Ditemukan 2113 data
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kelihatan memenuhi syarat kedua karena pembuatannya dengancara injection moulding, karena untuk masuk pos 64.02 harusmemenuhi syarat pembuatannya dengan cara dijahit, dikeling,dipaku, disekrup, ditusuk atau dengan cara semacam itu;Bahwa pada penjelasan pos 64.02 pada halaman XII 64021Explanatory Notes, Fifth Edition, Volume 3, dinyatakan: The Headingcovers, inter alia:(a) Skiboots consisting of several moulded parts hinged on rivetsor similar devices;(b) Clogs without quarter or counter, the uppers of which
areproduced in one piece usually attached to the base or platformby riveting;(c) Slippers or mules without quarter or counter, the uppers ofwhich, being produced in one piece or assembled other than bystitching, are attached to the sole by stitching;(d) Sandals consiting of straps across the instep and counter orheelstrap attached to the sole by any process;(e) Thongtype sandals in which the thongs are attached to thesole by plugs which lock into holes in the sole;(f) Nonwaterproof footwear produced
PT JTrust Olympindo Multi Finance
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The Parties intended to arrange themutual settlement of the Dispute Objectincluding the Civil Lawsuit by preparingthis Settlement Agreement which hasbeen negotiated and agreed by theParties in the dual language of BahasaIndonesia and English and as long asnecessary, will be filed to the honorablePanel of Judges who examine the CivilLawsuit at the Central Jakarta DistrictCourt as a full and final settlement ofthe Civil Lawsuit.
Akta Perdamaian, Nomor 771/Pdt.G/2020/PN.Jkt.Pst. than 30 June 2021 before 11.30 WIBand after the signing date and thereceipt of a copy of this SettlementAgreement which have signed by theFirst Party.Juni 2021 sebelum pukul 11.30 WIB dansetelah tanggal penandatanganan danditerimanya salinan Perjanjian PerdamaianPihakditandatangani oleh Pihak Pertama.ini oleh Kedua yang telah Payment of BBG A Claim to the FirstParty as referred to Article 1 of thisSettlement Agreement shall be made bytransferring
The First Party agrees to use their bestefforts to deliver complete BBG Invoiceand Supporting Documents (includingincluding BPKB,STNK and KIR) for the remaining 19(nineteen) vehicle units BBG B to theVehicle DocumentsSecond Party and as long as the FirstParty could not be able to completesuch documents to the Second Party,then the Second Party has no obligationto settle the BBG of unit which has notcomplete documents.11.Pihak Pertama setuju untuk bersungguhsungguh untuk menyampaikan Faktur BBGdan
Perdamaian ini yang olehsebab apapun ditetapkan oleh pengadilanyang berwenang sebagai tidak dapatditerapkan dalam hal apapun, tidak dapatditerapkannya ketentuan tersebut tidakakan mempengaruhi ketentuan lainnyadalam Perjanjian Perdamaian ini, makaPerjanjian Perdamaian ini akandiberlakukan seolaholah ketentuan yangtidak dapat diterapkan tersebut tidak pernahdicantumkan dalam Perjanjian ini. 17.The Settlement Agreement is governedby the laws of the Republic of Indonesiabe twocounterparts, each of which
31 — 11 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
belumkelihatan memenuhi syarat kedua karena pembuatannya dengancara injection moulding, karena untuk masuk pos 64.02 harusmemenuhi syarat pembuatannya dengan cara dijahit, dikeling,dipaku, disekrup, ditusuk atau dengan cara semacam itu;Bahwa pada penjelasan pos 64.02 pada halaman XII 64021Explanatory Notes, Fifth Edition, Volume 3, dinyatakan: The Headingcovers, inter alia:(a) Ski boots consisting of several moulded parts hinged on rivetsor similar devices;(b) Clogs without quarter or counter, the uppers of which
areproduced in one piece usually attached to the base or platformby riveting;(c) Slippers or mules without quarter or counter, the uppers ofwhich, being produced in one piece or assembled other than bystitching, are attached to the sole by stitching;(d) Sandals consiting of straps across the instep and counter orheelstrap attached to the sole by any process;(e) Thongtype sandals in which the thongs are attached to the soleby plugs which lock into holes in the sole;(f) Nonwaterproof footwear produced
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memenuhi syarat kedua karena pembuatannya dengancara injection moulding, karena untuk masuk pos 64.02 harusmemenuhi syarat pembuatannya dengan cara dijahit, dikeling,dipaku, disekrup, ditusuk atau dengan cara semacam itu;Bahwa pada penjelasan pos 64.02 pada halaman XII 64021Explanatory Notes, Fifth Edition, Volume 3, dinyatakan : TheHeading covers, inter alia:(a) Ski boots consisting of several moulded parts hinged on rivetsor similar devices;(b) Clogs without quarter or counter, the uppers of which
areproduced in one piece usually attached to the base or platformby riveting;(c) Slippers or mules without quarter or counter,the uppers ofwhich, being produced in one piece or assembled other than bystitching, are attached to the sole by stitching;(d) Sandals consiting of straps across the instep and counter orheelstrap attached to the sole by any process;(e) Thongtype sandals in which the thongs are attached to the soleby plugs which lock into holes in the sole;(f) Nonwaterproof footwear produced
75 — 21 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
belumkelihatan memenuhi syarat kedua karena pembuatannya dengancara injection moulding, karena untuk masuk pos 64.02 harusmemenuhi syarat pembuatannya dengan cara dijahit, dikeling,dipaku, disekrup, ditusuk atau dengan cara semacam itu;Bahwa pada penjelasan pos 64.02 pada halaman XIl 64021Explanatory Notes, Fifth Edition, Volume 3, dinyatakan: The Headingcovers, inter alia:(a) Ski boots consisting of several moulded parts hinged on rivetsor similar devices;(b) Clogs without quarter or counter, the uppers of which
areproduced in one piece usually attached to the base or platformby nveting;(c) Slippers or mules without quarter or counter, the uppers ofwhich, being produced in one piece or assembled other than bystitching, are attached to the sole by stitching;(d) Sandals consisting of straps across the instep and counter orheelstrap attached to the sole by any process;(e) Thongtype sandals in which the thongs are attached to the soleby plugs which lock into holes in the sole;(f) Nonwaterproof footwear produced
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S/C.PULP.002/2013 dated September 03, 2013 betweenthe OBLIGEE and the PRINCIPAL which contract is inherent within this bond."
DA13036IND dated September03, 2013 between the OBLIGEE and the PRINCIPAL which contract isinherent within this bond." Terjemahan bebas, sebagai berikut:"Kami, PELAKSANA dan PENJAMIN mengikatkan diri untuk melaksanakanpembayaran sejumlah uang secara baik dan benar, secara tegas dengan inidinyatakan bahwa jika PEMBERI KUASA lalai memenuhi pelaksanaanpekerjaan Pulp Supply yang telah diberikan kepadanya berdasarkanpemberitahuan kontrak PENJAMIN atas Pulp Supply Contract No. S/C.
PULP. 002/2013 dated September 03, 2013between the OBLIGEE and the PRINCIPAL which contract is inherentwithin this bond."Terjemahan bebas, sebagai berikut:"Kami, PELAKSANA dan PENJAMIN mengikatkan diri untuk melaksanakanpembayaran sejumlah uang secara baik dan benar, secara tegas dengan inidinyatakan bahwa jika PEMBERI KUASA lalai memenuhi pelaksanaan pekerjaanPulp Supply yang telah diberikan kepadanya berdasarkan pemberitahuan kontrakPENJAMIN atas Pulp Supply Contract No. S/C.
HDO/BPB/99/2013/00335 yangselengkapnya berbunyi:"We, the PRINCIPAL and the SURETY bind ourselves for the payment of whichsum, well and truly to be made, firmly by this presents that J the PRINCIPAL failsto fulfill the performance of the work of Wooden ip Supply which has beenawarded to him under the OBLIGEE'S notice of Contract Woodchip Sales &Purchase Contract No. DA13036IND dated September 03, 2013 between theOBLIGEE and the PRINCIPAL which contract is inherent within this bond."
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dan Japan, disebutkan bahwa"Where :(a) an enterprise of a Contracting State participates directly or indirectly in themanagement, control or capital of an enterprise of the other ContractingState, or(b) the same persons participate directly or indirectly in the management,control or capital of an enterprise of a Contracting State and an enterprise ofthe other Contracting State, and in either case conditions are made orimposed between the two enterprises in their commercial or financialrelations which
differ from those which would be made between independententerprises, then any profits which would, but for those conditions, haveaccrued to one of the enterprises, but, by reason of those conditions, havenot so accrued, may be included in the profits of that enterprise and taxedaccordingly.
Jepang, mengatur bahwa:Article 9Where :(a) an enterprise of a Contracting State participates directly orindirectly in the management, control or capital of an enterprise ofthe other Contracting State, or(b) the same persons participate directly or indirectly in themanagement, control or capital of an enterprise of a ContractingState and an enterprise of the other Contracting State,and in either case conditions are made or imposed between the twoenterprises in their commercial or financial relations which
differ fromthose which would be made between independent enterprises, thenany profits which would, but for those conditions, have accrued to oneof the enterprises, but. by reason of those conditions, have not soaccrued, may be included in the profits of that enterprise and taxedaccordingly.2.6.
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Berdasarkan Canada Border Service Agency, Custom Notice N484,Ottawa, 26 Nov2002 dan CBSA Statement Of Reason , Ottawa 9 Desember 2002The distinctive feature of waterproof footwear is that both the sole portion and the aportion of the upper, sufficient to give waterproof protection to the foot, areincorporated into a single component which may be made of rubber or plastic.Diterjemahkan oleh Penerjemah Resmi Dan TersumpahHarry F.
Canada Customs bahwa ciri khas alas kaki kedap air adalah kedua bagian sol danbagian atasnya mampu memberikan perlindungan kedap air terhadap kaki.Majelis berpendapat bahwa Pos 64.01 sampai dengan pos 64.05 dibedakanberdasarkan bahan penyusun outer sole dan upper, Explanatory Noted Bab 64Umum (B)Menurut pendapat pemohon banding ( kami ) penyataan diatas kurang tepatkarena berdasarkan Harmonized System :Pos 64.01 Waterproof footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or ofplastic, the uppers of which
memenuhisyarat kedua karena pembuatannya dengan cara injection moulding, karena untukmasuk sub pos 64.02 harus memenuhi syarat pembuatannya dengan cara dijahit,dikeling, dipaku, disekrup, ditusuk atau dengan cara semacam itu.Bahwa pada penjelasan sub pos 64.02 pada halaman XII 64021 ExplanatoryNotes, Fifth Edition , Volume 3, dinyatakan : The Heading covers, inter alia:s Ski boots consisting of several moulded parts hinged on rivetsor similar devices;t Clogs without quarter or counter, the uppers of which
areproduced in one piece usually attached to the base or platformby riveting;u Slippers or mules without quarter or counter,the uppers ofwhich, being produced in one piece or assembled other than bystitching, are attached to the sole by stitching;v Sandals consiting of straps across the instep and counter orheelstrap attached to the sole by any process;w Thongtype sandals in which the thongs are attached to the soleby plugs which lock into holes in the sole;12.13.14.x Nonwaterproof footwear produced
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Putusan Nomor 3206/B/PK/Pjk/20181213.1(b) Clogs without quarter or counter, the uppers of which areproduced in one piece usually attached to the base or platformby riveting;(c) Slippers or mules without quarter or counter,the uppers ofwhich, being produced in one piece or assembled other than bystitching, are attached to the sole by stitching;(d) Sandals consiting of straps across the instep and counter orheelstrap attached to the sole by any process;(e) Thongtype sandals in which the thongs are
attached to thesole by plugs which lock into holes in the sole;(f) Nonwaterproof footwear produced in one piece (for example,bathing slippers).
41 — 19 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
memenuhi syarat kedua karena pembuatannya dengancara injection moulding, karena untuk masuk pos 64.02 harusmemenuhi syarat pembuatannya dengan cara dijahit, dikeling,dipaku, disekrup, ditusuk atau dengan cara semacam itu;Bahwa pada penjelasan pos 64.02 pada halaman XIl 64021Explanatory Notes, Fifth Edition, Volume 3, dinyatakan : TheHeading covers, inter alia:(a) Ski boots consisting of several moulded parts hinged on rivetsor similar devices;(b) Clogs without quarter or counter, the uppers of which
areproduced in one piece usually attached to the base or platformby riveting;(c) Slippers or mules without quarter or counter,the uppers ofwhich, being produced in one piece or assembled other than bystitching, are attached to the sole by stitching;(d) Sandals consiting of straps across the instep and counter orheelstrap attached to the sole by any process;(e) Thongtype sandals in which the thongs are attached to the soleby plugs which lock into holes in the sole;(f) Nonwaterproof footwear produced
38 — 11 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
(b) Clogs without quarter or counter, the uppers of which areproduced in one piece usually attached to the base or platformby nveting;(c) Slippers or mules without quarter or counter,the uppers ofwhich, being produced in one piece or assembled other thanby stitching, are attached to the sole by stitching;(d) Sandals consiting of straps across the instep and counter orheelstrap attached to the sole by any process;(e) Thongtype sandals in which the thongs are attached to thesole by plugs which lock
23 — 11 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
belumkelinatan memenuhi syarat kedua karena pembuatannya dengancara injection moulding, karena untuk masuk pos 64.02 harusmemenuhi syarat pembuatannya dengan cara dijahit, dikeling,dipaku, disekrup, ditusuk atau dengan cara semacam itu;Bahwa pada penjelasan pos 64.02 pada halaman XIl 64021Explanatory Notes, Fifth Edition, Volume 3, dinyatakan TheHeading covers, inter alia:(a) Ski boots consisting of several moulded parts hinged on rivetsor similar devices;(6) Clogs without quarter or counter, the uppers of which
areproduced in one piece usually attached to the base or platformby riveting;(c) Slippers or mules without quarter or counter, the uppers ofwhich, being produced in one piece or assembled other than bystitching, are attached to the sole by stitching;(d) Sandals consiting of straps across the instep and counter orheelstrap attached to the sole by any process;(e) Thongtype sandals in which the thongs are attached to thesole by plugs which lock into holes in the sole;(f) Nonwaterproof footwear produced
32 — 11 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
memenuhi syarat kedua karena pembuatannya dengancara injection moulding, karena untuk masuk pos 64.02 harusmemenuhi syarat pembuatannya dengan cara dijahit, dikeling,dipaku, disekrup, ditusuk atau dengan cara semacam itu;Bahwa pada penjelasan pos 64.02 pada halaman XII 64021Explanatory Notes, Fifth Edition , Volume 3, dinyatakan : TheHeading covers, inter alia:(a) Ski boots consisting of several moulded parts hinged on rivetsor similar devices;(b) Clogs without quarter or counter, the uppers of which
areproduced in one piece usually attached to the base or platformby riveting;(c) Slippers or mules without quarter or counter, the uppers ofwhich, being produced in one piece or assembled other than bystitching, are attached to the sole by stitching;(d) Sandals consiting of straps across the instep and counter orheelstrap attached to the sole by any process;(e) Thongtype sandals in which the thongs are attached to the soleby plugs which lock into holes in the sole;(f) Nonwaterproof footwear produced
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pada saat pemeriksaanbernilai USD.3.007.894 ditambah USD.133.205, sehingga menjadi USD.3.141.099dibulatkan menjadi USD.3.141.100 (sesuai nilai sengketa versi Majelis);bahwa berdasarkan bunyi pasal 10 ayat (1) dari Perjanjian penghindaran pajak berganda(P3B) Indonesia dan Amerika , disebutkan bahwa :"Where a resident of one of the Contracting State and any other person are related andwhere such related person make arrangements or impose conditions between themselveswhich are different from those which
would be made between independent persons, anyincome, deductions, credits, or allowances which would, but for those arrangements or anyconditions, have been taken into account in computing the income (or loss) of, or the taxpayable by, one of such persons.
148 — 25
Barang Dalam PersetujuanKerangka Kerja Mengenai Kerjasama Ekonomi Menyeluruh Antara NegaraNegara Anggota Asosiasi BangsaBangsa Asia Tenggara Dan RepublicRakyat China), yaitu pada Annex 3 "Rules Of Origin For The The AseanChina Free Trade Area", dinyatakan:Rule 2: Origin CriteriaFor the purposes of this Agreement, products imported by a Party shall bedeemed to be originating and eligible for preferential concessions if theyconform to the origin requirements under any one of the following:Products which
of that Party, provided that that Party has the rights toexploit such waters, seabed and beneath the seabed in accordance withinternational law.Products of sea fishing and other marine products taken from the high seas byvessels registered with a Party or entitled to fly the flag of that Party.Products processed and/or made on board factory ships registered with aParty or entitledto fly the flag of that Party, exclusively from products referred to inparagraph (g) above.Articles collected there which
31 — 14 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Proyek PISP (Participatory Irrigation Sector Project);Dalam kontrak disebutkan halhal sebagai berikut:This Contract (hereinafter called the "Contract") is made on the 6thday of the month of December, 2006 between, on the hand,Directorate General of Water Resources (DGWR), Ministry of PublicWorks, Republic of Indonesia (hereinafter called the "Client") and,on the other hand a Joint Venture consisting of the following entities,each of which will be jointly and severally liable to the Client for allthe
DDC Consultants (hereinaftercollectivelly called the "Consultant).Sedangkan dalam General Condition of Contract juga dijelaskanbahwa "Joint Venture" means a Consultant which compries two ormore Peartners each of wich will be jointly and severally liable to theClient for all the Consultant's obligations under the Contract.a) Dasar Hukum UndangUndang Nomor 18 Tahun 2000 tentang PerubahanKedua Atas UndangUndang Nomor 8 Tahun 1983 tentangPajak Pertambahan Nilai Barang Dan Jasa Dan PajakPenjualan Atas
Proyek PISP (Participatory Irrigation Sector Project);Dalam kontrak disebutkan halhal sebagai berikut:This Contract (hereinafter called the Contract) is made on the 6thday of the month of December, 2006 between, on the hand,Directorate General of Water Resources (DGWR), Ministry of PublicWorks, Republic of Indonesia (hereinafter called the Client) and,on the other hand a Joint Venture consisting of the following entities,each of which will be jointly and severally liable to the Client for allthe
DDC Consultants (hereinaftercollectivelly called the Consultant).Sedangkan dalam General Condition of Contract juga dijelaskanbahwa Joint Venture means a Consultant which compries two ormore Peartners each of wich will be jointly and severally liable to theClient for all the Consultants obligations under the Contract.a) Dasar Hukum; UndangUndang Nomor 18 Tahun 2000 tentang PerubahanKedua Atas UndangUndang Nomor 8 Tahun 1983 tentangPajak Pertambahan Nilai Barang Dan Jasa Dan PajakPenjualan Atas Barang
278 — 42
PerdaganganBarang Dalam Persetujuan Kerangka Kerja Mengenai Kerjasama EkonomiMenyeluruh Antara NegaraNegara Anggota Asosiasi BangsaBangsa Asia TenggaraDan Republic Rakyat China), yaitu pada Annex 3 "Rules Of Origin For The TheAseanChina Free Trade Area", dinyatakan:Rule 2: Origin CriteriaFor the purposes of this Agreement, products imported by a Party shall be deemed tobe originating and eligible for preferential concessions if they conform to the originrequirements under any one of the following:Products which
Articles collected there which can no longer perform their original purpose nor are capable of beingrestored or repaired and are fit only for disposal or recovery of parts of raw materials, or for recyclingpurpose(4; andk.
139 — 28
Persetujuan Perdagangan Barang Dalam Persetujuan KeranKerja Mengenai Kerjasama Ekonomi Menyeluruh Antara NegaraNegara Anggota AsosBangsaBangsa Asia Tenggara Dan Republic Rakyat China), yaitu pada Annex 3 "RulesOrigin For The The AseanChina Free Trade Area", dinyatakan:Rule 2: Origin CriteriaFor the purposes of this Agreement, products imported by a Party shall be deemed tcoriginating and eligible for preferential concessions if they conform to the orrequirements under any one of the following:Products which
Articles collected there which can no longer perform their original purpose norcapable of being restored or repaired and are fit only for disposal or recovery of pof raw materials, or for recycling purpose(4; andk.
111 — 23
Barang Dalam Persetujuan KerangkaKerja Mengenai Kerjasama Ekonomi Menyeluruh Antara NegaraNegara AnggotaAsosiasi BangsaBangsa Asia Tenggara Dan Republic Rakyat China), yaitu pada Annex 3"Rules Of Origin For The The AseanChina Free Trade Area", dinyatakan:Rule 2: Origin CriteriaFor the purposes of this Agreement, products imported by a Party shall be deemed to beoriginating and eligible for preferential concessions if they conform to the originrequirements under any one of the following:Products which
Articles collected there which can no longer perform their original purpose nor arecapable of being restored or repaired and are fit only for disposal or recovery ofparts of raw materials, or for recycling purpose(4; andJ.
- Alasan kami memilih topik Gadai Saham sebagai salah satu pokok bahasan Restatement adalah karena terdapat inkonsistensi putusan pengadilan terkait lembaga hukum Gadai Saham. Selain itu perkembangan kegiatan ekonomi terkait dengan kegiatan usaha ... [Selengkapnya]
However, attention may be drawn to art. 63(a) Fw, which may cause the pledgee and the hypothecary creditor temporarily notto enforce their rights to summary execution. Of course it is also possible that thereceiver fully settles the claim secured by pledge or hypothec, as a result of which therelevant security right is extinguished (art. 58 para. 2 Fw).B.
The shareholdershall have the right to vote in a general meeting, unless this right is attributed to thepledgee (arts. 2:89 and 198 BW; see also art. 2:24a BW).Furthermore, there are special rules applicable to the enforcement of a pledgeon shares, on which more will be said here.D.
As mentionedbefore, this right is a right of summary execution, which means that execution canbe effected without any judicial or similar title of enforcement, such as a judicial decision or a notarial deed. The sale must take place in public, barring judicial permissionfor a private sale.
*Then, a brief reference must be made to art. 3:259 BW, which provides for a special (statutory) right of pledge for holders of depositary receipts for shares to theshares for which the depositary receipts have been issued.
It occurs regularly that permission is requested for a private sale pursuant to art. 3:251 BW, which is usuallygranted, also in view of the fact that the proceeds of a private sale are often muchhigher than those of a sale in public.