Ditemukan 225 data
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2002 tentang Perlindungan Anakyang mana dalam Pasal 1 angka 1 UndangUndang Republik Indonesia Nomor 35Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan atas UndangUndang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 tentangPerlindungan Anak terdapat definisi mengenai Anak, yaitu Sseseorang yang belumberusia 18 (delapan belas) tahun, termasuk anak yang masih dalam kandungan;Menimbang bahwa berdasarkan ketentuan yang terdapat dalam Article 2 (1)United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child tersebut tertulis States partiesShall respect and ensure
18 — 7 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Specimen Signatures of Officials Authorized to issue Certificateof Origin of the Peoples Republic of China" dari XIAMEN EntryExitInspection And Quarantine Bereau Of The People's Republic OfChina;Bahwa berdasarkan Revised operational certification procedures forthe rules of orogin of the AseanChina Free Trade Area, disebutkan:Rule 7 (a);The Issuing Authorities shall, to the best of their competence andability, carry out proper examination of each application for theCertificate of Origin (Form E) to ensure
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, Cq. Kepala Kepolisian Republik Indonesia, Cq. Kapolda Bali
162 — 207
TO ensure that any person whose right or freedoms as hereinrecognized are violated shall have and effective remedy,notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by personacting in official capacity;Hal 5 dari 56 hal Putusan Praperadilan Nomor 11/Pid.Pra/2018/PN Dps(Terjemahan: Menjamin bahwasetiap orang yang hakhak ataukebebasannya diakui dalam Kovenan ini dilanggar, akan memperolehupaya pemulihan yang efektif, walaupun pelanggarantersebutdilakukanoleh orangorang yang bertindak dalam kapasitasresminya
TO ensure that any person claiming such remedy should have hisright there to determined by competent judicial, administrative orlegislative authorities, or by any other competent authority provided forby the legal system of the State, and to develop the possibilities ofJudicial remedy.
241 — 119 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
hakikatnya Termohon Kasasi tidakdapat membuktikan dirinya sebagai pencipta, pemilik, dan pengguna pertama MerekYamazaki melalui Hak Prioritas;Bahwa lebih jauh Iagi, Konvensi Paris dengan terang menentukan bahwa penerapanhasil Paris Konvensi ini harus disesuaikan dengan konstitusi di negaranegaraanggota:Article 25 ayat (1) tentang Implementation of the Convention on the Domestic Level:Any country party to this Convention undertakes to adopt, in accordance with itsconstitution, the measures necessary to ensure
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Komentar umum menyediakan petunjuk resmi kepada negara,termasuk pengadilan tentang perkembangan kebijakan dan ajudikasi yangberdampak pada hakhak yang telah diatur dalam Kovenan tersebut;Komentar Umum Nomor 34 menjelaskan interpretasi terhadap hak kebebasanberpendapat sebagai berikut:Defamation laws must be crafted with care to ensure that they comply withparagraph 3, and that they do not serve, in practice, to stifle freedom ofexpression.
82 — 25
language whichbe understands of the nature and cause of the chargeagainst him ;Terjemahannya:Dalam penentuan suatu tindak kejahatan, setiap orang berhakatas Jjaminanjaminan minimal dibawah ini secara penuh, yaitu:(a) Untuk diberitahukan secepatnya dan terinci dalam bahasayang dimengerti tentang sifat dan alasan tuduhan yangdikenakan terhadapnya@ Pasal 2 angka 3 huruf a dan b (mengenai janji negara untukmenjamin pemulihan hak yang dilanggar):Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes:to ensure
that any person whose rights or freedoms as hereinrecognized are violated shall have and effective remedy,notwithstanding that tho violation has been committed by personsacting in an official capacity;Halaman 9 dari 74 Putusan Praperadilan Nomor 5/Pid.Pra/2021/PN MdnTo ensure that any person claiming such remedy should have hisright thereto determined by competent judicial, adminitrative orlegislative authorities, or by any other competent authority providedfor by the legal system of the State,
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****/Pdt.G/2020/PA.MdnJuga seiring dengan pendapat Imam Syafi'i RA dalam kitabnya alUmJuz VII halaman 32 yang berbunyi sebagai berikut :ensure: donned Sle Le ger ail!
Bernard Budiarti Tampubolon
Kepolisian Resor Toba
88 — 57
languagewhich be understands of the nature and cause of thecharge against him" ;Terjemahannya:Dalam penentuan suatu tindak kejahatan, setiap orangberhak atas jaminanjaminan minimal dibawah ini secarapenuh, yaitu:(a)Untuk diberitahukan secepatnya dan terinci dalambahasa yang dimengerti tentang sifat dan alasantuduhan yang dikenakan terhadapnya@ Pasal 2 angka 3 huruf a dan b (mengenai janji negara untukmenjamin pemulihan hak yang dilanggar):"Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes:to ensure
that any person whose rights or freedoms as hereinrecognized are violated shall have and effective remedy,notwithstanding that tho violation has been committed bypersons acting in an Official capacity;To ensure that any person claiming such remedy should havehis right thereto determined by competent judicial,adminitrative or legislative authorities, or by any othercompetent authority provided for by the legal system of theState, and to develop the possibilities ofjudicial remedy;Terjemahannya:Setiap
186 — 113
Hal demikian sejalan dengan tujuan penyelenggaran Sistem PeradilanPidana Anak yang dikehendaki oleh dunia internasional, sebagaimana terlihat dalamPeraturan Perserikatan BangsaBangsa dalam United Nations Standard MinimumRules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (SMRJJ) atau The Beijing Rules, yangmenyatakan: The juvenile justice system shall emphasize well being of the juvenileand shall ensure that any reaction to juvenile offenders shall always be in proportionto the circumstances of boththe
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Hubungantersebut lahir karena TERGUGAT I sepakat untuk memegang objek SaleAgreement sendiri senilai harga saham Rp7.000.000.000,00 dan sisanya akandijual kepada investor lain pada tanggal 31 Desember 2008 sebagaimanatertuang dalam Addendum to Sale And Purchase of Shares Agreement (SaleAddendum) pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2008 telah dibuat dan ditandatanganioleh TERGUGAT I dan PENGGUGAT untuk perubahan terhadap SaleAgreement selengkapnya sebagai berikut:2, Amandemets(b) PT CC shall ensure that the transaction
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., @ Contracting State shall ensure that a creditor whoadduces evidence of default by the debtor may, pending finaldetermination of its claim and to the extent that the debtor has atany time so agreed, obtain from a court speedy relief in the formof such one or more of the following orders as the creditor. preservation of the object and its value;ab. possession, control or custody of the object, c. immobilisation of the object; and;d. lease or, except where covered by subparagraphs (a) to (Cc),management
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An additional requirement is that the party accused ofunjust enrichment must know of the benefit conferred; to ensure that thebenefit was not foisted on the recipient and is something for whichcompensation is reasonably expected.Recovery on a theory of unjust enrichment typically occurs where therewas no contract between the parties, or acontract turns out to be invalid.Terjemahannya:Pengayaan tidak adilHalaman 24 dari 36 Hal. Put. No.67/PDT/2018/PT.
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Where the denominator is materially affectedby controlled transaction costs that are not the object of thetesting (such as head office charges, rental fees or royaltiespaid to an associated enterprise), caution should beexercised to ensure that said controlled transaction costs donot materially distort the analysis and in particular that theyare in accordance with the arm's length principle;(0) Faktanya, prosentase transaksi afiliasi yang dilakukanTermohon Peninjauan Kembali (Semula Pemohon Banding
Bernard Budiarti Tampubolon
Kepolisian Resor Toba
79 — 68
languagewhich be understands of the nature and cause of thecharge against him" ;Terjemahannya:Dalam penentuan suatu tindak kejahatan, setiap orangberhak atas jaminanjaminan minimal dibawah ini secarapenuh, yaitu:(a)Untuk diberitahukan secepatnya dan terinci dalambahasa yang dimengerti tentang sifat dan alasantuduhan yang dikenakan terhadapnya@ Pasal 2 angka 3 huruf a dan b (mengenai janji negara untukmenjamin pemulihan hak yang dilanggar):"Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes:to ensure
that any person whose rights or freedoms as hereinrecognized are violated shall have and effective remedy,notwithstanding that tho violation has been committed bypersons acting in an Official capacity;To ensure that any person claiming such remedy should havehis right thereto determined by competent judicial,adminitrative or legislative authorities, or by any othercompetent authority provided for by the legal system of theState, and to develop the possibilities ofjudicial remedy;Terjemahannya:Setiap
335 — 233 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Bersyarat, akan tetapi dalam peraturanterkait Pembebasan Bersyarat memang tidak diatur pengertian dantolak ukur keamanan, ketertiban umum dan rasa keadilan masyarakatoleh karena itu akan digunakan pengertian keamanan, ketertiban umumdan rasa keadilan masyarakat dalam arti luas;Ketertiban umum didefinisikan secara internasional dalam kontekspenegakan hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Siracusa Principlessebagai the expression public order as used in the covenant may bedefined as the sum of rules which ensure
46 — 9
Bebelac. 5. 6 (enam) kardus Susu Bebelac. 6. 19 (sembilan belas) kardus Susu Vidoran X mart . 7. 10 (sepuluh kardus Susu Anlene. 8. 9 (sembilan) kardus Susu Lactogen. 9. 16 (enam belas) kardus Susu Lacto Grow. 10. 31 (tiga puluh satu) kardus Susu Frisian Flag. 11. 6 (enam) kardus Susu Morinaga. 12. 6 (enam) kardus Susu Indomilk. 13. 7 (tujuh) kaleng Susu S Procal S26. 14. 5 (lima) kaleng susu Nutrilon. 15. 2 (dua) kaleng susu Ensure
167 — 65
kepadaorang yang secara nyata melakukan perbuatan pidana sesuai dengan yang didakwakankepadanya oleh Penuntut Umum , karena dalam konteks Integrated Criminal Justice Sistim,tegaknya pelaksanaan peradilan ( law enforcement) dalam hukum pidana guna mencarikebenaran materiel ( ultimate truth ) dengan asas " praduga tidak bersalah " presumption ofinnocence yang haruslah dilakukan menurut hukum ( due process of law) guna menjaminterselenggaranya suatu peradilan yang dilakukan secara "jwjur" dan "adl/" ( to ensure
675 — 221
An additionalrequirement is that the party accused of unjust enrichment must know of thebenefit conferred; to ensure that the benefit was not foisted on the recipientand is something for which compensation is reasonably expected.Recovery on a theory of unjust enrichment typically occurs where there wasno contract between the parties, or a contract turns out to be invalid.Terjemahannya:Pengayaan tidak adilRetensi manfaat yang diberikan oleh yang lain, yang tidak dimaksudkansebagai hadiah dan hukum
Wasco Engineering International Limited
PT KPM Oil & Gas
340 — 241
This precondition shall be that KPMOG shall ensure that WASCOreceived original communication documents (SP3 Letter)from departments of the police signed by the Commissionerof Police regarding each and all persons against whom thecomplaint is made/investigation was/is being carried out inconnection with the Rental Agreement.Terjemahan resmi dan tersumpah sebagai berikut:(iv) Para Pihak menyetujui bahwa Penanjian JualBeli akanmemasukkan kondisi prasyarat secara tegas yang berlakuuntuk pengalihan kepemilikan
132 — 65
The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake tohave respect for the liherty ofparents and, whenapplicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious andmoral edueation oftheir children in conformity with their own convictions ;Terjemahan: 1. Setiap orang berhak atas kebebasan berpikir, kKeyakinandan beragama.