Ditemukan 613 data
125 — 41
.> During his working period, he has shown his initiatives and his effortsto do his assignments up to our satisfaction (Selama waktu tersebutdia sudah menunjukan inisiatif dan usahanya yang memuaskan kami).> His contract has been finished of our company.
111 — 80 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
menunjukkannilaisebesar Rp377.343.758,00.e Bahwa dalam Research & Development Service and TechnologyLicense Agreement Article 2 paragraf 2.02 dinyatakan "SGA Inexchange for the licence granted pursuant to paragraph 2.01 ofarticle 2, company shall pay to SGA the following royalty fee: (i)One percent (1%) of the Net Sales of all Abrasive Productsconverted by company (to the exclusion of finished abrasivesproducts sourced from other Affiliates) and sold by company tothird parties and to affiliates during
tahun 2009 adalah sebesar Rp. 750.774.972,m.Bahwa dalam Research & Development Service and TechnologyLicense Agreement Article 2 paragraf 2.02 dinyatakan "SGA /nexchange for the licence granted pursuant to paragraph 2.01 of article 2,company shall pay to SGA the following royalty fee: (i) Onepercent (1%) of the Net Sales of all Abrasive Products convertedby company (to the exclusion of finished abrasives products sourcedfrom other Affiliates) and sold by company to third parties and toaffiliates during
235 — 81
The Credit limit issubject to a maximum of value equivalent to 50,000 metric tons of Merchandise outstandingamount net of any payment made by BSS and exclude, warehouse and othersimilar cost and fee, at any one time during the specified period.
Grade No. 2 Or Better Yellow Soybeans) had been completelydischarged from road trucks and still stored in the warehouse in bulk condition, we found partlywere inHalaman 7dari 53 HaLPutusan No.248/Pdt (i/2013/PN.JKT.PSTsplit/broken, wrinkled, purple color, foreign matter and other beans with theIn such condition (split/oroken, wrinkled, purple color, foreign matter and other beans) wehave an opinion that the condition had happened dueto during stored after harvest at origin country.
226 — 178 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
oleh Penggugatuntuk melakukan investigasi dan survei kerusakan pada tanggal 30 dan31 Januari 2010, didalam laporannya : investigation and damagesurvey report Qing Ping Hai" contact with barges at Lhoong, Indonesia on20 Januari 2010 (laporan investigasi dan survei kerusakan Qing Ping Haikontak dengan tongkangtongkang di Lhoong, Indonesia pada 20 Januari2010) tertanggal pada halaman 13 butir 7 tentang cause of damage(penyebab kerusakan) menyebutkan : Based on our findings and informationreceived during
the survey and investigation we are of the view that thedamage sustained to the Qing Ping Hai was due to force compressionbetween vessel's hull and the plates of the barges due to the tyre fendersbeing broken during heavy sea swells (Berdasarkan temuan kami daninformasi yang diterima selama survey dan investigasi kami berpandanganbahwa kerusakan yang didenta Qing Ping Hai adalah karena gayakompresi antara lambung kapal dan plat dari tongkangtongkang karenadaprah ban yang rusak selama alun laut berat
135 — 84
,M.M. kuasahukum dari DURING, NANANG KARYADI, SAMSUL HILAL, WAYAN SUDIARTA, SUMIRU tertanggal 10 Nopember2015 ditujukan kepada Ketua DPRD Kabupaten Kapuas.Perihal : Surat Pengantar Keberatan dan Permintaan UntukDihitung Ulang Atas Surat Suara Yang Dinyatakan Rusak(Tidak Sah) dan Keberatan Atas Penggelembungan SuratSuara Oleh Panitia Pemilihan Kepala Desa DalamPelaksanaan Pemilihan Kepala Desa Serentak di KabupatenKapuas Tahun 2015 An. DURING, Dkk. (Ssesuai dengan asili);Hal. 18 dari 40 hal.
54 — 44
.= During his working period, he has shown his initiatives and hisefforts to do his assignments up to our satisfaction (Selama waktutersebut dia sudah menunjukan inisiatif dan usahanya yangmemuaskan kami).= His contract has been finished of our company.
433 — 1914
This acts as a key barrier to entry in thisindustry and necessitates substantial funding, particularly during the minedevelopment phase. The industry is exposed to fluctuations in the market price of coal, particularly ascontracts are generally signed up to a year in advance of the sale.
The application of the TNMM usingthe Return on Total Assets confirmed that on an overall basis, GBP was earning a returnaround the median level of the comparable companies on its related party transactions.The combination of the above provides the required level of support that GBP has beentransacting on an arm's length basis in its dealings with related parties during the yearsended 31 December 2006, 2007 and 2008.GBP is required to retain this report and all relevant supporting information for
This section sets out the approach followed to adjust the selected comparableuncontrolled transactions (index prices), in order to provide an accurate and reliablebenchmark for the sales of coal to BR during the same years by GBP.The comparable uncontrolled transactions are based on three separate and widelyrecognized coal price indices the Newcastle Coal (NEWC) Index, the Indonesian CoalPrice Index (ICI) and the Coal Platts Index (CIM) described in 7.2 below.7.2 Coal Indices7.2.1 Newcastle Coal
Hence, the costsof spillage and wastage would reduce the sales price of coal to BR compared to the coalindices.As a result, an adjustment should be made to the comparable transactions (coal indexprices) to reduce them for the estimated losses that would be incurred if the indices werebased on FOB barge and not FOB terminal.The average loss due to spillage and wastage during barging of the coal to the terminalis estimated at around 2.82%.7.5.7 TransshipmentTransshipment refers to the loading of coal
the basis of FOB barge while the assumptionunderlying the three indices is that sales are made on the basis of FOB coal terminal.Hence, the costs of spillage and wastage would reduce the sales price of coal to BRcompared to the coal indices.As aresult, an adjustment should be made to the comparable transactions (coal indexprices) to reduce them for the estimated losses that would be incurred if the indiceswere based on FOB barge and not FOB terminal.The average loss due to spillage and wastage during
108 — 42
During his working period, he has shown his initiatives and hisefforts to do his assignments up to our satisfaction (Selama waktutersebut dia sudah menunjukan inisiatif dan usahanyamemuaskan kami).hal 4 dari 13 hal Perkara No.408/Pid/2018/PT.DKI We herewith express our appreciation for his services to ourcompany and wish his every succes in his future career (Kamimengapresiasi atas jasajasanya terhadap perusahaan kami dankami doakan agar beliau sukses dalam karir kedepannya).Bahwa Surat Lolos Butuh
PT Fagioli Lifting and Transportation Indonesia
1.Badan Arbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Konstruksi Indonesia
2.PT Waagner Biro Indonesia
931 — 857
Jika terjadi pertentangan antaraBahasa tersebut, versi Bahasa Inggris yang berlaku).Terhadap SyaratSyarat SubKontrak, Pemohon mengusulkan revisiterhadap ketentuanketentuan yang sangat penting antara lainsebagai berikut:Pasal 7.3 Termohon II awalnya mengusulkan:Arbitration may commence prior to, during or after the execution of theWorks or parts thereof under the Subcontract.
Contohnya, Pasal 7.3 yangversi Bahasa Inggrisnya berbunyi:Halaman 7 dari 110 Putusan Nomor 66/Pdt.G/2020/PN BtmHalaman 7 dari 110 Putusan Nomor 66/Pdt.G/2020/PN BtmHalaman 7 dari 110 Putusan Nomor 66/Pdt.G/2020/PN Btm7.3Arbitration may commence prior to, during or after the execution of theWorks or parts thereof under the Subcontract.
Arbitration proceedingShall be conducted by BADAPSKI (Badan Arbitrasi Dan AlternatifPenyelesaian Sengketa Konstruksi Indonesia).Dengan menggunakan trackchanges, Pemohon mengusulkan agarforum arbitrase dirubah menjadi:Arbitration may commence prior to, during or after the execution of theWorks or parts thereof under the Subcontract.
Contohnya, Pasal 7.3 yangversi Bahasa Inggrisnya berbunyi:Arbitration may commence prior to, during or after the execution of theWorks or parts thereof under the Subcontract.
Apabila ada perbedaanmaka yang di jadikan acuan adalah versi bahasa Inggris;Menimbang, bahwa dalam Perjanjian SubKontrak C310690/SC02/08/2017 yang menyatakan :7.3 Arbitration may commence prior to, during or after the execution of theWorks or parts thereof under the Subcontract.
49 — 35 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
suchcash calls,The cash alls for Plant Operating casts and CurrentlyFunded Capital Projects shall be show, S@parately and shall in aordance with Producers" latest egtinates of seachSales Contract's Percentage as determined under Artlele 11of the Agreement, Tf curing @ yeae there Shall be aFevision in the estimate of a Sales Gontract's Percentage,or if the Final determination of such Sales Contrace'sPercentage pursuant to Section 1l.o2 of Ehe Agrecment shallFeflect & diserepancy from the estimates during
such year,tPPropfiate adjustments wilt be made in the amcunts ef cashfalled from Producers to the end that the AmOUAES paid nate be paid by Producers during and with Fespect to such yearTeSpecting Flank Operating Casts and Currently: FundedCapital Projects shall be Fecencl led ,45 quickly agwee : P te ta it S0ch i ad aati lee or de mi Ei arac ab W1th ch Levis Climate 1 Earmina lea Gambar V.
curcere calendar yearand any loteres: garned thereon. less Fearfo=date cegsts debited and paid);C2 5Pall funds not Yee fecelved pursuant to Pricr cashcalls;(3) projected cash expenditures from the last date ofthe previous deblting period ERFough the end of theBeciod covered by such cash call; andC4) met cash Tequiremont.Ce AS goon afeer Ehe end of @ach calendac Year am Fhe hecesgaryinformation becomes available, Flant Operater shallTeconmeile the estimate oF each Sales Contract" s Parcentageaed during
102 — 16
kamar mandi untuk cucitangan, setelah itu terdakwa meminjam uang kepada istri terdakwa yaitu saksiBOTHOK YANTI sebanyak Rp. 1.000.000, (satu juta Rupiah), dengan tujuanuang tersebut akan terdakwa berikan kepada saksi MUNTHENG untuk uang jasatelah mengantarkan saksi SUKIRMI untuk terdakwa gugurkan kandungannya.Selanjutnya terdakwa menemui saksi MUNTHENG, saksi IRWANTO dan saksiSUKIRMI di ruang tamu, dan terdakwa mengatakan kepada saksi IRWANTO dansaksi SUKIRMI, Telung dino yen bayi wis metu opo during
64 — 42
, terhadap alat STERILISATOR UAP DOUBLE dan NEEDLEDESTROYER tersebut berdasarkan kontrak kerja maupun penawaran barangseharusnya menggunakan sistem elektrik, dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut :e STERILISATOR UAP DOUBLE RACK Specification: Sterilizing chamber volume 420 x 180 x 105 (mm); Power souce 1.5 Kw/Ac 220 V.50 Hz; Time setting range 0 60 min.NEEDLE DESTROYERNEEDLE DESTROYER, Specification: Needle destrution by burning; Burning temperature above 1000C Voltage : 230 Volts50 Hz, 1 Amp max, during
terhadap alatSTERILISATOR UAP DOUBLE dan NEEDLE DESTROYER tersebutberdasarkan kontrak kerja maupun penawaran barang seharusnya menggunakansistem elektrik, dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut :e STERILISATOR UAP DOUBLE RACK Specification: Sterilizing chamber volume 420 x 180 x 105 (mm); Power souce 1.5 Kw/Ac 220 V.50 Hz; Time setting range 0 60 min.e NEEDLE DESTROYER, Specification:Needle destrution by burning;BUS ccrcnonexenase14Burning temperature above 1000CVoltage : 230 Volts50 Hz, 1 Amp max, during
117 — 22
EntryExit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of The Peoples Republic ofChina, diketahui isinya adalah meminta konfirmasi untuk melakukan penelitian terhadap keabsahandokumen Form E Nomor E13470ZC24605261 tanggal 26 April 2013 terkait dengan criteria WhollyObtained berdasarkan Rule 3 ROO ACFTA;bahwa dalam Surat dari Shenzhen EntryExit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of The PeoplesRepublic of China nomor 47000013715 tanggal 21 Oktober 2013 yang menunjuk pada Form E NomorE13470ZC24605261 menyatakan : During
37 — 17 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
deternined as Previded Lm Section A.o1 ofthe Agr@enent, of Projected net cash Fequirements For eachof:(a) Plant Operating Costs; and(6) the costs of Currently Punded Capital Projectsfor 4 calendar senth ar Barc thereof, as @@t forth in suchCash calls,The cash ealles For Plant Operating Costs and CurrentlyFunded Capital Projects shall be S150 Sepacately and gshalzbe in accordance with Producers" latest estimates of eachSales Contract's Percentage as determined under Artiele LiOf the Agreement, TE during
@ yeac there shall be aFeviston in the estimate of Sales Conteact's Percentage,or if the Final determination oe Such Sales Contrace'sPercentage pursuant te Section LL.o2 of the Agreement shallFeflect a disetepancy from the estimates diring such yaar,appropriate adjustments will be made 5 the amounts of cashCalled from FPreducers to the end that the amownts Paid andto be paid by Producers during and with TEEPGCE to such yearrespecting Plant Operating Costs and Currently: FundedCapital Projects staan
AS go0n after the and Of ach calendar Year as he hecessaryinfecmation becomes available, Plant Operater shallFeconcile the estimate of each Sales Contract s ParcentageUged during such Fear with such Sales Contrace"s Percentagedetermined in aceerdance with Section 2.62 of theAgreement.Ds TE the cash calls fer a given meath in the aggregate exceedSctual expenditures fer said month. the cash eall nextSucceeding the issuance sf the Sebit cckm referred te inSection J below shall be reduced by the amount
124 — 64
Bahwa dalam Kontrak Kontrak tertanggal 31Maret 2016 sebagaimanadiubah dengan kontrak No. 001/SC/MAJUWSF/INV/2016 tertanggal 8April 2016 pada lembaran 1 tertulis dalam Bahasa Inggris Shipmentpenod : During the Periode of June to December 2016 yang jikadiartikan secara bebas ke dalam Bahasa Indnesia adalah PeriodePenginman : selama penode Juni sampai dengan Desember 2016;.
Bahwa dalam Kontrak Kontrak tertanggal 31Maret 2016 sebagaimanadiubah dengan kontrak No. 001/SC/MAJUWSF/IV/2016 tertanggal 8April 2016 pada lembaran 1 tertulis dalam Bahasa Inggris Shipmentperiod : During the Periode of June to December 2016, yang jikadiartikan secara bebas ke dalam Bahasa Indnesia adalah PeriodePenginman : selama periode Juni sampai dengan Desember 2016;.
29 — 8
Irvan Al Haris dengan kalimat Ini masihdari aku nak, belum dari kakaknya Yesi, paling kamu dibunuh oleh orangSemboro atau dalam bahasa Jawa, iki teko aku thok le, sek during soko maseYesi, paling koen dipateni karo wong Semboro. Akibat dari perbuata terdakwatersebut saksi M. Irvan Al Haris mengalami rasa sakit di bagian wajah sesuaidengan Visum et Repertum dari Rumah sakit dr. Soebandi Jember atas nama M.Irvan Al.
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT TABITHA EXPRESS
230 — 264
ISSUANCE OF THIS BILL OF LADING(3) When issued on a Port to Port Basis, the responsibilityof the Carrier is limited to that part of the Carriage from andduring loading onto the vessel up to and during dischargefrom the vessel and the Carrier shall not be liable for anyloss or damage whatsoever in respect of the Goods or forany other matter arising during any other part of theCarriage even though charges for the whole Carriage havebeen charged by the Carrier...(3) = Ketika dikeluarkan atas dasar dari
ISSUANCE OF THIS BILL OF LADING(3) When issued on a Port to Port Basis, the responsibilityof the Carrier is limited to that part of the Carriage from andduring loading onto the vessel up to and during dischargefrom the vessel and the Carrier shall not be liable for anyloss or damage whatsoever in respect of the Goods or forany other matter arising during any other part of theCarriage even though charges for the whole Carriage havebeen charged by the Carrier...(3) Ketika dikeluarkan atas dasar dari
210 — 83
Thecrew took samples of these particles and it was found out that theywere various kinds of rubber pieces and hard plastics of various size.Thesehardplasticand rubber pieces can potentially causedamage to cargo pump impeller and even cause a big delay to thevessel during discharging....Bahwa sebelum Kargo CPO dimuat ke atas Kapal Tongkang Catrine 01 danKapal SPOB Putra Satria, terhadap Kapal Tongkang Catrine 01 dan KapalSPOB Putra Satria telah diadakan survey kelaikan, dengan hasil sebagaiberikut
There aresecurity posts at the main gate and the jetty to monitor the personnelattending during loading activities.The transfer process at PT. Hindoli from the shore tanks to the jetty andthe vessels/ barge is a close loop system and based on ourobservations we consider that it is very unlikely that any foreignmaterials could enter the system during the loading process.Halaman 7 dari 75 Putusan Perdata Gugatan Nomor 110/Pat.G/2017/PN PtkWeconsider that the PT.
There are security posts at the main gate of the Mills and theJambi wharf to monitor the personnel attending during loading activities.The transfer process at PT.
Harapan Sawit Lestari from the Mill 1 andMill 2 to the Jambi wharf and the vessels/ barge are open loop systems.However, at the final stages of transferring the CPO, there arestrainers and based on our observations we consider that it isvery unlikely thatany foreign materials could have entered thebarge CATRINE 01 during the loading process.Halaman 9 dari 75 Putusan Perdata Gugatan Nomor 110/Pat.G/2017/PN PtkWe have received copies of the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP)for the loading of CPO onto
103 — 95 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Sumber Daya Nusaphala (dahulu Termohon) adalah dalambentuk fasilitas kredit modal kerja untuk pengembang dan fasilitas kreditInvestasi dalam bentuk Kredit Investasi Pokok (KIPokok) dan Kredit InvestasiInterest During Construction (KIIDC);Bahwa berdasarkan Surat Pemohon Kasasi tanggal 8 Juni 2006 Nomor : R.II122ADK/DKR/062006, maka Pemohon Kasasi telah memutuskanmemberikan fasilitas kredit Modal Kerja Untuk Pengembang kepada PT.Sumber Daya Nusaphala (dahulu Termohon) dengan plafond sebesarRp,00
Sumber Daya Nusaphala (dahulu Termohon) telahmengajukan permohonan restrukturisasi atas fasilitas kredit Investasi (Kl) danHal. 22 dari 26 hal.Put.No. 297 K/PDT.SUS/2011Kredit Investasi Interest During Construction (KIIDC) yang akhirnya disetujuioleh Pemohon Kasasi adalah sebesar Rp 42.942.000.000,00 (empat puluhdua miliar sembilan ratus empat puluh dua juta Rupiah) sebagaimanatertuang dalam Akta No. 30 tanggal 31 Maret 2010, yang dibuat dinadapanEmi Susilowati, SH., Notaris di Jakarta (Lampiran9
35 — 20 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Putusan Nomor 1426/B/PK/PJK/2017 8.02 B.01 As consideration te Plant Oceraterfst performance of iteobligations under Article J, gach of the Preducgra shall,Subject to the following provislens of this Section .91ti OL,Plan Tahoe 1 EPay Plant Operatec, in Pespect of gach calendar year during. che tain hateof, against cagh calls and deblt notessubmitted as provided in section 4.02, ifs CaleuletionPetcentaga(s Of its Predeegrg' Parcentage(s) of each SalesContract Percentage of all Plant Cparating Costs
euchCaah calls,The cash calls For Plank Operating Costs afd CurrenchyFunded Capital Projects shall be shown SOpacately and ghalyue in accordance with Producers" latest eatimates of eachSales Contrace's Percentage as determined under Article 11of the Agreement, Tf curing @ yeac there Shall be aFevision in the estimate of a Sales Contract'g Percentage,or if the final determination of such Sales Conmtrace'sPercentage pursuant to Sectlon 11.02 of the Agfecment shallFeflect a diserepancy from the estimates during
such year,tPPTopfiate adjustments wilt be mide in the ancunts af cashCalled From Producers to the end that the amounts paid anto be paid by Producers during and with Pespect to such yearTespHcting Plant Operating Casta and Currently: FundedCapital Projects shail be fecenclled ,45 QGuiekly aaPractica ktble with such revised Q8timgtes or determinationGambar V.
curcese ealendar yeara Ad any interese $acned thereon. less Fearto=date cogts debited and Paid); ,2 5C2) all funds nee Yee recelwed pursuant to Price cashcalls: 3) Projected cash expenditures from the Last date offhe previous deblting period theough the end of thePatio covered Sy such cash call; andC4) net cash tequirtemant,Cc. 43 850m after the e8d of each calendac #ar as Ehe neeegsa cyinformation becomes available, Plant Operater shallFeconcile the ggtimate of each Sales Contract 's Percentageused during