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Register : 23-11-2023 — Putus : 21-12-2023 — Upload : 05-02-2024
Putusan PN DUMAI Nomor 388/Pid.B/2023/PN Dum
Tanggal 21 Desember 2023 — Penuntut Umum:
1.Arfan Syaputra Lubis alias Arfan bin Sabri Lubis
2.Anggi Irfan alias Irfan bin Alm Ramlan Ritonga
3.Yogi Erian Hasibuan bin Parulian Hasibuan
4.Sipahothon Gultom Bin Halomoan Gultom
  • dengan pidana penjara masing-masing selama 1 (satu) Tahun dan 2(dua) Bulan;
  • Menetapkan agar masa penangkapan dan penahanan yang telah dijalani Para Terdakwa, masing-masing dikurangkan seluruhnya dari pidana yang dijatuhkan;
  • Menetapkan agar Para Terdakwa tetap ditahan;
  • Menetapkan agar Barang bukti berupa:
    • Electric Motor;
    • Pump Unit;
    • Globe Valve;
    • Pneumatice Actuator;
    • Shaft Pump;
    • Gasket Joint;
    • Orifice
Putus : 29-08-2018 — Upload : 16-10-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 178 PK/PID.SUS/2018
Tanggal 29 Agustus 2018 — Drs. ABDULLOH FUAD, M.Si bin FATHONI, DKK
286134 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Resistivity & IP Imaging SystemMerk : ZZGEOType : Flash RES64unit 36.Basic hydraulic benchMerk : ArmfieldType : F110Aunit 37.Pressure gauge calibrationMerk : ArmfieldType : F4unit 38.Hydrostatic pressureMerk : ArmfieldType : F112unit 39.Flow over weirsMerk : ArmfieldType : F113unit 40.Bernoulli's theorem demonstrationMerk : ArmfieldType: F115unit 41.Orifice dischargeMerk : ArmfieldType: F117Aunit 42.Energi loss in pipesMerk : ArmfieldType : F118unit 43.Osborne reynolds demonstrationMerk : ArmfieldType
Putus : 21-10-2013 — Upload : 21-04-2016
Putusan PN SURABAYA Nomor 93/Pid.Sus/2012/PN.Sby
Tanggal 21 Oktober 2013 — Drs. ANDOYO, SIP, MM ; KEJAKSAAN NEGERI MALANG
  • Orifice dischargeMerk : ArmfieldType : F1-17A 1 unit42. Energi loss in pipesMerk : ArmfieldType : F1-18 1 unit43. Osborne reynolds demonstrationMerk : ArmfieldType : F1-20 1 unit44. Total StationMerk : TopconType : GTS-905A 1 unit45. Global Positioning System (GPS)Merk : TopconType : GMS-2 1 unit46. Lighting Equpment-1Merk : BroncolorType : Grafit A4 1 unit47. Lighting Equpment-2Merk : VisatecType : Solo n Logos 1 unit48.
    Orifice discharge 1 79.875.000, 79.875.000,42. Energi loss in pipes 1 46.760.000, 46.760.000,43. Osborne reynolds 1 57.187.000, 57.187.000,demonstration44. /Total Station 1 293.150.000, 293.150.000,45. Global Positioning System 1 171.922.000, 171.922.000,(GPS)46. Lighting Equpment1 1 694.235.000, 694.235 .000,47. Lighting Equpment2 1 150.882.000, 150.882.000,48. Camera 1 400.890.000, 400.890.000,49. Hospital Bed (include 8 29.058.000, 232.464.000,matrees)50.
    Orifice discharge 1 79.875 .000, 79.875 .000,42. Energi loss in pipes 1 46.760.000, 46.760.000,43. Osborne reynolds 1 57.187.000, 57.187.000,demonstration44. /Total Station 1 293.150.000, 293.150.000,45. Global Positioning System 1 171.922.000, 171.922.000,(GPS)46. Lighting Equpment1 1 694.235.000, 694.235.000,47. Lighting Equpment2 1 150.882.000, 150.882.000,48. Camera 1 400.890.000, 400.890.000,49. Hospital Bed (include 8 29.058.000, 232.464.000,matrees)50.
    Orifice dischargeMerk : Armfield 1 unit Type : F117A 42.Energi loss in pipesMerk : ArmfieldType : F1181 unit 43.Osborne reynolds demonstrationMerk : ArmfieldType : F1201 unit 44.Total StationMerk : TopconType : GTS905A1 unit 45.Global Positioning System (GPS)Merk : TopconType : GMS21 unit 46.Lighting Equpment1Merk : BroncolorType : Grafit A41 unit 47.Lighting Equpment2Merk : VisatecType : Solo n Logos1 unit 48.CameraMerk : Phase OneType : 30+1 set 49,Hospital Bed (include matrees)Merk : NuritexType
    Resistivity & IP imaging System Basic hydraulic bench Pressure gauge calibration Hydrostatic pressure Flow over weirs Bernoulli's theorem demonstration Orifice discharge Energi loss in pipes Osborne reynold's demonstration Total Station GER SP RP SS FS FY Ol PPPGlobal Positioning System(GPS) Lighting Equpment1 Lighting Equpment2 Camera COC RTS ATT ATO SHospital Bed (include matrees) nN Bedside cabinet Dry Chemistry Analyzer Urine Analyzer Mikroskop Bmokuler EAoap aly aTotal Organic Carbon Analyzer
    Basic hydraulic bench 1 unit Merk : ArmfieldType : F110A 37.Pressure gauge calibrationMerk : ArmfieldType : F41 unit 38.Hydrostatic pressureMerk : ArmfieldType : F1121 unit 39.Flow over weirsMerk : ArmfieldType : F1131 unit 40.Bernoullis theorem demonstrationMerk : ArmfieldType : F1151 unit 41.Orifice dischargeMerk : ArmfieldType : F117A1 unit 42.Energi loss in pipesMerk : ArmfieldType : F1181 unit 43.Osborne reynolds demonstrationMerk : ArmfieldType : F1201 unit 44.Total StationMerk : TopconType
Register : 29-10-2015 — Putus : 16-03-2016 — Upload : 28-12-2016
Putusan PN PANGKAL PINANG Nomor 34/Pid.Sus/TPK/2015/PN Pgp
Tanggal 16 Maret 2016 — WIHELMENA
  • unit Pulverizer L- 44883 1 unit Lapping Machine L- 44984 1 unit Big oven L- 45085 1 unit Point Load Test L- 451 86 1 unit Raymond Mill L- 45287 1 unit Rod Mill L- 45388 1 unit Roll Crusher L- 45489 1 unit Rotary Sample Divider L- 45590 1 unit Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Triaxial Test L- 45691 1 unit Hydraulic Bench (Volumetric) L- 45792 1 unit Hele-Shaw Apparatus L- 45893 1 unit Losses in Piping System L- 45994 1 unit Pipework Energy Losses L- 46095 1 unit Flow Through an Orifice
    385.000,00) 0,40%(Volumetric)HeleShaw Apparatus L458 unit 192.500.000,00 118.000.000,00 17.700.000,00 135.700.000,00) 13.570.000,00 149.270.000,00 43.230.000,00 43.230.000,00 28,96%Losses in Piping System L459 unit 218.000.000,00 136.000.000,00 20.400.000,00 156.400.000,00 15.640.000,00 172.040.000,00 45.960.000,00 45.960.000,00 26,71%Pipework Energy Losses L460 unit 82.500.000,00 52.000.000,00) 7.800.000,00 59.800.000,00 5.980.000,00 65.780.000,00 16.720.000,00 16.720.000,00) 25,42%Flow Through an Orifice
    218.000.000Piping Systemaep Pipewarr TECQUIPMENT H34 Unit 82.500.000 82.500.000Energy Lossesae Flow Through tecquipment 4/H4a/ Unit 87.500.000 87.500.000an Orifice H4b Weirs Flow Meter H40/H40a464 OW micte TECQUIPMENT /H40b /H40c Unit 199.800.000 199.800.000Calibration/H40dFlow .465 TECQUIPMENT H10 Unit 83.450.000 83.450.000Measurementage ome Tecquipment !
    44681 1 unit Jaw Crusher 5x8" L 44782 1 unit Pulverizer L 44883 1 unit Lapping Machine L 44984 1 unit Big oven L 45085 1 unit Point Load Test L 45186 1 unit =Raymond Mill L 45287 1 unit = Rod Mill L 45388 1 unit Roll Crusher L 45489 1 unit Rotary Sample Divider L 45590 unit vane Compressive Strength and Triaxial L 45691 1 unit Hydraulic Bench (Volumetric) L 45792 1 unit HeleShaw Apparatus L 45893 1 unit Losses in Piping System L 45994 1 unit Pipework Energy Losses L 46095 1 unit Flow Through an Orifice
    5x8"PulverizerLapping MachineBig ovenPoint Load TestRaymond MillRod MillRoll CrusherPutusan Perkara No. 34/Pid.Sus/TPK/2015/PN.Pgp Hal 345420421423424431432433434435436437438439440AA44244344444544644744844945045145245345489 1 unit Rotary Sample Divider L 455Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Triaxial90 1 unit Test L 45691 1 unit Hydraulic Bench (Volumetric) L 45792 1 unit HeleShaw Apparatus L 45893 1 unit Losses in Piping System L 45994 1 unit Pipework Energy Losses L 46095 1 unit Flow Through an Orifice
    Index L 44681 1 unit Jaw Crusher 5x8" L 44782 1 unit = Pulverizer L 44883 1 unit = Lapping Machine L 44984 1 unit Big oven L 45085 1 unit Point Load Test L 45186 1 unit =Raymond Mill L 45287 1 unit Rod Mill L 45388 1 unit Roll Crusher L 45489 1 unit Rotary Sample Divider L 45590 unit pene Compressive Strength and L 45691 1 unit Hydraulic Bench (Volumetric) L 45792 1 unit HeleShaw Apparatus L 45893 1 unit Losses in Piping System L 45994 1 unit Pipework Energy Losses L 46095 1 unit Flow Through an Orifice
Register : 14-04-2020 — Putus : 27-10-2020 — Upload : 27-10-2020
Putusan PTUN JAKARTA Nomor 78/G/2020/PTUN.JKT
Tanggal 27 Oktober 2020 — Penggugat:
  • Tanggal / No Kejadian Lokasi KeteranganBulan21 4 Desember Penggantian SP Gas Keterlambatan2019 Flowcomp Cikarang dalam menanganiperbaikkankerusakanflowcompsehingga tidak adapembandingterhadap meterutama22 10 Desember Permintaan SP Gas Orifice plate tidak2019 Perbaikkan Cikarang bisa diganti karenaOrifice Fitting 18"di SP Gasorifice fitting bocor Cikarang23 11 Desember Kebocoran Jembatan Kanal Bocor setelah2019 Gasket Valve PIT projectBypass Pipa 10 (Kalimalang) pemasanganInch ke 14 Inch bypass Pipa
    10di Jembatan inch ke 14 inch diKanal PJT Jembatan KanalPJT tanggal 14May 201924 10 Februari Penggantian SP Gas 2x penundaan2020 Orifice Fitting Cikarang pekerjaan = akibat dan FlowcomGPS kontraktor tidakSiap terkait safetyrequirement Halaman 70 dari 397 halaman Putusan Nomor 78/G/2020/PTUN.JKt.
    Tanggal / ;ee Kejadian Lokasi Keterangan21 Februari Hidrotest Pipa 14 SP Gas Hidrotest dilakukan2020 Inch GPS Pipe Cikarang setelah diberikanLine teguran25 Februari Pengaktifan Flow SP Gas Pemasangan2020 Comp Cikarang orifice fitting sudahselesai dilakukantetapl flowcomtidak bisadiaktifkan karenaseal orifice fittingtidak ada9 Maret 2020 Kalibrasi Ulang SP Gas Kalibrasi meter diMeter Gas Orfice Cikarang SP Gas Cikarang18" di SP Gas belum dilakukanCikarang PT CL sejak 8 November2018 Oleh karena itu
    DGAS AlamSemesta No.RGM/FN/2019/06/046, Periode 1 Mei 2020s/d 31 Mei 2020, (foto kopi dari foto kopi);Notulen Rapat Meeting Persiapan PekerjaanPenggantian Orifice Fitting 14 GPS di CL tertanggal 17Januari 2020, (foto kopi sesuai Scand);Surat PT. Cikarang Listrindo kepada Direktur Eksplorasidan Produksi Pertamina No.OO6/CL/III/92 tanggal 30Maret 1992 perihal : Supply gas untuk Pembangkit ListrikPT. Cikarang Listrindo di Cikarang, Bekasi, (foto kopi darifoto kopi);Surat PT.
    Gasindo Pratama SejatiNo.CPS/O0.008.1/0825 tanggal 11 Desember 2019,Perihal Perbaikan Orifice Fitting, (foto kopi dari fotokopi);Bagan dan foto Jalur Pipa Gas Tegal Gede, (printout);Surat PT. Gasindo Pratama Sejati No.GPS/LT/16/005tanggal 23 Februari 2016, Perihal Biaya ThroughputFee Pipa 18 Tegal Gede Cikarang, (foto kopi darifoto kopi);Surat Kuasa Hukum PT. Gasindo Pratama Sejatikepada PT.
Register : 07-08-2017 — Putus : 28-06-2018 — Upload : 30-09-2019
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 497/Pdt.G/2017/PN JKT.SEL
Tanggal 28 Juni 2018 — Penggugat:
  • Orifice 1,2 mm 33 Rp.4.219.384,95135. MSR15 KE051X 2 Rp.1.599,414,24136. Pressure Relief Valve 2 Rp.8.982.756,72U/A4VG71/R909409805137. Pressure Cut Off Valve 1 Rp5.997.803,40.U/A4VG71/R909437084138. PLUG 05787493914D13 1 Rp.295.592,00139.
Register : 15-10-2020 — Putus : 10-12-2020 — Upload : 10-12-2020
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 39/PID.TPK/2020/PT DKI
Tanggal 10 Desember 2020 — Pembanding/Terbanding/Terdakwa : Perry Widyananda
Terbanding/Pembanding/Penuntut Umum : Yanuar Utomo, SH., M.Hum
  • fotocopy dokumen Level Switch Nomor ABSPV2100IDS008 tanggal 8 Mei 2014;P.y.49: 1 (Satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen pressure Switch NomorABSPV2100IDS009 tanggal 8 Mei 2014; 1 (satu) lembar dokumenpressure safely Valve Nomor ABSPV2100IDS004 tanggal 8 Mei2014;Py.50: 1 (satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen temperature indicatorValve Nomor ABSPV2100IDS010 tanggal 8 Mei 2014;P.y.51:1 (satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen thermowell Valve NomorABSPV2100IDS010 tanggal 8 Mei 2014;P.y.52:1 (Satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen orifice
    2014;Hal . 460 Putusan No.39/PidSusTPK/2020/PT.DKI.1954) Py.49: 1 (satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen pressureSwitch Nomor ABSPV2100IDS009 tanggal 8 Mei 2014;1 (satu) lIembar dokumen pressure safely Valve NomorABSPV2100IDS004 tanggal 8 Mei 2014;1955) P.y.50: 1 (Satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen temperatureindicator Valve Nomor ABSPV2100IDS010 tanggal 8Mei 2014;1956) P.y.51:1 (Satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen thermowellValve Nomor ABSPV2100IDS010 tanggal 8 Mei 2014;1957) P.y.52:1 (satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen orifice
Register : 30-08-2017 — Putus : 21-02-2018 — Upload : 21-05-2018
Putusan PTUN JAKARTA Nomor 181/G/2017/PTUN-JKT
  • Parna Raya No Surat : 086/PRTRD/AT/IX/2017, tanggal 6 September 2017, PerihalFactory Acceptence Test, System Integration Test, danHydrotest Sistem Meter Orifice PT.
Putus : 21-10-2013 — Upload : 07-04-2016
Putusan PN SURABAYA Nomor 94/Pid.Sus/2012/PN.Sby
Tanggal 21 Oktober 2013 — 1. Drs. ABDULLOH FUAD, M.Si Bin FATHONI ; 2. SUTOYO, SH, MHum ; KEJAKSAAN NEGERI MALANG
  • Orifice dischargeMerk : ArmfieldType : F1-17A 1 unit42. Energi loss in pipesMerk : ArmfieldType : F1-18 1 unit43. Osborne reynolds demonstrationMerk : ArmfieldType : F1-20 1 unit44. Total StationMerk : TopconType : GTS-905A 1 unit45. Global Positioning System (GPS)Merk : TopconType : GMS-2 1 unit46. Lighting Equpment-1Merk : BroncolorType : Grafit A4 1 unit47. Lighting Equpment-2Merk : VisatecType : Solo n Logos 1 unit48.
Register : 13-11-2019 — Putus : 15-07-2020 — Upload : 14-10-2020
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 104/Pid.Sus-TPK/2019/PN Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 15 Juli 2020 — Penuntut Umum:
Yanuar Utomo, SH., M.Hum
Perry Widyananda
  • fotocopy dokumen Level Switch Nomor ABSPV2100IDS008 tanggal 8 Mei 2014;P.y.49: 1 (Satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen pressure Switch Nomor ABSPV2100IDS009 tanggal 8 Mei 2014; 1 (satu) lembar dokumen pressuresafely Valve Nomor ABSPV2100IDS004 tanggal 8 Mei 2014;Py.50: 1 (satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen temperature indicator ValveNomor ABSPV2100IDS010 tanggal 8 Mei 2014;Py.51: = 1 (Satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen thermowell Valve Nomor ABSPV2100IDS010 tanggal 8 Mei 2014;Py.52: 1 (satu) lembar fotocopy dokumen orifice
Register : 27-10-2015 — Putus : 16-03-2016 — Upload : 28-12-2016
Putusan PN PANGKAL PINANG Nomor 33/Pid.Sus/TPK/2015/PN Pgp
Tanggal 16 Maret 2016 — Ir. DARUSMAN, M.T., Bin CIK DAMIT
  • 82 1 unit Pulverizer L- 44883 1 unit Lapping Machine L- 44984 1 unit Big oven L- 45085 1 unit Point Load Test L- 45186 1 unit Raymond Mill L- 45287 1 unit Rod Mill L- 45388 1 unit Roll Crusher L- 45489 1 unit Rotary Sample Divider L- 45590 1 unit Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Triaxial Test L- 45691 1 unit Hydraulic Bench (Volumetric) L- 45792 1 unit Hele-Shaw Apparatus L- 45893 1 unit Losses in Piping System L- 45994 1 unit Pipework Energy Losses L- 46095 1 unit Flow Through an Orifice
Register : 03-11-2015 — Putus : 16-03-2016 — Upload : 28-12-2016
Putusan PN PANGKAL PINANG Nomor 36/Pid.Sus/TPK/2015/PN Pgp
Tanggal 16 Maret 2016 — IRWANSYAH, SE Bin A. KARIM
  • 82 1 unit Pulverizer L- 44883 1 unit Lapping Machine L- 44984 1 unit Big oven L- 45085 1 unit Point Load Test L- 45186 1 unit Raymond Mill L- 45287 1 unit Rod Mill L- 45388 1 unit Roll Crusher L- 45489 1 unit Rotary Sample Divider L- 45590 1 unit Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Triaxial Test L- 45691 1 unit Hydraulic Bench (Volumetric) L- 45792 1 unit Hele-Shaw Apparatus L- 45893 1 unit Losses in Piping System L- 45994 1 unit Pipework Energy Losses L- 46095 1 unit Flow Through an Orifice
Register : 29-10-2015 — Putus : 16-03-2016 — Upload : 28-12-2016
Putusan PN PANGKAL PINANG Nomor 35/Pid.Sus/TPK/2015/PN Pgp
Tanggal 16 Maret 2016 — SAPARUDIN, ST, MT Als KUDUK Bin HAZALI
  • 82 1 unit Pulverizer L- 44883 1 unit Lapping Machine L- 44984 1 unit Big oven L- 45085 1 unit Point Load Test L- 45186 1 unit Raymond Mill L- 45287 1 unit Rod Mill L- 45388 1 unit Roll Crusher L- 45489 1 unit Rotary Sample Divider L- 45590 1 unit Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Triaxial Test L- 45691 1 unit Hydraulic Bench (Volumetric) L- 45792 1 unit Hele-Shaw Apparatus L- 45893 1 unit Losses in Piping System L- 45994 1 unit Pipework Energy Losses L- 46095 1 unit Flow Through an Orifice