Indonesia telah menjadi anggota ICAO danketentuanketentuan yang terdapat di dalam KonvensiChicago 1944 beserta annexesnya mengikat NegaraRepublik
Article 24 (a)) that fuel and lubricating oils onboard an aircraft of a Contracting State on arrival in theterritory of another Contracting State and retained onboard on leaving the territory of that State shall beexempt from customs duty, inspection fees or similarnational or local duties and charges.
Putusan Nomor 1133/B/PK/PJK/2014negara anggota yang melintasi yurisdiksi negara anggotalainnya.Bahwa dalam angka 2 huruf a, Council Resolution OnTaxation Of Internasional Air Transport disebutkan Withrespect to the taxation of income of internasional airtransport enterprises and taxation of aircraft and othermoveable property, each Contracting State shall, to thefullest possible extent, grant reciprocally, kemudian diangka 3 disebutkan With respect to taxes on the sale anduse of internasional air
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Ltd (the "Charterers") of each and every obligation ofhalaman 3 dari 25 lembar Putusan No.439/Pdt.G/201 1/PN.Jkt.Sel.the Charterers of whatsoever nature under or in connection with the abovereferenced charterpatty (the "Charterparty") and should any breach thereof occur,we hereby undertake to indemnify you immediately upon demand without deductionfor all losses, expenses and liabilities of whatsoever nature that you may suffer orincur by reason of that breach.Our liability under this guarantee shall
Further, ourobligation hereunder is unlimited and shall not be affected by any insolvency(including without limitation, winding up, administration, receivership oradministrative receivership), amalgamation, reconstruction, change of name,ownership, control or status of, or any legal limitation relating to, by or of theCharterers or any other person, and we shall not be discharged or released from ourobligations hereunder by any arrangement or agreement made between you and theCharterers or a receiver
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Representative hereby accepts such appointment andaggress that in sale of the Products it shall alt all times carry out actionsthat, promote and maintain the excellence and quality of, and to preservegoodwill which is now associated with, the name and reputation ofWeatherford ...Terjemahan :1.1 Hakhak Khusus/Eksklusif.
If the Company terminates yourassignment with immediate release, you shall take during the notice periodany vacation leave, which you are entitled. The notice period and anyvacation leave shall run concurrently. My notice is required if you areterminated by Company for violation of Companys policies and procedure.(vide Bukti T5)Terjemahan :13.
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,Ltd (MJAP)shall assist and render to PT Meiwa Kogyo Indonesia (M/ND) the followingservice;1. To assist the Production knowhow of the Buffing and the other Productswith proper technology,Halaman 2 dari 26 halaman. Putusan Nomor 825/B/PK/PJK/20172. To assist the other matters which MIND desires, concern thatPRODUCTS,Bahwa informasi yang disampaikan berkenaan dengan /ayout pabrik (settingline produksi, pengaturan/penempatan mesin/peralatan) dan teknik prosesproduksi M/ND.
Meiwa Nomor 001.2005 Article J Service diketahui:1) Meiwa Industry Co.Ltd shall assist and render to PT MeiwaKogyo Indonesia the following service production know how ofthe buffing and the others products with proper technology andto assist the other matters which PT Meiwa Kogyo Indonesiadesires, concern that products;2) PT Meiwa Kogyo Indonesia (Termohon Peninjauan Kembali(semula Pemohon Banding)) shall pay to Meiwa Industry Co.Ltd as a royalty for the technical assisteance and know how tobe rendered