Ditemukan 613 data
62 — 10
Aku kek nomor rekeningmu taksangoni Rp. 500.000. nggo sangu (ya sudah kamu 2 hari lagi berangkat keterminal Tirlonadi Solo, kamu kirimi saya nomor rekening kamu nant sayakKirimi uang Rp. 500.000. buat uang saku) yang kemudian dijawab Yoh (ya);Bahwa pada hari sabtu tanggal 07 Mei 2016 sekira pukul 03.30 Wib saksiRUDI teloon saksi kembali isinya sebagai berikut Wes mangkat during jok?(sudah berangkat belum jok?)
PT Toya Indo Manunggal
1.PT Paiton Energy
2.PT Paiton Operation dan Maintenance Indonesia
192 — 51
Kemudian, berdasarkanpertemuan itu, Tergugat II mengirimkan konfirmasi kembali kepada Penggugatmelalui email tertanggal 8 Oktober 2019, yang menyatakan sebagai berikut:"For the next step, as agreed during the discussion that we would freeze existingblanket contract (PO 6587, PO 68274, PO 67922, and PO 69468), and we wouldsend RFQ to PT Toya based on the spot basis.yang artinya:Untuk langkah berikutnya, sebagaimana yang kita sepakati selamapembahasan tersebut, kita akan membekukan kontrak payung yang
157 — 59
Anak korban mengaku terus terang dan saat disetubuhi mengatakan cepetmeh njaluk meneh ora mumpung during tak tutup celananya (cepat mauminta lagi (bersetubuh) tidak sebelum saya tutup celanannya);5. Para Anak merasa bersalah dan menyesal serta berjanji tidak akanmengulangi perbuatannya lagi;6. Orang tua para anak sangup mengasuh dan membina;7.
251 — 202 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
0 0 0 0 95.0455Public Relations 0 0 0 0 21201.1 33324.04 25226.38 79751.52Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 4450.05 4450.05Withholding tax 0 0 0 0 0 2518.79 0 2518.79Subtotal Other 178.4944 47890.59 38431.77 32641.8 25192.07 38957.68 34608.28 152617.1expensePerthHead Office 96830.93 133835 132027.4 51641.66 0 0 0 414335Overhead(50% excludingsalaries) 649478.2 1210994 /3370829 1162513 241471.9 222141.1 178645.1 7036072 Interest Rate (6%) Opening Balance 0 668962.5 1936355 5466400 6827780 7281330 7728575 Costs During
Level 223Cashflow0.05 Less: Local Sulawesi 18 US$ millionPartnerLess: Osaka Gas 450.2Less: Golar LNG 450.2LNG Limited 179(Singapore Level)CashflowPlus: Management 0FeesLNG Limited (Aust. 1790.6 Level) Cashflow Total Project Value (Investment +NPV) 414.8553853Project Construction Costs costs at ConstructionEquipment Items 107580Construction Items 183200Other Costs 54262.4Contingency 69957.6Developers / 30100Management FeesFinance Fees 7000Interest during 38329.76918ConstructionWorking Capital 16452.47318
Level = 223Cashflow0.05 Less: Local Sulawesi 18 US$ millionPartnerLess: Osaka Gas 450.2Less: Golar LNG 450.2LNG Limited 179(Singapore Level)CashflowPlus: Management Fees0LNG Limited (Aust. 1790.6 Level) Cashflow Total Project Value (Investment +NPV) 414.8553853Project Construction Costs costs at ConstructionUS$ '000 Equipment Items 107580Construction Items 183200Other Costs 54262.4Contingency 69957.6Developers / 30100Management FeesFinance Fees 7000Interest during 38329.76918ConstructionWorking Capital
102 — 72 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
EquityThe authorised share capital of the company amounts to EUR 90,000, divided into 90,000ordinary share with nominal value of EUR 1 eachThe issued and paidup capital amounts to EUR 18,000 (equivalent to USD 23,706 per 31December 2006Noncurrent LiabilitiesFacilities from group companies 2006 2005USD USDLimit Drawdown Drawdown663.000.000 161.715.994 162.834.469No guarantees have been given for these loansDirector and employeesThe company has six Managing Directors (20056) and no employees (2005nil) during
163 — 193 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
No. 1106 K/PID.SUS/2018 1 copy of pictures of the arrival of the Indonesian Embassy staff. 231 copy of pictures taken during the Out Reach Program in24 progress.25 1 copy of picture of the official car of the Indonesian Embassy inKuala Lumpur see at site.26 1 copy of picture of Indonesian Embassy staff that been seen byMACC officers at site.27 1 copy of comparison of real and fake Euro Jasmine ResourcesCompany official cop. 281 copy of Whatsapp" message between Satya and Rizalregarding the outreach
87 — 20
I therefore called Maya by my mobilephone to persuade her to allow David Carpenter to see his child.That during my call I received a lot of abuse from her. She would not listento any sense or reason and I clearly said that I was in no way supportingDavid in his dispute with her but was only trying to make her realize thatwhat she was doing was wrong and that she cannot just take her daughteraway from his father for an indefinite period.
95 — 70 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
During the financial yearended December 31, 2004 a total amount of USD 830.870.000 of thesecured Note Programme has been drawn. (Laporan Keuanganhalaman 3).Terms and conditions dari pinjaman yang diperoleh Dupoer FinanceBV dari Ga Global Ltd dengan pinjaman yang diberikan oleh DupoerFinance BV kepada debiturnya (termasuk kepada pemohon banding)adalah sama persis (Laporan Keuangan halaman 78), dimana perHalaman 29 dari 48 halaman.
64 — 45 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Kehutanan Musi Rawasmengadakan kegiatan revitalisasi perkebunan kerjasama dengan BRI dalampemberian kredit untuk perkebunan karet mengajukan 150 (seratus lima puluh)calon Petani peserta, setelah dilakukan verifikasi administrasi hanya 118(seratus delapan belas) yang memenuhi persyaratan dan diberi fasilitas olehBRI dengan total plafon sebesar Rp7.314.850.106,00 (tujuh milyard tiga ratusempat belas juta delapan ratus lima puluh ribu seratus enam rupiah) meliputipokok dan limit kredit untuk Interest During
847 — 767 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Untuk itu dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan tersebut Pemohon memerlukan jasabantuan agen atau pihak ketiga lainnya, maka hal itu sepenuhnya menjadi hakbagi Pemohon untuk melakukannya, dengan syarat bahwa Pemohon bertanggung jawabsepenuhnya terhadap subkontraktor/agen tersebut;85 Hal itu jelas diatur dalam ketentuan Pasal 5.5 Services Agreement, yaitu:"The Contractor must at all times during the Term strictly comply and ensurethat its agents strictly comply with the contracts and agreements described inthe
85 — 47
FIG) yangmenyatakan peningkatan modal disetor minimal setaradengan USD20.911 3B 7 eens ee eeeTerhadap Kredit Investasi Interest During Contstruction (KI IDC)berlaku syarat syarat sebagai berikut :1) Untuk pembayaran bunga berjalan selama masapembangunan, yang dapat didebet pada saat bungamaksimal sebesar 60% dari total beban bunga KI pokok danKI IDC pada periode tersebut;2) Apabila plafond KI IDC telah dipergunakan seluruhnya makaatas bunga yang timbul berikutnya seluruhnya wajib disetor100% oleh3
70 — 49 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
EquityThe authorised share capital of the company amounts to EUR 90,000, divided into 90,000ordinary share with nominal value of EUR 1 eachThe issued and paidup capital amounts to EUR 18,000 (equivalent to USD 23,706 per 31December 2006Noncurrent Liabilities Facilities from group companies 2006 2005USD USDLimit Drawdown Drawdown663,000.000 161.715.994 162.834.469No guarantees have been given for these loansDirector and employeesThe company has six Managing Directors (20056) and no employees (2005nil) during
1.PT Patria Anugerah Sejati
2.PT Sedana Pasifik Servistama
PT Asuransi Jasaraharja Putera
Turut Tergugat:
PT Dharma Nilaitama
149 — 82
obyek pertanggungan New Vermeer D130X150 DirectorialBorer dari satu tempat ke tempat lain yang berada dalam lokasi proyek diJalan Warakas VI dalam rangka melakukan pekerjaan bagian berikutnyayang hanya berjarak beberapa ratus meter saja tidak masuk dalamklasifikasi Transit.Definisi Transit menurut Polis Marine Cargo adalah This insuranceattaches from the time goods hereby insured leave the warehouse orplace of storage at the place named in the Policy for the commencementof the transit and continues during
35.Satria During
36.Ir. Aida Mawar Satya, M.Si.
37.Viona Angeli
38.Cisilia Septiany
1.Madie Bin Goening Sius
2.Kawid D.M
182 — 213
35.Satria During
36.Ir. Aida Mawar Satya, M.Si.
37.Viona Angeli
38.Cisilia Septiany
1.Madie Bin Goening Sius
2.Kawid D.M
793 — 1365 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Keduahal ini sebagaimanadapat dibuktikan darihalaman 8 ResearchLai Ah Eng dan situsresmi KillineyKopitiam (http://www.killineykopitiam.com/coprofile.html), yangmenyatakan bahwa :Halaman 8 Research Lai Ah Eng :As such, the late 1920s to the 1950s became a period ofgrowth and thrive during which the Hainanese graduallycarved out and consolidated their distinc kopitiambusiness niche (Lee 2009: 1415).
Koperasi Perkebunan Kelumpang Bersama
1.PT. Manunggal Adi Jaya
2.Nurdin Efendi
141 — 38
Bahwa Tergugat 1 menolak dengan tegas dalil Penggugat yangmenyatakan bahwa terdapatnya aturan keharusan biaya investasi sawitpada tahun 2006 sebesar Rp. 24.980.000, (dua puluh empat jutasembilan ratus delapan puluh ribu rupiah) / hektare, dengan alasan karenadidalam aturan dimaksud masih belum mengatur mengenai biaya IDC(interest During Construction) atau bunga selama masa pembangunanberjalan dan biaya umum dan administrasi (Cost of Run).
195 — 88
FIRST KASIH di Kalimantan SelatanHal7 Putusan No 592/PDT.G/2014/PN JKT.PSTsesuai Bill of Lading No 01/BJMSRL/09 dengan muatan Coal in Bulk (batu baracurah) sejumlah 50.190 MT (lima puluh ribu seratus sembilan puluh Metrik Ton);Bahwa pada tanggal 05 Juni 2009 Tergugat melalui fax No. 519/SM/PANN/06/09Subject: Deficiencies found during RINA Inspection MV First Kasih on 26/05/2009menyampaikan kepada Penggugat Il bahwa terdapat bagianbagian Kapal KM.FIRST KASIH yang harus segera diperbaiki;Bahwa kerusakankerusakan
bagian dan padanya yang timbulkarena apapun sejak tanggal penerimaan kapal dari Lessor" maka sudahmenjadi tanggung jawab PENGGUGAT II untuk membayar biaya perbaikan KMFIRST KASIH sebagaiama dalil 24 dalam GUGATAN;TERGUGAT tidak akan menanggapi dalil PARA PENGGUGAT pada point 26dan 27 GUGATAN karena diluar dari kewenangan TERGUGAT danseharusnya PARA PENGGUGAT juga memisahkan permasalahan ini;Benar jika TERGUGAT menginm fax No. 519/SM/PANN/06/09 tanggal 05 Juni2009 dengan subject : Deficiencies found during
FIRST KASIH di Kalimantan Selatansesuai Bill of Lading No 01/BJMSRL/09 dengan muatan Coal in Bulk (batubara curah) sejumlah 50.190 MT (lima puluh ribu seratus sembilan puluhMetrik Ton);50.Bahwa pada tanggal O05 Juni 2009 Tergugat melalui fax No.519/SM/PANN/06/09 Subject: Deficiencies found during RINA InspectionMV First Kasih on 26/05/2009 menyampaikan kepada Penggugat Il bahwaterdapat bagianbagian Kapal KM.
42 — 27 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Hikmahanto Juwana, S.H, LL.M, Ph.Dsebagai berikut:1) Bahwa di dalam huruf a article 92 Konvensi Chicago 1944, disebutkanthis convention shall be open for adherence by members of theunited nations and states with then, and states which remainedneutral during the present world conflict Kemudian di huruf bdisebutkan adherence shall be effected by a notification addressed tothe government of the United States of America and shall take effectas from the thirtieth day from the receipt of the notification
260 — 227
Alim shall make no claim at lawor in equity in relation to anyfurther property that Ika acquires during the relationship or subsequentmarriage in her sole name wth money accumulated from her sole earning orother income received by her.terjemahan:7.
408 — 184
A majorreason for he breakdown, according to the audit, was that themine operators had increased the heat during the roasting inorder to maximize the recovery of gold. The mercury scrubberPutusan No.408/Pdt.G/2007/PN .Jkt.Pst. 25facility does not have the physical ability to handle the entirevolume of gases now emitted from the roaster, The Newmontdocument warned. Pictures with the audit showed filters from thedevice torn out of the machine and strewn on the ground.
(vii) Narasumber : Mantan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup, Emil Salim.36.Bahwa sebelum Pemberitaan Edisi 8 September 2004 ini diterbitkanoleh Tergugat I, Tergugat I dan/atau Tergugat III telah terlebih dahulumewawancarai Mantan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup yakni Emil Salim,Putusan No.408/Pdt.G/2007/PN.Jkt.Pst. 141sebagaimana dapat dilihat pada halaman 3 alinea 12 sebagaimanadikutip berikut ini :Halaman 3 alinea 12 Pemberitaan Edisi 8 September 2004Emil Salim, a minister of the environment during the Suharto
After it arrived, the audit said, thescrubber did not function on 213 of 310 days in 1998.A major reason for the breakdown, according to the audit, was that themine operators had increased the heat during the roasting in order tomaximize the recovery of gold.The mercury scrubber facility does not have the physical ability tohandle the entire volume of gases now emitted from the roaster, theNewmont document warned.
Bahwa sebelum Pemberitaan Edisi 9 September 2004 ini diterbitkanoleh IHT, Tergugat I dan/atau Tergugat III telah terlebih dahulumewawancarai Mantan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup yakni Emil Salimsebagaimana dapat dilihat pada halaman 3 alinea 1 sebagaimanadikutip berikut ini :Halaman 3 alinea Pemberitaan JHT Edisi 9 September 2004 Emil Salim, a minister of environment during the Suharto era who isoverseeing the panel that found Newmont had acted illegally, reflectedthe anger of many Indonesians over dumping