Ditemukan 613 data
58 — 55 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Hal ini diketahui dari halaman 5Financial Statement for the year 2006:The company has six managing directors andno employess during period under review.bahwa sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam PER62/PJ/2009, maka badan yang dicakup dalamP3B dianggap tidak melakukan penyalahgunaanP3B jika perusahaan yang menerima ataumemperoleh penghasilan yang di dalam PasalP3B terkait mengatur persyaratan beneficialowner memiliki pegawai dan memiliki kegiatanatau usaha aktif, atau diartikan sesuai dengankeadaan WP Luar
EquityThe authorised share capital of the company amounts to EUR 90,000, divided into 90,000ordinary share with nominal value of EUR 1 eachThe issued and paidup capital amounts to EUR 18,000 equivalent to USD 23,706 per 31December 2006Noncurrent LiabilitiesFacilities from group companies 2006 2005USD USDLimit Drawdown Drawdown663.000.000 161.715.994 162.834.469 No guarantees have been given for these loansDirector and employeesThe company has six Managing Directors (20056) and no employees (2005nil) during
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Kemudian Rudi (DPO) menelfonterdakwadengan berkata Rif, Mbahe mbok ditulung dibantu telfon Carles,truke mbahe (Sri Suwarni) kecelakaan di Gresik dan terdakwa menjawabYa, InsyaAllah saya telfonkan, karena saat itu terdakwa mengetahui kalausaksi Sri Suwarni sedang bersama sopirnya yaitu saksi Trisno bin Suparberada di Surabaya dan selang tidak berapa lama saksi Trisno bin Suparmenelfon terdakwa menanyakan kepada terdkawa dengan katakata Mas,wis dihubungi Rudi during?
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Sembuluan, Sembelimbingan,dan Pantai Baru di dalam Kecamatan Pulau Laut Utara (selanjutnyadisebut "Wilayah Pertambangan Pulau Laut Utara");Bahwa berdasarkan Pasal 2 butir 2.4 PKP2B, telah diatur bahwa apabilaKontraktor bermaksud mengurangi wilayah perjanjian, makapengurangan wilayah perjanjian tersebut berlaku 30 (tiga puluh) harisetelah tanggal pemberitahuan Kontraktor kepada Batubara (baca :Perusahaan Negara Tambang Batubara);Pasal 2 butir 2.4 PKP2B tersebut terkutip sebagai berikut :"At any time during
During such thirty (30) days and for thepurpose of such reduction Contractor and Batubara shall consult witheach other regarding the shape and the size of each individual portion ofthe areas whereby the Agreement Area is to be reduced."
95 — 49 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
KPP dansetelah JCCO menyatakan lengkap maka ditandatangani Perjanjian Kredityang tertuang dalam Akta Nomor 1 tanggal 1 Desember 2004 tentangPerjanjian Kredit Investasi dan Interest During Instruction (KIIDC) Nomor :JCCO.IV/452/PKKV2004 dibuat oleh N.M. Dipo Nusantara Pua Upa, SH,Notaris di Jakarta, yang ditandatangani oleh Terdakwa AGUSWWAYANTO LEGOWO selaku Direktur Utama PT. KPP dan Terdakwa IlHESTI ANDI TJAHYANTO ALIAS ICA SULAIMAN selaku Komisaris UtamaPT. KPP serta dari PT.
Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tok Jakarta Thamrin sebagai berikut : Kredit Modal Kerja (KMK) sebesar Rp., ; Interest During Construction (IDC) sebesar Rp. 5.600.000.000. ; Kredit Investasi (KI) sebesar Rp., ; SBL/C sebesar US $ 6.240.000sehingga total kredit yang disetujui (rupiah) sebesar Rp. 64.850.000.000.
Interest During Construction (IDC) sebesar Rp. 5.622.000.000. Kredit Investasi (Kl) sebesar Rp. 57.749.000.000, SB L/C sebesar US $ 6.480.000Hal. 27 dari 143 hal. Put.
KPP dansetelah JCCO menyatakan lengkap maka ditandatangani Perjanjian Kredityang tertuang dalam Akta Nomor : 1 tanggal 1 Desember 2004 tentangPerjanjian Kredit Investasi dan Interest During Instruction (KIIDC) Nomor :JCCO.IV/452/PKKV2004 dibuat oleh N.M. Dipo Nusantara Pua Upa, SH,Notaris di Jakarta, yang ditandatangani oleh Terdakwa AGUSWNWAYANTO LEGOWO selaku Direktur Utama PT. KPP dan Terdakwa IlHESTI ANDI TJAHYANTO ALIAS ICA SULAIMAN selaku Komisaris UtamaPT. KPP serta dari PT.
Nomor: 1865 K/Pid.Sus/2010 Kredit Modal Kerja (KMK) sebesar Rp., ; Interest During Construction (IDC) sebesar Rp. 5.600.000.000. ; Kredit Investasi (KI) sebesar Rp., ; SBL/C sebesar US $ 6.240.000sehingga total kredit yang disetujui (rupiah) sebesar Rp. 64.850.000.000.
46 — 13 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Anna Maria Sinurat in order to came to the United Stated totake care my kids during the allowed time for her to stay. And wouldguarantee that Mrs. Anna Maria Sinurat will live in the United States with in thegiven time for her to live in the United States. (kti ini tidak dipertimbangkanoleh Pengadilan Tinggi Banten walaupun sudah dijadikan sebagai kti diPengadilan Tinggi Banten).
45 — 17 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., Tf curing @ year there Shall be aNec a at Fevision in khe ggtinate al a Sales Contract PercentageOr if the Final determination o# SUCH Sales Contrace'sbPercentage pursuant to Section l.o2 of che Agreement shallFeflec yteflect a disttepancy fron the Qitinates during such yaarappropriate adjustments wilt Se made in the amounts ef cashtalled from Producers to the and that the amoyats Paid asdte b paid by Producers during and wien Tespect to such yearTag i Peeling Plant Operating Casts and Currently
the curcent calendar yeara nd any loterest arned thereon. less FeATESdate costs debited and paid);2 5(2) all funds nse Yet recelved pursuant to Pricer cashcalls;(3) projected cash expenditures from. the last date ofthe previous Sebiting perled through the end of thePicilod covered by such cash call; and(4) net cash fequirement,AS g00n aFeer the end ef each calendar year as che ncessaryinfermation beeomes available, Plant Operator shallFeconcile the egtimats of each Sales Conteact's Parcentageuged during
82 — 9
kepada SaksiSakrup sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali yaitu : yang pertama pada hari dan tanggallupa pada bulan Maret 2017 sekira jam 16.00 wib saksi YOSHEFtransaksi dengan terdakwa di Dusun Krajan Rt. 02 Rw. 01 DesaPurwodadi Kecamatan Gambiran Kabupaten Banyuwangi membelisebanyak 5 (lima) gram dengan harga Rp. 7.500.000, (tujuh juta limaratus ribu rupiah),yang kedua pada hari dan tanggal lupa pada bulan April2017 sekira jam 16.00 wib saksi YOSHEF transaksi dengan Saksi Sakrupdengan cara diranjau Pom Bensin during
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tanggal 18 Oktober 2017 sampai dengan tanggal 17 Oktober 2019dengan jabatan Junior Captain.e Bahwa isi surat, yaitu To Whom It May Concern Number775/HRD/X/2017, tanggal 17 Oktober 2017 atas nama GAIA AIRLANGGA(Terdakwa), adalah:> This is to certify that GAIA AIRLANGGA (62102866) has been workingfor our company as a Pilot (Captain) until October 17th 2017 (Iniuntuk menjamin bahwa GAIA AIRLANGGA (62102866) sudah bekerjauntuk perusahaan kami sebagai Captain Pilot sampai dengan tanggal17 Oktober 2017);> During
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SUGIYANTO mengatakanNgopo suaramu ora penak kemudian saksi korban menjawab suara singendi lan kapan golek kost tak goleke during duwe duit kon manggon sik terusngopo ko koyo ngene.Menimbang, bahwa kemudian Terdakwa ARI SAPTONO AliasGENDON (DPO) dengan tangan kirinya langsung menarik kaos saksi korbanlalu memukul saksi korban pada bagian pelipis kiri dengan menggunakantangan kanan sebanyak (satu) kali kemudian saksi korban dikunci (pithing)lehernya dengan tangan kiri oleh Terdakwa ARI SAPTO alias
Terbanding/Tergugat I : PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk Diwakili Oleh : Dr. LUHUT M. P. PANGARIBUAN, SH., LL.M.
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Unilever Asia Private Limited Diwakili Oleh : Dr. LUHUT M. P. PANGARIBUAN, SH., LL.M.
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(c) During the meeting the parties must use their best endeavors toresolve the dispute.31.3 Commencing legal proceedingsIf after the conclusion of the meeting under Clause 31.2 the partieshave not resolved the dispute, either party will be entitled tocommence legal proceedings at the relevant Courts as per clause 32below. Neither party may commence legal proceedings against theother without first complying with clauses 31.1 and 31.2."
The Supplier and UAPL shallset out the commercial terms such as Materials, volumes, Price,delivery terms of the supply under this MPA during the Term of thisMPA in a separate Term Sheet. Subject to Clause 11.3, no otherterms and conditions of UAPL, the Buyers, the Supplier or themembers of Supplier Group shall apply to this MPA or the purchaseof the Materials.
Atas estimasi dan forecast/prakiraan tersebut, ParaTergugattidakmemiliki kewajibanuntukmemberikan kompensasi apapundalam hal jumlah yang sebenarnya dibeli berbeda dengan jumlah yangdiperkirakan.Berikut kami kutip isi Pasal 5.1 dan 6.1 MPA.Pasal 5.1 MPA:The approximate volumeof Material to be purchased by eachBuyer and in total during the Term or part of the Term of this MPAmay set out in the Term Sheet.
of any relevant UPC, whichever is earlier and shallcontinue until:(a) Terminated in accordance with the provisions of this MPA; or(b) Either party gives the other three (3) months noticeprovided such notice shall not have effect until the expiry ortermination of all subsisting UPCs and Term Sheets.Halaman 71 dari 124 Putusan Nomor 11/PDT/2021/PT BTN.For the avoidance of doubt, such termination shall not affect thevalidity of any subsisting UPC and the terms contained in the TermSheet only apply during
26 — 17 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodium10citrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
29 — 18 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilizingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium choride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidantsor vitamins not normaly found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing; product in theform of powder
Cheese and curd ;The products mentioned at Items (A) to (E) abovemay contain, in addition to natural milkconstituents (e.g., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilizingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium choride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidantsor vitamins not normaly found in the product.Certain of these products may also
31 — 11 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
No.43/B/PK/PJK/2008.volume of gas shall be as below Year of supply MMSCF per year1990 (part) (or as described below)199 14,0001992 14,0001993 14,0001994 14,0001995 14,0001996 14,0001997 (part) 14,000 minus (1990amount )Total : 100,800 MMSCF Supply of gas during 1990 will depend on theactual date of first delivery and any shortfall insupply of gas in 1990 will be supplied in 1997.In case the Toll Fee actually paid to GUF by theend of the seventh (7th) year of Operation Periodis less than US$ 115,920,000
25 — 9 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
28 — 12 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
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Adhimix Precast Indonesia nomor: 103/SPK/NRYN/VIII/2016 tanggal 25 Agustus 2016
8 Fotokopi Details of Ash Disposal Done by PT Nuryeni During The Month (July 2016)
9 Fotokopi Details of Ash Disposal Done by PT Nuryeni During The Month (August 2016)
10 Fotokopi Details of Ash Disposal Done by PT Nuryeni During The Month (September 2016)
11 Fotokopi Rekapitulasi Pengangkutan Limbah B3 PT Nuryeni Bulan Juli 2016
12 Fotokopi Rekapitulasi Pengangkutan Limbah
64 — 31 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Value added tax on goods and services obtained withinIndonesia shall be deferred during the preproduction period,and all value added taz incurred by Contractor (eithercurrently due or deferred under Decision No. 766) shall bereimbursed by the Government pursuant to Decree No. 49and Decision No. 766.
No. 74 B/PK/PJK/200440mencantumkan peraturanperaturan yang menjadi dasarpenundaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai, sebagai berikut:..Value added tax on goods and services obtained withinIndonesia shall be deferred during the preproduction period,and all value added tax incurred by Contractor (eithercurrently due or deferred under Decision No. 766) shall bereimbursed by the Goverment pursuant to Decree No. 49 andDecision No. 766.
25 — 13 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilisingagents which serve to maintain the naturalconsistency of the product during transport inliquid state (disodium phosphate, trisodiumcitrate and calcium chloride, for instance) aswell as very small quantities of anti oxidants orvitamins not normally found in the product.Certain of these products may also contain smallquantities chemicals (e.g., sodium bicarbonate)necessary for their processing, product in theform of powder
41 — 24 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
., milk enriched in vitamins ormineral salts), small quantities of stabilising agentswhich serve to maintain the natural consistency ofthe product during transport in liquid state(disodium phosphate, trisodium citrate andcalcium choride, for instance) as well as very smallquantities of antiaxidants or vitamins not normalyfound in the product. Cetain of these product mayalso contain small quantities chemicals (e.g.
125 — 85 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Interes during construction 24 bulan Rp35.000.000.000,00(125 miliar) 14 % per tahunMaka total kerugian Penggugat Rekonvensi adalah sebesarRp72.111.362.350,00 (tujuh puluh dua miliar seratus sebelas juta tigaratus enam puluh dua ribu tiga ratus lima puluh rupiah);Kerugian immateriil, Penggugat Rekonvensi tidak dapat melakukanserah terima unit aparteman yang seharusnya mulai dilakukan bulanDesember 2007 dan ada klaim dari pihak kontraktor, supplier, pemilikapartemen dan pihak ketiga atas keterlambatan
Interes during construction 24 bulan Rp,00(125 miliar) 14 % per tahun;4. Dan membayar kerugian immateriil kepada Penggugat Rekonvensisebesar Rp100.000.000.000,00 (seratus miliar rupiah) segera setelahputusan ini dibacakan.5. Menyatakan sah dan berharga sita jaminan (CB) atas:1. Tanah dan bangunan serta barang bergerak yang berada di atasnyayang dikenal dengan gedung PT Nindya Karya, terletak di Jalan LetjenJendral Haryono M.T. Kav. 22 Jakarta Selatan.2.