Ditemukan 9775 data
14 — 2
Pts.No.6224/Pdt.G/2013/PA.Bwi.SALINANes3M cle Gad DU oly HM aba 1 ALM y Ger Vly quill railAG) 5 gels alll (jllaallUNS IAL YI cg ST LAST gh CULS Yi gol a g paalls Aalaall Atay 5) Aeiall aie J shall Jif dallas da 5 5!CHS IV) Saell Saxo (8 Aalbaal) Atay i SB guSVlg Gace Adaill plac!
~ Gala 5 Ugh Sg 8 5GU gh Cll G>UaIL Aad 2 Aa jlJ shall Jah Aallne das jl) Cuils 13) Advi y Ligne US IS AIS jell ada wad ee Ge yg piialls cated gely al Quill os Ailoall diaill aie 2(a) memberikan mut'ah yang layak kepada bekas istrinya, baik berupauang atau benda, kecuali bekas istri tersebut qobladdukhul.(6) memberikan nafkah, maskan dan kiswah kepada bekas istri selamadalam iddah, kecuali bekas istri telah dijatuhi talak bain atau nusyuzdan dalam keadaan tidak hamil.
Pasal 158 huruf (6) Kompilasi Hukum Islam yang redaksinyasebagai berikut:AGNI Leg yl glbaall e 5 5) cle Analy Anibal y guuodll y cpoliill y AiLall aadJ shall aes Aalbaal!
91 — 29
Bahwa hal tersebut diatur dalam poin6 yaitu) : DCA Bali shall sell the villas via thecompany sales office property gallery and be paid asales commission of 5% of the gross sale price of eachvilla sold from the project.Bahwa dalam terjemahan bebas yaitu) sebagai berikutDCA Bali akan menjual villa melalui galeri penjualanPut.kantor perusahaan properti dan dibayar komisi penjualansebesar 5% dari harga jual kotor masing masing villadijual dari proyek.3.
152 — 111
M.F.C6terdapat clause 73 Secrecy Part I General Condition of Contract; subclause Miscellaneous, yang menyatakan:The Contractor, his employees, agents and subcontractors shall notgive to unauthorized persons any information, verbal or otherwise,about the Works and shall not allow anauthorized persons to inspect theWorks, Drawings and Contract Documents without the written consentof the Employer; (Kontraktor, Pegawainya dan Sub kontraktor tidak diperkenankanmenyerahkan kepada pihak lain yang tidak
Waskita Jaya Purnama), sehingga tidak dapat memberikankontrak Medan Flood Control tersebut kepada pihak lain tanpa seizin Pihak Kedua;Bahwa dalam Medan Flood Control/Contract Package Nomor: M.F.C6 tanggal 21April 2004, terdapat klausul (clause) 73 Secrecy Part I General Condition ofContract, sub clause Miscellaneous, yang menyatakan: The Contractor, hisemployees, agents and subcontractors shall not give to unauthorized persons anyinformation, verbal or otherwise, about the Works and shall not allow
76 — 78 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
If the applicable copper price exceeds $1.15 perpayable pound of copper, a positive Price Participation of 1.5% of thetotal copper price shall apply to the benefit of the Buyer.
If theapplicable copper price is less than US $1.15 per payable pound ofcopper, no negative Price Participation shall apply;yang artinya; Apabila harga jual tembaga per pon yang harusdibayarkan lebih tinggi dari $1,15, maka akan timbul angka PriceParticipation yang akan mengurangi harga jual (akan mengurangipendapatan Pemohon Banding) dan menjadi keuntungan bagipembeli, dan sebaliknya apabila harga jual tembaga berada di bawah$1,15, maka tidak ada angka Price Participation yang timbul;e bahwa dari
If the applicable copper price exceeds $ 1.15per payable pound of copper, a positive Price Participation of 1.5%of the total copper price shall apply to the benefit of the Buyer.
Ifthe applicable copper price is less than US$ 1.15 per payablepound of copper, no negative Price Participation shall apply;yang artinya;Apabila harga jual tembaga per pon yang harus dibayarkan lebihtinggi dari $1,15, maka akan timbul angka Price Participation yangakan mengurangi harga jual (akan mengurangi pendapatanPemohon Banding) dan menjadi keuntungan bagi pembeli, danHalaman 18 dari 34 halaman.
If the applicable copper price exceeds $ 1.15 perpayable pound of copper, a positive Price Participation of 1.5%of the total copper price shall apply to the benefit of the Buyer.If the applicable copper price is less than US$ 1.15 perpayable pound of copper, no negative Price Participation shallapply;yang artinya; Apabila harga jual tembaga per pon yang harusdibayarkan lebih tinggi dari $1,15, maka akan timbul angkaPrice Participation yang akan mengurangi harga jual (akanmengurangi pendapatan Pemohon
24 — 14
shall Gpbied Ge GUN alli Dey!
Prof.Dr. O.C. KALIGIS, SH.,MH.
Komisi Pemberantas Korupsi KPK RI
518 — 355
Dan Pasal 28 D ayat (1) Setiap orang berhak ataspengakuan, jaminan, perlindungan, dan kepastian hukum yangadil serta perlakuan yang sama dihadapan hukum;UU No. 12 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengesahan InternationalConvenant on Civil and Political Right (ICCPR) Pasal 10 ayat (3)dan Pasal 26 yang berbunyi:Pasal 10 ayat (3), The penintentiary system shall comprisetreatment of prisioners the essential aim of which shall be theirreformation and social rehabilitation.
In this respect, the law shall prohibitany discrimination and guarantee to allpersons equal andeffective protection against discrimination on any ground such asrace, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion,national or social origin, property, birth or other status;The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Treatment ofPrisioners (The Nelson Mandela Rule,) . Rule of GeneralApplication, Pasal 2 berbunyi:Rule 2. 1. The present rules shall be applied impartially.
The religious beliefs andmoral precepts of prisoners shall be respected. 2. In order for theprinciple of nondiscrimination to beput into practice, prisonadministrations shall take account of the individual needs ofprisoners, in particular the most vulnerable categories in prisonsettings. Measures to protect and promote the rights of prisonersHalaman 18 dari 88 halaman, Putusan Nomor 136/G/2020/PTUNJKTwith special needs are required and shall not be regarded asdiscriminatory;c.
Pasal 28 D ayat1: Setiap orang berhak atas pengakuan, jaminan, perlindungan dankepastian hukum yang adil serta perlakuan yang sama dihadapan hukum.UndangUndang Nomor 12 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengesahan InternationalConvenant Civil and Political Right (ICCPR) Pasal 10 ayat 3 dan Pasal 26.Pasal 10 ayat 3: The penintentiary sytem shall comprise treatment ofprisoners the essential aim of which shall be their reformation and socialrehabilitation.
Rule 2.1 The present rule shall be applied impartially.Their shall be no discrimination on the ground of race, colour, sex, language,political or orther opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or anyother status.
84 — 34 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Theconstituent material of the outer sole for purposes of classification shall be taken to be thematerial having the greatest surface area in contact with the ground. In determining theconstituent material of the outer sole, no account should be taken of attached accessories orreinforcements which partly cover the sole (see Note 4 (b) to this Chapter).
In such cases, the upper shall be considered to be thatportion of the shoe which covers the sides and top of the Tet, The size of the uppers variesvery much between different types of footwear, from those covering the foot and the wholeleg, including the thigh (for example, fishermens boots), to those which consist simply ofstraps or thongs (for example, gaisiciayIf the upper consists of two or more materials, classification is determined by theconstituent material which has the greatest external
Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :(2) The material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatestexternal surface area, no account being taken of acvessories or reinforcements such as anklepatches, edging, ormamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;(b) The constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatestsurface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch
Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :(a) The material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatestextemal surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as anklepatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;(b) The constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatestSurface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch
Bambang Kilani Hemawan bin Rasmani
19 — 5
1 Petrustti 169898 dengan nomor4SS SERIES terkamygal 152188 meni kewemangam rekiiif PengadilanAgama Kajen:Hall 3 dai Shall Renetapan Nemar (O28iPal G2017/PAKjn.Saefudim, NUH. sebagai Ketua Majaltes, Dra. Hii. Z. Haniiain dam Dis.
Arie Ismail Warsodoedi,
PT. Borobudur Menara Indonesia Pertama,
143 — 84
Bahwa di dalam Pasal 12.2 huruf (a) Notes Agreement,diatur mengenai forum penyelesaian permasalahan dalam hal terjadisengketa dan/atau permasalahan sehubungan dengan perjanjian,yaitu arbitrase, sebagaimana dikutip sbb:any and all disputes, controversies or conflicts arising from or inrelation to this Agreement, including disputes on its validity,conclusion, binding effect, breach, amendment, expiration andtermination (collectively, Disputes), shall, as far as possible, besettled amicably by the Parties
If any such Dispute is not settledamicably within 30 (thirty) days from the date any Party informs theother Party that any dispute has arisen, the Parties agree that suchDispute shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration inSingapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the SingaporeInternational Arbitration Centre (SIAC), which rules are deemed tobe incorporated by reference in this Clause 0;Yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia olehFatchrozak, Penerjemah Bersumpah
The tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator tobe appointed by the Chairman of the SIAC and the language of thearbitration shall be English;Yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia olehFatchurozak, Penerjemah Bersumpah di Jakarta pada 7September 2020, yaitu:Para Pihak setuju bahwa salah satu Pihak dapat memilih untukmengajukan guna mendapatkan putusan untuk melaksanakan hakPenanjian ini, termasuk penyelesaian setiap perselisihan yangtimbul sehubungan dengan Peranjian ini, termasuk pertantaantentang
Ketentuan tersebut jelas tertulis diatur dalam angka 8 SuratKuasa Memberikan Suara, yaituThis Power of Attorney shall have full force and effect as of thedate of its execution and shall continue in full force and effectuntil the later of, (i) full satisfaction of the Principalsobligations under the Notes Agreement; and (ii) the Principalscessation as a shareholder in the Company";Halaman 26 dari 43 Putusan Perdata Gugatan Nomor 473/Pdt.G/2020/PN JKT.SELYang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia
146 — 41
Undergone Any Operation There Other Than Unloadingand Reloading or any Other Operation to Preserve Them in Good Condition, bahwa pelaksanaan ketentuan di atas dalam Appendix 1, Attachment A,Revised Operational Certification Procedure (OCP) for The Rules of origin ofthe ASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 21, sebagai berikut: ForThe Purpose of Implementing Rule 8(c) of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA,Where Transportation is Effected Trough the Territory of One or MoreNonACFTA Parties, the Following Shall
Undergone Any OperationThere Other Than Unloading and Reloading or any Other Operation to PreserveThem in Good Condition.bahwa pelaksanaan ketentuan di atas dalam Appendix 1, Attachment A, RevisedOperational Certification Procedure (OCP) for The Rules of origin of theASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 21, sebagai berikut: For The Purposeof Implementing Rule 8(c) of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA, WhereTransportation is Effected Trough the Territory of One or More NonACFTA Parties,the Following Shall
317 — 330
untukmengajukan klaim dalam jangka waktu 14 (empat belas) hari sejak tanggalberakhirnya Polis Performance Bond yaitu tanggal 2 Mei 2011.Adapun isi ketentuan butir (6) dan butir (8) dari Polis Performance Bondsebagaimana Penggugat kutip di bawah ini:Isi ketentuan butir (6) dari Polis Performance Bond:Hal 7 dari 152 Hal Putusan No. 51/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Jkt.Sel9.1.This Bond shall remain valid an in full force and effect until one (1)month after the expiration of the last Defect Liability Period (May 2nd
APD/GK/090/08,General Terms and Conditions of Contract, Maret 2009, tentangPerformance Bond (Bukti Permulaan T.1 3), Turut Tergugat diwajibkanuntuk memberikan jaminan pelaksanaan Contract tersebut kepadaTergugat II, dengan menyebutkan:CONTRACTOR shall, prior to signing of the Contract, provideCOMPANY with a Performance Bond as security for the performanceby CONTRACTOR of the CONTRACTOR obligations and thedischarge of the CONTRACTOR liabilities under the Contract.
Theamount of the Performance Bond shall be as set forth in Item 7 of theFirst Schdule.
APD/GK/090/08,General Terms and Conditions of Contract, Maret 2009, tentangPerformance Bond, Turut Tergugat diwajibkan untuk memberikanjaminan pelaksanaan Kontrak tersebut kepada Tergugat Il, denganmenyebutkan:CONTRACTOR shall, prior to signing of the Contract, provideCOMPANY with a Performance Bond as security for the performance byCONTRACTOR of the CONTRACTOR obligations and the discharge ofthe CONTRACTOR liabilities under the Contract.
The amount of thePerformance Bond shall be as set forth in Item 7 of the First Schdule.The Performance Bond shall be provided at CONTRACTORs cost andmay be in the form of a bank guarantee or an insurance bond, fromeither a first class international bank in Indonesia approved byCOMPANY or an international insurance company in Indonesiaapproved by COMPANY.Yang terjemahan resminya adalah:Kontraktor akan, sebelum menandatangani Kontrak tersebut,menyerahkan kepada PERSEROAN suatu Jaminan Kinerja sebagaijaminan
30 — 25 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Memerintahkan barang bukti berupa: 7 (tujuh) linting ganja berat netto 2,6754 gr 1 (satu) bungkus rokok merk Djarum Super warna coklat ; 1 (satu) bungkus rokok merk Gudang Garam Filter warna merah; 1 (satu) helai shall warna kombinasi merah kuning hijau;Dijadikan barang bukti dalam perkara lain atas nama Terdakwa Taufik MalikAzhari;4.
Memerintahkan agar terhadap barang bukti berupa: 7 (tujuh) linting ganja berat netto 2,6754 gr;1 (satu) bungkus rokok merk Djarum super warna coklat;1 (satu) bungkus rokok merk gudang garam filter warna merah; 1 (satu) henai shall warna kombinasi merah kuning hijau;Dijadikan dalam perkara atas nama Terdakwa Taufik Malik Azhari;Hal. 9 dari 16 hal. Put. No. 1693 K/PID.SUS/20156.
Menetapkan agar barang bukti: 7 (tujuh) linting ganja berat netto 2,6754 gr; 1 (satu) bungkus rokok merk Djarum Super warna coklat; 1 (satu) bungkus rokok merk Gudang Garam Filter warna merah; 1 (satu) helai shall warna kombinasi merah kuning hijau;Dikembalikan kepada Jaksa/Penuntut Umum untuk barang bukti dalamperkara lain atas nama Terdakwa Taufik Malik Azhari;Membebankan Terdakwa untuk membayar biaya perkara dalam semua tingkatpengadilan dan dalam tingkat kasasi ditetapkan sebesar Rp2.500,00 (
146 — 36
Invoice: NXH132572, tgl. 2208201310Tidak dicontreng issued retroactively13 Tidak dicontreng Third Party Invoicingbahwa berdasarkan Rule 7 Attachment A Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area diketahui bahwa:The Issuing Authorities shall, to the best of their competence and ability, carry out proper examination ofeach application for the Certificate of Origin (Form E) to ensure that:(a) The application and the Certificate of Origin
Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory;(b) The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;(c) The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted;(d) Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;(e) Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
325 — 77 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Theconstituent material of the outer sole for purposes of classification shall be taken to be thematerial having the greatest surface area in contact with the ground. In determining theconstituent material of the outer sole, no account should be taken of attached accessories orreinforcements which partly cover the sole (see Note 4 (b) to this Chapter).
In such cases, the upper shall be considered to be thatportion of the shoe which covers the sides and 9 of the foot.
Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :(a The material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatestexternal surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as anklepatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;(b) The constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatestsurface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch
179 — 131
The number of arbitrators shall be one. The placeof arbitration shall be Singapore. The language used in the arbitralproceedings shall be English. The award shall be final and binding on theParties and may be recognized and enforced in any court having jurisdiction:hal 9 dari 30 hal put.
178 — 44 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Theconstituent material of the outer sole for purposes of classification shall be taken to be thematerial having the greatest surface area in contact with the ground.
In such cases, the upper shall be considered to be thatportion of the shoe which covers the sides and top of the foot.
For the purposes of this Chapter :(a) the terms rubber and * plastics include woven fabrics or other textile products with anextemal layer of rubber or pleatics being visible to the naked eye; for the purpose of thisprovision, no account should be taken of any resulting change of colour; and(6) the term leather refers to the goods of headings 41.07 and 41.12 to 41.14.4, Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :(a The material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatestexternal
surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as anklepatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet Stays or similar attachments;(b) The constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatestsurface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch as spikes, bars, nails, protectors or similar attachments.diketahuidimaksud dengan Waterproof Footwear mempersyaratkan 2 (dua)i.
11 — 1
Pasal 133 Kompilasi HukumIslam sehingga hubungan keduanya sudah tanpa ruh lagi, oleh karena ituberdasarkan kaidah hukum Islam yang tercantum dalam Kitab Hurriatuz Zaujainifith Thalaq Juz I halaman 83 yang sekaligus diambil alih sebagai pendapat MajelisHakim, yang berbunyi : +o oon nn nnn nnn enn enn nnnCel Luca Lgad ably tea all Como Sl) Shall qi peuad Cue grUbll allel plu! Lis!
93 — 180 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Adapun bentukdan materinya mengacu pada konvensi internasional danketentuan lainnya serta ketentuan perpajakan nasional masingmasing negara.Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak Berganda (P3B) atau TaxTreaty IndonesiaAustralia, yang mengatur :Article 1:This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of oneor both of the Contracting States.Article 4:1.
A person is not a resident of one of the Contracting statesfor the purposes of this Agreement if the person Is liable totax in that State in respect only of income from sources inthat State.Article 5:An enterprise shall not be deemed to have a permanentestablishment merely by reason of :(a) The use of facilities solely for the purpose of storage ordisplay of goods or merchandise belonging to theenterprise; or(b) The maintenance of a stock of goods or merchandisebelonging to the enterprise solely
merchandisebelonging to the enterprise solely for the purpose ofprocessing by another enterprise; or (d) the maintenance ofa fixed place of business solely for the purpose ofpurchasing goods or merchandise, or for collectinginformation, for the enterprise; or(e) The maintenance of a fixed place of business solely for thepurpose of activities which have a preparatory or auxiliarycharacter for the enterprise, such as advertising or scientificresearch.Article 7:The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall
Putusan Nomor 1143/B/PK/PJK/2016(c) Other business activities carried on in that other State of thesame or a similar kind as those carried on through thatpermanent establishment.Article 12:1.Royalties arising in one of the Contracting States, beingroyalties to which a resident of the other Contracting State isbeneficially entitled, may be taxed in that other State.Those royalties may be taxed in the Contracting State inwhich they arise, and according to the law of that State, butthe tax so charged shall
not exceed :(a) in the case of royalties described in subparagraphs 3 (b)and (c), and to the extent to which they relate to thoseroyalties, in subparagraphs 3(d) and (f) 10%; and(6b) in all other cases 15%.The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall bymutual agreement settle the mode of application of theselimitations.The term "royalties" in this Article means payments, whetherperiodical or not, and however described or computed, tothe extent to which they are made as consideration
74 — 38 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Lebih lanjut, SKD Nordea Bank Finland Plc,Singapore Branch (Finlandia), SKD Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (Swedia)dan SKD Mizuho Corporate Bank (Jepang) telah Pemohon Banding serahkanpada saat proses pemeriksaan;Halaman 11 dari 45 halaman Putusan Nomor 1877/B/PK/PJK/2017Bahwa berdasarkan Pasal 7 ayat (1) Perjanjian Penghindaran Pajak Berganda(Tax Treaty) antara Indonesia dan Swedia, diatur bahwa:"The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in thatState unless the enterprise
carries on business in the other Contracting Statethrough a permanent establishment situated therein";Bahwa Pasal 7 ayat (1) Perjanjian Penghindaran Pajak Berganda (Tax Treaty)antara Indonesia dan Finlandia, diatur bahwa:"The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in thatState unless the enterprise carries on business in the other Contracting Statethrough a permanent establishment situated therein";Bahwa lebih lanjut, Pasal 7 ayat (1) Perjanjian Penghindaran Pajak
Berganda(Tax Treaty) antara Indonesia dan Jepang, diatur bahwa:"The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in thatContracting State unless the enterprise carries on business in the otherContracting State through a permanent establishment situated therein";Bahwa dalam S756/PJ.312/2001 menyebutkan bahwa usaha aktifmengharuskan adanya aktivitas nyata yang merupakan suatu proses produktifyang menghasilkan barang atau jasa yang dapat diperjualbelikan kepada pihaklain secara
pinjaman seperti biayakonsultan, ahli hukum, commitment fee, dan sebagainya; Selisin kurs atas pinjaman dalam valuta asing (sepanjang selisih kurstersebut merupakan penyesuaian terhadap biaya bunga) atau amortisasipremi kontrak valuta berjangka dalam rangka lindung nilai (hedging) danayang dipinjam dalam valuta asing;Bahwa berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut diatas, PSAK Nomor 26 dengan jelasmembedakan biaya bunga dan biaya lainnya;Bahwa lebih lanjut, dalam perjanjian ICTA, disebutkan juga bahwa:interest shall
pembayaran biaya agency fee dantrustee fee yang dilakukan oleh Pemohon Banding berdasarkanfee letter yang merupakan penetapan biaya atas jasa jasa yangdiberikan oleh Technical Committee, Insurance Coordinator,Intercreditor Agent, Facility Agents, Security Agent, Trustee danAccount Banks yang bertindak dalam kapasitasnya yang hakdan kewajiban masingmasing penerima penghasilan diaturdalam Bagian 13 mengenai Ketentuan Agen Umum danRekening Bank ICTA Terjemahan, yang juga telah menentukanbahwa "interest shall
Terbanding/Pembanding/Penuntut Umum : ZULHELMI, S.H.
66 — 29
Putusan Nomor 141/PID/2021/PT BNA.The delimitation of the exclusive economic zone between Stateswithopposite or adjacent coasts shall be effected by agreement onthe basis ofinternational law, as referred to in Article 38 of theStatute of thelnternational Court of Justice, in order to achieve anequitable solution yang kemudian diterjemahkan bahwaPenetapan batas zona ekonomi eksklusif antara Negara yangpantainya berhadapan atau berdampingan harus diadakandengan persetujuan atas dasar hukum internasional
tentang perikananKetentuan tentang pidana penjara dalam UndangUndang initidak berlaku bagi tindak pidana di bidang perikanan yangterjadi di wilayah pengelolaan perikanan Republik Indonesiasebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 5 ayat (1) huruf b, kecualitelah ada perjanjian antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesiadengan pemerintah negara yang bersangkutan.Pasal 51 ayat 1Mengatur tentang perlindungan hak perikanan tradisional yangkemudian dinyatakan bahwa Without prejudice to article 49, anarchipelagic State shall
respectexisting agreements with otherStates and shall recognize traditional fishingrights and otherlegitimate activities of the immediately adjacent neighbouringStatesin certain areas falling within archipelagic waters.
The termsandconditions for the exercise of such rights and activities,including the nature,the extent and the areas to which they apply,Shall, at the request of any of theStates concerned, be regulated bybilateral agreements between them.
Suchrights shall not betransferred to or shared with third States or their nationals. ataudapat diterjemahkan bahwa Tanpa mengurangi arti ketentuanpasal 49, Negara kepulauan harus menghormati perjanjian yangada dengan Negara lain dan harus mengakui hak perikanantradisional dan kegiatan lain yang sah Negara tetangga yanglangsung berdampingan dalam daerah tertentu yang beradadalam perairan kepulauan. Syarat dan ketentuan bagiHalaman 18 dari 29.