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Register : 15-07-2019 — Putus : 07-08-2019 — Upload : 09-08-2019
Putusan PT SEMARANG Nomor 385/PDT/2019/PT SMG
Tanggal 7 Agustus 2019 — Pembanding/Penggugat I : Ngabedan Diwakili Oleh : Ngabedan
Terbanding/Tergugat I : Kepala Koperasi Unit Desa KUD Sri Waluyaning Tani
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Kepala Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Kebumen
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat II : Towiyah
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat III : Yugi Woro Ariyani
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat IV : Yoga Wahyu Sasono
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat V : Irwan Danu Cahyana
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat VI : Suparno
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat VII : Sulastri
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat VIII : Muntiani
Turut Terbanding/Penggugat IX : Achmad Sudono
  • Hal ini dapat dilinat padaPasal 1 mengenai Definitions (Definisi), halaman 31, paragraph ke2Perjanjian Kredit Sindikasi No. 159 (vide Bukti P1) yang berbunyisebagai berikut:"Scheduled Completion Date: means the date that Project Completionis required to occur pursuant to this Agreement, which date shall benot later than the 31st (thirty first) day of December 1996 (onethousand nine hundred and ninety six), unless the Majority Lendersotherwise agree in writing.Dengan terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia
    Raya BekasiKm. 28, Medan Satria Village, Bekasi, West Java, hereinafter referredto as "Defendant III";(Defendant , Defendant Il and Defendant Ill shall be hereinafterreferred to as "Defendants");he substance of the case and arguments in this present civil case areas follows:1. Whereas on 19th December 1994 Defendant I, for the time being havingthe name PT.
    This is in line with the stipulation of Article 613of the Criminal Code of Civil, which states as follows:"Credits transfer on the name and other intangible materials, shall beconducted by way of an authentic deed or in private, by which rightsover the materials are transferred to other persons.Such transfer for the debtors shall not cause any harm, but otherwiseafter such transfer is notified to him, or in writing approved andacknowledged."
    Transferring of each credits with a transmittal letter, shall be conductedby submitting of the letter; transferring of each receivable with anappointment letter, shall be conducted by submitting the letter andsupported by an endorsement. "7. Whereas therefore the entire payment obligations of Defendant toHSBC, PT. Bank Dharmala, and PT. Bank Niaga are obliged to befulfilled by Defendant to Plaintiff based on the credit assignmentagreement (cessie) as mentioned above (see Exhibit P1 to P5).8.
    Construction planning business shall provide planning servicesupply which consists of a series of activities or parts from thoseHalaman 19, Putusan No. 385/Pdt/2016/PT SMG16.17.activities through the preparation of contract document ofconstruction works." Construction implementation service shall provide implementationservice in construction works or parts of those activities starts frompreparation of a field through final submission of the constructionwork."
Putus : 12-04-2016 — Upload : 27-03-2017
Putusan PN SERANG Nomor 40/PDT.G/2015/PN SRG
  • The conclusion/decree of BANI shall be final and become binding toBOTH PARTIES.(terjemahan bebas:7. Perjanjian ini dibuat dan tunduk pada hukum yang berlaku di RepublikIndonesia.2. Para Pihak setuju untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan yang timbul dariperjanjian ini dengan dengan itikad baik secara musyawarah.3.
    BOTH PARTIES (catatan dari TERGUGAT Il: BOTH PARTIESadalah PENGGUGAT dan TERGUGAT dengan TERGUGATll) shall in the first instance attempt to resolve any and alldisputes, controversies, and conflicts which may arisingbetween them in connection with this Agreement amicably bymutual and good faith consultation, conciliation, andcooperation2.
    Said arbitration shall take place inJAKARTA. Any Party may commence arbitration by the givingof written notice of commencement of arbitration to the otherParty. Arbitration shall be conducted in English by a panel of 3(Three) arbitrators appointed in accordance with the Rules.Awards rendered in any arbitration hereunder shall be final andPutusan Perdata Gugatan Nomor 40/Pdt.G/2015/PN.Srg.
    BOTH PARTIES (catatan dari TERGUGAT I: BOTHPARTIES adalah PENGGUGAT dan TERGUGAT denganTERGUGAT Il) shall in the first instance attempt to resolveany and all disputes, controversies, and conflicts which mayarising between them in connection with this Agreementamicably by mutual and good faith consultation, conciliation,and cooperation.2.
    For that purpose, an arbitration clause thatforms part of a contract shall be treated as an agreementindependent of the other terms of the contract. A decision by thearbitral tribunal that the contract is null and void shall not entail ipsojure the invalidity of the arbitration clause.Putusan Perdata Gugatan Nomor 40/Pdt.G/2015/PN.Srg.
Putus : 22-12-2015 — Upload : 17-05-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2691 K/Pdt/2015
304207 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • compensatethe Sole Risk Party, with respect to such sole Risk Party Operations,bby delivering to such sole risk Party a quantity of Petroleum andencumberances subject to the obligation to supply domestic market.Such deliveries shall continue until such time as the value of allpetroleum so delivered equals the amount due from such NonSole RiskPary which shall be equal to the total cost of drilling, completing, andequipping the Sole Risk well plus three hundreds percents (300%) (inthe case of a Sole
    PSC Blok Raja tersebut diatursebagai berikut:disputes, if any, arising between Pertamina and contractor relating tothis contract or the interpretation and performance of any of the clausesof this contract, and which cannot be settled amicably, shall beHal. 25 dari Hal. 57 Put. Nomor 2691 K/Pdt/2015submitted to the decision of arbitration.
    Pertamina on the one hand andContractor on the other hand shall each appoint one arbitrator and soadvise the other Party and these two arbitrators will appoint a third. Ifeither party fails to appoint an arbitrator within thirty (30) days afterreceipt of a written request to do so, such arbitrator shall, at the requestof the other party, if the Parties do not otherwise agree, be appointed bythe President of the International Chamber of Commerce.
    If the first twoarbitrators appointed as aforesaid fail to agree on a third within thirty(30) days following the appointment of the second arbitrator, the thirdarbitrator shall, if the Parties do not otherwise agree, be appointed, atthe request of either Party, by the President of the InternationalChamber of Commerce.
    Hal ini sesuai ICC RulesArticle 4 Request for Arbitration, subarticle 3:The request shall, inter alia, contain the following information:d. the relevant agreements and, in particular, the arbitration agreement;Terjemahan bebas Bahasa Indonesia:Permohonan harus, antara lain, memuat informasi sebagai berikut:Hal. 33 dari Hal. 57 Put. Nomor 2691 K/Pdt/201519.20.21.22.d.
Putus : 31-05-2012 — Upload : 22-03-2013
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 343 K/TUN/2011
3019 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • acceptance in Europe by the end of the nineteenthcentury ;From the nullum crimen maxim jurists have deduced the priciple of prohibition ofretrospective penal laws, Aw early as 1651, Hobbes wrote :No law, made after a fact done, can make it a crime ...For before the law, there isno transgression of the law ;This principle was stated in 1789 in Article 1, section 9 (3) of the AmericaConstitution which prohibited ex post facto laws, Article 7 of the EuropeanConvention on Human Right provides that no one shall
    Article 7 includes the important proviso thait....shall not prejudice the trial and punishment of any person for any act oromission ;Which, at the time when it was comited, was criminal accoding to the generalprinciples of law recognised by civilized nations ;Article 15 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states, interalia ;No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on occount of any act oromission which did not constitute a criminal affence, under national orinternational
    law, at the time when it was commited ;Article 15 includes a proviso identical to that contained an article 7 of theeuropean Comvention on Human Rights execep that the pharase civilizednations is replaced by the comunity of nations ;In 1985, the succesful Australian Bill of Rights Bill includeed a proposed Article28 whict provided, inter alia ;No person shall be convicted of any criminal affence on account of any act oromission whict did not constitute a criminal affence at the time when it accurred
Putus : 10-03-2015 — Upload : 01-12-2015
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1027/B/PK/PJK/2014
4223 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ,Ph.D. sebagai berikut:1) Bahwa di dalam huruf a article 92 Konvensi Chicago 1944,disebutkan "this convention shall be open for adherence bymembers of the united nations and states with then, and stateswhich remained neutral during the present world conflictkemudian di huruf b disebutkan adherence shall be effected bya notification addressed to the government of the United Statesof America and shall take effect as from the thirtieth day from thereceipt of the notification by the government of the
    United Statesof America, which shall notify all the contracting states.
    Article 24 (a)) that fuel andlubricating oils on board an aircraft of a Contracting State onarrival in the territory of another Contracting State and retainedon board on leaving the territory of that State shall be exemptfrom customs duty, inspection fees or similar national or localduties and charges.
    Resolusi tersebutmengatur mengenai pembebasan pungutan atas bahan bakardan pelumas yang digunakan dalam pesawat dari negaraanggota yang melintasi yurisdiksi negara anggota lainnya;Bahwa dalam angka 2 huruf a, Council Resolution On TaxationOf Internasional Air Transport disebutkan With respect to thetaxation of income of internasional air transport enterprises andtaxation of aircraft and other moveable property, eachContracting State shall, to the fullest possible extent, grantreciprocally, kemudian
    di angka 3 disebutkan With respect totaxes on the sale and use of internasional air transport: eachContracting State shall reduce to the fullest practicable extentand make plans to eliminate as soon as Its economic conditionspermit all forms of taxation on the sale or use of internasionaltransport by air, including taxes on gross receipts of operatorsand taxes levied directly on passengers or shippers;Kalimat tersebut di huruf d dan e di atas menunjukkan bahwaThe Chicago Convention on Internasional
Upload : 23-08-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 964 K/PDT.SUS/2010
164130 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • The Parties agree that once conditions conducive tocontinuation exist, and provided BTID wishes so to continuethe Project, POC shall complete the Contract Works, until allphases of work provided in the Contract are completed andsecured, as contemplated in the Contract, upon terms andconditions (including the payment schedule of the abovefigures) to be finalized by the Parties at such time, whichterms and conditions shall be as nearly approximate those ofthe original contract as economic, political
    However if until 1S' Nopember 2000, BTID still have notresumed e Project, the Parties shall discuss and agree onthe further extension of suspension period, or termination ofthe Contract on terms and conditions acceptable to bothparties" ;Terjemahan adalah sebagai berikut :Selanjutnya para pihak juga menyetujui bahwa jumlah di atasdianggap benar dan dapat dibayar dengan persyaratan berikut :1)Para pihak telah menyetuui bahwa konirak diasumsikan untukditunda sementara waktu mulai tanggal 30 September
    and physicalcircumstances at such time shall permit ;.
    However if until 15* November 2000, BTID still have not resumedthe Project, the Parties shall discuss and agree on the furtherextension of suspension period, or termination of the Contract onterms and conditions acceptable to both parties ;Terjemahan adalah sebagai berikut :Selanjutnya para pihak juga menyetujui bahwa jumlah di atasdianggap benar dan DAPAT DIBAYAR dengan persyaratanberikut :1)Para pihak telah menyetujui bahwa kontrak diasumsikan untukditunda sementara waktu mulai tanggal 30 September
Register : 23-07-2018 — Putus : 05-12-2018 — Upload : 18-06-2020
Putusan PA DENPASAR Nomor 320/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Dps.
Tanggal 5 Desember 2018 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • shall Gpbied Ge GUN alli Dy! Us) absazgall Gaudly Quay 5M asl cle Say Ul cline SI el OY cay ot Ue 3 m2 ely jl!
Register : 20-03-2024 — Putus : 02-04-2024 — Upload : 24-04-2024
Putusan PN INDRAMAYU Nomor 15/Pid.Sus-Anak/2024/PN Idm
Tanggal 2 April 2024 — Terdakwa
  • 1 (satu) buah topi rimba bertuliskan Lawlles warna hitam corak
  • 1 (satu) buah shall warna hitam bergambar bintang serta bertuliskan thrasher warna putih
    • .
  1. Membebankan biaya perkara kepada Anak untuk membayar biaya perkara sejumlah Rp1.000,00 (Seribu Rupiah).
Register : 23-06-2011 — Putus : 04-03-2013 — Upload : 14-07-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT.43679/PP/M.X/16/2013
Tanggal 4 Maret 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Bandingmenyatakan halhal sebagai berikut :bahwa Pemohon Banding tidak setuju atas koreksi positif Pajak Masukanterkait Legal Fee sebesar Rp. 26.697.452,00.bahwa atas ketidak setujuan tersebut dapat dijelaskan dan dibuktikan denganbuktibukti yang disampaikan oleh Pemohon Banding dengan rincian sebagaiberikut:e bahwa berdasarkan perjanjian antara Pemohon dengan MMC atasOffshore Operation and Technical Assistance Agreement tertanggal 11Desember 1996 dinyatakan bahwa:Section 2 MMC SUPPORT SERVICEMMC 's services shall
    When reasonably requested byPTSC, MMC shall provide advice and consultations to PTSC ....2.2.g legal matters, such as contract drafting and review, advice andassistance with defending and prosecuting and settling andcompromising any litigation or claims of liability.e bahwa berdasarkan uraian klausal tersebut diatas, MMC memberikandukungan pemberian jasa bantuan operasional dan teknis, khususnya yangberkaitan dengan jasa bantuan hukum/legal kepada Pemohon Banding.Untuk itu, MMC menggunakan konsulItan
Register : 24-01-2019 — Putus : 04-03-2019 — Upload : 04-12-2019
Putusan PA PONTIANAK Nomor 106/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Ptk
Tanggal 4 Maret 2019 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • . * Kitab Madaa Hurriyatuz Zaujaini fith Thalaag Juz halaman 83 :Cus che Ys clei led ai oe aly Ges ill Shall Gpbied Ge GOULN lai DY! is!
    Anh all pe (ye ld Ca Lolac gill GLEN ae aS Ase g Hl Shall yl45 Dell Ceti Oh Sak ye Aid Lely!
Register : 26-01-2015 — Putus : 30-12-2015 — Upload : 29-03-2017
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 44/Pdt.G/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel
Tanggal 30 Desember 2015 — PT. BERAU COAL ENERGY Tbk, Lawan PT. BUKIT MUTIARA,
  • If such amicable solution is not able to beobtained in 30 (thirty) days, the dispute shall be settled in District Court ofSouth Jakarta.Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia :ika timbul perselisihan dari Perjanjian ini, Para Pihak dengan ini sepakatuntuk menyelesaikan perselisihan tersebut secara damai. Jika penyelesaiansecara damai tidak tercapai dalam jangka waktu 30 (tiga puluh) hari,perselisinan tersebut harus diselesaikan di Pengadilan Negeri JakartaSelatan."
    Pasal 3.1 Perjanjian Pinjaman Antar Perusahaan :The Borrower shall use the facility to prepaid IPO Tax due from shareholder"Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia :"Peminjam menggunakan dana pinjaman untuk membayar pajak IPO yangdiwajibkan kepada pemegang saham.Catatan, Lender atau Pemberi Pinjaman adalah Penggugat: Borrowe atauPenerima Pinjaman adalah Tergugat.2.
    Ketentuan Pasal 2.3 Perjanjian Pinjaman Antar Perusahaan kami kutipsebagai berikut :"The Loan shall be converted into USD currency by the Bank Indonesia (BI)Middle Rate on the date of Loan disbursement (dravdown).Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia :"Utang pinjaman harus dikonversikan ke dalam mata uang USD sesuaidengan kurs pertengahan Bank Indonesia pada saat pencairan utangpinjaman (utang pinjaman)."
    "e Pasal6 Perjanjian Pinjaman Antar Perusahaan :The Borrower shall repay the Loan and the Interest on the expiration date ofthis Agreement..."Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia :Penerima Pinjaman harus membayarkan Pinjaman dan Bunga pada tanggalberakhirnya PerjanjianUntuk kemudahan referensi Majelis Hakim yang terhormat, kami menguraikanpengertian yang lebih sederhana dari ketentuanketentuan di atas sebagaiberikut :a.
    Hal ini sebagaimana diatur dengan tegas dalam pasalpasal Perjanjiansebagai berikut:Pasal 3.1The Borrower shall use the facility to prepaid IPO tax due fromshareholder.(Peminjam akan menggunakan fasilitas pinjaman untuk membayarpajak penawaran perdana yang diwajibkan kepada pemegangsaham).Hal 36 dari 62 Putusan No.44/Pdt.G/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel.9.Pasal 9.1The Parties hereby agree that the term of Agreement is 12 (twelve)months, commencing effectively on January 1, 2012 until December31, 2012.
Register : 23-08-2012 — Putus : 31-07-2012 — Upload : 26-09-2014
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 359/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Pst.
Tanggal 31 Juli 2012 — MITOMO SHOJI K.K >< AIM HOLDING,Cs
  • The First Party and the Second Party shall agree that the governinglaw in regards to this matter shall be Japanese law unless othercircumstances arise, and also agree that the court competentjurisdiction shall be Tokyo District Court.The First Party AIM Holding Co., Ltd.Representative Director Shu HiranoThe Second Party Koji Matsumoto3916, Oyamacho, Shibuyaku, TokyoThe Third Party Watabe Matsuo1514301, Jinnan, Shibuyaku, TokyoAbovementioned articles from 1 through 11 are all confirmed andapproved.Mitomo
Register : 30-08-2018 — Putus : 15-11-2018 — Upload : 09-07-2019
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 496/PDT/2018/PT DKI
Tanggal 15 Nopember 2018 — Pembanding/Penggugat : PT Alam Dunia Engineering And Construction Diwakili Oleh : Anwar Firmansyah,SH.
Terbanding/Tergugat III : PT Bank Negara Indonesia Persero qq Kantor Cabang Utama Bumi Serpong Damai
Terbanding/Tergugat I : PT Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring, TBK
Terbanding/Tergugat IV : PT Bank Negara Indonesia Persero qq Kantor Cabang Utama Menteng
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Hyundai Engineering dan Construction Co.,LTD
  • In the event that no settlement is reached, it shall be settled bythe Arbitration to be held in accordance with the rules and regulations ofthe International Chamber of Commerce. *(lihat Bukti Tl & TIl 1)Ketentuan mana dapat kami terjemahkan sebagai berikut:Kecuali ditentukan lain, dalam hal perselisihan atau perbedaanpendapat di antara para pihak timbul atas Perjanjian ini, para pihak akanberupaya untuk mencapai penyelesaian yang berasalan ataspermasalahan tersebut secepatnya.
    This letter shall be governed by and construed in accordancewith the law of Indonesia.b. You and we agree that any dispute arising out of or in connectionwith this letter, including any question regarding its existence,validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved byarbitration under the Rules of the ICC International Court ofArbitration, which Rules deemed to be incorporated by referenceinto this clause.
    The number of arbitrators shall be one or three.The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be Singapore.
    This letter shall be governed by and construed in accordancewith the law of Indonesia.b. You and we agree that any dispute arising out of or inconnection with this letter, including any question regarding itsexistence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finallyresolved by arbitration under the Rules of the ICCInternational Court of Arbitration, which Rules deemed to beincorporated by reference into this clause.
    The number ofHalaman 69 dari 81 halaman putusan perkara Nomor : 496/PDT/2018/PT.DKIarbitrators shall be one or three. The seat, or legal place, ofarbitration shall be Singapore. The language to be used inthe arbital proceedings shall be English.Oleh karenanya cukup alasan Majelis Hakim memeriksa perkara ini untukmenyatakan bahwa gugatan PENGGUGAT harus dinyatakanditolak/ tidakdapat diterima karena gugatan salah kewenangan mengadili.B.
Register : 24-04-2012 — Putus : 26-09-2012 — Upload : 25-04-2014
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 258/Pdt.G/2012/PN. Jkt. Sel
  • Mining yang pada saat itu Penggugatmasih merupakan pemegang saham mayoritas di PT AGB Mining/Tergugat I;Bahwa untuk memperjelas dimana letak ketidakbenaran dalil Penggugatberdasarkan Agreement tertanggal 14 Juni 2010 berikut ini kami mengutipbeberapa ketentuan pokok dari perjanjian tersebut sekedar untuk memberikangambaran kepada Majelis Hakim yang terhormat ini mengenai ketidakbenarandalil Penggugat;Bahwa Pasal 1.4 Agreement tertanggal 14 Juni 2010, menyatatakan:beseees , the Existing Shareholders shall
    AGB Mining, PPM dan BKS selamamasa jabatan anggota manajemen sebelumnya, dan bahwa semua kewajiban bersyarat, bila terjadi, akan ditanggung oleh anggota manajemen terdahulu.Bahwa berdasarkan Pasal 3.8 Agreement tertanggal 14 Juni 2010, menyatakan:..., Also, prior to the consummation of the Investment contemplated in Article 2(3) hereof, the Existing Shareholders shall acknowledge and agree to be solelyresponsible for the operation, funding and all other management activities of PT.AGB Mining and
    shall not claim or demandthe responsibility for any management or performance of PT.
    AGB Mining/Tergugat I;Bahwa faktanya, pada Pasal 9.7 Agreement (vide Bukti T1), Penggugat secarategas telah setuju bahwa semua ketentuan yang menetapkan hak dan tanggungjawab dalam Agreement, dan semua ketentuan yang menetapkan hak dantanggung jawab pihakpihak lain terhadap Agreement, akan diatur danditafsirkan berdasarkan hukum Negara KOREA, sebagai berikut:Article 9.7This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and be governed bythe laws of Korea ..., Bebas Bahasa
    undangundang.Bahwa oleh karenanya, hukum Indonesia secara jelas menerima, mendukung danmenegakkan pilihan hukum secara kontraktual yang secara tegas telah ditentukanoleh para pihak seperti yang terdapat dalam Agreement;Bahwa lebih lanjut, Penggugat secara tegas setuju untuk tunduk pada yurisdiksidari Pengadilan Korea pada Pasal 9.7 Perjanjian tanggal 14 Juni 2010 tersebut.Bahwa Pasal 9.7 Perjanjian mengatur sebagai berikut:.... unless agreed otherwise among the Parties, any disputes arising from thisAgreement shall
Register : 29-03-2011 — Putus : 15-09-2011 — Upload : 14-11-2011
Putusan PN MATARAM Nomor 34/PDT.G/2011/PN.MTR
  • Bahwa hal tersebut diatur dalam poin6 yaitu) : DCA Bali shall sell the villas via thecompany sales office property gallery and be paid asales commission of 5% of the gross sale price of eachvilla sold from the project.Bahwa dalam terjemahan bebas yaitu) sebagai berikutDCA Bali akan menjual villa melalui galeri penjualanPut.kantor perusahaan properti dan dibayar komisi penjualansebesar 5% dari harga jual kotor masing masing villadijual dari proyek.3.
Register : 10-01-2014 — Putus : 30-04-2014 — Upload : 23-10-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 21 B/PK/PJK/2014
4526 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Amendment No. 1 Bareboat Charter Agreement,Technical Service and Operations Agreement, diketahui halhalsebagai berikut:1) Bahwa berdasarkan Bareboat Charter Agreement diketahuibahwa Termohon Peninjauan Kembali (semula PemohonBanding) mengadakan perjanjian/kontrak (Bareboat CharterAgreement) dengan GSFIS untuk menyewa mobile offshoredrilling unit dengan nama GSF Rig 136 serta peralatan lain yangterkait dengan operasional rig tersebut.2) Bahwa Angka 6 Bareboat Charter Agreement menyebutkan:"The Charteter shall
    operate or provide for operation of the Rigdan shall pay all expenses incurred in connection therewth.This shall include, but shall not be limited to proper manning,maintenance, insurance (as per Clause 13 hereof), victualling,fuel, supplies, port charges, canal dues and pilotages."3) Bahwa Dalam kontrak kerja sama Drilling Service Agreementantara Termohon Peninjauan Kembali (Ssemula PemohonBanding) dengan BUT GSFISI, antara lain juga dijelaskan halhal sebagai berikut: Termohon Peninjauan Kembali
Register : 13-10-2011 — Putus : 28-01-2013 — Upload : 28-06-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor 49247/PP/M.XV/15/2013
Tanggal 28 Januari 2013 — Pemohon Banding melawan Terbanding
  • Shareholders affiliate Sale of finishecLtd. goods bahwa berdasarkan penelitian Majelis terhadap Sale and Purchase Agreement (bukti P16 dan P12.1 diketahui *Marubeni Corporation, Japan agrees to sell and deliver at the internationally comprice;bahwa dalam pasal 2.2 diketahui "NMC shall purchase all the raw material which are supplieoutside of Indonesia through Marubeni Corporation, Japan;bahwa dalam pasal 4.2. diketahui the price of the raw material, unless otherwise agreed betweeand Marubeni, shall
    Statement of Changes in Equity diketahui Pemohon Banding memiliki akumulasi kdi awal tahun 2007 sebesar USD.(3,746,516.00), laba di tahun 2007 sebesar USD.214,050.00 dantahun 2008 sebesar USD.(632,256.00) dengan total akumulasi kerugian di tahun 2008 sebesa(4,164,722.00);bahwa dalam persidangan Pemohon Banding menyatakan pembayaran royalti dilakukan atas 5puluh empat) paten;bahwa berdasarkan penelitian Majelis terhadap License and Technical Assistance Agreement (buldan P19) pasal 3.3 diketahui "NMC shall
Register : 29-08-2013 — Putus : 15-07-2014 — Upload : 29-06-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT-54050/PP/M.VIIB/19/2014
Tanggal 15 Juli 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Barang Serupamenjadi sebesar CIF USD 52260 1620;g. bahwa penelitian pemenuhan ketentuan tarif skema ACFTAg.1 bahwa sesuai PIB, barang impor diberitahukan dengan rnenggunakan Form E nomor El34404038530839 tanggai 25 Maret 2013;g.2 bahwa berdasarkan penelitian dokumen Form E kedapatan: path box 8 mencantumkan origin criteria"WO" (Wholly Obtained);g.3 bahwa berdasarkan Rules of Origin For The ASEANCHINA Free Trade Area:Rule 3: Wholly Obtained ProductsWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall
    criteria "WO" (Wholly Obtained);Berdasarkan Rule 3 RoO ACFTA menyebutkan bahwa barang dari subheading 9506.91.0000 tidaktermasuk dalam kategori "wholly obtainea".Origin criteria dari Form E tersebut diragukan validitasnya dan perlu dilakukan retroactive check sertadigugurkan Form E tersebut, maka terhadap importasi tersebut ditetapkan berdasarkan tarif MFN;Berdasarkan Rules of Origin For The ASEANCHINA Free Trade Area : Rule 3 : Wholly ObtainedProductsWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall
    (i) The request shall be made in writing, accompanied with a copy of the Certificate of Origin (FormE) and shall specify the reasons and any additional information suggesting that the particularsgiven on the said Certificate of Origin (Form E) may be inaccurate, unless the retroactive checkis requested on a random basis.(ii) The Customs Authority of the importing Party may suspend the granting of preferentialtreatment while awaiting the result of verification.
    The clarification shall bedetailed and exhaustive in addressing the grounds of denial of preferential treatment raised by theimporting Party";4.6. bahwa oleh karena itu setiap penolakan Form E atau Form E tidak diterima, Otoritas Kepabeanan daripihak pengimpor in casu DJBC selain wajib mempertimbangkan Klarifikasi dari Otoritas Kepabeananpenerbit Form E, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ketentuan Rule 8 huruf (f) OCP, dan juga perlumemperhatikan Rule 18 huruf (d) OCP yang menyatakan : "The preferential
Register : 21-04-2017 — Putus : 08-11-2017 — Upload : 22-11-2017
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 265/Pdt.G/2017/PN Jkt.Sel
Tanggal 8 Nopember 2017 — AMIN bin HALIM RASIP Lawan H. NALDI NAZAR HAROEN,S.H., Dk
  • Bahwa sesuai perjanjian Memorandum of Aggreement yangditandatangani baik oleh Penggugat dan Para Tergugat padatanggal 15 oktober 2015 yang tertuang dalam point 25 sebagaiberikut :this moa will be effective only once payment isreceived and shall governed by and construed inaccordance wth indonesian lawand shall continue toremain valid for 10 yearsTerjemahan BebasMoa ini akan efektif hanya setelah pembayaranditerima dan diatur oleh dan ditafsirkan sesuaidengan hukum indonesia dan akan tetap berlakuselama
    Bahwa sesuai perjanjian Memorandum of Aggreement yangditandatangani baik oleh Penggugat dan Para Tergugat padatanggal 15 oktober 2015 yang tertuang dalam point 25 sebagaiberikut :this moa will be effective only oncepayment is received and shall governed byand construed in accordance withHal 15 dari 26 Hal Putusan No.265/Pat.G/2017/PN Jkt.Selindonesian law and shall continue toremain valid for 10 yearsTerjemahan BebasMoa ini akan efektif hanya setelahpembayaran diterima dan diatur oleh danditafsirkan
Register : 25-08-2015 — Putus : 24-03-2015 — Upload : 11-04-2016
Putusan PA BANYUWANGI Nomor 4345/Pdt.G/2015/PA.Bwi.
Tanggal 24 Maret 2015 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • 1975 tentang PelaksanaanUndangUndang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan, Pasal 116 huruf (f)Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan sesuai pula dengan pendapat Dr.Mushthofa As Him 11 of 20 him.Pts.No.4345/Pdt.G/2015/PA.Bwi16 Jumadil Akhir 1437/24.03.2016SALINANSiba'i, yang tersebut dalam kitab: "Al Maratu bainal Fighi wal Qonun"halaman 110 yang diambil alin menjadi pendapat Majelis Hakim PengadilanAgama Banyuwangi sendiri yang berbunyi sebagai berikut:Anh owe Oe dlls (8 bela 1 Gill 5 GRA) ae aad Y Ada y jl Shall
    Pasal 97: Janda atau duda cerai hidup berhak seperdua dari harta bersamasepanjang tidak ditentukan lain dalam perjanjian perkawnan.Menimbang, bahwa harta bersama suamiistri itu tidak terikat atas namasiapapun dari yang bersangkutan maupun masih atas nama orang lain, hal inisesuai dengan maksud Pasal 1 ayat 6 Kompilasi Hukum Islam:st Sueaall ala) Cay pail CJ gS) Galill c1Sill alsai UY) Gtislday 5M gh es 5l Agle Gaeesy cdl Shall gs AS pill gi ely jl dae G4 Shall 4AS pil) SLs (pana: SLall Ida g, Legals