Ditemukan 9154 data
406 — 15
Saksi ELOKPAMBUDI bin ALM MUCH SUPTI, dibawah sumpahdipersidangan memberikan keterangan yang pada pokoknya sebagai berikut :e Bahwa saksi kenal dengan terdakwa karena merupakan sopir yang sehariharinya bekerja membawa atau mengemudikan truk Mitsubishi colt dieselwarna kuning No.Pol. E8039TB milik saksi;e Bahwa saksi mengetahui diperiksa dipersidangan ini sehubungan trukMitsubishi colt diesel warna kuning No.Pol.
76 — 12
(Ttd)PRONGGO JOYONEGARA, SH.PANITERA PENGGANTI(Ttd)SUPRAPTOHal. 25 dari 26 Putusan No.263/Pid.B/2016/PN.NjkCATATAN : Putusan ini telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap karena baikTerdakwa maupun Jaksa Penuntut Umum telah menerima baik putusan.PANITERA PENGGANTI,(Ttd)SUPRAPTOUntuk salinan yang sama bunyinya,PANITERA PENGADILAN NEGERI NGANJUK,(Ttd)MUCH. SJAMSUL ARIFIN, SH.MHNIP. 19580613 198103 1 004Hal. 26 dari 26 Putusan No.263/Pid.B/2016/PN.Njk
291 — 68 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The size of the uppers variesvery much between different types of footwear, from those covering the foot and the wholeleg, including the thigh (for example, fishermens boots), to those which consist simply ofstraps or thongs (for example, sandals),If the upper consists of two or more materials, classification is determined by theconstituent material which has the greatest external surface area, no account being taken ofaccessories or reinforcements such as ankle patches, protective or ornamental
91 — 178 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
If the enterprisecarries on business in that manner, the profits of the enterprisemay be taxed in the other State but only so much of them as isattributable to :(a) That permanent establishment; or(b) Sales in that other State of goods or merchandise of thesame or a similar kind as those sold through that permanentestablishment; orHalaman 19 dari 36 halaman.
83 — 8
79 — 20
Dimana pada 2015,Termohon kembali melakukan tindakan tidak sepatutnya,bermesraan lewat WA dengan ucapanucapan mesra, antara laindengan seorang pria warga negara Pakistan berinisial Njm, hinggapukul 04.00 wita dinihari.Bahwa Pemohon membaca sendiri isi WA Termohon dengan Njm,yang isinya cintacintaan, seperti katakata : love You verry much,and sorry my husband wake up. Hal itu diketahui Pemohon saat hpTermohon yang tergeletak di meja, dibaca oleh Pemohon.
81 — 35
Mayor Chk NRP. 636364sebagai Hakim Ketua, serta Much. Suyanto, S.H., M.H., Mayor Chk NRP. 544973 danNunung Hasanah S.H., M.H. Mayor Chk (K) NRP. 11970027910670 masingmasingsebagai Hakim Anggota dan sebagai Hakim Anggota II yang diucapkan pada hari dantanggal yang sama oleh Hakim Ketua dalam sidang terbuka untuk umum dengan dihadirioleh para Hakim Anggota tersebut diatas, Oditur Militer Sulaiman, S.H.
24 — 5
Perpanjangan Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Cibadak 26 September 2020 sampaidengan tanggal 24 Nopember 2020;Terdakwa dalam perkara ini didampingi MUCH. UJANG, SH. dkk dariPerkumpulan Lembaga dan Penasihat Hukum Elang Pasundan berdasarkanPenetapan Nomor: 226/Pen.Pid/PH/2020/PN Cbd tanggal 2 September 2020;Pengadilan Negeri tersebut;Setelah membaca: Penetapan Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Cibadak Nomor: 200/Pid.
62 — 20 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The size of the uppers variesvery much between different types of footwear, from those covering the foot an the wholeleg, including the thigh (for example, fishermens boots), to those which consist simply ofstraps or thongs (for example, sandals).If the upper consists of two or more materials, classification is determined by theconstituent material which has the eeyeat external surface area, no account being taken ofaccessories or reinforcements such as ankle patches, protective or omamental strips
99 — 43
Mayor Chk NRP. 636364sebagai Hakim Ketua, serta Much. Suyanto, S.H., M.H., Mayor Chk NRP. 544973 danNunung Hasanah S.H., M.H. Mayor Chk (K) NRP. 11970027910670 masingmasingsebagai Hakim Anggota dan sebagai Hakim Anggota Il yang diucapkan pada hari dantanggal yang sama oleh Hakim Ketua dalam sidang terbuka untuk umum dengan dihadirioleh para Hakim Anggota tersebut diatas, Oditur Militer Sulaiman, S.H.
16 — 0
Tohar yang telah meninggal dunia tanggal 2-5-2010 adalah:
- Ahdiani Asrifah Dakajanti Binti Mohamad Ansor alias Moh Ansor selaku anak perempuan kandung
- Arbiani Dhuhria Binti Mohamad Ansor alias Moh Ansor selaku anak perempuan kandung
- Much. Zamroni Ilyas, ST alias Mohamad Zamroni Iljas Bin Mohamad Ansor alias Moh Ansor selaku anak laki-laki kandung
- Moh. Ainuddin Cholid Bin Mohamad Ansor alias Moh Ansor selaku anak laki-laki kandung
- Moh.
100 — 13
Much. Fahim, S.H., M.H., dan2. H.
41 — 7
Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Cibadak sejak tanggal 12 Mei 2020 sampaidengan tanggal 10 Juni 2020;7 Penahanan Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Cibadak sejak tanggal 11 Juni 2020sampai dengan 9 Agustus 2020;Halaman 1 dari 30 Putusan Nomor 137/Pid.B/2020/PN CbdTerdakwa dalam perkara ini didampingi MUCH.
83 — 23
NjkCATATAN : Putusan ini telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap karenabaik Terdakwa maupun Jaksa Penuntut Umum telahmenerima baik putusan.PANITERA PENGGANTI,(Ttd)TEGUH SANTOSOUntuk salinan yang sama bunyinya,PANITERA PENGADILAN NEGERINGANJUK,(Ttd)MUCH. SJAMSUL ARIFIN, SH.MHNIP. 19580613 198103 1 004Hal. 33 dari 33 Putusan No.160/Pid.B/2017/PN. Njk
46 — 12
sampai dengan tanggal 14 April2020;Halaman 1 dari 32 Putusan Nomor 110/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Cbd (Kesehatan)6.Penuntut Perpanjangan Pertama Oleh Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Cibadaksejak tanggal 15 April 2020 sampai dengan tanggal 14 Mei 2020;Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Cibadak sejak tanggal 5 Mei 2020 sampai dengantanggal 3 Juni 2020;Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Cibadak Perpanjangan Oleh Ketua PengadilanNegeri Cibadak sejak tanggal 4 Juni 2020 sampai dengan tanggal 2 Agustus2020;Terdakwa dalam perkara ini didampingi MUCH
123 — 101 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
On the other hand,were the taxpayer is the payer of the guarantee fee, the taxpayershould be entitled to claim that payment as a taxdeductible expense,provided that the loan is used for the taxpayers business purposes.The tax authorities would fall back on the general rules and ask whatthe terms would be if an unrelated party were to have provided aguarantee and how much an unrelated party would charge. There isno data available wth regard to the above.
sales representative, Agent shalldevote its best efforts and attention topromote the sales of Sorbitol Liquidworldwide and Sorbitol PowderProduct in overseas market Agent shallarrange to execute its function as agentat its sole cost and expenses.4.Agent shall provide Manufacturer withall appropriate information related tocustomers background, the shipmentand any other documentation.Manufacturer shall ship the SorbitolLiquid and Sorbitol Powder Productsold hereunder with such shippinginstructions as much
49 — 20 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The size of the uppers variesvery much between different types of footwear, Fai those covering the foot and the wholeleg, including the thigh (for example, fishermens boots), to those which consist simply ofstraps or thongs (for example, savisiyIf the upper consists of two or more materials, classification is determined by theconstituent material which has the cat external surface area, no account being taken ofaccessories or reinforcements such as ankle patches, protective or omamental strips oredging
81 — 60 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The size of the uppers variesvery much between different types of footwear, from those covering the foot and the wholeleg, including the thigh (for example, fishermens boots), to those which consist simply ofstraps or thongs (for example, sandals),if the upper consists of two or more materials, classification is determined by theconstituent material which has the prestest external surface area, no account being taken ofaccessories or reinforcements such as ankle patches, protective or cmamental strips
85 — 17 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The size of the uppers variesvery much between different types of footwear, from those covering the foot an the wholeleg, including the thigh (for example, fishermens boots), to those which consist simply ofstraps or thongs (for example, sandals).If the upper consists of two or more materials, classification is determined by theconstituent material which has the external surface area, no account being taken ofaccessories or reinforcements such as ankle patches, protective or ornamental strips oredging
48 — 12