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Memberi izin kepada Pemohon GHAHHHHHHHHHHAHHE) untuk menjatuhkan talaksatu Raji terhadap Termohon (#4 IRIEEIEE THESE Tee) didepan sidang Pengadilan Agama Mojokerto;.
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pasti keduaorang tuanya, karena anak merupakan amanah dan karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esayang wajib dilindungi, sebagaimana tersebut antara lain dalam Pasal 16 (f) UndangUndang Nomor 7 Tahun 1984 tentang Pengesahan Konvensi mengenaiPenghapuan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi terhadap Wanita (Convention on theelimination of all forms of discrimination againts woman); The same rights andresponsibilities with regard to guardianship, wardship, trusteeship and adoption ofchildren, or similar institutions where these
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These sleeves aresometimes protected by spiralled wire, and may also be covered with plastics, rubber or textilematerial,The heading also covers flexible tubing composed of tightly spiralled wire (e.g,, as used assheathing for Bowden cables or cycle brake cables), It does not cover similar productswhich are not used as tubes or pipes e.g., extending curtain wire) (generally heading 73.26).Flexible tubing in short lengths for thermic or antivibratory uses (known as thermostatic bellowsor expansion
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Il halaman 164 yang berbunyi :4 63g po So these Wada) 6 Tgp ah Lede Ojos Ysaio) waa Yl jJlArtinya : Jika terdapat hal yang mewajibkan nafkah hingga beberapa lama, Maka nafkah itu menjadi hutang atas suami dan tidak terputusdengan lampaunya masaMaka, secara ex offissio kepada Pemohon patut dihukum untukmembayar kepada Termohon nafkah iddah, dan uang mut'ah yangbesarnya akan disebutkan dalam amar putusan perkara ini;Menimbang, bahwa sesuai ketentuan pasal 84 ayat (1) dan (2)UU.No.7 Tahun 1989 Tentang
316 — 70 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
These productsare classified according to their constituent material,(A) Footwear may range from sandals with uppers consisting simply of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
These productsare classified according to their constituent material.(A) Footwear may range from sandals with Lae? consisting simply of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
283 — 65 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
These productsare Classified according to their constituent material,(A) Footwear may range from sandals with uppers consisting simply of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
These productsare classified according to their constituent material.(A) Footwear may range from sandals with uppers consisting simply of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
These productsare classified according to their constituent material,(A) Footwear may range from sandals with uppers consisting simply of adjustable laces or(C)(D)ribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
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Menjatuhkan talak satu Bain Shughra Tergugat (FHRHBHAKIRHHHHHAE OS)terhadap Penggugat (FARRAH THESE ) ; 3.
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Indonesia dengan Australiadinyatakan,Ayat (2) Those royalties may be taxed in the Contracting State in which they arise,and according to the law of that State, but the tax so charged shall notexceed:(a) in the case of royalties described in subparagraphs 3(b) and (c), and to theextent to which they relate to those royalties, in subparagraphs 3(d) and (f) 10%; and(b) in all other cases 15%.The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall by mutual agreement settlethe mode of application of these
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the term of the Agreeement, the partiesshall agree an annual fee to apply for the following calendar year based on theparties reasonable estimate of the amount of services to provided during the relevantcalendar year;In addition to the fixed fee specified above , or agreed on an annual basis asprovided herein, the company shall also pay alloutof pocket disbursements and thethird party expenses incurred by KMCOS in providing the Services to theCompany, to the extend that KMCOS does not arrange for these
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adalahsematamata demi kepentingan anak, karena anak merupakan amanah dankarunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang wajib dilindungi, sebagaimana tersebut dalamPasal 16 (f) UndangUndang Nomor 7 Tahun 1984 tentang Pengesahan Konvensimengenai Penghapuan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi terhadap Wanita (Conventionon the elimination of all forms of discrimination againts woman);The same rights and responsibilities with regard to guardianship, wardship,trusteeship and adoption of children, or similar institutions where these
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adalahsematamata demi kepentingan anak, karena anak merupakan amanah dankarunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang wajib dilindungi, sebagaimana tersebut dalamPasal 16 (f) UndangUndang Nomor 7 Tahun 1984 tentang Pengesahan Konvensimengenai Penghapuan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi terhadap Wanita (Conventionon the elimination of all forms of discrimination againts woman);The same rights and responsibilities with regard to guardianship, wardship,trusteeship and adoption of children, or similar institutions where these
80 — 60 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
These productsare classified according to their constituent material.(A) Footwear may range from sandals with cries consisting simply of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
These productsare classified according to their constituent material,(A) Footwear may range from sandals with uppers consisting simply of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may haveStraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
48 — 20 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
These productsare Classified according to their constituent material,(A) Footwear may range from sandals with uppers consisting simply of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
These productsare classified according to their constituent material,(A) Footwear may range from sandals with uppers consisting simply of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
83 — 16 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
These productsare classified according to their constituent material,(A) Footwear may range from sandals with uppers consisting ey of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
These productsare classified according to their constituent material,(A) Footwear may range from sandals with uppers consisting simply of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
These productsare classified sccondinng to their constituent material,(A) Footwear may range from sandals sel appears consisting simply of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).
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WAIYUGGR US ya ima iv spur i Payee Sirians Miatunal ;Fi minwesem mmbmem bbe been Fone 1 be me in as ey ede me el es eh me eee inelannasBaIWS Shiaia SMGiGH 1 Gah CSMGAGH i UUGR SUG GUuUGUngGaNn NaangsnrSyara) yang dapat menghaiangi pernikahan;Cater e em mete wm Liner mb 1 sie fine ne as Seeded) ne me ee ml in wm wasn ste esBGT Ga a TOMI PUG FSV TE WGN PUIG VOUS Gai UGii Tiperukun Sampai dengan sekarang;Dinikuun sarnibahan Darmnhan 1 Rdawesiss hie BE Weraeedi Annnan GamnhnaasRr ive PEAS 3 Net ters these
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132/Pdt.P/2019/PA.Mrs Hal. 7 dari 10Menimbang, bahwa sudah menjadi ketentuan global tentang urgensimengutamakan kepentingan anakanak sebagai dalam Pasal 16 (f) UndangUndang Nomor 7 Tahun 1984 tentang Pengesahan Konvensi mengenaiPenghapuan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi terhadap Wanita (Convention on theelimination of all forms of discrimination againts woman);The same rights and responsibilities with regard to guardianship, wardship,trusteeship and adoption of children, or similar institutions where these
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Mr Tham, look at the invoices appearing at pages 76 to 81.These are invoices for the months of June to November 2010,isn't that right?A. Yes.Q. These have already been billed by the invoices appearing atpage 121 to 126, right?A. Yes.Q. You have not withdrawn these invoices to date, right, MrTham?A . These were done by the accounting department of theshipyard.Q. Under your direction, right, Mr Tham?A.
These are alleged repair charges for QSA 300 which yousay were carried out in July 2010, right?A. YesQ. My Clients instructions are that QSA had never asked forthese repairs to be done. You agree or disagree?A. YesQ. And you had not provided any supporting documents for thisinvoice, have you, Mr. Tham? 60A. YesQ. Ms. Sim said she had received this invoice only in November2013 and you have not refuted that, right?A. YesQ. Mr.
Tham, if these repairs were really carried out in July 2010,is there any reason why you would only issue an invoice threeand a half years later, Mr. Tham?A. have instructed the shipyard to do so, but they do not haveenough workers, they were busy.Q. When did you instruct the shipyard to issue this invoice, Mr.Tham?A. instructed them to do the invoice after the repair works weredone.Q. Mr.
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More common with nonprofitorganizations than with forprofit retail Forward dating"This is where the purchaser doesn't pay for the goods until well after they arrive.The date on the invoice is moved forward example: purchase goods in November fonsale during the December holiday season, but the payment date on the invoice isJanuary 7" These are price reductions given when an order is placed in a slack period (example: purchasing skis in April in the northern hemisphere, or in September in the southernhemisphere
)"Discounts dealing with trade / Bargaining Bargaining"Bargaining is where the seller and the buyer negotiate a price, which the buyenhopes is lower than the marked price" Trade discountThese are payments to distribution channel members for performing some function.Examples of these functions are warehousing and shelf stocking.
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pihak manayang menjadi penyebab terjadi perselisihan dan atau pertengkaran tersebut;Menimbang, bahwa dengan terungkapnya faktafakta dalam rumahtangga Pemohon dengan Termohon tersebut, selanjutnya majelis akanmemberikan pertimbanganpertimbangan sebagai berikut;Menimbang, bahwa majelis perlu mengingatkan kepada Pemohon danTermohon bahwa suami isteri wajib saling mencintai dan memberi bantuan lahirdan batin dalam keadaan apapun, sebagaimana firman Allah SWT dalamAlQuran surat ArRum ayat 21 :(aes lee These
pihak manayang menjadi penyebab terjadi perselisihan dan atau pertengkaran tersebut;Menimbang, bahwa dengan terungkapnya faktafakta dalam rumahtangga Pemohon dengan Termohon tersebut, selanjutnya majelis akanmemberikan pertimbanganpertimbangan sebagai berikut;Menimbang, bahwa majelis perlu mengingatkan kepada Pemohon danTermohon bahwa suami isteri wajib saling mencintai dan memberi bantuan lahirdan batin dalam keadaan apapun, sebagaimana firman Allan SWT dalamAlQuran surat ArRum ayat 21 :(aes lee These
59 — 20 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
These productsare classified according to their constituent material,(A) Footwear may range from sandals with uppers consisting simply of adjustable laces orribbons to thighboots (the uppers of which cover the leg and thigh, and which may havestraps, etc., for fastening the uppers to the waist for better support).