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Urut Berdasarkan
Putus : 15-12-2009 — Upload : 22-12-2009
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 834K/PDTSUS/2009
717546 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • SOMERVAILLE, Ahli Hukum dari Law Firm BlakeDawson Waldson (Sydney) di dalam Makalah "Common Terms inLoan Agreement pada Seminar "Lending 2" di Hotel Hilton Sydney,Mei 1998, menulis sebagai berikut: (Bukti T38);"SUBORDINATIONSubordination is a transaction whereby one creditor (the subordinated orjunior creditor) of the borrower agree not to be paid until another creditor(the senior creditor) is paid in full.
    All sums which are and which may become owing shallbear interest from the date here of until paid, at the rate of threepercent (3%) per annum ;2. Principal and Interest Payment. The entire unpaid principal amountof this Note and all unpaid interest accrued thereon shall be dueand payable on December 27,2005 ;3. Form and Application of Payment. At the option of Payee, anyamount payable hereunder may be paid in clear funds in USDollar.
    All sums which are and which may become owing shallbear interest from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of threepercent (38%) per annum ;2. Principal and Interest Payment, The entire unpaid principal amountof this Note and all unpaid interest accrued thereon shall be dueand payable on December 27, 2005;3. Form and Application of Payment, At the option of Payee, anyamount payable hereunder may be paid in clear funds in USDollar.
    All sums which are and which may become owing shallbear interest from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of threepercent (8%) per annum ;2. Principal and Interest Payment, The entire unpaid principal amountof this Note and all unpaid interest accrued thereon shall be dueand payable on December 27, 2005 ;3. Form and Application of Payment, At the option of Payee, anyamount payable hereunder may be paid in clear funds in USDollar.
    All sums which are and which may become owing shallbear interest from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of threepercent (3%) per annum;2. Principal and Interest Payment. The entire unpaid principal amountof this Note and all unpaid interest accrued thereon shall be dueand payable on December 27, 2005;3. Form and Application of Payment.
Register : 10-06-2013 — Putus : 30-04-2014 — Upload : 27-03-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-52211/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 30 April 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Lihat Flow of Process Start from the GoodsReady at Shimano Malaysia until the Goods Ready Ship to Surabaya, Indonesia atSingapore Port. Dengan demikian syarat transit sematamata untuk keperluantransportasi terpenuhi.KesimpulanDengan demikian telah terbukti bahwa persyaratan Direct Consignment telahterpenuhi yaitu:a.
    Berdasarkan penjelasan Shimano Malaysia dalam Lampiran 3: Flow of Process Startfrom the Goods Ready at Shimano Malaysia until the Goods Ready Ship to Surabaya,Indonesia at Singapore Port:e Port (Tanjong Pelepas) near to Shimano Malaysia the vessel is limited,e Sinagpore Port is international free port which having very active vessel schedule toworldwide including to Indonesia.e.
Register : 28-11-2019 — Putus : 30-06-2021 — Upload : 06-07-2021
Putusan PN DENPASAR Nomor 1200/Pdt.Bth/2019/PN Dps
Tanggal 30 Juni 2021 — Penggugat:
Ratna Widia Kurniawati
1.John Carney
2.Christopher Rhode
3.Doug Ebner
4.PT Bintang Selatan
Turut Tergugat:
1.Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara dan Lelang KPKNL Denpasar
2.Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kabupaten Badung
3.Mark Damien Clune
  • telah diterimanya kepada Para Penggugat sebesar US$195.000.00(seratus sembilan puluh lima ribu Dollar Amerika);To sentence the Defendant and the Defendant II to repay the moneyreceived from the Plaintiffs in the amount of US $ 195,000.00 (onehundred ninetyfive thousand US Dollars);Ditambah dengan harga bunga sebesar 6% (enam persen) setahunterhitung mulai tanggal 5 April 2007 sampai dengan dibayarnya kepadaPenggugat;Plus the interest price of 6% (six percent) per annum starting from April 5,2007 until
    membayarkembali uang yang telah diterimanya kepada Para Penggugatsebesar US$195.000.00 (seratus sembilan puluh lima ribuDollar Amerika);Ditambah dengan bunga sebesar 6% (enam persen) setahunterhitung mulai tanggal 5 April 2007 sampai dengan dibayarnyakepada Penggugat;To order Defendant and Defendant II to pay back the money theyreceived to the Plaintiffs in the amount of US $ 195,000.00 (onehundred and ninety five thousand US Dollars);Add to this an interest of 6% (six percent) a year starting April 5,2007 until
    the contents of theDecision on Cassation Case No.1871 K / PDT / 2016 dated which hasbeen was decided by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia onOctober 17, 2016 at point 4th of the Decision "In the Principal Case of theCase which contains the following: to order Defendant and Defendant IIto pay back the money they had received to the Plaintiffs of US $195,000.00 (one hundred ninety five thousand US Dollars);Coupled with an interest rate of 6% (Six percent) a year starting April 5,2007 until
Upload : 28-01-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 904 K/PDT.SUS/2009
598358 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • the sum of US$323,250 being the share ofthe arbitrators fees ana expenses and the ICC administrativeexpenses paid by the Claimant;(c) Thus the total amount payable by the Respondent to the Claimant isUS$34, 495; 428:The Respondent shall pay interest on the total amount payable, asspecified in paragraph 86(c), from the date of registration of this FinalAvard under Article 59 of the Indonesian Arbitration Law or the obtainingof an order of Exequatur under Article 66 of the Indonesian ArbitrationLaw until
    dijatuhkan tidak jelas apakah putusan arbitrase asing/internasional atau putusan domestik.4.2.2 Bahkan keadaan kontroversi antara pertimbangan angka82 itu diperparah lagi dengan amar angka 87 Final Awardyang berbunyi:The Respondents shall pay interest on the total amount payuable,as specified in Paragraph 86 , from the date of registration of thisFinal Award under article 59 of the Indonesia Arbitration Lawor theobtaining of an order of Exeguatur under article 66 of the IndonesiaArbitration Law until
    Hal ini dibuktikan denganadanya pertimbangan hukum Majelis Arbitrase pada angka 87Final Award ICC Case No. 14387/JB/JEM yang menyatakanbahwa:"The Respondents shall pay interest on the total amountpayable, as specified in paragraph 86 (c), from the date ofregistration of this Final Award under article 59 of the IndonesiaArbitration Law or the obtaining of an order of exequatur underarticle 66 of the Indonesia Arbitration Law until the date ofpayment at the rate of 6%p.a."
    RepublikIndonesia No. 791 K/Sip/1972 tertanggal 26 Februari 1973;Bahwa pada faktanya Majelis Arbitrase dalam putusan arbitrasea quo, khususnya dalam angka 87 Final Award tertanggal 27Februari 2009, memutuskan sebagai berikut:"The Respondents shall pay interest on the total amountpayable, as specified in paragraph 86 (c), from the date ofregistration of this Final Award under Article 59 of the IndonesianArbitration Law or the obtaining of an order of Exequatur underArticle 66 of the Indonesian Arbitration Law until
Putus : 11-08-2014 — Upload : 14-08-2015
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 283/B/PK/PJK/2014
4324 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Until Death Barat Rp 87.000.000,00 Rp 8.700.000,0021. Chaos Barat Rp 87.000.000,00 Rp 8.700.000,0022. Bordertown Barat Rp 87.000.000,00 Rp 8.700.000,0023. Mad Money Barat Rp 87.000.000,00 Rp 8.700.000,0024. Rambo IV Barat Rp 87.000.000,00 Rp 8.700.000,0025: The Contract Barat Rp 87.000.000,00 Rp 8.700.000,0026. Lonely Hearts Barat Rp 87.000.000,00 Rp 8.700.000,0027. Provoked Barat Rp 87.000.000,00 Rp 8.700.000,0028. Code Name: The Barat Rp 87.000.000,00 Rp 8.700.000,00Cleaner 29.
Register : 17-04-2017 — Putus : 12-06-2017 — Upload : 06-01-2018
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 204/PDT/2017/PT.DKI
  • Independen untuk hasil akhir.Price The Unit Price in US Dollars per barrel Price shall be on 99,81% X Lops (Low(Section 6) shall be: Mops) 0.25% S from date 26" from PLN Contract price Belawan 2USD the previous Two Month until 25" Hal 17 dari 39 Halaman Put.
    mengajukanjawabannya, sebagai berikut :DALAM EKSEPSI : EXEPTIO DILATORIA (Eksepsi Gugatan Prematur)1.Bahwa kontrak jual beli Sales contract for product sales & Purchase, nomor002/PEKPM/SLSBELAWAN/FEB2015, tanggal 3 Februari 2015,jangka waktunya yaitu dari tanggal 1 Maret 2015 sampai dengan tanggal29 Februari 2016, sebagaimana dalam ketentuan Section 2 No 2.1 yangmenyatakan "The seller shall sell, and buyer shall accept the products at belawanport, Indonesia during the period of 1*' of march 2015 up until
Register : 06-06-2023 — Putus : 03-08-2023 — Upload : 03-08-2023
Putusan PN BITUNG Nomor 61/Pid.Sus/2023/PN Bit
Tanggal 3 Agustus 2023 — Penuntut Umum:
  • SAR.PROV; Date of Birth: August 11, 1992; Valid Until : December 31, 2027; In Case of Emergency please contact : Name : Richard Montecillo; Contact Number : 0955-037-8886;

Tetap terlampir dalam berkas perkara ;

  • 1 (satu) buah Kartu Tanda Penduduk Nomor : 7103090208960013; Nama : AIAN MUNTICILLIO; Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : PETTA, 02 Agustus 1996; Alamat : Kampung Nanusa, Desa Nanusa, Kecamatan : Nusa Tabukan; Agama : Kristen
Register : 04-02-2022 — Putus : 17-02-2022 — Upload : 17-02-2022
Putusan PA Teluk Kuantan Nomor 24/Pdt.P/2022/PA.Tlk
Tanggal 17 Februari 2022 — Pemohon melawan Termohon
  • Hadist Nabi Muhammad Saw yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Masud. ra:al Gag eg pall Geeky peel Gand 4008 ce 5 Sie Sell Sis E Until ya IRI jitSlay Al 4014 2 Shall; cubed abiny,Artinya: Wahai para pemuda, barangsiapa di antara kalian telah mampuserta berkeinginan untuk menikah, maka hendaklah ia menikah.Karena sesungguhnya pernikahan itu dapat menundukkanpandangan dan memelihara kemaluan.
Putus : 01-09-2016 — Upload : 17-03-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 67 PK/Pdt.Sus-Arbt/2016
595380 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Marshall in so far as they related to the jointventure relationship other than by way of arbitration pursuant toclause 17.4 of the SSA;until further order;Terjemahan:2.Memerintahkan bahwa Termohon (yaitu PT Ayunda Prima Mitra);Halaman 11 dari 17 hal. Put. Nomor 67 PK/Padt.SusArbt/201612.13.14.(i) Untuk tidak melanjutkan proses peradilan di Indonesia (PerkaraNomor 1100/Pdt.G/2008/PN Jkt.Sel) sepanjang terkait denganPemohon 6, Pemohon 7, Pemohon 8 dan Mr.
Register : 11-08-2020 — Putus : 08-10-2020 — Upload : 02-11-2020
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 504/PDT/2020/PT DKI
Tanggal 8 Oktober 2020 — Pembanding/Penggugat : PT Igas Utama Diwakili Oleh : Koesnadi Notonegoro,SH.M.Hum.
Terbanding/Tergugat I : PT Majuko Utama Indonesia
Terbanding/Tergugat II : PT. BANTEN INTI GASINDO,
  • Throughout Fee (TPF) of Gas:The IGAS will pay to MUI Compensation Fee for usingthe Facility with the following conditions and formulas:a) Start from the Operation Startimg Date until end of the6" (sixth) year after the Operation Starting Date:TPF = V*USD 0,60/MMBTU:b) At the beginning of the 7 (seventh) Year after theOperation Starting Date until end of the 10" (tenth) year:TPF = V*USD 0,30/MMBTU;Where:TPF = THROUGHTOUT FEE= Total volume of Gas express in MMBTU ofthe gas distributed to the Points
Register : 18-10-2016 — Putus : 29-12-2016 — Upload : 24-03-2020
Putusan PA KAYU AGUNG Nomor 800/Pdt.G/2016/PA.KAG
Tanggal 29 Desember 2016 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • AlBayan halaman 38 yang oleh majelis diambil alin menjadi pendapatnyaberbunyi: a qitiaddl li le Gis until 435Artinya : Menolak mafsadat (kerusakan) lebih ulama dari pada mengambilkemasiahatan; Oleh sebab itu, rumah tangga Pemohon dengan Termohon tidak mungkin dipertahankan lagi karena tidak akan terwujud tujuan rumah tangga yang:~ gakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah sebagaimana yang diharapkan AllahSWT dalam alQuran surat arRum ayat 21 jo.
Register : 20-01-2020 — Putus : 19-03-2020 — Upload : 11-05-2020
Putusan PN KENDARI Nomor 19/Pid.B/2020/PN Kdi
Tanggal 19 Maret 2020 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Rupiah ), namun setelah dilakukanpengecekan temyata pembayaran dimaksud tidak ada selanjutnya padatanggal 12 Maret saksi Firman hidayat memerintahkan saksi ArdianKumia Putra selaku assistant front office manager swiaabelhotel untukmengirimkan somasi kepada terdakwa tetapi tidak diindahkan clehterdakwa dan padatanggal 16 Maret saksi kembali memerintahkan saksiArdian Kumia Putra mengiamaan somasi kedua tetapi tetap tidakdiindahkan cleh terdakwa sehinga pada tanggal 30 Maret 2019 saksimeminta terdakwa until
Register : 29-04-2021 — Putus : 05-08-2021 — Upload : 20-08-2021
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 202/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2021/PN Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 5 Agustus 2021 — Pemohon:
  • Section 2.3:Continuing Guarantee, This Guarantee shall be a continuingguarantee and shall remain in full force and effect until the expiry ofthe Guarantee Period, notwithstanding the insolvency or liquidation orany incapacity or change in the constitution or status of the GuarantorHalaman 9 dari 75 Halaman Putusan Nomor 202/Pdt.SusPKPU/2021/PN Niaga Jkt.Pstor any other person or any intermediate settlement of account orother matter whatsoever.
    Section 2.3:Continuing Guarantee, This Guarantee shall be a continuingguarantee and shall remain in full force and effect until the expiry ofthe Guarantee Period, notwithstanding the insolvency or liquidation orany incapacity or change in the constitution or status of the Guarantoror any other person or any intermediate settlement of account orother matter whatsoever.
    Security Agent or the Finance Parties and anObligor, and if an Obligor fails to pay any amount of the SecuredObligations when due the Guarantor shall pay such amount to theHalaman 14 dari 75 Halaman Putusan Nomor 202/Pdt.SusPKPU/2021/PN Niaga Jkt.PstSecurity Agent in the required currency as aforesaid forthwith uponreceiving the Security Agents first written demand (the Demand).Section 2.3:Continuing Guarantee, This Guarantee shall be a continuingguarantee and shall remain in full force and effect until
Register : 21-10-2014 — Putus : 22-09-2015 — Upload : 21-01-2016
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 526/Pdt.G/2014/PN.JKT.PST.
Tanggal 22 September 2015 —
  • Sim had asked for the final invoice for thecharges in relation to QSA 300 to be issued, no invoices wereissued to QSA until November 2013, isnt right?A. Yes4544.Teriemahan n i berikut:"P,J.4,... Anda setuju bahwa Ny. Sim telah meminta kembalinyaQSA 300 sejak 2011 dan bahwa Anda dan perusahaan Andatelah menolak untuk mengembalikan kapal ini sejak saat itu,benar tidak itu?YaJadi, bahkan setelah Ny.
    Futher, TAKE NOTICE, that our clients shall be looking to yourclient for all and any damage, loss and expenses that theyhave suffered as a result of your clients conduct in relation tothe Vessel from 27 January 2011 until your client has fullycomplied with our clients demand stated in paragraph 4above.6.
    Sim had asked for the final invoice for thecharges in relation to QSA 300 to be issued, no invoices wereissued to QSA until November 2013, isnt right?63A. YesTerjemahan bebasnya sebagai berikut:"T ... Anda setuju bahwa Ny. Sim telah meminta kembalinyaQSA 300 sejak 2011 dan bahwa Anda dan perusahaan Andatelah menolak untuk mengembalikan kapal ini sejak saat itu,benar tidak itu?J. YaT. Jadi, bahkan setelah Ny.
Register : 01-04-2013 — Putus : 30-04-2014 — Upload : 27-03-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-52207/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 30 April 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Berdasarkan penjelasan Shimano Malaysia dalam Lampiran 3: Flow of Process Startfrom the Goods Ready at Shimano Malaysia until the Goods Ready Ship to Surabaya,Indonesia at Singapore Port:e Port (Tanjong Pelepas) near to Shimano Malaysia the vessel is limited.e Singapore Port is international free port which having very active vessel schedule toworldwide including to Indonesia.Dengan demikian terbukti bahwa transit melalui Singapura sematamatauntuk keperluan transportasi.KesimpulanDengan demikian
Putus : 07-09-2016 — Upload : 16-11-2016
Putusan PN RENGAT Nomor 368/Pid.B/2016/PN. Rgt
Tanggal 7 September 2016 — ARIFIN alias ANDE bin RAJA KAHAR
  • merupakankejahatan, sehingga dengan demikian unsur ini telah terpenuhi secara sahmenurut NUKUM ; 777 22 27+ 2+ on > re nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn eenMenimbang, bahwa berdasarkan pertimbanganpertimbangan tersebutdiatas, Majelis Hakim berpendapat bahwa perbuatan terdakwa telah memenuhiselurun unsur delik dalam dakwaan kesatu penuntut umum, oleh karenanyaterdakwa haruslah dinyatakan terbukti secara sah bersalah menurut hukummelakukan tindak pidana sebagaimana didakwakan dalam dakwaan kesatuBEAUNTIUL UNTIL
Register : 23-12-2010 — Putus : 24-04-2013 — Upload : 12-12-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.44735/PP/M.XV/16/2013
Tanggal 24 April 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • More common with nonprofitorganizations than with forprofit retail Forward dating"This is where the purchaser doesn't pay for the goods until well after they arrive.The date on the invoice is moved forward example: purchase goods in November fonsale during the December holiday season, but the payment date on the invoice isJanuary 7" These are price reductions given when an order is placed in a slack period (example: purchasing skis in April in the northern hemisphere, or in September in the southernhemisphere
Register : 03-08-2016 — Putus : 23-09-2016 — Upload : 29-09-2016
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 473/PDT/2016/PT.DKI
Tanggal 23 September 2016 —
  • .* Pasal 9.1 Perjanjan Pinjaman Antar Perusahaan : The Parties hereby agree that the term of Agreement is 12 (twelve)months, commencing effectivelly on January 1,2012 until December31,2012 (Term of Agreement))." Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia :"Para Pihak dengan ini setuju bahwa jangka waktu Perjanjian adalah12 (dua belas) bulan, beelangsung secara efektif pada tanggal1 Januari 2012 sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2012 (JangkaWaktu Perjanjian).
    Pasal 9.1The Parties hereby agree that the term of Agreement is12 (twelve) months, commencing effectively on January 1,2012 until December 31, 2012. (Para Pihak dengan ini sepakat bahwa masa berlakunyaPerjanjian adalah 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai berlaku efektifsejak 1 Januari 2012 hingga 31 Desember 2012).
Register : 25-03-2013 — Putus : 30-04-2014 — Upload : 27-03-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-52206/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 30 April 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Hal ini merupakan bukti bahwa barang imporsaat transit di Singapura tidak pernah diolah atau dikonsumsi dan hanya dilakukankegiatan bongkarmuat,Berdasarkan penjelasan Shimano Malaysia dalam Lampiran 3: Flow of Process Startfrom the Goods Ready at Shimano Malaysia until the Goods Ready Ship to Surabaya,Indonesia at Singapore Port:e Port (Tanjong Pelepas) near to Shimano Malaysia the vessel is limited.e Singapore Port is international free port which having very active vessel schedule toworldwide including
Register : 01-04-2013 — Putus : 30-04-2014 — Upload : 27-03-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-52209/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 30 April 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Berdasarkan penjelasan Shimano Malaysia dalam Lampiran 3: Flow of Process Startfrom the Goods Ready at Shimano Malaysia until the Goods Ready Ship to Surabaya,Indonesia at Singapore Port:e Port (Tanjong Pelepas) near to Shimano Malaysia the vessel is limited.e Singapore Port is international free port which having very active vessel schedule toworldwide including to Indonesia.Dengan demikian terbukti bahwa transit melalui Singapura sematamatauntuk keperluan transportasi.KesimpulanDengan demikian