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Putus : 25-09-2014 — Upload : 06-04-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 13 PK/Pid.Sus/2012
Tanggal 25 September 2014 — AMIR RADJAB RAMBE
17160 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Other authorities mayrefer to these rules simply as admissibility rules, or insome cases as 'competency' or 'foundational' rules;(3) socalled extrinsic policies of exclusion, most notably theevidentiary privileges for confidential or proprietary information(left by FRE art. 5 to commonlaw development but codified inmost state counterparts);Selanjutnya Jeffrey S.Parker dan Bruce H.
Putus : 12-03-2014 — Upload : 19-12-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2450 K/Pdt/2013
Tanggal 12 Maret 2014 — PT. Indo Multi Media, DKK VS H. Hutomo Mandala Putra
398295 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Nomor 2450 K/Padt/2013Guests can choose from simply relaxing and soaking up the view of the IndianOcean until sunset at the swimming pool or the natural carved cliff, enjoyingMediterranean or Japanese delicacies, raving at the Ice Bar abd the Klapa Klabwith select DJs, or crooning in one of the nine exclusive karaoke room.The Klapa Beach Club, the new icon of the Pecatu area, is the perfect choice forthose who want to enjoy a new size of Bali's maritime beauty.www.legrandebali.com(Note : Tommy Soeharto
Author : Ade Maman Suherman; J. Satrio;
Batasan Umum (Kecakapan dan Kewenangan Bertindak berdasarkan Batasan Umur)
  • 1. Perlu sekali adanya keseragaman istilah dan pengertian : kewenangan hukum, kecakapan bertindak, dan kewenangan bertindak.2. Dalam hubungannya dengan kecakapan bertindak, yang dikaitkan dengan umur dewasa, kita telah mempunyai patokan usia dewasa ... [Selengkapnya]
  • and custodians do not have to keep an eye on 14 or 15years old children all day long.Parents and custodians are not responsible for the acts of 16 and 17 years oldminors.Achilds mere failure to act is not sufficient for liability of the parents; Hoge Raad 22 November 1974,NJ 1975, 149.Thus, the test requires to abstract from the childs age; Hoge Raad 12 November 2004, NJ 2005, 138.Under Dutch law it would not have been necessary to assess whether the 12 years old child in case mwas a minor; it simply
Putus : 04-08-2015 — Upload : 11-03-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 376/B/PK/PJK/2015
Tanggal 4 Agustus 2015 —
156125 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • For thereasons given below, it is rarely possible to identify direct rather thanindirect costs in the financial statements in the public domain and,as result, the analysis of third party data is often based simply on fullcost. Because markup on total cost is arithmetically identical to netmargin in absolute terms (and very similar in percentage terms), thismanner of applying the costplus method is, in effect, the same asTNMM.
Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi
Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 85/PUU-XIV/2016 Tahun 2016
  • Tentang : Pengujian Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat
  • The answer is simply thatcompetition provides society with the maximum output that can be achieved at anygiven time with the resources as its command. Under a competitive regime,productive resources are combined and separated, shuffled and reshuffled insearch for greater profits through greater efficiency. Each productive resourcesmoves to that employment, where the value of its marginal product, and hence thereturn paid to it, is greatest.
Putus : 05-05-2010 — Upload : 14-02-2022
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 128 PK/PDT.SUS/2009
1060749 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • If the conclusion of the investigation team is true, which theoreticallyshould be the case because, as the vanguard and defender of fairbusiness competition, the KPPU is supposed to come out with anassessment that has logic and makes economic sense, that wouldbe worrisome indeed.But the question then is how could Temasek, despite its crossownership at Indosat and Telkomsel, control both companies anddictate their prices while the Indonesian government simply satback and relaxed, acting as a seemingly
    It simply insults the intelligence of even the man onthe street, because Temasek indirectly holds only 18.9% ofTelkomsel.These are just some of a layman's questions about the logic of themost important conclusions of the KPPU report.Terjemahan Penerjemah Tersumpah*Pemerintah mengendalikan PT Telkom, yang memiliki 65% sahamTelkomsel, operator seluler terbesar di negara ini, dankonsekuensinya menunjuk mayoritas direksi dan komisarisnya.Temasek, melalui anak perusahaananak perusahaannya, hanyamemiliki
    Stated simply the 5 per centincrease results in about a 22 percent takeup of fixed services. Thisindicates that PSTN and GSM calls are close substitutes for marketdefinition purposes. If the price were raised by 10%, an additional 6 inthe sample would switch from GSM to PSTN indicating a total of 34 orabout 26.6 per cent in the sample. This implies an elasticity of about 3.4 (=34/10).
    Stated simply the 5 per cent increase results in about a 22percent takeup of fixed services. This indicates that PSTN and GSM callsare close substitutes for market definition purposes. If the price wereraised by 10%, an additional 6 in the sample would switch from GSM toPSTN indicating a total of 34 or about 26.6 per cent in the sample. Thisimplies an elasticity of about 3.4 (=34/10).