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Register : 21-11-2011 — Putus : 27-05-2013 — Upload : 27-11-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put. 45135/PP/M.VIII/16/2013
Tanggal 27 Mei 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Not later than Desember in eAgreeement, the parties shall agree an annual fee to apply for tlparties reasonable estimate of the amount of services to provided dIn addition to the fixed fee specified above , or agreed on an annshall also pay alloutof pocket disbursements and the third providing the Services to the Company, to the extend that KI invoiced directly to the Company.bahwa Management Administrative and Technical Services Agr(KMCOS) dengan Pemohon Banding (Perusahaan) diketahui balmemberikan
    hak untudan untuk menutup permintaan untuk menghentikan penggunaardalam usahanya diwilayah tersebut;bahwa selanjutnya dalam angka 4.1 perjanjian Oiltools Licens:(Licensor) dan PT XXX dahulu PT KMC Oiltools (Licensee)granted herein, the Licensee hereby agrees to pay to the licensor ain Schedule 1 of Licensees Gross Revenues from its business as sbahwa selanjutnya dalam angka 4 Schedule 1 perjanjian tersebutRoyalty Rate : 3 Per Cent (3%), except for the right to manufaPatent, in which case the rate shall
Putus : 08-11-2017 — Upload : 29-08-2018
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1830 B/PK/PJK/2017
Tanggal 8 Nopember 2017 — BUT CNOOC SES Ltd vs DIREKTUR JENDERAL PAJAK;
7550 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Hal inikarena PSC telah berlaku terlebin dahulu daripada Tax TreatyIndonesiaMalaysia dan berlaku mengikat sampai dengan berakhirnyajangka waktu kontrak/PSC di Tahun 2018;Bahwa pada seksi V angka 1.2 (r) Production Sharing Contract tanggal 26Desember 1991 menyatakan The Contractor shall severally pay to thegovernment the income tax including the final tax on profits after taxdeduction imposed on it pursuant to the income tax law and itsimplementing regulations.
    Contractor shall comply with the requirements ofthe tax law in particular with respect to filling of returns, assessment of taxand keeping and showing of books and records;Halaman 34 dari 70 halaman.
    Lihat pula Seksi V angka 1.2 (r) PSC PemohonPeninjauan Kembali yang menyatakan bahwa:The Contractor shall severally pay to the Government of the Republic ofIndonesia the Income Tax including the final tax on profits after taxdeduction imposed on it pursuant to the Indonesian Income Tax Law andits implementing regulations.
    Berikut adalah kutipan butir 5 Protoco/ Tax TreatyIndonesia Malaysia:In connection with Article 10 "Dividends", nothing in this Article shall affectthe provisions contained in any Production Sharing Contracts relating tothe exploitation and production of oil and natural gas which have beennegotiated with the Government of Indonesia or the relevant state oilcompany of Indonesia, provided that a company which is resident inMalaysia deriving income from a Production Sharing Contract shall not beless
    Periodically, PERTAMINA and CONTRACTOR shall meet to discussthe conduct of the Petroleum Operations envisaged under thisContract and will make every effort to settle amicably any problemarising therefrom.1.2. Disputes, if any, arising between PERTAMINA and CONTRACTORrelating to this Contract or the interpretation and performance of anyof the clauses of this Contract, and which cannot be settled amicably,shall be submitted to the decision of arbitration.....
Putus : 08-11-2017 — Upload : 28-12-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1829 B/PK/PJK/2017
252196 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Hal inikarena PSC telah berlaku terlebih dahulu daripada Tax Treaty IndonesiaMalaysia dan berlaku mengikat sampai dengan berakhirnya jangka waktukontrak/PSC di Tahun 2018;Bahwa pada seksi V angka 1.2 (r) Production Sharing Contract tanggal 26Desember 1991 menyatakan The Contractor shall severally pay to thegovernment the income tax including the final tax on profits after taxdeduction imposed on it pursuant to the income tax law and itsimplementing regulations.
    Lihat pula Seksi V angka 1.2 (r) PSC PemohonPeninjauan Kembali yang menyatakan bahwa:The Contractor shall severally pay to the Government of the Republic ofIndonesia the Income Tax including the final tax on profits after taxdeduction imposed on it pursuant to the Indonesian Income Tax Law andits implementing regulations.
    This Contract shall come into effect on the Effective Date.Terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia adalah:4.1. Kontrak ini akan berlaku pada Tanggal Efektif.(Penambahan huruf tebal dari Pemohon Peninjauan Kembali);Section .2. angka 2.8 PSC:Halaman 49 dari 67 halaman Putusan Nomor 1829/B/PK/PJK/201721.2.8.
    Berikut adalah kutipan butir 5 Protocol Tax TreatyIndonesia Malaysia:In connection with Article 10 "Dividends", nothing in this Article shall affectthe provisions contained in any Production Sharing Contracts relating tothe exploitation and production of oil and natural gas which have beennegotiated with the Government of Indonesia or the relevant state oilcompany of Indonesia, provided that a company which is resident inMalaysia deriving income from a Production Sharing Contract shall not beless
    Periodically, PERTAMINA and CONTRACTOR shall meet to discussthe conduct of the Petroleum Operations envisaged under thisContract and will make every effort to settle amicably any problemarising therefrom.1.2. Disputes, if any, arising between PERTAMINA and CONTRACTORrelating to this Contract or the interpretation and performance of anyof the clauses of this Contract, and which cannot be settled amicably,shall be submitted to the decision of arbitration.....
Putus : 06-09-2017 — Upload : 28-12-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1592 B/PK/PJK/2017
20364 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Final settlement for any delivery ofConcentrates shall be made by the owing party to the other partyon the third Business Day after presentation of the final invoicewhich shall be prepared by Seller promptly after all datanecessary to determine the final settlement is available andpresented to Buyer.
    Weighing, sampling, samplepreparation and determination of moisture content ofConcentrates shall be conducted by Buyer promptly after receiptof Concentrates. All weighing, lotting, sampling, samplepreparation and determination of moisture content ofConcentrates shall be done at Buyer's smelter in accordance withBuyers standard practice procedures in accordance withaccepted industry standard and with reliable modern equipmentand shall be final for settlement purposes.
    Seller, at its soleexpense, shall have the right to be present and/or represented atthe weighing, sampling, sample preparation and determination ofmoisture content. Failure to be present and/or represented at anyweighing, sampling, sample preparation and moisturedetermination shall be deemed to be a waiver of the right only insuch instance;10.2 Sample Lot. A sample lot of Concentrates shall be approximatelyfive hundred (500) Wet Metric Tonnes.
    When thedifference between the Assay results of the parties for copper,gold and silver is within the splitting limits designated below, theexact mean of the Assays shall be the settlement Assay. In casethe variation between the parties Assays exceeds the splittinglimits designated below, an umpire shall be selected in rotationfrom the list designated below whose Assay shall be final,provided it is not higher or lower than the original Assays.
    In case the variation between theparties Assays exceeds the splitting limits designated below, anumpire shall be selected in rotation from the list designated inparagraph 11.2 whose Assay shall be final, provided it is nothigher or lower than the original Assays.
Register : 22-03-2011 — Putus : 13-12-2011 — Upload : 29-03-2014
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 180/ PDT.G/ 2011 / PN. JKT SEL
Tanggal 13 Desember 2011 —
  • To Contract of WorkJoint Venture Agreement sebagaimana dikutip di bawah ini:Pasal 8.1.3 Amendment No. 1 To Contract of Work JointVenture Agreement tertanggal 27 Pebruari 2004:Before either Party (the Assigning Party) exercises its rightto assign, the Assigning Party shall offer in writing suchassignment to the other Party, such offer to be valid for a periodof 45 days following the other Partys receipt of the offer.Yang dapat diterjemahkan sebagai berikut:Sebelum salah satu pihak (Pihak yang Mengalihkan
    diubah dengan Novation and Amendment Agreementtanggal 31 January 2002 (vide bukti T2) dan kemudian diubahdengan Amendment No. 1 ToContract of Work Joint Venture Agreement tertanggal 27Februari 2004 (vide bukti T3).Bahwa di dalam Pasal 9.7 dari New Contract of WorkPerjanjian Joint Venture menunjuk kepada arbitrase dikutipsebagai berikut:Pasal 9.7 New Contract of Work Perjanjian Joint Venturetertanggal 30 Juni 1994:secant 84 that all disputes hereunder or concerning any of thesubject matter hereof shall
    be finally settled under the Rules ofConciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber ofCommerce by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with theRules all of whom shall have internationally recognizedqualifications for such appointment together with a substantialbackground of business experience.
    Nomination of the Arbitrators shall beaccomplished as provided under the Rules.
    The place ofarbitration shall be Jakarta, Indonesia and the language ofarbitration shall be English.Yang dapat diterjemahkan sebagai berikut:Basa semua perselisihanperselisihan dalam perjanjian ini atauyang berkaitan dengan pokok permasalahan dalam perjanjianini akan diselesaikan berdasarkan aturanaturan Konsiliasi danArbitrase dari Kamar Dagang dan Industri Internasional olehtiga orang arbiter yang ditunjuk berdasarkan aturan tersebutdi mana para arbiter tersebut memiliki kualifikasikualifikasiyang
Putus : 26-07-2012 — Upload : 12-08-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2014 K/Pdt/2011
156115 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Didalam NYPE 93 tersebut memberikan tanggung jawab baik terhadapyang memberi sewa/pemilik kapal dan penyewa, yang mana disebutkandidalam poin 6 dan 7 peraturan tersebut yaitu:6.Owners ProvideThe Owner shall provide and pay insurance of the vessel, except as otherwiseprovided, and for all provision, cabin, deck, engine room and other necessarystores, including boiler water, shall pay for wages, consular shipping anddischarging fees of the crew and charges for port services pertaining to thecrew, shall
    Furnigation orderedbecause of illness of the crew shall be for the owners account. Fumigationordered because of cargoes carried or port visited while the vessel isemployed under this charters party shall be for the Cherters account.
    All otherfumigations shall be for the Charters account after the vessel gas been oncharter for a contyinous perod of six month or moreThe Charters shall provide and pay for necessary dunnage and also any extrafitting requisite for a special trade or unusual cargo, but the Owners shallballowthem the use of any dunnage already aboard the vessel.
    Prior to redelivery theCharterers shall remove their dunnage and fittings at their cost and in theirtime;Sedangkan berdasarkan atas aturan tersebut bagi Penyewa kapal memilikikewajiban untuk menyediakan sebagai berikut:a.
    All bunkers used by theVessel while off hire shall be for the Owners account. In the event of theVessel being driven into port or to abchorage trough stressof wheather, tradingto shallow harbors or to rivers or ports with bars, any detention of the vesseland/or expenses resulting from such detention shall be for the charterersaccount.
Register : 03-08-2016 — Putus : 23-09-2016 — Upload : 29-09-2016
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 473/PDT/2016/PT.DKI
Tanggal 23 September 2016 —
  • If such amicable solutionis not able to be obtained in 30 (thirty) days, the dispute shall besettled in District Court of South Jakarta.
    Pasal 3.1 Perjanjian Pinjaman Antar Perusahaan : The Borrower shall use the facility to prepaid IPO Tax due fromshareholder" Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia :"Peminjam menggunakan dana pinjaman untuk membayar pajak IPOyang diwajibkan kepada pemegang saham. Catatan, Lender atau Pemberi Pinjaman adalah Penggugat:Borrowe atau Penerima Pinjaman adalah Tergugat.
    Ketentuan Pasal2.3 Perjanjian Pinjaman Antar Perusahaan kami kutip sebagaiberikut : "The Loan shall be converted into USD currency by the BankIndonesia (BI) Middle Rate on the date of Loan disbursement(dravudown). Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia : "Utang pinjaman harus dikonversikan ke dalam mata uang USDsesuai dengan kurs pertengahan Bank Indonesia pada saatpencairan utang pinjaman (utang pinjaman)."
    Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia :"Penerima Pinjaman harus membayar bunga Pinjaman yangterhutang dari waktu ke waktu dengan nilai sebesar 2 persen (2%)per tahun ("Bunga), Bunga tersebut dapat ditinjau kembali oleh Pemberi Pinjaman setiap, 3 bulan.e Pasal 4.2 Perjanjian Pinjaman Antar Perusahaan :The Interest shall be calculated on the first date for each subsequent month, after the date of Loan disbursement.
    Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia :Bunga Pinjaman akan ditambahkan setiap bulannya ke dalam nilaiPinjaman. e Pasal 8.1 Perjanjian Pinjaman Antar Perusahaan :Any Interest, commission, or fee under this Agreement shall accrueon a daytoday basis, calculated according to a year of 360 (threehundred sixty) days and to a month of 30 (thirty) days.
Register : 01-10-2019 — Putus : 19-11-2019 — Upload : 19-12-2019
Tanggal 19 Nopember 2019 — Pemohon:
  • The rent payable by LESSEE to LESSOR shall beUSD20,000 (Twenty Thousand United States Dollar) permonth and payable on the First (1") day of each month for theterm of this Agreement, including any extensions thereot....;Terjemahan resmi Pasal 3.1.a. Perjanjian Sewa MSN208B1174 (PKBIAYA SEWA.
    The rent payable by LESSEE to LESSOR shall beUSD20,000 (Twenty Thousand United States Dollar) permonth and payable on the (20") day of each month for the termof this Agreement, including any extensions thereof....;Terjemahan resmi Pasal 3.1.a. Perjanjian Sewa MSN208B1207 (PKBIAYA SEWA. Biaya sewa yang harus dibayar oleh PENYEWAPenetapan Perkara Perdata Nomor 142/Pdt.P/2019/PN.Tim.
    In addition to the rentalabove, LESSEE shall pay LESSOR an additional sum ofUSD95 (Ninety Five United States Dollars) per flight hour andUSD 15 (Fifteen United States Dollars) per cycle as a"Component Reserve Charge, .... The Component ReserveCharge shall be due and payable on the tenth (10th) day ofthe calendar month immediately following the month in whichthe flying of the Aircraft occurred... .;Terjemahan resmi Pasal 3.1.b.Perjanjian Sewa:BIAYA CADANGAN KOMPONEN.
    If LESSEE fails to pay any rent, Component ReserveCharge, if any, or other amount herein provided within ten (10)calendar days from and after the date upon which the same is dueand payable, then LESSEE shall be deemed to be in default....;Terjemahan resmi Pasal 23.1. Perjanjian Sewa:Seluruh ketentuan dalam Pernanjian ini harus dilaksanakan tepatpada waktunya.
    In the case of any default hereunder, LESSOR shall have theright to exercise any one or more of the following remedies: (a) ....;CD) swxerey(c) LESSOR may take possession of the Aircraft withoutdemand or notice, wherever it may be located....Terjemahan resmi Pasal 23.1.c. Perjanjian Sewa:.... Dalam hal suatu cedera janji berdasarkan Perjanjian Sewea ini,PEMBERI SEWA berhak untuk menggunakan salah satu ataubeberapa pemulihan berikut ini:(a)....;(b)....
Register : 02-01-2012 — Putus : 21-11-2013 — Upload : 11-11-2015
Putusan PN JAKARTA BARAT Nomor 515/Pdt.G/2012/PN.JKT.BAR.
Tanggal 21 Nopember 2013 —
  • be referred to and finally resolved andsettled by arbitration in Jakarta, Indonesia under theadministrative and procedural Rul of Arbitration of BadanArbitrase Nasional Indonesia ( BANI ) The Arbitration will beconducted by arbitration tribunal consisting of 3 ( three ) membersHal 23 dari 55 hal PUT No: 515/Pdt.G/2012/PN.JKT.BAR.wich will be appointed in accordance with said rule.The languageof the arbitration shall be English.
    The decision of the arbitrationtribunal shall be final and binding upon the parties.
    To the extentthat Law No.30 of 1999 date 12 August 1999 concerning Arbitrationand Alternative Dispute Resolution ( Indonesian Arbitrtion Law )applies to the Arbitration conducted under this Agreement,thefollowing provisions shall apply : (i) with respect to theimplementation of Article 56 section ( 1 ) of The IndonesianArbitration Law, the parties expressly agree that the arbitrationtribunal shall be solely bound by strict rules of law in making theirdecision and may not render an award based on
    aquitableprinciple ( ex aequo et bono ) and/or other considerations ; ( ii )the parties agree to waive Article 48 section ( 1 ) and 73 paragraph( b ) of the Indonesian Arbitration Law, so that the mandate of thearbitration tribunal duly appointed shall remain in effect until afinal arbitral award has been rendered .The Lender and theBorrower expressly agree to waive any provisions of applicablelaw that would have the effect of allowing an appeal against thedecision of the Arbitration tribunal, so
    Forthat purpose, an arbitration clause that forms part of acontract shall he treated as an agreement independent of the atherraseterms of the contract.
Register : 06-01-2015 — Putus : 28-12-2015 — Upload : 04-12-2017
  • JURISDICTIONExpect as otherwiseprovided specifically herein any claim ordispute arising under this Bill shall be qovemed by the low ofEngland and determined in the English courts of any other place.In the event this clause ts inapplicable under local law thenjurisdiction and choice of law shall lie in either the port of loaclingor port of discharge at carrier's option.Yang teyemahan Resminya sebagaiberikut '26.
    The Carrier shall be underno liabilitywhatsover for loss off, or damage to, the Goods, howeveroccurring, if such loss or damage arises prior to loading on to,or subsequent to the discharqge from,the Vessel.Notwithstanding the foregoing in the event that any applicablecompulsory law provides to the contrary, the Carrier shall havethe benefit of every right, defense, limitation and liberty setforth in the Hague Rules as applied by this Clause during suchadditional compulsory period of responsibility
    PstExpect as otherwise provided specifically herein any claim or dispute arisingunder this Bill shall be governed by the low of England and determined in theEnglish courts of any other place. In the event this clause is inapplicable underlocal law then jurisdiction and choice of law shall lie in either the port ofloading or port of discharge at carrier's option."Terjemahan resminya sebagai berikut :"26.
    Any mention in this Bill of parties to be notified of the Goods is solely forinformation of the Carrier, and failure toqive such notification shall notinvolvethe Carrierany liability or relieve the Merchant of any obligationshereunder; Terjemahan resminya sebagai berikut :18. PEMBERITAHUAN DAN PENGIRIMAN(1).
    The Carrier shall be under no liabilitywhatsover for loss off, or damage to, the Goods, however occurring, if such lossor damage arises prior to loading on to, or subsequent to the discharge from, theVessel.
Putus : 31-07-2017 — Upload : 01-11-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1413/B/PK/PJK/2017
5733 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • CallsA, From time to time, as hecessary, Plant Operator shall cashCall from Producers; and Producrs shall pay or cause te bePaid o Blant Operster in O35 dollars their repectivashares, separately determined as Provided in Section .O1 ofthe Agr@enent, of Prejected net cash Fequirements For eacho:(2) Plane Operating Costs; and(6) the eests oF Currently Funded Capital Projectsfor a calendar senth Sr Bart theresl, ag eet ferth in suchCash calls,The cash calls For Plank Operating Casts and CurrentlyFunded
    Capital Projeces shall be showa Separately and gshaizha in aeordance with Producers" latest estimates of #achSales COnErack's Percentage as determined under Artiele 11Of the Agreement.
    Each caSH call shall sat Ferth in reasonable detail thefollowing:a(1) current cash status (all funds cecelved Pursuant tf s 2clorPp Cash calis made in he current calendar yearand any loaterest $arned thereon. less Fearto=date cegsts debited and paid);C2 5 all funds moe Yet recelved porsuant to Pricer cascalls;7 5(3) profected cash expenditures fron the last date ofthe previews deblting period through the end of tnePeciod covered Sy such cash call; and(4) net cash requiremant.
    Eh@ cash call nextSucteeding tha issuance of the Gebie soke feferred te inSection 3 below shall be reduced By th@ ameunt of suchSECeES.Ee To the extene Practicable, Plant Operator shall place thefunds received pursuant to cash calls in interestearningaccounts; @ll interest earned ethereon Shall be credited eoPlant Cperating Costs and Retice of such amgunts Shall tedelivered ta the Producers.
    shall agree with the Liquefaction Company on appropriate procedures for the payment of funds10payalde to the Taquefaction Company puraaurt to Seclinn 6.1, nevBholl advise the Trustes of such procedures which shill inelude o requirceorn that the Liquefaction Compuny furnish the Trostec wilh an.acknowledstionmt thut each poyoenl by the Trnsler Ierewnlor fullysatisfies theo linkililics of lerlanioa or the Contractors, as tho casemay bo, will respect to thgineoies to whieh Ube payment relolbes.
Register : 07-06-2016 — Putus : 05-09-2016 — Upload : 14-09-2016
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 347/PDT/2016/PT.DKI
  • (c) Lampiran F Agreement: ...The Final Invoice shall be paid on or before 30 (thirty) calendardays after the WORK Acceptance Report orCompletion Certificateis Signed. Serta teriemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia: ..Tagihan Akhir harus dibayar pada atau sebelum hari 30 (tigapuluh) hari kalender setelah Penerimaan Laporan PEKERJAAN atau Sertifikat Penyelesaian ditandatangani.
    bahwaTergugat dan TAC Pertamina PT PAN telah sepakat menerapkannofault indemnity regime, yakni bahwa keduanya akan salingmemberikan penanggungan/pembebasan (indemnity) kepadapihak lain atas risiko yang ada, terlepas dari penyebab terjadinyarisiko tersebut, dan masingmasing pihak akan bertanggung jawabterhadap' setiap hal yang kewajibannya masingmasingberdasarkan Agreemeni. ++ =Berikut kutipannya: 2222222 22202 =The PARTIES intend that a mutual, nofault indemnity regime,supported by insurances, shall
    apply and that each party shall beresponsible for those it causes to be in the vicinity of a WORKLOCATION or participating in the WORK.
    Lampiran F Agreement).Berikut kutipannya : SECOND PARTY Tergugat and FIRST PARTY fTACPertamina PT PAN, each on its own behalf and on behalf ofits Group, waive and release all rights and claims against theother PARTY and its Group for, and shall indemnify and holdharmless the other PARTY and its Group, for any loss of profitor anticipated profit, loss of revenues, production or drillinghal 35 dari 43 hal put.
Putus : 28-11-2014 — Upload : 02-02-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 88 PK/Pdt.Sus-Arbt/2014
Tanggal 28 Nopember 2014 — PT. SUMI ASIH VS VINMAR OVERSEAS Ltd
632364 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Within thirty (30) days from the date of transmittal of thisAward to the Parties, Respondent Pt Sumi AsihOleochemical Industry shall pay to Claimant VinmarOverseas,Ltd. the following sums:a. Damages of $5,578,461.00;b. Preaward interest in the amount of $355,339.00;c. Attorneys fees of $200,000.00;3. Interest on the total of the amounts specified in paragraph 1above shall accrue until paid at the rate applicable to unpaidjudgements as provided under the law of the States ofTexas;4.
    The administrative fees and expenses of the InternationalCentre for Dispute Resolution ("ICDR"), the internationaldivision of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"),totaling $22,550.00 shall be borne by the Parties as incurred;5. The compensation and expenses of arbitrators totaling$54,582.11 shall be borne equally by the Parties ...........:::000+ "6.
    This award may be executed in any number of counterparts, each ofwhich shall be deemed an original, and all of which together shallconstitute the Award of this Tribunal;7. This award is in full settlement of all claims and counterclaimssubmitted in this arbitration.
    Within thirty (30) days from the date of transmittal of thisAward to the Parties, Respondent Pt Sumi AsihOleochemical Industry shall pay to Claimant VinmarOverseas,Ltd. the following sums :a. Damages of $5,578,461.00;b. Preaward interest in the amount of $355,339.00;c. A ttorneys' fees of $200,000.00;3. Interest on the total of the amounts specified in paragraph 1above shall accrue until paid at the rate applicable to unpaidjudgements as provided under the law of the States ofTexas;4.
    The administrative fees and expenses of the InternationalCentre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), the internationaldivision of the American Arbitration Association (AAA),totaling $22,550.00 shall be borne by the Parties as incurred;5. The compensation and expenses of arbitrators totaling$54,582.11 shall be borne equally by the Parties;3.
Register : 08-10-2013 — Putus : 24-04-2014 — Upload : 27-03-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.52140/PP/M.VIIB/19/2014
Tanggal 24 April 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • E131300016720123 tanggal 22 Juni 2013, kedapatan bahwa tanda tanganyang tertera pada form E dimaksud berbeda dengan Specimen Signatures ofOfficials Authorized to Issue Certificate of Origin of The People's Republic ofChina" dari Hebei EntryExit Inspection And Quarantine Bereau Of ThePeople's Republic Of China berbeda dengan yang tertera di Form E.bahwa berdasarkan Revised Operational Certification Procedures For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area, disebutkan:Rule 7 (a)The Issuing Authorities shall
    ) The application and the Certificate of Origin(Form E) are duly completed in accordance with the requirements as definedin the overleaf notes of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory.bahwa berdasarkan Revised Operational Certification Procedures for TheRules of Origin of The AseanChina Free Trade Area, disebutkan :Rule 8 (f)In cases where a Certificate of Origin (Form E) is not accepted, as stated inparagraph (e), the Customs Authority of the importing Party shall
    The clarification shall be detailed and exhaustive inaddressing the grounds for denial of preferential treatment raised by theimporting Party.bahwa ketentuan yang mengatur tentang Penetapan Tarif Bea Masuk DalamRangka ASEANChina Free Trade Area (ACFTA) adalah Peraturan MenteriKeuangan Nomor 117/PMK.011/2012 tanggal 10 Juli 2012.
Putus : 06-12-2019 — Upload : 21-02-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 4265/B/PK/Pjk/2019
5459 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Theconstituent material of the outer sole for purposes of classification shall be taken to be thematerial having the greatest surface area in contact with the ground. In determining theconstituent material of the outer sole, no account should be taken of attached accessories orreinforcements which partly cover the sole (see Note 4 (b) to this Chapter).
    Subject to Neotc 3 to this Chapter (a> The material of the upper shall be taken to be the comstitucmt material hawing the greatestexternal surface area, no count being taken of accessories or reinforcements Such as anklePatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments: (b>) The constituent material of the outer scle shall be taken to be the material having the greatestsurface area in contact with the ground, mo account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch
    Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :(a The material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatestexternal surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as anklepatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;(b) The constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatestsurface areca in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch
Register : 06-05-2020 — Putus : 09-03-2021 — Upload : 15-09-2021
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 350/Pdt.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL
Tanggal 9 Maret 2021 — Penggugat:
PT. Truba Jaya Engineering Graha Truba
Turut Tergugat:
  • permasalahan yang timbuldari atau sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan Kontrak Utama akan diselesaikanoleh Para Pihak (dalam hal ini Penggugat Dalam Konvensi dan Turut TergugatDalam Konvensi dan Dalam Rekonvensi) melalui arbitrase yangdiselenggarakan oleh Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) danmenggunakan peraturan dari SIAC.Secara lengkap Pasal 27 dari Kontrak Utama menyatakan sebagai berikut:Halaman 9Putusan Perdata Nomor 350/Pdt.G/2020/PN.JKT.SELbesaes If any dispute or difference of any kind shall
    arise between the Contractorand the Subcontractor in connection with the Subcontract or carrying out of theSubcontract Works the Parties shall endeavor through productive discussionsto reach an amicable understanding about the matters in disagreement toachieve a final settlement agreeable to both Parties, before referring suchdisagreement to the Arbitration process.....
    Without prejudice in any way to the foregoing, if, within fifteen (15) calendardays after the date of the above decision in writing by Contractor theSubcontractor does not accept such Contractor decision, then Subcontractormay notify Contractor that the matter shall be finally referred to and settled bythe arbitrator to be agreed upon the Parties...."Article 27 of PTC: ".... The venue of arbitration Singapore InternationalArbitration Centre (SIAC)..."Terjemahan bebas....
    Bahwa Secara lengkap Pasal 27 dari Kontrak Utama menyatakan sebagaiberikut:Halaman 21Putusan Perdata Nomor 350/Pdt.G/2020/PN.JKT.SELbesaes If any dispute or difference of any kind shall arise between the Contractorand the Subcontractor in connection with the Subcontract or carrying out of theSubcontract Works the Parties shall endeavor through productive discussionsto reach an amicable understanding about the matters in disagreement toachieve a final settlement agreeable to both Parties, before referring
Register : 29-11-2013 — Putus : 08-10-2014 — Upload : 03-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-55965/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 8 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • On Comprehensive Economic CoOperation BetweenAssociation Of South East Asian Nation And The Peoples Republic Of China (ProtKedua Untuk Mengubah Persetujuan Perdagangan Barang Dalam Persetujuan KeranKerja Mengenai Kerjasama Ekonomi Menyeluruh Antara NegaraNegara Anggota AsosBangsaBangsa Asia Tenggara Dan Republic Rakyat China), yaitu pada Annex 3 "RulesOrigin For The The AseanChina Free Trade Area", dinyatakan:Rule 2: Origin CriteriaFor the purposes of this Agreement, products imported by a Party shall
    be deemed tcoriginating and eligible for preferential concessions if they conform to the orrequirements under any one of the following:Products which are wholly obtained or produced as set out and defined in Rule 3; orProducts not wholly produced or obtained provided that the said products are eligible utRule 4, Rule 5 or Rule 6.bahwa pada Rule 3, disebutkan, sebagaimana kutipan berikut:Rule 3: Wholly Obtained ProductsWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as wholly
Register : 23-10-2013 — Putus : 05-11-2014 — Upload : 31-03-2016
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-56870/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 5 Nopember 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • On Comprehensive Economic CoOperation BetweenAssociation Of South East Asian Nation And The Peoples Republic Of China (ProtKedua Untuk Mengubah Persetujuan Perdagangan Barang Dalam Persetujuan KeranKerja Mengenai Kerjasama Ekonomi Menyeluruh Antara NegaraNegara Anggota AsosBangsaBangsa Asia Tenggara Dan Republic Rakyat China), yaitu pada Annex 3 "RulesOrigin For The The AseanChina Free Trade Area", dinyatakan:Rule 2: Origin CriteriaFor the purposes of this Agreement, products imported by a Party shall
    be deemed tcoriginating and eligible for preferential concessions if they conform to the orrequirements under any one of the following:Products which are wholly obtained or produced as set out and defined in Rule 3; orProducts not wholly produced or obtained provided that the said products are eligible utRule 4, Rule 5 or Rule 6.bahwa pada Rule 3, disebutkan, sebagaimana kutipan berikut:Rule 3: Wholly Obtained ProductsWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as wholly
Putus : 04-10-2010 — Upload : 24-06-2016
  • The Parties agree that once conditions conducive tocontinuation exist, and provided BTID wshes so to continue theProject, POC shall complete the Contract Works, until all phasesof work provided in the Contract are completed and secured,as contemplated in the Contract, upon terms and conditions(including the payment schedule of the above figures) to befinalized by the Parties at such time, which terms and conditionsshall be as nearly approximate those of the original contract aseconomic, political
    However if until 18 November 2000, BTID still have not resumedthe Project, the Parties shall discuss and agree on the furtherextension of suspension period, or termination of the Contracton terms and conditions acceptable to both parties ; Terjemahan adalah sebagai berikut : Selanjutnya para pihak juga menyetujui bahwa jumlah diatasdianggap benar dan DAPAT DIBAYAR dengan persyaratanesr HRG RF aerscsecnecacrs cemeteries ener ECR1) Para pihak telah menyetujui bahve kontrak diasumsikan untukditunda
Register : 24-10-2013 — Putus : 19-11-2014 — Upload : 04-04-2016
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-57563/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 19 Nopember 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Economic CoOperation Between The Association Of South East Asian Nation And ThePeoples Republic Of China (Protokol Kedua Untuk Mengubah Persetujuan Perdagangan Barang DalamPersetujuan Kerangka Kerja Mengenai Kerjasama Ekonomi Menyeluruh Antara NegaraNegara AnggotaAsosiasi BangsaBangsa Asia Tenggara Dan Republic Rakyat China), yaitu pada Annex 3 "Rules Of Origin ForThe The AseanChina Free Trade Area", dinyatakan:Rule 2: Origin CriteriaFor the purposes of this Agreement, products imported by a Party shall
    be deemed to be originating and eligiblefor preferential concessions if they conform to the origin requirements under any one of the following:Products which are wholly obtained or produced as set out and defined in Rule 3; orProducts not wholly produced or obtained provided that the said products are eligible under Rule 4, Rule 5 orRule 6.bahwa pada Rule 3, disebutkan, sebagaimana kutipan berikut:Rule 3: Wholly Obtained ProductsWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered