Ditemukan 9775 data
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Perjanjian Royalti tertanggal 24 Desember 1990: Article 2Paragraph 2.02;Licensee Acknowledges Licensor's Ownership:By means of this Agreement, Licensee acknowledges thatLicensor is the originator and owner of Products and Parts,whether patented or otherwise, as well as the correspondingLicensed Information, and all Industrial Property Rights to Productsand Parts and Licensed Information shall remain the Licensor'sProperty and Licensee shall, under no circumstances, use suchLicensed Information, or
manufacture, assemble, use or sellProducts and/or Parts in the Territory or induce anyone else to doso, except as may be permitted by this Agreement;Article 1 Paragraph 1.05 Licensor 's Industrial Property Rights"Licensor 's Industrial Property Rights" shall mean such patents,utility model rights, design rights, copyrights and other industrialproperty rights as Licensor may now, or any time during the termof this Agreement; have in the Territory, and which may apply tothe manufacture and assembly
of Products and Parts;Article 1 Paragraph 1.07 "Licensed Information"defined:"Licensed Information" shall mean any and all technical,commercial and scientific information, including, but not limited to,knowhow, designs, drawings, standards, processes, formulas,specifications, trade secrets and other data (whether patented,Halaman 9 dari 82 Halaman.
Perjanjian Royalti tertanggal 24 Desember 1990:Article 2 Paragraph 2.02 Licensee Acknowledges Licensor'sOwnershipBy means of this Agreement, Licensee acknowledges thatLicensor is the originator and owner of Products and Parts,whether patented or otherwise, as well as the correspondingLicensed Information, and all Industrial Property Rights to Productsand Parts and Licensed Information shall remain the Licensor'sProperty and Licensee shall, under no circumstances, use suchLicensed Information, or
Putusan Nomor 1400/B/PK/PJK/2017Article 1 Paragraph 1.05 Licensor's Industrial Property Rights:"Licensor's Industrial Property Rights" shall mean such patents,utility model rights, design rights, copyrights and other industrialproperty rights as Licensor may now, or any time during the termof this Agreement; have in the Territory, and which may apply tothe manufacture and assembly of Products and Parts;Article 1 Paragraph 1.07 "Licensed Information" defined;"Licensed Information" shall mean any and
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Prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku Secara umum UU No. 6 Tahun 1983 beserta Pasal 13 (13) (iv) Kontrak Karya mengatur secara khususperubahannya tentang Ketentuan Umum dan bahwa /n determining the Companys net taxable income,Tata Cara Perpajakan (UU KUP) tidak sound, consistent and generally accepted accountingmengatur prinsip akuntansi yang dapat principle used in the Mining Industry shall be employed,diterapkan dalam menyelenggarakan provided ....pembukuan kecuali bahwa Pasal 28 ayat (4)mengatur bahwa
OperatingExpenses shall include, among other things (antara lain), the following amounts: ... (J) Amounts for handling,loading, storing, transporting and shipping, other delivery costs (including insurance). ...Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, ketentuan tersebut diartikan sebagai Biaya operasi dalam tahun manapun berartijumlah yang dikurangkan dari penerimaan untuk semua jumlah pengeluran yang diakibatkan oleh Pengusahaandalam tahun tersebut.
Kontrak Karya mendefinisikanPenghasilan Kotor dengan pernyataan Gross Income means all amounts,other than exempt income defined under the laws and regulations in effect onthe date of the singing of this Agreement, paid to or accrued by the Company,including: (a) the gross proceeds received or accrued from the sale of theProduct F.O.B. point of shipment in Indonesia on the basis described inArticle 11 of this Agreement...Bahwa selanjutnya Pasal 11 ayat (2) Kontrak Karya mengatur bahwaThe Company shall
deliver each shipment of Concentrates CIFConcentrates (Incoterms 2000 / Latest Edition) to one (1) Port of Dischargedesignated by each Buyer pursuant to Section X.X, unless analternate port is determined as provided in Section X.X, withdischarge risk and expense as well as any inland freight for Buyer'saccount.CIF Article 7 Insurance Seller shall obtain and pay for ocean marine cargo insurance oneach cargo of Concentrates sold hereunder.CFR Article 5 Delivery of Seller shall deliver each shipment
of Concentrates CFRConcentrates (Incoterms 2000) to one (1) Port of Discharge designated by eachBuyer pursuant to Section X.X, unless an alternate port isdetermined as provided in Section X.X, with discharge risk andexpense as well as any inland freight for Buyers account.CFR Article 7 Insurance Buyer shall obtain and pay for ocean marine cargo insurance oneach cargo of Concentrates sold hereunder.CIF/CFR Article 5 Title and Risk Title and all risks of loss shall pass to Buyer as cargoof Loss progressively
8 — 2
shall Go pled Cue GDUbl) ols ALY! lis) a gall Gaull Gass) aah cle aSay ul cline yl jai YOY, cy ot Os 2 me G95!
Musthafa As Sibai, halaman 100, yang diambil alihsebagai pendapat majelis hakim yang berbunyi:DY 5 peSglyy VSM) duis ally ee Ge clad Lolac Lj ally GULL ae aSLLGY dan ll shall GlBall ce Go) yp Cpe Ald Led gh OLS Vales g1 jal) WSs Glad GS: Lage y Ged liie yur Leia 39 Aig Labi dae any lal al Qt Lege only JS) cae ail del Gael Ge Gn Aas g Jloh aAArtinya : Sesungguhnya kehidupan suami istri tidak akan tegak denganadanya perpecahan dan pertentangan, selain itu justru akanmenimbulkan bahaya yang serius terhadap
11 — 0
pur Cy laai shall cura ilplo ay aay Led Wlai Vy dle erg wo Ata Jl ey ilbygo yo put Toy WY JIp oiwl olivo yl pS ule rolcured!
Pasal 116 huruf f Kompilasi Hukum Islam, dan dengan mengacu padaPasal 119 ayat (2) huruf c Kompilasi Hukum Islam, karenanya Majelis Hakimberpendapat bahwa gugatan Penggugat patut dikabulkan dengan menjatuhkantalak satu bain shugra Tergugat terhadap Penggugat ;13Menimbang, bahwa terhadap perceraian dengan jenis talak bain shugra,bersesuaian dengan kitab Ahkamu alQuran juz halaman 148 yang dijadikansebagai pendapat Majelis Hakim dalam putusan ini, sebagai berikut :15 L4S> Gd Shall ails yslApabila Hakim
307 — 82 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :(a) The material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatestexternal surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as anklepatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;(b) The constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatestsurface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch
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Pasal 13 dari NonExclusive Distributor Agreement tertanggal 7 Oktober 2011("Perjanjian Distributor") menyebutkan :"All disputes arising or in connection with this Agreement shall be exclusivelyand finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of theInternational Chamber of Commerce by one arbitrator appointed in accordancewith the said Rules. The place of arbitration shall be Singapore."
This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by Carl Zeiss andthe Distributor as of 1 October 2011 and shall remain in effect until 30September 2012, unless terminated in accordance with the otherprovisions of this Article 9. Thereupon, this Agreement may be renewablefor a period of twelve (12) months each time subject to agreement by bothparties."
Kemudian, Pasal 5.3 Perjanjian Distribusi juga menyebutkan :"Except as otherwise provided in Article 1.2, the following shall apply: CarlZeiss shall supply Products for sale by Distributor within the Territory tocustomers belonging to the Industry. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in theevent that any third parties should deliver Products into the Territory, theDistributor shall have no claims or rights in connection therewith."
Kami mensomir Penggugatuntuk membuktikan dalihnya.Pada kenyataannya, Perjanjian Distribusi antaraTergugat dan Penggugat telah habis masa berlakunya sejak tanggal 30 September 2012, sebagaimanadiatur dalam Pasal 9.1 Perjanjian Distributor.Pasal 9.1 Perjanjian Distributor menyebutkan :" This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by Carl Zeiss andthe Distributor as of 1 October 2011 and shall remain in effect until 30September 2012, unless terminated in accordance with the otherprovisions
Pasal11 Perjanjian Distributor dengan tegas menyatakan bahwa :"The Distributor shall not have any right to assert any claim on the grounds of termination ofthis Agreement."Terjemahannya :"Distributor tidak memiliki hak apapun untuk mengajukan tuntutan apapun dengan dasar pemutusan Perjanjian ini" 73.
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:Bahwa poin 14 huruf (a) dan huruf (b) Facility Agreement, menyebutkan:Event of DefaultThe Facilities or any part thereof for the time being outstanding and unpaidtogether with interest hereon and all other money shall immeditely become dueHal. 4 dari 28 hal. Put.
No. 868 K/Pdt.Sus/2010and payable and the Security in favor of the Bank shall become immediatelyenforceable and exercisable by the Bank without further demand or notice in anyof the following events (anEvent of Default):Faiture to pay(a) if the Borrower or any guarantor fail to pay to the Bank on due dates anyamounts payable under this Facility Agreement or under any agreement orarrangement with the Bank;(b) If the Borrower or any guarantor fail to pay on the due any amounts payableby the Borrower
Bahwa poin 13 huruf (a) dan huruf (b) Facility Agreement 09,menyebutkan:Event of DefaultThe Facilities or any part thereof for the time being outstanding and unpaidtogether with interest hereon and all other money shall immediately become dueand payable and the Security in favor of the Bank shall become immediatelyenforceable and exercisable by the Bank without further demand or notice in anyof the following events (an of Default);Failure to pay(a) if the Borrower fails to pay to the Bank on due
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If, under the Lease, Lessee is required to pay a Deposit, theremaining provisions of this clause shall apply. Lessee agreesthat Lessor shall be entitled to commingle the Deposit withLessors general or other funds, Lessor will not hold any suchfunds as agent or on trust for Lessee or in any similarfiduciary capacity and Lessees right to a refund of theDeposit amount is limited as set out in the Lease.b.
If Lessee fails to comply with any provision of the Lease orthe Other Agreements, or any Default shall have occurredand be continuing, in addition to all rights and remediesaccorded to Lessor elsewhere in the Lease or under Law inrespect of the Deposit, Lessor may immediately or at any timethereafter, without prior notice to Lessee, apply all or part ofthe Deposit in or towards the payment or discharge of anymatured obligation owed by Lessee or any Lessee Affiliateunder the Lease or the Other Agreements
If Lessor exercises the rights described in Clause 5.13(b)above, Lessee shall, following a demand in writing fromLessor, immediately restore the Deposit to the level at whichit stood immediately prior to such exercise. Atau dalam terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya:(a) Apabila, berdasarkan Perjanjian Sewa ini, Penyewadiharuskan membayar Deposit, maka akan berlakuketentuanketentuan berikut dari Klausa ini.
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GOVERNING LAW/ARBITRATION(2) Any distupe arising from this Bill of Lading shall be reffered toarbitration in Tokyo by the Tokyo Maritime Arbitration Commission(TOMAC) of The Japan Shipping Exchange, Inc., in accordance with theRules of TOMAC and any amendments thereto, and the award givin bythe arbitrators shall be final and binding on both parties.Terjemahannya :3.
GOVERNING LAW / ARBITRATION.(1) The contract evidenced by or contained in this Bill of Lading shall begoverned by Japanese law.Terjemahannya :3.
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TERBANTAHtidak menuntut bunga atas klaim yang diajukan pada SIAC, namun Arbitrator SIACatas inisiatif sendiri justru menambah bunga atas klaim tersebut Terlebih lagidiskresi kewenangan tersebut DIDASARKAN PADA KETENTUAN HUKUM LAIN,BUKAN HUKUM YANG BERLAKU DI INDONESIA sebagaimana disepakatiPEMBANTAH dan TERBANTAH dalam Perjanjian Pengakhiran dimana Pasal 6.1menyatakan bahwa:This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws ofthe Republic of Indonesia...
Adapun berikut Terbantah kutip isi Pasal 6.2 huruf (b) dimaksud:Any Dispute that cannot be settled amicably in accordance withArticle 62 (a) shall be referred to and finally and conclusively resolvedthrough Singapore International Arbitration Centre ( SIAC") by thearbitration panel consisting of three (3) arbitrators. The procedures ofthe arbitration shall be in accordance with the rules of the SIAC. Theplace of arbitration shall be Singapore and the language of arbitrationwould be English.
Any award passed by the arbitration panel shall befinal and binding on the parties."Teriemahan resmi:Suatu sengketa yang tidak dapat diselesaikan secara musyawarahmufakat sesuai ketentuan Pasal 6.2 (a) harus dirujuk kepada dansecara final dan menentukan diselesaikan melalui Pusat ArbitraseIntemasional Singapura ("SIAC") oleh majelis arbitrase yang terdiridari tiga (3) arbitrator.
TerminationThe Parties hereby agree that as at the Closing Date, the TransactionAgreement shall be terminated and cease to have any force or effect,and the rights and obligations of the respective Parties shall beextinguished"Terjemahan resmi:"2. PengakhiranPara Pihak dengan ini sepakat bahwa terhitung sejak TanggalPenutupan, PerjanjianPerjanjian Transaksi harus dihentikan dan tidaklagi berlaku atau mengikat, dan hakhak dan kewajibankewajiban darimasingmasing Para Pihak akan berakhir.23.
17 — 11
tidak pernahmelarang Tergugat Rekonvensi untuk datang menjenguk anakanak tersebut,sebagaimana tersebut dalam bagian tentang duduk perkara, sedangkan syaratsyarat hadanahtelah tegak dan terpenuhi dalam diri Penggugat Rekonvensi,oleh karenanya berdasarkan pertimbanganpertimbangan tersebut di atas,maka Majelis Hakim berpendapat hanya semata demi kemaslahatan,kenyamanan batin, dan kebaikan masa depan anak,serta untukmengedepankan prinsip kepentingan terbaik bagi anak (the best interests of thechild shall
dan Tergugat Rekonvensi bernama Maulia NatasyaPutri binti Eko Margiyanto, lahir pada tanggal 15 Juni 2000, danSalsabilaMutiara Ramadhani binti Eko Margiyanto, lahir pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2005,sementara dengan perceraian ini antara Penggugat Rekonvensi dan TergugatRekonvensi tidak mungkin lagi akan hidup bersama dalam satu atap sebagaisuami istri untuk mengasuh anakanaka quo, maka demi kemaslahatan anakdan untuk mengedepankan prinsip kepentingan terbaik bagi anak (the bestinterests of the child shall
160 — 62
yangmerupakan Active/Bussines Income bagi Grundfos Pumps Pte Ltd, Singapore, sedangkanpengeluaran terkait nilai sebesar Rp8.428.031.342,00 dapat diyakini merupakanpengeluaran terkait pelaksanaan Licence Agreement Fee (Royalty) dan ManagementService Fee yang dibayarkan ke Grundfos Management Denmark yang merupakan PassiveIncome;bahwa Pasal 7 ayat (1) Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak Berganda (P3B) antara RepublikIndonesia dengan Singapura, menyatakan : The profits of an enterprise of a ContractingState shall
250 — 205 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
If, under the Lease, Lessee is required to pay a Deposit, theremaining privisions of this clause shall apply. Lessee agreesthat Lessor shall be entitled to Commingle the Deposit withLessors general or other funds, Lessor will not hold any suchfunds as agent or on trust for Lessee or in any similar fiduciarycapacity and Lessees right to a refund at the Deposit amountis limited as set out in the Lease.b.
If Lessee fails to comply with any provision of the Lease or theOther Agreements, or any Default shall have occurred toHal. 76 dari 316 hal. Put.
If requested by Lessor, Lessee shall thereupon cause theHal. 304 dari 316 hal. Put. No. 331 K/Pdt.Sus/2009Aircraft to be deregistered by the Air Authority.
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lainnya;Bahwa Perjanjian Penghindaran Pajak Berganda (P3B) antaraPemerintah Republik Indonesia dengan Pemerintah Jepang,menyatakan:Article 11 Interest:Interest arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of theother Contracting State may be taxed in that other Contracting State.However, such interest may also be taxed in the Contracting State inwhich it arises, and according to the laws of that Contracting State,but if the recipient is the beneficial owner of the interest the tax socharged shall
Putusan Nomor 476/B/PK/PJK/2015Article 12 Royalties:Royalties arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of theother the Contracting State may be taxed in that other ContractingState;However, such royalties may also be taxed in the Contracting State inwhich they arise, and according to the laws of that Contracting State,but if the recipient is the beneficial owner of the royalties the tax socharged shall not exceed 10 percent of the gross amount of theroyalties;Bahwa Perjanjian Penghindaran
However, such interest may also be taxed in the ContractingState in which it arises, and according to the laws of that State,but if the recipient is the beneficial owner of the interest, the taxso charged shall not exceed 10% of the gross amount;Bahwa Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Pajak Nomor SE03/PJ.101/1996 tanggal 29 Maret 1996 tentang Penerapan PersetujuanPenghindaran Pajak Berganda (P3B), menyatakan:2.
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berbunyisebagai berikut:"Unless otherwise stated in the laws governing labor stipulated for the terminationof employment eitherparty hereto may terminate this Agreement by giving advancewritten notice to other party for the period ofone (1) month.Notwithstanding the termination of employment mentioned above, the Company hasright to pay salary in lieu of the advance notice equivalent to the required salary foradvance notice period to the Employee in order to terminate the employmentimmediately;This Agreement shall
The Employee shall not be entitled to sverancepay or compensation of any kind for the remaining period upon termintaion underthis paragraph";Terjemahan Pasal 7.1:"Kecuali dinyatakan lain dalam undangundang ketenagakerjaan yang diatur untukpemutusan hubungan kerja, salah satu pihak dapat mengakhiri Perjanjian ini denganmemberikan pemberitahuan (satu) bulan terlebih dahulu secara tertulis kepadapihak lainnya.Kendati terdapat halhal mengenai pemutusan hubungan kerja sebagaimanadisebutkan di atas, Perusahaan
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However, such interest may also be taxed in the State in which it arisesand according to the laws of that State, but if the Beneficial Owner of theinterest is a resident of the other State, the tax so charged shall notexceed 10 per cent of the gross amount of the interest.3.
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, interest arising in one ofthe two States shall be taxable only in the other State to the extent thatsuch interest is derived by:(i) the Government of the other State, including political subdivisionsand local authonties thereof; orHalaman 18 dari 40 halaman.
Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 2, interest arising in one ofthe other Stares shall be taxable only in the other State if the BeneficialOwner of the interest is a resident of the other State and if the interest ispaid on a loan made for a pernod of more than 2 years or Is paid inconnection with the sale on credit of any industnal, commercial orscientific equipment;5.
The competent authorities of the two States shall by mutual agreementsettle the mode of application of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4,5. Bahwa berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan sengketa banding di PengadilanPajak sebagaimana yang telah dituangkan dalam Putusan Pengadilan PajakNomor Put.40129/PP/M.XIV/13/2012 tanggal 19 September 2012 dapatdiketahui:5.1.
Commentary on Article 11 Paragraph 17:any provision of this Convention conferring an exemption from, or areduction of tax shall not apply if more than 50 per cent of suchincome is used to satisfy claims by such persons (including interest,royalties, development, advertising, initial and travel expenses, anddepreciation of any kind of business assets including those onimmaterial goods and processes),Halaman 23 dari 40 halaman. Putusan Nomor 669/B/PK/PJK/20137. 2.
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Banding tidak menerapkan PPN pada alokasi biaya antaraPSC dan afiliasi berdasarkan fakta bahwa pembayaran tersebut merupakanalokasi biaya pada BUT, dan bukan pembayaran jasa kepada pihak ketiga;Bahwa Poinpoin di atas telah sesuai dengan ketentuan Southeast SumatraPSC Exhibit "C" Accounting Procedure Article III poin 2 sebagai berikut:"General and Administrative Cost, other than direct charges, allocable to thisoperation should be determined by a detailed study, and the method determinedby such study shall
Hereunder byCONTRACTOR, Pertamina shall not be obliged to pay CONTRACTOR's IncomeHalaman 5 dari 23 halaman.Putusan Nomor1706/B/PK/PJK/2017Tax including the final tax on profits after tax deduction, nor taxes on tobaccos,liquor and personnel income tax, and income tax and other taxes not listedabove of contractors and subcontractors.
The obligations of Pertaminahereunder shall be deemed to have been complied with by the delivery toCONTRACTOR";Bahwa pasal diatas menyatakan bahwa Kontraktor hanya diwajibkan untukmembayar Pajak Penghasilan badan dan juga Pajak atas laba setelah Pajak,oleh karenanya SKK Migas (d/h BPMigas d/h Pertamina), akan menanggungPajakpajak lain yang dikenakan kepada Kontraktor termasuk diantaranya PPN,Pajak atas pengalihan, impor dan ekspor atas bahan baku (material, peralatandan juga suku cadang/persediaan
21 — 0
merupakanperbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudah tidak salingmencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan saling membencisebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut, makaperceraian dibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantum dalamKitab Figih Sunnah Juz II halaman 248 :Mee E95) Slyadal cae al) all all Gye Gul Gy) Ag Gl Qi dle BLY) Gadosty Ugaldal oi igaes gl Ugg : he jLagitie) Gas 5 dill alga dae EUbiun Y yl walSAS 13 ell gi Soll Cpa Shall
14 — 1
.,, halaman 15 dari19Wal Qanun halaman 100 yangdiambil alin sebagai pendapat Majelis Hakimsebagai berikut:Cpa lie Cus Eladal 8 SY 9 EI GUAM ae aeidy daa g jl Shall GU...Cee gl ete Cty Asa g iN AB Shall gt Gh uN Cpe GLE Ug Sg) pala G15 Ne ila) GS Lagag..,Sesungguhnya kehidupan suami istn tidak akan tegak denganadanya perpecahan dan pertentangan dan tidak ada kebaikannyamengumpulkan dua orang yang saling membenci.
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Noone shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No oneshall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and inaccordance with such procedure as are established by law.2. Anyone who is arrested shall be informed, at the time of arrest,of the reasons for his arrest and shall be promptly informed ofany charges against him.3.
Anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall bebrought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized bylaw to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trialwithin a reasonable time or to release. It shall not be thegeneral rule that persons awaiting trial shall be detained incustody, but release may be subject to guarantees to appearfor trial, at any other stage of the judicial proceedings, and,should occasion arise, for execution of the judgement.4.
Anyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest ordetention shall be entitled to take proceedings before a court,in order that that court may decide without delay on thelawulness of his detention and order his release if thedetention is not lawul.5.