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Register : 28-11-2016 — Putus : 12-04-2017 — Upload : 04-07-2017
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 122/Pid.Sus/TPK/2016/PN.Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 12 April 2017 — Pidana Korupsi - ZAINAL ABIDIN SUPI
  • Sensor Approx. 22.2 x14.8 mmelmage type JPEG, RAW (12bite Simulataneous recordingRAW and JPEG images arerecorded simultaneosuslye Viewfinder information (1) AFinformation (AF point, focusconfirmation light); (2) Imageinformaiton (maximum burst,white balance correction)e Frame rate 30 fps (22 fps inmagnified mode)e Dust deletion feature (1) Selfcleaning sensor unit; (2) Dustdelete data acquisition andappending Cano 74 7.956.000 588.744.000 15 e Continuous shooting speedRAW + JPEG : Max approx1.5 shots
    Recording Media SC card,SDHC cardelmage Sensor Approx. 22.2 x14.8 mmelmage type JPEG, RAW (12bite Simulataneous recording RAWand JPEG images arerecorded simultaneosuslye Viewfinder information (1) AFinformation (AF point, focusconfirmation light); (2) Imageinformaiton (maximum burst,white balance correction)e Frame rate 30 fps (22 fps inmagnified mode)e Dust deletion feature (1) Selfcleaning sensor unit; (2) Dustdelete data acquisition andappendinge Continuous shooting speedRAW + JPEG : Max approx1.5 shots
    SDHC cardImage Sensor Approx. 22.2 x 14.8 mmImage type JPEG, RAW (12 bit)Simulataneous recording RAW and JPEG imagesare recorded simultaneosuslye Viewfinder information (1) AF information (AFpoint, focus confirmation light); (2) Imageinformaiton (maximum burst, white balancecorrection)e Frame rate 30 fps (22 fps in magnified mode)e Dust deletion feature (1) Self cleaning sensor unit;(2) Dust delete data acquisition and appendinge Continuous shooting soeed RAW + JPEG : Max 74 unit 93 approx 1.5 shots
    Media SC card, SDHC cardImage Sensor Approx. 22.2 x 14.8 mmImage type JPEG, RAW (12 bit)Simulataneous recording RAW and JPEG images arerecorded simultaneosuslye Viewfinder information (1) AF information (AF point,focus confirmation light); (2) Image informaiton(maximum burst, white balance correction)e Framerate 30 fps (22 fps in magnified mode)e Dust deletion feature (1) Self cleaning sensor unit; (2)Dust delete data acquisition and appendinge Continuous shooting speed RAW + JPEG : Maxapprox 1.5 shots
Register : 06-08-2019 — Putus : 24-09-2020 — Upload : 28-09-2020
Putusan PN FAK FAK Nomor 9/Pdt.G/2019/PN Ffk
Tanggal 24 September 2020 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • Fakfak, P23 tentang surat Nomor412/592.03/XI/2017 tertanggal 3 November 2017 yang ditandatangani olehKepala Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Fakfak WARSITO, SE, P.24 tentang fotoPatok pipa besi lokasi tanah sertifikat nomor 236 milik Abasia Patiran, P.25tentang Screen Shots Aplikasi SENTUH TANAHKU, P.26 tentang Format isianresmi Badan Pertanahan Nasional kantor pembantu Kabupaten Fakfak tentangGAMBAR UKUR, P.27 tentang fotocopi Surat Edaran Menteri Agraria dan TataRuang/Kepala badan Pertanahan Nasional
Register : 06-08-2019 — Putus : 24-09-2020 — Upload : 28-09-2020
Putusan PN FAK FAK Nomor 8/Pdt.G/2019/PN Ffk
Tanggal 24 September 2020 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • TAHER PATIRAN) termasuk Penggugat Rakib Patiran danABASIA PATIRAN memberikan kuasa kepada ELISA PATIRAN dan MUHAMADPATIRAN P.22 tentang surat Penolakan tapal batas tanah adat di lokasi PLTMG,P.23 tentang fotocopi surat Nomor 412/592.03/XI/2017 tertanggal 3 November2017 yang ditandatangani oleh Kepala Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten FakfakWARSITO, SE, P.24 tentang fotocopi foto Patok pipa besi lokasi tanah sertifikatnomor 236 milik Abasia Patiran, P.25 tentang fotocopi Screen Shots AplikasiSENTUH TANAHKU
Register : 28-11-2016 — Putus : 12-04-2017 — Upload : 04-07-2017
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 123/Pid.Sus/TPK/2016/PN.JKT.PST
Tanggal 12 April 2017 — Pidana Korupsi - MIFTAHUL MAULANA
  • Recording Media SC card,SDHC carde lmage Sensor Approx. 22.2 x14.8 mmelmage type JPEG, RAW (12bite Simulataneous recordingRAW and JPEG images arerecorded simultaneosuslye Viewfinder information (1) AFinformation (AF point, focusconfirmation light); (2) Imageinformaiton (maximum burst,white balance correction)e Frame rate 30 fps (22 fps inmagnified mode)e Dust deletion feature (1) Selfcleaning sensor unit; (2) Dustdelete data acquisition andappendinge Continuous shooting speedRAW + JPEG : Max approx1.5 shots
    Media SC card, SDHC cardImage Sensor Approx. 22.2 x 14.8 mmImage type JPEG, RAW (12 bit)Simulataneous recording RAW and JPEG imagesare recorded simultaneosuslye Viewfinder information (1) AF information (AFpoint, focus confirmation light); (2) Imageinformaiton (maximum burst, white balancecorrection)e Frame rate 30 fps (22 fos in magnified mode)e Dust deletion feature (1) Self cleaning sensor unit;(2) Dust delete data acquisition and appendinge Continuous shooting speed RAW + JPEG : Maxapprox 1.5 shots
    SDHC cardImage Sensor Approx. 22.2 x 14.8 mmImage type JPEG, RAW (12 bit)Simulataneous recording RAW and JPEG images arerecorded simultaneosuslye Viewfinder information (1) AF information (AF point, Canon 74 118 focus confirmation light); (2) Image informaiton(maximum burst, white balance correction)e Framerate 30 fps (22 fps in magnified mode)e Dustdeletion feature (1) Self cleaning sensor unit; (2)Dust delete data acquisition and appendinge Continuous shooting speed RAW + JPEG : Maxapprox 1.5 shots
Register : 16-12-2013 — Putus : 13-05-2014 — Upload : 08-07-2014
Putusan PN MUARA TEWE Nomor 188/PID.B/2013/PN.MTW
Tanggal 13 Mei 2014 —
  • karenamenggunakan kerudung sepenglihatan Terdakwa, dan mereka jalan berlawananarah, ke arah RSUD Puruk Cahu.Page 37 of 61Bahwa suasana penerangan lampu di sekitar tempat tersebut pada saat itu sekiraPukul 18.30 WIB agak remang namun masih dapat melihat cukup jelas suasana disekitar lokasi.Bahwa Terdakwa melakukan usaha pelangsiran BBM sudah berjalan kurang lebih1 Bulan, dan punya teman juga yang bekerja di SPBU tersebut.Bahwa kembang api yang bertuliskan SUPERNOVA STAR BALLS yang telahhabis isinya dan 300 shots
Register : 28-11-2016 — Putus : 12-04-2017 — Upload : 04-07-2017
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 124/Pid.Sus/TPK/2016/PN.JKT.PST
Tanggal 12 April 2017 — Pidana Korupsi - LIM WENDRA HALINGKAR
  • card, SDHC carde Image Sensor Approx. 22.2 x 14.8 mme Image type JPEG, RAW (12 bit)e Simulataneous recording RAW and JPEG imagesare recorded simultaneosuslye Viewfinder information (1) AF information (AFpoint, focus confirmation light); (2) Imageinformaiton (maximum burst, white balancecorrection)e Frame rate 30 fps (22 fos in magnified mode)e Dust deletion feature (1) Self cleaning sensor unit;(2) Dust delete data acquisition and appendinge Continuous shooting speed RAW + JPEG : Maxapprox 1.5 shots
    Media SC card, SDHC cardImage Sensor Approx. 22.2 x 14.8 mmImage type JPEG, RAW (12 bit)Simulataneous recording RAW and JPEG images arerecorded simultaneosuslye Viewfinder information (1) AF information (AF point,focus confirmation light); (2) Image informaiton(maximum burst, white balance correction)e Framerate 30 fps (22 fps in magnified mode)e Dustdeletion feature (1) Self cleaning sensor unit; (2)Dust delete data acquisition and appendinge Continuous shooting speed RAW + JPEG : Maxapprox 1.5 shots
Register : 28-06-2021 — Putus : 16-02-2022 — Upload : 17-02-2022
Putusan PN JAKARTA UTARA Nomor 402/Pdt.G/2021/PN Jkt.Utr
Tanggal 16 Februari 2022 — Penggugat:
2.Parto Rectan Hutajulu
3.Kartini Lolina
5.Rohmini Panjaitan
  • PK/TR45, PK/TR46, PK/TR47,PK/TR48, PK/TR53, PK/TR54, PK/TR55, PK/TR56, PK/TR57, PK/TR58,PK/TR59, PK/TR60, PK/TR61, PK/TR62, PK/TR63, PK/TR64, PK/TR65,PK/TR66, PK/TR67, PK/TR68, PK/TR69, PK/TR70, PK/TR83, PK/TR94,copi dari copi, Bukti yang diberi tanda PK/TR25, PK/TR71, PK/TR82, PK/TR95 copi dari printout fhoto, PK/TR105 copi dari screen shots, Bukti PK/TR26,PK/TR29, PK/TR49, PR/TR50, PK/TR51, PK/TR52, PR/TR72, PK/TR73,PK/TR74, PK/TR75, PK/TR76, PK/TR121,PK/TR122 berupa flash disk;Menimbang, bahwa
Register : 03-01-2014 — Putus : 07-04-2014 — Upload : 10-11-2014
Putusan PN PADANG Nomor 1/Pid.Sus/2014/PN.Pdg
  • Bupati Tanah Datar Nomor : 141/15/PEMNAG2005tanggal 20 Januari 2005 tentang Pemberhentian Pejabat Wali Nagari dan PengesahanPengangkatan Wali Nagari Sungai Jambu Nagari Sungai Jambu Kecamatan ParianganKabupaten Tanah Datar, mengangkat BENI VIVAL DATUAK RAJO SAMPONOPanggilan DATUAK Bin BUSTAMAM YASIR sebagai Wali Nagari Sungai JambuNagari Sungai Jambu Kecamatan Pariangan Kabupaten Tanah Datar, yang mempunyaitugas dan kewajiban sebagai berikuta Mninpnpsleeian penton gat2 stennin masyarakat nagari ;5 shots
Register : 27-12-2016 — Putus : 27-04-2017 — Upload : 20-06-2017
Tanggal 27 April 2017 — - PT. COSL INDO - PT. HUSKY – CNOOC Madura Limited Lawan KOMISI PENGAWAS PERSAINGAN USAHA (KPPU)
  • meet the minimumrequirement from COMPANY in Exhibit A1 Point 24.11(Bit Subs Bored for Float) for quantity of 41/2 IF BoxX 41/2 Reg Box without additional cost.PT COSL INDO confirms to meet the minimumrequirement from COMPANY in Exhibit A1 Point 24.12to provide connection (Drill Pipe Circulating / CementHeads 2 1502) for 5 drill pipe without additional cost.YesYesYesYesYesYesYes Hal191 dari 434 Hal Putusan Nomor 907/Padt.GKPPU/2016/PN Jkt.Sel 3334353637383940PT COSL INDO confirms to provide over shots
    Compliance 7N Description of Deficiency & Date Rectified e; Remark Domain Standard / CriticalityO Recommendation Opened Y/N CloInsp Body dse r tothewelsectionrequirent. 35 Shall meet the minimum COSL wil furnish Drilling HCML Major 28.08.2015 N Currequirement from as agreed earlier. renCOMPANY in Exhibit A1 tlyPoint 24.12 to provide beiconnection (Drill Pipe ngCirculating / Cement Head pro2 1502) for 5 drill pipe. curedandwillbedeliveredprior tothewelsectionrequire 36 Shall provide over shots to
Register : 15-06-2020 — Putus : 26-10-2020 — Upload : 14-08-2021
Putusan PN MEDAN Nomor 38/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN Mdn
Tanggal 26 Oktober 2020 — Penuntut Umum:
  • 155100 Shots Bai anian Lani Kemmik KE Mandi 25x 25 = 2 Woluinne Lethan Dircding Eemmik E Mandi 25% 40 d = 4 Wolhuinee Lebi hhan ka bat Beton Wella KurangPLAFORNDPekeriin Pa Furing Gips um 74s Velie Bur angPekerpian Ph fo ned m 2 7a Waluine LethPekeran List Plafond Gipsum Pm fil 7 watuine LebihAIR BER STAs AR KOTORPem asa nCloset b kaaoFemina Slum oAir Kotor=Pem asi nssilum oir Bers ihPemaisingin Bak Enmar KeinePem asi nEmn AiroaEo en) poy en enoSoofaoKAN OPT SELAS ARBap Ri n 7 a : x it WeHluires