Ditemukan 2113 data
18 — 9 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantites of stabilizing agents which serve tomaintain the natural consistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodium citrate and calciumchoride, for infantce) as well as very small quantities of antioxidantsor vitamins not normaly found in the product. Certain of theseproducts may also contain small quantites chemicals (e.g., sodiumHal. 8 dari 20 hal. Put.
Thus heading 19.01 includes, for example :(1) Preparations in powder or liquid from used as infant food or for dieteticpurposes and consisting of milk to which secondary ingredients (e.g.
20 — 13 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodium citrateand calcium choride, for instance) as well as verysmall quantities of anti oxidants or vitamins notnormaly found in the product. Certain of theseproducts may also contain smal!
Thus heading 19.01includes, for example(7) Preparations in powder or liquid from used asinfant food or for dietetic purposes and consistingof milk to which secondary ingredients (e.g.
17 — 4 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilizingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium choride, for instance) as wellas very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normaly found in the product. Certainof these products may also contain smal!
Preparations in powder or liquid from usedas infant food or for dietetic purposes andconsisting of milk to which secondary ingredients(e.g., cereal, groats, yeast) have been added ;(2).
22 — 9 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium choride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normaly found in the product.Certain of these products may also containsmall quantities chemicals (e.g., sodiumbicarbonate) necessary for their processing,product in the form of powder
No.371/B/PK/PJK/2010infant food or for dietetic purposes andconsisting of milk to which secondaryingredients (e.g., cereal, groats, yeast) havebeen added;(2) Milk preparations obtained by replacing one ormore constituents of milk (e.g., butyric fats)by another substances";Berdasarkan Explanatory Notes to the Harmonized Systemtersebut di atas, sangat jelas ditentukan bahwasuatu produk dapat diklasifikasikan HS1901.10.29.00, apabila Makanan olahan dalam bentuk bubuk atau cairanyang digunakan untuk
24 — 12 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins or mineral salts),small quantities of stabilising agents which serve tomaintain the natural consistency of the e = productduring transport in liquid state (disodium phosphate,trisodium citrate and calcium choride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normany found in the product.
Thus heading 19.01 includes, forexample:(1) Preparations in powder or liquid from used asinfant food or for dietetic purposes and consisting ofmilk to which secondary ingredients (e.g., cereal,groats, yeast) have been added.(2) Milk preparations obtained by replacing one or moreconstituents of milk (e. g., butyric fats) by anothersubstances.Berdasarkan Explanatory Notes to the Harmonized Systemtersebut di atas, sangat jelas ditentukan bahwa suatuproduk dapat diklasifilkasikan HS 1901.10.29.00apabila
27 — 8 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins or mineral salts),small quantities of stabilising agents which serve tomaintain the natural consistency of the e productduring transport in liquid state (disodium phosphate,trisodium citrate and calcium choride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normany found in the product.
Thus heading 19.01 includes, forexample:(1) Preparations in powder or liquid from used asinfant food or for dietetic purposes and consisting ofmilk to which secondary ingredients (e.g., cereal,groats, yeast) have been added.(2) Milk preparations obtained by replacing one or moreconstituents of milk (e. g., butyric fats) by anothersubstances.Berdasarkan Explanatory Notes to the Harmonized Systemtersebut di atas, sangat jelas ditentukan bahwa suatuproduk dapat diklasifilkasikan HS 1901.10.29.00apabila
410 — 291
Bahwa untuk menanggapi di Poin 3.a Memori Banding Pembanding,TerbandingI/dahulu Tergugat I dalam Konvensi/Penggugat dalamRekonvensi dalam penawaran yang diberikannya (offer to purchase)sudah mengakui sebagaimana Pasal 6 dalam "Offer ofPurchasetanggal 12 Mei 2016 yang berbunyi "JZ confirm that I amaware that PT Xclusive Property are acting as agents on behalfof the Owner and that property is sold as seen including allfurniture and accessories which were displayed on 11 May 2016.A list of the Inventory
Bahwa untuk menanggapi di Poin 3.a Memori Banding Pembanding,Terbanding II/dahulu Tergugat II dalam Konvensi/Penggugat dalamRekonvensi dalam penawaran yang diberikannya (offer to purchase)sudah mengakui sebagaimana Pasal 6 dalam "Offer of Purchasetanggal 12 Mei 2016 yang berbunyi "J confirm that I am aware thatPT Xclusive Property are acting as agents on behalf of the Ownerand that property is sold as seen including all furniture andaccessories which were displayed on 11 May 2016.
Bahwa untuk menanggapi di Poin 3.a Memori Banding Pembanding,TerbandingIII/dahulu Tergugat III dalam Konvensi/Penggugat dalamRekonvensi dalam penawaran yang diberikannya (offer to purchase)sudah mengakui sebagaimana Pasal 6 dalam "Offer of Purchasetanggal 12 Mei 2016 yang berbunyi "J confirm that I am aware thatPT Xclusive Property are acting as agents on behalf of the Ownerand that property is sold as seen including all furniture andaccessories which were displayed on 11 May 2016.
56 — 39 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
amember of a diplomatic or consular mission of one of the twoStates in the other State or in a third State and who is a nationalof the sending State, shall be deemed to be a resident of thesending State if he is submitted therein to the same obligations inrespect of taxes on income as are residents of that State;Article 111 Interest arising in one of the two States and paid to a resident of the otherState may be taxed in that other State.2 However, such interest may also be taxed in the State in which
orexemption where a resident of a Contracting State, otherwise thanthrough an agency or nominee relationship, simply acts as a conduit foranother person who in fact receives the benefit of the income concerned.For these reasons, the report from the Committee on Fiscal Affairsentitled "Double Taxation Conventions and the Use of ConduitCompanies" concludes that a conduit company cannot normally beregarded as the beneficial owner if; though the formal owner, it has, asa practical matter, very narrow powers which
Yahya HarahapSH, Hukum Acara Perdata, Gugatan, Persidangan, Penyitaan, Pembuktiandan Putusan Pengadilan, Penerbit Sinar Grafika, hal. 830);Bahwa dalam Yurisprudensi, putusan yang diambil mengandungpertimbangan yang mendasar yaitu ratio decidendi atau basic reason, berupaprinsip hukum yang dijadikan dasar putusan yang diambil (the principle oflaw which the decision is based), dan putusan yang dijatuhkan merupakankasus yang berhubungan dengan perkembangan hukum (law development),sehingga pada hakekatnya
169 — 78
SISWANDI (Ssuami saksikorban) ada beberapa SMS mesra yang berasal dari Nomer Handphone085785880339 milik Terdakwa, antara lain : tanggal 03 April 2011 Jam 00.03 wib Happy Birthday to you Honeylooks the future, hopeful/ with good necessary in ur five.. which give u brightn new coloursemoga dg bertambahnya usia, syg mendapat kebahagiaan ygsempuma....ttaplah jd org yg sederhana dan, slalu syg sm ak..skali Igselamat ulang tahun syg, doaku menyertalma.
SISWANDI (Swami saksikorban) ada beberapa SMS mesra yang berasal dari Nomer Handphone085785880339 milik Terdakwa, antara lain :e tanggal O03 April 2011 Jam 00.03 wib Happy Birthday to youHoneylooks thefuture, hopeful/ with good necessary in ur five.. which give u bright n newcoloursemoga dg bertambahnya usia, syg mendapat kebahagiaan yg sempurna....ttaplah jdorg yg sederhana dan, slalu syg sm ak..skali Ig selamat ulang tahun syg,doaku menyertaimu.
SISWANDI (Swami saksikorban) ada beberapa SMS mesra yang berasal dari Nomer Handphone085785880339 milik Terdakwa, antara lain : tanggal 03 April 2011 Jam 00.03 wib Happy Birthday to you Honeylooks the future, hopeful/ with good necessary in ur five.. which give u brightn new coloursemoga dg bertambahnya usia, syg mendapat kebahagiaan ygsempuma....ttaplah jd org yg sederhana dan, slalu syg sm ak..skali Igselamat ulang tahun syg, doaku menyertalma.
Candra Buana ; Bahwa postur tubuh Terdakwa lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan posturtubuh isteri saksi dan dalam hal berpakaian, menyesuaikan dengankeperluan misalnya apabila ke kantor dan acara formal biasanyamenggunakan pakaian formal dan menggunakan sepatu berhak tinggi ;e Bahwa pada saat berulang tahun, saksi menerima SMS Looks thefuture, hopefull with good necessary in ure live.. which give u bright n newcolour.. semoga dg new colour.. tetaplah jd org yg sederhana dan, slalu sygsm ak.. skali Ig
605 — 437 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Pasal VI New York Convention 1958;Lebih jelasnya, Pasal V ayat 1 huruf e New York Convention 1958 berbunyisebagai berikut:(e).The award has not yet become binding on the parties, or has been set asideor suspended by a competent authority of the contry in which, or under thelaw of which, that award was made";Terjemahan:(e).Putusan belum mengikat para pihak, atau dibatalkan maupun ditangguhkanoleh badan yang berwenang di Negara mana, atau berdasarkan hukum mana,putusan tersebut dibuat";Pasal VI New
York Convention 1958 berbunyi sebagai berikut:"If an application for the setting aside or suspension of the award has beenmade in a competent authority referred to in article (V (1) (e) the authoritybefore which the award is sought to be relied upon may, if it considers itproper, adjourn the decision on the enforcement of the award and may also,on the application of the party claiming enforcement of the award, otherparty to give suitable security";Terjemahan:"Jika suatu permohonan untuk pembatalan
Bahwa Pasal V ayat (1) e Konvensi New York 1958 (Convention on theRecognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards) yang disahkandan dinyatakan berlaku dengan Keputusan Presiden No. 34 Tahun 1981berbunyi:Recognition and enforcement of the award may be refused, at therequest of the party against whom it is invoked, only if........ etc;(e).The award has not yet become binding on the parties, or has been setaside or suspended by a compotent authority of the country in which,or under the law of
166 — 87 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom tohave or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.3. Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs may be subject only tosuch limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protectHalaman 17 dari 31 halaman. Putusan Nomor 50 P/HUM/2014public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights andfreedoms of others.4.
The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right towork, which includes the right of everyone to the opportunity to gainhis living by work which he freely chooses or accepts, and will takeappropriate steps to safeguard this right.2.
191 — 70 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Grade 6 requires a weekly signature from a parent.Parenth are encouraged to review the agendas, which list home workassignments, test dates, scheduling need such as PE, ensemble andspecial events.
Parenth are encouragedto review the agendas, which list home work assignments, testdates, scheduling need such as PE, ensemble and special events.Teachers may request that agendas need to be signed andchecked by parents if the student is consistenly not completinghome work (Junior School, ParenStudent Handbook, tentangAgenda, halaman 8, 2010/2011) Selanjutnya dapat dijelaskan juga bahwa Pembanding V dan VIdalam hal tertentu tidak menggunakan buku agenda karena sayalinat tidak efektif.
Grade 6 requires a weekly signature from a parent.Parenth are encouraged to review the agendas, which list home workassignments, test dates, scheduling need such as PE, ensemble andspecial events. Teachers may request that agendas need to be signedand checked by parents if the student is consistenly not completing homework (Junior School, ParentStudent Handbook, tentang Agenda,halaman 8, 2010/2011);38.Bahwa selanjutnya Judex Facti telah tidak seksama menilai bukti P3,Bukti P8, Bukti P9.
206 — 15
of thatParty, provided that that Party has the rights to exploit such waters, seabed and beneath the seabedin accordance with international law;Products of sea fishing and other marine products taken from the high seas by vessels registeredwith a Party or entitled to fly the flag of that Party;Products processed and/or made on board factory ships registered with a Party or entitled to fly theflag of that Party, exclusively from products referred to in paragraph (g) above;Articles collected there which
21 — 18 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins or mineral salts),small quantities of stabilising agents which serve tomaintain the natural consistency of the e = productduring transport in liquid state (disodium phosphate,trisodium citrate and calcium choride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normany found in the product.
Thus heading 19.01 includes, forexample:(1) Preparations in powder or liquid from used asinfant food or for dietetic purposes and consisting ofmilk to which secondary ingredients (e.g., cereal,groats, yeast) have been added.(2) Milk preparations obtained by replacing one or moreconstituents of milk (e. g., butyric fats) by anothersubstances.Berdasarkan Explanatory Notes to the Harmonized Systemtersebut di atas, sangat jelas ditentukan bahwa suatuproduk dapat diklasifilkasikan HS 1901.10.29.00apabila
15 — 9 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitaminsor mineral salts), small quantities of stabilising agents which serveto maintain the natural consistency of the product during transportin liquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodium citrate and calciumchloride, for instance) as vell as very small quantities of antioxidants or vitamins not normally found in the product. Certain ofthese products may also contain small quantities chemicals (e.g.
Thus heading 19.01 inclucies, for example :(1) Preparations in powder or liquid from used as infant food or fordietetic purposes and consisting of milk to which secondaryingredients (e.g., cereal, groats, yeast) have been added ;Hal. 8 dari 19 hal. Put.
29 — 17 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins or10mineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium choride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normaly found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
Thusheading 19.01 includes, for example(1) Preparations in powder or liquid from used asinfant food or for dietetic purposes andconsisting of milk to which secondaryingredients (e.g., cereal, groats, yeast) havebeen added;(2) Milk preparations obtained by replacing one ormore constituents of milk (e.g., butyric fats)Hal. 11 dari 20 hal. Put.
38 — 19 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins or mineral salts),small quantities of stabilising agents which serve tomaintain the natural consistency of the e = productduring transport in liquid state (disodium phosphate,trisodium citrate and calcium choride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normany found in the product.
No.248/B/PK/PJK/2009.example:(1) Preparations in powder or liquid from used asinfant food or for dietetic purposes and consisting ofmilk to which secondary ingredients (e.g., cereal,groats, yeast) have been added.(2) Milk preparations obtained by replacing one or moreconstituents of milk (e. g., butyric fats) by anothersubstances.Berdasarkan Explanatory Notes to the Harmonized Systemtersebut di atas, sangat jelas ditentukan bahwa suatuproduk dapat diklasifilkasikan HS 1901.10.29.00apabila Makanan
22 — 10 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins or mineral salts),small quantities of stabilising agents which serve tomaintain the natural consistency of the e = productduring transport in liquid state (disodium phosphate,trisodium citrate and calcium choride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normany found in the product.
Thus heading 19.01 includes, forexample:(1) Preparations in powder or liquid from used asinfant food or for dietetic purposes and consisting ofmilk to which secondary ingredients (e.g., cereal,groats, yeast) have been added.(2) Milk preparations obtained by replacing one or moreconstituents of milk (e. g., butyric fats) by anothersubstances.Berdasarkan Explanatory Notes to the Harmonized Systemtersebut di atas, sangat jelas ditentukan bahwa suatuproduk dapat diklasifikasikan HS 1901.10.29.00 apabila
37 — 16 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Dollars ($236,000,000), which will be provided in increments.Subsequent increments will be subject to the availability of funds toUSAID for this purpose and the mutual agreement of the Parties, at thetime of each subsequent increment, to proceed. Section 4 of Annex 2Assistance under the SOAG is free from any taxes in Indonesia.
Bahwa berdasarkan USAID Grant Agreement No. 497019:Article 4 : Completion Date SOAG:(a) The Completion Date, which is September 30, 2008, orsuch other date as the two Parties may agree to in writing,is the date by which the two Parties estimate that all theactivities necessary to achieve the Objective and Resultswill be completed"(b) Except as USAID may otherwise agree to in writing,USAID will not assue or approve documentation wichwould authorize disbursement of the grant for servicesperformed or
139 — 26
of thatParty, provided that that Party has the rights to exploit such waters, seabed and beneath the seabedin accordance with international law,Products of sea fishing and other marine products taken from the high seas by vessels registeredwith a Party or entitled to fly the flag of that Party,Products processed and/or made on board factory ships registered with a Party or entitled to fly theflag of that Party, exclusively from products referred to in paragraph (g) above,Articles collected there which