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Terbanding/Terdakwa : DJOKO SAPUTRO.
292 — 189
lampirannya1 (Satu) bundel asli dokumen Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (RKT & Il) RKAP tahun 2017.Halaman 68 dari 238 putusan Nomor 16/TIPIKOR/2020/PT BDG. (satu) bundel printout warna dokumen Rapat Rutin Direksi DenganDewan Pengawas Bulan Juli 2017 Perum Jasa Tirta Il Bandung, 26 Juli20171 (Satu) bundel asli dokumen Tanda Terima Surat Direktur Utama Tahun20171 (satu) bundel printout warna dokumen Laporan Triwulan Ill Tahun20161 (satu) buah buku catatan merek While
tentang Rencana KerjaTriwulan (RKT) tahun 2018 Program Investasi Perum Jasa Tirta Ilbeserta lampirannya1 (satu) bundel asli dokumen Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (RKT & Il) RKAP tahun 2017.1 (Satu) bundel printout warna dokumen Rapat Rutin Direksi DenganDewan Pengawas Bulan Juli 2017 Perum Jasa Tirta II Bandung, 26 Juli20171 (Satu) bundel asli dokumen Tanda Terima Surat Direktur Utama Tahun20171 (Satu) bundel printout warna dokumen Laporan Triwulan III Tahun 20161 (satu) buah buku catatan merek While
- Salah satu isu dalamhukum perdata yang masih mengandung ketidakpastian konsep dan interpretasiadalah masalah kebatalan perjanjian. Ada beberapa faktor kebatalan perjanjianyang di ketahui adalah sebagai berikut :1. kebatalan ... [Selengkapnya]
Conversion supposes that the partiescould have pursued their goal(s) successfully by means of contract type X, while theyactually chose contract type Y, which is unsuitable and therefore encumbers nullity.In such a case, the null contract of type Y willautomaticallybe converted into avalid contract of type X. Examples of such a conversion under Dutch law are ratherscarce."5.4 Convalescence.
2338 — 1682
Gugatan), maka yangdimaksud dengan MODIS adalahMODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a keyinstrument aboard the Terra (EOS AM) and Aqua (EOS PM) satellites.87Terra's orbit around the Earth is timed so that it passes from north tosouth across the equator in the morning, while Aqua passes south tonorth over the equator in the afternoon.
516 — 279
While accept that thefacts and decision in PMA Credit have no precedent value, they do show, in my view, that the Defendant is not as ignorant andunknowledgeable as she seems to be suggesting.Terjemahan tersumpahnya:a.
157 — 125 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
pricing, namun pada dasarnya terdapatketerbatasan informasi yang diperoleh dalam database komersial, oleh karena itu,untuk mengeliminasi kerentanan terhadap ketidaksebandingan dad perusahaanpembanding yang dipilin, maka digunakan interquartile range;BahwaInterquartile range dapat mengeliminasi kerentanan terhadapketidaksebandingan dari pembanding yang dipilih, hal ini juga diungkapkan dalamParagraf 3.57 OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines 2010 yang menyebutkan bahwa:"It may also be the case that, while
135 — 45 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
pricing, namun, pada dasarnya terdapatketerbatasan informasi yang diperoleh dalam database komersial, oleh karenaitu, untuk mengeliminasi kerentanan terhadap ketidaksebandingan dariperusahaan pembanding yang dipilih, maka digunakan interquartile range;Bahwa Interquartile range dapat mengeliminasi kerentanan terhadap ketidaksebandingan dari pembanding yang dipilih, hal ini juga diungkapkan dalamParagraf 3.57 OECD Transfer pricing Guidelines 2010 yang menyebutkanbahwa: "It may also be the case that, while
148 — 24
., Composite material soft ground blocks shall be supplied inorder to improve the safety while working at soft ground.
417 — 518
., Composite material soft ground blocks shall be supplied inorder to improve the safety while working at soft ground.
1094 — 795 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
If the conclusion of the investigation team is true, which theoreticallyshould be the case because, as the vanguard and defender of fairbusiness competition, the KPPU is supposed to come out with anassessment that has logic and makes economic sense, that wouldbe worrisome indeed.But the question then is how could Temasek, despite its crossownership at Indosat and Telkomsel, control both companies anddictate their prices while the Indonesian government simply satback and relaxed, acting as a seemingly
The president director is only acting as a symbol while the deputypresident director controls Indosat,' it said, quoting the report whichhas not been officially released.Dr Kaizad was also said to have changed Indosat's procurement systems,something previously handled by Mr Hasnul.Dr Kaizad, who was appointed deputy president director of Indosat inDecember 2005, is a former senior vicepresident of ST Telemedia.Mr Hasnul, who is now the president director of another telco, was notavailable for comment
Indeed,demonstrates that Telkomsel's market share has decreased by 4.3percentage points since its peak in the third quarter of 2006, with gainsbeing made by Excelcom, Mobile8 and the other smaller players in themarket (while Indosat has held steady at 26% market share since thebeginning of 2006). These changes in market share have beenstimulated by investment and price cutting from operators other thanIndosat and Telkomsel.
PT Digital Commerce Indonesia
PT Andiarta Muzizat Ninja Xpress
672 — 478
(asii print out): Screenshoot Cek Produk BPOMBPOM RI HasilPemeriksaan Produk Penggugat yang bernama White SmileExtra pada situs BPOM dengan tautan sebagai berikut :https://cekbpom.pom.go.id/index.php/home/produk/3vi3hhsg26judan/7sv3a35g9f7/all/row/10/page/0/order/4/DESC/search/1/While%20smile%20extra Diakses pada hari kamis, 9 Juli2020.