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Register : 14-08-2014 — Putus : 12-11-2014 — Upload : 09-04-2015
Putusan PN ROKAN HILIR Nomor 451/PID.SUS/2014/PN.RHL
  • These system actors will either anticipate orrapidly respond to the judges altered behavior. (Putusan hakim mempengaruhi tuntutanHalaman 13 dari 17 hal PUT NO:451/PID.Sus/2014/PN.RHLpidana jaksa, dan merefleksikan rekam jejak penangkapan petugas kepolisian.
Register : 09-02-2015 — Putus : 04-05-2015 — Upload : 03-08-2015
  • satu) bulan sebelumnya ke pihak lainnyaatau Tergugat dapat dengan kesepakatan bersamamempercepat jangka waktu pemberitahuan apabilaPenggugat menggandeng kompetitor lain atauperusahaan manapun yang akan menimbulkan konflikkepentingan ; Penggugat dengan itikad buruk berupaya menyesatkan Majelis Hakim denganmengutip isi Perjanjian Kerja terkait klausul pengakhiran Perjanjian secaratidak utuh atau menghilangkan sebagian kalimat ; Klausula pengakhiran perjanjian kerja yang benar adalah sebagai berikut ;Either
    Makanan danMinuman tertanggal 2 Pebruari 2014 ;c Risalah Rapat Departement Makanan danMinuman tertanggal 2 Maret 2014 ;d Risalah Rapat Departement Makanan danMinuman tertanggal 6 April 2014 ;18 Karena Penggugat tetap tidak memperbaiki kinerjanya walaupun telah berulang kaliditegur, Tergugat memutuskan untuk menggunakan haknya untuk mengakhirihubungan kerja dengan Penggugat sebagaimana diatur dalam Perjanjian Kerja ;19 Salah satu klausula Termination of The Agreement dalam Perjanjian Kerja adalah :*Either
Putus : 07-03-2017 — Upload : 20-09-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 3370 K/Pdt/2016
Tanggal 7 Maret 2017 — ADE CHAERANI NUR SAFITRI vs. Perseroan Terbatas (PT) Bali Resort & Leisure (PT Bali Resort & Leisure Company),
148113 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Nomor 3370 K/Pdt/201613.14.the President Directors of the Lessor and the Lessee within ninety (90) daysof either party requesting in writing a meeting to settle the relevant dispute,shall be submitted to binding arbitration in Singapore at the SingaporeInternational Arbitration Centre (SIAC) or elsewhere as agreed by the partiesunder the rules for arbitration of the SIAC in force at such time and ifaccordance with the provisions of this article 14.
    Any dispute between the Parties arising out of this Agreement or any14.2.14.3.of the related agreements which cannot first be settled by thePresident Directors of the Lessor and the Lessee within ninety (90)days of either Party requesting in writing a meeting to settle therelevant dispute, shall be submitted to binding arbitration in Singaporeat the Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIAC) or elsewhereas agreed by the Parties under the rules for Arbitration of the SIAC Inforce at such time
Register : 27-10-2021 — Putus : 26-11-2021 — Upload : 26-11-2021
Putusan PT SAMARINDA Nomor 231/PID/2021/PT SMR
Tanggal 26 Nopember 2021 — Pembanding/Penuntut Umum : Mahesa Priyatama, S.H
Terbanding/Terdakwa : DIONISIUS GALIO anak dari YULIAN alm
  • Dalampandangan Utilitarian bahwa Punishment is Justified either to makethe majority secure and thus happy or to maximize rights protection orboth (Jeffrie G. Murphy and Jules L.
Putus : 17-11-2014 — Upload : 08-03-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 412 PK/Pdt/2014
Tanggal 17 Nopember 2014 —
4723 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • No. 412 PK/Pdt/2014tanggal 16 Maret 2005, sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 8 ayat (1) yangmenyatakan: the term of this agreement shall be for a period of 12 monthscommencing 17 March 2003 and ending on 18 March 2004, It shall bedeemed to have been automatically renewed for a further twelve months ateach anniversary date if it is not terminated by either of the parties in writingand 90 days prior to the anniversary date Ketentuan mengenai perpanjanganjangka waktu perjanjian ini pun disepakati oleh para
Register : 08-11-2019 — Putus : 21-11-2019 — Upload : 21-11-2019
Putusan PT AMBON Nomor 69/PID.SUS/2019/PT AMB
Tanggal 21 Nopember 2019 — Pembanding/Penuntut Umum : M.T. FAHRI, SH
Terbanding/Terdakwa : IRFAN BUGIS Alias ONGEN
  • Dalampandangan Utilitarian bahwa Punishment is Justified either tomake the majority secure and thus happy or to maximize rightsprotection or both (Jeffrie G. Murphy and Jules L.
Register : 28-02-2018 — Putus : 02-03-2018 — Upload : 05-03-2018
Putusan PTTUN MAKASSAR Nomor 7/G/Pilkada/2018/PTTUN.MKS
  • Australia yaitu Consular Fees Act1955 (Peraturan Pemerintah Australia yang pada pokoknyamemberikan kewenangan pada Kedutaan Australia di Negara Asinguntuk memberikan pengesahan terhadap dokumen yang dikeluarkanoleh institusiinsitusi pendidikan Australia;.Bahwa Peraturan Pemerintah Australia tersebut mengatur sebagaiberikut: Section 1, Introduction, halaman 4: ..At Australian missionsoverseas, DFAT notarial related services include winessing ofsignatures, certifying copies of documents intended for use either
Upload : 28-10-2016
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 114/PDT/2016/PT BTN
PT. MAJUKO UTAMA INDONESIA, berkedudukan di Korea Center Lt. 4 Suite 405, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 58, Jakarta Selatan, dalm hal ini diwakili oleh kuasanya M. LUTHFIE HAKIM, S.H., M.H., RUSDIANTO, MATULATUWA, S.H., ANITA ZIZLAVSKY, S.H., FERDINAND ROBOT, S.H., M.H., WAHYU BUDI WIBOWO, S.H., JUNIARTI, S.H., dan FANI KUMALA SARI, S.H., Para Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum pada M. LUTHFIE HAKIM & PARTNERS Law Firm, beralamat di Graha Pratama Lt. 20, Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 15, Jakarta 12810, berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus tertanggal 14 April 2016, selanjutnya disebut sebagai PEMBANDING semula TERGUGAT I; MELAWAN 1. PT. IGAS UTAMA, berkedudukan di Plaza 3 Pondok Indah Blok E No. 9, Jl. TB. Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan, dalam hal ini diwakili oleh kuasanya H. ARI WAHYUDI HERTANTO, S.H., M.H., SUGIH HARTONO, S.H., M.H., DANANG WS MARTOSRIWARDOYO, S.H., dan H. HUDI MASHUDI, S.H., Para Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum dari Kantor Hukum WAHYUDI, HARTONO & PARTNER, beralamat di Talavera Office Suite 18th Floor, Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 22-26 Jakarta, berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus tertanggal 1 Juni 2015, selanjutnya disebut sebagai TERBANDING I semula PENGGUGAT; 2. PT. BANTEN INTI GASINDO, berkedudukan di Kompleks Arga Baja Pura B D-9/17-A Gerogol, Pulo Merak, Cilegon-Banten, yang selanjutnya disebut sebagai TERBANDING II semula TERGUGAT
  • In the event that BOTH PARTIES are unable to resolve any disputearising within the context of this Agreement within 60 (sixty) days aftera Party request the other Party to engage in consultations forsettlement, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing among BothParties, either Party may request submission of the dispute toarbitration pursuant to the rules of BADAN ARBITRASE NASIONALINDONESIA/BANI (hereafter referred to as the Rules). Saidarbitration shall take place in JAKARTA.
    Higgins dalam bukunya berjudul Elements of Tort in Australia,Butterworths 1978:A tort is an act or omission which is unauthorized by law andindependently or either contact, trust, or other fiduciaryduty............."Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia oleh Penerjemah Tersumpah:Tort adalah suatu perbuatan atau tidak berbuat sesuatu yang tidakberdasarkan hukum di luar perjanjian, trust atau kewajiban hukumyang terbit dari kKepercayaan lain...................Adapun pendapat lan Fleming dan Dr.
    in the firstinstance attempt to resolve any and all disputes, controversies, and conflictswhich may arising between them in connection with this Agreementamicably by mutual and good faith consultation, conciliation, andcooperationIn the event that BOTH PARTIES are unable to resolve any dispute arisingwithin the context of this Agreement within 60 (sixty) days after a Partyrequest the other Party to engage in consultations for settlement, unlessotherwise agreed upon in writing among Both Parties, either
Register : 26-03-2015 — Putus : 04-06-2015 — Upload : 17-06-2015
Putusan PN RANTAU PRAPAT Nomor 187/PID.SUS/2015/PN Rap
  • berhubungandengan berkas perkara, Majelis Hakim tidak menemukan bukti yangmenerangkan bahwa Terdakwa adalah orang yang tidak cakap atau tidak mampubertindak dan tidak mampu mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya secarahukum;Menimbang bahwa atas pertimbangan tersebut Majelis Hakimberpendapat bahwa unsur setiap orang telah terpenuhi;Dilarang menempatkan, membiarkan, melakukan atau turut sertamelakukan kekerasan terhadap anak;Menimbang, bahwa menurut Stanford kekerasan adalah : All types ofillegal behavior, either
Putus : 07-09-2016 — Upload : 11-11-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 968/B/PK/PJK/2016
3925 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Relevant Government authorities in the importing Member State shallaccept Certificates of Origin (Form D) in cases where the sales invoiceis issued either by a company located in a third country or by an ASEANexporter for the account of the said company, provided that the goodsmeet the requirements of Chapter 3 of this Agreement.2.
Putus : 19-10-2017 — Upload : 14-03-2018
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1460 K/Pdt/2017
Tanggal 19 Oktober 2017 — PT. IGAS UTAMA VS PT. MAJUKO UTAMA INDONESIA, dk
314226 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • In the event that both parties are unable to resolve anydispute arising within the context of this Agreement within 60 (sixty)days after a Party request the other Party to engage in consultationsfor settlement, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing among BothParties, either Party may request submission of the dispute toarbitration pursuant to the rules of Badan Arbitrase NasionalIndonesia/ BANI (hereafter referred to as the Rules). Saidarbitration shall take place in Jakarta.
    any and all disputes, controversies, andconflicts which may arising between them in connection with thisAgreement amicably by mutual and good faith consultation,conciliation, and cooperation;2: In the event that both parties (Penggugat, Tergugat danTergugat II) are unable to resolve any dispute arising within thecontext of this Agreement within 60 (sixty) days after a Party requestthe other Party to engage in consultations for settlement, unlessotherwise agreed upon in writing among Both Parties, either
    Higgins dalam bukunya berjudul Elements of Tort inAustralia, Butterworths 1978:A tort is an act or omission which is unauthorized by law andindependently or either contact, trust, or other fiduciary duty........;Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia oleh Penerjemah Tersumpah:Tort adalah suatu perbuatan atau tidak berbuat sesuatu yang tidakberdasarkan hukum di luar perjanjian, trust atau kewajiban hukumyang terbit dari kKepercayaan lain................... ;Adapun pendapat lan Fleming dan Dr.
Register : 11-08-2020 — Putus : 08-10-2020 — Upload : 02-11-2020
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 504/PDT/2020/PT DKI
Tanggal 8 Oktober 2020 — Pembanding/Penggugat : PT Igas Utama Diwakili Oleh : Koesnadi Notonegoro,SH.M.Hum.
Terbanding/Tergugat I : PT Majuko Utama Indonesia
Terbanding/Tergugat II : PT. BANTEN INTI GASINDO,
  • setelah lewat 90hari kalender, maka para pihak setuju untukmenyelesaikan perselisihan ke Badan ArbitraseNasional Indonesia (BANI) Jakarta;4) Putusan BANI bersifat dan mengikat bagi ParaPihak);Article 19 Detail Open Acess Agreement:In the event that BOTH PARTIES are unbale to resolveany disputes starting within the context of this Agreementwithin 60 (sixty) days after a Party requests the otherParty to engage in consultations for settlement, unlessotherwise agreed upon in writing among Both Parties,either
    setelah lewat 90hari kalender, maka para pihak setuju untukmenyelesaikan perselisihan ke Badan ArbitraseNasional Indonesia (BANI) Jakarta;4) Putusan BANI bersifat dan mengikat bagi ParaPihak);Article 19 Detail Open Acess Agreement :In the event that BOTH PARTIES are unbale to resolveany disputes starting within the context of this Agreementwithin 60 (sixty) days after a Party requests the otherParty to engage in consultations for settlement, unlessotherwise agreed upon in writing among Both Parties,either
Putus : 15-08-2013 — Upload : 22-10-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 27/B/PK/PJK/2013
6030 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • (c) Royaltyes and license fees related to the goods being valuedthat the buyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as acondition of sale of the goods being valued, to the extent thatsuch royaltyes and fees are not included in the price actuallypaid or payable;Note to Article 8 dari Customs Valuation Code berbunyi:Paragraph 1 (c):Halaman 19 dari 44 halaman. Putusan Nomor 27/B/PK/PJK/20137.
    Persyaratan yangdiatur di dalam KEP81/BC/1999 atas royalty didasarkanpada Pasal 8 (1) c,d Customs Valuation Code:"(c) Royaltyes and license fees related to the goods being valuedthat the buyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as a condition ofsale of the goods being valued, to the extent that such royaltyes andfees are not included in the price actually paid or payable;Adapun terjemahannya sebagai berikut:Halaman 41 dari 44 halaman.
Register : 27-10-2021 — Putus : 26-11-2021 — Upload : 26-11-2021
Putusan PT SAMARINDA Nomor 230/PID/2021/PT SMR
Tanggal 26 Nopember 2021 — Pembanding/Penuntut Umum : Mahesa Priyatama, S.H
Terbanding/Terdakwa : ABDUL MAJID bin BUDI alm
  • Dalam pandangan Utilitarian bahwaPunishment is Justified either to make the majority secureand thus happy or to maximize rights protection or bothHalaman 10 dari 19 hal. Putusan Nomor 230/PID/2021/PT SMR(Jeffrie G. Murphy and Jules L.
Register : 06-02-2018 — Putus : 20-02-2018 — Upload : 23-04-2018
Putusan PT AMBON Nomor 8/Pid.Sus /2018/PT AMB
Tanggal 20 Februari 2018 — USMAN NGAJA Alias USKEN;
  • Dalampandangan Utilitarian bahwa Punishment is Justified either to makethe majority secure and thus happy or to maximize rights protection orboth (Jeffrie G. Murphy and Jules L.
Register : 02-10-2013 — Putus : 30-01-2014 — Upload : 14-01-2016
Putusan PN BANTA ENG Nomor 6/PDT.G/2013/PN.BTG
Tanggal 30 Januari 2014 — - ST. HANI Binti DATJING (Penggugat) - KARIM Bin TEMBO, Dkk (Tergugat) - BUNGA Binti SANTA
  • (LihatL.B.Curzon, LandLaw, Seventh edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Great Britain,1999, h. 89. dikatakan Property is the highest right a man have to any thing;a right over a determinate thing, either a tract of land or chattel ; anexclusive right to control an economic good; an aggregate of rightsguaranteed and protected by the government; everything which is thesubject of ownership; a social institution whereby people regulate theacquisitionand use of the resources of our environment according to
Register : 17-12-2015 — Putus : 11-02-2016 — Upload : 15-04-2016
Putusan PN RANTAU PRAPAT Nomor 1010/PID.SUS/2015/PN RAP
Tanggal 11 Februari 2016 — Pidana - RISTI YANTO ALIAS ARIS
  • Unsur Melakukan kekeran fisik dalam lingkup rumah tangganya;Menimbang, bahwa menurut Stanford kekerasan adalah : All types of illegalbehavior, either threatened or actual that result in the damage or destruction ofproperty or in the injury or death of an individual (semua bentuk perilaku illegal,termasuk yang mengancam atau merugikan secara nyata atau menghancurkanharta benda atau fisik atau menyebabkan kematian) ;Menimbang, bahwa kekerasan harus terkait dengan pelanggaran terhadapundangundang, dan
Register : 12-11-2018 — Putus : 10-01-2019 — Upload : 19-09-2019
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 697/PDT/2018/PT DKI
Tanggal 10 Januari 2019 — Pembanding/Penggugat : Anthony Alexander, S.H,. M.H Diwakili Oleh : Anthony Alexander, S.H,. M.H
Pembanding/Penggugat : Anggi Ariandini Diwakili Oleh : Anthony Alexander, S.H,. M.H
Terbanding/Tergugat : I. Ridwan Arifin
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT. Mizuho Balimor Finance
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT. JBA Indonesia
Terbanding/Tergugat : Edward Hendro Hutagaol,
  • Definisi Unjust EnrichmentDoctrine menurut Blacks La w Dictionary adalah:General principle that one person should not be permitted unjustly toenrich himself at expense of another, but should be required to makerestitution of or for property or benefits received, retained orappropriated, where it is just and equitable that such restitution be mode,and where such action involves no violation or frustration of law orOpposition to pubticpolity, either directly or indirectly.
Register : 08-12-2015 — Putus : 22-02-2016 — Upload : 15-04-2016
Putusan PN RANTAU PRAPAT Nomor 980/PID.B/2015/PN RAP
Tanggal 22 Februari 2016 — Pidana - WIDODO Alias DODO
  • Yuanita Widiyanti Siregar yangdiambil Terdakwa, seluruhnya adalah milik saksi Yuanita Widiyanti Siregar ;Menimbang, bahwa menurut Stanford kekerasan adalah : All types of illegalbehavior, either threatened or actual that result in the damage or destruction ofproperty or in the injury or death of an individual (semua bentuk perilaku illegal,termasuk yang mengancam atau merugikan secara nyata atau menghancurkanharta benda atau fisik atau menyebabkan kematian) ;Halaman 13 dari 20 Putusan Nomor 980/Pid.B
Putus : 25-03-2013 — Upload : 20-05-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 776 /B/PK/PJK/2012
Tanggal 25 Maret 2013 — PT. Billabong Indonesia vs Direktur Jenderal Bea dan Cukai
7683 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Putusan Nomor 776/B/PK/PJK/20121.In determining the customs value under the provisions of Article 1, thereshall be added to the price actually paid or payable for the importedgoods:(c) Royalties and license fees related to the goods being valued that thebuyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale ofthe goods being valued, to the extent that such royalties and feesare not included in the price actually paid or payable;Note to Article 8 dari Customs Valuation Code berbunyi
    (c)(d) Customs ValuationCode:"(c) royalties and license fees related to the goods being valued that thebuyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale of thegoods being valued, to the extent that such royalties and fees are notincluded in the price actually paid or payable,"Adapun terjemahannya sebagai berikut:"(c) royalti dan biaya lisensi berkaitan dengan barang impor yang sedangditetapkan nilai pabeannya dimana pembeli harus membayar secaralangsung atau tidak langsung yang