Ditemukan 9775 data
170 — 55 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
;Berdasarkan agreement antara Termohon Peninjauan Kembalidengan para distributor diketahui:Point 1.5.1Distributors shall provide PGHPI with distribution services ....;Point 1.6.1Distributor shall designate and employ the employees whoseexclusive responsibility will be to manage the overall businessoperation related to the P & G products, including but notlimited to sales, distribution, merchandising, training andpeople development (dedicated employees).
The dedicatedemployees shall be the employees of distributor and subject todistributor's company regulation;Point 3.1.1As consideration for all services provided by distributorpursuant to this agreement, PGHPI will pay distributor adistribution fee based on Y product category;Point 3.1.2The payment of the distribution fee, pursuant of article 3.1.1shall be made by way of discount set off against PGHPIsinvoice to distributor's for the purchase of the products;Berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan
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Shareholders affiliate Sale of finished goodsPT Marubeni Indonesia Shareholders affiliate Sale of finished goodsbahwa berdasarkan penelitian Majelis terhadap Sale and Purchase Agreement (bukti P16 danP17) pasal 2.1 diketahui Marubeni Corporation, Japan agrees to sell and deliver at theinternationally competitive price;bahwa dalam pasal 2.2 diketahui "NMC shall purchase all the raw material which are suppliedfrom outside of Indonesia through Marubeni Corporation, Japan;bahwa dalam pasal 4.2. diketahui
the price of the raw material, unless otherwise agreedbetween NMC and Marubeni, shall be mutually agreed upon biannually not later than 60 daysbefore the beginning of relevant half year based upon then prevailing market price of the rawmaterial:bahwa berdasarkan penelitian Majelis terhadap akte perusahaan (bukti P15) diketahuiPemohon Banding dimiliki oleh NOF Corporation, Jepang sebesar 89,6% dan MarubeniCorporation, Jepang sebesar 10,4%;bahwa Pasal 18 ayat (3) Undangundang Nomor 7 Tahun 1983 tentang
diketahui Pemohon Banding memiliki akumulasikerugian di awal tahun 2007 sebesar USD.(3,746,516.00), laba di tahun 2007 sebesarUSD.214,050.00 dan rugi di tahun 2008 sebesar USD.(632,256.00) dengan total akumulasikerugian di tahun 2008 sebesar USD.(4, 164,722.00);bahwa dalam persidangan Pemohon Banding menyatakan pembayaran royalti dilakukan atas54 (lima puluh empat) paten;bahwa berdasarkan penelitian Majelis terhadap License and Technical Assistance Agreement(bukti P18 dan P19) pasal 3.3 diketahui "NMC shall
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., dengan alamat No. 16, 3rd Ind Zone, XiaBaoan District, Shenzhen, China;bahwa dalam Form E dan Bill of lading, barang dikapalkan dari Shenzhen, China;bahwa dengan demikian terdapat bukti terjadinya Third Party/Country Invoicing;bahwa importasi dengan kategori Third Party/Country Invoicing diperbolehkan, diatur dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChiTrade Area, sebagai berikut : The Customs Authority of the importing Party shall accept a CertifOrigin
The third party invoice number should be indiBox 10 of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), the exporter and consignee must be located in the Parthe copy of the third party invoice shall be attached to the Certificate of Origin (Form E) when prto the Customs Authority of the importing Party yang telah disahkan dengan Peraturan Presiden RIndonesia Nomor 37 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pengesahan Second Protocol To Amend The AgreenTrade In Goods Of The Framework Agreement On Comprehensive Economic Cooperation
Terbanding/Tergugat III : PT Bank Negara Indonesia Persero qq Kantor Cabang Utama Bumi Serpong Damai
Terbanding/Tergugat I : PT Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring, TBK
Terbanding/Tergugat IV : PT Bank Negara Indonesia Persero qq Kantor Cabang Utama Menteng
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Hyundai Engineering dan Construction Co.,LTD
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In the event that no settlement is reached, it shall be settled bythe Arbitration to be held in accordance with the rules and regulations ofthe International Chamber of Commerce. *(lihat Bukti Tl & TIl 1)Ketentuan mana dapat kami terjemahkan sebagai berikut:Kecuali ditentukan lain, dalam hal perselisihan atau perbedaanpendapat di antara para pihak timbul atas Perjanjian ini, para pihak akanberupaya untuk mencapai penyelesaian yang berasalan ataspermasalahan tersebut secepatnya.
This letter shall be governed by and construed in accordancewith the law of Indonesia.b. You and we agree that any dispute arising out of or in connectionwith this letter, including any question regarding its existence,validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved byarbitration under the Rules of the ICC International Court ofArbitration, which Rules deemed to be incorporated by referenceinto this clause.
The number of arbitrators shall be one or three.The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be Singapore.
This letter shall be governed by and construed in accordancewith the law of Indonesia.b. You and we agree that any dispute arising out of or inconnection with this letter, including any question regarding itsexistence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finallyresolved by arbitration under the Rules of the ICCInternational Court of Arbitration, which Rules deemed to beincorporated by reference into this clause.
The number ofHalaman 69 dari 81 halaman putusan perkara Nomor : 496/PDT/2018/PT.DKIarbitrators shall be one or three. The seat, or legal place, ofarbitration shall be Singapore. The language to be used inthe arbital proceedings shall be English.Oleh karenanya cukup alasan Majelis Hakim memeriksa perkara ini untukmenyatakan bahwa gugatan PENGGUGAT harus dinyatakanditolak/ tidakdapat diterima karena gugatan salah kewenangan mengadili.B.
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Negara Asing (Singapura danAustralia), maka perlu diperhatikan juga Jax Treaty yang berlaku antaraIndonesia dengan Singapura dan Australia, yang mengatur hak pemajakan darimasingmasing negara tersebut;Bahwa berdasarkan Tax Treaty IndonesiaSingapura menyatakan sebagaiberikut:Article 14 (Dependent Personal Services):(1) Subject to the provisions of Articles, 15, 17, 18, 19 and 20, salaries, wagesand other similar remuneration derived by a resident of a Contracting Statein respect of an employment shall
If the employment isso exercised, such remuneration as is derived there from may be taxed inthat other State;(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, remuneration derived by aresident of a Contracting State in respect of an employment exercised in theother Contracting State shall be taxable only in the firstmentioned State if:(a) The recipient is present in the other State for a period or periods notexceeding in the aggregate 183 days in the calendar year concerned;(b) The remuneration
is paid by, or on behalf of, an employer who is aresident of the firstmentioned State; and(c) The remuneration is not borne by a permanent establishment which theemployer has in the other State;(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2, remuneration derivedin respect of an employment exercise aboard a ship or aircraft operated ininternational traffic by an enteRprise of a Contracting State shall be taxableonly in that State;Article 15 (Director's Fees);(1) Director's fees and similar
Gaji/imbalan itu tidak menjadi beban bentuk usaha tetap yang dimilikioleh pemberi kerja di Indonesia;Bahwa berdasarkan Tax Treaty IndonesiaAustralia dinyatakan sebagai berikut:Article 15 (Dependent Personal Services):(1)Subject to the provisions of Articles 16, 18, 19 and 20, salaries, wages andother similar remuneration derived by an individual who is a resident of oneof the Contracting States in respect of an employment shall be taxable onlyin that State unless the employment is exercised in the
If the employment is so exercised, such remuneration as is derivedfrom that exercise may be taxed in that other State;Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, remuneration derived by anindividual who is a resident of one of the Contracting States in respect of anemployment exercised in the other Contracting State shall be taxable only inthe firstmentioned State if:(a) the recipient is present in that other State for a period or periods notexceeding in the aggregate 120 days in any period of
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dan juga tidakmenjelaskan bahwa Legalisasi fotokopi Surat Keterangan Domisili dilampirkandi dalam Surat Pemberitahuan Masa Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 26;Bahwa transaksi yang terkait Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 26 seharusnyadiperhatikan apakah ada Tax Treaty yang mengaturnya, sebelum menentukanapakah perlu dilakukan koreksi tarif, maka ditentukan dulu hak pemajakannyabagi masingmasing Negara;Tax Treaty Indonesia Singapore, Pasal 7 ayat (1) menyatakan:The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall
Putusan Nomor 1536/B/PK/PJK/2016 through a permanent establishment situated therein, If the enterprise carries onbusiness as aforesaid, the profits of the enterprise may be taxed in the otherState but only so much of them as is attributable to that permanentestablishment,Tax Treaty Indonesia UK, Pasal 7 ayat (1):The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in thatState unless the enterprise carries on business in the other Contracting Statethrough a permanent establishment
them as is directly or indirectly attributable to thepermanent establishment,Tax Treaty Indonesia UK, Pasal 12 ayat (13):(1) Royalties arising in a Contracting State which are derived by a resident ofthe other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State;(2) However, such royalties may also be taxed in the Contracting State in whichthey arise and according to the law of that State; but where the beneficialowner of such royalties is a resident of the other Contracting State the tax socharged shall
Putusan Nomor 1536/B/PK/PJK/2016(1) Royalties derived from sources within one of the Contracting States by aresident of the other Contracting State may be taxed by both ContractingStates;(2) The rate of tax imposed by a Contracting State on royalties derived fromsources within that Contracting State and beneficially owned by a resident ofthe other Contracting State shall not exceed 15 percent of the gross amountof royalties described in paragraph 3 (a) and 10 percent of the gross amountof royalties
The rate of tax imposed by a Contracting State on royaltiesderived from sources within that Contracting State andbeneficially owned by a resident of the other ContractingState shall not exceed 10 percent of the gross amount ofroyalties described in paragraph 3;Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pajak Nomor KEP506/PJ./2001tentang Perubahan Atas Keputusan Direktur Jenderal PajakNomor KEP108/PJ.1/1996 tentang Bentuk FormulirPemotongan/Pemungutan Pajak Penghasilan SebagaimanaTelah Diubah Dengan KEP 02/PJ.1/
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Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China, dalammelaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakan Rule ofOrigin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yang diatur secara rincidalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (Ocp) For The Rules Of Origin OfThe AseanChina Free Trade Area;bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (Ocp) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7 dinyatakan TheIssuing Authorities shall
Certificateof Origin (Form E), and signed by the authorised signatory;b) The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;c) The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supportingdocumentary evidence submitted;d) Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages,number and kinds of packages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;e) Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
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Amendement No.1 2004, yang mengatur sebagaiberikut :Before aither Party (the Assigning Party exercise its right toassign,the Assigning Party shall offer in writi9ng such assignment tothe other party, such offer to be valid for a period of 45 days followingthe other Parthys receipt of the offer.Terjemahan Tersumpah Pasal 8.1.3. New Contract of Work 1994 Jo. AmendmentNo.1 2004.1313Sebelum salah satu.
This Agreement shall be constructed and take effect inaccordance with the relevant law for the time beingapplicable in the Republik of Indonesia, provided that alldisputes hereunder or concering any of the subjectmatter herof shall be finally settled under the Rules ofConciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamberof Commerce by three arbitrators appointed inaccordance with the Rules all of whom shall haveinternationally recognized qualifications of suchappointment together qualifications
This Agreement and theperformance hereof shall be governed by the laws of the Republic ofIndonesia. Any dispute arising hereunder that directly PT LT shall beresolved in the manner set forth in Section 9.7. of the Joint VentureAgreement.(cetak tebal oleh Para Tergugat dengan tujuan penegasan)Terjemahan Tersumpah Pasal 6.4. Novation Agreement 2002 :6.4. Hukum Yang Berlaku dan Penyelesaian Sengketa.Perjanjian ini dan pelaksanaan atas Perjanjian ini tunduk kepadahukum Negara Republik Indonesia.
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Dealing Mandate tersebut;Bahwa berdasarkan Pasal 9 Banking FacilityAgreement, Banking Facility Agreement berlakusampai dengan 30 Desember 2008, yaitu berdasarkanperpanjangan secara otomatis 6 bulan setelahselesainya Jangka Waktu Ketersediaan (AvailabilityPeriod) yaitu 30 Juni 2008;Pasal 9 Banking Facility Amendment Agreement tertanggal 19 Oktober 2007menyatakan:9, Miscellaneous:Upon the expiration of Availability Period, unless otherwise amended by the Bank,this Banking Facility Amendment Agreement shall
Treasurry Facilities:The CoBorrower agrees that the conditions included or referred to in relevantconfirmations issued by the Bank shall apply to all foreign exchange transaction,currency options, forward rate agreement and interest rate, currency and otherswap and derivatives contacts (the Treasury Facilities) between the CoBorrower and the Bank, as the case may be...
Event of Default:The Facilities or any part there of for the time being outstanding and unpaidtogether with interest hereon and all other money shall immediately become dueand payable and the security in favor of the Bank shall become immediatelyenforceable and exerciseable by the Bank without further demand or notice in anyof the following events (an Event of Default ):(a) if he CoBorrower or any guarantor fails to pay the Bank (i) on demand anymoney on the Facilities or (ii) on due dates any amounts
The Guarantor shall shall forthwith on written demand by the Bank:(a) Pay and discharge as principal debtor and not merely as surety all money,obligations and liabilities, whether actual or contingent, now or at any timehereafter due, owing or incurred by the Customer to the Bank under the CreditAgreement and any security document of other document contemplatedthereby, whether singly or jointly and whether as principal or as surety,including, without limitation, all principal moneys, interes (all
The Guarantor shall forthwith or written or writtern demand by the Bank:aPay and discharge as principal debtor and not merely assurety all moneys, obligations and liabilities, whetheractual or contingent, now or at any time hereafter due,owing or incurred by the Customer to the Bank under theCredit Agreement and any security document or otherdocument contemplated thereby, whether singly or jointlyand whether as principal or as surety, including, withoutlimitation, all principal moneys, interest at
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jo.pasal 3iayat(2)PeraturanPemerintah Nomor9Tahuni975jo.pasal1 43KompilasiHukumlslam;Menimbangbahwa Tergugat tidak datang menghadap dan tidakmenyuruhoranglainuntuk datangmenghadapdipersidangansebagaiwakil/kuasanyayangsahmeskipun telahdipanggilsecararesmidanpatutdan tidakternyatabahwatidakhadirnyatersebutdisebabkanolehsesuatualasanyangsah,makaberdasarkanPasall49ayat(1)R.Bg.danpetunjukdarihadist RasulullahSAWdanjuga dalam kitabAlAnwar juz Il halaman 149yang sekaligusdiambilsebagaipendapatMajelis:(piled Shall
64 — 33 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Putusan Nomor 27/B/PK/PJK/2013Paragraph 365: "Payments made by the buyer for the right to distribute orresell the imported goods shall not be added to the price actually paid orpayable for the imported goods if such payments are not a condition of thesale for export to the country of importation of the imported goods";Terjemahan: Pembayaran yang dilakukan pembeli atas hak untukmendistribusikan atau menjual kembali barang impor tidak ditambahkanpada harga yang sebenarnya dibayar atau terutang atas
Oleh karena itu, royalty tidak perluditambahkan pada harga yang sebenarnya dibayar atau seharusnya dibayarsebagaimana yang dimaksud pada Article 8.1 (c)";Commentary on the GAIT Customs Valuation Code, Paragraph 365:"Payments made by the buyer for the right to distribute or resell theimported goods shall not be added to the price actually paid or payable for .the imported goods if such payments are not a condition of the sale for exportto the country of importation of the imported goods";Terjemahan
However, the charges for the right to reproduce the importedgoods in the country of importation shall not be added to the price actually paidor payable for the imported goods in determiningthe customs value;2.
Payments made by the buyer for the right to distribute or resell theimported goods shall not be added to the price actually paid or payable for theimported goods if such payments are not a condition of the sale for export to thecountry of importation of the imported goods;Adapun terjemahannya adalah sebagai berikut:Pasal 8 Customs Valuation Code:1.
Putusan Nomor 27/B/PK/PJK/2013for export to Canada and the price paid or payable for thegoods can be determined ...(4) The transaction value of goods shall be determined byascertaining the price paid or payable for the goods when thegoods are sold for export to Canada and adjusting the pricepaid and payable in accordance with subsection (5);(5) The price paid or payable in the sale of goods for export toCanada shall be adjusted;(a) by adding thereto amount, to the extent that each suchamount is not
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countries to be eligible for preferential treatment, therequirement is that either: The products wholly obtained in the exportingMember State as defined in Rule 3 of the ASEANChina Rules of Origin.bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3 Rule 3 Rules of Origin for The ASEANChinaFree Trade Area disebutkan bahwa produk yang yang digolongkan dalamorigin criterion Wholly Obtained harus memenuhi syarat ketentuan Rule 3ROO, sebagai berikut:Rule 3: Wholly Obtained Products:Within the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall
importir berharap Terbanding dapatmembuktikan secara transparan pembuktiannya dari penerbit Form E tersebutdi atas.bahwa sesuai Appendix I Operational Certification Procedure for the RulesOf Origin, Rule 12 Where the origin of a good is not in doubt, the discoveryof minor discrepancies, between the statements made in a Certificate ofOrigin and those made in the documents submitted to the customs authority ofthe importing party for the purpose of carrying out the formalities forimporting the good shall
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Company (PT NNT) dan asumsi PT Pukuafu Indah atasseluruh kewajiban yang sedang dan akan berjalan di Newmont.e Dalam Pasal 8 ayat 4:No Party hereto shall assign, transfer, encumber, part with possession of grant anypower of attorney over or in any other way directly or Indirectly deal with its Interestin the application for the Contract of Work, any other property subject to this JointVenture or its shareholdings in the PT.
InterBank Offer Rate from time to time for one hundred and eighty (180)days Eurodollars, which interest will oe calculated with quarterly rests, and from thetime for calculation shall be and be deemed to have been added to and accumulatedwith the outstanding balance of the loan money and shall itself bear interestaccordingly;Teriemahan :Uang pinjaman tersebut akan dikenakan bunga setiap tahunnya sebesar 2% +SIBOR dari waktu ke waktu untuk 180 hari Dollar Eropa, dimana bunga ituakan diperhitungkan
Indah shall assign such dividends to Newmont accordingly.Indah shall execute security and divinded, assignment documents in the from ofSchedules.
becomenull and void, and provided, second, that if all required Governmentapprovals to enable NIL/NTMC to complete the transfer of the 3%interest as approved by the Companys shareholders by separateresolution (pursuant to the 2006 divestiture program) is not obtainedby I August 2007, the approval to transfer the 7% interest to PTPukuafu Indah shall become null and void.
be entitled to withdraw without penalty from the JointVenture upon ten (10) days written notice to that effect to Indahhowever Indah shall not be entitled to withdraw from the JointVenture.Terjemahan:7.1 Hak Para Pihak untuk Menarik DiriNewmont berhak untuk menarik diri dari Perjanjian Joint Ventureini tanpa dikenakan penalti, dengan terlebih dahulu menyampaikanpemberitahuan tertulis sepuluh (10) hari sebelumnya kepada Indah,namun demikian Indah tidak berhak untuk menarik diri dariPerjanjian Joint
12 — 0
yang sah dan tidak ternyata ketidak hadirannya tersebut disebabkanoleh sesuatu alasan yang sah menurut hukum, oleh karenanya harusdinyatakan Termohon tidak hadir dan sesuai dengan Pasal 125 HIR perkara inidapat diperiksa dan diputus tanpa hadirnya Termohon (verstek) dan sesuaipula dengan kaidah hukum Islam yang tercantum dalam kitab Al Anwar Juz IIhalaman 55 yang kemudian diambil alin sebagai pendapat Majelis Hakim yangberbunyi sebagai berikut :Artiny TTR em eb aT ee ee om Le me oe Me ml DL eede shall
Adal ae Welw, il te pA Gla dz eddlc shall Aull yg gel & a jhe og A hao plas) ptememutus gugatan tersebutMenimbang, bahwa permohonan Pemohon pada pokoknya mohonkepada Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung agar diberi izin untuk menjatukantalak satu raj terhadap Termohon dengan alasan Termohon pergimeninggalkan Pemohon dan tidak diketahui tempat tinggalnya sejak bulanJanuari 2013 sampai sekarang tidak ada kabar berita dan tidak diketahuitempat tinggalnya;Menimbang, bahwa Termohon pergi tanpa ijin dan selama
123 — 31
Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China, dalammelaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakan Rule of Origin(ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yang diatur secara rinci dalamRevised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For The Rules Of Origin Of TheAseanChina Free Trade Area;bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (Ocp) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7 dinyatakan TheIssuing Authorities shall
Certificateof Origin (Form E), and signed by the authorised signatory;b) The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;c) The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supportingdocumentary evidence submitted;d) Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages,number and kinds of packages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;e) Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
Terbanding/Tergugat I : Kepala Koperasi Unit Desa KUD Sri Waluyaning Tani
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Kepala Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Kebumen
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat II : Towiyah
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat III : Yugi Woro Ariyani
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat IV : Yoga Wahyu Sasono
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat V : Irwan Danu Cahyana
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat VI : Suparno
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat VII : Sulastri
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat VIII : Muntiani
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat IX : Achmad Sudono
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Hal ini dapat dilinat padaPasal 1 mengenai Definitions (Definisi), halaman 31, paragraph ke2Perjanjian Kredit Sindikasi No. 159 (vide Bukti P1) yang berbunyisebagai berikut:"Scheduled Completion Date: means the date that Project Completionis required to occur pursuant to this Agreement, which date shall benot later than the 31st (thirty first) day of December 1996 (onethousand nine hundred and ninety six), unless the Majority Lendersotherwise agree in writing.Dengan terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Raya BekasiKm. 28, Medan Satria Village, Bekasi, West Java, hereinafter referredto as "Defendant III";(Defendant , Defendant Il and Defendant Ill shall be hereinafterreferred to as "Defendants");he substance of the case and arguments in this present civil case areas follows:1. Whereas on 19th December 1994 Defendant I, for the time being havingthe name PT.
This is in line with the stipulation of Article 613of the Criminal Code of Civil, which states as follows:"Credits transfer on the name and other intangible materials, shall beconducted by way of an authentic deed or in private, by which rightsover the materials are transferred to other persons.Such transfer for the debtors shall not cause any harm, but otherwiseafter such transfer is notified to him, or in writing approved andacknowledged."
Transferring of each credits with a transmittal letter, shall be conductedby submitting of the letter; transferring of each receivable with anappointment letter, shall be conducted by submitting the letter andsupported by an endorsement. "7. Whereas therefore the entire payment obligations of Defendant toHSBC, PT. Bank Dharmala, and PT. Bank Niaga are obliged to befulfilled by Defendant to Plaintiff based on the credit assignmentagreement (cessie) as mentioned above (see Exhibit P1 to P5).8.
Construction planning business shall provide planning servicesupply which consists of a series of activities or parts from thoseHalaman 19, Putusan No. 385/Pdt/2016/PT SMG16.17.activities through the preparation of contract document ofconstruction works." Construction implementation service shall provide implementationservice in construction works or parts of those activities starts frompreparation of a field through final submission of the constructionwork."
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Bandingmenyatakan halhal sebagai berikut :bahwa Pemohon Banding tidak setuju atas koreksi positif Pajak Masukanterkait Legal Fee sebesar Rp. 26.697.452,00.bahwa atas ketidak setujuan tersebut dapat dijelaskan dan dibuktikan denganbuktibukti yang disampaikan oleh Pemohon Banding dengan rincian sebagaiberikut:e bahwa berdasarkan perjanjian antara Pemohon dengan MMC atasOffshore Operation and Technical Assistance Agreement tertanggal 11Desember 1996 dinyatakan bahwa:Section 2 MMC SUPPORT SERVICEMMC 's services shall
When reasonably requested byPTSC, MMC shall provide advice and consultations to PTSC ....2.2.g legal matters, such as contract drafting and review, advice andassistance with defending and prosecuting and settling andcompromising any litigation or claims of liability.e bahwa berdasarkan uraian klausal tersebut diatas, MMC memberikandukungan pemberian jasa bantuan operasional dan teknis, khususnya yangberkaitan dengan jasa bantuan hukum/legal kepada Pemohon Banding.Untuk itu, MMC menggunakan konsulItan
33 — 21 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
acceptance in Europe by the end of the nineteenthcentury ;From the nullum crimen maxim jurists have deduced the priciple of prohibition ofretrospective penal laws, Aw early as 1651, Hobbes wrote :No law, made after a fact done, can make it a crime ...For before the law, there isno transgression of the law ;This principle was stated in 1789 in Article 1, section 9 (3) of the AmericaConstitution which prohibited ex post facto laws, Article 7 of the EuropeanConvention on Human Right provides that no one shall
Article 7 includes the important proviso thait....shall not prejudice the trial and punishment of any person for any act oromission ;Which, at the time when it was comited, was criminal accoding to the generalprinciples of law recognised by civilized nations ;Article 15 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states, interalia ;No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on occount of any act oromission which did not constitute a criminal affence, under national orinternational
law, at the time when it was commited ;Article 15 includes a proviso identical to that contained an article 7 of theeuropean Comvention on Human Rights execep that the pharase civilizednations is replaced by the comunity of nations ;In 1985, the succesful Australian Bill of Rights Bill includeed a proposed Article28 whict provided, inter alia ;No person shall be convicted of any criminal affence on account of any act oromission whict did not constitute a criminal affence at the time when it accurred
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Oleh karenanya pada tanggal 16 November 2009 diantara TERGUGATdan PENGGUGAT telah dibuat Agreement For Sale And Purchase Of Coal No.APBU/0109 tertanggal 16 November 2009 (selanjutnya disebut "Perjanjian")(Bukti P3).Bahwa, pada intinya Perjanjian tersebut mengatur halhal sebagai berikut:1) SPESIFIKASI. sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 3 Perjanjian:"The coal sold under this Agreement shall have following shall have thefollowing typical specifications determined by inspection procedures asprovided for
No.397/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel Moisture (ADB) Ash (ADB) 38% 0,9% Above 0.9% Total Sulphur(ADB) HGI 45Size (Ox 50 90% Minimum MM) 2) KUANTITAS DAN JANGKA WAKTU PENGIRIMAN, sebagaimana diaturdalam Pasal 4 Perjanjian:The Quantity of coal that agreed to be purchased and sold be 3 x 50,000 MT(+/ 10% Vessels Option) of steam coal from November 2009 January 2010.Laycan shall be mutually discussed and agreed."3) CARA PENGIRIMAN, sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 11 ayat (1) Perjanjian:The Coal will be delivered
546 — 491 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Nomor 220 B/Pdt.SusArbt/2016penyelesaian pekerjaan konstruksi oleh Turut Termohon kepada TurutTermohon II sebagaimana ketentuannya diuraikan di bawah ini:Article 33 Practical Completion: to Company:The method for progressing towards and managing practicalcompletion shall be in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit B,entitle Scope Of Work and, in particular, Article 16 thereof.
Thefollowing Articles 33.2 to 33.6 address and detail the formal processto be undertaken to certify practical completion;Notice:Before practical completion, Contractor shall give the companyrepresentative at least seven (7) days written notice of the date onwhich Contractor estimates that the work will reach practicalcompletion;Join Inspection:No earlier than the date nominated by Contractor in its notice givenunder article 33.2 above, company representative and Contractorrepresentative shall jointly
Company representative will then issue awritten notice to Contractor stating either that;a) Items requiring attention have not been completed, in which casethe provisions of article 33.5 above shall again apply; orb) The work has reached practical completion;Terjemahan Resmi dari Kontrak Konstruksi:Halaman 28 dari 136 hal. Put.
be conclusive evidence for us in relation to any payment to bemade pursuant to this bond and we shall have neither right nor theobligation to challenge the accuracy or sufficiency of such statement, ;Majelis menyimpulkan bahwa Termohon (ASPAN) telah melepaskan hakdan kewajibannya untuk mempertanyakan atau menuntut bukti ataskebenaran dan kecukupan dari pernyataan Pemohon bahwa Kontraktortelah melakukan tindak wanprestasi.
Performance Bond shall be handle as a separate issue from thisagreement on the Final Contract Settlement.;Terjemahan bebasnya adalah:1. PT Lekom Maras ("Lekom Maras") dan Salamander Energy (NorthSumatra) LTD ("SENSL") sepakat dan menandatanganiPenyelesaian Akhir Kontrak;2. SENSL akan membayar Lekom Maras selambatlambatnya 30 (tigapuluh) hari setelah SENSL menerima tagihan dari Lekom Maras;3.