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Putus : 21-01-2014 — Upload : 26-02-2014
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 156/PID/2013/PT.BTN
Tanggal 21 Januari 2014 — TRI ANDAYANI .
  • KHARISMA TRIFRINA PRATAMA perihal return of money amounting to USD 116236.79 only to PT. ROYAL INDUSTRIES INDONESIA tanggal 04 Juni 2013 ; ---------------------------------------30. 1 (satu) lembar fotocopy surat dari MUSALLAM ke PT. ROYAL INDUSTRIES INDONESIA perihal recovery of money amounting to USD 116236.79 from PT. KHARISMA TRIFRINA PRATAMA tanggal 04 Juni 2013 ; ---------------------------------------------------------31. 1 (satu) lembar fotocopy email dari MUSALLAM kepada PT.
    ROYALINDUSTRIES INDONESIA tanggal 04 Juni 2013 ;30.1 (satu) lembar fotocopy surat dari MUSALLAM ke PT.ROYAL INDUSTRIES INDONESIA perihal recovery ofmoney amounting to USD 116236.79 from PT. KHARISMATRIFRINA PRATAMA tanggal 04 Juni 2013 =;31.1 (satu) lembar fotocopy email dari MUSALLAM kepada PT.ROYAL tanggal 4 Juni 2013 ;32.1 (satu) lembar fotocopy email dari MUSALLAM kepada PT.KHARISMA tanggal 4 Juni 2013 ;33.1 (satu) lembar Outward Manifes PT.
    KHARISMATRIFRINA PRATAMA perihal return of money amounting to USD116236.79 only to PT. ROYAL INDUSTRIES INDONESIA tanggal 04Juni 2013 ; 30.1 (satu) lembar fotocopy surat dari MUSALLAM ke PT. ROYALINDUSTRIES INDONESIA perihal recovery of money amounting to15USD 116236.79 from PT. KHARISMA TRIFRINA PRATAMA tanggal 04JUNI 2018 5 n no nono nn nnn nn nnn nn nen nc nnn31.1 (Satu) lembar fotocopy email dari MUSALLAM kepada PT.
    KHARISMATRIFRINA PRATAMA perihal return of money amounting to USD116236.79 only to PT. ROYAL INDUSTRIES INDONESIA tanggal 04Juni 2013 ; 30.1 (satu) lembar fotocopy surat dari MUSALLAM ke PT. ROYALINDUSTRIES INDONESIA perihal recovery of money amounting toUSD 116236.79 from PT. KHARISMA TRIFRINA PRATAMA tanggal 04JUNI 2013 5 222222 nnn nn nn nnn nen nn nen nn ene n ne31.1 (Satu) lembar fotocopy email dari MUSALLAM kepada PT.
Register : 22-04-2020 — Putus : 22-09-2020 — Upload : 02-06-2020
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 90/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2020/PN Niaga Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 22 September 2020 — Pemohon:
  • Kreditur konkuren yang memiliki suara adalah sebanyak 53 pihak dengan suara sejumlah Rp 4,283Milyar/Total number of Unsecured creditors with voting rights is 53 with voting rights amounting to Rp 4,283billion .Konkuren/Unsecured 10Halaman 21 dari 50 Putusan Nomor 90/Pdt.PKPU/2020/Pn.Jkt.Pstce>amnOa0mnnRahasia / Confidential )5A0m4)11Halaman 22 dari 50 Putusan Nomor 90/Pdt.PKPU/2020/Pn.Jkt.PstRahasia /ConfidentialSkema Pembayaran/Scheme of PaymentDikarenakan kondisi keuangan yang ketat dan diperlukannya
    Mengajukan permohonanIDR 1,239 Milyar.PT Bank Billion *) vary penghapusan denda total sebesarPermata Rp. 60,18 Milyar diakhirTbk/Bank DBS periode/request to write off penaltyTate fol attr Waal amounting Rp 60,18 billion at endBank Danamon of period.Indonesia TbkSeparatis/Secured *) termasuk tagihan konkuren sebesar Rp.90 milyar/include unsecured portion amounting IDR 90 billionRangkuman Rencana Pembayaran /Payment Plan Summary (25/6)Rencana Pembayaran/SettlementRahasia / Confidential Rangkuman/SummaryPembayaran
    SaranaGlobalFinanceIndonesia Hartree RbillionPartnersSingaporePte Ltd.* Pembayaran dengan coal sesuai Perjanjianofftake selama 5 tahun sebanyak 5 jutaton/Payment in coal as per offtakeagreement for the period of 5 years withtotal 5 million ton Pembayaran pertama sebesar 30% paling lambat 31 Desember 2020dan sisanya dicicil dalam 7 tahun dengan jumlah yang sama/ Firstrepayment amounting 30% of outstanding no later than 31 Desember2020 dan the balance will be repaid in 7 years in equal installment.e
    Konfirmasi penyelesaian klaim Noble Group mensyaratkan; USD 40,68 . . semua hal yang ditetapkan dalam pasal 3 MSD di lakukanety USD 20,34 juta dibayar tunai secara penuh atau di laksanakan sesuai kesepakatan ke 220,34 juta dibayar dengan saham belah pihak/confirmation that settlement of the Noble GroupAtlas claims will require all matters set out in clause 3 of MSD todengan harga Rp. 1,100 per saham/ have been performed in full or done as per agreement ofAgreed both parties.payment amounting USD
    Bunga Ditangguhkan/Deferred Interest 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% : .Pembayaran Bunga Ditangguhkan/Deferred 100% ; ;Interest Payment PT MaybankIndonesiaFinance Pembayaran Pokok/Principal Payment 50% 50% PT SaranaGlobalFinanceIndonesia Pembayaran Pokok, Bunga, Provisi dan biayaAdministrasi Tertunggak sejumlah Rp.10,8milyar/Repayment of overdue Principal, Interest, 30% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%Provision and Administaration Cost amounting toRp.10,8 billion Pembayaran Bunga Berjalan/Payment of currentInterestBunga
Register : 02-10-2014 — Putus : 16-10-2014 — Upload : 03-01-2015
Putusan PA KAB MALANG Nomor 0908/Pdt.P/2014/PA.Kab.Mlg
Tanggal 16 Oktober 2014 — PEMOHON I dan PEMOHON II
  • Kasasi 2/dahulu Terbanding 2/Penggugat 2)kepada Marubeni Corporation Cs, hal mana telah diberitahukan dalampelaksanaan lelang oleh BPPN (dahulu Tergugat 46), sebagaimana tertuang didalam Information Memorandum pada halaman 27 yang dikeluarkan olehPriceWaterhouseCoopers, tertanggal September 2001 (Vide Bukti T4011), yangmerupakan salah satu bagian dalam dokumen lelang, yang menerangkansebagai berikut:The total outstanding from Marubeni to SIL includes a USD loanamounting to 24.2 million, JPY loan amounting
    to 2.5 billion andJPY long term bond amounting to 1.3 billion.
    The total outstandingfrom Marubeni to ILP includes a USD loan amounting to 54million, JPY loan amounting to 1.9 billion and JPY long term bondamounting to 1.3 billion.Keterangan tersebut jelas menyatakan bahwa PT Sweet Indolampungdan PT.
Register : 12-12-2012 — Putus : 23-01-2014 — Upload : 16-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.50090/PP/M.XVI/16/2014
Tanggal 23 Januari 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • TANlot:ost of Revenue=Nn5,401,498and USD.NO8,656,257Hor The Years201 1ahd2010,orspectively.Notes 201158,841,558(55,401,498)3,440,060( 1,295,209)201158,691,558150,00058,841,558201031,294,56028,656,2572,638,303( 671,115)201031,144,560150,00031,294,560his account represents the cost of coal sold to customers amounting to USD. Salaries anPerdiem anEmployee Bad DebtsProfesionalBank CharsCommunicLicencesRentalsDepreciatiaTax ExpenMiscellneolot:ej!
Register : 22-08-2019 — Putus : 09-01-2020 — Upload : 14-06-2020
Putusan PN Cikarang Nomor 184/Pdt.G/2019/PN Ckr
Tanggal 9 Januari 2020 — Penggugat:
  • WHEREAS in the above Lawsuit,the First Party claimedcompensation of losses in the formof material losses amounting to Rp.1.749.922.871 (one billion sevenhundred fortynine million ninehundred twenty thousand = eighthundred seventyone Rupiah) andimmaterial losses amounting to Rp.7.500.000.000 (seven billion fivehundred million Rupiah).C. WHEREAS after the First Party2. PT.
Register : 23-10-2014 — Putus : 05-11-2014 — Upload : 03-01-2015
Putusan PA BANYUWANGI Nomor 5390/Pdt.G/2014/PA.Bwi
Tanggal 5 Nopember 2014 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • Kasasi 2/dahulu Terbanding 2/Penggugat 2)kepada Marubeni Corporation Cs, hal mana telah diberitahukan dalampelaksanaan lelang oleh BPPN (dahulu Tergugat 46), sebagaimana tertuang didalam Information Memorandum pada halaman 27 yang dikeluarkan olehPriceWaterhouseCoopers, tertanggal September 2001 (Vide Bukti T4011), yangmerupakan salah satu bagian dalam dokumen lelang, yang menerangkansebagai berikut:The total outstanding from Marubeni to SIL includes a USD loanamounting to 24.2 million, JPY loan amounting
    to 2.5 billion andJPY long term bond amounting to 1.3 billion.
    The total outstandingfrom Marubeni to ILP includes a USD loan amounting to 54million, JPY loan amounting to 1.9 billion and JPY long term bondamounting to 1.3 biliion.Keterangan tersebut jelas menyatakan bahwa PT Sweet Indolampungdan PT.
Register : 12-11-2012 — Putus : 23-01-2014 — Upload : 16-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.50085/PP/M.XVI/16/2014
Tanggal 23 Januari 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Mustika & Rekandengan Report No. 12028A3/JMM2.JAS2 tanggal 25 Januari 2012;bahwa dari Statements of Comprehensive Income For The Years Ended December 31, 2011 and 2010 (GinUSD) diketahui a.1 : Notes 2011 2010ue 2,15 & 19 58,841,558 31,294,560of Revenues 16 (55,401,498) (28,656,257)Profit 3,440,060 2,638,303ting IExpense 2&17 ( 1,295,209) (671,115)15 1/Revenueetailsjare as follows :2011 2010 58,691,558 31,144,560 Notes 16 : Cost of RevenueThis account represents the cost of coal sold to customers amounting
Register : 12-06-2012 — Putus : 03-04-2013 — Upload : 27-04-2014
Putusan PN CILACAP Nomor 41/Pdt.G/2012/PN Clp
Tanggal 3 April 2013 —
  • (five hundredfifty thousand three hundred nine United States Dollar) (Exhibit P13);Whereas Defendant III replied CoDefendant's letter on 218t March 1997 viafacsimile (Exhibit P14) which essentially specified Defendant III recognitionof the cost overrun amounting to US$ 393,595.
    (three hundred ninety threethousand five hundred ninety five United States Dollar), not amounting toUS$ 550,309. as stated by CoDefendant (see Exhibit P13);Whereas to ensure amount of cost overrun incurred for Cilacap Flour MillProject, CoDefendant requested Price Waterhouse Coopers (WPC), anindependent accountant public, to audit and valuate the amount of costoverrun arising out from the up to 4 (four) months delay of the flour millproject development and operation.Whereas the result of PWC's audit
    (four million four hundred thirty thousand two hundred fiftythree United States Dollar).Whereas based on the matter, Plaintiff hereby requests the Honorable Panel ofJudges examining and judging this present civil case to declare that Plaintiff isentitled to claim against to pay the guarantee for cost overrun and, therefore, tosentence Defendants to pay the same in accordance with the results of audit andassessment by an independent auditor, PWC, amounting to US$ 4,430,253.
    ,Notary Public in Jakarta;To declare that Plaintiff shall be entitled to claim against Defendant topay guarantee for cost overrun in accordance with the results of auditand valuation independent accountant public, PWC, amounting toUS$ 4,430,253.
    (four million four hundred thirty thousand twohundred fifty three United States Dollar);To sentence Defendants to pay guarantee for cost overrun inaccordance with the results of audit and assessment by an independentauditor, PWC, amounting to US$ 4,430,253.
Register : 12-11-2012 — Putus : 23-01-2014 — Upload : 16-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.50083/PP/M.XVI/16/2014
Tanggal 23 Januari 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • TONlat:fotesost of Revenue5,401,498hd USD. 201158,841,558(55,401,498)3,440,060( 1,295,209)201158,691,558150,00058,841,558201031,294,560(28,656,257)2,638,303( 671,115)201031,144,560150,00031,294,560his account represents the cost of coal sold to customers amounting to USD. Salaries anPerdiem anEmployee Bad DebtsProfesionalBank CharsCommunicLicencesRentalsDepreciatiadTax ExpenMiscellneoNO7OQj!
Putus : 16-03-2016 — Upload : 23-09-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 79 K/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2016
Tanggal 16 Maret 2016 — 1. C & I DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD, DK VS PT. MUGIE BALI INDAH
162140 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • US$500,000,00 (lima ratus ribu dollar AmerikaSerikat) telah dialinkan dalam arti dijual kepada Tuan Ahn Jusub, WargaNegara Korea, bertempat tinggal di #302, 3Fl. 20, Beobwonro 2gil, Seochogu, Seoul, Korea, pemegang Paspor Republik Korea Nomor M15102854berdasarkan deed of account receivable sale and purchase yang dibuat olehdan antara Pemohon dengan Pemohon II tanggal 18 November 2014 yangantara lain menyatakan sebagai berikut (bukti P I4a):That first party is the holder of an account receivable amounting
    Nomor 79 kK/Pdt.SusPailit/2016That first party with full of consciousness and responsibility here by sale apart of its account receivable amounting to US$500.000,00 (five hundredthousand United States Dollars) to the second party who here by purchasethe account receivable from the first part, the amount of accountreceivable that transferred on this deed here inafter will be referred to asthe account receivable;Yang terjemahannya (akta jual beli piutang usaha) menurut penerjemahbersumpah Fatchurozak
Putus : 17-09-2015 — Upload : 07-10-2015
Putusan PN SURABAYA Nomor 09/Pailit/2015/PN-Niaga.Sby
Tanggal 17 September 2015 — 1. C & I DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD 2. Tuan AHN JUSUB
  • Sby.That FIRST PARTY is the holder of an account receivable amounting toUSS 2,000,000 (two million United States Dollar) to PT. MUGIE BALIINDAH, a company duly established and existing under the laws of TheRepublic of Indonesia, domiciled at Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 1,Kuta 80361, Bali Indonesia, as stated in Investment (Loan) Contractwhich made by and between C&l DEVELOPMENT CO.,LTD.
    theInvestment (Loan) Contract has been amended repeatedly as containedin Amendment of Investment (Loan) Contract dated October 8, 2012,Second Amendment to the Investment (Loan) Contract dated March 6,2013, and all amendments, replacements, additions, or extensionsthereof, including but not limited to the Payment Schedule Agreementdated March 6, 2013. 22 nen nnn tenn nnn con nec cnn nee cnn nenThat FIRST PARTY with full of consciousness and respon sibility herebysale a part of its account receivable amounting
Register : 12-12-2012 — Putus : 23-01-2014 — Upload : 16-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.50089/PP/M.XVI/16/2014
Tanggal 23 Januari 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • . : Notes 2011 2010ue 2,15 & 19 58,841,558 31,294,560of Revenues 16 (55,401,498) (28,656,257)Profit 3,440,060 2,638,303ting IExpense 2&17 ( 1,295,209) (671,115)15 j/Revenueetailsare as follows :2011 201058,691,558 31,144,560gement and Financial Services 150,000 150,00058,841,558 31,294,560Notes 16 : Cost of Revenue This account represents the cost of coal sold to customers amounting to USD. 55,401,498 and USD.28,656,257 For The Years2011 and 2010, respectively.Notes 17 : Operating Expense The details
Register : 12-12-2012 — Putus : 23-01-2014 — Upload : 16-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.50088/PP/M.XVI/16/2014
Tanggal 23 Januari 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • :Notes 2011 2010Revenue 2,15 & 19 58,841,558 31,294,560Cost of Revenues 16 (55,401,498) (28,656,257)Gross Profit 3,440,060 2,638,303Operating Expense 2&17 ( 1,295,209) ( 671,115)Notes 15 : RevenueThe details are as follows :2011 2010Coal 58,691,558 31,144,560Management and Financial Services 150,000 150,000Total 58,841,558 31,294,560Notes 16 : Cost of RevenueThis account represents the cost of coal sold to customers amounting to USD. 55,401,498 andUSD. 28,656,257 For The Years2011 and 2010, respectively.Notes
Register : 14-02-2017 — Putus : 05-05-2017 — Upload : 17-05-2017
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 94/PDT/2017/PT.DKI
Tanggal 5 Mei 2017 —
  • Ist (First) Payment: 10% (percent) of the contract price amounting toSGD. 110,000 (Singapore Dollars one hundred ten thousand only),shall be paid within seven (7) working days after contract signing;b. 2nd (Second) Payment: 10% (percent) of the contract price amountingto SGD. 110,000 (Singapore Dollars one hundred ten thousand only),shall be paid upon the accomplishment of the Keel Laying;c. 3rd (Third) Payment: 80% (eighty percent) of the contract priceamounting to SGD. 880,000 (Singapore Dollars
    eight hundred eightythousand only), shall be paid upon delivery of the vessel and beforedeparture of the Vessel from Builder's yard";Pasal 2.3 Perjanjian No. 008a) Ist (First) Payment: 10% (percent) of the contract price amounting toSGD. 195,000 (Singapore Dollars one hundred ninety five thousandonly), shall be paid within seven (7) working days after contract signing;b) 2nd (Second) Payment: 10% (percent) of the contract price amountingto SGD. 195,000 (Singapore Dollars one hundred ninety five
Register : 14-08-2020 — Putus : 01-09-2020 — Upload : 02-09-2020
Putusan PA JAKARTA UTARA Nomor 1717/Pdt.G/2020/PA.JU
Tanggal 1 September 2020 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • UndangUndangNo. 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan Jo.Kompilasi Hukum Islam Pasal 116sehingga berdasar hukum untukWhereas, theTUNGGAL, bom in Medan, onNovember 23, 2016 (3 years);occupation of theDEFENDANT is an entrepreneur with anincome of more than Rp. 100,000,000, (One hundred million rupiah) so based onArticle 105 letter C of the Compilation ofIslamic Law mentioned above, it isdeservedly that the DEFENDANT isobliged to bear the cost of living expensesof his child, named ANAK TUNGGAL,amounting of
Register : 25-06-2024 — Putus : 23-07-2024 — Upload : 23-07-2024
Putusan PA RANTAU PRAPAT Nomor 943/Pdt.G/2024/PA.Rap
Tanggal 23 Juli 2024 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • Plaintiff (Tia Andriani binti Suyono);
  • Determine that the two children of the Plaintiff and Defendant, namely Rizky Alvino, male, date of birth March 20, 2018 and Reyyan Abraham, male, date of birth May 18, 2021, are under the custody of the Plaintiff with the obligation to continue to provide access to the Defendant to meet and shower love on the child as the biological father;
  • Charge the Plaintiff with paying court costs amounting
Register : 02-10-2012 — Putus : 18-08-2014 — Upload : 25-06-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor 54360/PP/M.XIA/13/2014
Tanggal 18 Agustus 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • otheractivities of an independent character shall be taxable only in that State except in the followingcircumstances, when such income may also be taxed in the other Contracting State:( if he has a fixed base regularly available to him in the other Contracting State forthe purpose of performing his activities; in that case, only so much of the income asis attributable to that fixed base may be taxed in that other Contracting State; orif his stay in the other Contracting State is for a period or periods amounting
Register : 12-01-2023 — Putus : 19-01-2023 — Upload : 20-01-2023
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 41/Pdt.P/2023/PN Tng
Tanggal 19 Januari 2023 — Pemohon:
  • Exposed cutting area: 609 m2amounting to Rp. 9.015,919.786,-


    Exposed cutting area: 664 m2amounting to Rp. 9.342.403.103,-


Register : 04-02-2019 — Putus : 02-04-2019 — Upload : 18-09-2019
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 79/PDT/2019/PT DKI
Tanggal 2 April 2019 — Identitas Pihak Tidak Dipublikasi
  • pursuant to the termination of th HDSA, the HMAand the LA be consequently terminated in accordance with Section 16.2 of both HMA and the LA;Orders that the Respondent pay to the Claimant damages for theloss suffered by the Claimant due to the Respondents materialbreach of the HDSA leading to the termination of the Agreements,including the loss of expected management fees and marketingcontributions under the LA and HMA that the Claimant would havereceived had the LA and HMA been duly performed, amounting
    toUSD 1,503,231.80;Orders that the Respondent pay to the Claimant the Claimants le gal costs and the cost of this arbitration, including SIACs fees, arbitrators fees, experts fees, and all other costs, fees and expenses of any kind arising from this arbitration, amounting to USD98,306.44 and SGD 101,341.49;Order that the Respondent pay the Claimant interest over allamounts due and payable to the Claimant pursuant to this FinalAward as stated in this Dispositive in the form of monthly compound interest
    In respect of the Reliefs requested, the Arbitral Tribunalhereby:(2) orders the Respondent to pay to the Claimant theoutstanding HDSA Fees and Reimbursable Expenses, totallingUSD 54,184.19;(3) orders the Respondent to pay the Claimant interest on USD54,184.19 amounting to USD 3,322.11;Butir 8.3 halaman 46 dan 47 Bukti T2b (Terjemahan resmiBahasa Indonesia):8.3.
Register : 21-08-2017 — Putus : 13-08-2018 — Upload : 27-05-2019
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 433/Pdt.Bth/2017/PN Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 13 Agustus 2018 — Penggugat:
PT. Catur Jaya
Carlson Hotels Asia Pasific PTY Limited
  • pursuant to the termination of th HDSA, the HMA and the LA beconsequently terminated in accordance with Section 16.2 of both HMA and the LA;Orders that the Respondent pay to the Claimant damages for the loss suffered bythe Claimant due to the Respondents material breach of the HDSA leading to thetermination of the Agreements, including the loss of expected management feesand marketing contributions under the LA and HMA that the Claimant would havereceived had the LA and HMA been duly performed, amounting
    to USD1,503,231.80;Orders that the Respondent pay to the Claimant the Claimants legal costs and thecost of this arbitration, including SIACs fees, arbitrators fees, experts fees, and allother costs, fees and expenses of any kind arising from this arbitration, amounting Hal 4 Putusan No.433/Pdt.Bth/2017/PN.Jkt.Pst. to USD 98,306.44 and SGD 101,341.49;9) Order that the Respondent pay the Claimant interest over all amounts due andpayable to the Claimant pursuant to this Final Award as stated in this
    In respect of the Reliefs requested, the Arbitral Tribunal hereby:(2) orders the Respondent to pay to the Claimant the outstanding HDSAFees and Reimbursable Expenses, totalling USD 54,184.19;(3) orders the Respondent to pay the Claimant interest on USD54,184.19 amounting to USD 3,322.11;Butir 8.3 halaman 46 dan 47 Bukti T2b (Terjemahan resmi BahasaIndonesia):Hal 34 Putusan No.433/Pdt.Bth/2017/PN.Jkt.Pst. 8.3.