Ditemukan 225 data
294 — 206
Bersyarat memang tidak diatur pengertian dan tolakukur keamanan, ketertiban umum dan rasa keadilan masyarakat olehkarena itu akan digunakan pengertian keamanan, ketertiban umum danrasa keadilan masyarakat dalam arti luas.24.Ketertiban umum didefinisikan secara internasional dalam kontekspenegakan hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Siracusa Principlessebagai the expression public order as used in the covenant may beHalaman 21 dari 120 halaman Perkara No.22/G/2015/PTUNJKTdefined as the sum of rules which ensure
159 — 96
Tte16.Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes : a) to ensurethat any person whose rights or freedoms as herein recognized areviolated shall have and effective remedy, notwithstanding that theviolation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity;b) To ensure that any person claiming such remedy should have hisright thereto determined by competent judicial, adminitrative or legislativeauthorities, or by any other competent authority provided for by thelegal system of the
5111 — 11069
against him ;terjemahannya :Dalam penentuan suatu tindak kejahatan, setiap orang berhak atasJaminanjaminan minimal dibawah ini secara penuh, yaitu :a) untuk diberitahukan secepatnya dan terinci dalam bahasa yangdimengerti tentang sifat dan alasan tuduhan yang dikenakanterhadapnya.Hal 13 dari 244 Putusan No. 04/Pid.Prap/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel.14e Pasal 2 angka 3 huruf a dan b (mengenai janji negara untukmenjamin pemulihan hak yang dilanggar) :Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes :a)b)to ensure
that any person whose rights or freedoms as hereinrecognized are violated shall have and effective remedy,notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by personsacting in an official capacity;To ensure that any person claiming such remedy should have hisright thereto determined by competent judicial, adminitrative orlegislative authorities, or by any other competent authorityprovided for by the legal system of the State, and to develop thepossibilities of judicial remedy;Terjemahannya :
167 — 115
Majelis Arbitrasetersebut kemudian memeriksa dan mengeluarkan Putusan Arbitrase yangdiantaranya menyatakan sebagai berikut:NOW THEREFORE, THE ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL DECIDES ANDORDERS AS FOLLOWS:1, PT NEWMONT NUSA TENGGARA is obliged to ensure that allShares to be transferred to the Government of the Republic ofIndonesia under article 24.3 CoW are offered without any pledge or,at least, without the obligation that they have to be repledged to theSenior Lendors after the transfer.2.
232 — 175 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Any installations or structureswhich are abandoned or disused shall beremoved to ensure safety of navigation,taking into account any generally acceptedinternational standards established in thisregard by the competent internationalorganization. Such removal shall also havedue regard to fishing, the protection of themarine environment and the rights andduties of other States.
214 — 189
mewajibkan kapalkapal yang berlayar di laut menggunakancatanti fouling yang ramah lingkungan sebagaimana dikutip:"...each Party shall prohibit and/or restrict:(a) the application, reapplication, installation, or use of harmfulanti fouling systems on ships referred to in article 3(1 )(a) or(b); and(bo) the application, reapplication, installation or use of suchsystems, whilst in a Party's port, shipyard, or offshoreterminal, on ships referred to in article 3(1 )(c), and shall takeeffective measures to ensure
252 — 131 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Artikel 12 mengenai "Mere Conduitmengatur:1) Where an information society service is provided that consists of thetransmission in a communication network of information provided by arecipient of the service, or the provision of access to a communicationnetwork, Member States shall ensure that the service provider is notliable for the information transmitted, on condition that the provider:a. does not initiate the transmission;b. does not select the receiver of the transmission; andHalaman 83 dari
645 — 279 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Any installations or structureswhich are abandoned or disused shall beremoved to ensure safety of navigation,taking into account any generally acceptedinternational standards established in thisregard by the competent internationalorganization. Such removal shall also havedue regard to fishing, the protection of themarine environment and the rights andduties of other States.
430 — 1907
Logistics including purchasing and supply/transport Marketing Corporate Affairs including HR, legal and IT Finance & Accounting including finance, accounting and taxbahwa Pemohon Banding menyampaikan analisis Transfer Pricing untuk PemohonBading yang dilakukakan oleh pihak independen yang dilaporkan dengan namaIndonesian Transfer Pricing Documentation Report yang dapat disampaikan detilTransfer pricing policy yang telah dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut :6 Transfer pricing policy6.1 IntroductionTo ensure
272 — 260 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Putusan Nomor 375/B/PK/PJK/2015materially influenced the markup, then the ability to make reliableadjustments for these would affect the reliability of the results (...)Sometimes it may be become necessary to adjust operatingExpenses to ensure comparability and consistency of thetransactions.
154 — 121
Putusan Nomor 592/Pdt/2017/PT.DKI.PP.QQ.responsible in all respect of the operations and management of theContract to ensure that Work performed by CONTRACTOR meets the Contract requirements and satisfactorily completed in accordance wth the Contract requirements, and shall be contractually and legally liable tomeet all CONTRACTORS obligations under the Contract such as in theevent there is a conflict, dispute or other events occurring among them (including but not limited to the obligations and
194 — 77
Notwthstanding other provisions of the Contract, the LeadContractor is the party that has been appointed by CONTRACTOR incommunicating wth the COMPANY wth respect to the Contract, to be responsible in all respect of the operations and management of theContract to ensure that Work performed by CONTRACTOR meets theContract requirements and satisfactorily completed in accordance wth the Contract requirements, and shall be contractually and legally liable tomeet all CONTRACTORS obligations under the
279 — 140
In the event that FN (PENGGUGAT) wthdravs pursuant to thisparagraph, FG (TERGUGAT V) shall use his best effors to ensure that allcash advances made by FN (PENGGUGAT) are repaid by PT Tucan(TERGUGAT 1) in US Dollars not later than 180 days after the notice ofsuch wthdraval.
1.Tuan Tanoe Wijaya
2.Ny. Siane Indradewi Sosrosaputro
3.Kantor Pusat PT. RHB Sekuritas Indonesia Cq. PT. RHB Sekuritas Indonesia Cabang Kelapa Gading
4.Kantor Pusat PT. Valbury Sekuritas Indonesia Cq. PT. Valbury Sekuritas Indonesia Cabang Kelapa Gading
5.Kantor Pusat PT. Semesta Indovest Sekuritas Indonesia Cq PT. Semesta Indovest Sekuritas Indonesia
6.PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia
7.PT. Rukun Raharja, Tbk
8.PT. Aneka Gas Industri, Tbk
9.PT. Indomobil Sukses Internasional, Tbk
10.PT. Timah.,Tbk
11.PT. Tjiwi Kimia, Tbk
12.Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Khusus Pasar Modal
13.PT. Bank HSBC Indonesia
373 — 278
You Shall be fully responsible to ensure that all matters relatedto all contra losses and other losses arising from dealingactivities of all clients handled by you including other costsincidental to debt recovery are fully settled and/or resolved.b. subject to such other conditions and/or variations as shall bedecided by the Company, you shall continue to takeresponsibilities and keep the Company indemnified againstany claims, losses and charges whatsoever that may arisefrom your dealings for any
PT Pertamina Persero
Turut Tergugat:
1.Ir. Anton S Wahjosoedibjo
2.Prof.Dr. Djuhaendah Hasan, SH, FCBArb
3.Prof. Dr. Frans Hendra Winarta, SH.,MH.FCBArb,MCIArb
467 — 189
The termnondomestic appears to embrace awards wich, although made in theState of enforcement, are treated as "foreign" under its law because someforeign element in the proceedings, e.g. another States procedural lawsare applied.The Convention's principal aim is that foreign and nondomesticarbitral awards will not be discriminated against and it obliges Partiesto ensure such awards are recognized and generally capable ofenforcement in their jurisdiction in the same way as domesticawards...."
- Terdapat tiga ruang lingkup yang harus dipenuhi apabila ingin menerapkan perampasan aset tanpa pemidanaan dalam hal perkara tindak pidana korupsi, yakni:a. Tidak terdapat cukup bukti untuk membuktikan unsur-unsur pidana korupsi (putusan bebas tidak ... [Selengkapnya]
The InterAmericanConvention againstCorruption (IACAC), adoptedin 1996, aims to promoteand strengthen themechanisms to combatcorruption, and to promote,facilitate and regulatecooperation to ensure theeffectiveness of the 62 measures to combatcorruption in theperformance of publicfunctions.
- Tentang : Pengujian Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP)
It is aprocess of rules and procedures by which discretion left to an individual is removedin favor of an openess by which the rights of the individual are protected.Procedural due process and substantive due process work to ensure to everyonethe fairness of law under the U.S. Constitution. J. Scott Harr & Karen M.
135 — 45 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
If differences materiallyinfluenced the markup, then the ability to makereliable adjustments for these would affect thereliability of the results (...)Sometimes it may be become necessary to adjustoperating expenses to ensure comparability andconsistency of the transactions.
157 — 125 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
If differencesmaterially influenced the markup, then the ability to make reliableadjustments for these would affect the reliability of the results (...)Sometimes it may be become necessary to adjust operatingexpenses to ensure comparability and consistency of thetransactions.
- Tentang : Pengujian Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat
Bid rigging is the typical mechanism of collusion in publiccontracts: the bidders determine between themselves who should winthe tender, and then arrange their bidsfor example, by bid rotation,complementary bidding or cover pricingin such a way as to ensure thatthe designated bidder is selected by the purportedly competitive process.In most legal systems, bid rigging is a hard core cartel offence, and isaccordingly prohibited by the competition law.