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Register : 02-08-2013 — Putus : 15-07-2014 — Upload : 29-06-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.54088/PP/M.IXA/19/2014
Tanggal 15 Juli 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • And The Peoples RepublicOf China, dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakan Rule of Origin(ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yang diatur secara rinci dalam RevisedOperational Certification Procedures (OCP) For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free TradeArea;bahwa berdasarkan Appendix I: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For The Rules OfOrigin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7 dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
    Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed bythe authorised signatory;b) The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;c) The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted;d) Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;) Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
Register : 26-06-2013 — Putus : 24-04-2014 — Upload : 27-03-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT.52149/PP/M.VIIB/19/2014
Tanggal 24 April 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Rule 23, Appendix I, Attachment A, Revised Operational Certification Procedures(OCP) For The Rules of Origin of The AseanChina Free Trade Area, menyatakan :The Customs Authority of the importing Party shall accept aCertificate of Origin (Form E) in cases where the sales invoice isissued either by a company located in a third country or by anACFTA exporter for the account of the said company, provided thatthe product meets the requirements of the Rules of Origin for theACFTA.
    The third party invoice number should be indicated in Box10 of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), the exporter andconsignee must be located in the Parties and the copy of the thirdparty invoice shall be attached to the Certificate of Origin (FormE) when presenting to the Customs Authority of the importingParty.bahwa berdasarkan pemeriksaan Majelis atas PIB Nomor 059791 tanggal 13Februari 2013, kedapatan pengisian kolom PIB, antara lain sebagai berikut :Kolom Uraian Nomor Tanggal Ketera15 Invoice
Register : 15-03-2011 — Putus : 22-04-2013 — Upload : 12-12-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-44582/PP/M.XI/16/2013
Tanggal 22 April 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Impor bahanbahan baku dan bahan setengah jadi untuk usahausaha tersebut dengan tidak mengurangi izin dari yang berwajib;Bahwa berdasarkan Technical Assistance Agreement antara Yamaha Corporation Japan (YCJ)Pemohon Banding, disebutkan bahwa:Article 4 Supply of components and MaterialsYCJ shall supply YMMA with components, parts and materials necessary for manufacturing the Iupon the request of YMMA.
    The price thereof will be determined at an international competitivDate and method of payment, and method of transportation, and other relevant matters shall be detthrough mutual consultation between the parties hereto;bahwa Pemohon Banding telah menyampaikan dokumen Laporan Keuangan periode 31 Maret 22008 oleh auditor Independen Drs. Thomson E.
Putus : 13-02-2017 — Upload : 18-04-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 12 /B/PK/PJK/2017
4446 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ;The obligations of PERTAMINA hereunder shall be deemed tohave complied with by the delivery to CONTRACTOR within onehundred and twenty (120) days after the end of each CalendarYear, of documentary proof in accordance with the Indonesianfiscal laws that liability for the above mentioned taxes has beensatisfied, except that with respect to any of such liabilities whichCONTRACTORS may be obliged to pay directly, PERTAMINAshall reimburse it only out of its share of production hereunderwithin sixty (
    sebagai berikut:"Pajak Ditanggung Pemerintah, yang selanjutnya disebut PDTP, adalah pajak terutang yang dibayar oleh pemerintahdengan pagu anggaran yang telah ditetapkan dalamAnggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara, kecualiditentukan lain dalam UndangUndang mengenai AnggaranPendapatan dan Belanja Negara";Bahwa dalam Section IV Pasal 1.3 huruf b kontrak Bagi HasilBlok Rokan Antara Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak danGas Bumi Negara (PERTAMINA) dan Pemohon Banding,dinyatakan sebagai berikut:"PERTAMINA shall
    ,;The obligations of PERTAMINA hereunder shall bedeemed to have complied with the delivery toCONTRACTOR within one hundred and twenty (120)days after the end of each Calender Year, ofdocumentary proof in accordance with the Indonesianfiscal laws that liability for the above mentioned taxes hasbeen satisfied, except that with repect to any of suchliabilities which CONTRACTORS may be obliged to paydirectly, PERTAMINA shall reimburse it only out of itsshare of production hereunder within sixty (60)
    Overhead AllocationGeneral and Administrative cost, other than direct charges,allocable to this operation should be determined by a detailedstudy, and the method determined by such study shall be appliedeach Year consistenly.
    Laws and Regulations, yang antara lain mengaturbahwa:2.1 The laws of the Republis of Indonesia shall apply tothis Contract, danSection IV Rights and Obligations ofthe Parties:CONTRACTOR shall(b) furnish all technical aid, including foreign personnel,required for the performance ofthe Work Program,payment whereof requires Foreign Exchange;(c) furnish such other Funds for the performance of theWork Program that required payment in ForeignHalaman 37 dari 45 halaman.
Register : 01-11-2013 — Putus : 22-05-2014 — Upload : 13-06-2014
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 640/Pdt.G/2013/PN.Jkt.Sel
Tanggal 22 Mei 2014 — PT. LEBONG TANDAI (PT.LT), Melawan : PT.J. Resources Bolaang Mongondow,, Sri Darmawan, PT. J. Resources Nusantara (JRN),
  • Amendement No.1 2004, yang mengatur sebagaiberikut :Before aither Party (the Assigning Party exercise its right toassign,the Assigning Party shall offer in writi9ng such assignment tothe other party, such offer to be valid for a period of 45 days followingthe other Parthys receipt of the offer.Terjemahan Tersumpah Pasal 8.1.3. New Contract of Work 1994 Jo. AmendmentNo.1 2004.1313Sebelum salah satu.
    This Agreement shall be constructed and take effect inaccordance with the relevant law for the time beingapplicable in the Republik of Indonesia, provided that alldisputes hereunder or concering any of the subjectmatter herof shall be finally settled under the Rules ofConciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamberof Commerce by three arbitrators appointed inaccordance with the Rules all of whom shall haveinternationally recognized qualifications of suchappointment together qualifications
    This Agreement and theperformance hereof shall be governed by the laws of the Republic ofIndonesia. Any dispute arising hereunder that directly PT LT shall beresolved in the manner set forth in Section 9.7. of the Joint VentureAgreement.(cetak tebal oleh Para Tergugat dengan tujuan penegasan)Terjemahan Tersumpah Pasal 6.4. Novation Agreement 2002 :6.4. Hukum Yang Berlaku dan Penyelesaian Sengketa.Perjanjian ini dan pelaksanaan atas Perjanjian ini tunduk kepadahukum Negara Republik Indonesia.
Register : 03-02-2017 — Putus : 08-03-2017 — Upload : 18-04-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 302 B/PK/PJK/2017
5165 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ;The obligations of PERTAMINA hereunder shall be deemed to havecomplied with by the delivery to CONTRACTOR within one hundred andtwenty (120) days after the end of each Calendar Year, of documentary proofin accordance with the Indonesian fiscal laws that liability for the abovementioned taxes has been satisfied, except that with respect to any of suchliabilities which CONTRACTORS may be obliged to pay directly,PERTAMINA shall reimburse it only out of its share of production hereunderwithin sixty
    Bahwa dalam Section IV Pasal 1.3 huruf b kontrak Bagi Hasil Blok RokanAntara Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Negara(PERTAMINA) dan Pemohon Banding, dinyatakan sebagai berikut:"PERTAMINA shall:(A) coins(ob) Except with respect to CONTRACTOR 's obligation to pay the Income TaxIncluding final tax on profits after tax deduction as set forth at subsection1.2(r) of this Section IV. assume and discharge other Indonesian taxes ofCONTRACTOR including value added tax, transfer tax, import and exportduties
    ,;The obligations of PERTAMINA hereunder shall be deemed to havecomplied with the delivery to CONTRACTOR within one hundred andtwenty (120) days after the end of each Calender Year, of documentaryproof in accordance with the Indonesian fiscal laws that liability for theabove mentioned taxes has been satisfied, except that with repect to anyof such liabilities which CONTRACTORS may be obliged to pay directly,PERTAMINA shall reimburse it only out of its share of productionhereunder within sixty (60
    Overhead AllocationGeneral and Administrative cost, other than direct charges,allocable to this operation should be determined by a detailedstudy, and the method determined by such study shall beHalaman 24 dari 42 halaman. Putusan Nomor 302/B/PK/PJK/2017applied each Year consistently.
    angka5 dan 6, dan Pasal 4 huruf e UU PPN sedangkanmekanisme PPN ditanggung Pemerintah akan diberikanmelalui mekanisme lainnya atau melalui reimburse;Bahwa mekanisme reimburse ini diperkuat oleh adanyaRokan Production Sharing Contract antara PerusahaanPertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Negara (PTPertamina) dan PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia tanggal 15Oktober 1992 pada Section XIII Other Provisions angka 2.Laws and Regulations, yang antara lain mengatur bahwa:2.1 The laws of the Republish of Indonesia shall
Putus : 16-04-2014 — Upload : 16-06-2015
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2882 K/Pdt/2013
10855 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Dealing Mandate tersebut;Bahwa berdasarkan Pasal 9 Banking FacilityAgreement, Banking Facility Agreement berlakusampai dengan 30 Desember 2008, yaitu berdasarkanperpanjangan secara otomatis 6 bulan setelahselesainya Jangka Waktu Ketersediaan (AvailabilityPeriod) yaitu 30 Juni 2008;Pasal 9 Banking Facility Amendment Agreement tertanggal 19 Oktober 2007menyatakan:9, Miscellaneous:Upon the expiration of Availability Period, unless otherwise amended by the Bank,this Banking Facility Amendment Agreement shall
    Treasurry Facilities:The CoBorrower agrees that the conditions included or referred to in relevantconfirmations issued by the Bank shall apply to all foreign exchange transaction,currency options, forward rate agreement and interest rate, currency and otherswap and derivatives contacts (the Treasury Facilities) between the CoBorrower and the Bank, as the case may be...
    Event of Default:The Facilities or any part there of for the time being outstanding and unpaidtogether with interest hereon and all other money shall immediately become dueand payable and the security in favor of the Bank shall become immediatelyenforceable and exerciseable by the Bank without further demand or notice in anyof the following events (an Event of Default ):(a) if he CoBorrower or any guarantor fails to pay the Bank (i) on demand anymoney on the Facilities or (ii) on due dates any amounts
    The Guarantor shall shall forthwith on written demand by the Bank:(a) Pay and discharge as principal debtor and not merely as surety all money,obligations and liabilities, whether actual or contingent, now or at any timehereafter due, owing or incurred by the Customer to the Bank under the CreditAgreement and any security document of other document contemplatedthereby, whether singly or jointly and whether as principal or as surety,including, without limitation, all principal moneys, interes (all
    The Guarantor shall forthwith or written or writtern demand by the Bank:aPay and discharge as principal debtor and not merely assurety all moneys, obligations and liabilities, whetheractual or contingent, now or at any time hereafter due,owing or incurred by the Customer to the Bank under theCredit Agreement and any security document or otherdocument contemplated thereby, whether singly or jointlyand whether as principal or as surety, including, withoutlimitation, all principal moneys, interest at
Putus : 19-12-2016 — Upload : 20-04-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1587/B/PK/PJK/2016
3321 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ;The obligations of PERTAMINA hereunder shall be deemed to havecomplied with by the delivery to CONTRACTOR within one hundredand twenty (120) days after the end of each Calendar Year, ofHalaman 11 dari 45 halaman.
    ,;The obligations of PERTAMINA hereunder shall be deemedto have complied with the delivery to CONTRACTOR withinone hundred and twenty (120) days after the end of eachCalender Year, of documentary proof in accordance with theIndonesian fiscal laws that liability for the above mentionedtaxes has been satisfied, except that with repect to any ofsuch liabilities which CONTRACTORS may be obliged toHalaman 14 dari 45 halaman.
    Putusan Nomor 1587/B/PK/PJK/2016pay directly, PERTAMINA shall reimburse it only out of itsshare of production hereunder within sixty (60) days afterreceipt of invoice therefore...
    Overhead Allocation;General and Administrative cost, other than direct charges,allocable to this operation should be determined by a detailedstudy, and the method determined by such study shall beapplied each Year consistenly. The method selected must beapproved by PERTAMINA, and such approval can be reviewedperiodically by PERTAMINA and the CONTRACTOR.Halaman 27 dari 45 halaman.
    apply to this Contract, danSection IV Rights and Obligations ofthe Parties:CONTRACTOR shall;(b) Furnish all technical aid, including foreign personnel,required for the performance ofthe Work Program,payment whereof requires Foreign Exchange;Halaman 37 dari 45 halaman.
Register : 02-02-2015 — Putus : 24-11-2015 — Upload : 26-08-2016
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 60/Pdt.G/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel
Tanggal 24 Nopember 2015 — FX.SUPRIYONO M e l a w a n PT. CAL DIVE OFF SHORE INDONESI
  • The Final Invoice shall be paid on or before 30 (thirty) calendardays after the WORK Acceptance Report orCompletion Certificate issigned. Serta terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia:...
    apply and that each party shall beresponsible for those it causes to be in the vicinity of a WORKLOCATION or participating in the WORK.
    Lampiran F Agreemenij.Berikut kutipannya:SECOND PARTY Tergugat and FIRST PARTY fTACPertamina PT PAN, each on its own behalf and on behalf of itsGroup, waive and release all rights and claims against the otherPARTY and its Group for, and shall indemnify and hold harmlessthe other PARTY and its Group, for any loss of profit oranticipated profit, loss of revenues, production or drilling delays,interruption or slowdown of operations, loss or loss of use ofcapital and/or resources, reservoir damage, or
    THIS PROVISION SHALL APPLYREGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE FOREGOING LOSS ORLIABILITY IS CAUSED OR BROUGHT ABOUT BY ANYNEGLIGENCE OR OTHER LEGAL FAULT, ON THE PART OFA RELEASED OR INDEMNIFIED PARTY.Serta terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia:PIHAK KEDUA Tergugat dan PIHAK PERTAMA TACPertamina PT PAN, masingmasing bertindak untuk pihaknyadan untuk dan atas nama Kelompoknya, mengenyampingkandan melepaskan seluruh hak dan tuntutan terhadap PIHAK danKelompok lainnya untuk, dan membebaskan dan melepaskanPIHAK
Putus : 25-04-2017 — Upload : 31-05-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 689/B/PK/PJK/2017
4518 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Wajib Pajak menguasai Wajib Pajak lainnya atau dua atau lebihWajib Pajak berada di bawah penguasaan yang sama baik langsungmaupun tidak langsung; atauc. terdapat hubungan keluarga baik sedarah maupun semenda dalamgaris keturunan lurus dan atau ke samping satu derajat;Perjanjian Penghindaran Pengenaan Pajak Berganda antaraPemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Singapura.Pasal 5 angka 7An enterprise of a Contracting State shall not be deemed to have apermanent establishment in the other Contracting
    However, such dividends may be taxed in the Contracting State ofwhich the company paying the dividends is a resident, and accordingto the law of that State, but if the recipient is the beneficial owner ofthe dividends the tax so charged shall not exceed:a) 10% of the gross amount of the dividends if the recipient is acompany which owns directly at least 25% of the capital of thecompany paying the dividends;b) 15% of the gross amount of the dividends in all other cases;Halaman 12 dari 34 halaman Putusan
    Nomor 689/B/PK/PJK/2017The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall by mutualagreement settle the mode of application of these limitations;The provisions of this paragraph shall not affect the taxation of thecompany on the profits out of which the dividends are paid;4.
    Both parties undertake to exercise the obligationsarising under this agreement in good faith and fair dealing;Article 3 : Area and/or ClienteleThis agency agreement shall apply to the following area:Peoples Republic Of China, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan, Korea,Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Singapore,Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, India, Srilanka,Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand. Other Countries can beincluded upon agreement of LID;Article 12 : Fees1.
    LID shall pay LAP a remuneration by way of commission atthe following rates:Every year, on the turnover made in the Asia Pacific regionwithin one year:o 6%on the first 7.5 million Euro plus;o 5% on the turnover between 7.5 to 10 million Euro (ONLY5% on these additional million Euro, NOT 5% + 6% on theseadditional 2.5 million Euro) plus;o 4% on the turnover between 10 to 12.5 million Euro plus;o 38% on the turnover above 12.5 million Euro;The commission is calculated as a percentage of the netinvoiced
Putus : 30-01-2020 — Upload : 08-07-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 428/B/PK/Pjk/2020
27361 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease, chemicals or cold.9 Overshoes worn over other footwear; in some cases, they are heelless.(10) Disposable footwear, with applied soles, generally designed to be used only once.The term outer sole as used in headings 64.01 to 64.05 means that part of(other than an attached heel) which, when in use, is in contact with the po aeconstituent material of the outer sole for purposes of classification shall
    In such cases, the w per shall be considered to be thatportion of the shoe which covers the sides and top of the foot.
    Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :(a The material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatestexternal surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as anklepatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;(b) The constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatestsurface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch
    Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :(a) The material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatestexternal surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as anklepatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;(b) The constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatestsurface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch
Register : 09-06-2011 — Putus : 27-02-2013 — Upload : 14-07-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-43631/PP/M.XVII/19/2013
Tanggal 27 Februari 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • 2010, persetujuan tersebut telah disahkan dalam PeraturanPresiden Republik Indonesia Nomor: 37 Tahun 2011 tanggal 07 Juli 2011;bahwa menurut Terbanding, dalam Attachment A yaitu revisi atas OCP for the Rules ofOrigin of the AseanChina Free Trade Area terdapat penambahan aturan (Rule) yaitudiantaranya adalah Rule 23 yang telah diperkenankannya penggunaan mekanisme ThirdCountry/Third Party Invoicing pada Skema ACFTA, selengkapnya aturan tersebut berbunyi:"The Customs Authority of The Importing Party shall
    The third party invoice numbershould be indicated in Box 10 of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), the exporter andconsignee must be located in the parties and the copy of the third party invoice shall beattached of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) when presenting to the Customs Authority ofthe importing Party";bahwa menurut Terbanding, hal ini dipertegas dengan diterbitkannya Surat Edaran DirekturJenderal Bea dan Cukai Nomor: SE12/BC/2011 tanggal 03 Oktober 2011 tentang PetunjukPenelitian Dokumen
    materials, parts or produceoriginating from non ACFTA member states or of undetermined origin used doesnot exceed 60% of the FOB Value of the product produced or obtained and thefinal process of the manufacture is performed within territory of the exportingmember state;(iii) Products which comply with origin requirements provided for Rule 2 of theASEAN China ROO and which are used in a member state as inputs for finishedproduct eligible for preferential treatment in another member state/states shall
    beconsidered as a product originating in the member state where working orprocessing of the finished product has taken place provided that the aggregateACFTA content of the final product is not less than 40%; or(iv) Products which satisfy the products specific rules provided for in attachment B ofthe ASEAN China ROO shall be considered as goods to which sufficienttransformation has been carried out in a partybahwa menurut Pemohon Banding, dari overleaf Note attachment C ACFTA, terlihat jelasbahwa
Register : 24-06-2019 — Putus : 26-08-2019 — Upload : 26-08-2019
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 361/PDT/2019/PT DKI
Tanggal 26 Agustus 2019 — Pembanding/Penggugat : EURASIAN ENTERTAINTMENT CONSULTANTS LTD. Diwakili Oleh : TB.Ganda Atmaja,SH.,M.Hum
Pembanding/Tergugat I : PT. CITA NUGRAH CEMERLANG atau CN COMMUNICATIONS Diwakili Oleh : TB.Ganda Atmaja,SH.,M.Hum
Pembanding/Tergugat II : CHRISTOFFEL S.F. NAPITUPULU Diwakili Oleh : TB.Ganda Atmaja,SH.,M.Hum
  • Hal ini sebagaimana diatur pada KlausulPembatalan pada Perjanjian Hello Kitty sebagai berikut:CANCELATIONCancelation of this event of any time after the Artist has acceptedthe Offer shall result in forfeiture of the entire Offer amount.
    KOMPETENSI ABSOLUTPada isi ketentuan AGREEMENT, tanggal 25 Juli 2016, pada paragrapASSIGNMENT; Neither party shall assign its benefits, rights angobligations to any third party ( including subsideries,associated Companisor affiliates without the prior written consent of the other party.
    Theagreement shall be construed and governed by the laws Hong Kong andshall be subject to the non exclusive juridiction of the Courts of the HongkongTerjemahanditerjemahkan oleh EKO TJAHYADI, NO.1765/2006,Penterjemah Resmi dan Bersumpah TUGAS : masingmasing pihak tidakmemberikan hak, kewajiban dan kewajiban kepada pihak ketiga (termasukanak perusahaan, perusahaan asosiasi atau afilasi).
    cermat dan benar;Bahwa dalildalil Memori Banding dari Para Pembanding/Para Tergugat,ternyata isinya hanya merupakan pengulangan atau persis sama denganJawaban, Duplik dan Kesimpulan yang telah dikemukakan Para Pembanding/ Para Tergugat pada persidangan Pengadilan Tingkat Pertama PengadilanNegeri Jakarta Selatan;Bahwa sesuai bukti Terbanding semula Penggugat yaitu P1, P2 dan buktiP3, terbukti Non Exclusive/Non Ekslusif dapat diartikan tidak khusus atautidak terbatas sehingga jika diterjemahkan ..and shall
Register : 01-11-2018 — Putus : 04-12-2018 — Upload : 20-03-2019
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 3029 B/PK/PJK/2018
5831 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • casukoreksi biaya usaha yang dibayarkan kepada kantor pusat dan AsiaPasific regional lainnya (Offshore Charges) yang didalilkan olehTerbanding sekarang Termohon Peninjauan Kembali, maka MajelisHakim Agung berpendapat bahwa in casu memiliki keterkaitan hubunganhukum (innerlijke samenhang) ketentuan P3B Indonesia AmerikaSerikat sebagaimana yang dimuat dalam Article 8: section (3) P3BIndonesia Amerika yang menyatakan bahwa:/n the determination ofthe business profits of a permanent establishment, there shall
    Likewise, no account shall betaken, in the determination of the profits of a permanent establishment,for amounts charged (otherwise than towards reimbursement of actualexpenses), by the permanent establishment to the head office of theenterpnse or any of its other offices, by way of royalties, fees or othersimilar payments in return for the use of patents or other rights or by wayof commission for specific services performed or for management or byway of interest on moneys lent to the head office
Register : 30-11-2012 — Putus : 26-11-2013 — Upload : 24-03-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.48480/PP/M.IX/19/2013
Tanggal 26 Nopember 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China, dalammelaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakan Rule ofOrigin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yang diatur secara rincidalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (Ocp) For The Rules Of Origin OfThe AseanChina Free Trade Area;bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (Ocp) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7 dinyatakan TheIssuing Authorities shall
    Certificateof Origin (Form E), and signed by the authorised signatory;b) The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;c) The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supportingdocumentary evidence submitted;d) Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages,number and kinds of packages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;e) Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
Putus : 12-05-2016 — Upload : 08-03-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 220 B/Pdt.Sus-Arbt/2016
498443 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Nomor 220 B/Pdt.SusArbt/2016penyelesaian pekerjaan konstruksi oleh Turut Termohon kepada TurutTermohon II sebagaimana ketentuannya diuraikan di bawah ini:Article 33 Practical Completion: to Company:The method for progressing towards and managing practicalcompletion shall be in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit B,entitle Scope Of Work and, in particular, Article 16 thereof.
    Thefollowing Articles 33.2 to 33.6 address and detail the formal processto be undertaken to certify practical completion;Notice:Before practical completion, Contractor shall give the companyrepresentative at least seven (7) days written notice of the date onwhich Contractor estimates that the work will reach practicalcompletion;Join Inspection:No earlier than the date nominated by Contractor in its notice givenunder article 33.2 above, company representative and Contractorrepresentative shall jointly
    Company representative will then issue awritten notice to Contractor stating either that;a) Items requiring attention have not been completed, in which casethe provisions of article 33.5 above shall again apply; orb) The work has reached practical completion;Terjemahan Resmi dari Kontrak Konstruksi:Halaman 28 dari 136 hal. Put.
    be conclusive evidence for us in relation to any payment to bemade pursuant to this bond and we shall have neither right nor theobligation to challenge the accuracy or sufficiency of such statement, ;Majelis menyimpulkan bahwa Termohon (ASPAN) telah melepaskan hakdan kewajibannya untuk mempertanyakan atau menuntut bukti ataskebenaran dan kecukupan dari pernyataan Pemohon bahwa Kontraktortelah melakukan tindak wanprestasi.
    Performance Bond shall be handle as a separate issue from thisagreement on the Final Contract Settlement.;Terjemahan bebasnya adalah:1. PT Lekom Maras ("Lekom Maras") dan Salamander Energy (NorthSumatra) LTD ("SENSL") sepakat dan menandatanganiPenyelesaian Akhir Kontrak;2. SENSL akan membayar Lekom Maras selambatlambatnya 30 (tigapuluh) hari setelah SENSL menerima tagihan dari Lekom Maras;3.
Register : 03-06-2015 — Putus : 11-05-2016 — Upload : 13-10-2017
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 339/Pdt.G/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel.
Tanggal 11 Mei 2016 — KZI SINGAPORE PTE.LTD, lawan 1. PT. ASURANSI RECAPITAL, 2. PT. PUTRA SAMUDRA (dalam pailit),
  • Overridding Principle : Any dispute arising out of or relatingto this Agreement shall be resolved exclusively by theprocedures set out in this Article 11. First, there shall befriendly discussions between Parties based on the basisthat Parties have agreed to established the cooperation inorder to generate the maximum profit for every Party;b. Binding Arbitration : If the dispute is not resolved byfriendly discussions under the immediate!
    If the disputeis not resolved wthin forty (40) days after such notice,either Party shall be entitled to refer the dispute forarbitration by the Singapore Commercial Arbitration Boardin accordance wth the prevailing rules of such arbitrationtribunal. The decision of the Singapore CommercialArbitration Board shall be final and binding upon theParties.Hal 10 dari 72 Hal Putusan No. 339/Pdt.G/2015/PN. Jkt.Sel2.22.3Yang memiliki terjemahan bebas sebagai berikut:11. PENYELESAIAN SENGKETAa.
    If the PRINCIPAL fails to complete building concentrator facilities(full option) wthin one year after the execution of the Addendum toAgreement No. : 01/PSKZIAI/2011, dated November 01, 2011, theObligee shall be entitled to claim for the amount bondAtau dalam terjemahan bebas, berbunyi :4.
    Guarantee for repurchasing share from Second Party : TheSecond Party shall pay USD 70,000 as downpayment forpurchasing 20% shares of The First Party wthin 3 workingdays after signing Agreement.
Upload : 23-08-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 964 K/PDT.SUS/2010
159128 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • The Parties agree that once conditions conducive tocontinuation exist, and provided BTID wishes so to continuethe Project, POC shall complete the Contract Works, until allphases of work provided in the Contract are completed andsecured, as contemplated in the Contract, upon terms andconditions (including the payment schedule of the abovefigures) to be finalized by the Parties at such time, whichterms and conditions shall be as nearly approximate those ofthe original contract as economic, political
    However if until 1S' Nopember 2000, BTID still have notresumed e Project, the Parties shall discuss and agree onthe further extension of suspension period, or termination ofthe Contract on terms and conditions acceptable to bothparties" ;Terjemahan adalah sebagai berikut :Selanjutnya para pihak juga menyetujui bahwa jumlah di atasdianggap benar dan dapat dibayar dengan persyaratan berikut :1)Para pihak telah menyetuui bahwa konirak diasumsikan untukditunda sementara waktu mulai tanggal 30 September
    and physicalcircumstances at such time shall permit ;.
    However if until 15* November 2000, BTID still have not resumedthe Project, the Parties shall discuss and agree on the furtherextension of suspension period, or termination of the Contract onterms and conditions acceptable to both parties ;Terjemahan adalah sebagai berikut :Selanjutnya para pihak juga menyetujui bahwa jumlah di atasdianggap benar dan DAPAT DIBAYAR dengan persyaratanberikut :1)Para pihak telah menyetujui bahwa kontrak diasumsikan untukditunda sementara waktu mulai tanggal 30 September
Register : 26-02-2013 — Putus : 18-03-2014 — Upload : 10-11-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.51411/PP/M.IXA/19/2014
Tanggal 18 Maret 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China, dalammelaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakan Rule of Origin(ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yang diatur secara rinci dalamRevised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For The Rules Of Origin Of TheAseanChina Free Trade Area;bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (Ocp) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7 dinyatakan TheIssuing Authorities shall
    Certificateof Origin (Form E), and signed by the authorised signatory;b) The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;c) The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supportingdocumentary evidence submitted;d) Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages,number and kinds of packages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;e) Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
Putus : 22-06-2016 — Upload : 14-09-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 453/B/PK/PJK/2016
15090 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Perjanjian Pengalihan Hak KekayaanIntelektual antara CPG dan CPIG:Pasal 2 Perjanjian Pengalihnan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (VideBukti PK5):Article 2Assigment2.1 In consideration of CPIG agreeing to license the CPIntellectual Proprietary Rights to CPI under theNovation Agreement and such other relatedagreements and documents to be executed by andbetween CPIG and CPI, CPG does hereby acceptthe assignment of the CP Intellectual Proprietaryrights from CPG.2.2 With the signing of this Agreement, CPIG shall
    be thenew owner of the CP Intellectual Proprietary Rights,and shall have the rights to license the CPIntellectual Proprietary Rights to any and allsubsidiaries and affiliates of parties.2.3 CPIG may acquire new intellectual proprietary rightsfrom any third party or creates new inventionfrom itsown research and development facilities, and shallhave right to register it on its own name, and furtherlicense it to any Indonesia subsidiaries and affiliatesof the Charoen Pokphand Froup of Companies.Halaman
    13 dari 37 halaman Putusan Nomor 453 B/PK/PJK/20162.4 By countersigning this Agreement, CPI shall bebound by this Agreement and the terms andcondition hereof.2.5 The assignment made under this Agreement shallinclude all rights, benefits, security, lien, and otherrights attached to the CP Intellectual ProprietaryRights.Terjemahan Resmi Tersumpahnya adalah sebagai berikut(videBukti PK5a): 2PengalihanDengan persetujuan CPIG untuk memberikan lisensiHak Kekayaan Intelektual CP kepada
    Hal ini sejalandengan Pasal 4.2 Perjanjian Lisensi dimana apabila terdapat suatuhal yang tidak didaftarkan patennya, maka hal tersebut adalahrahasia dagang, sebagaimana dikutip sebagai berikut (Vide BuktiPK8):Unless otherwise stipulated by the Parties, the Parties agree thatany Intellectual Proprietary Rights licensed by the Licensor to theLicensee under the Agreement which are not registered with therelevant authority the Territory or in other territories shall beconsidered as Trade SecretHalaman
    NonDisclosure11.1.1 It is understood between the Parties that the Informationdisclosed pursuant hereto is proprietary and confidentialand the Licensee shall, during the period of theAgreement and thereafter, maintain in strict confidence allof the Intellectual Proprietary Rights and will not discloseany of the same except to its management, technicaldepartment or trusted employees approved by theLicensor in writing and any disclosure shall be madesubject to an express obligation of confidentiality