Ditemukan 9775 data
43 — 23 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
OF AMERICA (As Amended by 1996Protocol) FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF DOUBLE TAXATION ANDTHE PREVENTION OF FISCAL EVASION WITH RESPECT TOTAXES ON INCOMEArticle 12 Interest1.Interest derived from sources within one of the ContractingStates by a resident of the other Contracting State may betaxed by both Contracting States.The rate of tax imposed by one of the Contracting Stateson interest derived from sources within that ContractingState and beneficially owned by a resident of the otherContracting State shall
not exceed 10 percent of the grossamount of such interest.Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2, , interest arising inone of the two States shall be taxable only in the otherState to the extent that such interest is derived by:(i) the Government of the other State, including politicalsubdivisions and local authoritiesthereof, or(ii) the Central Bank of the other State; or(iii) a financial institution owned or controlled by theGovernment of the other State, including politicalsubdivisions and local
authorities thereof.Paragraph 2 shall not apply if the recipient of the interest,being a resident of one of the Contracting States, has apermanent establishment or fixed base in the otherContracting State and the indebtedness giving rise to theinterest is effectively connected with such permanentestablishment or fixed base.
Putusan Nomor 1396/B/PK/PJK/2016of Article 8 (Business Profits) or Article 15 (IndependentPersonal Services) shall apply.Where any amount designated as interest paid to anyrelated person exceeds an amount which would have beenpaid to an unrelated person, the provisions of this Articleshall apply only to so much of the interest as would havebeen paid to an unrelated person.
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This Contract is subject to the laws of England;The provisions of the United Nations Convention of Contract for theInternational Sale of Goods (the Vienna Convention) shall not be appliedto this Contract;13.2. Any dispute arising in the execution or performance of thisContract shall be settled through amicable consultations between bothparties. In case no agreement can be reached through consultation, saidHalaman 10 dari 22 hal. Put.
Nomor 877 K/Pdt/2016dispute shall be referred to London Court of International Arbitration forarbitration in London by three arbitrators under the Rules of said Court.The Judgment of said Court shall be final and binding on both parties.The proceedings of the Arbitration shall be carried out in the Englishlanguage",9. Kami juga mengutip terjemahan bahasa Indonesia resmi dan tersumpahdari Pasal 13 Perjanjian tersebut di atas sebagai berikut:13.1.
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For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "resident of one of the twoStates" means any person who, under the law of that State, is liable to15taxation therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of managementor any other criterion of a similar nature;For the purposes of this Agreement an individual, who is a member of adiplomatic or consular mission of one of the two States in the other State orin a third State and who is a national of the sending State, shall be deemedto be a resident
of the sending State if he is submitted therein to the sameobligations in respect of taxes on income as are residents of that State.Article 11.Interest arising in one of the two States and paid to a resident of the otherState may be taxed in that other State.However, such interest may also be taxed in the State in which it arisesand according to the laws of that State, but if the beneficial owner of theinterest is a resident of the other State, the tax so charged shall not exceed10 per cent of the
gross amount of the interest.Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, interest arising in one ofthe two States shall be taxable only in the other State to the extent that suchinterest is derived by:i. the Government of the other State, including political subdivisions andlocal authorities thereof; oril. the Central Bank of the other State; orili. a financial institution owned or controlled by the Government of theother State, including political subdivisions and local authoritiesthereof; oriv
. any resident of the other State with respect to debtclaims guaranteed orinsured by the Government of the other State including politicalsubdivisions and local authorities thereof, the Central Bank of the otherState or any financial institution owned or controlled by thatGovernment.Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 2, interest arising in one ofthe other Stares shall be taxable only in the other State if the beneficialowner of the interest is a resident of the other State and if the interest
(Indonesia), akan tetapi, apabila Beneficial Owner daribunga tersebut adalah resident negara lainnya (Belanda), maka pajak yangdikenakan tidak akan melebihi 10% (sepuluh persen) dari jumlah brutobunga.Ayat (5)The competent authorities ofthe two States shall BV mutual agreementsettle the mode of application of paragraphs 2.Halaman 19 dari 44 halaman.
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;The obligations of PERTAMINA hereunder shall be deemed tohave complied with by the delivery to CONTRACTOR within onehundred and twenty (120) days after the end of each CalendarYear, of documentary proof in accordance with the Indonesianfiscal laws that liability for the above mentioned taxes has beensatisfied, except that with respect to any of such liabilities whichCONTRACTORS may be obliged to pay directly, PERTAMINAshall reimburse it only out of its share of production hereunderwithin sixty (
sebagai berikut:"Pajak Ditanggung Pemerintah, yang selanjutnya disebut PDTP, adalah pajak terutang yang dibayar oleh pemerintahdengan pagu anggaran yang telah ditetapkan dalamAnggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara, kecualiditentukan lain dalam UndangUndang mengenai AnggaranPendapatan dan Belanja Negara";Bahwa dalam Section IV Pasal 1.3 huruf b kontrak Bagi HasilBlok Rokan Antara Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak danGas Bumi Negara (PERTAMINA) dan Pemohon Banding,dinyatakan sebagai berikut:"PERTAMINA shall
,;The obligations of PERTAMINA hereunder shall bedeemed to have complied with the delivery toCONTRACTOR within one hundred and twenty (120)days after the end of each Calender Year, ofdocumentary proof in accordance with the Indonesianfiscal laws that liability for the above mentioned taxes hasbeen satisfied, except that with repect to any of suchliabilities which CONTRACTORS may be obliged to paydirectly, PERTAMINA shall reimburse it only out of itsshare of production hereunder within sixty (60)
Overhead AllocationGeneral and Administrative cost, other than direct charges,allocable to this operation should be determined by a detailedstudy, and the method determined by such study shall be appliedeach Year consistenly.
Laws and Regulations, yang antara lain mengaturbahwa:2.1 The laws of the Republis of Indonesia shall apply tothis Contract, danSection IV Rights and Obligations ofthe Parties:CONTRACTOR shall(b) furnish all technical aid, including foreign personnel,required for the performance ofthe Work Program,payment whereof requires Foreign Exchange;(c) furnish such other Funds for the performance of theWork Program that required payment in ForeignHalaman 37 dari 45 halaman.
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Pemerintah Belanda, menyatakan:Article 41.For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "resident of one of thetwo States" means any person who, under the law of that State, isliable to taxation therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place ofmanagement or any other criterion of a similar nature;For the purposes of this Agreement an individual, who is a member ofa diplomatic or consular mission of one of the two States in the otherState or in a third State and who is a national of the sending State,shall
be deemed to be a resident of the sending State if he issubmitted therein to the same obligations in respect of taxes onincome as are residents of that State;Article 111.Interest arising in one of the two States and paid to a resident of theother State may be taxed in that other State.However, such interest may also be taxed in the State in which itarises and according to the laws of that State, but if the beneficialowner of the interest is a resident of the other State, the tax socharged shall
not exceed 10 per cent of the gross amount of theinterest.Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, interest arising in oneof the two States shall be taxable only in the other State to the extentthat such interest is derived by:(i) the Government of the other State, including politicalsubdivisions and local authorities thereof; or(ii) the Central Bank of the other State; or(iii) a financial institution owned or controlled by the Government ofthe other State, including political subdivisions
Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 2, interest arising in oneof the other Stares shall be taxable only in the other State if thebeneficial owner of the interest is a resident of the other Stateand if the interest is paid on a loan made for a period of morethan 2 years or is paid in connection with the sale on credit of anyindustrial, commercial or scientific equipment.5.
The competent authorities of the two States shall by mutualagreement settle the mode of application of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.2.5.
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For the purposes of this Agreement an individual, who is a member of adiplomatic or consular mission of one of the two States in the other Stateor in a third State and who is a national of the sending State, shall bedeemed to be a resident of the sending State if he is submitted therein tothe same obligations in respect of taxes on income as are residents ofthat State;Article 111.
However, such interest may also be taxed in the State in which it arisesand according to the laws of that State, but if the beneficial owner of theinterest is a resident of the other State, the tax so charged shall notexceed 10 per cent of the gross amount of the interest.3.
Notwthstanding the provision of paragraph 2, interest arising in one ofthe other Stares shall be taxable only in the other State if the beneficialowner of the interest is a resident of the other State and if the interest ispaid on a loan made for a period of more than 2 years or is paid inconnection wth the sale on credit of any industrial, commercial orscientific equipment.5.
The competent authorities of the two States shall by mutual agreementsettle the mode of application of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.6.
Putusan Nomor 990/B/PK/PJK/2013the law of that State, but if the recipient is Me beneficial owner of theinterest the tax so charged shall not exceed 10 per cent of Me grossamount of the interest.Bahwa paragraf (1) mengatur negara tempat kedudukan penerimapenghasilan bunga (negara domisili) dapat mengenakan pajak ataspenghasilan bunga tersebut.
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Hal ini sesuai dengan Anex 8 OperationalCertification Procedure for the Rules of Origin, Article 16 menyatakan sebagai berikut:"Where the ASEAN origin of the goods is not in doubt, the discovery of minor discrepancies, such astypographical error in the statements made in the Certificate of Origin (Form D) and those made inthe documents submitted to the customs authorities of the importing Member State for the purpose ofcarrying out the formalities for importing the goods shall not ipso facto invalidate
Rule 23, Appendix 1, Attachment A, Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules of Origin of The AseanChina Free Trade Area, menyatakan :The Customs Authority of the importing Party shall accept a Certificate of Origin (Form E) incases where the sales invoice is issued either by a company located in a third country or by anACFTA exporter for the account of the said company, provided that the product meets therequirements of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA.
The third party invoice number should beindicated in Box 10 of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), the exporter and consignee must belocated in the Parties and the copy of the third party invoice shall be attached to the Certificateof Origin (Form E) when presenting to the Customs Authority of the importing Party.bahwa berdasarkan pemeriksaan Majelis atas PIB Nomor 004754 tanggal 07 Desember 2012,kedapatan pengisian kolom PIB, antara lain sebagai berikut : Kolom Uraian Nomor tanggal Keterangan15
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Nations And The Peoples Republic OfChina, dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untukmenggunakan Rule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal BarangForm E, yang diatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures(Ocp) For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area;bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (Ocp)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
notes of the Certificateof Origin (Form E), and signed by the authorised signatory;The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supportingdocumentary evidence submitted;Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages,number and kinds of packages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
- Terdapat tiga ruang lingkup yang harus dipenuhi apabila ingin menerapkan perampasan aset tanpa pemidanaan dalam hal perkara tindak pidana korupsi, yakni:a. Tidak terdapat cukup bukti untuk membuktikan unsur-unsur pidana korupsi (putusan bebas tidak ... [Selengkapnya]
Civil Forfeituredi Georgia GeorgiaUniform CivilForfeitureProcedure Act(Chapter 6,Title 9 CivilPractice, 2015Georgia Code UndangUndang (Act) 2015 91612(a) In actions in rem, the property which is thesubject of the complaint for forfeiture shall benamed as the defendant. The complaint shall beverified on oath or affirmation by a duly authorizedagent of the state in aq manner consistent with Article5 of Chapter 10 of this title.
is inadequate to file a petition to the Court 55 for the forfeiture of the asset, in whole or in part, theprosecutor shall inform the Secretarygeneral of suchinadequate evidence so that he may proceed toobtain additional information.The Secretarygeneral shall proceed without delay inresponse to paragraph two and submit additionalevidence for the prosecutor to reconsider.
Should theprosecutor deem that the evidence is still inadequateto file a petition to the Court for the forfeiture of anasset in whole or in part, the prosecutor shall informthe Secretarygeneral in order to forward the matterto Arbitrary Committee for consideration. TheArbitrary Committee shall deliver the decision withinthirty days as from the date of receipt from theSecretarygeneral.The prosecutor and the Secretarygeneral shall followthe decision of Arbitrary Committee.
There shall be no more motion against thatindividual in connection with the same asset unlessnew crucial evidence has arisen to convince theCourt to order the forfeiture of that individual assetto the State.When the prosecutor has filed a petition to the 56 Court, the Court shall order to post a notice at theCourt and have it published for two consecutive daysin a local well known newspaper so that individualswho may claim ownership or have a vested interestin the asset can file an objection to the
Inaddition, the Court shall send a copy of such noticeto the Secretarygeneral to post at the Office and atthe police station where the asset is located. If thereis an evidence of individual who may claimownership or has a vested interest in the asset thenthe Secretarygeneral shall send a notice to thatindividual and inform of his rights.
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The Final Invoice shall be paid on or before 30 (thirty) calendardays after the WORK Acceptance Report orCompletion Certificate issigned. Serta terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia:...
apply and that each party shall beresponsible for those it causes to be in the vicinity of a WORKLOCATION or participating in the WORK.
Lampiran F Agreemenij.Berikut kutipannya:SECOND PARTY Tergugat and FIRST PARTY fTACPertamina PT PAN, each on its own behalf and on behalf of itsGroup, waive and release all rights and claims against the otherPARTY and its Group for, and shall indemnify and hold harmlessthe other PARTY and its Group, for any loss of profit oranticipated profit, loss of revenues, production or drilling delays,interruption or slowdown of operations, loss or loss of use ofcapital and/or resources, reservoir damage, or
THIS PROVISION SHALL APPLYREGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE FOREGOING LOSS ORLIABILITY IS CAUSED OR BROUGHT ABOUT BY ANYNEGLIGENCE OR OTHER LEGAL FAULT, ON THE PART OFA RELEASED OR INDEMNIFIED PARTY.Serta terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia:PIHAK KEDUA Tergugat dan PIHAK PERTAMA TACPertamina PT PAN, masingmasing bertindak untuk pihaknyadan untuk dan atas nama Kelompoknya, mengenyampingkandan melepaskan seluruh hak dan tuntutan terhadap PIHAK danKelompok lainnya untuk, dan membebaskan dan melepaskanPIHAK
64 — 27 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
yangmemeriksa perkara pailit mulai dari tingkat pertamasampai kepada Majelis Tingkat Kasasi dan PeninjauanKembali tidak mempertimbangkan KAHAR danOVERMACHT dimaksud, sehingga putusan mana tidakmempunyai kekuatan hukum dan atau tidak mengikatPemohon Peninjauan kembali dan mempunyai alasancukup untuk dinyatakan batal.Bahwa dalam perkara Pailit salah satu Kreditur yaitu PTPOLYCHEM INDONESIA Tbk dimana Sales Contractgeneral Terms & Condition, pada angka 11 dijelaskanbahwa : Arbitration : Any claim or dispute shall
be settled amicably betweenthe parties as far as possible, failing which the matter shall be calledfor an arbitration according to the rule of the Badan Arbitrasi NasionalIndonesia (BANI) if settlement can not be reached, the matter shall bebroght to the central Jakarta District Court, to give the finaldecision (Novum PK3 )Sehingga dengan demikian maka penyelesaian hukumnya harus melaluibadan Abitrase.Bahwa keadaan Pailit yang dialami oleh Pemohon PKtidak berlebihan apabila dikatakan sebagai akibat
144 — 65 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
keuangan MCJ, termasuk melakukanpenerimaan, penarikan dan pengeluaran dana MCU (vide Pasal3.06 Addendum Tala);Dengan diberikannya wewenang pengelolaan keuangantersebut, berdasarkan Pasal 3.03 juncto Pasal 3.04 AddendumTala, Tergugat VCCA mempunyai kewajiban hukum danbertanggung jawab untuk menetapkan Standar ProsedurOperasi (SOP) yang berlaku dalam menjalankan kegiatanoperasional MCJ, khususnya dalam pengelolaan keuangan.Adapun ketentuan Pasal 3.03 juncto Pasal 3.04 AddendumTALA (kutipan):"CCA shall
commenceon the date hereof and shall expire on the day which is the tenth(10th) anniversary ofsuch date unless this agreement shall beterminated foi whatever reason prior to such expiry date;Halaman 23 dari 71 hal.
Put.Nomor 545 PkK/Pdt/2015A.1.5.menyelesaikan segala bentuk perselisihan terkait dengan Talahanya melalui lembaga arbitrase.Kutipan Pasal 6 angka 3 Tala adalah sebagai berikut:"Notwthstanding the foregoing, neither party shall be deemedto be in default under this Agreement if a bonafide dispute wthrespect to any of the foregoing Even of defaults has beenarisen between the parties and such dispute has beensubmitted to arbitration."
option=com content &view = article & id= 210 & ltemid= 130#siac rulel), Pasal 1.1SIAC Rules tahun 2010 yang menyatakan sebagai berikut(kutipan):"Where parties have agreed to refer their disputes to the SIACfor arbitration, the parties shall be deemed to have agreed thatthe arbitration shall be conducted and administered inaccordance wth these rules.
If any of these Rules is in conflictwth a mandatory provision of the applicable law of thearbitration from which the parties cannot derogate, thatprovision shall prevail."Terjemahannya adalah sebagai berikut:"Para pihak yang telah sepakat untuk memilin penyelesaianperselisihan melalui arbitrase SIAC, harus menyetujuisebelumnya bahwa arbitrase akan dilakukan dan dicatatkansesuai aturan SIAC.
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bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease, chemicals or cold.9 Overshoes worn over other footwear; in some cases, they are heelless.(10) Disposable footwear, with applied soles, generally designed to be used only once.The term outer sole as used in headings 64.01 to 64.05 means that part of(other than an attached heel) which, when in use, is in contact with the po aeconstituent material of the outer sole for purposes of classification shall
In such cases, the w per shall be considered to be thatportion of the shoe which covers the sides and top of the foot.
Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :(a The material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatestexternal surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as anklepatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;(b) The constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatestsurface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch
Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :(a) The material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatestexternal surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as anklepatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;(b) The constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatestsurface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch
47 — 20 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Wajib Pajak menguasai Wajib Pajak lainnya atau dua atau lebihWajib Pajak berada di bawah penguasaan yang sama baik langsungmaupun tidak langsung; atauc. terdapat hubungan keluarga baik sedarah maupun semenda dalamgaris keturunan lurus dan atau ke samping satu derajat;Perjanjian Penghindaran Pengenaan Pajak Berganda antaraPemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Singapura.Pasal 5 angka 7An enterprise of a Contracting State shall not be deemed to have apermanent establishment in the other Contracting
However, such dividends may be taxed in the Contracting State ofwhich the company paying the dividends is a resident, and accordingto the law of that State, but if the recipient is the beneficial owner ofthe dividends the tax so charged shall not exceed:a) 10% of the gross amount of the dividends if the recipient is acompany which owns directly at least 25% of the capital of thecompany paying the dividends;b) 15% of the gross amount of the dividends in all other cases;Halaman 12 dari 34 halaman Putusan
Nomor 689/B/PK/PJK/2017The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall by mutualagreement settle the mode of application of these limitations;The provisions of this paragraph shall not affect the taxation of thecompany on the profits out of which the dividends are paid;4.
Both parties undertake to exercise the obligationsarising under this agreement in good faith and fair dealing;Article 3 : Area and/or ClienteleThis agency agreement shall apply to the following area:Peoples Republic Of China, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan, Korea,Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Singapore,Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, India, Srilanka,Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand. Other Countries can beincluded upon agreement of LID;Article 12 : Fees1.
LID shall pay LAP a remuneration by way of commission atthe following rates:Every year, on the turnover made in the Asia Pacific regionwithin one year:o 6%on the first 7.5 million Euro plus;o 5% on the turnover between 7.5 to 10 million Euro (ONLY5% on these additional million Euro, NOT 5% + 6% on theseadditional 2.5 million Euro) plus;o 4% on the turnover between 10 to 12.5 million Euro plus;o 38% on the turnover above 12.5 million Euro;The commission is calculated as a percentage of the netinvoiced
72 — 54 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
shallbe deemed to be a resident of the sending State if he is submitted thereinto the same obligations in respect of taxes on income as are residents ofthat State;Article 111 Interest arising in one of the two States and paid to a resident of the otherState may be taxed in that other State.2 However, such interest may also be taxed in the State in which it arises andaccording to the laws of that State, but if the beneficial owner of the interestis a resident of the other State, the tax so charged shall
not exceed 10 percent of the gross amount of the interest.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, interest arising in one of thetwo States shall be taxable only in the other State to the extent that suchinterest is derived by:i the Government of the other State, including politicalsubdivisions and local authorities thereof; orii the Central Bank of the other State; oril a financial institution owned or controlled by theGovernment of the other State, including politicalsubdivisions and local
authorities thereof; oriv any resident of the other State with respect to debtclaims guaranteed or insured by the Government of theother State including political subdivisions and localauthorities thereof, the Central Bank of the other Stateor any financial institution owned or controlled by thatGovernment.4 Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 2, interest arising in one of theother Stares shall be taxable only in the other State if the beneficial owner ofthe interest is a resident of the
other State and if the interest is paid on aloan made for a period of more than 2 years or is paid in connection with thesale on credit of any industrial, commercial or scientific equipment.5 The competent authorities of the two States shall by mutual agreement settlethe mode of application of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.Pasal 41 Untuk kepentingan Persetujuan ini, istilah "penduduk salah satuNegara" berarti setiap orang/badan yang, menurut Perundangundangan Negara tersebut dapat dikenakan pajak di Negara
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shall setoff the Indebtedness maka pernyataan Pemohon Bandingsekarang Termohon Peninjauan Kembali tidak ada penyerahan piutangmenjadi tidak terbukti. Di sisi yang lain dinyatakan : WHEREAS : B. Aspart of the restructuring scheme of the Issuer, LTH has assigned theIndebtedness together with all rights and priviledges of LTH as providedin the Asset Sale Agreement pursuant a deed of assignment dated 26December 2006 made between LTH and THI. C.
In furtherance thereto,the Issuer is desirous of issuing to THII, and THII is desirous ofsubscibbing in the Issuer, the Serie A Shares (as defined herein), inconsideration of which THII shall setoff the Indebtedness. D. The Issueris hereby acknowledged, based on the Articles (as definded herein), tohave issued Ordinary Shares (as defined herein).
125 — 34
Etersebut.Adapun contoh stempel dan tanda tangan dimaksud sebagaimana tercantum PadaForm E Nomor: E1047018106493291 tanggal 13 Mei 2012Berdasarkan uraian di atas dimana kedapatan tanda tangan berbeda denganspecimen resmi dari Pemerintah China, maka disampaikan pembahasan sebagaiberikut:Bahwa berdasarkan Rule 7, "Appendix 1, Attachment A: Revised OperationalCertification Procedures (OCP) For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina FreeTrade Area" disebutkan sebagai berikut :"Rule 7The Issuing Authorities shall
notes of the Certificateof Origin (Form E), and signed by the authorised signatory;The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supportingdocumentary evidence submitted;Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages,number and kinds of packages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;Multiple items declared on the same Certificate Of Origin (Form E) shall
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Overridding Principle : Any dispute arising out of or relatingto this Agreement shall be resolved exclusively by theprocedures set out in this Article 11. First, there shall befriendly discussions between Parties based on the basisthat Parties have agreed to established the cooperation inorder to generate the maximum profit for every Party;b. Binding Arbitration : If the dispute is not resolved byfriendly discussions under the immediate!
If the disputeis not resolved wthin forty (40) days after such notice,either Party shall be entitled to refer the dispute forarbitration by the Singapore Commercial Arbitration Boardin accordance wth the prevailing rules of such arbitrationtribunal. The decision of the Singapore CommercialArbitration Board shall be final and binding upon theParties.Hal 10 dari 72 Hal Putusan No. 339/Pdt.G/2015/PN. Jkt.Sel2.22.3Yang memiliki terjemahan bebas sebagai berikut:11. PENYELESAIAN SENGKETAa.
If the PRINCIPAL fails to complete building concentrator facilities(full option) wthin one year after the execution of the Addendum toAgreement No. : 01/PSKZIAI/2011, dated November 01, 2011, theObligee shall be entitled to claim for the amount bondAtau dalam terjemahan bebas, berbunyi :4.
Guarantee for repurchasing share from Second Party : TheSecond Party shall pay USD 70,000 as downpayment forpurchasing 20% shares of The First Party wthin 3 workingdays after signing Agreement.
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Certificate of Origin (Form E), andsigned by the authorised signatory;b) The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;c) The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supportingdocumentary evidence submitted;d) Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number andkinds of packages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;e) Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
be allowed subject tothe domestic laws, regulations and administrative rules of the importing Party provided eachitem must qualify separately in its own right;bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For The Rules Of Origin OfThe AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakan Within the meaning of Rule 2 (a), thefollowing shall be considered as wholly produced or obtained in a Party:a) Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there;b) Live animals 2
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And The Peoples RepublicOf China, dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakan Rule of Origin(ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yang diatur secara rinci dalam RevisedOperational Certification Procedures (OCP) For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free TradeArea;bahwa berdasarkan Appendix I: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For The Rules OfOrigin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7 dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed bythe authorised signatory;b) The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;c) The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted;d) Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;) Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall