Ditemukan 1975 data

Urut Berdasarkan
Register : 19-11-2012 — Putus : 20-02-2013 — Upload : 23-05-2013
Putusan PN TANJUNG PATI Nomor 16/Pdt.G/2012/PN. TJP
Tanggal 20 Februari 2013 — HAVE MAIZON lawan BUPATI LIMA PULUH KOTA
    AKTA PERDAMAIANPada hari ini Rabu, tanggal 20 Februari 2013 pada sidang Pengadilan Negeri TanjungPati yang terbuka untuk umum yang memeriksa dan mengadili perkaraperkara Perdata dalamtingkat pertama, telah datang menghadap :I.Il.1.HAVE MAIZON : Lakilaki, lahir tanggal 11 Mei 1969, agama Islam, bertindaksebagai kuasa DIREKTUR CV MONICA INDAH, dengan akta pendirian tanggal 4Nopember 2010, No. 02 yang dibuat dihadapan Rahmiati, SH M.KnNotaris di Payakumbuh, beralamat di Jorong Aur Duri Maek Kec.
Register : 09-07-2020 — Putus : 26-11-2020 — Upload : 16-12-2020
Putusan PN SIDOARJO Nomor 545/Pid.Sus/2020/PN SDA
Tanggal 26 Nopember 2020 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Ayik menujuke Jalan Perumahan Have Land tersebut, pada saat itu saksi Bakrul Arif Als.Ayik tidak mengetahul maksud dan tujuannya Terdakwa mengajak pergi, lalusesampainya di Taman Perumahan Have Land tersebut Terdakwa turun dariSepeda Motornya sambil menerima telepon dari Seseorang sambil Terdakwajuga mencaricari sesuatu, Saat itu saksi Bakrul Arif Als.
    Ayik sedang beradadi atas Sepeda Motor yang sebelumnya dipakai bersama Terdakwa, setelahTerdakwa menemukan bekas bungkus rokok Gudang Garam Surya 12 yangdimaksud berada ditepi jalan pinggir taman Perumahan Have Land, lalu olehTerdakwa simpan didalam saku celana yang dipakainya. SelanjutnyaTerdakwa dan saksi Barul Arif Als.
    MAS Bin SENEN,pada hari Sabtu tanggal 21 Maret 2020 sekira pukul 19.00 Wib atau setidaktidaknya pada waktuwaktu lain dalam bulan Maret 2020 bertempat di JalanPerumahan Have Land Desa Kebonsari Kec. Candi Kab.
    Ayik menujuke Jalan Perumahan Have Land tersebut, pada saat itu saksi Bakrul Arif Als.Ayik tidak mengetahul maksud dan tujuannya Terdakwa mengajak pergi, lalusesampainya di Taman Perumahan Have Land tersebut Terdakwa turun dariSepeda Motornya sambil menerima telepon dari Seseorang sambil Terdakwajuga mencaricari Sesuatu, saat itu saksi Bakrul Arif Als.
    diranjau di Jalan Perumahan Have LandDesa Kebonsari, Kecamatan Candi, Kabupaten Sidoarjo dengan upah Rp.200.000,00 (dua ratus ribu rupiah), setelah Terdakwa setuju kemudianTerdakwa mengendarai sepeda motor Honda Supra X 125 warna hitamNo.Pol.
Register : 27-12-2016 — Putus : 27-04-2017 — Upload : 20-06-2017
Tanggal 27 April 2017 — - PT. COSL INDO - PT. HUSKY – CNOOC Madura Limited Lawan KOMISI PENGAWAS PERSAINGAN USAHA (KPPU)
  • Mud Tanks have ngMandatory.
    National Staff position who have experiencein operating the Jack Up Drilling Rigoperating in Indonesia. TOOL PUSHER Shall have at least ten (10) years of rigrelated experience in all phases of onsite RigJack Up.
    SNR Shall be familiar with offshoreTOOLPUSHER operation and have DIRECTresponsibility for managementof personnel, rig equipmentand offshore operation andshall have not less than fifteen(15) years related work experience.
    National Staff positionwho have experience inoperating the Jack UpDrilling Rig operating inIndonesia.
    He have assume overall managerialresponsibility for personnel, rig equipment andoffshore operations at MODU Manager'sdirection and shall have not less than ten (10)years Shall be familiar with all aspects ofoffshore operations and shall OFFSHORE Shall be familiar with offshore operations andINSTALLATION have TOTAL operational responsibility forMANAGER vessels, rig equipment and offshore operationsand shall have not less than fifteen (15) yearsrelated work experience.
Putus : 02-04-2014 — Upload : 08-08-2014
Putusan PN DENPASAR Nomor 732/Pid.B/2013/PN Dps
Tanggal 2 April 2014 — JAMES JOHN WYNNE
  • , as well aslocal bali lawyers, have proceeded with both criminal charges, as well as a civilcourt case against Caroline Sandriany ang Gunawan Raharjo for defamation,fraud and theftparticularly in regard to the Nunia Boutique Hotel asset in which mycompany was a 50 percent partner.
    bali lawyers, have proceeded with both criminal charges, as well as a civilcourt case against Caroline Sandriany ang Gunawan Raharjo for defamation,fraud and theftparticularly in regard to the Nunia Boutique Hotel asset in which mycompany was a 50 percent partner.
    shareholders ofhe Canggu club.Furtheremore, since receiving your email below my Jakarta lawyers, as wellas local bali lawyers, have proceeded with both criminal charges, as well as acivil court case against Caroline Sandriany ang Gunawan Raharjo fordefamation, fraud and theftparticularly in regard to the Nunia Boutique Hotelasset in which my company was a 50 percent partner.
    Bahwa informasi berupa kalimat my Jakarta Lawyers, as well as localBali lawyers, have proceeded wth both criminal charges, as well as acivil court case against Caroline Sandriany and Gunawan Raharjo fordefamation, fraud and theftparticularly in regards to the Nunia BoutiqueHotel, disampaikan melalui sarana berupa media elektronik padahakikatnya memiliki muatan penghinaan dan/atau pencemaran namabaik.g.
Register : 14-08-2020 — Putus : 01-09-2020 — Upload : 02-09-2020
Putusan PA JAKARTA UTARA Nomor 1717/Pdt.G/2020/PA.JU
Tanggal 1 September 2020 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • berdasar dan sesuaimenurut hukum bagi Penggugat dalammengajukan Perceraian diPengadilan = diGugatantempat kediamanPenggugat, yaitu di daerah hukumPengadilan Agama Jakarta Utara;Bahwa, awal kehidupan perkawinanPENGGUGAT dan TERGUGAT hidupharmonis, namun ketentraman rumahtangga mulai goyah, yang disebabkankarenaterjadi = perselisihan danpertengkaran serta TERGUGATmelakukanPENGGUGAT;Penganiayaan kepadaBahwa, adapun pertengkaran = antaraChild";Whereas, after the marriage PLAINTIFFand the DEFENDANT have
    Exhibit P5);Whereas, the PLAINTIFF has tremendouslybeen traumatized by the saidDomestic Violence incident by theDEFENDANT, and has continuouslybeen frightened whenever thePLAINTIFF interacts with theDEFENDANT because thePLAINTIFF feels that thePLAINTIFF's life is threatened,therefore the PLAINTIFF can nolonger be able to continue thedomesticity life/household with theDEFENDANT;Whereas, disputes and quarrels havecontinuously been happening andcannot be settled hence the PLAINTIFFand the DEFENDANT have
    then livedin separate living quarters/beds, sincethen the PLAINTIFF and theDEFENDANT have never been able toreconcile in a relationship as husbandand wife;Whereas, due to domestic violence, andHal. 5 dari 12 Hal.
    letters a and c of the Compilation ofIslamic Law:Dalam hal terhadi perceraian: "In the event of divorce:pemeliharaan anak yang belum mumayizatau belum berumur 12 tahunadalah hak ibunya;pemeliharaan anak yang sudah mumayyizdiserahkan kepada anak untukmemilih diantara ayah atau ibunyasebagai pemegang hakpemeliharaanya;biaya pemeliharaan ditanggung ayahnyathe care of children who are not yetpregnant (not yet beenmumayyiz ) or not yet 12 yearsold is the right of the mother;the care for children who have
    beenmumayyiz is left to the child tochoose between the father ormother as the holder of the rightto maintain them;maintenance costs borne by his father"Oleh Karena itu, setelah perceraian ini, makdheuelftire, after this divorce, it is supposedly for thesepatutnya PENGGUGAT berhak ataspenguasaan dan pemeliharaan anak yangPLAINTIFF to have the right for custodyand care for a child named ANAKHal. 7 dari 12 Hal.
Register : 10-07-2019 — Putus : 03-09-2019 — Upload : 05-09-2019
Putusan PN TANJUNG BALAI ASAHAN Nomor 243/Pid.B/2019/PN Tjb
Tanggal 3 September 2019 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Jingpin;
    -1 (satu) buah tas tangan warna coklat merk Louis Vuitton;
    -1 (satu) buah tas tangan warna hitam merk Love;
    -1 (satu) buah tas tangan warna hijau lumut merk Love;
    -2 (dua) buah tas tangan warna merah;
    -1 (satu) buah tas tangan warna pink;
    -1 (satu) buah tas tangan warna coklat;
    -1 (satu) buah tas warna orens;
    -1 (satu) buah tas tangan warna pink muda;
    -8 (delapan) buah dompet tangan merk have
    imitasi; 1 (satu) buah tas tangan warna kuning mas merk Victoria Beckham; 1(satu) buah tas tangan warna hitam merk Jingpin; 1 (satu) buah tas tangan warna coklat merk Louis Vuitton; 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna hitam merk Love; 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna hijau lumut merk Love; 2 (dua) buah tas tangan warna merah; 1 (satu) buah tas tangan warna pink; 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna coklat; 1 (satu) buah tas warna orens; 1 (satu) buah tas tangan warna pink muda; 8 (delapan) buah dompet tangan merk have
    warna kuning mas merk VictoriaBeckham, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna hitam merk Jingpin, 1 (Satu)buah tas tangan warna coklat merk Louis Vuitton, 1 (Satu) buah tastangan warna hitam merk Love, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna hijaulumut merk Love, 2 (dua) buah tas tangan warna merah, 1 (Satu) buahtas tangan warna pink, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna coklat, 1 (Satu)buah tas warna orens, 1 (satu) buah tas tangan warna pink muda, 2(dua) buah tas tangan warna hijau, 8 (delapan) buah dompet tanganmerk have
    /PN Tjb(satu) buah tas tangan warna kuning mas merk Victoria Beckham, 1(satu) buah tas tangan warna hitam merk Jingpin, 1 (Satu) buah tastangan warna coklat merk Louis Vuitton, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warnahitam merk Love, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna hijau lumut merk Love,2 (dua) buah tas tangan warna merah, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warnapink, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna coklat, 1 (Satu) buah tas warnaorens, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna pink muda, dan 8 (delapan) buahdompet tangan merk have
    warna kuning mas merk Victoria Beckham, 1 (Satu)buah tas tangan warna hitam merk Jingpin, 1 (Satu) buah tas tanganwarna coklat merk Louis Vuitton, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna hitammerk Love, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna hijau lumut merk Love, 2(dua) buah tas tangan warna merah, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warnapink, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna coklat, 1 (Satu) buah tas warnaorens, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna pink muda, 2 (dua) buah tastangan warna hijau, 8 (delapan) buah dompet tangan merk have
    adalah 1(satu) buah tas tangan warna kuning mas merk Victoria Beckham, 1(satu) buah tas tangan warna hitam merk Jingpin, 1 (Satu) buah tastangan warna coklat merk Louis Vuitton, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warnahitam merk Love, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna hijau lumut merk Love,2 (dua) buah tas tangan warna merah, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warnapink, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna coklat, 1 (Satu) buah tas warnaorens, 1 (Satu) buah tas tangan warna pink muda, dan 8 (delapan) buahdompet tangan merk have
Register : 10-01-2017 — Putus : 14-02-2017 — Upload : 28-05-2017
Putusan PTA PADANG Nomor 1/Pdt.G/2017/PTA.Pdg
Tanggal 14 Februari 2017 — -Pembanding -Terbanding
  • Kecamatan Guguak,Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota, Surat Ukur Nomor : 01/Guguak VIIKoto/2009, tanggal 14 Januari 2009 yang di atasnya berdiri 1(Satu) unit bangunan rumah permanen dan peralatan rumahtangga antara lain:1. 1(satu) set kursi tamu jati ;2. 1(satu) set kursi tamu jati kerajaan ;3. 2 (dua) buah kursi sofa jati ;4. 1 (satu) set kursi dan meja makan jati ;5. 1 (satu) set meja makan besi ;4 (empat) set tempat tidur spring bed ;1 (Satu) set tempat tidur jati ;T ULI LIL 0 LG 20k Pal I Lit PLL IXL DN HAVE
    Perabotan rumah tangga yang terdapat di rumah Balai Talangsebagaimana dalam gugatan konvensi angka 8.1 berupa ;1. 1 (Satu) buah kulkas 1 pintu warna putih ;2. 3 (tiga) buah lukisan;3. 1 (Satu) buah kaca berbingkai jati diruang tamu dan 1 (satu)meja tinggi kecil jati untuk bunga ;4. 1 (satu) buah AC merek Panasonic ;mn6 (enam) buah permadani 2 (dua) buah jombo, 2 (dua) buahsedang, 2 (dua) buah kecil ;Oo. 1(satu) buah despencer ;T ULI LIDOLNGZ2DA POLI LITT CPL IXL DN HAVE OND LF Bhs!
    Menghukum Tergugat Rekonvensi/Penggugat Konvensi atau siapa sajayang menguasai harta bersama tersebut untuk membagi danmenyerahkan >K (Seperdua) bagian dari harta bersama tersebut kepadaPenggugat Rekonvensi, dan jika tidak dapat dibagi secara natura makadijual lelang oleh pejabat yang berwenang dan hasilnya dibagikan kepadaPenggugat Rekonvensi dan Tergugat Rekonvensi sesuai bagiannyamasingmasing ;1 ULI LILSOLQGZ2DAPalT LITT CPL IXL DN HAVE OND La Bhs! tees7.
    Nuril Hidayati, S.Ag.Advokat/Penasehat Hukum dari ~ SANTIKA yang beralamat di J alanSukarno Hatta No. 182 A Kelurahan Bulakan Balai Kandi PayakumbuhT ULI LIAOLIGZZDAPalI LITT CPL IXL DX HAVE OND LE hia!
    bahwa dalam pasal 30 ayat (2) UndangUndang Nomor18 Tahun 2003 Tentang Advokat, disebutkan seorang advokat dalammenjalankan pekerjaan profesinya sebagai advokat adalah advokat yangtelah diangkat oleh organisasi advokat dan menjadi anggota organisasitersebut ;Menimbang, bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut di atas, makamajelis hakim Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Padang berpendapat bahwa kuasaPenggugat Konvensi/T ergugat R ekonvensi/P embanding dalam menjalankanT ULI LID SOL QGZ2DAPalT LIT PLL IXL DN HAVE
Register : 18-11-2019 — Putus : 13-12-2019 — Upload : 16-12-2019
Putusan PN BATAM Nomor 50/Pdt.G.S/2019/PN Btm
Tanggal 13 Desember 2019 — Penggugat:
  • / PN.BTM, kesepakatan lain apa pun (tertulisatau lisan) yang dibuat antara kedua PIHAK, dan hubungankontraktual lainnya yang ada antara PIHAK pada saat tanggalkesepakatan ini, apakah diketahui atau tidak diketahui dan apakahsaat ini ada, sesuai dengan undangundang, kontrak, atau hukumlain yang berlaku;(b) Irrevocably waive, release, discharge and forever quit allclaims, complaints, suits, causes of action, demands, liabilities,entitlements and any other legal recourses which PLAINTIFFhas or may have
    or would, but for this Agreement, have or mayhave against the DEFENDANT in relation to the case No. 50 /PDT.GS/ 2019 / PN.BTM, any other agreements (written or oral)entered into between the two PARTIES, and any othercontractual relationship in existence between the PARTIES as atthe date of this Agreement, whether known or unknown andwhether or not presently existing, pursuant to statute, contract,or other applicable laws;(5) Untuk menghindari keraguan, TERGUGAT harus:(5) For the avoidance of doubt
    Btm.Kesepakatan ini, apakah diketahui atau tidak diketahui dan apakahada atau tidak, Sesuai dengan undangundang, kontrak, atauhukum lain yang berlaku;(b) Irrevocably waive, release, discharge and foreverquit all claims, complaints, suits, causes of action, demands,liabilities, entitlements and any other legal recourses which thePLAINTIFF has or may have or would, but for this Agreement,have or may have against the PLAINTIFF in relation to the caseNo. 50 / PDT.GS/ 2019 / PN.BTM, any other agreements
    In the event that any PARTY is asked by a third party about the outcomeof the case No. 50 / PDT.GS/ 2019 / PN.BTM, that PARTY shall onlystate that the PARTIES have reached an amicable settlement.4. Dalam hal apa pun, masingmasing pihak tidak akan membuat ataumenyebabkan dibuatnya pernyataan publik yang kritis atau meremehkanPIHAK lainnya.4.
Register : 11-04-2022 — Putus : 06-06-2022 — Upload : 14-06-2022
Putusan PN LABUHA Nomor 17/Pid.Sus/2022/PN Lbh
Tanggal 6 Juni 2022 — Penuntut Umum:
  • sejumlah Rp10.000.000,00 (sepuluh juta rupiah) dengan ketentuan apabila denda tidak dibayar, maka diganti dengan pidana kurungan selama 3 (tiga) bulan;
  • Menetapkan masa penangkapan dan penahanan yang telah dijalani oleh Terdakwa dikurangkan seluruhnya dari pidana yang dijatuhkan;
  • Menetapkan Terdakwa tetap ditahan;
  • Menetapkan barang bukti berupa;
    • 1 (satu) helai kaos lengan pendek berwarna kuning bergambar boneka dan bentuk hati bertuliskan I Have
    • 1 (satu) helai celana kain Panjang berwarna kuning bermotif boneka bertuliskan I Have Dream;

    Dirampas untuk dimusnahkan;


Register : 23-03-2017 — Putus : 30-05-2017 — Upload : 19-06-2017
Putusan PN BALE BANDUNG Nomor 288/Pid.B/2017/PN Blb
Tanggal 30 Mei 2017 — Hendra Saputra Alias Boedi Paiman.
  • kaos warna merah dengan logo/lambang palu arit warna putih dengan tulisan cccp- 1 (satu) buah sweater warna abu-abu dengan logo/lambang palu arit warna merah dengan tulisan cccp;- 5 (lima) buah kaos berlambang palu arit warna merah;- 5 (lima) buah sablon foking lambang palu arit warna putih, Dimusnahkan;- 1 (satu) bundel screenshots / print out hasil postingan jual beli pada situs online www.bukalapak.com dengan nama account Ayo Shoping dengan judul iklan : Tshirt Communist Rusia (Must Have
    ) XZOM seharga Rp. 104.000,- (seratus empat ribu rupiah) dengan URL : https://www.bukalapak.com/p/fashion-pria/kaos-165/23br3v-jual-tshirt-communist-rusia-must-have- xzom?
    Bib3.4.5,1 (satu) buah sweater warna abuabu dengan logo/lambang palu arit warnamerah dengan tuisan cccp;5 (lima) buah kaos berlambang palu art wama merah;5 (lima) buah sablon foking lambang palu arit wana putih;Agar dirampas untuk dimusnahkan.1.1 (satu) bundel screenshots / print out hasil postingan jual beli pada situsonline www.bukalapak.com dengan nama account Ayo Shoping dengan juduliklan : Tshirt Communist Rusia (Must Have) XZOM seharga Rp. 104.000,(Seratus empat ribu rupiah) dengan URLhttps
    system manual dengan cara adminmencari barang yang melanggar aturan dan pelaporan dari masyarakatyaitu admin mendapat laporan dari masyarakat, selanjutnya adminmelakukan penindakan;Bahwa Terdakwa mendaftarkan tanggal 16 Mei 2014 dengan identitasAyo Shoping alamat Pulo Gebang Permai, Jakarta Timur, emailduniajersey@gmail.com Nomor telepon 081313137277, nomor RekeningBank Mandiri 660000087668 atas nama Hendra Saputra;Bahwa Terdakwa melakukan penawaran dengan judul iklan JshirtCommunist Rusia (Must Have
    BibBahwa selanjutnya untuk membuktikan adanya penjualan tersebut,Saksi melakukan pemesanan kaos berlogo palu arit warna merah padasitus www.bukalapak.com, dengan nama accout ANGGOROADI denganjudul iklan Tshirt Merah Communist Tees 2 seharga 115.000,00 (seratuslima belas ribu rupiah);Bahwa untuk pemesanan kaos berlogo palu arit warna merah di situswww.bukalapak.com dengan nama account Ayo Shoping dengan juduliklan Tshirt Communist Rusia (Must Have) XZOM seharga Rp104.000,00 (seratus empat ribu rupiah
    ) XZOMseharga Rp 104.000,00 (seratus empat ribu rupiah);Halaman 14 dari 31 Putusan Nomor 288/Pid.B/2017/PN.BlbBahwa selanjutnya untuk membuktikan adanya penjualan tersebut, SdrAgus Ristiana melakukan pemesanan kaos berlogo palu arit warnamerah pada situs www.bukalapak.com, dengan nama accout namaaccount Ayo Shoping milik Terdakwa dengan judul iklan TshirtCommunist Rusia (Must Have) XZOM seharga Rp 104.000,00(seratus empat ribu rupiah) dan melakukan pemesanan dengan emailpanduaji80@gmail.com dan telah
    merahdengan tulisan cccp;2 (dua) buah kaos warna merah dengan logo/lambang palu arit warna putihdengan tulisan cccp1 (satu) buah sweater warna abuabu dengan logo/lambang palu arit warnamerah dengan tulisan cccp;(lima) buah kaos berlambang palu arit warna merah;5 (lima) buah sablon foking lambang palu arit warna putih1 (satu) bundel screenshots / printout hasil postingan jual beli pada situsonline www.bukalapak.com dengan nama account Ayo Shoping dengan juduliklan : Tshirt Communist Rusia (Must Have
Register : 13-11-2013 — Putus : 16-10-2014 — Upload : 13-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-56166/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 16 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Nations and ThePeoples Republic of China (TIG Agreement), Annex 3, Rules of origin for theASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 8, Direct Consigment, padahuruf c disebutkan: The Products Whose Transport Involves TransitThrough One or More Intermediate NonACFTA Member States With orWithout Transhipment or Temporary Storage in Such Countries, ProvidedThat: (i) The Transit Entry is Justified or Geographical Reason or byConsideration Related Exclusively to Transport Requirements; (ii) TheProducts Have
    Not Entered Into Trade or Consumption There; and (iii) TheProducts Have Not Undergone Any Operation There Other Than Unloadingand Reloading or any Other Operation to Preserve Them in Good Condition, bahwa pelaksanaan ketentuan di atas dalam Appendix 1, Attachment A,Revised Operational Certification Procedure (OCP) for The Rules of origin ofthe ASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 21, sebagai berikut: ForThe Purpose of Implementing Rule 8(c) of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA,Where Transportation
    Nations and The Peoples Republic of China (TIG Agreement), Annex 3, Rulesof origin for the ASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 8, Direct Consigment,pada huruf c disebutkan: The Products Whose Transport Involves Transit ThroughOne or More Intermediate NonACFTA Member States With or Without Transhipmentor Temporary Storage in Such Countries, Provided That: (i) The Transit Entry isJustified or Geographical Reason or by Consideration Related Exclusively toTransport Requirements; (ii) The Products Have
    Not Entered Into Trade orConsumption There; and (iii) The Products Have Not Undergone Any OperationThere Other Than Unloading and Reloading or any Other Operation to PreserveThem in Good Condition.bahwa pelaksanaan ketentuan di atas dalam Appendix 1, Attachment A, RevisedOperational Certification Procedure (OCP) for The Rules of origin of theASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 21, sebagai berikut: For The Purposeof Implementing Rule 8(c) of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA, WhereTransportation
Register : 11-03-2020 — Putus : 01-09-2020 — Upload : 03-09-2020
Putusan PN PADANG Nomor 218/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Pdg
Tanggal 1 September 2020 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Kemudian pada pukul 18.56 WIB (6.56 PM) terdakwa menulisdan mengirimkan pesan : He is the one who set and manipulate things tryto have monopoly power in the business. He has a connection with somedirty officers (dialah yang mengatur dan memanipulasi segala sesuatu. Diamencoba untuk memonopoli kekuatan dalam bisnis.
    He is the one who set and manipulate things try to have monopolypower in the business. He has a connection with some dirty officers.3. For sure Rudi is no good one, He talked bad about AKSSB behind andnever admitted. never trust this guy. once talked to Martin about this Tshirt dude. To me he is OKB orang kaya baru who do not have mannerand intellectual.4. Terdakwa : So, rudi was the one who help you at first. Then he ask formoney. Since you didnt give him, he reported you.
    He is the one who set andmanipulate things try to have monopoly power in the business. He has aHalaman 30 dari 64 Putusan Nomor 218/Pid.Sus/2020/PN.Pdg.connection with some dirty officers (dialah yang mengatur danmemanipulasi segala sesuatu. Dia mencoba untuk memonopoli kekuatandalam bisnis.
Putus : 04-08-2015 — Upload : 10-03-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 375 B/PK/PJK/2015
262251 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • accrued to one ofihe enterprises, but, by reason of those conditions, have not so accrued,may be included in the profits of that enterprise and taxed accordingly.
    Article 9 provides:(When) conditions are made or imposed between the two (associated) enterprises in theircommercial or financial relations which differ from those which would be made betweenindependent enterprises, then any profits which would, but for those conditions, have accrued toone of the enterprises, but, by reason of those conditions, have not so accrued, may beincludedin the profits of that enterprise and taxed accordingly." bahwa Commentary Article 9 OECD Model dan UN Model Article 9
    accrued to oneof the enterprises, but, by reason of those conditions, have not soaccrued,may be included in the profits of that enterprise and taxed accordingly.
    profits where transactions have beenentered into on other than arms length terms.
    Due to potential differences in accounting treatmentof Expenses, it cannot be reliably ascertained whether certainExpenses have been classified in the same manner as externaltransactions (especially foreign comparables) as they have beenby the tested party. Therefore, this fact gives rise to the questionof reliability in the use of the CPLM based on gross markup...Thus, the Vietnamese cost plus method is considered as a part ofthe comparable profit method where the costbased indicator isused.
Register : 05-04-2013 — Putus : 16-10-2014 — Upload : 13-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-56193/PP/M.IXB/19/2014
Tanggal 16 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Animals) any bovine mammal, esp any of thedomestic cattle.http://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/oxOxnoun (Concise Encyclopedia)Domesticated form of large bovid (species Bos taurus) that once moved in herdsacross North America and Europe (where they have disappeared) and Asia andAfrica (where some still exist in the wild). The docile castrated male is used as a draftanimal in many countries. Oxen are used for food in some areas.
    Allthey have todo is to eat and drink so they can produce plenty of milk.In terms of built, an ox is more massive, muscular, and sturdy. In contrast, cowsgenerally do not have stronger muscles like the oxen.These are the distinguishing characteristics of an ox and a cow.
    New England teamsters sometimes call oxen "bulls," even though theanimals have been castrated.To be culturally and historically accurate when defining an ox, we must use the "right"definition as provided by the Random House Dictionary, which says that an ox is"The adult castrated male of the genus Bos used as a draft animal and forfood."Although, by United States standards, this definition is correct culturally, historically,and scientifically, it has its problems.
    itemid=2 124 &subcatid=383Cattle, Cows and OxenCattle have described as the most important animal to mankind. People eat theirmeat and drink their milk, wear shoes and jacket made of cattle leather and use themto pull plows and carts. The word cattle was once used to describe all kinds ofdomesticated animals. It comes from the Latin word "capitale," which means wealthor property.The scientific name for cattle is bovine.A male bovine is called a bull.
Register : 18-12-2012 — Putus : 05-06-2014 — Upload : 29-06-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-52967/PP/M.IXB/19/2014
Tanggal 5 Juni 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Animals) any bovine mammal, esp any of thedomestic cattle.http://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/oxOxnoun (Concise Encyclopedia)Domesticated form of large bovid (species Bos taurus) that once moved in herdsacross North America and Europe (where they have disappeared) and Asia andAfrica (where some still exist in the wild). The docile castrated male is used as a draftanimal in many countries. Oxen are used for food in some areas.
    In terms of physiology,cows and oxen do not have significant differences. But humans differentiate cowsand oxen according to their specific use in the farm. So here are some uniquedifferences between a cow and an ox.A cow is a female. To be called as such, it should be approximately 4 years old andhas given birth to at least one calf. Its male counterpart is called a bull. An ox, on theother hand, is a castrated mature bull.
    Allthey have to do is to eat and drink so they can produce plenty of milk.In terms of built, an ox is more massive, muscular, and sturdy. In contrast, cowsgenerally do not have stronger muscles like the oxen.These are the distinguishing characteristics of an ox and a cow.
    New England teamsters sometimes call oxen "bulls," even though theanimals have been castrated.To be culturally and historically accurate when defining an ox, we must use the "right"definition as provided by the Random House Dictionary, which says that an ox is"The adult castrated male of the genus Bos used as a draft animal and forfood."Although, by United States standards, this definition is correct culturally, historically,and scientifically, it has its problems.
    itemid=21 24 &subcatid=383Cattle, Cows and OxenCattle have described as the most important animal to mankind. People eat theirmeat and drink their milk, wear shoes and jacket made of cattle leather and use themto pull plows and carts. The word cattle was once used to describe all kinds ofdomesticated animals. It comes from the Latin word "capitale," which means wealthor property.The scientific name for cattle is bovine.A male bovine is called a bull.
Register : 20-03-2013 — Putus : 11-02-2014 — Upload : 28-08-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT.50394/PP/M.VIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 11 Februari 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Holm Kepplermemberikan tanggapan atas pospos tarif yang perlu ditindaklanjuti, termasukdiantaranya oxen, berupa penjelasan sebagai berikut : have found the following information concerning the definition of oxen(0102.29.10). We should also see whether the WCO has defined cattle and/orbuffalo during the intersession.Oxen (singular ox) are large and heavyset breeds of Bos taurus cattle trained as draftanimals. Often they are adult, castrated males.
    In terms of physiology,cows and oxen do not have significant differences. But humans differentiate cowsand oxen according to their specific use in the farm. So here are some uniquedifferences between a cow and an ox.A cowis a female. To be called as such, it should be approximately 4 years old andhas given birth to at least one calf. Its male counterpart is called a bull. An ox, on theother hand, is a castrated mature bull.
    Allthey have to do is to eat and drink so they can produce plenty of milk.In terms of built, an ox is more massive, muscular, and sturdy. In contrast, cowsgenerally do not have stronger muscles like the oxen.These are the distinguishing characteristics of an ox and acow.
    itemid=2124&subcatid=383CATTLE, COWS AND OXENCattle have described as the most important animal to mankind. People eat theirmeat and drink their milk, wear shoes and jacket made of cattle leather and use themto pull plows and carts. The word cattle was once used to describe all kinds ofdomesticated animals. It comes from the Latin word "capitale," which means wealthor property.The scientific name for cattle is bovine.A male bovine is called a bull.
    SouthAmerica and Australia have no wild oxen. Oxen are members of the Bovidae family.The castrated male of B. taurusis a docile form especially useful as a draft animal inmany less developed parts of the world.
Register : 21-06-2013 — Putus : 30-04-2014 — Upload : 27-03-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-52212/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 30 April 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • following shall be considered as consigned directly from the exporting Member State tothe importing Member State:a) goods transported from an exporting Member State to the importingMember State; orb) goods transported through one or more Member States, other than theexporting Member State and the importing Member State, or through a nonMember State, provided that:i) the transit entry is justified for geographical reason or by consideration related exclusively totransport requirements,ii) the goods have
    not entered into trade or consumption there, andlii) the goods have not undergone any operation there other than unloading and reloading or anyother operation to preserve them in good condition.Berdasarkan peraturan diatas telah jelas bahwa apabila barang diangkutmelalui satu atau lebih negara anggota (ASEAN) maupun negara nonanggota(ASEAN), untuk diakui/diperlakukan seperti halnya pengiriman langsung,harus memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:1.
    following shall be considered as consigned directly from the exportingMember State to the importing Member State:c) goods transported from an exporting Member State to the importingMember State; ord) goods transported through one or more Member States,other than theexporting Member State and the importing Member State, or through anonMember State, provided that:iv) the transit entry is iustified for geographical reason or by considerationrelated exclusively to transport requirements,v) the goods have
    not entered into trade or consumption there, andvi) the goods have not undergone any operation there other than unloading andreloading or any other operation to preserve them in good condition.Berdasarkan peraturan di atas telah jelas bahwa apabila barang diangkutmelalui satu atau negara anggota (ASEAN) maupun negara nonanggota(ASEAN), untuk diakui/diperlakukart seperti halnya pengiriman langsung,harus memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:Kegiatan transit tersebut dibenarkan karena kondisi geografis
    not entered into trade orconsumption there; and (iii) the goods have not undergone any operationthere other than unloading and reloading or any other operation to preservethem in good condition.Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) for the Rules of Origin (ROO)Under Chapter 3, Rule 21 Documentation for Implementing Article 32(2)(b)(Direct Consignment) sebagai berikut: For the purposes of implementingArticle 32(2)(b) of this Agreement where transportation is effected throughthe territory of
Register : 10-06-2013 — Putus : 30-04-2014 — Upload : 27-03-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-52211/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 30 April 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • following shall be considered as consigned directly from the exporting Member State tothe importing Member State:a) goods transported from an exporting Member State to the importingMember State; orb) goods transported through one or more Member States, other than theexporting Member State and the importing Member State, or through a nonMember State, provided that:the transit entry is justified for geographical reason or by consideration related exclusively totransport requirements;ii) the goods have
    not entered into trade or consumption there; andiii) the goods have not undergone any operation there other than unloading and reloading or anyother operation to preserve them in good condition.Berdasarkan peraturan diatas telah jelas bahwa apabila barang diangkutmelalui satu atau lebih negara anggota (ASEAN) maupun negara nonanggota(ASEAN), untuk diakui/diperlakukan seperti halnya pengiriman langsung,harus memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:Kegiatan transit tersebut dibenarkan karena kondisi geografis
    following shall be considered as consigned directly from the exportingMember State to the importing Member State:c) goods transported from an exporting Member State to the importing Member State; ord) goods transported through one or more Member States,other than the exportingMember State and the importing Member State, or through a nonMember State,provided that:iv) the transit entry is iustified for geographical reason or by considerationrelated exclusively to transport requirements,v) the goods have
    not entered into trade or consumption there, andvi) the goods have not undergone any operation there other than unloading andreloading or any other operation to preserve them in good condition.Berdasarkan peraturan di atas telah jelas bahwa apabila barang diangkutmelalui satu atau negara anggota (ASEAN) maupun negara nonanggota(ASEAN), untuk diakui/diperlakukart seperti halnya pengiriman langsung,harus memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:Kegiatan transit tersebut dibenarkan karena kondisi geografis
    not entered into trade orconsumption there; and (iii) the goods have not undergone any operationthere other than unloading and reloading or any other operation to preservethem in good condition.Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) for the Rules of Origin (ROO)Under Chapter 3, Rule 21 Documentation for Implementing Article 32(2)(b)(Direct Consignment) sebagai berikut: For the purposes of implementingArticle 32(2)(b) of this Agreement where transportation is effected throughthe territory of
Register : 30-05-2013 — Putus : 16-10-2014 — Upload : 13-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-56165/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 16 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Nations and ThePeoples Republic of China (TIG Agreement), Annex 3, Rules of origin for theASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 8, Direct Consigment, padahuruf c disebutkan: The Products Whose Transport Involves TransitThrough One or More Intermediate NonACFTA Member States With orWithout Transhipment or Temporary Storage in Such Countries, ProvidedThat: (i) The Transit Entry is Justified or Geographical Reason or byConsideration Related Exclusively to Transport Requirements; (ii) TheProducts Have
    Not Entered Into Trade or Consumption There; and (iii) TheProducts Have Not Undergone Any Operation There Other Than Unloadingand Reloading or any Other Operation to Preserve Them in Good Condition, bahwa pelaksanaan ketentuan di atas dalam Appendix 1, Attachment A,Revised Operational Certification Procedure (OCP) for The Rules of origin ofthe ASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 21, sebagai berikut: ForThe Purpose of Implementing Rule 8(c) of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA,Where Transportation
    Nations and The Peoples Republic of China (TIG Agreement), Annex 3, Rulesof origin for the ASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 8, Direct Consigment,pada huruf c disebutkan: The Products Whose Transport Involves Transit ThroughOne or More Intermediate NonACFTA Member States With or Without Transhipmentor Temporary Storage in Such Countries, Provided That: (i) The Transit Entry isJustified or Geographical Reason or by Consideration Related Exclusively toTransport Requirements; (ii) The Products Have
    Not Entered Into Trade orConsumption There; and (iii) The Products Have Not Undergone Any OperationThere Other Than Unloading and Reloading or any Other Operation to PreserveThem in Good Condition.bahwa pelaksanaan ketentuan di atas dalam Appendix 1, Attachment A, RevisedOperational Certification Procedure (OCP) for The Rules of origin of theASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 21, sebagai berikut: For The Purposeof Implementing Rule 8(c) of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA, WhereTransportation
Register : 15-10-2015 — Putus : 09-11-2015 — Upload : 03-12-2015
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 525/PDT/2015/PT.DKI
Tanggal 9 Nopember 2015 — SUTIKNO >< PT.INDAH KIAT PULP & PAPER TBK.CS
  • In the event that any dispute arises between the Buyer andthe Seller in relation to any matter arising out of or inconnection with Purchase Order, the Buyer and the Sellerirrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of Central JakartaDistrict Court, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction oversuch disputes, the Seller and the Buyer agree to waive anyobjections to proceedings in any such court on the groundsof venue or on the grounds that the proceedings have beenbrought in an inconvenient forum.Terjemahan