Ditemukan 230 data
148 — 1254 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Terdapat perbedaan kondisi, namundapat dilakukan penyesuaian untukmenghilangkan pengaruh yang materialatau signifikan dari perbedaan kondisitersebut terhadap harga atau laba";Bahwa OECD Guidelines paragraf 3.57 secarakhusus juga menyatakan bahwa:"It may also be the case that, while every efforthas been made to exclude points that have alesser degree of comparability, what is arrived atis a range of figures for which it is considered,given the process used for selecting comparablesand limitations
254 — 388
MNG01345/07 AA tanggal 19 Februari 2008 yang dikutip sebagaiberikut: Cause of Damage; While determining the cause of damage, thefollowing factors were taken into account.1). Raw Cashew contains inherent moisture. There was an intervalof about 45 days from the Bill of Lading date and Bestowingand change in ambient temperature during this period may havecaused condensation in the container. This in turn would havecaused the cargo to become wet and fungus formation/ damageto cashew.2).
43 — 24 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
sehingga tidak menjadi pertimbangan utama dalampengambilan keputusankeputusan bisnis);bahwa namun demikian dalam International Tax Dialogue, Keyissues and debates in VAT, SME Taxation and the taxtreatment of the financial sector, p.24 dinyatakan:Exemptions violate the basic logic of the VAT, being part waybetween levying a positive VAT rate in the usual way (by taxingoutput and crediting input tax) and applying a zero rate(removing all VAT embodied in the price of a product bycrediting input tax, while
43 — 20 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
concerned and shall specifythe reasons and any additional information suggesting that theparticulars given on the said Certificate of Origin (Form D) maybe inaccurate, unless the retroactive check is requested on arandom basis;(b) The issuing authority receiving a request for retroactive checkshall respond to the request promptly and reply within ninety(90) days after the receipt of the request;(c) The customs authorities of the importing Member State maysuspend the provisions on preferential treatment while
405 — 184
This report says yes, there ispollution because there is abnormally high arsenic in thesediment, in the benthos, in the fish and in the groundwater, hesaid.A member of the panel, Hilmi Salim, the coordinator of thecenter for natural resources at Padjadjaran University, saidNewmont was hiding the dark side and only showing the whiteside, by emphasizing data that supported its case, particularly onwater quality standards, while ignoring data that showedpollution, like those on the sediment.Putusan
All forms of mercury are toxic, and mercuryvapors are extremely toxic, she said.The specialist from the Minamata Institute, Mineshi Sakamoto,who conducted tests for the W.H.O., said that while he did not findMinamata disease, he was convinced that the bay was pollutedfrom mine waste. Newmont finished operations in August. Theenvironment is completely destroyed, and the people becamesick, Mr. Sakamoto said.
bentukan pemerintah/Koordinator Lembaga PusatSumber Daya Alam Universitas Padjajaran yakni Hilmi Salim,sebagaimana dapat dilihat pada halaman 3 alinea 2 sebagaimanadikutip berikut ini :Halaman 3 alinea 2 Pemberitaan Edisi 9 November 2004A member of the panel, Hilmi Salim, the coordinator of the center ofnatural resources at Padjadjaran University, said Newmont washidinh the dark side and only showing the white side, byemphasizing data that supported its case, particularly on water qualitystandards, while
Sakamoto, sebagaimana dapat dilihat pada halaman 7 alinea45 sebagaimana dikutip berikut ini :Halaman 7 alinea 45 Pemberitaan Edisi 22 Desember 2004The specialist from the Minamata Institute, Mineshi Sakamoto, whoconducted the tests for the WHO said that while he did not findMinamata disease, he was convinced that the bay was polluted fromthe mine waste. Newmont finished operations in August.The environment is completely destroyed, and the people becamesick, Mr. Sakamoto said.
39 — 21 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
sehingga tidak menjadi pertimbangan utama dalampengambilan keputusankeputusan bisnis);bahwa namun demikian dalam International Tax Dialogue, Keyissues and debates in VAT, SME Taxation and the tax treatmentof the financial sector, p.24 dinyatakan:Exemptions violate the basic logic of the VAT, being part waybetween levying a positive VAT rate in the usual way (by taxingoutput and crediting input tax) and applying a zero rate(removing all VAT embodied in the price of a product bycrediting input tax, while
215 — 127
We look forward to a mutuallypositive and beneficial partnership with Inalum that will continue to providesubstantial benefits to the people of Papua; the Republic of Indonesia; and toour local employees, suppliers and contractors while generating attractivereturns for our shareholders.Yang terjemahannya berbunyi :Perjanjian ini menandai tonggak penting menuju pembentukankemitraan jangka panjang baru dengan Republik Indonesia untukmemberikan stabilitas jangka panjang bagi operasi PT Freeport Indonesia.Melalui
33 — 12 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Putusan Nomor 2101/B/PK/PJK/201 7(removing all VAT embodied in the price of a product bycrediting input tax, while not taxing output);(Pengecualian melanggar logika dasar dari PPN, sebagaipenyimpangan atas aturan umum pengenaan PPN (melaluiPajak Keluaran dan pengkreditan Pajak Masukan) danpengenaan tarif 0% (mengeluarkan unsur PPN didalam hargasebuah produk dengan mengkreditkan Pajak Masukan dan tidakmengenakan pajak atas penjualan);Bahwa berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan prinsipnetralitas
128 — 69 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Victims take anactive role in the process, while offenders are encouraged to take responsibilityfor their actions, to repair the harm theyve done by apologizing.
114 — 98 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
It is also possible that the different points in arange represent the fact that independent enterprisesengaged in comparable transactions under comparablecircumstances may not establish exactly the same price forthe transaction.Par 3.57It may also be the case that, while every effort has beenmade to exclude points that have a lesser degree ofcomparability, what is arrived at is a range of figures forwhich it is considered, given the process used for selectingcomparables and limitations in information
428 — 621
Bidders shall submit Confirmation Letter of delivery equipmentfor 6 months from contract award (while performing modification required forBD).4. Bidders shall submit Valid MIGAS or International Well ControlForum (IWCF) certificate of Offshore Installation Manager (OIM), ToolPusher, Driller, Derrick man and Roughneck.5. Bidders shall submit MoU Letter between Contractor and Rigowner (if Contractor is not a Rig owner).6.
Bidders shall submit Confirmation letter of deliveryequipment for 6 months from contract award(while perfoming modification required for BD).Atas persyaratan tersebut, PT COSL INDOmelampirkan personil dalam dokumenpenawarannya sebagai berikut: YEARSNATIONALITYYEARS WITHNO NAME POSITION TOTAL(AGE) OFFSHORE = CONTRACTOREXPERIENCE1 Sateesh Balakrishnan MODU Manager Indian 11 2(Rig Manager) (33)2 Mark DarganMC Claggan Assistant Rig Manager American 41 1 Hal113 dari 434 Hal Putusan Nomor 907/Pdt.GKPPU
OfficeTecnical Evaluation Criteria (Mandatory):Bidders shall submit Original Companys Statement Letter of Local Content Level(Technical) which has been signed by authorized person.Bidders shall submit and meet all equipment criteria stipulated in Exhibit A1 (Jack UpDrilling Rig).Bidders shall submit list of personnel and their CV for this project fulfilling therequirements as stipulated in Exhibit A2. 1.Bidders shall submit Confirmation letter of delivery equipment for 6 months fromcontract award (while
BidderContractualseeks Clarification concerningrequirement for proposed JUDrilling Rig Services Contract.Would Company accept responsibility forand assume full liability for any and all costsrelated to the repair or replacement for lossof or damage to Contractors property andequipment which occurs while the propertyand equipment are down hole, regardless ifthese property and equipment are insuredby Contractor (above deductible amounts)?
285 — 243
Newmont Nusa Tenggara tidak memilikisaham divestasi karena itu tidak wajib melakukan divestasi sehinggatidak mungkin in default (breach of agreement)Putusan inidirekayasa dan dapat dikategorikan sebagai tipu muslihat yang tidakseharusnya dikeluarkan oleh Arbitrase Internasional ;Order PTNNT to divest 17 % of its shares consisting of 3 % of 2006and 7 5 of 2007 shares to the Regional Government, while 7 % of2008 shares shall be divested to the Government of Indonesia, All thesaid obligations shall
652 — 424
Jashan Atmaram Sadaranganiatau dikenal juga dengan nama Jashan Atmaram Sadarangani(As Jashan) atau dikenal juga dengan nama Jashan Atmaram(As Jashan) melalui Kedutaan Besar India sebagaimana SuratKedutaan Besar India tanggal 11 Juni = 2018,No.JAK/CONS/415/8/2018 yang pada intinya menyatakansebagai berikut:Kutipan The Embassy has been informed by relatives of late A,SJashan that he died on 8" July 2016, while working as ManagingDirector of PT.Gambir Trading Company Ltd.
Jashan Atmaram Sadarangani ataudikenal juga dengan nama Jashan Atmaram Sadarangani (As Jashan)atau dikenal juga dengan nama Jashan Atmaram (As Jashan) melaluiKedutaan Besar India sebagaimana Surat Kedutaan Besar India tanggal11 Juni 2018, No.JAK/CONS/415/8/2018 yang pada intinya menyatakansebagai berikut:Kutipan The Embassy has been informed by relatives of late A,S Jashan that hedied on 8" July 2016, while working as Managing Director of PT.GambirTrading Company Lid.
196 — 132
While damaged against themachine as the result of hard impact by uknown object mostprobably occurred during unloading or loading at the transhipmentport or during discharging at the unloading port";Terjemahan bebas :"berdasarkan alur pengiriman cargo tersebut, kami menyakinibahwa kerusakan terhadap mesin tersebut terjadi setelah"Jaminan Laporan Kerugian sampai tanggal 23 Agustus 2014";Tetapi kerusakkan terhadap mesin sebagai akibat adanyabenturan keras oleh objek yang tidak diketahui sangat mungkinterjadi
- Beberapa segi lembaga hukum cessie perlu mendapat perhatian, yaitu1. pengertian tentang cessie perlu diseragamkan agar dalam pelaksanaannya bisa menghasilkan keputusan yang baik;2. bahwa penyerahan benda-benda tak bertubuh yang bukan berupa ... [Selengkapnya]
If, for instance, thedebitor cessus writes to the assignor that he has taken cognisance of the instrumentof assignment and will pay to the assignee, whereupon the assignor confirms thereceipt of the letter while expressing thanks and not giving any further comment, anotification as referred to in art. 3:94 par. 1 BW can be established.E.
309 — 118
While damaged against the machine as the result of HARDIMPACT BY UKNOWN OBJECT MOST PROBABLY occurred duringUNLOADING OR LOADING at the transhipment port OR DURINGDISCHARGING AT THE UNLOADING PORT."Halaman 85 Putusan Nomor: 424/Pdt.G/2015/PN.Jkt.PstTerjemahan bebas:berdasarkan alur pengiriman cargo tersebut, kami menyakini bahwakerusakan terhadap mesin tersebut terjadi setelah "Jaminan LaporanKerugian sampai tanggal 23 Agustus 2014".
272 — 260 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
pricing namun pada dasarnya terdapatketerbatasan informasi yang diperoleh dalam database komersial oleh karenaitu, untuk mengeliminasi kerentanan terhadap ketidaksebandingan dariperusahaan pembanding yang dipilih, maka digunakan /nterquartile range;Bahwa I/nterquartile range dapat mengeliminasi kerentanan terhadapketidaksebandingan dari pembanding yang dipilih, hal ini juga diungkapkandalam Paragraf 3.57 OECD Transfer pricing Guidelines 2010 yangmenyebutkan bahwa: "/t may also be the case that, while
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Ricky S Nazir
Terbanding/Tergugat III : EMIR NURMANSYAH
Terbanding/Tergugat IV : NAFIS ADWANI
Terbanding/Tergugat V : RITA TYASTUTI TAUFIK
Terbanding/Tergugat VI : AGUS AHADI DERADJAT
Terbanding/Tergugat VII : WOODY PANANTO
Terbanding/Tergugat VIII : CHANDRAWATI DEWI
Terbanding/Tergugat IX : LUKY I WALALANGI
Terbanding/Tergugat X : SAHAT M SIAHAAN
Terbanding/Tergugat XII : Nurdin Adiwibowo
Terbanding/Tergugat XIII : FREDDY KARYADI
Terbanding/Tergugat XIV : Yanny M. Suryaretina
Terbanding/Tergugat XV : Ayik Chandrawulan Gunadi
Terbanding/Tergugat XVI : KEVIN OMAR SIDHARTA
Terbanding/Tergugat XVII : Indra Setiawan
Terbanding/Tergugat XVIII : Miriam Andreta
Terbanding/Turut Tergugat I : PT Bangun Karya Pratama Lestari BKPL
Terbanding/Turut Tergugat II
881 — 2803
From the date ofthe agreements, we note that the Bahasa version is dated January 18,2011 while the English version is dated October 25, 2010. We assumedthat they are two different contracts.
411 — 393 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
sebagai pertentangan antar putusan" ;Selain itu, patut juga disimak pandangan Prof.Andrew Byrnes dalam Report on International LegalIssues Relating to the Trial, conviction andsentencing of Scott Anthony Rush under the NationalNarcotics Law of Indonesia, bulan April 2010 (videLampiran 8), butir c, halaman 35 dan 36, yangmenyatakan bahwa "violation of Articles 14 (1) and 26,ICCPR and Article 6, ICCPR: the imposition by onepanel of the Supreme Court of a death sentence on thedefendant Scott Rush while
90 — 63 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
A commonlyseen pricing mechanism built into sales contracts is the use of acombination of ACP and spot pricing in the monthly PX price setting.A typical arrangement between a Seller and a Buyer would allow acertain percentage of the monthly sales to be priced at the prevailingspot price, while the rest of the monthly sales quantity is priced at theACP.