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Putus : 07-09-2017 — Upload : 01-11-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1426/B/PK/PJK/2017
3118 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Putusan Nomor 1426/B/PK/PJK/2017 8.02 B.01 As consideration te Plant Oceraterfst performance of iteobligations under Article J, gach of the Preducgra shall,Subject to the following provislens of this Section .91ti OL,Plan Tahoe 1 EPay Plant Operatec, in Pespect of gach calendar year during. che tain hateof, against cagh calls and deblt notessubmitted as provided in section 4.02, ifs CaleuletionPetcentaga(s Of its Predeegrg' Parcentage(s) of each SalesContract Percentage of all Plant Cparating Costs
    euchCaah calls,The cash calls For Plank Operating Costs afd CurrenchyFunded Capital Projects shall be shown SOpacately and ghalyue in accordance with Producers" latest eatimates of eachSales Contrace's Percentage as determined under Article 11of the Agreement, Tf curing @ yeac there Shall be aFevision in the estimate of a Sales Contract'g Percentage,or if the final determination of such Sales Conmtrace'sPercentage pursuant to Sectlon 11.02 of the Agfecment shallFeflect a diserepancy from the estimates during
    such year,tPPTopfiate adjustments wilt be mide in the ancunts af cashCalled From Producers to the end that the amounts paid anto be paid by Producers during and with Pespect to such yearTespHcting Plant Operating Casta and Currently: FundedCapital Projects shail be fecenclled ,45 QGuiekly aaPractica ktble with such revised Q8timgtes or determinationGambar V.
    curcese ealendar yeara Ad any interese $acned thereon. less Fearto=date cogts debited and Paid); ,2 5C2) all funds nee Yee recelwed pursuant to Price cashcalls: 3) Projected cash expenditures from the Last date offhe previous deblting period theough the end of thePatio covered Sy such cash call; andC4) net cash tequirtemant,Cc. 43 850m after the e8d of each calendac #ar as Ehe neeegsa cyinformation becomes available, Plant Operater shallFeconcile the ggtimate of each Sales Contract 's Percentageused during
Register : 07-02-2019 — Putus : 28-03-2019 — Upload : 02-04-2019
Putusan PN BANYUWANGI Nomor 118/Pid.B/2019/PN Byw
Tanggal 28 Maret 2019 — Penuntut Umum:
  • During Kab.Banyuwangi bersamadengan Hasanudin dan Kateno (DPO); Bahwa awalnya saksi bertemu terdakwa dijalan dan berkata ...sayamau memberangkatkan orang kerja ke Belanda, ikut apa tidak dijawabbiayanya berapa, gajinya berapa. dijawab terdakwa biaya nya sepuluhjuta, gajinya dua puluh lima juta. menjawab kalau gitu saya ikut pak.dijawab terdakwa ya besuk ikut medikal. lalu saksi bersama korbanlainnya medical di RSU Genteng.
    dan tidakdiberi kwitansi, saksi disuruh menunggu dan akan berangkat bulan Juni2017, namun setelah Juni 2017 tidak berangkat ke Belanda denganalasan di belanda musim dingin dan disuruh menunggu, tapi hinggasekarang juga tidak diberangkatkan ke Belanda.Bahwa benar selajn saksi yang juga menjadi korban diantaranyaSukirno, Suhardi, Anmad Sulaiman, Suwandi, Hadi Suprapto, Yoyon Hadilrawan, Imam Damiri, Hadisusanto, Dan Lulut Prayogi yang semuanyaratarata beralamat di Dusun Sagad Desa Tamanagung Kec. during
Putus : 01-07-2015 — Upload : 21-06-2016
Putusan PT SEMARANG Nomor 115/Pid/2015/PT SMG
Tanggal 1 Juli 2015 — SAMINGUN Bin ( Alm ) SUNARDI
  • IDusun Kalimendong Kulon, Desa Danaraja RT. 003 RW. 008, KecamPurwanegara, Kabupaten Banjarnegara ; PUAN, aman nana nnn nnn nein= DURING Bett eee cere an errnneiniaaiaie Hal 1dari 13 hal Put.No.115/Pid/2015/PT.SMG. Terdakwa ditahan oleh : 021. Penyidik sejak tanggal 28 Januari 2015 sampai dengan tanggal 16Pebruari 2015 j n nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn ne nnn nnn nnn ncn2. Perpanjangan Penuntut Umum sejak tanggal 17 Pebruari 2015 sampaidengan tanggal 28 Maret 2015 ; 22023.
Putus : 09-06-2009 — Upload : 18-06-2010
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 236PK/PDT/2004
5030 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Menghukum Tergugat dan Tergugat II untuk membayar ongkosperkara sejumlah Rp. 47.500, (empat puluh tujuh ribu lima ratusrupiah) secara tanggung renteng.Bahwa oleh karena itu, maka gugatan Para Penggugat yang memintaPenggugat pemeriksaan sekali lagi atas suatu perkara yang sudah pernahdiperiksa dan diputus dalam pokok perkara oleh Pengadilan Negeri JakartatePusat telan melanggar asas neb is in idem atau setidaktidaknya asaspendent elite nihil innovetur (during a litigation nothing new should beintroduced
Register : 14-04-2021 — Putus : 25-05-2021 — Upload : 27-05-2021
Putusan PN PALANGKARAYA Nomor 106/Pid.B/2021/PN Plk
Tanggal 25 Mei 2021 — Penuntut Umum:
  • DURING kepada Terdakwa untuk pembayaran PNS Prov Kalteng Periode 2016/2017 senilai Rp90.000.000,00 (Sembilan puluh juta rupiah) tanggal 14 November 2016;

Dikembalikan kepada saksi DURING ;

  • 1 lembar Kwitansi Penyerahan uang dari Sdri. LISA MAHARDIKA kepada Terdakwa untuk Pinjaman sementara senilai Rp30.000.000,00 (tiga puluh juta rupiah) tanggal 29 Desember 2016.
Register : 03-03-2016 — Putus : 28-07-2016 — Upload : 28-09-2016
Putusan DILMIL I 07 BALIKPAPAN Nomor 28-K/PM.I-07/AD/III/2016
Tanggal 28 Juli 2016 — Haswata Nugraha Sertu NRP 21040203481184 Danpok Tim Harjasa Alang Air Bekangdam VI/Mlw
  • Bahwa Saksi kemudian bertanya kepada Aipda Steven denganmengatakan Ada apa Bang dijawab Begini, ada dugaan adanyaanggota Tentara yang menjadi Bandar sabu sabu namun itu Tentaraasli atau gadungan saya belum tahu selanjutnya Saksi mengatakan Ya sudah kita tinjau medan dahulu , lalu Saksi melaporkan informasitersebut melalui handphone ke Danunit Intel Kodim 0905/Bpp (KaptenInf Elpi During) dan dijawab Saya merapat kesana , kemudian Saksimenghubungi Mayor Inf Masrukhan dan melaporkan bahwa anggotaUnit
    Bahwa Pada hari Selasa tanggal 15 September 2015 sekira pukul17.00 Wita, Saksi1 (Serma Norliansyah) mendapat Informasi dari SatReskoba Polres Balikpapan yang intinya Terdakwa diduga terlibatdalam peredaran Narkotika Golongan jenis sabusabu, kemudianinformasi tersebut dilaporkan kepada Saksi2 (Kapten Inf Elpi During)Dan Unit Intel Kodim 0905/Bpp, selanjutnya hal tersebut dilaporkankepada Mayor Inf Masrukhan Kasdim 0905/Bpp.3.
    Bahwa setelah memperoleh informasi tersebut, Mayor InfMasrukhan (Kasdim 0905/Bpp) mengumpulkan anggota Unit IntelKodim 0905/Bpp yang antara lain Saksi sendiri, Saksi1 (SermaNorliansyah), Saksi2 (Kapten Inf Elpi During), Pelda Ferry Markani,Serma Ade Anton, Serma Herman, Sertu Joko dan 3 (tiga) oranganggota Sat Resnarkoba yang bernama Aiptu Steven dan 2 (dua)orang anggota Sat Resnarkoba yang Saksi tidak mengetahuiidentitasnya, kKemudian Mayor Inf Masrukhan mengatur rencana danpembagian tugas penggerebekkan
    Kapten Inf Elpi During mengawasi jalannya pelaksanaanpenggerebekkan.Cc. Pelda Ferry Markani, Serma Norliansyah, Serma AdeAnton dan Serma serman petugas yang masuk kedalam kamarkos Sertu Haswata Nugraha untuk melakukan pemeriksaan danpenggeledahan terhadap kamar dan barang barang yang adadidalam kamar.d. Sertu Joko dan Saksi Sertu Pancebertugas mengamankandan mengawasi tempat kejadian/dilakukannya penggerebekkandengan posisi berada diluar rumah.5.
    Balikpapan Kota, setelahTerdakwa selesai mandi sekira pukul 19.30 Wita, tibatiba Terdakwadigrebek dan ditangkap oleh anggota Unit Intel Kodim 0905/Bpp dan SatReskoba Polres Balikpapan yang diantaranya adalah SermaNorliansyah (Saksi1), Kapten Inf Elpi During (Saksi2) , Sertu Pance(Saksi6) dan Aiptu Stepen (anggota Polres Balikpapan).18.
Register : 18-01-2012 — Putus : 06-09-2012 — Upload : 26-09-2017
Putusan PN MEDAN Nomor 23/Pdt.G/2012/PN Mdn
Tanggal 6 September 2012 — - DOOYANG LIMITED (Penggugat) LAWAN - PT. CAHAYA GEMILANG (Tergugat I) - PT. LHOONG SETIA MINING (Tergugat II) - PT. PBM GATHANA MANDIRI (Tergugat III)
  • I KERUSAKAN QING PING HAI KONTAKDENGAN TONGKANGTONGKANG DI LHOONG, INDONESIA PADA20 JANUARY 2010) tertanggal pada halaman 13 butir 7 tentang CAUSEOF DAMAGE (PENYEBAB KERUSAKAN) menyebutkan : Based on ourfindings and information received during the survey and investigation weare of the view that the damage sustained to the Qing Ping Hai was dueto force compression between vessel's hull and the plates of the bargesdue to the tyre fenders being broken during heavy sea swells(Berdasarkan temuan kami
Putus : 22-11-2016 — Upload : 20-04-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1034/B/PK/PJK/2016
3121 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Te curing 2 year there shall be arevision in the estimate s8 a Sales Conteact's Percentage,or if the final determination of such Sales Contrace'sPercentage pursuant to Section LL.o2 of the Agfecment shallFeflect a discrepancy from the estimates during such yaar,appropriate adjustments WILE be made in the amounts of cashcalled from Producers to the end that the amounts Paid andEo be paid by Producers during and with TeSpeck te such yearrespecting Plant Operating Costs and Currenly: FundedCapital Peojects
    AS @o0n afeer the end of @ach calendac #ar as Ene Recep earyinfermation becomes available, Plant Operater shallFeconcile the eatimate of each Sales Contract's PercentageUsed during such Fear with seh Sales Caontrace's Fercentagedetermined in accordance with Section 21.62 of theAgreement .oD.
Register : 12-12-2018 — Putus : 20-12-2018 — Upload : 20-01-2022
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 412/PID/2018/PT DKI
Tanggal 20 Desember 2018 — Pembanding/Penuntut Umum : DRS. YOHANES GATOT IRIANTO, SH
  • dengantanggal 5 Januari 2020 dengan Jabatan Calon Captain Junior A320;Bahwa isi surat yaitu To Whom It May Concern Number754/HRD/XII/2016 tanggal 21 Desember 2016 atas nama IMAM THOIFUR(terdakwa), adalah :Halaman 3 Putusan Nomor 412/PID/2018/PT.DKI This is to certify that IMAM THOIFUR (62073351) has been working forour company until December 20th 2017 as a Pilot (Ini untuk menjaminbahwa IMAM THOIFUR (62073351) sudah bekerja untuk perusahaankami hingga dengan tanggal 20 Desember 2016 sebagai pilot);* During
Putus : 08-08-2017 — Upload : 01-11-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1429/B/PK/PJK/2017
3017 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • detersined as Previded im Section 8.01 ofthe Agreement, of Brojected Ret cash requirements For eachof:(a) Plant Operating Costs; and(6) the costs of Currently Funded Capital Projectsfor @ calendar senth Sf EOFS thereof, as set forth in suchCash calls.The cash calls for Blank Operating Costs and CurrentlyFunded Capital Projects shall be shown Separately and shalibe En accordance with Producers" latest estimates of gachSeles contract's Percentage a5 determined under Article 21Sf the Agreemenk, T& during
    a there shall be a Fevision in the estimate of a Sales Contract's Percentage,or if the final deternination ef such Sales Contrace'sPercentage pursuant to Sectlon 11.02 o the Agreement shallfeflect a discrepancy from the estimates during such Fear,SPpropriste adjusements will be made im the amounts of cashcalled from Producers to the end that the amounts paid andto be paid by Producers during and with Fespect to such yearTespecting Plank Operating Casts and Currently: FundedCapital Projects shall
    AS goon after the end of each calendar year as the necessaryinformation becomes available, Plant Operaterc shallFeconcile the estimate of each Sales Contract" s Percentageused during Such yeac with such Sales COnEract"s Percentagedetermined in accordance with Section LL.0@2 of theAgreement.De qe the cash calls for a given mesth in the aggregate exceedActual expenditures fer said month, the cash call nextSucceeding tha issuance of the debit Rote feferred ta inSection 7 below shall be reduced by the
Putus : 07-09-2017 — Upload : 01-11-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1427/B/PK/PJK/2017
3625 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • diterbitkan atas dasar Article 8 danArticle 2 Exhibit A BADAK LNG (BONTANG LNG)PROCESSING AGREEMENT (Amended &Restatted, 1988);Article 8BADAK LNG (BONTANG LNG)PROCESSING AGREEMENT (Amended &Restatted, 1988):Halaman 35 dari 60 halaman Putusan Nomor 1427/B/PK/PJK/2017 ;B.01 Ag consideration ee Plant Qcerater fse performance ef itseSLligatiens under Article dr @ach of the Preducers shalz. fsubject to the following provisiens of this Section @.91= z rPay Plant Operates, in Pespect of each calendar ytar during
    Te curing @ yeac there Shall be arevision in the estimate of a Sales Conkract's Percentage,or if the Final determination of Such Sales Conmtrace'sPercentage Pursuant toe Section LL.O2 of Ehe Agfecment shallFeflect a discrepancy fren the estimates during suck year,appropriate adjustments will be made in che amcunts of cashCalled from Prodwcera to the end that the amounts Paid asdto be paid by Producers during and wlth TeSPRCE to such yearFeSPHcting Plant Operating Costs and Currently: FundedCapital
    As soon aPeterc the @nd of #ach calendac Fear as Ebe hecessaryinformation becomes available, Plant Operater shallFeconmcile the estimate of each Sales Contract s Percentageused during such year with such Sales Contracte's Fercentagedetermined io accordance whth Section LL.O? of theAgr be ment .Halaman 37 dari 60 halaman Putusan Nomor 1427/B/PK/PJK/2017TE th cash calls for a given menth in the aggregate exceedactual expenditures fer said owmornth.
Register : 12-12-2018 — Putus : 02-01-2019 — Upload : 19-09-2019
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 406/PID/2018/PT DKI
Tanggal 2 Januari 2019 — Pembanding/Penuntut Umum : DRS. YOHANES GATOT IRIANTO, SH
  • .= During his working period, he has shown his initiatives and his efforts to dohis assignments up to our satisfaction (Selama waktu tersebut dia sudahmenunjukan inisiatif dan usahanya memuaskan kami).= We herewith express our appreciation for his services to our company andwish his every succes in his future career (Kami mengapresiasi atas jasajasanya terhadap perusahaan kami dan kami doakan agar beliau suksesdalam karir kedepannya).Bahwa Surat Lolos Butuh yaitu To Whom It May Concern Number789/
Putus : 22-11-2016 — Upload : 13-02-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 806/B/PK/PJK/2016
4725 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Te during @ year there Shall be aFevision in the estimate of a Sales Conktract's Percentage,OF if the Final dekecnination oe Such Sales Conmtrack'sPercentage pursuant to Section Ll.o2 of the Agfeement shallFeflect a discrepancy fron the @atimates during suekh vaaappropriate adjustments will be made in che ssbewilee aeStalled from Producers to che end that the amounts Paid andte be paid by Producers Suting and with Fespeck to such yearTespecting Plant Operating Costs and Currently: FundedCapital Peojects
    ,Ce AS 8502 after Ehe end of @ach calendac Year as che hecessaryinformation becomes available, Flant Operater shallTeconmeile the estimate o each Sales Contracte's Parcentageaed during such Fear with such Sales Conmktact"s Fercentageadetermined in gecordance with Sctien LL.G@2 of theAqioement.D, TE th cash calla far a given menth in the aggregate exceedactual expenditures fer said month, to@ cash call nextSucceeding tha issuance of Ehe debie note feferred tea GaSection J below shall be reduced by
Register : 11-11-2013 — Putus : 06-05-2014 — Upload : 30-06-2014
Putusan PN DENPASAR Nomor 734/PDT.G/2013/PN.DPS
  • If during their marriage, the parties reside in allowned property in any'country other than Australia, the parties' interests,rights and responsibilities qnd despite the la:w of that country, be set bythis. Agreement."57.
    If at any time during their marriage, the parties become residence of acountry under the laws of which they may acquire a property interestcommonly Icnown as "community property", their property interest willremain the same as they would have been under the terms of this24Agreement construed in accordance with the laws of Australia and NewSouth Wales as at the date of this Agreement.Terjemahan bebas:"56.
Register : 12-09-2013 — Putus : 19-12-2013 — Upload : 13-01-2014
Putusan PTUN JAKARTA Nomor 155/G/2013/PTUN-JKT
  • Daerah Sumatera Selatan danBangka Belitung.Mengusulkan penambahan fasilitas kredit untuk pembayaranselama proyek yang dibiayai belum menghasilkan (InterestDuring Construction) yang seharusnya sesuai Buku PedomanPerkreditan PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Selatandan Bangka Belitung hanya dapat diberikan kepada perusahaanbaru, sementara PT Campang Tiga telah berdiri sejak tahun2003 dan bahkan telah memperoleh fasilitas kredit untukpembayaran selama proyek yang dibiayai belum menghasilkan(Interest During
    Sumatera Selatan danBangka Belitung.b) Mengusulkan penambahan fasilitas kredit untuk pembayaranselama proyek yang dibiayai belum menghasilkan (Interest DuringConstruction) yang seharusnya sesuai Buku Pedoman PerkreditanPT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Selatan dan BangkaBelitung hanya dapat diberikan kepada perusahaan baru, sementaraPT Campang Tiga telah berdiri sejak tahun 2003 dan bahkan telahmemperoleh fasilitas kredit untuk pembayaran selama proyekyang dibiayai belum menghasilkan (Interest During
    Hal ini dapatdibuktikan dari Laporan Keuangan PT Campang Tiga Tahun 2010dan 2011 telah membaik.Berdasarkan alasanalasan tersebut di atas, dapat disimpulkanbahwa tindakan Tergugat dalam menerbitkan Keputusan Tata UsahaNegara telah melanggar asas keseimbangan, karena tindakan yangdilakukan oleh Penggugat dalam mengusulkan peningkatan plafonkredit refinancing kebun kelapa sawit dan mengusulkan penambahanfasilitas kredit untuk pembayaran selama proyek yang dibiayaibelum menghasilkan (Interest During
    Selain itu berdasarkan buku pedomantersebut pemberian fasilitas Interest During Construction(IDC) hanya diberikan kepada perusahaan yang baruberdiri.Bahwa yang dilakukan Penggugat adalah memberikankredit kepada PT. Campang Tiga dengan plafon yang lebihdari 5 milyar tanpa laporan keuangan yang di audit danHalaman 57 dari 86 halaman Putusan Nomor 155/G/2013/PTUNJKT10)memberikan fasilitas IDC kepada PT.
Register : 20-03-2013 — Putus : 11-02-2014 — Upload : 28-08-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT.50394/PP/M.VIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 11 Februari 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • We should also see whether the WCO has defined cattle and/orbuffalo during the intersession.Oxen (singular ox) are large and heavyset breeds of Bos taurus cattle trained as draftanimals. Often they are adult, castrated males. Usually an ox is over for years olddue to the need for training and to allow it to grow to full size. Oxen are used forplowing transport, hauling cargo, grain grinding by trampling or by poweringmachines, irrigation by powering pump, and wagon drawing.
    During the first trimester, reproductive organs start to form and sexualhormones begin to be produced in the fetus. When male and female fetal calves aretwinned together, the testosterone produced by the male inhibits estrogen productionin the female. This results in abnormal, underdeveloped or hermaphroditicreproductive organs in the female fetus. This is not so for the male. Freemartins aresometimes referred as hermaphrodites" if they are born with reproductive organs ofboth genders.
Register : 22-06-2017 — Putus : 07-09-2017 — Upload : 28-12-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1400 B/PK/PJK/2017
148114 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • remain the Licensor'sProperty and Licensee shall, under no circumstances, use suchLicensed Information, or manufacture, assemble, use or sellProducts and/or Parts in the Territory or induce anyone else to doso, except as may be permitted by this Agreement;Article 1 Paragraph 1.05 Licensor 's Industrial Property Rights"Licensor 's Industrial Property Rights" shall mean such patents,utility model rights, design rights, copyrights and other industrialproperty rights as Licensor may now, or any time during
    Putusan Nomor 1400/B/PK/PJK/2017copyrighted, or otherwise protected or not) which Licensor nowhas, or of which may come into possession and control during theterm of this Agreement relating to the manufacture, assembly,production, production engineering, product engineering and saleof Products and Parts (including Plant maintenance and spareparts management) which may, at its sole discretion and judgment,be given by Licensor to Licensee;bahwa berdasarkan Article 2 Paragraph 2.02, Article 1 Paragraph1.05
    Putusan Nomor 1400/B/PK/PJK/2017Article 1 Paragraph 1.05 Licensor's Industrial Property Rights:"Licensor's Industrial Property Rights" shall mean such patents,utility model rights, design rights, copyrights and other industrialproperty rights as Licensor may now, or any time during the termof this Agreement; have in the Territory, and which may apply tothe manufacture and assembly of Products and Parts;Article 1 Paragraph 1.07 "Licensed Information" defined;"Licensed Information" shall mean any and
    all technical,commercial and scientific information, including, but not limited to,knowhow, designs, drawings, standards, processes, formulas,specifications, trade secrets and other data (whether patented,copyrighted, or otherwise protected or not) which Licensor nowhas, or of which may come into possession and control during theterm of this Agreement relating to the manufacture, assembly,production, production engineering, product engineering and saleof Products and Parts (including Plant maintenance
Register : 22-09-2014 — Putus : 17-12-2014 — Upload : 04-03-2015
Putusan PA YOGYAKARTA Nomor 535/Pdt.G/2014/PA.Yk
Tanggal 17 Desember 2014 — PENGGUGAT dan TERGUGAT
  • Kabeh wis tak kemasi dalam dusmumpung aku during lungo iki;(o) Sms pada tanggal 12112014 jam 16.22, mengirim dengan bunyi/tertulis =Mudah bagiku untuk menceraikan kamu, tapi kamu...... ? Nantinya sulit kamumencari aku;IV.
Register : 29-08-2016 — Putus : 01-02-2017 — Upload : 22-12-2017
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 455/Pdt.G/2016/PN JKT.PST.
  • berthing al id15 007/KIP/INV/KIPPTK/III/2016 10 Maret 2016 Reimbursement of supporting services during berthing alongside 469 cq.00 usp 19,065.00Tank Cleaning yard jettyAst.
    reimbursement for two units Marine Genset and their daily ye yay e19.aq UsD 41,181.24average fuel consumption8 014/KJP/INV/KJPPTK/VI/2016 15 Juni 2016 Reimbursement of Water Ballast Intertank Transferring Assistance USD 15,750.00 USD 1,575.00Reimbursement of berthing charge alongside Tank Cleaning yard: jetty9) 015/KJP/INV/KJPPTK/VI/2016 15 Juni 2016 USD 1,276,500.00 USD 127,650.00/KIP/INV/ MMi Margin Fee for Reimbursement of berthing charge alongside TankCleaning yard jettyReimb t rti ices during
    berthil I id10 016/KIP/INV/KIPPTK/VI/2016 15 Juni 2016) Reimbursement of supporting services during berthing alongside .) seg ere og UsD 56,887.50Tank Cleaning yard jetty11 017/KJP/INV/KIPPTK/VI/2016 15 Juni 2016 AdHoc services for Project Execution Management Team USD 331,813.71 USD 33,181.37TOTAL TAGIHAN USD 4,451,080.12 USD 445,108.01IDR 23,192,878.00 IDR 2,319,287.80 15.Bahwa, sesuai dengan yang telah dirincikan pada Tabel 1, 2 dan 3 di atas,maka Penggugat memperhitungkan jumlah tagihan terhadap
    related activities at Tank Cleaning == yc 228,075.00 USD 22,807.507010/KJP/INV/KJPPTK/XII/2015 16 Desember 2015 Ballast water or Dirty water treatment USD 350,000.00 USD 35,000.008011/KJP/INV/KJPPTK/XII/2015 16 Desember 2015 Fabrication and Installation of blind flange USD 9,668.70 USD 966.879005/KJP/INV/KJPPTK/III/2016 08 Maret 2016 Berthing charges alongside Tank Cleaning yard jetty USD 1,556,088.00 USD 155,608.8010007/KJP/INV/KJPPTK/II/2016 10 Maret 2016 Reimbursement of supporting services during
    reimbursement for two units Marine Genset and their daily jaya 1 aa UsD 41,181.24average fuel consumption211014/KJP/INV/KJPPTK/V1/2016 15 Juni 2016 Reimbursement of Water Ballast Intertank Transferring Assistance USD 15,750.00 USD 1,575.00Reimbi t of berthing ch I ide Tank Cleanii da22015/KJP/INV/KIPPTK/VI/2016 15 Juni 2016 keen ursement of berthing charge alongside Tank Cleaning yard ye) 4 976 500.00 Uso 127,650.0023016/KJP/INV/KJPPTK/VI/2016 15 Juni 2016 Reimbursement of supporting services during
Putus : 22-11-2016 — Upload : 13-02-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 810/B/PK/PJK/2016
4316 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Section LL.o2 of the Agfeement shallFeflect < 0 SSreNaney fren the estimates during such year,TPPropriate adjustments wilt be made if the anCunts of cashcalled From Prodyucers fo Fhe end thae the amoynkts Paid aneto be paid by Producers during and with Tespeck to such yearrespecting Plant Operating Costs and Currently: FundedCapital Projects shall oe Feconcl led a5 quickly asPracticab krfe with such revised estimates o: determination Gambar V.
    ,Ce AS 8502 after Ehe end of @ach calendac Yar as Fhe neceges ryinformation becomes available, Plant Operater shallTeconmeile the estimate af each Sales Contracte's Parcentageaed during such Fear with such Sales Conmktact"s Fercentageadetermined in gecordance with Sctien LL.G@2 of theAqioement.D, TE th cash calla far a given menth in the aggregate exceedactual expenditures fer said month, to@ cash call nextSucceeding tha issuance of Ehe debit note referred tea GaSection J below shall be reduced by