Ditemukan 9775 data
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saja isi dari Perjanjian Restrukturisasi karenaseluruh isi Perjanjian Restrukturisasi merupakan satu kesatuan danbagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan antara yang satu dengan yanglainnya;Berikut ini kami sampaikan secara lengkap ketentuan dalam Pasal 2.3Perjanjian Restrukturisasi berikut dengan terjerpahan resminya, sebagaiberikut:1) Restruturing Subject to the Lender's satisfaction in full of the Borrower'sperformance in full or waiver by the Lender, of the Condition P, the Total IDRIndebtedness shall
(two hundred and twenty one billion, one hundredand seventy million, six hundred and ninety nine thousand and three rupiah) ofthe Total IDR Indebtedness (the "IDR Swap Debt) shall be exchanged forassets of affiliated companies asset out in the Ninth Schedule in accordancewith the terms and conditions of the Debt Settleroent Agreement to be enteredinto between the Borrower and Lender and acknowledged by the companieswhose debts form part of the account receivables to be transferred from theBorrower
to the Lender and who are listed on the Ninth Schedule ; and ;C) the remaining amount of total IDR indebtedness, being Rp22.302.223.413(twenty two billion three hundred and two million two hundred and twenty threethousand, four hundred and thirteen rupiah) shall be converted into UnitedStates Dollars at the Conversion Rate to US $ 2.144.444,56 (two million, onehundred and fourty four thousand, four hundred and forty four United StateDollars and fifty six cents) ("the USD Debt') and shall continue
Condition Precedent:the obligation of Parties under this Restructuring Agreement aresubject to the Lender's satisfaction in full of the Borrower'sperformance in full, or waiver by the Lender, of the ConditionPrecedent on or before the Closing Date, failing' which the Lender mayat its discretion determine that this Agreement shall forwith terminateHal 11 dari 31 hal. Put.
Nomor 769 K/Padt.SusPailit/2014without prior notice to the Borrower and the provision herein shallcease to have effect whatsoever and the terms and conditions(including the obligations of the parties thereto) of the Original LoanAgreement shall forwith be in full force and effect an enforceable.Unless otherwise agreed by the Lender and the Borrower, the ClosingDate, shall occur not later than 31 December 2002";Terjemahan resmi oleh Penterjemah Abdul Dialal Chusairi:4.
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;Pasal XX, paragraf kedua, Perjanjian Distribusi"Any disputes or differences arising out of or in connection withthis contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity ortermination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration inSingapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of SingaporeHal 11 dari 67 Hal.Putusan SelaInternational Centre ("SIAC Rules") for the time being in force, whichrules are deemed to be incorporated by reference to this clause."
Perjanjian Distribusi.;10.Lebih lanjut, dengan melihat pasalpasal dalam Perjanjian Distribusi di bawahini, nyata bahwa gugatan Penggugat yang meminta ganti rugi biaya karyawankepada Tergugat (sebagai prinsipal supplier dari Produk Dior) adalah sengketamenyangkut Perjanjian Distribusi, sehingga tunduk pada klausulaarbitrase yang termuat dalam Perjanjian Distribusi sebagaimana dikutip dalam butir 5 Gl ata, jee nasesnnenennnmnesnssnenmcamnnneeernemennsnenennnemenASRRERAnES(a) Pasal 8.3"The Distributor shall
;(c) Pasal 11.1"In the event this Agreement is not renewed as provided forabove, the Distributor shall not be entitled to any damages,indemnity or compensation whatsoever." ;Terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya adalah:"Apabila Perjanjian ini tidak diperbarui sebagaimana ditentukan diatas, maka DISTRIBUTOR Pen idak akan berhakkerugian, ganti rugi atau kompensasi apapun juga."
;(d) Pasal 11.3.6"Upon expiration or termination of the present Agreement, for anyreason whatsoever, the DISTRIBUTOR shall not be entitled to anydamages, indemnity or compensation whatsoever."
XX perjanjian dimaksud. ;19.Pasal XX Perjanjian Distribusi secara tegas mengatur bahwa segala sengketayang timbul antara Penggugat dan Tergugat menyangkut Perjanjian Distribusiharus. diselesaikan: Melalul Ar bitrase. jncesasannnmcemnsne nen nsnenesnenennnmmenasenennnnesHal 17 dari 67 Hal.Putusan SelaPasal XX, paragraf kedua, Perjanjian Distribusi"Any disputes or differences arising out of or in connection withthis contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity ortermination, shall
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Any dispute between the Parties arising out of this Agreement orany of the related agreements which cannot first be settled by thePresident Directors of the LESSOR and the LESSEE withinninety (90) days of either Party requesting in writing a meeting tosettle the relevant dispute, shall be submitted to bindingarbitration in Singapore at the Singapore International Arbitration13Center (SIAC) or elsewhere as agreed by the Parties under therules for Arbitration of the SIAC In force at such time and Inaccordance
The arbitrationpanel shall consist of three (3) arbitrators, one (1) chosen by thecomplainant, one (1) chosen by the respondent and a chairmanchosen by the arbitrators named by the complainant and therespondent.2 The Parties expressly agree that:a)b)the arbitration tribunal shall decide the matter as expeditiously aspossible, and the arbitration shall be complete and the decision issuedby the arbitrators no later than twelve (12) months after the date ofcommencement of the arbitration proceedings
(being the date ofservice of the complaint by the party initiating the arbitration), unlessthe arbitration panel finds good cause to permit an extension of thetime for completion.the arbitrators shall only reach their decision by applying strict rules oflaw to the facts and shall not purport toresolve any dispute ex aequo et bono.the arbitration shall be conducted in the English language;any decision of the arbitration tribunal shall be final, binding andincontestable and no Party shall dispute
Dpsd) each Party shall bear the expenses, such as traveling, meals andlodging expenses, which It incurs in connection with the arbitration.The fees and expenses of the arbitrating entity and other relatedexpenses shall be borne by the losing Party unless otherwisedetermined by the arbitrating entity.2 Pending the submission to arbitration and thereafter until the arbitrationtribunal issues its decision, each Party shall, except in the event ofexpiration, termination or failure by any of the other
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT. Gatari Air Services
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Notwithstanding Sub Article 6.2 of the Main Agreement,settlement of account shall be effected by the Carrier within 30days of receiving a correct invoice(s);6.2 An interest of 1% per month shall carry until is settle after 45days of receiving a correct invoice(s).Bahwa ketentuan diatas dapat diterjemahkan secara bebassebagai berikut:Halaman 5 dari 43 hal Putusan Nomor 408/PDT/2018/PT DKI10.6.1.
ANNEX B.1.0LOCATIONS, AGREED SERVICES ANDCHARGES to the Standard Handling Agreement (SGHA) of January 2008, padapage 2 of 8 effective from: 1 APRIL 2011 (kutipan):Preamble: This Annex B is prepared in accordance with the simplified procedurewhereby the Parties agree that the terms of the Main Agreement and Annex A ofthe SGHA of January 2008 as published by the International Air TransportAssociation shall apply to this Annex B as if such terms were repeated here infull.
ARTICLE 9 ARBITRATIONIn the event of any dispute or claim concerning the scope, meaning,construction or effect of this Agreement, the parties shall make all reasonableefforts to resolve dispute amongst themselves. Failing mutual resolution of thedisputes, the parties may elect to resolve the dispute through arbitration (eitherby a single arbitratoror a panel of arbitrators).
In accordance with Article 9 of the Main Agreement, this Annex B shall begoverned by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic ofIndonesia.
In accordance with Article 9 of the Main Agreement, courts for theresolution of disputes shall be the Courts of: Court of competent jurisdiction inthe Republic Indonesia.Terjemahan bebasnya oleh Tergugat (melalui google translate) sebagai berikut:Sesuai dengan Pasal 9 dari Perjanjian Utama/Pokok, Lampiran B ini diatur dandiinterpretasikan sesuai dengan hukum Republik Indonesia.
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Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China,dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakanRule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yangdiatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area.bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
notes of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory;The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted;Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
be allowed subject to thedomestic laws, regulations and administrative rules of the importing Party provided each item mustqualify separately in its own right;bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakanWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as whollyproduced or obtained in a Party:Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there,Live animals 2 born and
69 — 29 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
TF at puch eiwe ents ESS"6S nol bo he the omne,Sapercilal allecation Proc@dares cesowcoling Slane OperatingLeechs will be aented ae may ke Sepronrigteas :The charge: = gr iSes Provided fae in seceian 8.01 shall hae apesifiadTRQhO rarely See mech: sate Conteeck aul sobs a seco 6S feparatsSash calle and dabit Aohes by lene WEEPaEor Gnd pei) hyFIOOUCeFa 5 aggerdance wih the Agccuntleg PoourdsoSuch Charges esd Pguence shall bo sabiect!
Putusan Nomor 1433/B/PK/PJK/2017 Cash CallsFrom tims tc tine, as necessaty, Plant Operator shall cashCall from Producers, and Producers shall Pay of cause to bepald fo Blant Operater in GS dollars their rspectiveShares, separately determined as Brovided in Seckticn 8.01 ofEhe Agreement, of Peejected net cash fequirements For eachof:(a) Blane Operating Costa; and(5) the esets er Currently Funded Capital Projectsfor @ calendar senth Sr Bt theceof, as s@t forth in suchCah calls.The cash ealle For Plane
Operating Casts and CurrentlyFunded Capital Projects shall be S2oWM Separately and ahaildba in acerdasee with Producers" Jztest estingt@s of eachSales COREGack's Fercencage as determined under Aretlele 11Of the Agreement.
To the #etant Seagtteable, Plant UpfPater shall place thefunds received poreueac te cash calis In snterest=earningSCEGURES; all interest earned ebeicun ghali be credited &oPlant Operating Costs and nstice ef such a2gunee dhall Bedelivered ka the Producers. Gambar VI. Lanjutan Artice 2 Exhibit ABADAK LNG(BONTANG LNG) PROCESSING AGREEMENT (Amended& Restatted, 1988):b.
Putusan Nomor 1433/B/PK/PJK/2017Payment Instruction tersebut diterbitkan atas dasarTRUSTEE AND PAYING AGENT AGREEMENT(1974): ARTICLE 6Dhescnseaceeie Wire Tesrecero Procrssrmo CoamaesG1 Fortamite and the Gontracters shall submit to the Trusteeinvoices received by them from the Liquefaction Company on accountof LNG Processing Feos. lo the extent that funds are then held inthe Badak Payment Account the Trustee shall, promplly pon receiptof notice from both Pertamioa and the Contractors that any suchinroice
34 — 20 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
From tine to time, as hecessary, Plant Operator shall cashcali from Producers; and'Produczs shall pay or cause. to bepaid fo Plant Operates ia os @ollacs their respectiveShares, separately detersined as Previded im Section 8.01 ofthe Agreement, of Brojected Ret cash requirements For eachof:(a) Plant Operating Costs; and(6) the costs of Currently Funded Capital Projectsfor @ calendar senth Sf EOFS thereof, as set forth in suchCash calls.The cash calls for Blank Operating Costs and CurrentlyFunded
Capital Projects shall be shown Separately and shalibe En accordance with Producers" latest estimates of gachSeles contract's Percentage a5 determined under Article 21Sf the Agreemenk, T& during a there shall be a Fevision in the estimate of a Sales Contract's Percentage,or if the final deternination ef such Sales Contrace'sPercentage pursuant to Sectlon 11.02 o the Agreement shallfeflect a discrepancy from the estimates during such Fear,SPpropriste adjusements will be made im the amounts of cashcalled
from Producers to the end that the amounts paid andto be paid by Producers during and with Fespect to such yearTespecting Plank Operating Casts and Currently: FundedCapital Projects shall be Feconcliled as quickly asPracticable with such fevised estimates or determination.
Artice 2 Exhibit ABADAK LNG(BONTANG LNG) PROCESSINGAGREEMENT (Amended & Restatted, 1988):The due date for ach cash call shall be see by Plantopewe weeks" advance notice of Such due date. fOr, provided Slant operatos gives Producers at leasta.
amsunt of suchexcess,Es To the extent Bracticable, Plant Operator Shall place thefunds received pursuant to cash calls in dnterestearningeccounts; all interest earned thereon shall be credited roPlant Cperating Costs and Retice of such amunts ghail be delivered to the Producers.
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Arbitrase;Failing such amicable settlement, any and all disputes arising out of or inconnection with this Contract or its performance shall be settled byHalaman 8 dari 19 hal. Put. Nomor 2241 K/Pdt/2016arbitration by a three (three) member arbitration board which will hold itssession in Singapore in English Law under the Singapore InternationalArbitration Centre (SIAC) Rules.
Each party shall appoint one arbitrator withthird member appointed by the Chairman of SIAC;The arbitral proceeding shall accord to each the Parties right of crossexmionation of witnesses, the right to provide witnesses including expertwitnesses, and the right to make both written and oral submissions;Parties agree that they will not institute any legal proceeding arising out of orrelated to this Contract, except to enforce in any court having jurisdictionany award renderer by the arbitrators.
In the event any legal proceeding areinstituted in any court to enforce that arbitration award, the Party againstwhom enforcement of the arbitration award is sought shall pay all cost,including, without any limitation, the cost of legal counsel and translationfees of the party seeking to enforce the arbitration award. Any suit, actionother proceeding by any Party against the other party with respect toenforcement of any abitral award.
expresslywaive any Indonesian laws and regulations, decrees or policies having theforce of law that would otherwise give the right to appeal the decision of theArbitral Tribunal, and the parties agree that, in accordance with the article60 of Law Nomor 30 of 1999 on Arbitration and Alternative DisputeResolution (the Indonesian (the Indonesian Arbitration Law), no party shallappeal to any court from the award or decision contained therein, so that ondecision taken by the Arbitral Tribunal there shall
Law and Languange;This Contract shall be governed and and construed in accordance with thelaws of Republic Indonesia both substantive and procedural, and the partieshereby submit to the jusrisdiction of the courts at Jakarta, Indonesia only;Terjemahannya adalah :1.4 Hukum dan Bahasa;Kontrak ini diatur oleh dan ditafsirkan berdasarkan hukum negara RepublikIndonesia baik secara substantif maupun prosedural, dan para Pihakdengan ini mengajukan hanya kepada wilayah hukum pengadilanpengadilan di Jakarta
211 — 18
Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China,dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakanRule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yangdiatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area.bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
notes of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory,The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted,Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported,Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
be allowed subject to thedomestic laws, regulations and administrative rules of the importing Party provided each item mustqualify separately in its own right.bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakanWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as whollyproduced or obtained in a Party:Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there;Live animals 2 born and
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Nomor 48 B/Pdt.SusArbt/2015In the event of Force Majeure, the affected Party shall immediately and inany event no later than 48 (forty eight) hours inform the non affected Party inwriting and indicating the estimated duration of such event. The unaffectedParty shall acknowledge and confirm its acceptance or rejection of suchForce Majeure within 48 (forty eight) hours upon receipt of the affectedPartys notice.
The affected Party shall make its best efforts to resumeperformance as soon as possible;10.Bahwa berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 10.4 Perjanjian Jual Beli Amoniak11.tersebut, ditentukan bahwa dalam jangka waktu 48 (empat puluhdelapan) jam sejak menerima pemberitahuan keadaan memaksa, makapihak yang menerima pemberitahuan keadaan memaksa tersebut harusmemberikan tanggapan apakah menerima atau menolak keadaanmemaksa tersebut;Bahwa setelah menerima surat tersebut, Termohon dalam jangka waktu48 (empat puluh
Any controversy or claim arising out of or in relation to thisAgreement, or breach hereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in Jakarta;14.3. The arbitration shall be conducted before 3 (three) arbitrators inaccordance with the Rules of Arbitration of Badan Arbitrase NasionalIndonesia then in effect in accordance with Law Nomor 30 of the year 1999Hal. 8 dari33 hal. Put.
Nomor 48 B/Pdt.SusArbt/2015concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (as it may beamended or replaced from time to time);a) The proceeding shall be conducted in English, and all arbitrators shall beconversant with and have a thorough command of the English language;b) Both Parties shall be bound by the award rendered by the arbitrators andJudgement thereon may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction;c) Any Party will not be entitled to commence or maintain any action in
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT. HSING LOONG INDONESIA
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Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Agreement(and all documents referred to therein), including any questionregarding its exisience, validity or termination, shall be referred toand finally resolved by arbitration administered by the SingaporeInternational Arbitration centre in accordance with the arbitrationHal 8 Putusan perkara Nomor :159/PDT/2021/PT.DKI.Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre for the timebeing in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated
The seat of the arbitration shall beSingapore, it shall be a condition precedent to the commencementof any legal proceedings that parties Shall first attempt in goodfaith to amicably resolve any disputes arising thereform inaccordance with Clause 25.1Yang dalam terjemahan Tersumpahnya sebagai berikut :PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA25.2.
The SubContractor suspends or creases or threatens tosuspend or crease to carry on businessAnd, in such an event, the SubContractor shall be deemed to haveabandoned the Agreement and the Contractor shall be entilled to claim forall direct and indirect losses and damages arising out of suchabandonment by the Sub Contractor, in addition to all other rights that theContractor may have against the SubContractor under the Agreement.Yang dalam terjemahan resminya berbunyi sebagai berikut :20.
In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between theEnglish and Indonesian teks, the English version shall prevallYang dalam terjemahan resminya adalah sebagai berikut ;32. BAHASAPerjanjian ini dilaksanakan dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasaIndonesia.
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Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China,dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakanRule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yangdiatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area.bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory,(b) The origin of the product is in conformity wth the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA,(c) The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted,(d) Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported,(e) Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(9)(h)(i)()bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakanWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as whollyproduced or obtained in a Party:Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there,Live animals 2 born and raised there,Product obtained from live animals referred to in paragraph (b) above,Products obtained from hunting, trapping, fishing
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The manufacture, distribution, marketing, and sale of the products within theteritory of Indonesia;b. and The sale and delivery of the products to the members of the groupindentified in schedule 3 to this agreement, which are located outside the territoryof Indonesia;Pasal 12.1 :For the purpose of this Agreement "Net Sales Price" shall mean the actual invoiceprice of the products sold or otherwise disposed of by the Licensee in arm's lengthcommercial transactions, less:a.
Sales (turnover) tax and/or value added tax, as applicable Unless such itemshave already been included in the invoice;Pasal 12.2:In consideration of the use of Knowhow as meant in subclause 1 (b) of thisAgreement, the Licensee shall anually pay to the Proprietor a sum of two (2) per centof the Net Sales Price of all Products sold by the Licensee (The Royalty);bahwa Terbanding menyatakan bahwa tidak ada penjelasan atau data yang dapatmembuktikan adanya implementasi pengembangan knowhow, teknologi
pada tanggal 03 Juli 2003 Pemohon Banding bersama Friesland Brands B.V.membuat Trademark Lisence Agreement yang mengatur halhal sbb :Pasal 2.1:Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Proprietor hereby grantsthe Licensee and the Licensee agrees to accept grant of the exclusive tight to usethe Trade Marks during the term of this Agreement in the Republic of Indonesia inconnection with the marketing, distribution, and sale of the producs in the teritoty;Pasal 4.1:The Trade Marks shall
remain the property of the Proprietor under all circumstances.The Lisencee shall at the times recognize the validity of the Trade Marks and shallnot in any way challenge the Proprietor's ownership of, or its right to the TradeMarks,Pasal 10.1 :In consideration of the Trade Marks lisenced by the Proprietor pursuant to thisAgreement, the Licensee shall pay to the Proprietor a royalty of two (2) per cent ofthe Net Sales Price of the Products sold or otherwise disposed of by the Licensee innormal bonafide
commercial transactions;Pasal 10.2 :For the purpose of the previous subclause, the Net Sales Price shall be calculatedby substracting:Sales discounts, including sales allowance;Sales returns, and;Sales (turnover) tax and/or value added tax, as applicable;From the sales price of all products sold by the Licensee as invoiced by the Licenseeto its buyers;bahwa Terbanding menyatakan bahwa tidak ada penjelasan atau data yang dapatmembuktikan adanya kepemilikan trademark baik secara legal maupun ekonomisehubungan
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of any assistance that is ancillary and subsidiary to, and isfurnished as a means of enabling the initial application of, any such propertyor right as is mentioned in subparagraph (a), any such equipment as ismentioned in subparagraph (b) or any such knowledge or information as ismentioned in subparagraph (c); orbahwa lebih jauh pada Article 12 (2) disebutkan:Those royalties may be taxed in the Contracting State in which they arise, andaccording to the law of that State, but the tax so charged shall
Putusan Nomor 655/B/PK/PJK/2017(b) in all other cases 15%.The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall by mutual agreementsettle the mode of application of these limitations.bahwa dalam penjelasan OECD Model Tax Convention On Income and Capital,dijelaskan lebih lanjut pada paragraf 11 sebagai berikut:knowhow is all the undivulged technical information, whether capable ofbeing patented or not, that is necessary for the industrial reproduction of aproduct or process, directly and under
Putusan Nomor 655/B/PK/PJK/2017(a) in the case of royalties described in subparagraphs 3(b) and (c),and to the extent to which they relate to those royalties, insubparagraphs 3(d) and (f) 10%; and(b) in all other cases 15%.The competent authorities of the contracting states shall by mutualagreement settle the mode of application of these limitations.3.
royalti oleh Termohon Peninjauan Kembalikepada Orica Explosives Technology Pty.Ltd adalah terkaitdengan pemakaian know how dan technology dari Orica untukmelakukan jasa peledakan, sehingga pengenaan tarif sebesar10% sudah sesuai dengan Article 12 ayat (2) huruf a danArticle 12 ayat (3) huruf b,c,d, dan f P3B IndonesiaAustraliasebagai berikut:Article 12 ayat (2)Those royalties may be taxed in the Contracting State in whichthey arise, and according to the law of that State, but the tax socharged shall
not exceed:(a) in the case of royalties described in subparagraphs 3(b)and (c), and to the extent to which they relate to thoseroyalties, in subparagraphs 3(d) and (f) 10%; and(b) in all other cases 15%.The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall bymutual agreement settle the mode of application of theselimitations.Article 12 ayat (3) huruf aAyat (3) The term "royalties" in this Article means payments,whether periodical or not, and however described or computed,to the extent to which
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ME.C001/KLT1007 tanggal 26 Oktober 2007,tentang Site leveling & Grading Work dalam Proyek Kuala Tanjung 2 x 135MW IPP Coal Fired Power Plant, yang menyatakan:"If the tribunal shall consist of three arbitrators, one of them shall benominated by each party and the third shall be chosen by mutual agreementbetween the Parties wthin thirty (30) days of the nomination of the last of thetwo arbitrators nominated by the Parties.
If the Parties fail to agree upon thethird arbitrator wthin such period, the said arbitrator shall be nominated inaccordance wth the BANI rules or such other rules as agreed between MEand the Contractor";Terjemahan:"Dalam hal Majelis terdiri dari tiga arbiter, masingmasing pihak menunjuksatu orang dan arbiter ketiga dipilin berdasarkan kesepakatan antara parapihak dalam waktu tiga puluh (80) hari terhitung sejak penunjukan arbiterterakhir dari dua arbiter yang telah dipilin para pihak.
yang dijatuhkannya, atau dengan kata lain,permohonan ini senyatanya tidak berdasar hukum dan salah alamat (error inpersona).Bahwa dalam praktik hukum yang telah diterima oleh dunia internasionalsecara tegas mengakui hal yang sama sebagai suatu prinsip umum yangharus dihormati, seperti tercantum dalam Pasal 34 /nternational Chamber ofCommerce Rules of Arbitration yang menyatakan:"Neither the arbitrators, nor the court and its members, nor the ICC andits employees, nor the ICC National Committees shall
No.770 K/Pdt.Sus/2011x 185 MW IPP Coal Fired Power Plant (Kontrak), yang mengatur halhalsebagai berikut:lf the tnbunal shall consist of three arbitrators, one of them shall benominated by each party and the third shall be chosen by mutualagreement between the Parties wthin thirty (30) days of the nomination ofthe last of the two arbitrators nominated by the Parties.
Terbanding/Tergugat I : WALLEM & CO LIMITED
647 — 1094
WallemSentosa Shipping Corporation" (hereinafter called "the Company)which shall be incorporated under the laws of Republic ofIndonesia as a Perseroan Terbatas (abbreviated as PT). TheCompany may be in such other name as the relevant authorities inthe Republic of Indonesia shall allow and the Parties hereto shallagree.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, kami kutip ketentuan Pasal 2.5 JointVenture Agreement, sebagai berikut:"Subject to no objection of the principals, Larsen Ship shall transferLarsenShip's Existing Business to the Company when the Companyhas obtained all the licenses, authorizations, consents, or approvalsmentioned in Clause 2.1 above and is ready to commence business.LarsenShip shall endeavour to obtain all required licenses within aperiod of three months from the date of submission of the applicationto BKPM
WallemSentosa Shipping Corporation (hereinafter called "the Company)which shall be incorporated under the laws of Republic ofIndonesia as a Perseroan Terbatas (abbreviated as PT). TheCompany may be in such other name as the relevant authorities inthe Republic of Indonesia shall allow and the Parties hereto shallagree. The formation of the Company will be done by virtue of theprovisions of the Foreign Investment Law (Law No. 1 of 1967 asamended by law No.
LarsenShip shall endeavour to obtain allrequired licenses within a period of three months from the date ofsubmission of the application to BKPM.
109 — 171 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
VII GATTyang berbunyi sebagai berikut:"The customs value of imported goods shall be the transaction value, ........
Pasal 11 ayat (1) GATT 1994 menyebutkan bahwa:The legislation of each Member shall provide in regard to adetermination of customs value for the right of appeal, without penalty,by the importer or any other person liable for the payment of the duty.Bahwa catatan Interpretasi (/nterpretative Note) Pasal 11 angka (3)GATT 1994 adalah sebagai berikut:However, nothing in Article 11 shall prevent a Member from requiring fullpayment of assessed customs duties prior to an appeal.Bahwa dari peraturan GATT
Bahwa persyaratan Pembayaran Customs Duties Sebelum PengajuanBanding di Negara Anggota WTO Lain (India):Berdasarkan Pasal 127C ayat (3) Chapter XIVA Customs Act India,disebutkan bahwa:Subject to the provisions of subsection (4), the applicant shall, withinthirty days of the receipt of a copy of the order under subsection (1)allowing the application to be proceeded with, pay the amount ofadditional duty admitted by him as payable and shall furnish proof of suchpayment to the Settlement Commission.
However, the charges for the right toHalaman 51 dari 63 halaman Putusan Nomor 1015/B/PK/PJK/2014reproduce the imported goods in the country of importation shall not beadded to the price actually paid or payable for the imported goods indetermining the customs value.2.
The Customs value shall not, therefore, include thecost or value of the data or instructions, provided that this is distinguishedfrom the cost or the value of the carrier medium.For the purpose of the Decision, the expression carrier medium shall notbe taken to include integrated circuits, semiconductors and similardevices or articles incorporating such circuits or devices; the expressiondata or instructions shall not be taken to include sound, cinematic orvideo recordings.Pengecualian produk rekaman
67 — 37 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
For the purposes of this Agreement an individual, who is a member of adiplomatic or consular mission of one of the tno States in the other Stateor in a third State and who is a national of the sending State, shall bedeemed to be a resident of the sending State if he is submitted therein tothe same obligations in respect of taxes on income as are residents ofthat State;Article 11Halaman 10 dari 35 halaman Putusan Nomor 820/B/PK/PJK/20144..
Interest arising in one of the two States and paid to a resident of theother State may be taxed in that other State.Hovever, such interest may also be taxed in the State in which it ansesand according to the laws of that State, but if the beneficial omer of theinterest is a resident of the other State, the tax so charged shall notexceed 10 per cent of the gross amount of the interest.Notwthstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, interest ansing in one ofthe two States shall be taxable only in the
be taxable only in the other State if the beneficialowner of the interest is a resident of the other State and if the interest ispaid on a loan made for a period of more than 2 years or is paid inconnection wth the sale on credit of any industrial, commercial orscientific equipment.The competent authorities of the two States shall by mutual agreementsettle the mode of application of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.Bahwa Paragraf 3 Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) nomor07 menyatakan :Pihakpihak
Dalam Article 1 Loan Agreement tersebut disebutkan bahwa "interestrate shall mean the 6 (six) months LIBOR prevailing on the interestperiod. The calculation of this interest rate shall become effective asfrom the date of the loan agreement. Pasal tersebut jelas menyebutkantingkat bunga yang dibebankan dan sejak kapan perhitungan tingkatbunga berlaku efektif.
Any informationreceived by one of the two States shall be treated as secret in the samemanner as information obtained under the domestic laws of that State andshall be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts andadministrative bodies) involved in the assessment or collection of, theenforcement in respect of, or the determination of appeals in relation to, thetaxes covered by the Agreement. Such persons or authorities shall use theinformation only for such purposes.
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representative of Baker for the marketing andpromotion of the sale of the Product and supply of services to customers (other thanexcluded Customers) in the Territory subject to the term and conditions of thisAgreementAngka 6 Comission6.1 In consideration of and in full payment of the Representative for fulfillment ofall its obligations under or pursuant to this Agreement, and in full and final settlementof all costs and expenses incurred by the Representative under or pursuant to thisAgreement , Baker Shall
rates og Net Invoice Sales;Percentage as staged in Schedul 5 in respect of all sales and supply of productsServices pursuant to orders procured solely by the representative from customers inTerritory and accepted by Baker during the term of agreementRefrences in this Clauses 6.1 are limited to customer to whom the representative isappointed under this agreement to promote and market the sale of products andthe supply of services6.2 No Later than 45 days after termination of this agreement Baker Shall
pay therepresentative any commission which has become due to it under this agreementprior to termination, in addition, Baker shall following termination pay to theRepresentative commission, within 30 days of such becoming due as provided inClause 6.4, in respect of sales concluded by Baker after termination in respect oforders procured and referred to Baker by the Representative prior to termination ,provided that :(a) Commision will only be due to the Representative on sales of products andorder
188 — 43
Bahwa dalam Termination and Release Agreement (Teijemahan : PeianjianPengakhiran dan Pelepasan), Tergugat diwajibkan untuk membayar kepadaPENGGUGAT suatu ganti rugi untuk mengakhiri Peijanjian Keijasamatertanggal15 Februari 2000, yaitu sebesar 200.000 (dua ratus ribu euro) dengan rinciansebagai berikut: 22222222222 eeeArticle 2.1.1. initial payment of 50.000 (fifty thousands Euros) shall be mad onthe date of I* September 2008 ;Halaman 2 dari 39, putusan Nomor : 30/PDT.G/2014/PIN.JKT.BAR.OMER BALASANArticle
2.1.2 The Second payment instalment of 25,000 (twenty five thousandEuros) shall be made on the date of 30* September 2008; Article 2.1.3 The Third instalment up to final instalment shall be paid by monthlybased payments of 5,000 (five thousand Euros) starting onTerjemahan :2Pasal 2.1.1.
be paid under the following terms:2.2 Initial payment of 50,000 (fifty thousand Euros) shall be made on the date ofIN01 September 2008; 2.1.2 The second payment instalment of 25,000 (twenty five thousandEuros) shall be made on the date of 30 September 2008; 2.1.3.
The third instalments up to final instalments shall be paid by monthlybased payments of 5,000 (five thousand Euros) start on October 2008 up toOctober 2010; Teiyemahan:Pasal 2.1 Pihak Pertama dengan ini mengetahui dan setuju untuk membayar kepadaPihak Kedua suatu pembayaran ganti rugi dengan jumlahHalaman 14 dari 39, putusan Nomor : 30/PDT.G/2014/PN. JKT. BA R.OMER BALABANI~total sebesar .200,000 (dua ratus ribu Euro) (PembayaranPenyelesaian) yang dibayarkan di bawah ketentuan berikut: 2.1.1.
This Termination Asreement shall loose its validitv in the event that the First Party deviates from the contents of Article 2.1 and 2.2 of this Termination Agreement. Halaman 15 dari 39, putusan Nomor : 30/PDT.G/2014/PNJKT.BAR.OMERBALABANTeijemahan: Halaman 16 dari 39, putusan Nomor : 30/PDT.G/2014/PN. JKT. BA R.OMER BALABANPasal 3.3.