Ditemukan 613 data
36 — 18 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilizingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium choride, for instance) as wellas very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normaly found in the product. Certainof these products may also contain smal!
30 — 14 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milkenriched in vitamin or mineral salts), small quantities ofStabilising agents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the producy during transport in liquid state(disodium phosphate, trisodium citrate and calcium choride,for instance) as well as very small quatities of antioxidants orvitamins not normaly found in the product. Certain of theseproducts may also contain small quantities chemical (e.g.
32 — 14 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milkenriched in vitamin or mineral salts), small quantities ofstabilising agents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the producy during transport in liquid state(disodium phosphate, trisodium citrate and calcium choride, forinstance) as well as very small quatities of antioxidants orvitamins not normaly found in the product. Certain of theseproducts may also cortain small quantities chemical (e.g.
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* (delapan ribu tujuh ratus dua puluh sembilan meter persegi)saat ini telah tercatat dan terdaftar atas nama PT PILAR ARTHAMANDIRI dan menjadi jaminan kredit Konstruksi BTN (KYG) danInterest During Construction (IDC) pada TERGUGAT II INTERVENSI 2untuk pembangunan Apartemen El Centro berikut sarana danprasarana yang terletak di Kp. Pangkalan RT./RW. 002/001, KelurahanCibuluh, Kecamatan Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor;2.
,M.Kn Notaris di Bogor, terkait adanya penambahan plafondkredit sehingga total kredit menjadi Rp 350.000.000.000, (tigaratus lima puluh milyar rupiah), dengan informasi sebagai berikut : Plafond KreditRp 325.000.000.000, Top UpRp, InterstContruction (IDC) During Rp, Halaman 59 dari 100 Putusan Perkara Nomor: 45/G/2021/PTUN.BDG 3.3 Tanggal 31 Agustus 2020 telah dilakukan addendum PerjanjianKredit No. 200 tanggal 31 Agustus 2020 yang dibuat dihadapanNotaris Elisa NovelS.H
Jumlahplafond kredit tersebut setelan ditambah dengan top up danIntersest During Construction (IDC);. Bahwa selanjutnya telah ditandatangani juga akta akta perjanjianaccesoir lainnya yaitu sebagai berikut: Borgtocht (Penanggungan) No. 967 tanggal 24 Juni 2016yang dibuat dihadapan Notaris Joko Suryanto, S.H.;Akta Borgtocht (Penanggungan) No. 968 tanggal 24 Juni 2016yang dibuat dihadapan Notaris Joko Suryanto, S.H.
lunasHalaman 61 dari 100 Putusan Perkara Nomor: 45/G/2021/PTUN.BDGdengan outstanding kredit per tanggal 18 Juni 2021 adalah sebagaiberikut :8.1 Kredit Kontruksi (KYG) dengan outstanding kredit sebesar Rp170.107.475.578, (Seratus tujuh puluh milyar seratus tujuh jutaempat ratus tujuh puluh lima ribu lima ratus tujuh puluh delapan),dengan rincian sebagai berikut :Kewajiban pokok : Rp 169.238.500.000,Kewajian denda : Rp 826.522.529,Denda Berjalan : Rp 2.496.608,Bunga Berjalan : Rp 39.956.441.135,8.2 Interest During
24 — 9 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
32 — 15 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport in10liquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
25 — 14 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
26 — 8 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
23 — 18 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.10Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
11 — 4 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.10Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
21 — 13 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitaminsor mineral salts), small quantities of stabilising agents which serveto maintain the natural consistency of the product during transportin liquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodium citrate and calciumchloride, for instance) as well as very small quantities of antioxidants or vitamins not normally found in the product. Certain ofthese products may also contain small quantities chemicals (e.g.
25 — 17 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
,milkenriched in vitamins or mineralsalts), small quantities ofstabilising agents which serve tomaintain the natural consistency ofthe product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate,trisodium citrate and calciumchoride, for instance) as well asvery small quantities of anti axidants or vitamins not normalyfound in the product.
11 — 3 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
19 — 13 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
Cheese and curd ;The products mentioned at Items (A) to (E) abovemay contain, in addition to natural milkconstituents (e.g., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also
43 — 13 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
auchCaeh calls.The cash ealie For Plane Operating Casts and Currenclyfunded Capital Projects shall be shown Separately acd shalbe fn sordance With Producers" Jscest Cstingt@s of eachSales COREGack's Zercencage as determined under Aretlele 11of the Agreement, TE curing @ year there Shall be aFeviston in the estimate of a Sales Conteact's Percentage,Cr if the Final determination ef such Sales Conmtrace'sParcentage pursuant te Sectlon Ui.o2 of the Agreement shallFeflect a disetepancy fren the estimates during
advagcw Motice of such due dakeEach cash call Shald set ferth infollowing:(2)3)CayAg goon after the ead of #ach ealendac Year ag the wecocsocyinfermation becemes eveilable, Blant Operates shattFecomcile the ggtingt= of each Sales Montract's PercentageWeed during such year with such Sales Coqktect"s Farcentagadetermined da accordance with Eection 1.02 Of EheAg?t oement .Shall be sox by PlatOperator gives.
26 — 3
Sembulung LambongKec. during Kab. Banyuwangi;: Hindu;: Swasta;: SMP;Para Terdakwa ditahan dengan jenis penahanan Rutan oleh:1.2.Penyidik tanggal :10102012 .Nomor: SPP / 37/X /2012/ Resknim; Sejaktgl,10102012 sd. Tg 29102012;Perpanjangan oleh Penuntut Umum tanggal 22102012. No. 1.187 / Epp.1 /Rt.2/10/2012; sejak tgl. 30102012 s/d.
15 — 5 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium choride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normaly found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
31 — 15 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milkenriched in vitamin or mineral salts), small quantities ofstabilising agents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the producy during transport in liquid state(disodium phosphate, trisodium citrate and calcium choride,for instance) as well as very small quatities of antioxidants orvitamins not normaly found in the product. Certain of theseproducts may also cortain small quantities chemical (e.g.
26 — 14 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport in10liquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
18 — 7 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitaminsor mineral salts), small quantities of stabilising agents which serveto maintain the natural consistency of the product during transportin liquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodium citrate and calciumchloride, for instance) as vell as very small quantities of antioxidants or vitamins not normally found in the product. Certain ofthese products may also contain small quantities chemicals (e.g.