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Register : 25-09-2018 — Putus : 29-11-2018 — Upload : 13-11-2020
Putusan PN SANGGAU Nomor 289/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Sag
Tanggal 29 Nopember 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Not to be used in patients with known TERE 250 I TabletEach tablet contains Amoxycillin Trihydrate 287.5mg e.q. to Amoxycillin 250mg ypersensitivity to penicillin STORAGE: Store in a dry place below 30 C LOT MF GEXP 07/201 Protect from light. Keep out of reach of children jauhi daripada kanak-kanak. Manufactured By: Upha P Mig.
    Not to be used in patients with known TERE 250 TabletEach tablet contains Amoxycillin Trinydrate 287.5mg e.q. toAmoxycillin 250mg ypersensitivity to penicillin STORAGE: Store inHalaman 4 dari 37 Halaman..Putusan Nomor 289/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Saga dry place below 30 C LOT MF GEXP 07/201 Protect from light.Keep out of reach of children jauhi daripada kanakkanak.Manufactured By: Upha P Mig.
    Notto be used in patients with known TERE 250 TabletEach tablet containsAmoxycillin Trinydrate 287.5mg e.g. to Amoxycillin 250mg ypersensitivityto penicillin STORAGE: Store in a dry place below 30 C LOT MF GEXP07/201 Protect from light. Keep out of reach of children jauhi daripadakanakkanak. Manufactured By: Upha P Mig.
    Lorong Perusahaan 8aru513600 Peral, Pulau Pinang MALAYSIA Gelatin used is bovine in originBN: 17T1699 Please refer to package insert for detailed informationLB2NT DO3206E17;1 (Satu) Kotak Obat Merk BeamoxXy May be taken with formulas, mik utwater or other cold drinks May be taken on a lul or empty shomachCONTROLLED MEDICINE Reg No: MAL 20020025A2 ute ofAdministration ral lease refer to product leaflet for further information.Not to be used in patients with known TERE 250 TabletEach tabletcontains
    Not to be used in patients with known TERE 250 TabletEach tablet contains Amoxycillin Trinydrate 287.5mg e.q. toAmoxycillin 250mg ypersensitivity to penicillin STORAGE: Store ina dry place below 30 C LOT MF GEXP 07/201 Protect from light.Keep out of reach of children jauhi daripada kanakkanak.Manufactured By: Upha P Mig.
Register : 25-09-2018 — Putus : 29-11-2018 — Upload : 13-11-2020
Putusan PN SANGGAU Nomor 288/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Sag
Tanggal 29 Nopember 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Not to be used in patients with known TERE 250 I TabletEach tablet contains Amoxycillin Trihydrate 287.5mg e.q. to Amoxycillin 250mg ypersensitivity to penicillin STORAGE: Store in a dry place below 30 C LOT MF GEXP 07/201 Protect from light. Keep out of reach of children jauhi daripada kanak-kanak. Manufactured By: Upha P Mig.
    Not to be used in patients with known TERE 250 TabletEach tablet contains Amoxycillin Trinydrate 287.5mg e.q. toAmoxycillin 250mg ypersensitivity to penicillin STORAGE: Store ina dry place below 30 C LOT MF GEXP 07/201 Protect from light.Keep out of reach of children jauhi daripada kanakkanak.Manufactured By: Upha P Mig.
    Notto be used in patients with known TERE 250 TabletEach tablet containsAmoxycillin Trinydrate 287.5mg e.g. to Amoxycillin 250mg ypersensitivityto penicillin STORAGE: Store in a dry place below 30 C LOT MF GEXP07/201 Protect from light. Keep out of reach of children jauhi daripadakanakkanak. Manufactured By: Upha P Mig.
    Perusahaan 8aru5Halaman 20 dari 39 Halaman Putusan Nomor 288/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Sag13600 Peral, Pulau Pinang MALAYSIA Gelatin used is bovine in originBN: 17T1699 Please refer to package insert for detailed informationLB2NT DO3206E17;1 (Satu) Kotak Obat Merk BeamoxXy May be taken with formulas, mik utwater or other cold drinks May be taken on a lul or empty shomachCONTROLLED MEDICINE Reg No: MAL 20020025A2 ute ofAdministration ral lease refer to product leaflet for further information.Not to be used in patients
    Lorong Perusahaan 8aru513600 Peral, Pulau Pinang MALAYSIA Gelatin used is bovine in originBN: 17T1699 Please refer to package insert for detailed informationLB2NT DO3206E17;1 (Satu) Kotak Obat Merk BeamoxXy May be taken with formulas, mik utwater or other cold drinks May be taken on a lul or empty shomachCONTROLLED MEDICINE Reg No: MAL 20020025A2 ute ofAdministration ral lease refer to product leaflet for further information.Not to be used in patients with known TERE 250 TabletEach tabletcontains
Register : 23-12-2010 — Putus : 24-04-2013 — Upload : 12-12-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.44735/PP/M.XV/16/2013
Tanggal 24 April 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • For example, apharmacist might offer a discount for overthecounter drugs to physicians who arepurchasing them for dispensing to the physicians' own patients"Discounts dealing with quantityCumulative quantity discountThese are price reductions based on the quantity purchased over a set period of time.The expectation is that they will impose an implied switching cost and thereby bondthe purchaser to the seller"Non Cumulative quantity discounttThese are price reductions based on the quantity of a single
Register : 22-07-2010 — Putus : 08-10-2010 — Upload : 10-05-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1209 K/PID/2010
Tanggal 8 Oktober 2010 — Hendra Subrata als Anyi
9876 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • He is unable to remember the event as iscommon among patients severe head injury".Yang diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh penterjemah tersumpahsebagai berikut:"Pasien mengalami cedera kepala yang sangat serius termasuk otakbifrontal, serta mengalami luka memar temporer. ltulah sebabnya dayaingatnya sangat terpengaruh. la tidak bisa mengingat kembali kejadiantersebut, yang memang merupakan hal yang biasa pada kebanyakan pasiendengan cedera di kepala".AD.4.
Putus : 03-02-2015 — Upload : 14-08-2015
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 94 PK/Pid/2014
Tanggal 3 Februari 2015 — HENDRA SUBRATA alias ANYI
127135 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • He is unable to remember the eventas is common among most patients with severe head injury.Yang diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Penterjemah Tersumpah,sebagai berikut :Pasien mengalami cedera kepala yang serius termasuk otak bifrontal, sertamengalami luka memar temporer. Itulah sebabnya daya ingatnya sangatterpengaruh.
    He is unable to remember the event as iscommon among most patients with severe head injury.Yang diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Penterjemah Tersumpah, sebagaiberikut:Pasien mengalami cedera kepala yang serius termasuk otak bifrontal, sertamengalami luka memar temporer. Itulah sebabnya daya ingatnya sangatterpengaruh.
    He is unableto remember the event as is common among most patients with severe headinjury.Yang diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Penterjemah Tersumpah,sebagai berikut :Pasien mengalami cedera kepala yang serius termasuk otak bifrontal, sertamengalami luka memar temporer. Itulah sebabnya daya ingatnya sangatterpengaruh.
Register : 21-08-2014 — Putus : 05-02-2015 — Upload : 11-12-2015
Putusan PN MEDAN Nomor 403/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Mdn
Tanggal 5 Februari 2015 — PENGGUGAT LAWAN TERGUGAT
  • ., dari Pusat Bahasa Universitas Sumatera Utara, tanggal 14Nopember 2014 ;Halaman 20 dari 33 Putusan Perdata Gugatan Nomor 403Pat.G/2014/PN.Mdn15. P15Bukti P16Bukti P17Bukti P18Bukti P19Bukti P20Bukti P21Bukti P22Bukti P23Bukti P24Bukti P25Bukti P26berupa foto copy Surat PAYMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT dariSingapore General Hospital, tanggal 21 Mei 2010, Patients Name:HUSIN ELLY PANDI, Payers Name : PANDI HUSIN, PaymentAmount : $ 1,000.00, ;berupa foto copy Surat Terjemahan
Author : Ade Maman Suherman; J. Satrio;
Batasan Umum (Kecakapan dan Kewenangan Bertindak berdasarkan Batasan Umur)
  • 1. Perlu sekali adanya keseragaman istilah dan pengertian : kewenangan hukum, kecakapan bertindak, dan kewenangan bertindak.2. Dalam hubungannya dengan kecakapan bertindak, yang dikaitkan dengan umur dewasa, kita telah mempunyai patokan usia dewasa ... [Selengkapnya]
  • In specific cases doctors may treatminor patients of 12, even without approval of their parents or custodians.
    Apparently these different age limits do not cause many problems, for the numberof cases in which the age is involved, is very small.Furthermore, applying a standard that in principle regards an 18 year old personas capable to perform legal acts, does not mean that there is only one medicineto treat all patients.* As will be shown in 3.4, the standard allows to recognizethe special abilities of a minor.In the Netherlands, there is an ongoing debate on the question whether minorsshould have access
    This also counts for minor patients younger than 16.
    Still, its legalrepresentatives have to approve of the treatment.With regard to patients younger than 16 and older than 12, a doctor is allowedto treat a patient without the approval of its legal representatives, if necessarywith a view to the interests and well considered wishes of the minor patient (art.7:450 par. 2 DCC).With a view to minors older than 11 that are considered not capable of evaluating its own interest reasonably, a doctor shall perform his dutieslike the duty toinform and to obtain
Putus : 05-12-2012 — Upload : 22-03-2013
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 105 PK/Pid/2012
Tanggal 5 Desember 2012 — HENDRA SUBRATA alias ANYI
6353 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • He isunable to remember the event as is common among patients severehead injury" ;Yang diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh PenterjemahTersumpah sebagai berikut :"Pasien mengalami cedera kepala yang sangat serius termasuk otakbifrontal, serta mengalami luka memar temporer. Itulah sebabnya dayaingatnya sangat terpengaruh. la tidak bisa mengingat kembali kejadiantersebut, yang memang merupakan hal yang biasa pada kebanyakanpasien dengan cedera di kepala ;b.4.
Putus : 09-06-2015 — Upload : 01-12-2015
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 210 PK/Pid.Sus/2014
Tanggal 9 Juni 2015 — dr. BAMBANG SUPRAPTO, Sp.B.M. Surg
582556 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Sound technique in the construction of anastomosescan minimize risk, as can the preoperative correction of malnutrition andthe use of proximal fecal diversion in patients with the above risk factors;(http://www.fascrs.org/physicians/education/coresubjects/2011/Complications/, diakses pada tanggal 21 September jam 18.43)Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran tersebut yang apabila diterjemahkan dalambahasa Indonesia kurang lebih berbunyi sebagai berikut:Komplikasi operasi pada Colorectal (USUS BESAR SAMPAI ANUS)
Register : 06-06-2012 — Putus : 22-10-2012 — Upload : 30-05-2014
Putusan PN BANDUNG Nomor 39/PID.SUS/TPK/2012/PN.Bdg
Tanggal 22 Oktober 2012 — AGUS TATA HARIYANTO, S.Hut.
  • sudah termasuk PPn 10%RAJAWALI NUSINDO barang yang disurvei :Mesin Anasthesi Narkomat : Rp.1.407.227.027,03 , belum termasuk PPn10%Mesin Anasthesi modular + 2 gas : Rp.983.086.834,46 belum termasukPPn 10%Operating Table : Rp. 628.887.990,94 belum termasuk PPn 10%Lampu operasi single : Rp.273.951.672,12 belum termasuk PPn 10%Lampu operasi multi : Rp.356.832.181,73 belum termasuk PPn 10%PT.JAMUGHA MULTIMA PRIMACY barang yang disurvei :Anasthesi plus ventilator : Rp.640.000.000, belum termasuk PPn 10%Patients
    PT.JAMUGHA MULTIMA PRIMACY barang yang disurveyAnasthesi plus ventilator : Rp.640.000.000, belum termasuk PPn 10%Patients monitor : Rp.140.000.000, belum termasuk PPn 10%Meja Operasi elektrik : Rp.563.000.000, belum termasuk PPn 10%USG : Rp.710.000.000, belum termasuk PPn 10%Blod Gas : Rp.343.000.000, belum termasuk PPn 10%Suction Surgery : Rp.61.600.000, belum termasuk PPn 10%5.
Register : 06-06-2012 — Putus : 22-10-2012 — Upload : 19-10-2015
Putusan PN BANDUNG Nomor 41/PID.SUS/TPK/2012/PN.BDG
Tanggal 22 Oktober 2012 — -HERWIANTO MUCHTAR -BENY, SE
  • termasuk PPn 10%PT.RAJAWALI NUSINDO barang yang disurvey :e Mesin Anasthesi Narkomat : Rp.1.407.227.027,03 , belumtermasuk PPn 10% Mesin Anasthesi modular + 2 gas : Rp.983.086.834,46 belumtermasuk PPn 10% Operating Table: Rp. 628.887.990,94 belum termasuk PPn 10% Lampu operasi single : Rp.273.951.672,12 belum termasuk PPn10% Lampu operasi multi : Rp.356.832.181,73 belum termasuk PPn10%PTJAMUGHA MULTIMA PRIMACY barang yang disurveye Anasthesi plus ventilator: Rp.640.000.000, belum termasuk PPn10% Patients
Register : 06-06-2012 — Putus : 22-10-2012 — Upload : 25-09-2014
Putusan PN BANDUNG Nomor 40/PID.SUS/TPK/2012/PN.Bdg
Tanggal 22 Oktober 2012 — SUHAYA, S.SOS
  • termasuk PPn 10%PT.RAJAWALI NUSINDO barang yang disurvei :e Mesin Anasthesi Narkomat : Rp.1.407.227.027,03 , belum termasuk PPn10%437Mesin Anasthesi modular + 2 gas : Rp.983.086.834,46 belum termasukPPn 10%Operating Table : Rp. 628.887.990,94 belum termasuk PPn 10%Lampu operasi single : Rp.273.951.672,12 belum termasuk PPn 10%Lampu operasi multi : Rp.356.832.181,73 belum termasuk PPn 10%PT.JAMUGHA MULTIMA PRIMACY barang yang disurvei :Anasthesi plus ventilator : Rp.640.000.000, belum termasuk PPn 10%Patients