Ditemukan 9775 data
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perbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudahtidak saling mencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan salingmembenci sebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut,maka perceraian dibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantumdalam Kitab Figih Sunnah Juz II halaman 248 :Mer Eo SN siya) eal Nah ae Sill alll Cpa ali GS) deg SH GI: elle alah cuesoh Ugalasl gh Ugaes gh ead tie Lagitia) Gar Syed alga dae gUbiow Y walCGS SL edll gi J sll Gua Shall
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Gas 3 ydiall al ga dae Elbow Y walCAS VLE Jadll gl J gAll cya Shall (gle Lats! of aU Y oll oR! Elst ow 53al gd Axa GUE Les sly) GIS 9 co Cal sic!
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alga dna E Ubi Y Il acl YYSigil) Cua Shall pte WAL S! gl GUY lll cL ele oe et oly ulyOS 9 9H Cilio! gh) Aa Hl Any Cacolll Goal Lal ges Gag 1d eal glLogis Cua) YE dal Jac g Uta) Guy Bpdet!
112 — 65 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
"a If, under the Lease, Lessee ia required to pay a Deposit, theremaining privisions of this clause shall apply.
Lessee agrees thatLessor shall be entitled to commingle the Deposit with Lessor'sgeneral or other funds, Lessor will not hold any such funds asagent or on trust for Lessee or in any similar fiduciary capacity andLessee's right to a refund of the Deposit amount ia limited as setout in the Lease;If Lessee fails to comply with any provision of the Lease or the OtherAgreements, or any Default shall have occurred and be continuing, inaddition to all rights and remedies accorded to Lessor elsewhere in
56 — 26 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Theconstituent material of the outer sole for purposes of classification shall be taken to be thematerial having the greatest surface area in contact with the ground. In determining theconstituent material of the outer sole, no account should be taken of attached accessories orreinforcements which partly cover the sole (see Note 4 (b) to this Chapter).
In such cases, the upper shall be considered to be thatportion of the shoe which covers the sides and top of the Tet, The size of the uppers variesvery much between different types of footwear, from those covering the foot and the wholeleg, including the thigh (for example, fishermens boots), to those which consist simply ofstraps or thongs (for example, sandals).if the upper consists of two or more materials, classification is determined by theconstituent material which has the preakest external
pada Pos 64.01,(a The material of the upper shallpatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;(b)plastics include woven fabrics or other textile products with anlastics being visible to the naked eye; for the purpose of thistaken of any resulting change of colour; andbe taken to be the constituent material having the greatestexternal surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as ankle The constituent material of the outer sole shall
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kewenangan Pengadilan Negeri Denpasar yang berwenang memeriksa15dan mengadili perkara yang diajukan oleh Pembanding/Penggugat dK/Tergugat dRperihal tindakan wanprestasi yang dilakukan oleh Terbanding/Tergugat dK/Penggugat dR terhadap Perjanjian SewaMenyewa (Lease Agreement) tanggal 30April 2003, sehingga seharusnya merupakan kewenangan Pengadilan NegeriDenpasar dengan mendasarkan ketentuanketentuan Article 8 Perjanjian SewaMenyewa (Lease Agreement) tanggal 30 April 2003, khususnya 8.9, yaitu:The LESSEE shall
be solely responsible to obtain any and all licenses,permits, approvals and validations in the name off the LESSEE for for theoperation of the Hotel, including all permits and licenses required for themanagement and operation of the Premises and all necessarygovernmental approvals and certificates for the sales and services of allbeverages authorized by applicable laws and shall be responsible for allextension or renewal of those licenses, permits, approvals, registration,clearances, if the same
All costs incurred by theLESSEE in complying with these provisions shall be borne and paid bythe LESSEE,Yang dalam terjemahan bebasnya berarti:Penyewa akan bertanggungjawab sendiri untuk memperoleh semua ijinijin, persetujuan dan validasi apapun atas nama Penyewa untukpelaksanaan hotel tersebut, termasuk semua ijin dan perijinan yangdiperlukan untuk manajemen dan pelaksanaan lokasi tersebut dan semuapersetujuan pemerintah serta sertifikat penjualan dan pelayanan semuaminuman yang diresmikan oleh
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SubKontraktor/TURUT TERGUGATbertanggungjawab terhadap kegagalan dalam melaksanakanpekerjaannya;d) Angka 4 Commencement and Completion Surat Perintah Kerja Letter of Award tanggal 1 Januari 2014, selengkapnya sebagaiberikut: The Commencement Date shall be 1 January 2014.The Time for Completion for the Sub Contractor Works, shall betwelve (12) months counted from the Commencement Date, thatis, the completion date is 1 January 2015.Terjemahan bebasnya:Perjanjian mulai berlaku sejak tanggal 1 Januari
Putusan No.900/Pdt.G /2016/PN.Jkt.SelTERTANGGUNG/OWNER/PENGGUGAT menyampaikan suratpemberitahuan yang menyatakan adanya kegagalan pelaksanaanPekerjaan (notice default) kepada PENANGGUNG/SURETY/TERGUGAT sebagaimana hal ini dinyatakan dalam Paragraf ke5 (lima)surat Advance Payment Bond dan Paragraf ke2 (dua) surat PerformanceBond dengan kalimat sebagai berikut, yaitu:Paragraf ke5 Advance Payment Bond:This Advance Payment Bond shall be unconditional and payable on first writtendemand by the Owner specifying
Putusan No.900/Pdt.G /2016/PN.Jkt.SelParagraf ke8 Performance Bond;With reference to section 1832 of Civil Law (Kitab UndangUndang HukumPerdata), the surety shall relinquish the special right of claim on assetsbelonging to the Contractor and or the seizure and sale of such assets fordischarge of his debts as required in section 1831 of the Civil Law.Terjemahan bebas:Merujuk pada Pasal 1832 Kitab UndangUndang Hukum Perdata, Penjaminakan melepaskan hak istimewa untuk menuntut harta benda milik Kontraktor
The AdvancePayment shall be repaid through the deductions in payment certificate.Terjemahan bebasnya:Uang muka sebesar 15% dari Nilai SubKontrak yang disepakati, yang samajumlahnya dengan Advance Payment Bond yang disepakati dalam jumlah yangekuivalen. Advance Payment akan dilunasi melalui pengurangan dari paymentcertificate.34.
Putusan No.900/Pat.G /2016/PN.Jkt.Sel38.Bahwa surat Advance Payment Bond menyatakan pembayaran ataupencairan uang muka/advance payment bersifat tidak bersyarat(unconditional and payable) dan mudah dicairkan atas permintaanpertama kali PENGGUGAT (Owner) sebagaimana diuraikan padaParagraf ke5 Advance Payment Bond yang berbunyi sebagai berikut:This Advance Payment Bond shall be unconditional and payable on firstwritten demand by the Owner specifying the Contractor because on this owndefaults has failed
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The decision of the arbitrator(s)shall be final and bound on both parties(vide Bukti Eksepsi Tergugat T1A)Terjemahan resmi dan tersumpah Pasal 6 Arbitrase Kontrak Penjualan:"Semua perselisihan yang timbul dari atau sehubungan dengan kontrak iniyang tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan persetujuan bersama, Aturan Arbitrasedari China International Economic and Trade Commission. Keputusan (para)arbiter akan final dan mengikat atas kedua belah pihak.
No. 794 K/Sip/1982 tertanggal 27 Januari1983, yang pada pokoknya berkaidah hukum:"Memperhatikan Policy No. 49/00137/08 tertanggal 10 Agustus 1978(surat bukti P.1) di bawah bagian tentang Conditions telah diuraikanbahwa a// differences arising out of this Policy shall be referred to thedecision of an arbitrator to be appointed in writing by the parties indifference or if they cannot agree upon a single arbitratorMenimbang, bahwa dengan demikian Pengadilan Negeri tidak berwenanguntuk memeriksa dan
Opinions of Arbitration Tribunal, (Il)Applicable Law, paragraf terakhir):"In conclusion, Arbitration Tribunal affirms that the applicable substantive lawof the disputes revolved shall be domestic laws of China"(vide Bukti Eksepsi Tergugat T2A)Terjemahan resmi dan tersumpah Putusan Arbitrase Internasional (ll.Opini dari Pengadilan Arbitrase, (Il) Hukum Yang Berlaku, paragraf terakhir,halaman 90):"Sebagai kesimpulan, Pengadilan Arbitrase menegaskan bahwa hukumsubstantif yang berlaku bagi perselisinan
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ii WHE Jat gh sll Cpa Shall (gle UALS) of aly Y Gill e1LY) elail oe E53alga Axa gua Les sly) GIS 9 co 5M Cal tc) of Amo 5M Ata call (al Lal geAlay Alle gale Lagin CDA Ge call Jac 5 Uta) Gs 5 pialArtinya: Menurut Imam Malik, bahwa isteri berhak mengajukan gugatan ceraikepada hakim bila terdapat alasan bahwa suaminya telah membuatnyamenderita sehingga ia tidak sanggup lagi melanjutkan bergaul dengansuaminya, misalnya karena suaminya suka memukul, memaki ataumenyakiti dengan cara lain yang tidak tertahankan
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seorang lakilaki bahwa diatelah menikah dengan seorang perempuan, maka pengakuan tersebut dapat dibenarkan,sebagaimana pendapat para ahli hukum Islam yang termaktub dalam Kitab TIanatutThalibin, Juz IV, halaman 254, yang berbunyiJgrx# yy rplg uo uuArtinya : Dan di dalam pengakuan tentang pernikahan dengan seorangwanita, harus dapat menyebutkan tentang sahnya pernikahanterdahulu dan syaratsyratnya, seperti wali dan dua orang saksiyang adil.Dan juga dalam Kitab Kitab Al Anwar Juz II halaman 121:pidy el Shall
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KrsLed aS tea als Coss bl Shall plated Gus SU) lbs Ly! li! 23sNe OY co et Oe By gee og BH Abas eee Gira gy elie Ys ciliaANaall & gy olali Ihe g ry'gall cprlls Guay jl ant gle aSar oi olin.Artinya: Islam memilih lembaga thalaq/cerai ketika rumah tangga sudahdianggap goncang serta dianggap sudah tidak bermanfaat lagi nasehat/perdamaian dan hubungan suami isteri menjadi tanpa ruh (hampa),sebab meneruskan perkawinan berarti menghukum salah satu suamiisteri dengan penjara yang berkepanjangan.
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Salinan Putusan Nomor 2581/Pdt.G/2018/PA.JrCAE VAS Sadll gh J glll Cpe Shall le Ugal ys) ol Gla Y Gill olkY! Elst ce 53alga Axe gla Les sl) GIS 9 co JN Calc) of Amo St Ata zal!
8 — 2
keduabelah pihak dengan terus menerus berselisih dan berpisah rumah; Menimbang, bahwa padahal sesuatu yang menimbulkan mahdlorot harus dihilangkankarena dapat menimbulkan penderitaan dalam kehidupan Penggugat dan Tergugat sebagaimanaditentukan kaidah hukum yang berbunyji; J VinalArtinya: Sesuatu yang menimbulkan madlorot/kerusakan harus dihilangkanMenimbang, bahwa Majelis sependapat dengan ibarat yang termuat dalam Kitab FikihSunah Juz II Halaman 290 yang berbunyi: abalg aal'Y WYadle Skcy gles shall
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perbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudahtidak saling mencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan salingmembenci sebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut,maka perceraian dibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantumdalam Kitab Figih Sunnah Juz II halaman 248 :Les ESM ld) Cad 13 ae NN adalat Cpe Gallet Goi ag 5M Gy): elle pL) Gandoly Ugilaa) ob Lge oh Ley ade t Sea Leg ttal yas 8 pall al ga dae Ubiow Y walCi WHE Jadtl gh sll Cpa Shall
82 — 46 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
In the event that sales are made or contracted to bemade to Affiliates, the prices to be paid therevor, tothe extent they. affect any amounts payable to theGovernment pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,shall comply with the provisicns of Article 13 and, tothe extent applicable, of Annex F to this Agreement.The Company shall submit to the Government any proposedcontract ef .sale to an Attiliate for approval ascomplying with the foregoing provisions.
If it does so,and the Government either so approves the contract orfails to respond,within three months of such submission,the contract shall be deemed for purposes hereot to. comply with the foregoing. provisions.
In any event sales.commitments with Affiliates shall be made only at pricesbased on or equivalent te arm's length sales and in' accordance with such terms and conditions at whieh suchagreement would be made if the parties. had not beenAttiliates, with due allowance for normal selling Pasal 11 butir 2 Kontrak Karya:The Company shall sell the Products in accordance with.generally accepted international business practices, anguse its best efforts to do so at prices and on terms ofsale which will maximize
In any event sales.commitments with Affiliates shall be mad2 only at pricesbased on or equivalent to arm's length sales and in accordance with such terms and cenditions at which suchagreement would be made if the parties: had not, beenAffiliates, with due allowance for. nermal selling Pasal 11 butir 7 Kontrak Karya: In "the event of a sale of copper concentrates, gold orsilver to an Affiliate or to the domestic market or tathe Governments designated agency, it is understoodthat, unless otherwise
agreed by the Parties, the priceot such Products shall be determined on the basis of aformula price which cis*generally employed in the sale oftjJcomparable products among unrelated parties.
65 — 37 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Pasal 11 (Pemasaran) angka 4 Kontrak Karya;34. in the event that sales are made or contracted to bemade to Affiliates, the prices to be paid therefor, tothe extent they. affect any amounts payable to theGovernment pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,shall comply with the provisions of Article 13 and, tothe extent applicable, of Annex "F to this Agreement.The Company shall submit to the Government any proposedcontract of sale to an Attiliate for approval ascomplying with the foregoing provisions
If it does so,and the Government either so approves the centract orfails to respond ,within three months of such submission,the contract shall Se deemed for purposes hereot tocomply with the foregoing provisions.
In any event sales commitments with Affiliates shall be mad2z oniy at pricesbased on oor equivalent to arms length: sales and inaccordance with such terms and conditions at which suchagreement would be made if the parties had not, beenAffiliates, with due allowance for normal selling Kentuan ini jelas mengatur bahwa setiapperjanjian penjualan dengan afiliasi hanyadilaksanakan berdasarkan pada harga atausama dengan penjualan arm's length sales"Halaman 64 dari 111 halaman.
In any event sales.commitments with Affiliates shall be madez only at pricesbased on or equivalent to arm's length sales and in" accordance with such terms and conditions at which suchagreement would be made if the parties. had not. beenAttiliates, with due allowance for normal selling Pasal 11 butir 2 Kontrak KaryaThe Company shall sell the Products in accerdance with.generally accepted international business practices, anduse its best efforts to do so at prices and on terms ofsale which will maximize
In any event sales.commitments with Affiliates shall be made only at pricesbased on or equivalent to arm's length: sales and in4 accordance with such terms and conditions at which suchagreement would be made if the parties. had not beenAffiliates, with due allowance for. nermal selling Pasal 11 butir 7 Kontrak Karya In the event of a sale of copper concentrates, galidsilver to an Atfiliate or to the domestic market oref such Products shall be determined on the basis of J comparable products among
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Ci WHE Jall gh sll Cpa Shall (gle UALS) of alas Y Gill e1QY el ail ow E53alos Axa (gly Los SIL CLS 4 CGH) Ual ic i Aa Ado call (sal Lal yea4iily Ail gale Lagin Cra Ge call Jac 5 Uta) Cys 5 pallArtinya: Menurut Imam Malik, bahwa isteri berhak mengajukan gugatan ceraikepada hakim bila terdapat alasan bahwa suaminya telah membuatnyamenderita sehingga ia tidak sanggup lagi melanjutkan bergaul dengansuaminya, misalnya karena suaminya suka memukul, memaki ataumenyakiti dengan cara lain yang tidak tertahankan
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perbuatan tercela, namun begitu dalam keadaan suami isteri sudahtidak saling mencintai lagi dan yang terjadi hanya sikap permusuhan dan salingmembenci sebagaimana yang dialami oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut,maka perceraian dibolehkan, sesuai dengan doktrin hukum Islam yang tercantumdalam Kitab Figih Sunnah Juz II halaman 248 :Lee GoM lwda) Get 13) ha RN tN Gye al Gh Aa gH Gi: dlls alsy Gundsty Ugild) oh Lge gh lpg uta 2 fie Lagitie) Gas Sdiall alga Aaa Elbow Y yI pcalCAE IN Jadll gl Ugfll Ge Shall
14 — 5
CAE I Sadll gl Dgfll Ga Shall gle UgalS! g) Gay Y Gill elY) Elli Ge Es!alga Ame GUY Las SI GIS 9 cg 5l calc! ol Aa g5l Ate call Gal Lal gesAil, dal (gilh Lgin Cre Ge palill Jae 5 Ugttinl Gus 5piallArtinya: Menurut Imam Malik, bahwa isteri berhak mengajukan gugatan ceralkepada hakim bila terdapat alasan bahwa suaminya telah membuatnyamenderita sehingga ia tidak sanggup lagi melanjutkan bergaul denganhal. 6 dari 9 hal.
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COE VSS Sedll gh SL gAll Cpe Shall (gle Ugals) ol Gla Y wlll LY! Elst ce e593al gt Axa GUA Les SIL) GIS 9 co HN Calc! of Amo 5l Ata zal!