Ditemukan 9238 data
17 — 6
telah pecah,sehingga tujuan perkawinan untuk membina rumah tangga bahagia yangpenuh cinta kasih sayang sebagaimana dimaksud Pasal 1 Undangundang Nomor 1 tahun 1974 jo Pasal 3 Kompilasi Hukum Islam ternyatatelah tidak terwujud, sehingga rumah tangga Pemohon dan Termohontersebut sudah sulit untuk dibina kembali seperti yang diharapkan olehUndang Undang tersebut;Menimbang, bahwa sejalan dengan firman Allah dalam surat ArRum ayat 21 yang berbunyi:= > = t a s a ILed IgsStui) Gla5l aSwasl Go eS ols Ol able
456 — 423
Nautika Tingkat Dasar diterbitkan oleh DepartemenPerhubungan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut tanggal 19Desember 2003 atas nama Mohammad Ronli;Sertifikat Keterampilan Basic Safety Training diterbitkan olehDepartemen Perhubungan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Lauttanggal 09 Maret 2011 atas nama Andi Wahyu;Sertifikat Ahli Nautika Tingkat Dasar diterbitkan oleh DepartemenPerhubungan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut tanggal 19September 2012 atas nama Andi Wahyu;Sertifikat Keterampilan Ratings As Able
150 — 131 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
delivered on theproposed Delivery Date by reason of failure of Lessee to satisfy anyconditions to that delivery, Lessee will indemnify Lessor on demandagainst any Loss which Lessor may sustain or incur directly orindirectly as a result of such Event of Default or non delivery,including:(a) any loss of profit suffered by Lessor because of Lessors inabilityto place the Aircraft on lease with another lessee on terms asfavorable to Lessor as the Lease, or because whatever use, ifany, to which Lessor is able
No. 054 PK/Pdt.Sus/2010indemnify Lessor on demand against any Loss whichLessor may sustain or incur directly or indirectly as a resultof such Event of Default or non delivery, including:(a) any loss of profit suffered by Lessor because ofLessors inability to place the Aircraft on lease withanother lessee on terms as favorable to Lessor asthe Lease, or because whatever use, if any, towhich Lessor is able to put the Aircraft upon itsreturn to Lessor, or the funds arising upon a sale orother disposal
Pdt.Sus/2010on the proposed Delivery Date by reason of failure ofLessee to satisfy any conditions to that delivery, Lessee willindemnify Lessor on demand against any Loss whichLessor may sustain or incur directly or indirectly as a resultof such Event of Default or non delivery, including:(a) any loss of profit suffered by Lessor because ofLessors inability to place the Aircraft on lease withanother lessee on terms as favorable to Lessor asthe Lease, or because whatever use, if any, towhich Lessor is able
No. 054 PK/Pdt.Sus/2010 of such Event of Default or non delivery, including:(a) any loss of profit suffered by Lessor because ofLessors inability to place the Aircraft on lease withanother lessee on terms as favorable to Lessor asthe Lease, or because whatever use, if any, towhich Lessor is able to put the Aircraft upon itsreturn to Lessor, or the funds arising upon a sale orother disposal of the Aircraft, is not as profitable toLessor as the Lease.Atau dalam terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya:d)Apabila
delivered on theproposed Delivery Date by reason of failure of Lessee to satisfy anyconditions to that delivery, Lessee will indemnify Lessor on demandagainst any Loss which Lessor may sustain or incur directly or indirectlyas a result of such Event of Default or non delivery, including:(a) any loss of profit suffered by Lessor because of Lessor's inabilityto place the Aircraft on lease with another lessee on terms asfavorable to Lessor as the Lease, or because whatever use, if any,to which Lessor is able
222 — 103
BMU is able and willing to sell the said Iron to Paul Wee of JPJEngineering & Trading and is currently in negotiating with him.PT. Magna Solusi Asia is processing the Kuota licence inaccordance to the requitment of the Authority of Indonesia onbehalf of PT. Beri Mineral Utama.Please be inform that we will support him throughout this deal.Terjemahan :KEPADA PIHAK YANG BERKEPENTINGANSURAT PERNYATAANBersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa kami PT.
110 — 70
PUTUSANNomor 3428/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Bks.2 4 9 4 9gree able)DEMI KEADILAN BERDASARKAN KETUHANAN YANG MAHA ESAPengadilan Agama Bekasi yang mengadili perkara gugatan harta milik sendiridan harta bersama telah menjatuhkan putusan sebagai berikut dalam perkarayang diajukan oleh:XXX, Umur 48 tahun, agama Islam, pekerjaan Karyawan Swasta, beralamat diXXX, Bekasi, selanjutnya disebut sebagai PemberiKuasa.
12 — 5
w Oo = 17.oLlls VI Lonas aul ColSV aul able LonOrang yang mampu hendaklah memberi nafkah menurut kemampuannya.Dan orang yang disempitkan rezkinya hendaklah member nafkah dari hartayang diberikan Allah kepadanya ...
81 — 57 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Seorang Gubernur yang mengaku berjuanguntuk kepentingan rakyatnya dalam usahanya untukmenggenggam kontrol Provinsi atas pertambangan(KPC);"claim : "state or declare (sth) as a fact (withoutbeing able to prove it) ("*mengaku : *menyatakan ataumendeklarasikan (sesuatu) sebagai suatu fakta (tanpamampu untuk membuktikannya)) (jika netral, Tergugat dapat menggunakan kata "states atau "declares , danbukan *claims) ;Tulisan tersebut secara eksplisit maupun implisitmenyatakan sang Gubernur (in casu Penggugat
106 — 76
Putusan No. 03/PID.SUS/TPK/201 4/PT.PLK Baby Examination T able 1 3.602.610 3.602.610Photo T erapy 2 8.642.700 17.285.400UV Room Sterilizer 4 17.004.735 68.018.940Box Bayi 2 4.189.680 8.379.360Bad patientwith matras 46 20.146.500 926.739.000Bedside Cabinet 20 4.410.450 88.209.000Bandage Instrumen Set 3 20.691.000 62.073.000Bed Screen 5 8.049.888 40.249.440CTScant 1 Mono/Binoculer 1 24.750.000 24.750.000Haemostatis Analyzer 1 613.800.000 613.800.000Full Automatic
16.430.420 115.012.940Infusion Pump 14 49.549.500 693.693.000Emergency I rolley 2 8.484.300 16.968.600Nebulyzer 9 8.361.000 75.249.000Oxygen Concentrator 11 34.650.000 381.150.000Ventilator 3 381.150.000 1.143.450.000EmergencySet 2 45.292.500 90.585.000Vena Section Set 2 27.066.600 54.133.200Infant Warmer 3 238.491 .000 715.473.000Suction Pump Unit 11 12.078.000 132.858.000Syringe Pump 11 19.800.000 217.800.000Defibrilator 1 163.350.000 163.350.000Doppler2 2 80.047.440 160.094.880Baby Examination T able
92 — 63
principle which requires that the rules of lawmust be predictable as wellas the extent of the rights which are conferred to individuals and obligationsimposed upon them must be clear and preciseTerjemahan:(prinsip yang mensyaratkan bahwa ketentuan hukum harus dapat terprediksisebagaimana halnya lingkup hak yang diberikan kepada individu dankewajiban yang kenakan kepada mereka haruslah jelas dan persis; danthe principle which ensures that individuals concerned must know what thelaw is so that would be able
666 — 182
Mr Burhanuddin testified for a cumulative periodof nearly 7 hours, duringwhich time the Tribunal was able to form aclear impression that he was anassured, confident and articulatewitness and businessman. In light of this, theTribunal doubts that Mr. Burhanuddin's age, sex and status rendered himvulnerable to duress atthe hands of SGO's representatives during the meetinginJakarta on 23 to 25 April 2010, or that SGO's representativeswere in aposition of ascendancy over him."
61 — 5
sal Jaws &ple yas able cyo 351 Lo VI seas nau asa Lo adaillallo yo a>: plug ale al lo all Jgw, JasShin GaSag Shad bo 99 p20Artinya : Wahai Rasulullah, sesungguhnya Abu Sofyan seorang lakilakiyang kikir, dia tidak memberi nafkah kepadaku dan juga anakkuselain apa yang akau ambil darinya tanpa pengetahuannya. LaluRasulullah bersabda: ambillah yang mencukupimu dan anakmudengan sepatutnya.(HR.
108 — 43
Pasal 157 ayat f, untuk tonase kotor/GT 7 sampai dengan kurangdari GT 35 jumlah Awak Kapal untuk Deck adalah:a) 1 (Satu) orang Nahkoda memiliki sertifikat pelaut ANT V;b) 1 (Satu) orang Mualim memiliki sertifikat pelaut ANT V;c) 1 (Satu) orang Juru Mudi memiliki sertifikat keahlian pelautsebagai Able seafarers, BST, Buku Pelaut; Bahwa berdasarkan kronologis kejadian yang telah dijelaskankepada Ahli, Ahli berpendapat bahwa Kapal SB Fantasi Express 88 yangberlayar dari Pelabuhan Larantuka tujuan Pelabuhan
320 — 3299 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
In that case, the distributorwould be entitled to compensation appropriate to itsagency activities alone and would not be entitled to sharein any return attributable to the marketing intangible.Where the distributor actually bears the cost of itsmarketing activities (i.e. there is no arrangement for theowner to reimburse the expenditures), the issue is theextent to which the distributor is able to share in thepotential benefits from those activities.
234 — 268 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
We are thereforenot yet able to consider the matter on the offer Que in 2000. ..."
114 — 94 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The owner shall make the cargo holds and all otherspart of the vessel in which the cargo are carried, fit andsafe for the reception, carriage and preservation of thecargo without prejudice to the generally of the foregoing.The owner shall be responsible for any damage to orcontamination of the cargo due to the improper stowage ofthe cargo on the vessel;16) The vessel be equipped with suitable gears liftingcargo and other machinery as stated in the vesselsparticularly and able to load/discharge palletized
125 — 16
Bukhari).Lebih tegas dalam Hadits riwayat Lain;Halaman 66 dari 72 halaman, Putusan Nomor 1300/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Mr.Io piaisl Gyro : JUS ply ale all lo ull yl ale YsJo pss able UIS lg Jol 99 al GES (99 Gad Uo pusUs pris VI oglog pis nle Ygoliuoll : ais soy 259: JIS. ve!5 7%) niga peal! pial VM> o> gl LIL> Jol(440Artinya: Aisyah RA. Sesungguhnya Nabi SAW.
190 — 128
If such amicable solution is not able to beobtained in 30 (thirty) days, the dispute shall be settled in District Court ofSouth Jakarta.Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia :ika timbul perselisihan dari Perjanjian ini, Para Pihak dengan ini sepakatuntuk menyelesaikan perselisihan tersebut secara damai. Jika penyelesaiansecara damai tidak tercapai dalam jangka waktu 30 (tiga puluh) hari,perselisinan tersebut harus diselesaikan di Pengadilan Negeri JakartaSelatan."
75 — 34
OFeel Sy Lageg able cu Flair Spey egSpleg ogi daycm Aero AB MeN ged OF BI ce id Ugdby! OW I ples gipst thedae he hd i Syed bogie ely JS conde ail fal crash ulalp Ng Aes LobelArtinya : Hal. 60 dari 64 halamanPutusan Nomor 38/Padt. G/2018/PA.
164 — 64
Tanpasubstansi, SM hanya berbicara kepada beberapa anggota staf.Tim auditor Tergugat juga melakukan wawancara dengan perwakilan dariklien (PT Indonesia Power) yang menghasilkan laporan sebagai berikut:eg interface meetings client is inquiring the consultant on specifictopics during the meeting to enable him to take decision towards PLNConsultant SM seems not willing/able to answerConsultant SM is not bringing enough staff with him for the meetingsSM is not actively participating during the meetings
23 — 1
Akan tetapi apa yang diamanatkan oleh Pasal 33 Undangundang nomor 1 tahun 1974 dan Pasal 77 ayat (1) dan ayat (4) KompilasiHukum Islam tidak dapat ditegakan lagi, maka menurut Majelis Hakim rumahtangga seperti ini sudah tidak layak lagi untuk dipertahankan;Menimbang, bahwa sejalan dengan firman Allah dalam surat ArRummayat 21 yang berbunyi :IgiScud ela ASA Go AT sls Ol able bes59358G eSAIoLY Hs 9G 45555Artinya : Dan di antara tandatanda kekuasaanNya ialah Dia menciptakanuntukmu isteriisteri dari