Ditemukan 86 data

Urut Berdasarkan
Register : 24-08-2018 — Putus : 04-10-2018 — Upload : 09-09-2019
Putusan PT PEKANBARU Nomor 213/PID.SUS/2018/PT PBR
Tanggal 4 Oktober 2018 — Identitas Pihak Tidak Dipublikasi
  • Cosstanal Corsa 1 Box31 Dextaf Balatif 2 Strip32 Dionicol Ifars 1 Box Halaman 3 dari 21 halaman Putusan Nomor 213/PID.SUS/2018/PT PBR 33 Divoltar Kalbe 5 Strip34 Eltazon Ifars 7 Blister35 Eryra forte Rama 8 Strip36 Farizol Ifars 10 Strip37 Farizol syrup Ifars 2 Botol38 Fenamin 500 Zenith 1 Box39 Fenaren Bernofarm 10 Strip40 Flacoid Yekatria 7 Strip41 Flasicox 15 mg Ifars 4 Strip42 Floxifar 500 mg Ifars 4 Strip43 Glikos Ifars 10 Strip44 Gludepatic Fahrenheint 2 Strip45 Grafachlor Graha farma 3 Strip46 Grafalin
    Putusan Nomor 213/PID.SUS/2018/PT PBR 29 Corsamox Corsa 1 Box30 Cosstanal Corsa 1 Box31 Dextaf Balatif 2 Strip32 Dionicol Ifars 1 Box33 Divoltar Kalbe 5 Strip34 Eltazon Ifars 7 Blister35 Eryra forte Rama 8 Strip36 Farizol Ifars 10 Strip37 Farizol syrup Ifars 2 Botol38 Fenamin 500 Zenith 1 Box39 Fenaren Bernofarm 10 Strip40 Flacoid Yekatria 7 Strip41 Flasicox 15 mg Ifars 4 Strip42 Floxifar 500 mg Ifars 4 Strip43 Glikos Ifars 10 Strip44 Gludepatic Fahrenheint 2 Strip45 Grafachlor Graha farma 3 Strip46 Grafalin
    Botol28 Ciprofloxacin Pyridam 1 BoxFarm29 Corsamox Corsa 1 Box30 Cosstanal Corsa 1 Box31 Dextaf Balatif 2 Strip32 Dionicol Ifars 1 Box33 Divoltar Kalbe 5 Strip34 Eltazon Ifars 7 Blister35 Eryra forte Rama 8 Strip36 Farizol Ifars 10 Strip37 Farizol syrup Ifars 2 Botol38 Fenamin 500 Zenith 1 Box39 Fenaren Bernofarm 10 Strip40 Flacoid Yekatria 7 Strip41 Flasicox 15 mg Ifars 4 Strip42 Floxifar 500 mg Ifars 4 Strip43 Glikos Ifars 10 Strip44 Gludepatic Fahrenheint 2 Strip45 Grafachlor Graha farma 3 Strip46 Grafalin
Register : 10-12-2020 — Putus : 18-01-2021 — Upload : 19-01-2021
Putusan PN Pulau Punjung Nomor 134/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Plj
Tanggal 18 Januari 2021 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Strip l estari Fara: 924 Interhistin Strip Interbat 925 Novastan 500 Strip Novapharin 1326 Alodan 300mg Strip Hexpharm Jaya 9Omedom ; ;27 Domperidone Strip Mutifa 3; Balatif28 Dextaf Strip Pharmaceutical 1029 Wiros 20mg Strip Itrasal 14Cetirizine ;30 Hydrochloride Strip Novell 531 Broxal Strip Bernofarm 30 Halaman 16 dari 99 Putusan Nomor 134/Pid.Sus/2020/PN PIj 32 Alofar 100 Alopurinol Strip Ifars 1238 Faridexon 0.5mg Strip Ifars 1034 Aldentin 500mg Strip Actavis 435 Formyco Strip Sanbe Farma 736 Grafalin
    27 Danasone Strip Hexpharm Jaya 428 Samcovask 5 Strip Samco Farma 629 Domperidon Blister Indofarma 530 Glibeclamide 5mg Blister Indofarma 2831 Corsona Strip Phapros 2032 Amlodipine Besilate Strip Hexpharm Jaya 2033 Renabetic Strip Pratapa Nirmala 2234 mone Blister Hexpharm Jaya 1035 Molacort 0.5 Strip Molex Ayus 4236 Molacort 0.75 Strip Molex Ayus 2237 Meloxicam 7.5 Strip Mulia Palma 3Suci38 Grafalin Strip Graha Farma 1039 Lanadekon Strip Landson 840 Amlodipine Strip Hexpharm Jaya 1941 Cefadroxil
    27 Danasone Strip Hexpharm Jaya 428 Samcovask 5 Strip Samco Farma 629 Domperidon Blister Indofarma 530 Glibeclamide 5mg Blister Indofarma 2831 Corsona Strip Phapros 2032 Amlodipine Besilate Strip Hexpharm Jaya 2033 Renabetic Strip Pratapa Nirmala 2234 im Blister Hexpharm Jaya 1035 Molacort 0.5 Strip Molex Ayus 4236 Molacort 0.75 Strip Molex Ayus 2237 Meloxicam 7.5 Strip Mulia Palma 2Suci38 Grafalin Strip Graha Farma 1039 Lanadekon Strip Landson 840 Amlodipine Strip Hexpharm Jaya 1941 Cefadroxil Strip
Putus : 11-09-2014 — Upload : 18-05-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 609 K/PID.SUS/2014
Tanggal 11 September 2014 — NASRULLAH
3914 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • DKL 8918203117A1;9 tab cotrimoksazole GKL 0834008110A1;. 8 tab ranitidine 150 GKL 9220911517A1; tab haloperidol;6 tab forten 25 DKL 0406510410C1;11 tab amoxicillin 250;10 tab piroxicam 20 mg GKL 9512511310B1;10 tab sulfadoxin pyrimethamin GKL;130 tab colidum loperamide HCI 2 mg DKL 0233402704A1 ;23 tab allopurinol 100 mg GKL 0634005710A1;25 tab phenoximethyl penicillin 250 GKL 9219913410A1;100 tab metronidazole 500 GKL 9512510710A1;80 tab grafalin
    GKL 0834008110A1;. 8 tab ranitidine 150 GKL 9220911517A1; tab haloperidol;6 tab forten 25 DKL 0406510410C1;11 tab amoxicillin 250;10 tab piroxicam 20 mg GKL 9512511310B1;10 tab sulfadoxin pyrimethamin GKL130 tab colidum loperamide HCI 2 mg DKL 0233402704A1 ;23 tab allopurinol 100 mg GKL 0634005710A1;25 tab phenoximethyl penicillin 250 GKL 9219913410A1;100 tab metronidazole 500 GKL 9512510710A1;80 tab grafalin
Putus : 01-12-2011 — Upload : 16-03-2012
Putusan PN BANGKO Nomor 01/Pid.C/2011/PN.BK.
Tanggal 1 Desember 2011 — Rolly Hardiantoni Bin Muslim
  • Grafachlor; 5 mg;Irgafan 200;Histigo;Alerdex;Novatrim;Grathazon;Dexclosan;Pritanol;Digoxin 0,25 mg;Gralixa 40;Cydifar;Atranac 50;Clopramel 10 mg;Phytomenndione Amp;Molacort 0,75 mg;Mycoral 200 mg dan Mycoral 200;Dexigen Cream;Vorsea Sirup;Myomergin Amp;Dumocyclin HCL;Molason krim;Hufanoxil Syrup;Farsifen 400 mg;Suldox;Infalgin 500 mg;Ampicillin;Grazeo 20 mg;Grafalin 4 mg;Oxytetracyclin
Register : 01-04-2016 — Putus : 08-06-2016 — Upload : 20-07-2016
Putusan PN SOLOK Nomor - 24/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.SLK
Tanggal 8 Juni 2016 — - NOFERIUS alias NOF
  • 46 Box Interbat Obat Keras- Gabiten 26 Box Ifars Obat Keras- Teosal 60 Box Dexa medica Obat Keras- Eltazon 72 Box Ifars Obat Keras- Methyl prednisolon 4 47 box Dexa Medica Obat Keras- Methyl prednisolon 4 14 Box Mahakam Beta farma Obat Keras- Mexon 56 Box Sampharindo perdana Obat Keras- Molacor 0,5 128 Box Molex Ayus Obat Keras- Asonfen 14 Box Inti Jaya Obat Keras- Lanadexon 109 Box Lansond Perti Agung Obat Keras- Soldextam 42 Box Solas Obat Keras- Dextaf 15 Box Balatif Obat Keras- Grafalin
    2 39 Box Graha Farma Obat Keras- Grafalin 4 32 Box Graha Farma Obat Keras- Histapan 31 Box Sanbe Obat Keras- Salbutamol 16 Box First Obat Keras- Zoline 14 Box Pyridam Obat Keras- Fenamin 48 Box Zenith Obat Keras- Amosterra 82 Box Sejahtera Lestari Obat Keras- Vadrol 73 Box Novapharin Obat Keras- Ampicillin 500 17 Box Pharmalaboratorium Obat Keras- Amoxicillin 500 21 Box Pharmalaboratorium Obat Keras- Zoralin krim 84 Tube Medicon Obat Keras- Polofar plus 45 Box Ifars Obat Keras- Isosorbide
    46 Box Interbat Obat Keras10 Gabiten 26 Box lfars Obat Keras11 Teosal 60 Box Dexa medica Obat Keras12 Eltazon 72 Box lfars Obat Keras13 Methyl prednisolon 4 47 box Dexa Medica Obat Keras14 Methyl prednisolon 4 14 Box Mahakam Beta farma Obat Keras15 Mexon 56 Box Sampharindo perdana Obat Keras16 Molacor 0,5 128 Box Molex Ayus Obat Keras17 Asonfen 14 Box Inti Jaya Obat Keras18 Lanadexon 109 Box Lansond Perti Agung Obat Keras19 Soldextam 42 Box Solas Obat Keras20 Dextaf 15 Box Balatif Obat Keras21 Grafalin
    2 39 Box Graha Farma Obat Keras22 Grafalin 4 32 Box Graha Farma Obat Keras23 Histapan 31 Box Sanbe Obat Keras24 Salbutamol 16 Box First Obat Keras25 Zoline 14 Box Pyridam Obat Keras26 Fenamin 48 Box Zenith Obat Keras27 Amosterra 82 Box Sejahtera Lestari Obat Keras28 Vadrol 73 Box Novapharin Obat Keras29 Ampicillin 500 17 Box Pharmalaboratorium Obat Keras30 Amoxicillin 500 21 Box Pharmalaboratorium Obat Keras31 Zoralin krim 84 Tube Medicon Obat Keras32 Polofar plus 45 Box lfars Obat Keras33 Isosorbide
    Grafalin 2 39 Box Graha Farma Obat Keras22. Grafalin 4 32 Box Graha Farma Obat Keras23. Histapan 31 Box Sanbe Obat Keras24. Salbutamol 16 Box First Obat Keras25. Zoline 14 Box Pyridam Obat Keras Hal. ke 22 dari25. Put No.24/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.SIk 26. Fenamin 48 Box Zenith Obat Keras27. Amosterra 82 Box Sejahtera Lestari Obat Keras28. Vadrol 73 Box Novapharin Obat Keras29. Ampicillin 500 17 Box Pharmalaboratorium Obat Keras30. Amoxicillin 500 21 Box Pharmalaboratorium Obat Keras31.
Register : 23-09-2013 — Putus : 29-10-2013 — Upload : 30-01-2014
Putusan PN TEMBILAHAN Nomor 240/Pid.Sus/2013/PN.TBH
Tanggal 29 Oktober 2013 — Pidana - Dewita Situmorang Binti Oliver Situmorang
  • mg Bernofarm Box/ 100 tb 90 tb26 Dolodon 500 mg Mecosin box/ 100 tb 180 tb27 Gastricon tablet First Media Farma box/ 100 tb 140 tb28 Mexon tb Sampharindo box/ 100 tb 30 tb29 Erlamycetin tetes telinga Erela btl/ 10 ml 4 btl30 Erphacyp Erlimpex box/ 100 tb 130 tb31 Etadium Errita box/ 100 tb 90 tb32 Erlamycetin tetes mata Erritama P Btl/10 ml 12 btl33 Etacyl tablet Errita box/ 1000 tb 300 tb34 Furosemide 10 mg Indofarma box/ 100 tb 50 tb35 Grathazon tablet Graha box/ 100 tb 260 tb36 Grafalin
    Ciprofloxacin 500 Bernofarm Box/ 100 tb 90 tbmg26 Dolodon 500 mg Mecosin box/ 100 tb 180 tb27 Gastricon tablet First Media Farma box/ 100 tb 140 tb28 Mexon tb Sampharindo box/ 100 tb 30 tb 29 Erlamycetin tetes Erela btl/ 10 ml 4btltelinga30 Erphacyp Erlimpex box/ 100 tb 130 tb31 Etadium Errita box/ 100 tb 90 th32 Erlamycetin tetes Erritama P Btl/10 ml 12 btlmata33 Etacyl tablet Errita box/ 1000 tb 300 tb34 Furosemide 10 mg Indofarma box/ 100 tb 50 th35 Grathazon tablet Graha box/ 100 tb 260 tb36 Grafalin
    Ciprofloxacin 500 Bernofarm Box/ 100 tb 90 tbmg26 Dolodon 500 mg Mecosin box/ 100 tb 180 tb27 Gastricon tablet First Media Farma box/ 100 tb 140 tb28 Mexon tb Sampharindo box/ 100 tb 30 tb29 Erlamycetin tetes Erela btl/ 10 ml 4 btltelinga30 Erphacyp Erlimpex box/ 100 tb 130 tb31 Etadium Errita box/ 100 tb 90 tb32 Erlamycetin tetes Erritama P Btl/10 ml 12 btlmata33 Etacyl tablet Errita box/ 1000 tb 300 tb34 Furosemide 10 mg Indofarma box/ 100 tb 50 tb35 Grathazon tablet Graha box/ 100 tb 260 tb36 Grafalin
    Ciprofloxacin 500 Bernofarm Box/ 100 tb 90 tbmg26 Dolodon 500 mg = Mecosin box/ 100 tb 180 tb27 Gastricon tablet First Media Farma box/ 100 tb 140 tb28 Mexon tb Sampharindo box/ 100 tb 30 tb29 Erlamycetin tetes Erela btl/ 10 ml 4 btltelinga30 Erphacyp Erlimpex box/ 100 tb 130 tb31 Etadium Errita box/ 100 tb 90 tb32 Erlamycetin tetes Erritama P Btl/10 ml 12 btlmata 12 33 Etacyl tablet Errita box/ 1000 tb 300 tb34 Furosemide 10 mg Indofarma box/ 100 tb 50 tb35 Grathazon tablet Graha box/ 100 tb 260 tb36 Grafalin
    Ciprofloxacin 500 Bernofarm Box/ 100 tb 90 thmg26 Dolodon 500mg Mecosin box/ 100 tb 180 tb27 Gastricon tablet First Media Farma box/ 100 tb 140 tb28 Mexon tb Sampharindo box/ 100 tb 30 tb29 Erlamycetin tetes Erela btl/ 10 ml 4 btltelinga30 Erphacyp Erlimpex box/ 100 tb 130 tb31 Etadium Errita box/ 100 tb 90 tb32 Erlamycetin tetes Erritama P Btl/10 ml 12 bilmata33 Etacyl tablet Errita box/ 1000 tb 300 tb34 Furosemide 10 mg Indofarma box/ 100 tb 50 tb35 Grathazon tablet Graha box/ 100 tb 260 tb36 Grafalin
Register : 14-10-2014 — Putus : 06-01-2015 — Upload : 25-06-2015
Putusan PN TEMBILAHAN Nomor 219/Pid.Sus/2014/PN Tbh
Tanggal 6 Januari 2015 — - YURNALIS
  • 10 100050 Erphacyp tab Erlimpex Strip/ 10 2051 Etambutol cap 500 mg KF Strip/ 10 13052 Etamoxul sirup Eta Strip/ 10 553 Etason tab Otto Strip/ 10 5054 Fargetix tab Strip/ 10 26055 Farmoten 25 mg tab Pratapa Strip/ 10 40056 Farmoten 25 mg tab Fahreinheit Strip/ 10 9057 Faxiden 10 mg cap Ifars Strip/ 10 3058 Faxiden 10 mg cap Strip/ 10 6059 FG Troches tab Meiji Strip/ 10 2060 Furosemide tab KF Strip/ 10 20061 Glibenclamid tab Indo F Strip/ 10 24062 Grafachlor cap Strip/ 10 10063 Grafalin
    Ephedrrin tab KF Strip/ 10 100050 Erphacyp tab Erlimpex Strip/ 10 2051 Etambutol cap 500 mg = KF Strip/ 10 13052 Etamoxul sirup Eta Strip/ 10 553 Etason tab Otto Strip/ 10 5054 Fargetix tab Strip/ 10 26055 Farmoten 25 mg tab Pratapa Strip/ 10 40056 Farmoten 25 mg tab Fahreinheit Strip/ 10 9057 Faxiden 10 mg cap Ifars Strip/ 10 3058 Faxiden 10 mg cap Strip/ 10 6059 FG Troches tab Meiji Strip/ 10 2060 Furosemide tab KF Strip/ 10 20061 Glibenclamid tab Indo F Strip/ 10 24062 Grafachlor cap Strip/ 10 10063 Grafalin
    Ephedrrin tab KF Strip/ 10 100050 Erphacyp tab Erlimpex Strip/ 10 2051 Etambutol cap 500 mg KF Strip/ 10 13052 Etamoxul sirup Eta Strip/ 10 533 Etason tab Otto Strip/ 10 5054 Fargetix tab Strip/ 10 2603S Farmoten 25 mg tab Pratapa Strip/ 10 40056 Farmoten 25 mg tab Fahreinheit Strip/ 10 9057 Faxiden 10 mg cap Ifars Strip/ 10 3058 Faxiden 10 mg cap Strip/ 10 6059 FG Troches tab Meiji Strip/ 10 2060 Furosemide tab KF Strip/ 10 20061 Glibenclamid tab Indo F Strip/ 10 24062 Grafachlor cap Strip/ 10 10063 Grafalin
    KF Strip/ 10 100050 Erphacyp tab Erlimpex Strip/ 10 2051 Etambutol cap 500 mg KF Strip/ 10 13052 Etamoxul sirup Eta Strip/ 10 553 Etason tab Otto Strip/ 10 5054 Fargetix tab Strip/ 10 26055 Farmoten 25 mg tab Pratapa Strip/ 10 40056 Farmoten 25 mg tab Fahreinheit Strip/ 10 90 18 19 57 Faxiden 10 mg cap Ifars Strip/ 10 3058 Faxiden 10 mg cap Strip/ 10 6059 FG Troches tab Meiji Strip/ 10 2060 Furosemide tab KF Strip/ 10 20061 Glibenclamid tab Indo F Strip/ 10 24062 Grafachlor cap Strip/ 10 10063 Grafalin
    KF Strip/ 10 100050 Erphacyp tab Erlimpex Strip/ 10 20 2828 51 Etambutol cap 500 mg = KF Strip/ 10 130ae Etamoxul sirup Eta Strip/ 10 553 Etason tab Otto Strip/ 10 5054 Fargetix tab Strip/ 10 26055 Farmoten 25 mg tab Pratapa Strip/ 10 40056 Farmoten 25 mg tab Fahreinheit Strip/ 10 9057 Faxiden 10 mg cap Ifars Strip/ 10 3058 Faxiden 10 mg cap Strip/ 10 6059 FG Troches tab Meiji Strip/ 10 2060 Furosemide tab KF Strip/ 10 20061 Glibenclamid tab Indo F Strip/ 10 24062 Grafachlor cap Strip/ 10 10063 Grafalin
Register : 31-07-2019 — Putus : 02-10-2019 — Upload : 09-10-2019
Putusan PN TILAMUTA Nomor 61/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Tmt
Tanggal 2 Oktober 2019 — Penuntut Umum:
1.Abdul Malik Kalang, SH
2.Kurniawan, SH.,M.Hum
3.Muhammadong, SH
4.Syahrianto Subuki. SH
Mohamad Nasir Bin Mustaqim
  • DEXCLOSAN DKL9728909110A1 RAMA EMERALD 100 tab 10 tab 70000 33 ERPHACYP DKL9206404708A1 ERLIMPEX 940 tab 10 tab 470000 34 FARIZOL DKL9509205104B1 IFARS 10 KAPLET 10 KAPLET 6000 35 FULCIN DKL9508900710B1 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIN 13 tab 9 tab 195000 36 GASELA DKL1006312617A1 ERELA 50 tab 10 tab 10000 37 GEMFIBROZIL GKL0319925301A1 PHAPROS 96 KAPSUL 10 KAPSUL 38400 38 GLIBENCLAMIDE 5 GKL0007113404A1 FIRST MEDIPHARMA 1310 TAB 10 TAB 327500 39 GRAFACHLOR DKL9131102604A1 GRAHA FARMA 90 TAB 10 TAB 45000 40 GRAFALIN
    00,7532 DEXCLOSAN DKL9728909110A1 RAMA 100 tab 10 tab 70000EMERALD33 ERPHACYP DKL9206404708A1 ERLIMPEX 940 tab 10 tab 47000034 FARIZOL DKL9509205104B1 IFARS 10 KAPLET 10 KAPLET 600035 FULCIN DKL9508900710B1 BOEHRINGER 13 tab 9 tab 195000INGELHEIN36 GASELA DKL1006312617A1 ERELA 50 tab 10 tab 1000037 GEMFIBROZI GKLO319925301A1 PHAPROS 96 KAPSUL 10 KAPSUL 38400L38 GLIBENCLAM GKLO007113404A1 FIRST 131 TAB 10 TAB 327500IDE 5 MEDIPHARMA 039 GRAFACHLO DKL9131102604A1 GRAHA 90 TAB 10 TAB 45000R FARMA40 GRAFALIN
    00,7532 DEXCLOSAN DKL9728909110A1 RAMA 100 tab 10 tab 70000EMERALD33 ERPHACYP DKL9206404708A1 ERLIMPEX 940 tab 10 tab 47000034 FARIZOL DKL9509205104B1 IFARS 10 KAPLET 10 KAPLET 600035 FULCIN DKL9508900710B1 BOEHRINGER 13 tab 9 tab 195000INGELHEIN36 GASELA DKL1006312617A1 ERELA 50 tab 10 tab 1000037 GEMFIBROZI GKLO319925301A1 PHAPROS 96 KAPSUL 10 KAPSUL 38400L38 GLIBENCLAM GKLO0007113404A1 FIRST 131 TAB 10 TAB 327500IDE 5 MEDIPHARMA 039 GRAFACHLO DKL9131102604A1 GRAHA 90 TAB 10 TAB 45000R FARMA40 GRAFALIN
    Sus/2019/PN Tmt 33 ERPHACYP DKL9206404708A1 ERLIMPEX 940 tab 10 tab 47000034 FARIZOL DKL9509205104B1 IFARS 10 KAPLET 10 KAPLET 600035 FULCIN DKL9508900710B1 BOEHRINGER 13 tab 9 tab 195000INGELHEIN36 GASELA DKL1006312617A1 ERELA 50 tab 10 tab 1000037 GEMFIBROZI GKLO319925301A1 PHAPROS 96 KAPSUL 10 KAPSUL 38400L38 GLIBENCLAM GKLO007113404A1 FIRST 131 TAB 10 TAB 327500IDE 5 MEDIPHARMA 039 GRAFACHLO DKL9131102604A1 GRAHA 90 TAB 10 TAB 45000R FARMA40 GRAFALIN DKL9331103610A1 GRAHA 100 TAB 10 TAB 80000FARMA41
Register : 19-02-2020 — Putus : 26-02-2020 — Upload : 26-02-2020
Putusan PT PADANG Nomor 45/PID.SUS/2020/PT PDG
Tanggal 26 Februari 2020 — Pembanding/Penuntut Umum : RUDI FERNANDES, S.H.
Terbanding/Terdakwa : FITRA DIANA Pgl. PIT Binti TASLIM
  • StripsMethylprednisolone Laboratories14 Metronidazole Tablet Novapharin 7 Strips500mg Pharmaceutical Industries15 Zoralin Medikon Prima 2 Strips16 Farizol 500 Mg Pt Ifars Pharmacetical 20 StripsLaboratories17 Yusimox 500mg Pt Ifars Pharmacetical 11 StripsLaboratories18 Dexaharsen 0.75mg Pt Harsen 15 Strips19 Muzoral Tablet Pt Molex Ayus 2 Strips20 Gitri 480 Holi Pharma 5 Strips21 Grathazon Graha Farma 38 Strips22 Licodexon 0.5 Pt Berlico Mulia Farma 20 Strips23 Salbutamol Sulfate Graha Farma 5 Strips24 Grafalin
    StripsMethylprednisolone Laboratories14 Metronidazole Tablet Novapharin 7 Strips500mg PharmaceuticalIndustries15 Zoralin Medikon Prima 2 Strips16 Farizol 500 Mg Pt Ifars Pharmacetical 20 StripsLaboratories17 Yusimox 500mg Pt Ifars Pharmacetical 11 StripsLaboratories18 Dexaharsen 0.75mg Pt Harsen 15 Strips19 Muzoral Tablet Pt Molex Ayus 2 Strips20 Gitri 480 Holi Pharma 5 Strips21 Grathazon Graha Farma 38 Strips22 Licodexon 0.5 Pt Berlico Mulia Farma 20 Strips23 Salbutamol Sulfate Graha Farma 5 Strips24 Grafalin
    Putusan Nomor 45/PID.SUS/2020/PT PDG 15 Zoralin Medikon Prima 2 Strips16 Farizol 500 Mg Pt Ifars Pharmacetical 20 StripsLaboratories17 Yusimox 500mg Pt Ifars Pharmacetical 11 StripsLaboratories18 Dexaharsen 0.75mg Pt Harsen 15 Strips19 Muzoral Tablet Pt Molex Ayus 2 Strips20 Gitri 480 Holi Pharma 5 Strips21 Grathazon Graha Farma 38 Strips22 Licodexon 0.5 Pt Berlico Mulia Farma 20 Strips23 Salbutamol Sulfate Graha Farma 5 Strips24 Grafalin 4 Salbutamol Graha Farma 17 Strips25 Griseofulvin 500mg Pt
Register : 17-02-2020 — Putus : 07-04-2020 — Upload : 18-08-2021
Putusan PN KANDANGAN Nomor 34/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Kgn
Tanggal 7 April 2020 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Keras Daftar G

    201 Glikos 500 PT Ifars 140 Kaplet Obat Keras Daftar G

    202 Gabiten PT Ifars 240 Kaplet Obat Keras Daftar G

    203 Gratheos PT Graha Farma 100 Tablet Obat Keras Daftar G

    204 Grafalin

    Obat Keras Daftar G

    209 Grafachlor PT Graha Farma 220 Kaplet Obat Keras Daftar G

    210 Grazeo 20 PT Graha Farma 150 Tablet Obat Keras Daftar G

    211 Gricin 500 PT Novapharin 60 Tablet Obat Keras Daftar G

    212 Grafalin

    Farma Daftar GPT Pratapa 180 Tablet Obat Keras196 Farmalat 10 Nirmala Daftar G197 Fargoxin PT Pratapa 205 Tablet Obat Keras0,25 Nirmala Daftar GFaridexon 110 Kaplet Obat Keras198 05mg PT. lfars Daftar G250 Tablet Obat Keras199 Gasela PT ERELA Daftar G; 180 Kaplet Obat Keras200 Grafamic PT Graha Farma Daftar G; 140 Kaplet Obat Keras201 Glikos 500 PT lfars Daftar G; 240 Kaplet Obat Keras202 Gabiten PT lfars Daftar G100 Tablet Obat Keras203 Gratheos PT Graha Farma Daftar G240 Tablet Obat Keras204 Grafalin
    Keras205 Grathazon PT Graha Farma Daftar G; ; 100 Kapsul Obat Keras206 Gemfibrozil PT Phapros Daftar G. 60 Tablet Obat Keras207 Griseofulvin PT Kimia Farma Daftar G; PT Pratapa 100 Kaptab Obat Keras208 Gludepatic Nirmala Daftar G220 Kaplet Obat Keras209 Grafachlor PT Graha Farma Daftar G210 Grazeo 20 PT Graha Farma 150 Tablet Obat Keras Halaman 9 dari 61 Putusan Pidana Nomor 34/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Kgn Daftar G .. ; 60 Tablet Obat Keras211 Gricin 500 PT Novapharin Daftar G; 210 Tablet Obat Keras212 Grafalin
    Halaman 27 dari 61 Putusan Pidana Nomor 34/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Kgn 203 Gratheos Pr Grane 100 Tablet Opa eras204 Grafalin 4 Pr Grane 240 Tablet Opa eras205 Grathazon er ora m a 960 Kaplet OPar ne eS .206 Gemfibrozil PT Phapros Lo9 Kapsul Opar ners207 Griseofulvin PT Kimia Farma 6G Tablet pate:209 Grafachlor pr raha 220 Kaplet OPar ee GC .210 Grazeo 20 Pr Saha 150 Tablet Opar eras211 Gricin 500 PT Novapharin 68 Tablet Opa eras212 Grafalin 2 Pr Grane 210 Tablet Opa eras213 Glucodex PT Dexa Medica 300 Tablet
    220 Ikaplet OPar ne ce .210 Grazeo 20 Pr graha 150 Tablet Opa ners211 Gricin 500 PT Novapharin 60 Tanlet OPat eras212 Grafalin 2 Pr Saha 210 Tablet Opar eras213 Glucodex PT Dexa Medica eu8 Tablet Opa eras216 Holimox PT Meprofarm 200 Kaplet Opa eras221 Histigo PT Ifars 130 Kaplet Opa ners222 Heptasan PT Sanbe 130 Tablet Obat KerasFarma Daftar G223 Helixim 100 PT.
    Ifars P10 lkapiet Oper ke e 199 Gasela PT ERELA 250 Tablet Opa eras200 Grafamic prea " a 180 Kaplet patter G 201 Glikos 500 PT Ifars 740 Ikapiet OPar ne ce 202 Gabiten PT Ifars 240 Kaplet pate GC 203 Gratheos prea m a 100 Tablet hoher G 204 Grafalin 4 prera " i 240 Tablet Darter G 205 Grathazon prea m i 900. Kaplet patter G 206 Gemfibrozil PT Phapros 100 Kapsu!
Register : 16-05-2016 — Putus : 18-07-2016 — Upload : 18-08-2016
Putusan PN BIREUEN Nomor 115/Pid.Sus/2016/PN Bir
Tanggal 18 Juli 2016 — FARID Bin ANWAR
  • 100 mg 100 tablet Obat Daftar G36 Dextaf 100 tablet Obat Daftar G37 Neuralgin Rx 96 tablet Obat Daftar G38 Provinas 200 100 tablet Obat Daftar G39 Selmatic 20 100 tablet Obat Daftar G40 Ambroxol 30 200 tablet Obat Daftar G41 Omegtamine 300 tablet Obat Daftar G42 Piroxicam 20 mg 80 tablet Obat Daftar G43 Infalgin 100 tablet Obat Daftar G44 Mexon kaplet 15 tablet Obat Daftar G45 Ratrim 58 tablet Obat Daftar G46 Etadex 0,5 170 tablet Obat Daftar G47 Microtina 50 tablet Obat Daftar G48 Grafalin
    Allopurinol tablet 100 mg 100 tablet Obat Daftar G36 Dextaf 100 tablet Obat Daftar G37 Neuralgin Rx 96 tablet Obat Daftar G38 Provinas 200 100 tablet Obat Daftar G39 Selmatic 20 100 tablet Obat Daftar G40 Ambroxol 30 200 tablet Obat Daftar G41 Omegtamine 300 tablet Obat Daftar G42 Piroxicam 20 mg 80 tablet Obat Daftar G43 Infalgin 100 tablet Obat Daftar G44 Mexon kaplet 15 tablet Obat Daftar G45 Ratrim 58 tablet Obat Daftar G46 Etadex 0,5 170 tablet Obat Daftar G47 Microtina 50 tablet Obat Daftar G48 Grafalin
    tablet Obat Daftar G37 Neuralgin Rx 96 tablet Obat Daftar G38 Provinas 200 100 tablet Obat Daftar G39 Selmatic 20 100 tablet Obat Daftar G40 Ambroxol 30 200 tablet Obat Daftar G41 Omegtamine 300 tablet Obat Daftar G42 Piroxicam 20 mg 80 tablet Obat Daftar G43 Infalgin 100 tablet Obat Daftar G44 Mexon kaplet 15 tablet Obat Daftar G45 Ratrim 58 tablet Obat Daftar G46 Etadex 0,5 170 tablet Obat Daftar G47 Microtina 50 tablet Obat Daftar G Halaman 13 dari 41 Putusan Nomor 115/Pid.Sus/2016/PN Bir 48 Grafalin
Register : 08-10-2020 — Putus : 09-09-2020 — Upload : 08-10-2020
Putusan PN MUARA BULIAN Nomor 110/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Mbn
Tanggal 9 September 2020 — Novendra Varamita Samosir Binti Ero Samosir
Register : 14-09-2018 — Putus : 05-11-2018 — Upload : 07-11-2018
Putusan PN PELAIHARI Nomor 233/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Pli
Tanggal 5 Nopember 2018 — Muhammad Risyki Bin M. Fadhil (Alm)
  • Novartis 20 ~=s Tablet Obat Keras188 Noperten 10 PT Dexa Medica 30 ~=Tablet Obat Keras189 Noperten 5 PT Dexa Medica 30 = Tablet Obat Keras190 Natrium Diklofenak 50 Novell 50 ~= Tablet Obat Keras191 Dexteem Plus Erlimpex 120 Tablet Obat Keras192 Grazeo 20 Graha Farma 100 Tablet Obat Keras193 Allopurinol 100 mg PT Landson 90 Tablet Obat Keras194 Selim 20 PT Ifars 20 ~=Tablet + Obat Keras195 Divoltar 50 PT Kalbe 50 ~= Tablet Obat Keras196 Ketokonazole 200 PT Feron Pharmaceutical 40 Tablet Obat Keras197 Grafalin
    4 PT Graha Farma 100 Tablet Obat Keras198 Grafalin 2 PT Graha Farma 60 Tablet Obat Keras199 Isosorbide Dinitrate 5mg PT Indofarma 80 Tablet Obat Keras200 Captopril 12,5 PT Indofarma 60 Tablet Obat Keras201 Winatin PT Ifars 100 Tablet Obat Keras202 Dextaco PT Berlico 100 Tablet Obat Keras203 Flacoid 0,5 PT Yekatria 50 ~= Tablet Obat Keras204 Voltadex 50 PT Beta Pharmakon 40 Tablet Obat Keras205 Methyl Prednisoolon 4mg PT Dexa Medica 100 Tablet Obat Keras206 Tokasid PT Graha Farma 50 ~= Tablet Obat
    Keras48 BetasonN PT Kimia Farma 12 Tube Obat Keras49 Nufacort Nufarindo 7 Tube Obat Keras50 MediKlin TR PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories 5 Tube Obat Keras51 AMOXCILLIN 500 MG PT Pharma Laboratories 5000 kaplet Obat Keras52 Antalgin Tab 500 mg PT Corsa Industri 11400 Tablet Obat Keras53 Dezamethason 0,5 1300 Obat Keras PT Dexa Kaplet54 Triclofem PT Tunggal Idaman Mandiri 82s Vial Obat Keras55 Lanadexon PT Landson 700 ~=Tablet Obat Keras56 Cyclofem PT Tunggal Idaman Mandiri 134 Vial Obat Keras57 Grafalin
    30 = Tablet Obat Keras189 Noperten 5 PT Dexa Medica 30 = Tablet Obat Keras190 Natrium Diklofenak 50 Novell 50 ~= Tablet Obat Keras191 Dexteem Plus Erlimpex 120 Tablet Obat Keras Halaman 40 dari 46 Putusan Nomor 233/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Pili 192 Grazeo 20 Graha Farma 100 Tablet Obat Keras193 Allopurinol 100 mg PT Landson 90 + Tablet Obat Keras194 Selim 20 PT Ifars 20 ~=Tablet + Obat Keras195 Divoltar 50 PT Kalbe 50 = Tablet Obat Keras196 Ketokonazole 200 PT Feron Pharmaceutical 40 Tablet Obat Keras197 Grafalin
    4 PT Graha Farma 100 Tablet Obat Keras198 Grafalin 2 PT Graha Farma 60 Tablet Obat Keras199 Isosorbide Dinitrate 5mg PT Indofarma 80 Tablet Obat Keras200 Captopril 12,5 PT Indofarma 60 Tablet Obat Keras201 Winatin PT Ifars 100 Tablet Obat Keras202 Dextaco PT Berlico 100 Tablet Obat Keras203 Flacoid 0,5 PT Yekatria 50 ~=Tablet Obat Keras204 Voltadex 50 PT Beta Pharmakon 40 Tablet Obat Keras205 Methyl Prednisoolon 4mg PT Dexa Medica 100 Tablet Obat Keras206 Tokasid PT Graha Farma 50.
Register : 05-04-2019 — Putus : 24-06-2019 — Upload : 14-08-2019
Putusan PN PAINAN Nomor 48/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Pnn
Tanggal 24 Juni 2019 — Penuntut Umum:
  • EdaringKarung 7JuNo Nama Kemasan Pabrik ml Keteranganah1 Metformin dus/10 Hexap 16 Dus Obat Kerasstrip harm Putusan 48/Pid.Sus/19/PN.PnnPage 14 of 58 jayaAmpicillin dus/10 Pharm2 10 Dus Obat Keras500 strip a LabFirstSalbutam dus/103 Medip 12 Dus Obat Kerasol 4mg stripharmaFirstSalbutam dus/104 Medip 3 Dus Obat Kerasol 2 mg stripharma dus/10 Interba5 Interhistin 8 Dus Obat Kerasstrip tdus/106 Omecidal fr Mutifa 6 Dus Obat KerasstripGlibencla dus/107 INF 13 Dus Obat Kerasmide Stripdus/50 Grahaf8 Grafalin
    Strip Obat Kerasa Bernof37 Sultrimmix Strip 5 Strip Obat KerasarmOxytetrac .Kimia38 ycline Strip 17 Strip Obat KerasFarmaSalep39 Zentarine Strip Zenith 5 Strip Obat KerasErrita4O Etadex Strip Pharm 10 Strip Obat KerasaQuant41 Cefixime Strip um 7 Strip Obat KerasLabsRenadina Fahren42 Strip 5 Strip Obat KerasC heitBernof43 Broxal Strip 5 Strip Obat Kerasarm44 Fargetic Strip Ifars 5 Strip Obat KerasGraha45 Infalgin Strip 5 Strip Obat KerasFarmaPratap. a .46 Farmoten Strip 5 Strip Obat KerasNirmala47 Grafalin
    Market EdaringKarung 7No Nama Kemasan Pabrik Ju Keterangan Putusan 48/Pid.Sus/19/PN.PnnPage 36 of 58 mlahHexapdus/101 Metformin harm 16 Dus Obat KerasstripJayaAmpicillin dus/10 Pharm2 10 Dus Obat Keras500 strip a LabFirstSalbutam dus/10a Medip 12 Dus Obat Kerasol 4mg stripharmaFirstSalbutam dus/104 Medip 3 Dus Obat Kerasol 2 mg stripharmaa dus/10 Interba5 Interhistin 8 Dus Obat Kerasstrip tdus/106 Omecidal + Mutifa 6 Dus Obat KerasstripGlibencla dus/107 INF 13 Dus Obat Kerasmide stripdus/50 Grahaf8 Grafalin
    Strip Obat KerasarmOxytetrac .Kimia38 ycline Strip 17 Strip Obat KerasFarmaSalep39 Zentarine Strip Zenith 5 Strip Obat KerasErrita4O Etadex Strip Pharm 10 Strip Obat KerasaQuant41 Cefixime Strip um 7 Strip Obat KerasLabsRenadina Fahren42 Strip 5 Strip Obat KerasC heitBernof43 Broxal Strip 5 Strip Obat Kerasarm44 Fargetic Strip Ifars 5 Strip Obat Keras Putusan 48/Pid.Sus/19/PN.PnnPage 44 of 58 Graha45 Infalgin Strip 5 Strip Obat KerasFarmaPratap. a .46 Farmoten Strip 5 Strip Obat KerasNirmalaGraha47 Grafalin
Register : 15-07-2020 — Putus : 05-10-2020 — Upload : 06-10-2020
Putusan PN MENGGALA Nomor 347/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Mgl
Tanggal 5 Oktober 2020 — Penuntut Umum:
Parit Purnomo, SH
  • Mega EsaFarma Pharmaceutical Industries Jakarta-Ind 8 Botol
    22 Wiros 20 mg DKL 9110901801B1 Itrasal Semarang Ind 20 Kotak
    23 Grazeo 20 mg DKL 9431104110B1 GrahaFarma Solo Ind 9 Kotak
    24 Dexteem Plus DKL 9306409410A1 Erlimpex Semarang Ind 17 Kotak
    25 Grafalin
    25 Grafalin 4 Tablet DKL GrahaFarma 12 Kotak9331103610B1 Solo Ind26 LanadexonKaplet DKL Landson PT. 33 Kotak0,5 mg 7619602304A1 Pertiwi AgungInd27 Grathazon 0,5 mg DKL GrahaFarma 4 Kotak9131102004A2 Solo Ind28 Pronicy 4 mg DKL Kalbe Farma 16 Kotak9211614909A229 Gasela DKL Erela Semarang 5 Kotak1006312617A1 Ind30 Lerzin DKL PT. Ifars 1 Kotak0509215301A1 PharmaceuticalLaboratoriesSolo Ind31 Ampicillin Kaplet GKL PT.
    Pharma 5 Kotak500 mg 1040700204A1 Laboratories19 Piroxicam 20 mg GKL Kimia Farma 3 Kotak9512511310B120 Novadex 0,5 mg DKL Novapharin 85 Botol0334001904A2 PharmaceuticalIndustries GresikInd21 Alleron 100 kaplet DKL Mega EsaFarma 8 Botol8715201004A2 PharmaceuticalIndustriesJakartaInd22 Wiros 20 mg DKL Itrasal Semarang 20 Kotak9110901801B1 Ind23 Grazeo 20 mg DKL GrahaFarma 9 Kotak9431104110B1 Solo Ind24 Dexteem Plus DKL Erlimpex 17 Kotak9306409410A1 Semarang Ind25 Grafalin 4 Tablet DKL GrahaFarma 12
    1040700204A1 Laboratories19 Piroxicam 20 mg GKL Kimia Farma 3 Kotak9512511310B120 Novadex 0,5 mg DKL Novapharin 85 Botol0334001904A2 PharmaceuticalIndustries GresikInd21 Alleron 100 kaplet DKL Mega EsaFarma 8 Botol8715201004A2 Pharmaceutical Halaman 17 dari 57 Putusan Nomor 347/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Mgl IndustriesJakartaInd 22 Wiros 20 mg DKL Itrasal Semarang 20 Kotak9110901801B1 Ind23 Grazeo 20 mg DKL GrahaFarma 9 Kotak9431104110B1 Solo Ind24 Dexteem Plus DKL Erlimpex 17 Kotak9306409410A1 Semarang Ind25 Grafalin
Putus : 22-07-2016 — Upload : 10-08-2016
Putusan PT MATARAM Nomor 44 / PID.SUS.KEFARMASIAN / 2016 / PT. MTR
Tanggal 22 Juli 2016 — Sumiati
  • Molacort 0,5: 30tablet;Halaman 3 dari 9 Putusan Nomor 44/Pid.Sus/2016/PT.MTR10. 2mg: 140tablet;Salbutamol 4mg: 750tablet;Gratazon: 290tablet;Voltadex: 200tablet:;Moxigra 500: 300tablet;Cotrimoxzole: 180tablet;Wiros: 240tablet:Spasminal: 30tablet;Grafalin 4mg: 250tablet;Captopril 25mg: 350tablet;Nifedipine 10mg: 160tablet;Pronicy kaplet: 90tablet;Carbidu 0,5mg: 67Otablet;Gricin 125: 250tablet;Neuralgin kaplet
Register : 06-06-2016 — Putus : 22-07-2016 — Upload : 08-11-2021
Putusan PT MATARAM Nomor 44/PID.SUS/2016/PT PT MTR
Tanggal 22 Juli 2016 — Pembanding/Terbanding/Terdakwa : SUMIATI
Terbanding/Pembanding/Penuntut Umum : DYAH FITRI ARIYANI, SH
  • MTR10. 2mg: 140tablet;Salbutamol 4mg: 750tablet;Gratazon: 290tablet;Voltadex: 200tablet;Moxigra 500: 300tablet;Cotrimoxzole: 180tablet;Wiros: 240tablet;Spasminal: 30tablet;Grafalin 4mg: 250tablet;Captopril 25mg: 35Otablet;Nifedipine 10mg: 160tablet;Pronicy kaplet: 90tablet;Carbidu 0,5mg: 67Otablet;Gricin 125: 250tablet;Neuralgin kaplet: 330tablet;Suldox tablet: 12tablet;Captopril 50mg: 30tablet;Cetrizine 10mg
Register : 17-05-2019 — Putus : 19-06-2019 — Upload : 19-06-2019
Putusan PT BENGKULU Nomor 39/PID.SUS/2019/PT BGL
Tanggal 19 Juni 2019 — Pembanding/Terbanding/Terdakwa : JAHYA HIDAYAT SINABUTAR Bin J.SINABUTAR
Terbanding/Pembanding/Penuntut Umum : ASFERI JONI, SH
  • Pertiwi Agung 1 Box Opat Keras39 Grafalin PT. Graha Farma 2 Box Oparseras40 Teosal (kotak besar) Dexamedica 3 Box Cnckae a41 Teosal (kotak kecil) Dexamedica 3 Box oeiaee,42 Ambroxol HCl Sampharindo Perdana 2 Box OPat Keras43 Amoxicillin 500 mg PT. Pharma Laboratories 2 Box Opat Keras44 Omeproxil PT. Mutifa 2 Box Opat Keras45 Anastan Forte PT. Gratia Husada Farma 3 Box Opar cers46 Suldox PT Actavis Arpt Opat Keras47 Salgen PT.
    Pertiwi Agung 1 Box Opat Keras39 Grafalin PT. Graha Farma 2 Box Onckae a40 Teosal (kotak besar) Dexamedica 3 Box Obat Keras Halaman 11 dari 18 hal putusan No 39/Pid Sus/2019/PT BGL Daftar G 41 Teosal (kotak kecil) Dexamedica 3 Box Opar cers42 Ambroxol HCl Sampharindo Perdana 2 Box Opat Keras43 Amoxicillin 500 mg PT. Pharma Laboratories 2 Box Shakar44 Omeproxil PT. Mutifa 2 Box orete oe45 Anastan Forte PT. Gratia Husada Farma 3 Box Opar cers46 Suldox PT Actavis 6 Amplop Oparceras47 Salgen PT.
    Pertiwi Agung 1 Box Opat Keras39 Grafalin PT. Graha Farma 2 Box Opar cers40 Teosal (kotak besar) Dexamedica 3 Box Opat Keras41 Teosal (kotak kecil) Dexamedica 3 Box Onckae a42 Ambroxol HCl Sampharindo Perdana 2 Box Obat Keras Halaman 19 dari 18 hal putusan No 39/Pid Sus/2019/PT BGL Daftar G 43 Amoxicillin 500 mg PT. Pharma Laboratories 2 Box Opar cers44 Omeproxil PT. Mutifa 2 Box Opat Keras45 Anastan Forte PT. Gratia Husada Farma 3 Box Shakar46 Suldox PT Actavis 6 Amplop orete oe47 Salgen PT.
Upload : 17-06-2015
Putusan PN PASIR PANGARAIAN Nomor 53/Pid.Sus/2015/PN Prp
  • Global Multi = Strip 4in18 DexaM0O,75 Dexa Strip 3019 Dexaharmec Harsen Strip 920 Dexaharsen Harsen Strip 521 Dextaco Berlico Botol 122 Dionicol lfars Strip 123 Dolostan Rama Strip 4Forten24 Eltazon lfars Strip 825 Faridexon lfars Strip 326 Farizol 500 lfars Strip 927 Farmalat Pratapa Strip 528 Farmotern 25 Prapa Strip 429 Farsifen lfars Strip 130 Farsiretic lfars Strip 731 Faxiden lfars Strip 632 Furosemide INF Strip 1233 Genoit Erela Kotak 134 Glibenclamid INF Strip 735 Glicos lfars Strip 336 Grafalin
Putus : 19-09-2017 — Upload : 29-08-2018
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 272 K/PID.SUS/2017
Tanggal 19 September 2017 — Herdy Hasiolan Pandiangan
5938 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Grafalin 4 mg 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)5. Vasea 6 (enam) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)6. Grazeo 20 mg 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)7. Omeric 300 mg 2 (dua) box @ 100 tablet Obat Keras Daftar(G)8. Alvita 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)9. Roverton 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)10. DexaM0,75 mg 7 (tujuh) box @ 500 tablet Obat Keras Daftar(G)11. Ciprofloxacin 500 2 (dua) box @ 100 caplet Obat Keras Daftarmg (G)12.
    Grafalin 4 mg 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)5, Vasea 6 (enam) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)6. Grazeo 20 mg 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)ts Omeric 300 mg 2 (dua) box @ 100 tablet Obat Keras Daftar(G)8. Alvita 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)9. Roverton 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)10. Dexa M 0,75 mg 7 (tujuh) box @ 500 tablet Obat Keras Daftar(G) 7 Hal. 7 dari 34 hal. Put. No. 272 K/Pid.Sus/2017 11.
    Grafalin 4 mg 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)5. Vasea 6 (enam) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)6. Grazeo 20 mg 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)7. Omeric 300 mg 2 (dua) box @ 100 tablet Obat Keras Daftar(G)8. Alvita 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)9. Roverton 4 (empat) box @ 100 Obat Keras Daftartablet (G)10. Dexa M0,75 mg 7 (tujuh) box @ 500 tablet Obat Keras Daftar(G)11. Ciprofloxacin 500 2 (dua) box @ 100 caplet Obat Keras Daftarmg (G)12.