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Register : 26-10-2020 — Putus : 11-01-2021 — Upload : 21-01-2021
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 605/PDT/2020/PT DKI
Tanggal 11 Januari 2021 — Pembanding/Penggugat : Tuan MUHAMMAD AMIR INGRATUBUN
Terbanding/Tergugat I : Bapak Takehiko Nakao
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Bank Pembangunan Asia atau The Asian Development Bank ADB dan semua komponennya
Terbanding/Turut Tergugat : Keuangan Republik Indonesia
  • The Tribunal shall hear and pass judgment upon any applicationby which an individual member of the staff of the Bank allegesnonobservance of the contract of employment or terms ofappointment of such staff member.
    Nilai tukar $1 =Rp14,000).DECISIONFor the above reasons, the Tribunal unanimously decides that;O 1) The 28 August 2017 decision of the President isrescinded;1 2) The Applicant shall be reinstated to his position and bemade whole for all lost earnings minus the separationpackage he received, with the Bank to pay interest at the rateof 6% per annum;2 3) Pursuant to ArticleX, paragraph 1 of the Statute of theTribunal, should the President of the Bank decide that theApplicant shall be compensated without
    Members shall have recourse to such specialprocedures for the settlement of controversies between theBank and its members as may be prescribed in thisHalaman 31 dari 56 halaman Putusan Nomor 605/PDT/2020/PT DKIAgreement, in the bylaws and regulations of the Bank, or incontracts entered into with the Bank.Property and assets of the Bank, shall, wheresoever locatedand by whomsoever held, be immune from all forms ofseizure, attachment or execution before the delivery of finalJudgment against the Bank.Diterjemahkan
    shall be immune legal process with respect to actsperformed by them in their official capacity, except when theBank waives the immunity;i) where they are not local citizens or nationals, shall beaccorded the same immunities from immigrationrestrictions, alien registration requirements and nationalservice obligations, and the same facilities as regardsexchange regulations, as are accorded by members to therepresentative, officials and employees of comparable rankof other members; andiil) Shall be
    Members shall have recourseto such special procedures for the settlement ofcontroversies between the Bank and its members as maybe prescribed in this Agreement, in the bylaws andregulations of the Bank, or in contracts entered into withthe Bank.3.
Putus : 08-08-2017 — Upload : 01-11-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1428/B/PK/PJK/2017
4315 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Tf at such cimes this Breves net to be the case,Special allecation Precedures respecting Plant OperatingCosta willl be adopted as may be ascprcoriate.The race 7 iSharces provided for in Section 6.01 shall be soecifiedsepa : adParately for each sales Canteract and svhjeecs #5 tesoarateCash calle and dabit notes by. (Plans Operator and paid syProducers in acecardance with fhe Accounting BEGoRRi ie.Such charges and Payments, shall. be subject!
    CallsA. 1 i :From time to time, as hecessaty, Plant Operator shall cash Gall from Producers; and: Producers shall pay or cause to bepaid to Plant Operator in gs dollars their respectiveshares, separately detersined as Provided in Section #.01 ofthe Agreement, of Projected net cash Fequirements for eachof:(a) Plane Operating Coska; and(bh) the costs af Currently Funded capital Projectsf 5 OF a4 calendar senth or pare thereof, as get forth in suchcash calls,Th 1 E cash ealle fox Plane Operating Costs
    and CUrrentlyFunded Capital Projects shall be show, Separately and shalha in accordance with Producers" latest estinates of packSales Contract Percentage as determined under Article 11of the z inAgreenent., Tf curing @ year there Shall be aNec a at Fevision in khe ggtinate al a Sales Contract PercentageOr if the Final determination o# SUCH Sales Contrace'sbPercentage pursuant to Section l.o2 of che Agreement shallFeflec yteflect a disttepancy fron the Qitinates during such yaarappropriate adjustments
    be reduced by th amgunt of suchSECeES.To the exteane Practicable, Plant Operater shall place thefunds received pursuant $2 cash calls in snterestearalngaccounts; all interest earned etherecn Shall be credited esPlant Operating Costs and Ratice o such amsunts Bhall tedelivered to the Producers, Gambar VI.
    I'o the extent hat funds are then held inthe Badak Payment Account the Trustee shall, promptly upon reeeiptof notice from both Pertamina and the Contractors that any suchinvoice haa been approved for payment, pay to the Liquefaction Com.pooy from the Bodok Payment Account the amount af such invoice,porsuant to procedures to be agreed upon pursuant te Section 6.2,62 Pertamina and the Contractors shall agree with the Liquefaction Company on apprepriate procedures for the payment of funds10poyaldc to
Putus : 09-06-2016 — Upload : 14-09-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 438/B/PK/PJK/2016
3713 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Party desires to receive services from The SecondParty as broker in order to develop and promote its business and TheSecond Party is willing to furnish The First Party with such service;2) Appointmenta) The First Party hereby appoints The Second Party as broker forThe First Party to develope and promote The First Partys businessin Indonesia,b) The Second Party hereby accepts the appointment and agrees toperform the duties as set forth under section 2 hereof;3) Duties of The BrokerThe Second Party shall
    Putusan Nomor 438/B/PK/PJK/2016In rendering such services, The Second Party shall comply withinstructions or orders, if any, given by The First Party and shall servethe best interest of The First Party;4) BrokerageIn case that contracts are concluded by The First Party with suppliersadn/or customers through the assistance of The Second Party hereunder, The First Party shall pay The Second Party for each contract, asentire and full payment for the consideration of the services provided byThe Second
    Putusan Nomor 438/B/PK/PJK/2016Second Party is willing to furnish The First Party with such service;2) Appointmenta) The First Party hereby appoints The Second Party as broker for TheFirst Party to develope and promote The First Party s business inIndonesia;b) The Second Party hereby accepts the appointment and agrees toperform the duties as set forth under section 2 hereof;3) Duties of The BrokerThe Second Party shall, when requested by The First Party, renderfollowing services:a) To obtain offers
    of bids of The First Party to customers or suppliers,andb) To convey offers or bids of The First Party to costumers or suppliers,andc) Torender any other services, which The First Party requests fromtime to time The Second Party, with respect to the contracts ofThe First Party;In rendering such services, The Second Party shall comply withinstructions or orders, if any, given by The First Party and shall serve thebest interest of The First Party;4) BrokerageIn case that contracts are concluded by
    The First Party with suppliersand/or customers through the assistance of The Second Party hereunder, The First Party shall pay The Second Party for each contract, asentire and full payment for the consideration of the services provided byThe Second Party under this agreement, brokerage calculated iniaccordance with rates stipulated in the schedule A attached here towhich Is an integral part of this agreement;22.
Register : 30-04-2013 — Putus : 16-01-2014 — Upload : 15-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT-49926/PP/M.VII/19/2014
Tanggal 16 Januari 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Stempel pada kolom 12 (Certification) pada Form E NomorE123702010680024 tanggal 24 Nopember 2012 berbeda dengancontoh pada specimen.h. bahwa berdasarkan REVISED OPERATIONAL CERTIFICATIONPROCEDURES FOR THE RULES OF ORIGIN OF THE ASEANCHINAFREE TRADE AREA, disebutkan: Rule 7 (a)The Issuing Authorities shall, to the best of their competence and ability,carry out proper examination of each application for the Certificate ofOrigin (Form E) to ensure that: (a) The application and the Certificate ofOrigin
    Form E), andsigned by the authorised signatory;i. bahwa berdasarkan REVISED OPERATIONAL CERTIFICATIONPROCEDURES FOR THE RULES OF ORIGIN OF THE ASEANCHINAFREE TRADE AREA, disebutkan dalam Rule 18:Rule 18(a) The Customs Authority of the importing Parry may request a retroactivecheck at random and/or when it has reasonable doubt as to theauthenticity of the document or as to the accuracy of the informationregarding the true origin of the products in question or of certain partsthereof.i, The request shall
    be made in writing, accompanied with a copy ofthe Certificate of Origin (Form E) and shall specify the reasons andany additional information suggesting that the particulars given onthe said Certificate of Origin (Form E) may be inaccurate, unlessthe retroactive check is requested on a random basis;ii.
    The Customs Authority or the Issuing Authorities of the exportingParty receiving a request for retroactive check shall respond to therequest promptly and reply not later than ninety (90) days after thereceipt of the request.J. bahwa ketentuan yang mengatur tentang Penetapan Tarif Bea Masuk DalamRangka ASEANChina Free Trade Area (ACFTA) adalah PeraturanMenteri Keuangan Nomor 117/PMK.011/2012 tanggal 10 Juli 2012.Peraturan Menteri Keuangan ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal 10 Juli 2012,k. bahwa sesuai
Putus : 20-04-2015 — Upload : 18-09-2015
Putusan PN KUTAI BARAT Nomor 18/Pdt.G/2014/PN Sdw
Tanggal 20 April 2015 — PT. BUNGA ARAFAT (Sebagai Penggugat) Melawan 1. PT. MANOOR BULATN LESTARI (MBL) (sebagai Tergugat) 2. PT. ASURANSI UMUM BUMIPUTERA MUDA 1967 (BUMIDA) (sebagai Turut Tergugat)
  • Arbitrase ;Failing such amicable settlement, any and all disputes arising out ofor in connection with this Contract or its performance shall be settledby arbitration by a three (three) member arbitration board which willhold its session in Singapore in English Law under the SingaporeInternational Arbitration Centre (SIAC) Rules.
    Each party shall appointone arbitrator with third member appointed by the Chairman ofSIAC 5 nne nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn ne nnn nnn ne nnn nnnThe arbitral proceeding shall accord to each the Parties right of crossexmionation of witnesses, the right to provide witnesses includingexpert witnesses, and the right to make both written and oralSUDMISSIONS j 222 n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nner nnParties agree that they will not institute any legal proceeding arisingout of or related to this Contract, except to
    appeal to any court from the award ordecision contained therein, so that on decision taken by the ArbitralTribunal there shall be no Indonesia or other authority or panel.
    Tergugat Berhak Untuk Mengahiri Kontrak ;Menurut Pasal 15.2. tentang Notice of Correct ;Pasal 15.2. huruf c Termination by Company ;The company shall be entitled to terminate the Contract if theContractor ; 222222 nc none nn none ne renee ncn ne cencea) fails to comply with SubClause 4.2. (Performance Security) orwith a notice under SubClause 15.1.
    However, lawful inducements andrewards to Contractor's Personnal shall not entile termination,Terjemahannya !n nnn n nnn nnn nonce nn ne nnn nc nc nnn nnnne15.2. Pengakhitan oleh Perusahaan %
Putus : 13-02-2017 — Upload : 19-09-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 3605 K/Pdt/2016
Tanggal 13 Februari 2017 — SUTIKNO VS PT INDAH KIAT PULP & PAPER, Tbk, DK
5937 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • If Seller is Indonesian entity this clause shall be valid:(i)(ii) In the event that any dispute arises between the Buyer andthe Seller in relation to any matter arising out of or inconnection with Purchase Order, the Buyer and the Sellerirrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of Central JakartaDistrict Court, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction oversuch disputes, the Seller and the Buyer agree to waive anyobjections to proceedings in any such court on the groundsof venue or on the grounds that
    The Seller guarantees that the goods furnishedhereunder shall conform to the specification statedinthe Purchase Order, be genuine, made by the originalauthorized manufacturer, not violate any intellectualproperty rights and/ or not come from illegal source orunlawful ownership, and/ or not in the conflict withthird party. In case, the goods do not meet suchconditions, then the Seller shall pay to the Buyer anamount of monies equal to 10 (ten) times price ofsuch goods.Terjemahan:7.7.
Putus : 06-11-2017 — Upload : 13-03-2018
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1705/B/PK/PJK/2017
Tanggal 6 Nopember 2017 — DIREKTUR JENDERAL PAJAK vs BUT CNOOC SES Ltd
5335 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Hereunder byCONTRACTOR, Pertamina shall not be obliged to pay CONTRACTOR's IncomeTax including the final tax on profits after tax deduction, nor taxes on tobaccos,liquor and personnel income tax, and income tax and other taxes not listedHalaman 5 dari 25 halaman. Putusan Nomor 1705/B/PK/PJK/2017above of contractors and subcontractors.
    The obligations of Pertaminahereunder shall be deemed to have been complied with by the delivery toCONTRACTOR";Bahwa pasal diatas menyatakan bahwa Kontraktor hanya diwajibkan untukmembayar Pajak Penghasilan badan dan juga Pajak atas laba setelah Pajak,oleh karenanya SKK Migas (d/h BPMigas d/h Pertamina), akan menanggungPajakpajak lain yang dikenakan kepada Kontraktor termasuk diantaranya PPN,Pajak atas pengalihan, impor dan ekspor atas bahan baku (material, peralatandan juga suku cadang/persediaan
    ) yang dibawa ke Indonesia oleh Kontraktorsendiri, kontraktor lainnya dan subkontraktor dalam rangka operasi;Bahwa terlebin berdasarkan Perjanjian Penghindaran Pajak Berganda (P3B)antara Indonesia Malaysia Pasal 7 perihal "Business Profit" menyatakan:"The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in thatState unless the enterprise carries on business in the other Contracting Statethrough a permanent establishment situated therein.
    Hereunder by CONTRACTOR,Pertamina shall not be obliged to pay CONTRACTOR'SIncome Tax including the final tax on profits after taxdeduction, nor taxes on tobaccos, liquor and personnelincome tax, and income tax and other taxes not listed aboveof contractors and subcontractors.
    yang dibawa ke Indonesia olehKontraktor sendiri, kontraktor lainnya dan subkontraktordalam rangka operasi;Bahwa terlebih berdasarkan Perjanjian Penghindaran PajakBerganda (P3B) antara IndonesiaMalaysia Pasal 7 perihal"Business Profit" menyatakan:"The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall beHalaman 14 dari 25 halaman.
Register : 15-05-2012 — Putus : 11-03-2013 — Upload : 14-07-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT.43865/PP/M.VII/19/2013
Tanggal 11 Maret 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Rule 23, Appendix 1, Attachment A, Revised Operational CertificationProcedures (OCP) For The Rules of Origin of The AseanChina Free Trade Area,menyatakan :The Customs Authority of the importing Party shall accept a Certificate ofOrigin (Form E) in cases where the sales invoice is issued either by a companylocated in a third country or by an ACFTA exporter for the account of the saidcompany, provided that the product meets the requirements of the Rules ofOrigin for the ACFTA.
    The third party invoice number should be indicated inBox 10 of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), the exporter and consignee mustbe located in the Parties and the copy of the third party invoice shall be attachedto the Certificate of Origin (Form E) when presenting to the Customs Authorityof the importing Party.bahwa berdasarkan pemeriksaan Majelis atas buktibukti yang disampaikan di dalampersidangan, kedapatan sebagai berikut :bahwa berdasarkan pemeriksaan Majelis atas PIB Nomor 023543 tanggal
    18 Januari 2012 adalah bukaninvoice seperti yang tercantum dalam Kolom 10 Form E sehingga tidak sesuaidengan Rule 23, Appendix 1, Attachment A, Revised Operational CertificationProcedures (OCP) For The Rules of Origin of The AseanChina Free Trade Area;bahwa dengan demikian Majelis menyimpulkan Rule 23, Appendix 1, Attachment A,Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For The Rules of Origin of TheAseanChina Free Trade Area, yang menyatakan :The Customs Authority of the importing Party shall
    The third party invoice number should be indicated in Box 10 of theCertificate of Origin (Form E), the exporter and consignee must be located in theParties and the copy of the third party invoice shall be attached to the Certificate ofOrigin (Form E) when presenting to the Customs Authority of the importing Party.tidak terpenuhi sehingga dengan demikian tidak dapat diberikan preferensi tarifberdasarkan ACFTA;bahwa dengan demikian, atas importasi barang tersebut dikenakan Tarif Bea Masukyang berlaku
Register : 15-10-2018 — Putus : 28-11-2018 — Upload : 29-11-2018
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 609/PDT/2018/PT.DKI
  • DepositAs security for the correct fulfillment of this Agreement the Buyers shall lodgea deposit of % ( percent) or if left blank, 10% (ten per cent), of thePurchase Price (the Deposit) in an interest bearing account for the Partieswith the Deposit Holder within three (3) Banking Days after the date that :This Agreement has been signed by the Parties and exchanged in original orby email or telefax ; and ;The Deposit Holder has confirmed in writing to the Parties that the accounthas been opened ;The
    Deposit shall be released in accordance with joint written instriuctions ofthe Parties Interest, if any, shall be credited to the Buyers.
    Any fee charged forholding and releasing the Deposit shall be borne equally by the Parties. theparties shall provide to the Deposit Holder all necessary documentation toopen and maintain the account without delay ;Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia :2.
    PaymentOn the delivery of the Vessel, but no later than thirty (30) Banking Days afterthe date that Notice of Readiness has been given in accordance with Clause 5(time and place delivery and notices) :The Deposit shall be relased to the Sellers ; and ;The balance of the Purchase Price and all other sums payable on delivery bythe Buyers to the Selllers under this Agreement shall be paid in full free ofbank charges to the Sellers account ;Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia :3.
    This agreement shall be governed by and cosntrued in accordance withthe laws of Malaysia and any dispute arising out of or in connection withthis agreement shall be referred to the civil court in Kuala Lumpur, subjectto the Jurisdiction and procedures applicable there ;Dengan Terjemahan sebagai berikut :c.
Putus : 31-05-2016 — Upload : 14-02-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 643 K/Pdt/2016
15495 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • The arbitrationpanel shall consist of three (3) arbitrators, one (1) chosen by thecomplainant, one (1) chosen by the respondent and a chairman chosenby the arbitrators named by the complainant and the respondent;The Parties expressly agree that:(a) the arbitration tribunal shall decide the matter as expeditiously aspossible, and the arbitration shall be complete and the decisionissued by the arbitrators no later than twelve (12) months after thedate of commencement of the arbitration proceedings
    (being thedate of service of the complaint by the party initiating thearbitration), unless the arbitration panel finds good cause to permitan extension of the time for completion;(b) the arbitrators shall only reach their decision by applying strictrules of law to the facts and shall not purport to resolve any disputeex aequo et bono;(c) the arbitration shall be conducted in the English language;(d) any decision of the arbitration tribunal shall be final, binding andincontestable and no Party shall
    dispute or question the decision ofthe arbitration tribunal before any judicial authority in the Republicof Indonesia or elsewhere;(e) ecch Party shall bear the expenses, such as traveling, meals andHalaman 7 dari 30 hal.
    Nomor 643 K/Padt/2016lodging expenses, which It incurs in connection with the arbitration.The fees and expenses of the arbitrating entity and other relatedexpenses shall be borne by the losing Party unless otherwisedetermined by the arbitrating entity;14.3.
    Pending the submission to arbitration and thereafter until the arbitrationtribunal issues its decision, each Party shall, except in the event ofexpiration, termination or failure by any of the other Parties to obey orcomply with a specific order or decision of the arbitration tribunal,continue to perform all of its obligations under this Agreement withoutprejudice to a final adjustment in accordance with the said awara;Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia:Pasal 14Arbitrasi14.114.2Perselisinan yang timbul
Register : 17-07-2020 — Putus : 29-09-2020 — Upload : 29-09-2020
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 434/PDT/2020/PT DKI
Tanggal 29 September 2020 — Pembanding/Penggugat : Speedcast Limited
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT AJN Solusindo
  • Customer shall subscribe to the Celcast Service in respect of minimuminitial order more particularly described in Schedule A hereto fromSpeedCast.Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia:"Pelanggan bertanggung jawab atas halhal di bawah ini:F. Pelanggan harus berlangganan Layanan Celcast dengan pesananminimum awal yang akan lebih khusus dijelaskan di Lampiran AdariSpeedCast."Pasal 2huruf BPerjanjian CSA 2"B.
    The Customer shall place a minimum order sites as defined in Schedule A Part 2 (Minimum Order") pursuant to the terms andconditions herein."Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia:"B. Pelanggan harus mengajukan situs pesananminimum sebagaimanadijelaskan di Lampiran A Bagian 2 ("Minimum Order") sesuai dengansyarat dan ketentuan di dalam peranjian ini."Pasal 4 huruf G Perjanjian CSA 2Customer will be responsible for the following: G.
    Customer shall subscribe to the Celcast Service in respect of minimuminitial order more particularly described in Schedule A hereto fromSpeedCast.Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia:"Pelanggan bertanggung jawab atas halhal di bawah ini:G.
    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, any latepayments exceeding one (1) month from the due date shall entitleSpeedCast to suspend the Celcast Service and/or terminate thisAgreement and/or the associated Service Order Forms with 30 dayswritten notice. Customer agrees to pay SpeedCast all reasonable costs(such as external collection agency, legal fees and other related expenses)incurred by SpeedCast in connection with recovering amounts owing fromCustomer."
    Denda yang wajib dibayarkan Tergugatadalah sebesar sisa biaya Layanan Celcast yang wajib dibayarkan olehTergugat selama sisa masa berlaku Perjanjian Celcast.Pasal 6F Perjanjian CSA 1"If the Customer terminates, cancels or recinds this Agreement other thanas provided for in Clause 6 A above or where SpeedCast terminates thisAgreement pursuant to Clause 4 above, the Customer hereby agrees andacknowledges that it shall be liable to pay a penalty equivalent to ServiceFee for the remainder of the Term
Register : 15-10-2015 — Putus : 09-11-2015 — Upload : 03-12-2015
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 525/PDT/2015/PT.DKI
Tanggal 9 Nopember 2015 — SUTIKNO >< PT.INDAH KIAT PULP & PAPER TBK.CS
  • If Seller is Indonesian entity this clause shall be valid:(i). ...(ii).
    In the event that any dispute arises between the Buyer andthe Seller in relation to any matter arising out of or inconnection with Purchase Order, the Buyer and the Sellerirrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of Central JakartaDistrict Court, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction oversuch disputes, the Seller and the Buyer agree to waive anyobjections to proceedings in any such court on the groundsof venue or on the grounds that the proceedings have beenbrought in an inconvenient forum.Terjemahan
Putus : 02-05-2013 — Upload : 12-08-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 245/B/PK/PJK/2012
18371 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Bahwa Pasal 26, Pasal 27 dan Pasal 31 dari Vienna Convention on the Lawof Treaties 1969 (VCL) diatur sebagi berikut :Pasal 26 VCL: "Pancta sunt survanda""Every treaties in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performedby them ina good faith"Pasal 27 VCL: Internal Law and Observance of Treaties"A party may not invoke the provisions of its internal lawas justification for itsfailure to perform a treaty"Pasal 31 : General Rule of Interpretation"A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith
    Putusan Nomor. 245/B/PK/PJK/2012Sesuai Tax Treaty Indonesia Singapura Pasal 11 angka 1 menyebutkan :Interest arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of the otherContracting State may be taxed in that other State.Lebih lanjut, Pasal 11 angka 2 menyebutkan : However, such interest mayalso be taxed in the Contracting State in which it arises, and according to thelaws of that State but if the recipient is the beneficial owner of the interest, thetax so charged shall not exceed 10 per cent
    Singapura.Glencore International AG sebesar Rp 30.184.639.993Sesuai Tax Treaty Indonesia Switzerland Pasal 11 angka 1 menyebutkan :Interest arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of the otherContracting State may be taxed in that other State.Lebih lanjut, Pasal 11 angka 2 menyebutkan : However, such interest mayalso be taxed in the Contracting State in which it arises and according to thelaws of that State, but if the recipient is the beneficial owner of the interest thetax so charged shall
    The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall by mutualagreement settle the mode of application of this limitation.Bahwa berdasarkan pasal 11 angka 1 dan 2 dalam treaty ini, atas biayabunga dari Pinjaman kepada Glencore International AG, Switzerland (yangmerupakan penerima manfaat bunga sesungguhnya/Beneficial Owner) baruterutang PPh Pasal 26 pada saat pembayaran (paid), sedangkan kami belumpernah melakukan pembayaran atas biaya bunga tersebut dalam tahun 2006,sehingga seharusnya tidak
    Putusan Nomor. 245/B/PK/PJK/2012laws of that State but if the recipient is the beneficial owner of the interest, thetax so charged shall not exceed 10 per cent of the gross amount.Bahwa berdasarkan pasal 11 angka 1 dan 2 dalam treaty ini, atas biayabunga dari Pinjaman kepada Credit Suisse Singapura baru terutang PPhPasal 26 pada saat pembayaran (paid), sedangkan kami belum pernahmelakukan pembayaran atas biaya bunga tersebut dalam tahun 2006,sehingga seharusnya tidak terdapat objek PPh Pasal 26 yang
Putus : 28-04-2016 — Upload : 06-09-2016
Putusan PN SERANG Nomor 56/Pid.Sus-TPK/2015/PN.Srg
Tanggal 28 April 2016 — Drs. DIDING ISKANDAR
  • Outriggers Setup time sec 25 Bodyworks and Lockers :Body shall be constructed from aluminum light weight box tube constructionwith aluminum paneling, platform shall be paneled by chequred antislipperyaluminium plates, equipment locker shall be provided at suitable areas fromstoring delivery hoses, nozzles and some tools, lockers shall be closed byroller shutters and/or doors.Fire PumpVehicle shall equipped with fire pump, capacity of the pump shall be min.2000 lpm at 10 bar, pump shall be single
    Ladder set shall not to crash tobodywork or drivers cabin. It shall not be possible to operate the jacks whenthe ladder is not at parking position or reverse when the jack are not settledladder shall not operate. All moment shall slow down when it reaches end ofmovement. Controlling and governing system shall be designed to operatethe ladder with smooth movements without any jerks. Shakes etc.
    There shallbe a screen for operator which shall include visual and numeric information ofthe ladder set. Design of the main operator console shall be ergonomic, userfriendly. All governing and controlling system shall be redundant type, all necessary warning labels shall be properly attached where needed.Turntable, Ladder set and rescue cage;Turntable shall be constructed by high tensile steel and shall be designed tolevel ladder set and turntable up to 10 degree slope automatically.
    Lift shall have an operating speed of 1.2 m/s uphill and 1,5 m/s downhill.Lift movement shall be controlled by the ladder extension joystick so a switchover button shall be installed at main control panel.Electrical system;A separate fuse board shall be installed for the fire truck body, cables shall benumber or colour coded, electrical scheme shall be sticked inside the electrical panel cover.
    Generatorto operate from operator seat.Paint WorkThe vehicle shall be Ral 3000 Fried red color, Paint work shall be handledwith care, shiny pant shall be applied on the vehicle, for reflective and decorative effect white stripes shall besticked on to body and roller shutters, the ladder set shall be silver grey colour, the bottom of the vehicle shall be paintedblack colour with antiOgravel paint.
Putus : 26-08-2010 — Upload : 31-10-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 91 /B/PK/PJK/2010
Tanggal 26 Agustus 2010 —
2213 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Pemohon PK berpendapat bahwa revenue transfer diaturdi dalam Paragraf Pertama Schedule FEES AND PAYMENTSPART Il Multiple Jurisdiction License Revenue (Article2.8.A) dari Perjanjian Distribusi (selanjutnya disebut"Schedule Part II") yang menyatakan sebagaiberikutPART Multiple Jurisdiction license Revenue (Article 2.8.A)For sublicenses granted by OIC or a Member of theOracle Group, unlessotherwise agreed, sublicense revenue shall be earnedfifty percent (50%)by the Member of the Oracle Group in whose
    Nomor91/B/PK/PJK/201020Revenue shall not be earned by any Member of theOracle Group who is made party to the contract solelyas a matter of convenience to the Sublicensee ;For sublicenses granted through a Corporate Account,the sublicenserevenue shall be earned as agreed, or in the absenceof an agreement, one hundred percent (100%) by theMember of the Oracle Group in whose Territory theProgram is installed or used, and zero percent (0%) bythe Member of the Oracle Group who is responsible formanaging
    Corporate Account shall meanSubdistributors designated on the global list ofCorporate Accounts, as revised from time to time ;For sublicenses granted through a designated GlobalAccount, thesublicense revenue shall be earned as agreed, or inthe absence of anagreement, one hundred percent (100%) by the Member ofthe OracleGroup who is responsible for managing the relationshipwith the GlobalAccount, normally the Member of the Oracle Group whois a party to thecontract with the Global Account granting
    Global Account shall mean thosemultiple Jurisdiction strategic agreements sodesignated by an Executive Vice President at thebeginning of the fiscal year and included in theGlobal Accounts list ;For sublicenses granted through a Subdistributor otherthan a CorporateAccount or Global Account, the sublicense revenueshall be earned asagreed, or in the absence of an agreement, seventyfive percent (75%) by the Member of the Oracle Groupin whose Territory the Program is installed or used,and twentyfive percent
    (25%) by the Member of theOracle Group who is responsible for managing therelationship with theSubdistributor, normally the Member of the OracleGroup who is aparty to the contract with the Subdistributor grantingthe sublicense ;For purposes of this Part II and Part III below ofSchedule 1, the term"Member of the Oracle Group" shall include ORASUB ;Diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh PenerjemahBersumpah Sylvia Longdong (selanjutnya disebut"Terjemahan Perjanjian Distribusi" dan terlampirsebagai
Putus : 23-11-2011 — Upload : 12-06-2012
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1479 K/Pdt/2011
7346 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • No. 1479 K/Pdt/201 1Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia (BANI) yang barus dilakukan di Jakarta,selengkapnya ketentuan Pasal 17 condition of contrac / Persyaratan Kontrakadalah sebagai berikut:17.1 If any dispute or difference concerning this Contract shall arise betweenthe Employer or Project Manager on his behalf and the Contractor suchdispute or differance shall be and is hereby referred to the arbitration ofperson to be agreed between the parties or failing agreement with 14days after either party has
    given to the other a written request to concurin the appointment of an arbitrator, a person to be appointed on therequest of either party by chairman of the court of appeal in Jakarta ;17.2 The rule under which any arbitration proceeding are held shall be rulesof Badan Arbitrasi Nasional Indonesia (BANI);17.3.
    The Empolyer and the Contractor hereby irrevocably waive their rights ofappeal under article 64 J of the Code of Civil Procedure and agree thatthe award of arbitrator shall be final and binding ;17.4 The arbitartor proceeding shall be held in Jakarta ;Terjemahan bebasnya adalah sebagai berikut:17.1.
Register : 29-08-2016 — Putus : 01-02-2017 — Upload : 22-12-2017
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 455/Pdt.G/2016/PN JKT.PST.
  • KJP, as the TankCleaning operator shall also be liable to PTK as the leader of theConsortium PTK Arco Ardjuna exclusively for Tank Cleaningservices, and shall also be responsible for any obligation and/orsanction incurred from the Arco Ardjuna Dry Docking ProjectContract, especially for the Tank Cleaning services;Terjemahan bebas dari Tergugat:Terlepas dari hal tersebut di atas, KJP wajib melaksanakanPekerjaannya masing masing dengan kewajiban, risiko danbiayanya sendiri.
    Upon request from COMPANY through theissuance of a Work Order, CONTRACTOR shall provide ProjectExecution Team for the execution of the Vessel dry dockingservices, including ...;Terjemahan bebas dari Tergugat:PERUSAHAAN dapat menerbitkan Surat Perintah Kerja dari waktuke waktu kepada KONTRAKTOR.
    KJP shall be solely responsible to anyof its responsibilities and obligations, and PTK shall be release fromHalaman 34 dari 105 Hal. Putusan Nomor 455/Pdt.G/2016/PN JKT.PST.any claims, counter claims, accusation and any other laws andfinancial impact from any other parties or any other third parties;Terjemahan bebas dari Tergugat:Pembayaran sebagaimana diatur dalam Amandemen Il ini tidakmengalihnkan pertanggungjawaban KJP Penggugat) kepada PTK(Tergugat).
    Putusan Nomor 455/Pdt.G/2016/PN JKT.PST.EXhibit Jd ....0.. ccc ceceEXhibit K .0..... ccc cece eeeIn case of any inconsistency or conflict between the main body ofthe Contract and any of its Exhibits, the former shall prevail. Incase of any inconsistency between any of the Exhibits, theprovision containing the more stringent requirement upon the Partyin question shall prevail.
    WORK ORDERSAll work shall be performed pursuant to Work Orders which may beissued from time to time to CONTRACTOR by COMPANY. Work Ordersshall indicate the Work to be specifically performed, the Work Schedule,and the Work Control Estimate. Work Orders shall be executed in theform set forth as Exhibit G, Standard Forms, and shall be signed byboth Parties before the corresponding Work is commenced;Versi Bahasa Indonesia 5.1.
Register : 20-03-2013 — Putus : 12-12-2013 — Upload : 24-03-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT-49296/PP/M.VII/19/2013
Tanggal 12 Desember 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • TRADE AREA, disebutkanRule 2:e The Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall be issued by the Issuing Authorities of the exRule 3 (a):e A Party shall inform all the other Parties of the names and addresses of its ressignatures and specimen of official seals, and correction stamps, if any, used by its IssRule 18 (a):a.
    The Customs Authority of the importing Party may request a retroactive check at 1authenticity of the document or as to the accuracy of the information regarding the tithere ofi, The request shall be made in writing, accompanied with a copy of the Cerandany additional information suggesting that the particulars given on theunless the retroactive check is requested on a random basis.il. The Customs Authority of the importing Party may suspend the grantinverification.
Register : 27-06-2013 — Putus : 24-11-2014 — Upload : 18-12-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.57666/PP/M.IA/16/2014
Tanggal 24 Nopember 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • PSC antara lain dinyatakan:The cost accruing therefrom shall be included in operating costs recoverable asprovided in section VI.
    theAccounting Procedure attached hereto by written agreement of PERTAMINA,CNW will not incur interest expenses to finance its operations hereunder".bahwa terkait dengan alokasi biaya overhead kantor pusat, terdapat beberapaketentuann yang berlaku, antara lain :Article Ill angka 2 Exibit C PSC, antara lain dinyatakan:Overhead allocation.General and administrative costs, other than direct charges, allocable to thisoperation should be determined by a detailed study, and the method determinedby such study shall
    The Last sentence of Article 3.3 of Exibit D the PSC is amended to be: "The Directand indirect costs incurred by PHE OGAN KOMERING as Operator andTALISMAN in so providing assistance to Operator shall be charged to the JointAccount and sahall be Included in operating costs".bahwa Surat Direktur Utama Pertamina Nomor : 947/C.0000/81 Tanggal 5 JuniTahun 1981, antara lain dinyatakan:" berdasarkan halhal tersebut diatas dan Pertamina selaku pemegangmanagement didalam penerapan management control sesuai
Register : 27-09-2013 — Putus : 14-10-2014 — Upload : 12-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.56114/PP/M.IXA/19/2014
Tanggal 14 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China,dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakanRule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yangdiatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area.bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
    notes of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory;The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted;Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
    be allowed subject to thedomestic laws, regulations and administrative rules of the importing Party provided each item mustqualify separately in its own right;bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakanWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as whollyproduced or obtained in a Party:Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there,Live animals 2 born and