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Register : 27-09-2013 — Putus : 14-10-2014 — Upload : 12-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.56114/PP/M.IXA/19/2014
Tanggal 14 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China,dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakanRule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yangdiatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area.bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
    notes of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory;The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted;Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
    be allowed subject to thedomestic laws, regulations and administrative rules of the importing Party provided each item mustqualify separately in its own right;bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakanWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as whollyproduced or obtained in a Party:Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there,Live animals 2 born and
Upload : 10-05-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 587 PK/PDT/2010
198157 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • MT (enam belas ribu Metric Ton) muatanPilihan, yakni dari bulan Januari 2004 sampai denganDesember 2004 dengan jumlah tiaptiap pengiriman adalahsebanyak kurang lebih 8.000 MT (delapan ribu Metric Ton).Untuk jelasnya Penggugat akan mengutip bunyi Pasal 2 ayat(2) dan ayat 3 Perjanjian Jual Beli Batubara Thailand (VideBukti P2a) sebagai berikut:"Quantity 80.000 MT +/ 10% to be delivered in barge cargoes inten monthly consecutive shipments starting January to December20004 Optional cargo of 16.000 shall
    Untukjelasnya Penggugat. d.R. akan mengutip bunyi Pasal 3 PerjanjianJual Beli Batubara Filipina, sebagai berikut:Payment shall be made on or, Open Account, Direct TelegraphicTransfer, and payable within 15 working days from B/L date donreceipt of shipping documents in favor of CV. BORCO UTAMA, A/C #(US$): 070380 1878. Batik Central Asia (BCA) Kantor CabangPembantu.
    The report,shall be final and binding to BUYER and SELLER. Cost of theanalysis shall be for the account of the Seller;Terjemahan resminya berbunyi:"Kualitas harus didasarkan pada laporan analisis dari surveyorindependen di pelabuhan muat. Laporan akan bersifat, final danHal. 22 dari 40 hal. Put. No. 587 PK/Pdt/2010mengikat untuk PEMBELI dan PENJUAL.
    not constitute Force Majeure;In the event that Force Majeure conditions occur affecting theperformance of this proposal by either party, that party shallpromptly notify the other party and may declare Force Majeure;Neither SELLER nor BUYER shall be liable to the other for an delayin or failure of the performance of its obligations hereunder ifany such delay or failure is due to Force Majeure as mentionedabove unless otherwise specified of this proposal;83.
    Section 8.1. above shall made up at suchtime or times as SELLER and BUYER can mutually agree. However,if they fail to agree such deliveries of coal affected by ForceMajeure shall be cancelled without any liability on the part ofBUYER and SELLER";Terjemahan resminya berbunyi:81.
Register : 16-09-2014 — Putus : 09-04-2015 — Upload : 08-07-2015
Putusan PN DENPASAR Nomor 658/Pdt.G/2014/PN.DPS
  • Any dispute between the Parties arising out of this Agreement orany of the related agreements which cannot first be settled by thePresident Directors of the LESSOR and the LESSEE withinninety (90) days of either Party requesting in writing a meeting tosettle the relevant dispute, shall be submitted to bindingarbitration in Singapore at the Singapore International Arbitration13Center (SIAC) or elsewhere as agreed by the Parties under therules for Arbitration of the SIAC In force at such time and Inaccordance
    The arbitrationpanel shall consist of three (3) arbitrators, one (1) chosen by thecomplainant, one (1) chosen by the respondent and a chairmanchosen by the arbitrators named by the complainant and therespondent.2 The Parties expressly agree that:a)b)the arbitration tribunal shall decide the matter as expeditiously aspossible, and the arbitration shall be complete and the decision issuedby the arbitrators no later than twelve (12) months after the date ofcommencement of the arbitration proceedings
    (being the date ofservice of the complaint by the party initiating the arbitration), unlessthe arbitration panel finds good cause to permit an extension of thetime for completion.the arbitrators shall only reach their decision by applying strict rules oflaw to the facts and shall not purport toresolve any dispute ex aequo et bono.the arbitration shall be conducted in the English language;any decision of the arbitration tribunal shall be final, binding andincontestable and no Party shall dispute
    Dpsd) each Party shall bear the expenses, such as traveling, meals andlodging expenses, which It incurs in connection with the arbitration.The fees and expenses of the arbitrating entity and other relatedexpenses shall be borne by the losing Party unless otherwisedetermined by the arbitrating entity.2 Pending the submission to arbitration and thereafter until the arbitrationtribunal issues its decision, each Party shall, except in the event ofexpiration, termination or failure by any of the other
Putus : 22-02-2017 — Upload : 01-11-2019
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 169 K/Pdt.Sus-Arbt/2017
11981308 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • The Claimants cost of the reference which in the sum of 150,000;(ii) hold and award that the Claimant is entitled to simple interest on theaforesaid sums at 12.12% per annum pro rata from the date of thisAward until payment;(ili) hold and award that the Claimant is entitled to simple interest on theaforesaid sums at 12.12% per annum pro rata from the date of thisaward until payment;(iv) hold and award and direct that the Respondent shall bear and pay myHalaman 3 dari 31 hal. Put.
    The Claimants cost of the reference which assess in the sum of150,000;(iii) hold and award that the Claimants is entiled to simple interst on theaforesaid sums at 12.12% per annum pro rata from the date of thisaward until payment;(iv) hold and award and direct that the respondent shall bear and pay myfees in the reference and the costs of this award in total sum of26,881.25 Provided always that if in the fist place the claimant shallhave paid all of any partthereof the claimant shall be entiled to
    Further: Thereference shall be to a sole arbitrator (Arbitrator) to be selected by the firstparty claiming arbitration from the persons currently on the panel of LloydsSalvage Arbitrators...;Dengan terjemahannya berbunyi:klausul 21 dari setiap kontrak menetapkan arbitrase perselisinan di Londonberdasarkan hukum Inggris dan sesuai dengan Undang Undang ArbitraseInggris Tahun 1996.
    Further:The reference shall be to a sole arbitrator (Arbitrator1) to be selected bythe first party claiming arbitration from the persons currently on the panel ofLloyds Salvage Arbitrators..., yang dijelaskan pada halaman 2 angka 3;Bahwa didalam Putusan Arbitrase Internasional dijelaskan pada bagianterjemahan, Pendahuluan angka 2 ditegaskan: pada tanggal 23 September2011 kapal mengalami kebakaran dan ledakan saat berlabuh danberoperasi sebagai FSO di Lapangan Widuri di Laut Jawa.
    MenjawabPermasalahan ini, Marianna Sutadi, S.H., pada halaman 910 darimakalahnya tersebut, berpendapat sebagai berikut:the district court of central Jakarta shall have no authority to hear anddecide the petition to annul an international arbitration award...Terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia adalah sebagai berikut:...Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat tidak memiliki Kewenangan untukmemeriksa dan memutuskan permohonan untuk membatalkansuatuputusan arbitrase internasional...
Register : 16-07-2018 — Putus : 07-09-2018 — Upload : 09-07-2019
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 408/PDT/2018/PT DKI
Tanggal 7 September 2018 — Pembanding/Penggugat : PT. Jasa Angkasa Semesta Tbk Diwakili Oleh : Reza Mahastra,SH.MH.
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT. Gatari Air Services
  • Notwithstanding Sub Article 6.2 of the Main Agreement,settlement of account shall be effected by the Carrier within 30days of receiving a correct invoice(s);6.2 An interest of 1% per month shall carry until is settle after 45days of receiving a correct invoice(s).Bahwa ketentuan diatas dapat diterjemahkan secara bebassebagai berikut:Halaman 5 dari 43 hal Putusan Nomor 408/PDT/2018/PT DKI10.6.1.
    ANNEX B.1.0LOCATIONS, AGREED SERVICES ANDCHARGES to the Standard Handling Agreement (SGHA) of January 2008, padapage 2 of 8 effective from: 1 APRIL 2011 (kutipan):Preamble: This Annex B is prepared in accordance with the simplified procedurewhereby the Parties agree that the terms of the Main Agreement and Annex A ofthe SGHA of January 2008 as published by the International Air TransportAssociation shall apply to this Annex B as if such terms were repeated here infull.
    ARTICLE 9 ARBITRATIONIn the event of any dispute or claim concerning the scope, meaning,construction or effect of this Agreement, the parties shall make all reasonableefforts to resolve dispute amongst themselves. Failing mutual resolution of thedisputes, the parties may elect to resolve the dispute through arbitration (eitherby a single arbitratoror a panel of arbitrators).
    In accordance with Article 9 of the Main Agreement, this Annex B shall begoverned by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic ofIndonesia.
    In accordance with Article 9 of the Main Agreement, courts for theresolution of disputes shall be the Courts of: Court of competent jurisdiction inthe Republic Indonesia.Terjemahan bebasnya oleh Tergugat (melalui google translate) sebagai berikut:Sesuai dengan Pasal 9 dari Perjanjian Utama/Pokok, Lampiran B ini diatur dandiinterpretasikan sesuai dengan hukum Republik Indonesia.
Register : 28-04-2021 — Putus : 15-06-2021 — Upload : 11-08-2021
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 159/PDT/2021/PT DKI
Tanggal 15 Juni 2021 — Pembanding/Penggugat : PT. Alfa Mandiri Diwakili Oleh : PT. Alfa Mandiri
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT. HSING LOONG INDONESIA
  • Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Agreement(and all documents referred to therein), including any questionregarding its exisience, validity or termination, shall be referred toand finally resolved by arbitration administered by the SingaporeInternational Arbitration centre in accordance with the arbitrationHal 8 Putusan perkara Nomor :159/PDT/2021/PT.DKI.Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre for the timebeing in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated
    The seat of the arbitration shall beSingapore, it shall be a condition precedent to the commencementof any legal proceedings that parties Shall first attempt in goodfaith to amicably resolve any disputes arising thereform inaccordance with Clause 25.1Yang dalam terjemahan Tersumpahnya sebagai berikut :PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA25.2.
    The SubContractor suspends or creases or threatens tosuspend or crease to carry on businessAnd, in such an event, the SubContractor shall be deemed to haveabandoned the Agreement and the Contractor shall be entilled to claim forall direct and indirect losses and damages arising out of suchabandonment by the Sub Contractor, in addition to all other rights that theContractor may have against the SubContractor under the Agreement.Yang dalam terjemahan resminya berbunyi sebagai berikut :20.
    In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between theEnglish and Indonesian teks, the English version shall prevallYang dalam terjemahan resminya adalah sebagai berikut ;32. BAHASAPerjanjian ini dilaksanakan dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasaIndonesia.
Register : 27-06-2013 — Putus : 24-11-2014 — Upload : 18-12-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.57667/PP/M.IA/16/2014
Tanggal 24 Nopember 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • PSC antara lain dinyatakan: The cost accruing therefrom shall be included in operating costs recoverable asprovided in section VI.
    theAccounting Procedure attached hereto by written agreement of PERTAMINA, CNWwill not incur interest expenses to finance its operations hereunder".bahwa terkait dengan alokasi biaya overhead kantor pusat, terdapat beberapaketentuann yang berlaku, antara lain :Article Ill angka 2 Exibit C PSC, antara lain dinyatakan:Overhead allocation.General and administrative costs, other than direct charges, allocable to thisoperation should be determined by a detailed study, and the method determined bysuch study shall
    The Last sentence of Article 3.3 of Exibit D the PSC is amended to be: "The Directand indirect costs incurred by PHE OGAN KOMERING as Operator and TALISMANin so providing assistance to Operator shall be charged to the Joint Account andsahall be Included in operating costs".Surat Direktur Utama Pertamina Nomor: 947/C.0000/81 Tanggal 5 Juni Tahun 1981,antara lain dinyatakan:" perdasarkan halhal tersebut diatas dan Pertamina selaku pemegang managementdidalam penerapan management control sesuai dengan
Register : 21-10-2013 — Putus : 14-10-2014 — Upload : 12-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.56115/PP/M.IXA/19/2014
Tanggal 14 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China,dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakanRule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yangdiatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area.bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
    notes of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory;The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted;Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
    be allowed subject to thedomestic laws, regulations and administrative rules of the importing Party provided each item mustqualify separately in its own right;bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakanWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as whollyproduced or obtained in a Party:Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there,Live animals 2 born and
Putus : 24-09-2013 — Upload : 13-12-2018
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 277 B/PK/PJK/2013
6432 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • For the purposes of this Agreement an individual, who is a member of adiplomatic or consular mission of one of the two States in the other Stateor in a third State and who is a national of the sending State, shall bedeemed to be a resident of the sending State if he is submitted therein tothe same obligations in respect of taxes on income as are residents ofthat State;Article 17 :1.
    Putusan Nomor277/B/PK/PJK/2013interest is a resident of the other State, the tax so charged shall notexceed 10 per cent of the gross amount of the interest.3.
    Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 2, interest arising in one ofthe other Stares shall be taxable only in the other State if the beneficialowner of the interest is a resident of the other State and if the interest ispaid on a loan made for a period of more than 2 years or is paid inconnection with the sale on credit of any industnal, commercial orscientific equipment;5.
    The competent authorities of the two States shall by mutual agreementsettle the mode of application of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.6.
    Any information received by one of the two States shall betreated as secret in the same manner as information obtained under thedomestic laws of that State and shall be disclosed only to persons orauthorities (including courts and administrative bodies) involved in theassessment or collection of, the enforcement in respect of, or thedetermination of appeals in relation to, the taxes covered by theAgreement. Such persons or authorities shall use the information only forsuch purposes.
Register : 26-08-2013 — Putus : 14-10-2014 — Upload : 12-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.56112/PP/M.IXA/19/2014
Tanggal 14 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China,dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakanRule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yangdiatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area.bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
    notes of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory,The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted,Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported,Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
    be allowed subject to thedomestic laws, regulations and administrative rules of the importing Party provided each item mustqualify separately in its own right.bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakanWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as whollyproduced or obtained in a Party:Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there,Live animals 2 born and
Putus : 07-09-2017 — Upload : 01-11-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1427/B/PK/PJK/2017
3826 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • If at such tins Fhis Breves pat to be the casean iBeclal allocation procedures Tespecling Blank OperatingCosta vill ba adopted as may be acpreoriate,8.02 The charges provideda i EAGP In Section 6.01 shall be asneciFladSaparately :B ty for eaeh sales Conteack and acaject ta separateCash calls and dabit . notes by Plant Operater and Paid SyProducers in acesrdance with che Acounting Preceduce,Such charges and Payments, shall ba Susject!
    CallsA, * .From time to time, as necessaty, Plant Operator shall cash Call. from Producers; and Products shall pay or cause te beHalaman 36 dari 60 halaman Putusan Nomor 1427/B/PK/PJK/2017Paid o Plant Operates in G3 dollars their respectlveshares, separately determined as Provided im Section 4.01 ofthe Agreement, of Projected net cash Fequirements For eachof:(a) Plant Operating Cases; and(5) the easts ef Currently Funded Capital Projectsfor a calendar senth SF Prt thereof, as get ferth in suchCash
    Projects shall be Feconcl led a5 quickly agPracticable with such fevised estimates o: determination.Gambar V.
    En@ cash call aexetSucceeding the issuance mE the debit AcK feferred to inSection 3 below shall be reduced By =R# ameunt of suchSXcees.To the extent Practicable, Plant Operater shail Places thefunds received Pursuant t> cash calle in iaterestearningSCceunes; all interes earned Ehereaon shall be credited esPlant Cperating Coses and netice af SUCH amounts ahall Bedelivered ta the Producers,Gambar VI.
    To the extent that funds are then held inthe Badak Payment Account the Trustes shall, prompily upon receiptof notice from both Pertamina and the Contractors that any suchinvoice haa been approved for payment, pay to the Liquefaction Compooy from the Podok Payment Account the amount of such invoice,Porsuant to procedures to be agreed upon pursuant te Section 6.2,62 Portamina and the Contrastors shall agree with the Liquefaction Company on appropriate procedures for the payment of funds10poyalde to
Register : 16-10-2013 — Putus : 14-10-2014 — Upload : 12-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.56119/PP/M.IXA/19/2014
Tanggal 14 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China,dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakanRule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yangdiatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area.bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
    notes of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory,The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted,Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported,Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
    be allowed subject to thedomestic laws, regulations and administrative rules of the importing Party provided each item mustqualify separately in its own right.bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakanWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as whollyproduced or obtained in a Party:Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there;Live animals 2 born and
Register : 03-01-2013 — Putus : 12-12-2013 — Upload : 14-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-49278/PP/M.VII/19/2013
Tanggal 12 Desember 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • ., sebagai Eksportir yang mengirimkan barang tersebut sedangkandalam invoice nomor: BH12050 tanggal 01 Agustus 2012 tertulis LINYIBOHAO INTERNATIONAL TRADING LIMITED COMPANY.berdasarkan Annex 06Revised Overleaf Notes of the CO Form E, Poin 10(Bukti T5) menyatakan:THIRD PARTY INVOICING: In cases where invoices are issued by a thirdcountry, the Third Party Invoicing in Box 13 shall be ticked (). Theinvoice number shall be indicated in Box 10.
    Information such as name andcountry of the company issuing the invoice shall be indicated in Box 7.yang pada pokoknya mengharuskan untuk mencontreng/memberikan tanda(v) pada kolom 13 Form E bilamana terdapat Third Party Invoicing, akantetapi tidak dicontreng.tidak ditemukan persamaan tanda tangan pada Form E dengan SpecimenSignature of Official Authorized to Issue Certificate of Origin of the PeoplesRepublik of China.Menurut Pemohon Banding: bahwa SKA (Form E) Nomor: E12470ZC39833113 tanggal 12 Agustus
Register : 21-11-2011 — Putus : 27-05-2013 — Upload : 12-12-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.45138/PP/M.VIII/16/2013
Tanggal 27 Mei 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Not later than Desember in each calendar year duringthe term of the Agreeement, the parties shall agree an annual fee to apply forthe following calendar year based on the parties reasonable estimate of theamount of services to provided during the relevant calendar year.NA MARWN > 9010.In addition to the fixed fee specified above , or agreed on an annual basis asprovided herein, the company shall also pay alloutof pocket disbursementsand the third party expenses incurred by KMCOS in providing the
    dan PT XXX dahulu PT KMC Oiltools(Licensee) dinyatakan : in consideration of rights granted herein, theLicensee hereby agrees to pay to the licensor a royalty equal to percentagerate specified in Schedule I of Licensees Gross Revenues from its business asshown in its audited accounts .Bahwa selanjutnya dalam angka 4 Schedule 1 perjanjian tersebut di atas ,dinyatakanRoyalty Rate : 3 Per Cent (3%), except for the right to manufacture and sellproduct under the Unimat Patent, in which case the rate shall
Putus : 21-10-2014 — Upload : 03-02-2015
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 85 PK/Pdt.Sus-Arbt/2014
210132 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ., FCBArb. masingmasing sebagai Anggota Majelis Arbitrase (videbukti P8);Bahwa Pemohon, Termohon II dan Termohon III telah mengatur tentangprosedur pengangkatan arbiter dalam proses arbitrase sebagaimana Pasal 12.4Kontrak Nomor ME.C001/KLT1007 tanggal 26 Oktober 2007, tentang Siteleveling & Grading Work dalam Proyek Kuala Tanjung 2 x 135 MW IPP CoalFired Power Plant, yang menyatakan:"Tf the tribunal shall consist of three arbitrators, one of them shall be nominatedby each party and the third shall
    If the Parties fail to agree upon the third arbitratorwithin such period, the said arbitrator shall be nominated in accordance with theBANI rules or such other rules as agreed between ME and the Contractor";Terjemahan:"Dalam hal Majelis terdiri dari tiga arbiter, masingmasing pihak menunjuk satuorang dan arbiter ketiga dipilih berdasarkan kesepakatan antara para pihak dalamwaktu tiga puluh (30) hari terhitung sejak penunjukan arbiter terakhir dari duaarbiter yang telah dipilih para pihak.
    penunjukan arbiter ke3yang secara nyata melanggar kesepakatan dalam klausula arbitrase yang telahdisepakati oleh Pemohon PK, Termohon PK II, dan Termohon PK IIIsebagaimana diatur dalam Kontrak;d Bahwa prosedur pengangkatan arbiter dalam proses arbitrase yang telah diaturdalam Pasal 12.4 Kontrak Nomor ME.C001/KLT1007 tanggal 26 Oktober2007, tentang Site leveling & Grading Work dalam Proyek Kuala Tanjung2x135 MW IPP Coal Fired Power Plant (Kontrak), mengatur halhalsebagai berikut:Tf the tribunal shall
    consist of three arbitrators, one of them shall benominated by each party and the third shall be chosen by mutual agreementbetween the Parties within thirty (30) days of the nomination of the last of thetwo arbitrators nominated by the Parties.
    If the Parties fail to agree upon thethird arbitrator within such period, the said arbitrator shall be nominated inaccordance with the BANI rules or such other rules as agreed between MEand the Contractor.Terjemahan bebas:Hal. 25 dari 30 hal. Put.
Putus : 24-09-2013 — Upload : 14-12-2018
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 316 B/PK/PJK/2013
5342 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • For the purposes of this Agreement an individual, who is a member of adiplomatic or consular mission of one of the two States in the other Stateor in a third State and who is a national of the sending State, shall bedeemed to be a resident of the sending State if he is submitted therein tothe same obligations in respect of taxes on income as are residents ofthat State,Article 11:1.
    However, such interest may also be taxed in the State in which it arisesand according to the laws of that State, but if the beneficial owner of theinterest is a resident of the other State, the tax so charged shall notexceed 10 per cent of the gross amount of the interest ;Halaman 11 dari 33 halaman. Putusan Nomor316/B/PK/PJK/20133.
    Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 2, interest arising in one ofthe other Stares shall be taxable only in the other State if the beneficialowner of the interest is a resident of the other State and if the interest ispaid on a loan made for a period of more than 2 years or is paid inconnection with the sale on credit of any industrial, commercial orscientific equipment,5.
    The competent authorities of the two States shall by mutual agreementsettle the mode of application of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.6.
    Any information received by one of the two States shall betreated as secret in the same manner as information obtained under thedomestic laws of that State and shall be disclosed only to persons orauthorities (including courts and administrative bodies) involved in theassessment or collection of, the enforcement in respect of, or thedetermination of appeals in relation to, the taxes covered by theAgreement. Such persons or authorities shall use the information only forsuch purposes.
Register : 10-08-2009 — Putus : 19-08-2010 — Upload : 18-07-2014
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 1388/Pdt.G/2009/PN.JKT.SEL.
Tanggal 19 Agustus 2010 —
  • Ketentuantersebut berbunyi :in all cases, the Arbitral Tribunal shall act fairly and impartiallyand ensure that each party has a reasonable opportunity to presentits case1 Tindakan tidak pantasHal ini diatur dalam beberapa ketentuan antara lain :3 Pasal 32 UU No. 4/2004 yang mewajibkan hakim (termasuk arbiter)memiliki integritas, kepribadian tidak tercela, jujur dan adil.
    Save with the approval of the Arbitral Tribunal and the parties,persons not involved in the proceedings shall not be admitted. 2 Pasal 5 ayat (1) UU No. 4/2004 yang melarang hakim (termasuk arbiter)untuk bertindak diskriminatif3 Pasal 15 ayat (2) ICC Rules yang menegaskan larangan bertindak partial.Pada setiap bentuk tindakan yang disebut di atas, secara inklusif dengansendirinya menurut hukum melekat iktikad tidak baik.
    It shall also apply to arbitral awardsnot conseidered as domestic awards in the State where their recognition andenforcement are soughtTerjemahan :Konvensi ini berlaku terhadap pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan arbitraseyang dibuat dalam wilayah suatu Negara selain Negara dimana pengakuan danpelaksanaan putusan arbitrase tersebut dimintakan, dan timbul karena adanyaperbedaan subyek, baik orang maupun badan hukum.
    1 :The Respondent shall pay interest on the total amount payable, as specified inparagraph 8&6 (c), from the date of registration of this Final Award under Article59 of the Indonesian Arbitration Law or the obtaining of an order of exequaturHal 15 dari 48 hal.
    Klausula ini berbunyi:Except as provided in this Section, arbitration shall be conducted inJakarta, in accordance with the rules of Arbitration of the InternationalChamber of CommerceTerjemahan:Kecuali diatur lain dalam bagian ini, Arbitrase dilaksanakan di Jakarta,Sesuai dengan Peraturan Arbitrase International Chamber of commercePrinsip menentukan katagori putusan arbitrase yang didasarkan pada patokanteritorial/wilayah hukum sebagaimana disebut dalam pasal 1.9 jo.
Putus : 02-05-2016 — Upload : 14-09-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 255/B/PK/PJK/2016
312117 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall by mutualagreement settle the mode of application of the limitations prescribed inthe preceding paragraphs.5. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3, the Government ofa Contracting State shall be exempt from tax in the other ContractingState in respect of interest derived from that other State.6.
    The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply if the beneficialowner of the interest, being a resident of a Contracting State, carries onbusiness in the other Contracting State in which the interest arises,through a permanent establishment situated therein, and the debt claimin respect of which the interest is paid is effectively connected with suchpermanent establishment. In such a case, the provisions of Article 7shall apply.8.
    Interest shall be deemed to arise in a Contracting State when the payeris that State itself, a political subdivision, a local authority, a statutorybody or a resident of that State.
    Where, by reason of a special relationship between the payer and thebeneficial owner or between both of them and some other person, theamount of the interest, having regard to the debtclaim for which it ispaid, exceeds the amount which would have been agreed upon by thepayer and the beneficial owner in the absence of such relationship, theprovisions of this Article shall apply only to the lastmentioned amount.
    InHalaman 12 dari 20 halaman Putusan Nomor 255 B/PK/PJK/2016such case, the excess part of the payments shall remain taxableaccording to the laws of each Contracting State, due regard being had tothe other provisions of this Agreement5. Bahwa berdasarkan Surat Direktur Jenderal Pajak Nomor S83/PJ.313/1994 tentang PPh Pasal 26 atas Biaya Pinjaman Bankditegaskan bahwa;1.Bahwa atas pinjaman sindikasi kepada bankbank Jepang di Singapura,PT.
Register : 16-10-2013 — Putus : 14-10-2014 — Upload : 12-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.56120/PP/M.IXA/19/2014
Tanggal 14 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China,dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakanRule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yangdiatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area.bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
    notes of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory,The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted,Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported,Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
    be allowed subject to thedomestic laws, regulations and administrative rules of the importing Party provided each item mustqualify separately in its own right.bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakanWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as whollyproduced or obtained in a Party:Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there,Live animals 2 born and
Register : 26-08-2013 — Putus : 14-10-2014 — Upload : 12-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.56111/PP/M.IXA/19/2014
Tanggal 14 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Of China,b)c)d)e)a)b)Cc)d)e)f)g)h)))dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakanRule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yangdiatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area.bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
    notes of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory,The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted,Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported,Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
    be allowed subject to thedomestic laws, regulations and administrative rules of the importing Party provided each item mustqualify separately in its own right.bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakanWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as whollyproduced or obtained in a Party:Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there,Live animals 2 born and