Ditemukan 9154 data
48 — 12
320 — 73 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The size of the uppers variesvery much between different types of footwear, from those covering the foot and the wholeleg, including the thigh (for example, fishermens boots), to those which consist simply ofstraps or thongs (for example, sandals),If the upper consists of two or more materials, classification is determined by theconstituent material which has the pees external surface area, no account being taken ofaccessories or reinforcements such as ankle patches, protective or ornamenta strips
89 — 43
., dan Much. Aqib Junaidi, S.HI., masingmasing sebagai HakimAnggota, putusan tersebut diucapkan pada hari ini juga dalam sidang terbukauntuk umum oleh Ketua Majelis didampingi para Hakim Anggota tersebut, dandibantu oleh Gamaria Dodungo, S.Ag., sebagai Panitera Pengganti, dihadirioleh Pemohon konvensi/Tergugat rekonvensi dan Termohonkonvensi/Penggugat rekonvensi.Hakim Anggota Ketua Majelis,ttd ttdIfa Latifa Fitriani, S. H.1. M.H., Abdul Rivai Rinom, S.HI., M.H.ttdMuch.
57 — 20
48 — 6
Saksi MUHAMAD CHOIRURIZA bin MUCH KHOZIM dibawah sumpah padapokoknya menerangkan sebagai berikut :e Bahwa pada hari Sabtu tanggal 23 januari 2016 sekitar pukul 15.15 Wib,bertempat di jalan A. Yani tepatnya didepan SMP N 2 Kabupaten Purworejo telahterjadi kecelakaan lalu lintas antara sepeda motor Honda No. Pol. AA5831CLdengan sepeda motor Yamaha Vixion No. Pol.
Pembanding/Penggugat II : H ABDUL ROFIQ Diwakili Oleh : Ani Widayati,SH
Terbanding/Tergugat III : HERY TJAHYONO
Terbanding/Tergugat I : PT BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA Cab.Tuban
Terbanding/Tergugat IV : H IMRON
27 — 16
Nama : H.ABDUL ROFIQWarga Negara : Indonesia;Pekerjaan : Swasta;Alamat : Jalan Blora Jatirogo, RT. 003/RW. 006, DesaWotsogo, Kecamatan Jatirogo, KabupatenTuban Jawa TimurDalam hal ini menunjuk kuasanya masingmasing bernama: 1.ANIWIDAYATI, SH, 2.KHOIRUN NASIHIN, SH, 3.MUCH.
151 — 36
Most people like to call a bovineof unknown (or "unknown") gender as a "cow," simply because it is a much morewellknown and popular term to use than "bovine" or "cattlebeast." This, however, isoften not the case around experienced cattlemen and cattlewomen or "ranchers" (assome like to call them) who never use the term "cow' when referring to a bovine thatis anything but a cow. "Animal," "critter," "creature," or any other term, coarse or not,are most often used over the colloquial word "cow."
65 — 58
Much Taufik Efendi, umur 43 tahun, agama Islam,pekerjaan Buruh Tani, tempat tinggal di Dusun Plangkawati, RT014 RW 002 Desa Labuhan Ratu VII, Kecamatan Labuhan Ratu,Kabupaten Lampung Timur, di bawah sumpahnya memberikanketerangan sebagai berikut: Bahwa saksi adalah Keponakan Pemohon sehingga saksimengenal Pemohon dan anak Pemohon, calon suami anakPemohon dan kedua orang tua calon suami; Bahwa Pemohon bermaksud mengajukan permohonandispensasi kawin untuk anaknya bernama Desta Anggraini bintiSupriyono
27 — 13
62 — 59 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Bahwa Pemohon Kasasi/turut Tergugat Il menolak dengan tegaspertimbangan hukum judex facti dalam paragraf 2 halaman 9 yang padapokoknya menyatakan bahwa: Menimbang berdasarkan pertimbangandan ketentuan hukum tersebut, maka harus ditetapkan sebagai ahli warisalmarhum Much. Sich Thoha adalah :1. Ny. Hj. Maryati yang berkedudukan sebagai ahli waris isteri pertama;2. Ny. Trisnawati yang berkedudukan sebagai ahli waris isteri kedua;3. Benny Muchtar, yang berkedudukan sebagai anak lakilaki;4.
94 — 24
MUCH AGUNG NUGROHO; 3) 1 (satu) lembar FC aplikasi kiriman uang dari PI Kitring sebesar Rp.4.934.885.046,00 dikeluarkan oleh BNI Cab. Undip Semarang, tgl, 24 Jan 2005 jam. 20.37.50 yang ditanda tangani oleh Ir. SAPTO PRIYONO dan Ir. MUH. AGUNG NUGROHO (Pimpinan PI Kitring JBN ); 4) 1 (satu) lembar FC bukti pengeluaran uang sebesar Rp.5.300.000.000,- nomor bukti 1 BNI Tgl, 25 Jan 2005 dari PT. PLN Proring Jateng dan DIY yang ditanda tangani oleh PH Kepala (Ir.
MUCH AGUNG NUGROHO1 (satu) lembar FC aplikasi kiriman uang dari PI Kitringsebesar Rp.4.934.885.046,00 dikeluarkan oleh BNI Cab. UndipSemarang, tgl, 24 Jan 2005 jam. 20.37.50 yang ditandatangani oleh Ir. SAPTO PRIYONO dan Ir. MUH. AGUNGNUGROHO (Pimpinan PI Kitring JBN );1 (satu) lembar FC bukti pengeluaran uang sebesarRp.5.300.000.000, nomor bukti 1 BNI Tgl, 25 Jan 2005 dariPT. PLN Proring Jateng dan DIY yang ditanda tangani olehPH Kepala (Ir.
80 — 0
Raya Subah Semarang-Batang untuk sample invoice dengan pembayaran transfer ke rekening PT EGO ENERGI MANDIRI;
- 1 (satu) bendel perjanjian kerja dari PT Gilba Group;
- 1 (satu) bendel kwitansi bertuliskan Bakri dan diterima oleh Much. Huda ;
Semua dikembalikan kepada pihak PT. EGO ENERGI MANDIRI;
6. Membebankan kepada terdakwamembayar biaya perkara sebesar Rp.5.000,- (limaribu rupiah).
59 — 56 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Indeed so much is that taken forgranted that it would be odd to discribe the ownerof a fee simple interest in real property as thebeneficial owner, or to say that he has thebeneficial enjoyment, or owns the beneficialestate, or is beneficial entitled to ownership; heis just the owner and that he owns it for himself itjust assumsed.bahwa menurut Cahterine Brown, istilah beneficialowner diperkenalkan untuk membedakanantara orang yang memiliki hak atau kekuasanatas harta untuk dipakai dan dinikmatinya
89 — 24
Biaya bimbingan belajar dan kursus Much. Fauzan Rp. 3.825.000,e. Pembelian Laptop alat penunjang sekolah 2 anak Rp. 9.195.000,f. Kekurangan biaya hidup ANAK II PENGGUGAT yang seharusnya diberikansebesar Rp,1.500.000, hanya diberi Rp. 530.000, perbulan, jadi kekuranganper bulan Rp. 970.000, selama 8 bulan yaitu sejak juli 2011 (tgl perceraian) s/d bulan peb 2012 =8x Rp. 970.000, =Rp. 7.760.000,g.
320 — 171
scaleui 9 units of forkliftiv 2 units of generating set47v1 full unit of boiler for pelletizing machinevi 1 unit of mixervii 2 units of grinding machineviii 20 units of computerix 3 units of sedan carx 7units of Taft and Kijang carsxi Full stock of raw materials in the warehouse32 Whereas considering that Plaintiff's evidences are valid, conclusive, clearand authentic, Plaintiff requests the Honorable Panel of Judges of DistrictCourt of Cilacap for the decision to be immediately enforceable as much
2,000MT/silo capacityii 1 set of computer scaleili 9 units of forkliftiv 2 units of generating setv1 full unit of boiler for pelletizing machinevi 1 unit of mixervii 2 units of grinding machineviii 20 units of computerix 3 units of sedan carx 7units of Taft and Kijang carsxi Full stock of raw materials in the warehouse1 To declare that conservatory sequestration upon Defendants assets isvalid and worthwhile;2 To declare that court decision on this present civil case is immediatelyenforceable as much
418 — 184
As Newmontsought to optimize gold recovery, the audit said, the device didnot work much of the time it was supposed to. The audit says thecompany also issued its workers badges designed to detectPutusan No.408/Pdt.G/2007/PN .Jkt.Pst. 24potentially dangerous levels of mercury in the air. But those didnot work either, the document says.Neither the state nor the Environmental Protection Agencyregulates mercury emissions at Nevada mines, except as waterpollutants, Professor Miler said.
But one former Newmontemployee familiar with Indonesian mines operations said that in1998, when the mine was at the height of production and themercury scrubber was often not working, the emissions into theair could have been as much as eight tons or more.Indonesian officials said they decided to prosecute Newmontbased on the findings of a recent governmentsponsored study.
There was just too much pressurefrom the outside. My staff told me Newmont has seven layers oflawyers, and how could I fight them?For now, the case looks likely to go ahead, In an interview,Environment Minister Rachmat Witoelar said he had the fullsupport of President Yudhoyono and the rest of the governmentto pursue the suit. Mr. Witoelar visited the bay in February,walking door to door to talk to families.
Moran, a hydrogeologist who advises mining companiesand environmental groups, said in a telephone interview fromColorado that "clearly tailings are much more complex chemicallythan crushed rock or else they would not require detoxificationtreatment prior to disposal."The waste from the mine being released into the sea amounted to apotentially "toxic soup," he said.Mr.
"Therewas just too much pressure from the outside. My staff told me Newmonthas seven layers of lawyers, and how could I fight them?She said she had insisted that as part of the accord of the companywould take responsibility for the health of the community. In fact, theaccord says only that the companywill monitor the public health.Putusan No.408/Pdt.G/2007/PN .Jkt.Pst. 207(xi)128.IT am disappointed they havent done anything about the publichealth, she said.
388 — 234
YAMIN 37318881 TELEN 30/11/09293 MOHAMMAD FANTOFANI 33814421 SPN 03/04/09296 MOHAMMAD ZAENURI 06639864 TELEN 18/09/12305 MOLDY KAREL MANUA 12405684 TPS 18/12/1730i MUCH. RIDWAN, S.T. 77965151 INEKA 15/07/11305 MUHAMAD IKHLAS 12557481 TELEN 30/04/18303 MUHAMAD SOLIHIN 04631431 SPN 29/06/1230 MUHAMAD TEGUH33814575 TPS 31/03/094 CHOERONI30: MUHAMMAD ABDI KESUMA 11213194 TPS 26/10/15306 MHD.
TBPP 947409917796564183 EDWARD J.ALIMBONG 5 TPS 94975047 Halaman 47 dari 160 Putusan Nomor 49/Pid.Sus/2021/PN JKT.SEL 7831970 TELE184 FAJAR HERDIANA SONJAYA 4 N 950235927826505185 FITRIADI 5 TBPP 947409907798208 TELE186 HAIRUDDIN ILMY 6 N 947409977816717 TELE187 HENDRA CIPTA 9 N 950236037798777188 HENDRA WAHYU UTAMA 6 GSA 947410117798663189 HERI PURNOMO r TBPP 950236147841866190 INDRA WAHYUDI 9 SPN 950236087798700191 JAINAL ABIDIN 5 TBPP 950236077798518192 LA SUTIANI , TPS 950236007796515 INEK193 MUCH
YAMIN 37318881 TELEN 30/11/09293 MOHAMMAD FANTOFANI 33814421 SPN 03/04/09299 MOHAMMAD ZAENURI 06639864 TELEN 18/09/12306 MOLDY KAREL MANUA 12405684 TPS 18/12/1730i MUCH. RIDWAN, S.T. 77965151 INEKA 15/07/11305 MUHAMAD IKHLAS 12557481 TELEN 30/04/18303 MUHAMAD SOLIHIN 04631431 SPN 29/06/1230P MUHAMAD TEGUH CHOERONI 33814575 TPS 31/03/09305 MUHAMMAD ABDI KESUMA 11213194 TPS 26/10/1530 MHD.
78304129 TBPP 95023591181 DERIAWAN 78418623 TELEN 95023604182 EDI SUMARSONO 77976454 TBPP 94740991183 EDWARD J.ALIMBONG 77965642 TPS 94975047FAJAR HERDIANA184 78319704 TELEN 95023592SONJAYA185 FITRIADI 78265055 TBPP 94740990186 HAIRUDDIN ILMY 77982086 TELEN 94740997187 HENDRACIPTA 78167179 TELEN 95023603188 HENDRAWAHYU UTAMA 77987776 GSA 94741011189 HERI PURNOMO 77986635 TBPP 95023614190 INDRA WAHYUDI 78418669 SPN 95023608191 JAINALABIDIN 77987005 TBPP 95023607192 LASUTIANI 77985183 TPS 95023600193 MUCH
36 — 26
.> Much. Charir Rosyidin, S.H.> Dendy S Abdi Nusa, S.H..
84 — 34 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
In such cases, the upper shall be considered to be thatportion of the shoe which covers the sides and top of the Tet, The size of the uppers variesvery much between different types of footwear, from those covering the foot and the wholeleg, including the thigh (for example, fishermens boots), to those which consist simply ofstraps or thongs (for example, gaisiciayIf the upper consists of two or more materials, classification is determined by theconstituent material which has the greatest external
130 — 174
I (III/b), Jabatan : Staf Sub SeksiPerkara Pertanahan pada Kantor Pertanahan Kota Surabaya I; MUCH MUDZAKIR, AMD, NIP. 19880616 201101 1 007Pangkat/ Gol: Pengatur (II/c), Jabatan: Staf Sub Seksi PerkaraPertanahan pada Kantor Pertanahan Kota Surabaya I;Kesemuanya Warga Negara Indonesia, beralamat di Jalan Taman PuspaRaya Blok D No. 10 Komplek Citra RayaSambikerep Kota Surabaya;Berdasarkan surat kuasa khusus Nomor : 541/SKK/35.78.14/X/2014,tertanggal 21 Oktober 2014;Selanjutnya disebut Sebagai ....