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Urut Berdasarkan
Register : 04-10-2023 — Putus : 07-02-2024 — Upload : 13-02-2024
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 573/Pid.B/2023/PN JKT.SEL
Tanggal 7 Februari 2024 — Penuntut Umum:
  • 1 (satu) lembar foto copy berwarna cap Corporate Legal Divisi SP, DRAFT SURVEY REPORT, Certificate No. 03622/BOEKAP, tanggal 27 April 2022;
  • 1 (satu) lembar foto copy berwarna cap Corporate Legal Divisi SP, CARGO QUANTITY CALCULATION TABLE to Certificate No. 03622/BOEKAP, tanggal 27 April 2022;
  • 1 (satu) lembar foto copy cap Corporate Legal Divisi SP, CERTIFICATE OF WEIGHT certificate No 03623/BOEKAP, tanggal 27 April 2022;
  • 1 (satu
Register : 14-07-2008 — Putus : 27-05-2008 — Upload : 07-12-2015
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 03/KPPU/2008/PN.Jkt.Pst
  • Dengan adanyakartel, maka pelaku usaha yang terlibat mengharapkandapat menjual barang atau jasanya lebih harga yanglebin mahal ke konsumen sehingga bisa meraihkeuntungan yang lebih tinggi, namun dengan merugikankonsumen ;Bahwa secara teoretis ilmu ekonomi mikro, harga yanglebin mahal akan menyebabkan berkurangnya surpluskonsumen dan meningkatnya surplus produsen, danberpotensi menimbulkan Dead Weight Loss(DWL) akibatpenggunaan sumber daya ekonomi yang tidak efisien.Semakin besar konsumen surplus
Putus : 06-04-2009 — Upload : 19-06-2012
Putusan PN SLEMAN Nomor 348/Pid.B/2008/PN.Slmn
Tanggal 6 April 2009 — MOCH MARWOTO
  • Keterangan saksi tersebutmempunyai kecocokan dengan data FDR yaitu kecepatan pesawat saatmendarat lebih cepat dari normalnya, dimana seharusnya kecepatanpendaratan dengan berat pesawat (landing weight) saat itu adalah kuranglebih 130 knot dengan flat 40 degree ;percikan api yang timbul akibat gesekan tersebut terlihat jelas oleh parapetugas ATC dan pemadam kebakaran TNI AU, petugas ATC segeramembunyikan crash bell dan bersamaan dengan itu 3 mobil pemadamkebakaran dari bandara dan TNI AU meluncur
Register : 31-05-2021 — Putus : 18-08-2021 — Upload : 24-11-2021
Putusan PN PAYAKUMBUH Nomor 65/Pid.Sus/2021/PN Pyh
Tanggal 18 Agustus 2021 — Penuntut Umum:
    • 1 bundel Masa Pajak September 2016 beserta lampiran:
    1. Bukti Pemungutan PPh Pasal 22 Nomor 000043/PPH22 tanggal 30 Septmber 2016;
    2. Bukti Pemungutan PPh Pasal 22 Nomor 000045/PPH22 tanggal 20 September 2016;
    3. Cetakan Kode Billing Tx No A16150455574;
    4. Bukti Penerimaan Negara NTPN 319480HNC0C0G679
    5. Fotocopy Bukti Pemungutan PPh Pasal 22 Nomor 000044/PPH22 tanggal 26 September 2016;
    1. 25 lembar weight-list
Register : 23-09-2019 — Putus : 02-12-2019 — Upload : 29-01-2020
Putusan PN PEKANBARU Nomor 950/Pid.B/2019/PN Pbr
Tanggal 2 Desember 2019 — Penuntut Umum:
Welmi Afdal Als. Welmi
  • 1 (satu) lembar certificate of calibration (Sertifikat Kalibrasi) nomor : S.18.003721 tanggal 21 September 2018 atas nama PT.Besmindo Materi Sewatama untuk alat ukur Weight Indicator.
  • 1 (satu) Lembar Certificate of Calibration (Sertifikat Kalibrasi) nomor : S.18.003731 tanggal 25 September 2018 atas nama PT.Wahanakarsa Swandiri untuk alat ukur Temperature Gauge.
Register : 13-05-2016 — Putus : 22-09-2016 — Upload : 27-12-2016
Putusan PN TANJUNG PINANG Nomor 11/Pid.Sus-TPK/2016/PN Tpg
Tanggal 22 September 2016 — HERU PURNOMO, ST Bin H. BUARI ( Terdakwa)
  • GaiaScience Indonesia tanggal 26 Februari 2014 yang ditujukan kepadaPejabat Pembuat Komitmen Direktorat Lalu Lintas Barang BP Batam,yakni :Specifications :Speed : 50 130 rpmMotor power : 200 WattGross dimensions WxDxH : app.600x600x600 mmNet dimensions WxDxH : app.390x485x375 mmNet weight : 24 kgFeed size maximum : 810 mm depending on sampleQuantity maximum : 200mlQuantity minimum : 10 mlEndfineness maximum : 1020 umGrinding time setting : 199 min.
Putus : 29-09-2016 — Upload : 02-03-2017
Putusan PN SERANG Nomor 21/PID.SUS/TPK/2016/PN.SRG
Tanggal 29 September 2016 —
  • Tangga digerakkandengan 2 light weight hidrolik silinder dantelescopis digerakkan menggunakan sling bajadengan savety factor yang tinggi (Savety > 2).Sliding section dilengkapi dengan rollerpengarah pada bagian bawah dan plat gesekpada bagian samping.
Register : 04-10-2023 — Putus : 07-02-2024 — Upload : 13-02-2024
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 572/Pid.B/2023/PN JKT.SEL
Tanggal 7 Februari 2024 — Penuntut Umum:
  • 1 (satu) lembar foto copy berwarna cap Corporate Legal Divisi SP, DRAFT SURVEY REPORT, Certificate No. 03622/BOEKAP, tanggal 27 April 2022;
  • 1 (satu) lembar foto copy berwarna cap Corporate Legal Divisi SP, CARGO QUANTITY CALCULATION TABLE to Certificate No. 03622/BOEKAP, tanggal 27 April 2022;
  • 1 (satu) lembar foto copy cap Corporate Legal Divisi SP, CERTIFICATE OF WEIGHT certificate No 03623/BOEKAP, tanggal 27 April 2022;
  • 1 (satu) lembar
Putus : 25-04-2013 — Upload : 15-07-2013
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 5/PID.SUS/2013/PT.BTN
Tanggal 25 April 2013 — H. SUDENDI, SE., MM .
  • PROFIBUS, per meter LM9181 20 Unit297 Connection plug for PROFIBUS with PG-socket and termination resistor LM9182 9 Unit298 Wire stripper for PROFIBUS cables LM9184 1 Unit299 Safety connection cable (4mm) 100cm blue SO5126-9A 9 Unit300 Safety connection cable (4mm) 100cm red SO5126-8U 9 Unit301 Mechatronics Ali profile carriage with experiment frame 1200mm ST7200-3T 1 Unit302 Mechatronics aluminium profile carriage 1200mm ST7200-3U 3 Unit303 Monitor holder for flat screen monitor of weight
    connection plug 19/4mm, black, with tapping SO5126-9R 5 Unit343 Safety connection plug 19/4mm, black SO5126-9Y 20 Unit344 Safety connection plug 19/4mm, red SO5126-9U 10 Unit345 Set of safety measurement cables 4mm (23pcs) SO5148-1L 1 Unit346 Safety measurement cable (4mm) 50cm red SO5126-8K 4 Unit Mobile Work Stations Regenerative Energy 347 Complete Aluminium table with experiment frame 3 level, 1500x800x760 mm ST7200-3T 1 Unit348 Monitor holder for flat screen monitor of weight
Register : 01-10-2014 — Putus : 09-12-2014 — Upload : 30-12-2014
Putusan PA GRESIK Nomor Nomor 1583/Pdt.G/2014/PA.Gs.
Tanggal 9 Desember 2014 — PENGGUGAT VS TERGUGAT
  • falseifelse falseifelse11 dict begin/FontType 1 def/FontMatrix 0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 Jreadonly def/FontName /NimbusRomNo9LRegu def/FontBBox 168 281 1031 924 readonly def/UniqueID 5020931 def/PaintType 0 def/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin/version (1.06) readonly def/Notice (Copyright O50URW051++,Copyright 1999 by O50URW051++ Design& Development; Cyrillic glyphs added by Valek Filippov 050C051 20012005) readonly def/FullName (Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular) readonly def/FamilyName (Nimbus Roman No9 L) readonly def/Weight
Putus : 25-04-2013 — Upload : 15-07-2013
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 7/PID.SUS/2013/PT.BTN
Tanggal 25 April 2013 — REINHARD NAINGGOLAN.
  • PROFIBUS, per meter LM9181 20 Unit297 Connection plug for PROFIBUS with PG-socket and termination resistor LM9182 9 Unit298 Wire stripper for PROFIBUS cables LM9184 1 Unit299 Safety connection cable (4mm) 100cm blue SO5126-9A 9 Unit300 Safety connection cable (4mm) 100cm red SO5126-8U 9 Unit301 Mechatronics Ali profile carriage with experiment frame 1200mm ST7200-3T 1 Unit302 Mechatronics aluminium profile carriage 1200mm ST7200-3U 3 Unit303 Monitor holder for flat screen monitor of weight
    connection plug 19/4mm, black, with tapping SO5126-9R 5 Unit343 Safety connection plug 19/4mm, black SO5126-9Y 20 Unit344 Safety connection plug 19/4mm, red SO5126-9U 10 Unit345 Set of safety measurement cables 4mm (23pcs) SO5148-1L 1 Unit346 Safety measurement cable (4mm) 50cm red SO5126-8K 4 Unit Mobile Work Stations Regenerative Energy 347 Complete Aluminium table with experiment frame 3 level, 1500x800x760 mm ST7200-3T 1 Unit348 Monitor holder for flat screen monitor of weight
Register : 29-04-2014 — Putus : 06-08-2014 — Upload : 06-01-2015
Putusan PA GRESIK Nomor Nomor 0715/Pdt.G/2014/PA.Gs.
Tanggal 6 Agustus 2014 — PENGGUGAT VS TERGUGAT
  • falseifelse falseifelse11 dict begin/FontType 1 def/FontMatrix 0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 jJreadonly def/FontName /NimbusRomNo9LRegu def/FontBBox 168 281 1031 924 readonly def/UniqueID 5020931 def/PaintType 0 def/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin/version (1.06) readonly def/Notice (Copyright O50URW051++,Copyright 1999 by O50URW051++ Design& Development; Cyrillic glyphs added by Valek Filippov 050C051 20012005) readonly def/FullName (Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular) readonly def/FamilyName (Nimbus Roman No9 L) readonly def/Weight
Putus : 12-09-2013 — Upload : 20-12-2013
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 13/PID.SUS/2013/PT.BTN
Tanggal 12 September 2013 — DUSEP SUHENDAR, SP .
  • PROFIBUS, per meter LM9181 20 Unit297 Connection plug for PROFIBUS with PG-socket and termination resistor LM9182 9 Unit298 Wire stripper for PROFIBUS cables LM9184 1 Unit299 Safety connection cable (4mm) 100cm blue SO5126-9A 9 Unit300 Safety connection cable (4mm) 100cm red SO5126-8U 9 Unit301 Mechatronics Ali profile carriage with experiment frame 1200mm ST7200-3T 1 Unit302 Mechatronics aluminium profile carriage 1200mm ST7200-3U 3 Unit303 Monitor holder for flat screen monitor of weight
    connection plug 19/4mm, black, with tapping SO5126-9R 5 Unit343 Safety connection plug 19/4mm, black SO5126-9Y 20 Unit344 Safety connection plug 19/4mm, red SO5126-9U 10 Unit345 Set of safety measurement cables 4mm (23pcs) SO5148-1L 1 Unit346 Safety measurement cable (4mm) 50cm red SO5126-8K 4 Unit Mobile Work Stations Regenerative Energy 347 Complete Aluminium table with experiment frame 3 level, 1500x800x760 mm ST7200-3T 1 Unit348 Monitor holder for flat screen monitor of weight
Register : 24-11-2014 — Putus : 22-12-2014 — Upload : 19-01-2015
Putusan PA GRESIK Nomor 1896/Pdt.G/2014/PA.Gs.
Tanggal 22 Desember 2014 — PENGGUGAT VS TERGUGAT
  • falseifelse falseifelse11 dict begin/FontType 1 def/FontMatrix 0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 jJreadonly def/FontName /NimbusRomNo9LRegu def/FontBBox 168 281 1031 924 readonly def/UniqueID 5020931 def/PaintType 0 def/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin/version (1.06) readonly def/Notice (Copyright O50URW051++,Copyright 1999 by O50URW051++ Design& Development; Cyrillic glyphs added by Valek Filippov 050C051 20012005) readonly def/FullName (Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular) readonly def/FamilyName (Nimbus Roman No9 L) readonly def/Weight
Register : 10-12-2013 — Putus : 07-10-2014 — Upload : 31-12-2014
Putusan PA BLITAR Nomor 4084/Pdt.G/2013/PA.BL
Tanggal 7 Oktober 2014 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • falseifelse falseifelse11 dict begin/FontType 1 def/FontMatrix 0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 Jreadonly def/FontName /NimbusRomNo9LRegu def/FontBBox 168 281 1031 924 readonly def/UniqueID 5020931 def/PaintType 0 def/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin/version (1.06) readonly def/Notice (Copyright O50URW051++,Copyright 1999 by O50URW051++ Design& Development; Cyrillic glyphs added by Valek Filippov 050C051 20012005) readonly def/FullName (Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular) readonly def/FamilyName (Nimbus Roman No9 L) readonly def/Weight
Register : 18-08-2014 — Putus : 24-09-2014 — Upload : 07-01-2015
Putusan PA GRESIK Nomor Nomor 1270/Pdt.G/2014/PA.Gs.
Tanggal 24 September 2014 — PENGGUGAT VS TERGUGAT
  • falseifelse falseifelse11 dict begin/FontType 1 def/FontMatrix 0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 jJreadonly def/FontName /NimbusRomNo9LRegu def/FontBBox 168 281 1031 924 readonly def/UniqueID 5020931 def/PaintType 0 def/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin/version (1.06) readonly def/Notice (Copyright O50URW051++,Copyright 1999 by O50URW051++ Design& Development; Cyrillic glyphs added by Valek Filippov 050C051 20012005) readonly def/FullName (Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular) readonly def/FamilyName (Nimbus Roman No9 L) readonly def/Weight
Putus : 28-08-2014 — Upload : 30-12-2014
Putusan PN KEDIRI Nomor 17/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Kdr
Tanggal 28 Agustus 2014 — EDDY WULANDONO
  • falseifelse falseifelse11 dict begin/FontType 1 def/FontMatrix 0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 jJreadonly def/FontName /NimbusRomNo9LMedi def/FontBBox 168 341 1093 960 readonly def/UniqueID 5020933 def/PaintType 0 def/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin/version (1.06) readonly def/Notice (Copyright O50URW051++,Copyright 1999 by O50URW051++ Design& Development; Cyrillic glyphs added by Valek Filippov 050C051 20012005) readonly def/FullName (Nimbus Roman No9 L Medium) readonly def/FamilyName (Nimbus Roman No9 L) readonly def/Weight
Register : 22-05-2013 — Putus : 31-07-2013 — Upload : 22-01-2015
Putusan PA JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 1318/Pdt. G/2013/PA.JS
  • falseifelse falseifelse11 dict begin/FontType 1 def/FontMatrix 0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 Jreadonly def/FontName /NimbusRomNo9LMedi def/FontBBox 168 341 1093 960 readonly def/UniqueID 5020933 def/PaintType 0 def/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin/version (1.06) readonly def/Notice (Copyright O50URW051++,Copyright 1999 by O50URW051++ Design& Development; Cyrillic glyphs added by Valek Filippov 050C051 20012005) readonly def/FullName (Nimbus Roman No9 L Medium) readonly def/FamilyName (Nimbus Roman No9 L) readonly def/Weight
Register : 20-12-2022 — Putus : 21-02-2023 — Upload : 22-02-2023
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 972/Pid.B/2022/PN JKT.SEL
Tanggal 21 Februari 2023 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Foto Copy Certificate Of Weight Cert No. C31.I.17D22.006, tanggal 17 April 2022.
  • Foto Copy Draft Survey Report Cert No. C31.I.17D22.006DS, tanggal 17 April 2022.
  • Fotocopy Certificate Of Sampling And Analysis, Cert No : C2102.I.12D22.006, tanggal 17 April 2022, kualitas Batubara diangka Crushed Coal Kalori GAR 2035.
  • Foto Copy Report Of Analysis No : BJM-L 2223, tanggal 16 April 2022.
Register : 02-09-2014 — Putus : 12-11-2014 — Upload : 29-12-2014
Putusan PN KOTABARU Nomor 217 / Pid. B / 2014 /PN.Ktb
Tanggal 12 Nopember 2014 — DIDI SUSANDI Als. DIDI Bin ABDUL KADIR
  • falseifelse falseifelse11 dict begin/FontType 1 def/FontMatrix 0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 jJreadonly def/FontName /NimbusRomNo9LMedi def/FontBBox 168 341 1093 960 readonly def/UniqueID 5020933 def/PaintType 0 def/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin/version (1.06) readonly def/Notice (Copyright O50URW051++,Copyright 1999 by O50URW051++ Design& Development; Cyrillic glyphs added by Valek Filippov 050C051 20012005) readonly def/FullName (Nimbus Roman No9 L Medium) readonly def/FamilyName (Nimbus Roman No9 L) readonly def/Weight