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Urut Berdasarkan
Register : 14-10-2010 — Putus : 23-02-2011 — Upload : 04-06-2012
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 4117/Pdt.G/2010/PA.Jr
Tanggal 23 Februari 2011 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • Islam perceraian merupakanperbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudah tidak salingmencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan saling membencisebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut, maka perceraiandibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantum dalam Kitab FigihSunnah Juz II halaman 248 :CIM hyde Cea) VN he RIN cal Cpe Gull Gy) dag Gt Gi: dlls slay) Gadsg) lesen oh Leet hie jLagitial Cus Spill alga dae Elbit Y Il pel yysi Ga Shall
Register : 11-04-2012 — Putus : 16-05-2012 — Upload : 15-06-2012
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 1853/Pdt.G/2012/PA.Jr
Tanggal 16 Mei 2012 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • ajaran Islam perceraian merupakanperbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudah tidak salingmencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan saling membencisebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut, maka perceraiandibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantum dalam Kitab FigihSunnah Juz II halaman 248 :CIM hyde Cea) 1) hy SIN ala Cpe Galt Gy) dag GM Gi: dlls play) Gadoleae oh Lee: fie jLagitial Gay Spill alga dee Elbit Y Il pel yyAsi Ga Shall
Register : 07-07-2021 — Putus : 09-08-2021 — Upload : 09-08-2021
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 3212/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Jr
Tanggal 9 Agustus 2021 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • perceraianmerupakan perbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudahtidak saling mencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan salingmembenci sebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut,maka perceraian dibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantumdalam Kitab Figih Sunnah Juz II halaman 248 :le gsi ie) Gear 1) Go Dalal Ge GU Gi eg ols GI GLY Gadsly Ugh) gl gues gl lgy ua: ia ,Lagltial Quy Bpdall alga dno Ubioy Y 1) ualih 1b eal gl Jill Goa Shall
Register : 07-10-2020 — Putus : 26-10-2020 — Upload : 26-10-2020
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 4971/Pdt.G/2020/PA.Jr
Tanggal 26 Oktober 2020 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • perceraianmerupakan perbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudahtidak saling mencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan salingmembenci sebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut,maka perceraian dibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantumdalam Kitab Figih Sunnah Juz II halaman 248 :le gsi ie) Gear 1) Go Dalal Ge GU Gi eg ols GI GLY Gadsly Ugh) gl gues gl lgy ua: ia ,Lagltial Quy Bpdall alga dno Ubioy Y 1) ualih 1b eal gl Jill Goa Shall
Register : 03-05-2017 — Putus : 31-05-2017 — Upload : 12-06-2017
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 2156/Pdt.G/2017/PA.Jr
Tanggal 31 Mei 2017 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • CAG IM Jadll gl Lglll Ga Shall (gle Lal ys) o) gla Y wall tL! Elst Ge E53alga Ama GUY Las sl) GUS 9 coi cil te!
Register : 24-09-2020 — Putus : 14-10-2020 — Upload : 14-10-2020
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 4755/Pdt.G/2020/PA.Jr
Tanggal 14 Oktober 2020 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • perceraianmerupakan perbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudahtidak saling mencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan salingmembenci sebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut,maka perceraian dibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantumdalam Kitab Figih Sunnah Juz II halaman 248 :le gsi ie) Gear 1) Go Dalal Ge GU Gi eg ols GI GLY Gadsly Ugh) gl gues gl lgy ua: ia ,Lagltial Quy Bpdall alga dno Ubioy Y 1) ualih 1b eal gl Jill Goa Shall
Register : 30-05-2018 — Putus : 02-07-2018 — Upload : 12-08-2018
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 2771/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Jr
Tanggal 2 Juli 2018 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • GadGA Ge gd cha ea al oh lye aw gl leaner: She Legal Cy gba Ml algs den clbiw 2 Eg2 OW cad balges ig FINE dad Mol doh Nye Shall te las! gl alba Y Gill ela YIJae og lial Cy a Ryda M alga dae gle oY Les old YI OS 5 795M GLa!
Register : 27-09-2018 — Putus : 23-10-2018 — Upload : 23-10-2018
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 5034/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Jr
Tanggal 23 Oktober 2018 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • Cd IE Gall gi J gill Gye Shall ple Ugal Sg) Glas Y Gill cIAN Elsi on E53alga Axe GUaY Les SIN! OLS 9 95 Calyic! oh Aa gj Ade celal) cal Lal goaAil Aah (gil Lagi Coeyl) Cs alll Jac 5 git) Gy bielhal. 6 dari 9 hal.
Register : 10-01-2017 — Putus : 13-03-2017 — Upload : 18-04-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 187 B/PK/PJK/2017
6039 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Pasal 11 (Pemasaran) angka 4 KontrakKarya; au In the event that sales are made or contracted to bemade to AfYviliates, the prices to be paid therevor, tothe extent they, affect any amounts payable to theGovernment pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,shall comply with the provisions of Article 13 and, tsthe extent applicable, of Annex "F" to this Agreement.The Company shall submit to the Government any proposedcontract of .sale to an Attiliate for approval ascomplying with the foregoing provisions
    If it does so,and the Government either so approves the contract orfails to respond, within three months of such submission,the contract shall be deemed tor purposes hereof to. comply with the foregoing. provisions.
    In any event sales. commitments with Affiliates shall be mad2 only at pricesbased on or equivalent to arms length: sales and inaccordance with such terms and conditions at which suchagreement would be made if the parties. had not, beenAttiliates, with due allowance for normal selling Kentuan ini jelas mengatur bahwa setiapperjanjian penjualan dengan afiliasi hanyadilaksanakan berdasarkan pada harga atausama dengan penjualan arm's length sales"dan sesuai dengan persyaratanpersyaratandan kondisikondisi
    In any event sales.commitments with Affiliates shall be made only at pricesbased on or equivalent to arm's length sales and in" accordance with such terms and conditions at which suchagreement would be made if the parties. had not, beenAffiliates, with due allowance for normal selling Pasal 11 butir 2 Kontrak KaryaThe Company shall sell the Preducts in accordance with.generally accepted international business practices, anduse its best efforts to do so at prices and on terms otsale which will maximize
    by the Farties, the priceef such Products shall be determined on the basis of 4formula price which is"generally employed in the sale otcemparable products among unrelated parties.
Register : 10-01-2017 — Putus : 09-03-2017 — Upload : 18-04-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 180 B/PK/PJK/2017
6941 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Pasal 11 (Pemasaran) angka 4 Kontrak Karya AaIn the event that sales are made or contracted to bemade to Affiliates, the prices to be paid therefor, tothe extent they. affect any amounts payable to theGovernment pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,shall comply with the provisions of Article 13 and, tothe extent applicable, of Annex F" to this Agreement.The Company shall submit to the Government any proposedcontract ot sale to an Aftiliate for approval ascomplying with the foregoing provisions
    If it does so,and the Government either so approves the contract orfails to respond within three months of such submission,the contract ~ shall be deemed for purposes herect tocomply with the foregoing provisions.
    In any event salesCommitments with Affiliates shall be made only at pricesbased on or equivalent to arms length: sales and accordance with such terms and conditions at which suchagreement would be made if the parties. had not beenAffiliates, with due allowance tor normal selling Kentuan ini jelas mengatur bahwa setiapperjanjian penjualan dengan afiliasi hanyadilaksanakan berdasarkan pada harga atausama dengan penjualan "arm's length sales"dan sesuai dengan persyaratanpersyaratandan kondisikondisi
    In any event sales.commitments with Affiliates shall be made only at pricesbased on or equivalent to arm's length sales and in' accordance with such terms and conditions at which suchagreement would be made if the parties: had not beenAffiliates, with due allowance for normal selling Pasal 11 butir 2 Kontrak Karya; The Company shall sell the Products in accordance with.generally accepted international business practices, anduse its best efforts to do so at prices and on terms ofsale which will maximize
    by the FParties, the priceef such Products shall be determined on the basis of atormula price whichis" generally employed in the sale ofcomparable products among unrelated parties. , Pernyataan Termohon Peninjauan Kembali;Perlu kami sampaikan bahwa di dalam RisalahPembahasan hasil pemeriksaan, Tim Pemeriksatelah mengakui bahwa term of payment yangdisepakati dalam Concentrate Sales Agreement(CSA) adalah date after arrival; hal ini menunjukkanbahwa term of payment atas penjualan kepadaAfiliasi dan
Register : 22-12-2016 — Putus : 18-09-2017 — Upload : 18-10-2017
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 900/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel
Tanggal 18 September 2017 — PT. BALFOUR BEATTY SAKTI INDONESIA, berkedudukan di Jakarta, beralamat di Jl. R.C. Veteran No 4, Bintaro, Jakarta 12330, dalam hal ini memberi kuasa kepada Tabrani Abby, SH., M.Hum., C.L.A., Irsan Pardosi., S.H., M.H., Arie Wirahadikusuma, S.H., LL.M dan Laris Panjaitan, S.H., M.H, para Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum masing-masing dari MR & Partners Law Office, berkedudukan di Jakarta, beralamat di Grand Wijaya Centre Blok B No. 8-9, Jl. Wijaya II, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, dalam hal ini memilih kedudukan dan domisili di kantor MR & Partners Law Office tersebut di atas, berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus Nomor: 163/MRP-BBSI/SK/XI/2016 tanggal 8 November 2016, untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai “PENGGUGAT”.
  • SubKontraktor/TURUT TERGUGATbertanggungjawab terhadap kegagalan dalam melaksanakanpekerjaannya;d) Angka 4 Commencement and Completion Surat Perintah Kerja Letter of Award tanggal 1 Januari 2014, selengkapnya sebagaiberikut: The Commencement Date shall be 1 January 2014.The Time for Completion for the Sub Contractor Works, shall betwelve (12) months counted from the Commencement Date, thatis, the completion date is 1 January 2015.Terjemahan bebasnya:Perjanjian mulai berlaku sejak tanggal 1 Januari
    Putusan No.900/Pdt.G /2016/PN.Jkt.SelTERTANGGUNG/OWNER/PENGGUGAT menyampaikan suratpemberitahuan yang menyatakan adanya kegagalan pelaksanaanPekerjaan (notice default) kepada PENANGGUNG/SURETY/TERGUGAT sebagaimana hal ini dinyatakan dalam Paragraf ke5 (lima)surat Advance Payment Bond dan Paragraf ke2 (dua) surat PerformanceBond dengan kalimat sebagai berikut, yaitu:Paragraf ke5 Advance Payment Bond:This Advance Payment Bond shall be unconditional and payable on first writtendemand by the Owner specifying
    Putusan No.900/Pdt.G /2016/PN.Jkt.SelParagraf ke8 Performance Bond;With reference to section 1832 of Civil Law (Kitab UndangUndang HukumPerdata), the surety shall relinquish the special right of claim on assetsbelonging to the Contractor and or the seizure and sale of such assets fordischarge of his debts as required in section 1831 of the Civil Law.Terjemahan bebas:Merujuk pada Pasal 1832 Kitab UndangUndang Hukum Perdata, Penjaminakan melepaskan hak istimewa untuk menuntut harta benda milik Kontraktor
    The AdvancePayment shall be repaid through the deductions in payment certificate.Terjemahan bebasnya:Uang muka sebesar 15% dari Nilai SubKontrak yang disepakati, yang samajumlahnya dengan Advance Payment Bond yang disepakati dalam jumlah yangekuivalen. Advance Payment akan dilunasi melalui pengurangan dari paymentcertificate.34.
    Putusan No.900/Pat.G /2016/PN.Jkt.Sel38.Bahwa surat Advance Payment Bond menyatakan pembayaran ataupencairan uang muka/advance payment bersifat tidak bersyarat(unconditional and payable) dan mudah dicairkan atas permintaanpertama kali PENGGUGAT (Owner) sebagaimana diuraikan padaParagraf ke5 Advance Payment Bond yang berbunyi sebagai berikut:This Advance Payment Bond shall be unconditional and payable on firstwritten demand by the Owner specifying the Contractor because on this owndefaults has failed
Register : 16-03-2021 — Putus : 06-04-2021 — Upload : 06-04-2021
Putusan PT SAMARINDA Nomor 46/PDT/2021/PT SMR
Tanggal 6 April 2021 — Pembanding/Penggugat : PT. PARAS MEGAH UTAMA
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT. BANK MANDIRI Persero Tbk cq. PT. BANK MANDIRI Persero Tbk. Commercial Banking Balikpapan
  • akan diklaim oleh PT PHMselaku Beneficiary/Obligee;Bahwa atas surat tersebut, Tergugat mengirimkan surat NomorCM1.BLP/1344/2019 tanggal 27 November 2019 yang pada intinyamenyatakan bahwa Tergugat tidak dapat mengabulkan permohonanPenggugat untuk tidak mencairkan Performance Bond apabila PT PHMmengajukan klaim karena Performance Bond tersebut bersifatunconditional sebagaimana tertuang pada poin 5 Warkat Bank Garansi,yang berbunyi sebagai berikut:Upon receipt of such demand from the OBLIGEE which shall
    indicatethe default or breach of the CONTRACT by the GUARANTEEDPARTY as formally notified to the GUARANTEED PARTY pursuant tothe provisions of the CONTRACT, the GUARANTOR shall undertaketo make payment on the first demand and such payment shall be madeunconditionally without recourse and notwithstanding any objection fromthe GUARANTEED PARTY.
    ;GUARANTOR shall pay in full amount of money stipulated underarticle 1 of this Performance Bond as demanded by OBLEGEEhereunder within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of receipt ofOBLEGEEs demand.
Upload : 11-01-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 64 K/PDT.SUS/2010
429338 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • until 15 June2009, and thereafter at the rate of 6% per annum, compoundedevery 90 days over the principal amounts awarded under DecisionsNos. 6,7,8,9 and 10 above.(12) NOTES that SIAC has determined the arbitration costs for theproceedings at S$ 402,134.84, which amount has been drawn fromthe advances on costs made by BUI.(13) DETERMINES that the legal and other costs of BUI amount to US$883,282.17 and DETERMINES that these costs are not subject totaxation by the SIAC Registrar.(14) ORDERS that BRN shall
    have to pay 100% of BUI legal and othercosts, i.e., US$ 883,282.17 and that BRN shall reimburse BUI100% of the arbitration costs, being S$ 402, 134.84.(15) ORDERS that BRN shall have to bear 100% of its own legal andother costs as well as 100% of the costs of arbitration.(16) ORDERS BRN to pay BUI the above amounts owning within 30days of the date of the present Final Arward.(17) REJECTS all other relief sought.Yang dalam Bahasa Indonesia dapat diterjemahkan (Bukti P4a),sebagai berikut :(1) MENYATAKAN
    NTC tersebut (Bukti P9), bahwa : "Toapprove that in relation to the entering into of the CooperationAgreement between the Company and BRN, BRN is entitled toauthorize/delegate another party to operate and conduct mining activitiesin all or a part of BRN's Mining Areas and BRN shall ensure that suchauthorization/delegation is in accordance with the terms of theCompany's CCOW and the Cooperation Agreement".Hal. 12 dari 39 hal. Put.
Putus : 17-10-2012 — Upload : 08-09-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 155 B/PK/PJK/2011
108118 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • (The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall be taxableonly in that Contracting State unless the enterprise carries on business in theContracting State through a permanent establishment situated therein ;If the enterprise carries on business as aforesaid, the profits of the enterprisemay be taxed in that other Contracting State but only so much of them as isattributable, to that permanent establishment);Halaman 7 dari 31 halaman Putusan Nomor 155/B/PK/PJK/2011Bahwa selain Tax Treaty
    Bahwa article 7 ayat 1 Agreement Between The Republic of Indonesia and TheRepublic of Singapore For The Avoidance of Double Taxation And ThePrevention of Fiscal Evasion With Respect to Taxes on Income (P3B)menyebutkan "the profits.of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall be taxableonly in that State unless the enterprise carries on business in the otherContracting State through a permanent establishment situated therein.
    Bahwa article 7 ayat 1 Agreement Between Japan and The Republic of IndonesiaFor The Avoidance of Double Taxation And The Prevention of Fiscal EvasionWith Respect to Taxes on Income (P3B) menyebutkan 'The profits of anenterprise of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in that Contracting Stateunless the enterprise carries on business in the other Contracting State througha permanent establishment situated therein.
Putus : 13-11-2013 — Upload : 16-06-2015
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2118 K/Pdt/2012
Tanggal 13 Nopember 2013 — WELLINGTON UNDERWRITING AGENCIES LIMITED, dan kawan-kawan Melawan UD. GUNUNG SEWU, dan kawan Dan INDUK KOPERASI UNIT DESA (INKUD), dan kawan-kawan
10065 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Akta Gadai 10 November 2004,berbunyi sebagai berikut:"The Pledgor agrees that the Documents shall be deposited with the Bank or such otherperson as the Bank may nominate, and that the Goods shall be delivered into thepossession of the Bank.
    Pasal 2 Deed ofAssignment of Contracts and Contract Proceeds (""Akta Pengalihan") vide bukti P.Int.5,maka Hak Kepemilikan Atas Seluruh Gula Telah Pula Dialihkan kepada StandardChartered Bank Selama Harga Gula Belum Dilunasi;Pasal 1.13 Perjanjian Importasi Gula, berbunyi sebagai berikut:"Phoenix and/or its Bankers shall retain 100 persen ownership of all the imported goodsat all points of time unless fully paid for";Terjemahan resminya:"Phoenix dan/atau bankbanknya memiliki 100 persen kepemilikan
    from the Bank by tested telex or authenticated facsimile signed by authorizedsignatories of the Bank stating the quantity of the Goods to be released, the person orcompany to whom the Goods shall be released and the date and manner of such release,and Sucofindo shall disregard alternative or contradictory instructions from theDepositor and/or the Borrower or any other party to Sucofindo";Terjemahan resminya:"Sucofindo tidak mengijinkan pelepasan barang apa pun kecuali Sucofindo telahmenerima instruksi
    If such person is not designatedwithin sixty (60) days of the date of termination of this Agreement, Sucofindo may sellthe Goods and the proceeds shall be paid to the Bank after deducting all fees, charges,taxes and any other amounts owed to Sucofindo under this Agreement.
    During thisperiod of holdover, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall govern therelationship between the Parties".Terjemahan resminya:"Dalam hal pengakhiran oleh suatu pihak sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 10.1,Sucofindo harus terus memegang barang sampai Bank memberitahukan kepadaSucofindo kepada siapa Sucofindo harus mengirimkan barang tersebut.
Register : 01-08-2017 — Putus : 15-08-2018 — Upload : 18-10-2018
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 478/Pdt.G/2017/PN.Jkt.Sel
  • Fiber T4021.7dx51mmA A1 250,000 Kgs US$ 0.95/kg Feb16 Payment : 30 Days after goods deliveryGeneral ProvisionAny dispute arising out in relating to this order shall be settled first bymutual understanding if this not possible the matter shall be submitted tothe Jakarta Court.Diterjemahkan menjadi : PERJANJIAN PENJUALAN Hal. 5 Putusan No. 478/Pdt.G/2017/PN.Jkt.Sel.12.Kami, P.T.
    Fiber T4021.7dx51mmA A1 192,500 Kgs US$ 0.9600/kg Mar16 Payment : 30 Days after goods deliveryGeneral ProvisionHal. 11 Putusan No. 478/Pdt.G/2017/PN.Jkt.Sel.14.Any dispute arising out in relating to this order shall be settled first bymutual understanding if this not possible the matter shall be submitted tothe Jakarta Court.Diterjemahkan menjadi : PERJANJIAN PENJUALAN Kami, P.T.
    Indonesia Toray Synthetics as SELLER, hereby confirm havingaccepted your order for the following goods in accordance with provisionshereof :Payment : 30 Days after goods deliveryGeneral ProvisionHal. 34 Putusan No. 478/Pdt.G/2017/PN.Jkt.Sel.32.Any dispute arising out in relating to this order shall be settled first bymutual understanding if this not possible the matter shall be submitted tothe Jakarta Court.Diterjemahkan menjadi : PERJANJIAN PENJUALAN Kami, P.T.
Register : 04-05-2017 — Putus : 20-12-2017 — Upload : 28-12-2017
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 2215/Pdt.G/2017/PA.Jr
Tanggal 20 Desember 2017 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • yal sco Shall Coe gill ell gh, VME i La gor coal (call Aig Aang 5M, gi Cate! Eo 5, 9 GIS SIL!
Register : 09-01-2012 — Putus : 16-02-2012 — Upload : 18-04-2012
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 221/Pdt.G/2012/PA.Jr
Tanggal 16 Februari 2012 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • perceraian merupakanperbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudah tidak salingmencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan saling membencisebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut, maka perceraiandibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantum dalam Kitab FiqihSunnah Juz II halaman 248 :CGH hyde) ey MY Se RIN al Cpe Qullbt G) dag Gt Gi: dlls slay) Gadoh ylgaes oh Lee nce fhe jLagtlial Cus 6 puiell alga Ane Ubon YI jl wal lgSigil) Cpa Shall
Register : 18-11-2010 — Putus : 29-03-2011 — Upload : 29-05-2012
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 4598/Pdt.G/2010/PA.Jr
Tanggal 29 Maret 2011 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • Islam perceraian merupakanperbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudah tidak salingmencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan saling membencisebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut, maka perceraiandibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantum dalam Kitab FiqihSunnah Juz II halaman 248 :CIM hyde) Cea) VN he RIN cal Cpe Galt Gy) dag Gt Gi: dlls slay) Gadgh Lge oh Uganda se Lagtlial Cyr B pdt alot dae EUbion Y My aal lssi Ga Shall
Register : 09-07-2019 — Putus : 31-07-2019 — Upload : 31-07-2019
Putusan PA JEMBER Nomor 3414/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Jr
Tanggal 31 Juli 2019 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • Cua Spall alga dame Ubioa Y yl yalSG SLE ell gi Uslll Ga Shall ple Lgal ys) 9f Glas Y welll cIQYI Elail Ge Einls dae Gay Loa chLYl OS 9 co 5 Cal sic!